SUBMISSION TO THE SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE: FINANCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFERENCES COMMITTEE Domestic Violence & Gender Inequality Thank you for agreeing to receive this report after the official date. For more than 24 years, since escaping escalating-to-savage Domestic Violence myself, I have worked tirelessly in the field of criminal and societal victimisation. Frankly, at the time I found the available services and legal system to be gender biased (even the nature of questions asked of me in court were frequently gendered / boys games) and quite unsuited to the task of dealing with the reality of Domestic crimes. It was that experience that brought me to my work in the developing field of crime victims. I regret to say that I observe that much the same bias remains today, as evidenced in our daily work. I am more than happy to attend any hearings to bring case studies or answer any questions. Note please, that my Organisation serves men, women and children. Men of all ages report the most awful, sensitive and cruel experiences of life. They make up 25% of our clients. However, men who complain about family law do not, I repeat DO NOT, report anything resembling the consistent, awful stories of the women seeking help to protect their children from the person they were required to leave to protect children. That, of itself, identifies there is gender bias. Let me also explain, that to the ordinary lay person, uninitiated into ‘the system,’ what they find they are expected to know, do and comply with when actually caught in these systems is oppositional to what they ever expected.
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