Melbourne CupsweepstakeP18-19 Bay of Plenty Saving lives in South Sudan PAGES8-9 $1.80 ($9 per week home delivery) Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Themomentajetskistunt went wrong Exclusiveimagesplusrescuer tellsofaftermath P2 Retail developments to featurebig names Some of NewZealand’sbiggestnamesinretailing will featurein developmentsdue to open in Taurikoand Pyes Pa overthe next 15 months. The BayofPlentyTimes cantodayrevealfurther details of multi- million dollar projectsinthe areas, including anew aquatic centrerun by Olympic swimmer Liz Cummings(nee vanWelie)and her husband. FULL STORY–PAGE3 Visit our Sales Office At the end of Palm Springs Boulevard offPapamoa Beach Road, Papamoa Open 10am -5pm morefor •Fabulous location close to the beach Youget alot •Generously sized sections with room for apool 7days Springs, Own apiece of paradise •High quality homes in abeautifully landscaped and streetscaped development your $$ in Palm or phone Papamoa •Many sites opening onto reserves with specially designed waterways,cycle paths, walkways and shared recreational areas 0800 808 889 This environmentally friendly and prestigious development is atruly sought after destination. or email New sections available now. Come and have alook today!
[email protected] Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Local News Bay of Plenty Times 3 Big-name retailerscome to town Briefly Armedman arrested Aman who armed himself with Tauranga Crossing large knives before barricading Shopping Centre himself inside aTauranga home has been arrested. The John ■ Stage one: 16,600 sq m man sparked aheavy police Cousins of retail and 750 carparks call-out on CameronRd, Gate ■ Ultimatedevelopment: Pa, yesterday. Senior Sergeant 44,700 sq mofretail and Glenn Saunders said police OME of New Zealand’s best 1600 carparks responded to adomestic known names in retailing ■ Stage one completion: incidentjust before 11am and Swill feature in develop- Early 2016 found the man by himself at the ments due to open in Tauriko address.