The Mataraua site (U14/2351), Tauriko, Western Bay of Plenty Matthew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson CFG Heritage Ltd. P.O. Box 10 015 Dominion Road Auckland 1024 ph. (09) 638 6624
[email protected] The Mataraua site (U14/2351), Tauriko, Western Bay of Plenty report to The New Zealand Historic Places Trust and Comanche Holdings Limited Prepared by: Matthew Campbell Reviewed by: Date: 31 March 2009 Louise Furey Reference: 2008/32 © CFG Heritage Ltd. 2009 CFG Heritage Ltd. P.O. Box 10 015 Dominion Road Auckland 1024 ph. (09) 638 6624
[email protected] The Mataraua site (U14/2351), Tauriko, Western Bay of Plenty Matthew Campbell and Beatrice Hudson Introduction mostly fi ndspots and scattered patches of midden that Comanche Holdings Ltd are developing land for the crea- have been obscured over time, oft en through contouring tion of the Tauriko Business Estate, a commercial/indus- for kiwifruit orcharding in the later 1980s. trial zone in the land bounded by the Route K Roundabout A number of archaeological assessments have been con- to the north, State Highway 29 to the west, Belk Road as ducted in the area, not all related to the Tauriko Business far as Winterbre Lane to the south and the Kopurererua Estate development, as well as swamp coring (Bowers stream to the east. U14/2351 is located in this area on a 1996, 1999; Campbell 2004a, 2004b, 2006a, 2006b). A 2004 north projecting spur to the north of Gargan Road (Figure assessment survey of the development area concluded that 1). Works intended to borrow signifi cant amounts of fi ll prehistoric occupation was probably short term and by from the part of the hill on which the site was located.