California State Library Sacramento 9, California Wahlquist Prom Athletic Action / resident Tells Boosters He Will 'Take Problem to High State Officials By JIM DRENNAN SpaZtan The leading adversaries in the SJS football hassle met in a two- CAM ItCC CT hour session last night that brought a promise by Pres. John T. Wahl- Communism, guist to turn their common frustrations into common action. Pres. Vvahlguist agrecd to take the question of SJS' ofhletic double standard up with his College Advisory Board, and then to Russia To Be VOL. 45 ACP. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1957 NO 34 discuss the situation with top state education officials. The president, accompanied by Speech Topic a representative of the booster De. Arnold E. Joyal. president BY THE ROCKETS' RED GLARE clubs Council Forsees pressing the fight for better of Fresno State College, will speak football, will attempt to end the about 4,000 "Some Impressions of Rus- troubles in a eonfereneet with Dr. sia ralkIS [00, and Communism" at 10 30 a m. Roy Simpson, state superintendent today in Morris Dailey Auditor- Special Election of public inatruction, and Dr. J. ium. Burton Vasche, associate superin- Thia summer Doctor Joyal spent tendent of the State Department The Student Council Is expect- feel about it." U S. FARSIDE three months in Russia and is "full of Education. ed to be faced with a petition call- "Spartans United" will meet to- kt SE Akt. H Kind to the brim" with information, ac- ing for an election to determine night at 7:30 at 126 S. 9th Vd 44 BOARD DE('IDES student sentiment toward college St. Representatives of the "Citi- 1,500 William Bucknam, member of administratino policies when it zens Committee for a Progressive the State Board of Education, SPEAKS meets at 2:30 p.m. today in the San Awe State College" will be backed Pres. Wahlquist's con- Student Union. present as will members of SJS' SOVIET tention that he is virtually bound The petition is being circulated football team, Interested students SPUTNIKTI by the strict recruiting and train- by "Spartans United", organized are invited, Noble said. Csifof ing regulations set up in May. student movement, according to 1464S 1952, by the Council of State Col- alat ow am asap lism loth ala to fa. Bill Noble, spokesman for Ow lege Presidents. 1,000 group. Careers Day De did admit, however. that Noble said the movement grew the esters pout-k maav he en- out of a meeting Monday of 35 U.S. JUPITER'C' forced or revoked by the State To Include ARMY students from several campus or- Board of Education. TIPSY MI,,...11.1E sovICT lie also said that local ganizations. SPuTNIK I boosters In a prepared statement, Mel Satellite Show should realize that SJS is only Gauntz of "Spartans United" said, A satellite display, including a MO MOP IV SO OM part of a "big picture," which in- "We feel such an expression of, rocket, mini-track antenna, globe 500 cludes nine other state colleges. student sentiment at this time and satellite, and launching plat- He indicated that state funds are would Ise of great value to Presi- form models will be exhibited by inadequate for the brand of foot- dent Wahlquist in the formulation the U.S. Navy Electronics Lab- U.S. TS4012 tball the boosters want SJS of future policies affecting the oratory of San Diego at Careers aise tows i iSOVIET iC student body." in Engineering Day, to be held on 11,t Ais,i . In an eleven -page report to the .. EXACT DMA If five per cent of the student campus Saturday. The laboratory . ,VNUNOWN overflow audience in the Science body signs the petition before it aLso plans to show a display re- _ Building conference room, made up i000 _ .500 a000 is presented SOO 2500 j000 3500 to the Student Coun- lated to their part in project "Van- of students, faculty members, DR. ARNOLD JOYAL cil today, a race to the moon. This diagram gives a graphic comparison between -the approximate altitudes general student elec- guard." The boosters, college and state offi- . . . Fresno tested and future U.S. roekets. FaMide rocket, fired from State Proxy tion must be called within 10 days. Senior students and faculty and distance* of Soviet missiles and cials, Pres, Wahlquist discussed a balloon laat ueek, Roared 4900 nines into spite officials reported. Russia's "Molina:" uith its Noble said the student move- members in the Aeronautics, En- his long fight to lift many restric- dog passenger is orbiting earth about IWO miles up. The dog is reported to be by inter- cording to Joe 11. West, dean of ment was the result of a state- gineering and Mathematics De- rims on Spartan football. Forbid- national. educational services and summer ment made last week attributing partments who pl a n to attend den by the 1952 CSCP ruling are sessions. the current athletic policy dispute must sign this week in the Student training tables, athletic grants in An educator since 1928 when he to a "small, disgruntled group." Affairs Business Office, Room 16. aid and other benefits approved by Dr. Ralph J. Smith was principal of Wheatland, Calif., "We thought, Noble said. "that At this time they will pay a $1 the Pacific Coast Conference, Reuther Criticizes Union High School. Doctor Joyal It should be determined once and fee, which will help to cover the NIXED BY 1PCC Accepts Ness Post has lectured at the University of for all how the students actually cost of a turkey dinner. 1-Te also told of his unsuccessful California at Berkeley; specialized attempts to gain membership for In school finance for the U.S. Of- As Stanford Prof SJS in the Pacific Coast Confer- Neglect of Education fice of Education In Washington, SLAVES FOR A DAY Dr. Ralph J. Smith, professor of ence. D.C.; directed the University Col- engineering on leave of absence, In his report, Walliquist said By RAY BARCH lege at University of Denver; and recently has accepletritpraltIon an -that the rill" 1,',"ra' The U.S. faces "great peril" if it continues to neglect its educa- ""Pted 4tieri ii ileisn rat She University of professor of electrical engineering fore lie bee; a member of the tion system, Walter Reuther, vice president of the AFL-CIO, told a Denver and the University of Ok- at Stanford University. He will I'. Under the rentrictions , San Jose audience Friday. lahoma. have some responsibility in the ar- 5.15 finds Itself playing teams Reuther, speaking at Hawaiian Gardens to more than 300 labor, The Canadian-bairn administra- ea of undergraduate instruction. with looser restrietions, yet be- business and civil leaders, charged that the U.S. is robbing its youth of tor has been president of Fresno Doctor Smith ing forced to Mde by lb.. '5- education with its emphasis on "plumbing rather than its education presently is advis- State College since 1948. ing the University of the Philip- C1". more stringent rulea. system." He said this complacency is reflected in the recent techno- logical advances of the Soviet pines in Manila concerning its elec- Thicknam said that Pres. Wahl- trical engineering program. gist has done everything "human- 1, ion over the U.S. fights social security and minimum IAAlege Play He, with his wife and four chil- ly possible" to ease the restric- "In 1920, Russia had 40,000 en- wages." dren, left for Manila last June on tions. He also said that it would gineers and scientists to our 250,- Citing the figure as a fraction 11 be virtually Impossible for Prfs Has 000," he said. "In 1956, Russia had of what was spent during World brills Wahiquist to withdraw from the 541,000 engineers and scientists to War, II, Reuther called the defeat By MAXWELL SHAPIRO CSCP. "It's part of his job," our 500,000." of school aid legislation a defeat RESIGNS Enough old fashioned thrills -r Bucknam commented. Reuther said the answer was of the "challenge of peace." Wits- generated by the east of "An- Most parties seemed agreed at federal a44 gel S this reporter if he felt yesterday's meeting that SJS' cur- owim federal aid in its school program have an at the college Theater, to keep a college graduates today rent football picture is dismal. without fear of federal control. understanding of standing room audience pleasantly the labor move- IMPOSSIBLE' POSITION State resources just aren't ade- But he friglimors1 throughout all three ment. Reuther said "no." "SJS is in an impossible posi- 1111.PM.10.1 quate to do the job." acts added that labor was largely re- tion." remarked Assemblyman Reuther told the audience that. For some. perhaps, the plot, in - that sponsible for Bruce Allen. "It's a question of the UAW-supported "Labor has been so busy grow- %oh tug ;I murder and hidden M- 300 million ende vs. schedule. We play under Ines, seemed a little strained, federal aid to education bill was ing'that it's neglected the univer- a tighter code than that of any but no one could find fault with YOUR defeated in the last session of sity curriculum. This is where bus- schofil we play with," he added the GIFT casting, acting or smooth directing Congress "by the same group that Incas is a leg up on us." K. Glenn -Tiny" Dart ranft. HELPS THE job of Dr. Paul Davee. HANDICAPPED PUS at director, said that James Dunn handles the role 4.011 ty 13. k INV 1411,, &IS football Is now losing mon- ey. that the Athhth Department of Mr. Manningham suavely and "Is caught In the middle." and menacingly enough tp earn the au. that Sufis Is "maintaining a major dience's hate. Elisabeth Keller. playing silt Ii minor methods." the terror-stricken wpg, DATEBOOK Ray Ferric., president of the strikes a happy balance by vim- Spar-Ten Club, commented. "Our ing on the edge of hysteria WP:DNESDAY, NOV. 13 throughout, without ever overplay- Campu5 Cheat Drive Three ditinginlied peronalitie. %Om oin it tactinned CSTA, luncheon, noon, Room 51. soil nd; it's ridiculous." off at today's fautiltx :Wiclion in the Outer tatiad are Dean Stanley DR. RALPH SMITH CSTA, National Education Week. Bob Barton, San Jose advertis- Of special delight to the aud- ('. Benz, Dean Elizabeth tireenleaf anal ASli Pr...Went than Ryan. Delta Sigma Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, exchange. . . . Stanford Prof ience was the performance of John '1'hu' II sene as hashers for one Meiling for the living group ing executive, reported that of Junior Class, cake sale, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Outer Quad. highest bid. Proceeds will go to the l'ampos (liest Wilson. playing Inspector Rough. o it I, Spartan spears, rummage sale, 8 a.m. to 4 in front of Mor- coaches representing 21 Santa Cla- the assignment which came as a the photo lu lary Goetz. ris Dailey Auditorium. ra County high schools Monday vain elderly policeman, who by Stanford Un- Student YMCA-YWCA, movie, S p.m., Student "Y." joint appointment night, not one said he would rec- conies out of retirement to tackle Tan Delta Phi, formal the United States De- smoker, 7 p.m., De Anza Hotel. iversity and ommend SJS to a student inter- an unsolved murder. THURSDAY, NOV. 14 partment of State. Marlene Balogh adds a touch of Chest Drive To Auction Campus Chest Drive (Continued on Page 4) Doctor Smith, who joined the spice as a saucy, flirtateous maid, CSTA, National Education Week. SJS faculty in 1940. served 10 of and Sally Cotton PI Kappa Alpha, Sigma Kappa, dinner exchange, 5 to g gives a strong Administration, Faculty Sigma Kappa house. his 15 years as Engineering De- Reid Pleads Guilty performance nut Elizabeth, the Sophomore Class, privilege card sales, all day. partment head, during the estab- housekeeper Richard Rossomme Spartan Spears, rummage sale, 8 a.m. p.m. Going, Going, Gone. to 4 in front of Morris lishing and developing of the de- and Charles Hayes have brief Dailey Auditorium. To Court Charges The cry of auetioneer Bob Daggett will ring out loud and clear partment. parts as policemen. Speech and Drama, play, evening, College Theater. at 12:39 p.m. today in the Outer Quad MI the annual faculty auction FRIDAY, NOV. US In a letter to The Spartan Daily, Jan Reid, chairman of the Social for the Campus Chest Drive gets under way. Alpha Chi Omegas, masquerade ball, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Red Barn, Doctor Smith stated that he did Affairs Committee, yesterday Distinguished members of the faculty, administration and student Campus Chest Drive not see how he "could have spent pleaded guilty before the Student body %%ill be auctioned to campus living groups to serve as hashers CsTA, National Education Week. pleasant and profitable 10 ad EY Clithornh clash, initiation, 8 to 11 p.m. a more Court to a charge of illegal for one evening. Proceeds of the auction will go to the Campus Chest Your weight Kaplan Alpha Theta, pledge dance, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Almaden Golf and years" in what he considers to be vertising. Dri% Count ry Club. "one of the finest collegiate insti- The court ordered a and your fortune: Among the people to be auctioned are: President John T. %Valli- Kappa Kappa Gamma, pledge dance, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Mark Hop- tutions in the country." He hopes sentence hut provided III You weigh 247 quist, Don Ryan, ASH president; Dr. William J. nutlet, vice president; kins Hotel. Psi Chi, initiation his "new association will be as sat- chairman he held to the churl:. pounds, Al Walbure, ASH %ice president; Dr. Stanley C. Benz, dean of stu- dinner, 6:30 pin., Red Barn. and your Sophomore Claim, dance, Women's Gym. isfactory." If the committee is found guilty dents: and II 'tossing Queen Dorothy Fairborn. mi feet hurt' You Sophomore Clans, privilege card sale, all day. any further violations this sem ton Thom" chairman of the auction, asked those Speech I Lan people who and Drama, play. evening, College Theater. eater. will find relief auctioned to report to the Outer Quad by 12:30 p.m. Tim Denis l'hi, smoker. 7 p.m. are to he today. The court ordered the stipfila 111 in o pair of SATURDAY. NOV. Ill . C1011idV, Rainless Another event In the Campus Chest Drive today will be the clans- test, 4 .4. Aiplin Omicron Pi, pledge t4in when Miss Reid II crepe soled, room solicitation, according to Bob Kespielring, chairman. dance. Villa Hotel. (STA. professional problems conference. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Cloudy iikles but no rain is knew she was violating easy fitting, At 11:30 a.m members of the women's P.E. classes %%III collect campus. the virathermsm's prediction for vertising code when she Pr from students in class at the time. Engineering Day, introduction of industry to campus. 8 a.m. to 4 Desert Boots Clara Valley residents to- signs Oct. 30. 31 and Nov. I . I mg hfl, p m, Engineering Building plus campus tour. Santa Instructorn e been notified that donations will be taken at vertising the Coronation Bail, Ng from Roos. Gamma Phi Beta, pledge dance, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m..-Itickey's Studio day. The forecaster anticipates this time. Bob Baron, mil% Wes ad'. Pier. Mad today. Only 72.95 Inn. change In temperature, Miss Reid filed the necessary I-, II Canton% Chest Drie will he conducted little The this seek with per- Phi Ciadion Omieron, initiation, 9:15 a.m., quest for permission to ad'.' Nome Ec 14. with the high ranging between 0 %myth! m014'1,101011 being e%I ended into next %seek. Some of the organ- Speech and Drama. play, afternoon. Studio Theater. gentle afterward, stating she hail i Itimoip Phi Sigma Kappa. Fresno bus trip. 60 and 86 degrees, and izations %% Melt is ill benefit from this fins are Community Chest, Ited out of touch with the committe e Theta Xi, l'hi Mai, joint pledge dance. 9 p m. to Cross. Heart Assn., and Cancer Assn. 1 a.m. winds. Wesley vormaatton-,--sisHat, if-prrn. to midnight, 74 N. 5th St. publicity.director. .11,411,-.1,""01,1, 116-11111AIRTAN 11 SILT N:iviii7,1v.r 11 1917 ,11, mr. .... Vr-111,-1 ,or LITTLE MAN CAMPUS iwi3Ota 9Paztell.msnolaiminsw2)eldil the [ Entered as second class matter April 24, 1934, at San Jose, Calif., under the act of March 3, 1829. Mmber Califor- Spattairaily 1 nia Newspaper Publishers' Association. by the Associated Stu- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Publishmi daily eat dents of San Jose State College, except By RANDIE E. POE , Saturday and Sunday, during the, college , year with on* issue during each final Editorial , examination period. Editor _...... LEIGH WEIMERS Day Editor. this isms RILL GODFREY Open Your Eyes Since our current athletic policies are aflame

Ifs about time many of you decided to open your eyes and , across the country, we captured three random studentsn thninswwsepeakpfeorsr look about. There s plenty to see. their views on this heated subject. At this afternoon's meeting of Student Council, there very pro- SJS, like any other college, is operated for the students. Thus, Owl Shoe bably will be a petition presented, asking for a "vote of confidence" The Spartan Daily feels student opinions are of importance. on President John T. Wahlquist's athletic policies. And it will be Our question: Are you satisfied with our present athletic set-up? you, the students, who will do the voting. DICK JOHNSON, senior"I am definitely not Hospital the P.E. Dept.. Under the ASE constitution, the election must be called within satisfied. But you cannot blame to build 10 days from today, probably on Friday, Nov. 22. This does not give because they're doing everything possible and the only Qualify Workmanship you much time to find out all the facts. So get serious. Hurry. a good team here. You need horses It rather surprises and awes us to discover the large number of way you'll get 'em is through financial aid. The ad- definite students who have only a vague idea of what has transpired during ministration should come forward with a the the past few days. If you doubt this, try asking your fellow students statement of policy. If we're going to play Are your shoes tired and run schools we now schedule, we can't go along as now if they have ever heard of: i down? Give them a lift by I. The Council of State College Presidents. ,/ j in the dark. I think we've reached a stalemate in gone past 2. The Citizens Committee for a Progressive San 'Jose State ifi ik ,,l,k our athletic progress. Other schools have bringing them to use for com- ill,d; , ;;// us, such as COP and Cal Poly." College. plete repairs. 3. The Pacific Coast Conference. BERT BONANNO, graduate student"No, I'm 4. Dr. Wahlquist. not satisfied. Our football coach seems to be in the vice-grip of the current administration. There is If they miss more than two, they're not ready to get in the game. SOLES wrong here when we have It would be a sorry situation if large numbers of student voters Newrmovg pizoixEm_ yvy something radically sYPICAL. AgOur LIZ three major coaches retire or go into other fields, HEELS went to the polls with only a hazy notion of the problem at hand. Mel LVI`i TO 1107 n-lE1 f2 ATTENTION FOR A WHOLE i-eure Should San Jose State go "big-time" in football? Or "small- as Bill Perry (ex-line coach), Bob Bronzan (head DYEING grid coach) and Walt Williams (ex-baseball coach) time?" Or stay where it is now? REMODELING Why do we adhere to the policies of the Council of State Col- . have done. I am of the opinion that leadership at lege SJS has been lacking." Presidents? How does the 1957 football season compare with Service While You Wait that of past years? What incidents, if any, started this hassle? How 190 c+ does Dr. Wahlquist answer his critics? FRANK CASTILLO, sophomore"I think there These are a few of the questions that should have occurred to 40 Years in On Location could be many improvements made here athletic- you, if you are at all interested in your school. This is no minor pro- ally. I'd like to see better teams at San Jose State, blem that can be laughed off. It already has reached far-flung pro- ST. but we have to draw better athletes. Better teams, 119 SOUTH SECOND portions and shows no signs of letting down. Alice Duesler ASB 5194 San Jose Thus, this -vote of confidence" from the student body will be Time to Act of course, would mean a better name for this Robert Seamons ASB 8657 school. Athletes go where they're offered more. Open Thurs. 'til 9 for your worthless, unless the vote is taken from an informed public. Dear Thrust and Parry: Norman A. Marshall ASB 8256 COP, for instance, gives athletic scholarships and convenience We urge you, then, to look into all aspects of this question before before the A big decision is now Aleta Brown ASB 1125 I think we also should give more making your decision on how to vote. Read your newspapers, ask San Jose State administration and Jim Gillespie ASB 1381 questions, discuss the problem and form your opinion. student body, and it is in relation Marshall D. Gilson III ASB 4961 CELEBRATES 100TH This is to big for you to go into completely cold. A mature vote to our football fortunes. Editors Note: We will continue SAN FRANCISCO (UP) will be extremely useful to both sides. A vote based on emotion and This has been talked about a lot, to run a representative selection Mrs. Emma F. Keller celebrated nonorance serves no purpose. but this is the time to act. of letters on this topic for the 100 years of living recently by The decision is whether to play throwing a cocktail party for 62 Patronize remainder of this wee k. No (By the Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys! "and, Your ADVERTISERS No Profit big schools or to play on a small friends. She moved here from Bos- letters of an abusive nature will "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.") HARTFORD, Conn. (UP) scale. It is well known that for ton in 1859 at the age of two. Randolph Proctor was under ar- quite some time we, have - been be published. rest today for stealing his own playing the middle of the road, and THE PARTY WEEK END: clothes. Police said he broke intb quite badly at that. JUDY'S CHEERFUL a cleaning shop where they were We must now take a stand on LITTLE EARFUL ITS CAUSE AND CURE SHANK'S being held for non-payment of -his what kind of a game we want to 000 those new Capitol rec- With the season of party weekends almost upon us, bilL Drive-In Cleaners play, The kind of Stanford, COP, ord releases from COAST my mail of late has been flooded with queries from young 2nd & Son Carlos Arizona State. and Oregon Uni- RADIO! Our little sweet- inmates of women's colleges wishing to know how one versity, or that of Cal Poly, San heart June Christy has conducts one's self when one has invited a young gentle- IN BY 9:00 OUT AT 5:00 Francisco State, and Chico State. locked her door and is man for a weekend. This morning, for example, there at no e.. charge DAY 'cause If we want to play big, then our GONE FOR THE were more than 30,000 letters, each containing a lock of "Just Give Me The Simple policy towards football and the hair. I gave the hair to a bombsight maker and the Life" on a "Lazy After- players must be changed, b u t lanolin to a dry sheep acquaintance, and I turned 'Ws should we want to play on a noon" "It's So Peaceful in instantly to the question: How should a young lady de- SPECIAL Finest smaller scale, all we need do is The Country" . . and also Pine in the World port herself when a young schedule smaller schools. for you who love the simple she has asked gentleman to be THIS WEEK her guest at a party weekend? I favor a big team, but I'd rather life comes just one man and Well, my dear girls, the first thing to remember is that SKIRTS 55c PIZZA GARDENS go the way of Cal Poly and Chico one piano and SO MUCH your young gentleman is far from 1347 McKEE ROAD State, than continue the ill treat- music . . . I'm speaking of home and frightened. CY 2-9753 ment of our football team in this George Shearing and his Put him at his ease. You might, for instance, surprise him We cater to Partici half-way scheduling. If you want new album THE SHEARING by having his mother sitting in a rocker on the' station a big team, remember, you don't PIANO . . . Jackie Gleason platform when he gets off the train. get "something good for nothing." presents "0000!" and just BLOCK Next, what kind of corsage should you send your IVY LEAGUE IS Tyron Emerick as the title infers, it's 0000 REVERSIBLE young gentleman? Well, my beloved maidens, orchids are ASB 1717 so nice. A vocal orch. which always acceptable. DEFUNCT . . . sings no words and solo CAR COAT . . 26.95 If you find, my esteemed fillies, that your local florist guitar and pianopure de- has run out of stock, Are yo, of buckles and Familiar Noises do not be dismayed. Make a corsage light! . . . A bright beat, a out of paper. But pick belts? So Okay . start a Dear Thrust and Parry: Famous Names good, stiff, durable papertwenty nod from Nat Cole to Billy dollar bills, for example. revolt. Choose a style to fit The alumni of SJS are making May and a musical story of Remember at all times, my fond wenches, to show your personality. Be a hip one noises that are reminiscent of hap- the end of a romance comes COLD WEATHER your young gentleman courtesy or be a fool but remember penings in Berkeley. Anytime the forth in JUST ONE OF and consideration. On COATS ' doors for to dress cool ... man. University of California football THOSE THINGS ... Anoth- hiin, walk on the traffic side of the path, assist him to the punch Clothes make the Spartan. team has a bad season. the U.0 er of the musical story FOR EVERY bowl, zip his parka, light his Marlboros. (What, Come in for a personality. alumni association hangs D r greats is the soundtrack al- BUDGET you ask, if he doesn't smoke Marlboros? Ridicu- lous, costume fitting. The place to Sproul in effigy. bum of PAL JOEY. Included my precious nymphs! Of course, he smokes Marlboros! Don't you? Don't I? gothe . The other morning we found Dr are "Bewitched" by Sinat- ART MARTINEZ Doesn't everybody IN BY 9 OUT AT 5 Wahlquist has joined "the club." ra, "Zip" by Rita Hayworth who knows a hawk from a handsaw?? What other ciga- Valentine" MEN'S WEAR rette gives you such a lot to like? Such I There he was, in effigy, dangl- and "My Funny filter? Such DRY CLEANERS COSTUME RENTAL Novak . . . hope flavor? Such flip-top box? ing from the flagpole in the Inner by Kim Blue Chip Stamps No other, my sweet minxes, no LAUNDRY we'll see YOU soon at . . . other. SHIRT SHOP Quad. This, indeed, is a shocking First National Charge Marlboro stands alone, and any man worthy of you, . Directly Behind Newberry's development. COAST RADIO, 266 So, 1st! my estimable damsels, is bound to be a Marlboro man.) 46 RACE STREET by Judy Weidner 88 SOUTH SECOND Football coachesOkay. College If you will follow the simple instructions stated above, presidents- No. This is carrying my good lasses, you will find that you have turned your these stupid, mob-type actions a young gentleman into a fast and fervent admirer. There bit too far. is nothing quite like a party weekend to promote romance. MEN AND WOMEN If the alumni association wants TOP SIRLOIN to take over the task of subsidiz- NEW MEMBERSHIP PLAN ing the football team, good. Let or us have one stipulation, though. Let us call the team: -The San NEW YORK $ 5 00 PER Jose State Alumni Association MONTH Professional Football Team.'' Or, SJSAAPFT, for short. NO HIDDEN CHARGES We, the undersigned, would like to go on record as commending and supporting Dr. Wahlquist's OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK position in this action. John W. Scott ASB 467 STEAKS 6711 km* py efe "Get back into Condition" Light Lunches Salad, Baked Potato, T am in mind of a party weekend some years ago at Miss COURSE INCLUDES: Fountain Service Pomfritt's Seminary for Genteel Chicks in West Linotype, Chili, Roll and Butter Ohio. Serafina Sigafoort, a sophomore at this institution, Towels Steam Rooms majoring in napkin folding, sent an invitation to a young Body Building man named Fafnir Valve, a junior at the Joyce Kilmer Weight ControlFigure Contouring School of Forestry, majoring in map and bole/i. Anyhow, Serafina sent Personal Instruction an invitation to Fafnir, and he came, and she showered him with kindness and cuff 24 Years' Experience in the Bay Area \) $129 links, and then he went away, and Serafina sat anxiously by the mailbox, wondering whether she would ever hear MOST MODERN AND BEST EQUIPPED GYM from him again. Sure enough, two weeks later she got IN SAN JOSE AREA! a letter: "Dear Serafina, Can you let me have fifty bucks? SEPARATE GYMS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Yours, Fafnir." Whimpering with eestacy, she ran to the bank and -any owned and operated MAN . . This Is Man-Sized withdrew the money and mailed it to him. From then on, she got the same request every week, and as a result, she became very well acquainted with Ralph T. Involute, OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK .5 CALIFORNIA PHYSICAL teller of the West Linotype Rank and Trust Co., and Across The Street I heir friendship ripened into love, and today they are From Student Union JULIAN :It happily STEAKS married CULTURE and live in Stamen, Oregon, where Ralph is in STUDIO (STATE'S FAVORITE EATERY) DUTCH MILL the extnided inolames game and Serafina is a hydrant,. 136W. San Carlos CY 5-9658 C IOW Ma, 1111Issaa cross from civic Auditorium LUNCHEONETTE North Fourth at Julian Ferry weekend is a party weekend when won smoke Mort- 183 EAST SAN FERNANDO torrent. whoa? makers bring you flits column througlmut the school year. Water Polo WfIjIlf ...lay, N. A I nber 13, 1957 1RTAN DAILY-4 COP Ruins SJS Homecoming Bond Places First: Gymnasts' 4th Teams Nab With Jack Alberti, Mickey Za Thinclads Beat Cal vack. and John Johnson placing. Fresno SJS's gymnastic team placed State Next for Locals; Three Wins 27-30 It Berkeley fourth in Friday's Pacific AAU Championship meet in SF, accord- ATKINS OUTSTANDING San Jose State's varsity water Led by i near record -breaking ing to Bill Gu.stafson, team coach. Tiny Larscheid Bill Atkins, Ron Earl and Al polo squad bagged its fifth and Severino turned in rugged defen- performance by Wes Bond, SJS's sixth consecutive wins and the sive jobs for SJS. with Atkins cross-country track leans Niged W. C. Lean Jewelers Sparks Tigers playing probably his best game Spartan frosh notched their ninth the Cal Bears 27-30 Saturday. Jung of the season victory of the season in action last a morning at Berkeley. Bond's; time Defensive stickouts for COP week-end. 53 Years in San Jose To 21-6 Victory of 19:47 was were Carl Kammerer. Bill Strip. Coach Charlie Walker's var- the thud best time Coach Bob Titchenal's offen- gel, Rolland Rudder and Farrell sity aggregation turned hawk ever recorded on the IC track. sively fragile Spartan gridders at- Funston. the Oakland Athens Club, 10-3. tempt to Ken Napier, J..rry Des Roehes, sharpen the shears this Quarterback Tom Flores, the Friday, and c: back on Satur- week to Carlos Saldhar. cut down rival Fresno country's ninth most effective day to whip Caller of Pacitie, and Mike Yea- State Saturday night In the quarterback, hit seven St eight 12-8, gaining a reyenge victory. ger finished 14th through 11th, ewe st Raisin country. passes for 78 yards and directed Walker reported yesterday that pushing Cal's 11 I 1 1 Marguard IN STERLING Although the locals delivered the varsity stalwart Roger McCand- Tiger attack. down to the 12th spot to igiVe one of their better seasonal ef- less suffered a dislocated shoulder FLORES SETS UP TO SJS the %%in. forts in last week's 21-6 loss to in the Tiger clash and will be out With Flores tossing a crucial COP, it was again evident that for the season. K.C. Cooper paced Dow they finished: Wes Bond 25-yard pass to halfback Chuck t h e Spartans lack touchdown the Spartans in the Athens Club Chatfield, the Bengals marched in ISJSI, Roger Price WC), Don punch. tilt with five goals while Pete for their initial TD after 2:17 of Foster tU('i. Sam Holt ISJSi, SJS was halted at the COP Ueberroth scored six in the COP the second itanza. Fullback Tom eight. 33, and 29 yard lines. The fray. Grady Neal SJSI, Maynard Orme Green got the tally on a two-yard tUC), Clark Maddox (Lie,. Ken Spartans have now scored three Claude Gilbert, SJS fullback, Jackie Larscheid, ('OP's slip- times in three games. tallied the locals' only Ti) last poke over center and Chatfield pery halfback, picked the Spar- Napier iSJS), Jerry Des Roches With 14,500 Homecoming fans Saturday. added the first of three perfect tan defense apart in the Tigers' ISJSI, Carlos Saldivar ISJS). In Spartan Stadium, COP kindled conversions. 21-6 win last week. Frosh Eleven Mike Yeager (SJS), and Bill Mar- the scoreboard in the second, third yards in 16 carries. This, the A 60-yard drive. requiring nine guard ( UC). and fourth periods. The Spartans' mathematicians tell us, is a 6.3 plays, gave COP its second tally. smothered by tiny Larscheid, mak- Preps for Tilt only tally came in the final yard average. Lanieheld's elusive running and ing the score 14-6. three nifty Flores* pitches made A poor pass by Vermeil, thrown Coach Max Coley.% San Jose stanza. Spartan Hamel Pollard was &IS ON TOP, the score 14-0. expertly to Funston. gave COP its State frosh football squad pulls Soccer Squad 17-11-5 second only to Laroche'd in The The payoff was a 10-yard TD final touchdown. Funston picked down the curtain on its 1937 sea- series record between the heroics. Pollard, one of the few "Battle of the Bell" rivals favors toss from Flores to Funston. it off on the SJS 90 and hustled son Saturday tackling the Col- Spartans capable of playing Drops Contest the locals, 17-11-5. COP has cap- With 2:21 of the fourth period to the Spartan five before Rapid lege of Pacific Frosh at Stock- "big-time" football, grabbed six tured the last four contests. evaporated, the Spartans finally Ray Norton cut him down. ton. Determined to make their sea- passes for 77 yards and rushed Four Pacific pass interceptions cracked paydirt, climaxing a 50- GREEN FOR TO The Spartababes fell victim to son's final game a successful one. for an additional 55 yards. and the eleetrifOng Jaunts of yard push in 10 plays. On the next play, Green banged the San Francisco State junior the Spartan soccer team is work- Jackie Larscheid were para- From a strict statistical stand- GIBERT TALLIES into the end zone standing up. varsity Friday. dropping a 13-6 ing out this week in preparation mount factors in the COP sue- point, the Spartans were not over- Three successful passes from Fresno. In the meantime, Caine decision. The loss for the frosh for meeting Stanford University was oess. whelmed. They had 16 first downs Dick Vermeil to Dan Colchico, Jim from behind to clip BIT, 27-14. their second against one win Saturday at 10 a.m. at Spartan Larscheid, dedicated to the pur- to COP's 13 and only trailed the Moore and Pollard all for 15-yard The Bulldogs won the game with this season. Field. pose of destroying the Spartans. Stockton eleven 263-285 in total gains, set the scoring stage. From 1:20 to play, which means the Ken Rockholt tallied the lone In their last outing Saturday. wiggled his 151 pounds for 101 yardage. the five, fullback Claude Gilbert Spartans could easily return, TD for the Spartababes on a four- the San Jose State soccermen yard thrust in the third quarter. dropped a 2-0 conference loss to hit for two, then one. Pollard was bonne next week with another Delicate blossoms cling held without gain, but on fourth defeat. A 25-yard pass play from quarter- the University of Calif. Bears at to softly tapered sterling... down, Gilbert hurled himself over BYU h a d previously whipped back Nelson Dake to end Leon Berkeley. BURGER HOUSE the line for the tally. Denver, whom SJS also stopped, Donahue set up the scoring play. an entrancing new pattern UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pollard's AT attempt was and Utah State. RE. POE we suggest for the bride, Open 6 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. the hope chest, We specialize in FRI.- SAT.- SUN. the anniversary gift. HAMBURGERS and HOMEMADE PIES THE MASTERSOUNDS A Tradition for Quality All orders over $1.50 delivered free offer 5:30 p.m. Uppercuts in San Jose By RANDIE E. POE Sun. Jam Session 4 p.m. Ninth and Santa Clara Sports Editor THE LOUVRE CYpress 7-9787 Nom MN =1 NM NM MIN MB W.9.LVAN One of the hallmarks of athletic tommyrot is the glib assump etve (1'3 554 W. SANTA CLARA LaN And JUNG tion that a football winner can be constructed overnight. AT THE UNDERPASS CORONA UNDERWOODROYAL REMINGTON Liberalization of our recruiting and training table rules will be Since 1904 a step forward, of course, but it will not, by itself; serve as a panacea. BESIDE THE MERMAID First and San Fernando sin. The great goddess called money is needed. In Dim rItomts San JIMA Jyreurriteri Acquiring money from state legislators, especially fox athletics, Is akin to prying a frankfurter from a bulldog's mouth. Additionally, FOR. RENT we must gontend with the Cal Board of Regents, a weighty, influ- Special Rental Rates for Students ential body to say the least. FOR SALE Many regents feel our present predicament is wonderfully satis- Used Standard and Portable Machines factory. tst. It00 EASY PAYMENT PLAN _ Stone Throwing Won't Help SAN JOSE STATE SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. Rational, consummated leadership could be SJS' union card, but Free Parking 24 S. SECOND ST. CYpress 3-6383 throwing stones at each other will not help. The need for decisive action is here. Seniors and Oklahoma University, now the nation's most successful grid dy- nasty, is a case in point. RESTYLE YOUR FIGURE In 1940, President George Cross rejuvenated the OP football catalogue. More emphasis was placed on athletics, without allow- Graduate Guaranteed Results in 30 Days ing sports to overshadow the academic program. Crude currency, mixed with Cross' dynamic direction, have REDUCE REDUCE REDUCE brought Oklahoma 47 successive triumphs and a respected scholastic Students YOUR YOUR YOUR reputation. WAIST THIGHS HIPS Spirit, Morale at a Peak in BUST DEVELOPMENT Having made the jaunt to Norman for an OU-Colorado game four years ago, this writer was amazed to see what a winner had done to Oklahoma. Engineering Personal Instruction Only Spirit and morale are at a peak there. The grid progress of the In The Newest and Finest Gym in San Jose Big Bed and the open-field cavorting of (tendon Thomas are con- versational topics In gas stations, on farms, and on Okie street Business Club corners. San Jose Health Still, football does not become so outrageously important that PE RSCNAL IMPROVEMENT FOR WOMf N Oklahomans curtsy before the statute of Tommy McDonald. 413 E. Santa Clara St. CV 7-3251 Physical Science ALSO STUDIOS AT 336 14TH ST. OAKLAND A Money Tree Needed I A winner is not erected without cash. however. Coach Bud Wilkinson, who arrived at OU in '46, knocks down a Liberal Arts yearly salary of $20,000, only $2500 less than prexy Cross. Wilkinson's football budget Is almost a quarter of a million 94/41ranS//00 Nioirt dollars. About $82,550 is used for scholarships. Since his arrival, the articulate, pessimistic Wilkinson has tabu- talk over your future lated 101 victories, seven setbacks and three ties. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 But before we go hunting this type of bear, let's not forget the STUDIO THEATER umminitimmiummuniummilitll money tree. "JAILHOUSE ROCK" NOVEMBER 25 & 26 Iiiinit1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Elvis Presley Judy Tykir -.1=1110nes_ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "The Parson and The Outlaw" Anthony Dart., Buddy Rogers Preferred by all active men who seek Sonny Tuffs self-winding watch with the Bell System dependable Ready for action. the Nike fierruIrn was (rented by 1r OWINI the so., r.o.ful Want Of U.S. Army Ordinator. Wrxt. cv 7L30415 0 ern Fir, Douglas Aircraft, and Bell Tclrphona SPARTAN DRIVE-1N Laboraioncs. THE "UNTIL THEY SAIL" DEVIL'S GENERAL . Paul Nevrmag OMEGA (In GerrnanEnglish TIlles) "The Land Unknown" Technical .1:id non-technical graduates for Jec6 Mahoney 3 * * * * RATING Pacific Telephone. . . engineering and administrative positions HIGHEST Oraimad&Ye-/ 411-. ''A pies. of cinaramatic on the Pacific Coast. crftsmenship ...T;a Mug. EL RANCHO DRIVE-IN AUTOMATIC

%/A1V2A0TOC-in HELEN MORGAN STORY UNION T 1076 Ann Blyth - retotern AUVRIe Technical and non-technical graduates for "HIRED GUN" engineering and administrative positions SIMON and LAURA Rory C4'111040' - Anna Francis Hilarious --N Y. World Tel. Sr Sun throughout the United States. Plus "The Brave One" MAYFAIR From COPIVINIINT "UNTIL THEY SAIL" $100. CRICIT Jean Simmons - Paul Newman SlrN UP IN ADVANCE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AT - - PIcrr Laurie 91 SO. FIRST STREIT 111111141141111111111111111111111111111111111111 FCRVAI laB "SEA WIFE" I. THE PLACEMENT SERVICE 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -1

4-11PARTA4 11%MT Wednesilay, November 11. 1977 'Contemporary Art Show Coffee Dote? ( rrWirler. Couples Announce Pinnings, DIERKS DONUTS To Meet Tonight Engagements, Marriages lOpens in SJS Art Wing Co-Rec will be held tonight from A major art exhibit presenting I public on week dabs only hum 37E AUZERAIS STREET in the Women's Gym. Spar- date is 7 to 10 Francisco graduate. An August for his bride on August 31 in the Ithe work of talented young men, nun, to 5 p to. Closing _ tan Twirlers will also meet tonight Nov. 27. DOCcill.AN-1111.1. stedding is planned. First Methodist Church, Burlin- and %%omen throughout the country trom 7.30 to 10 in the Women's On Monda,t [let. 2$, Sharon A DCOCK-ZI ERELL game. Mrs. Branner is a business- opened yesterday in the SJS Art Callaway's Crystal Hill surprised her Sigma Kappa A story-book doll told the tale secretarial graduate and was af- Home Cooked Creamery Co-Ree will feature activities in- sisters by announcing her pinning Monday, when Barbara Ziebell filiated with Kappa Phi. Bronner Department. cluding bridge, social dancing, of Alpha . Ast, Lunch, to Bill Douglas. Tau senior home economics major from is a s e ni o r business-education The show is entitled "New Tal MEALS %olley ball, ping pang, badminton Omega. Miss Hill is a sophomore Berkeley. announced to her Delta major. The couple now resides in C.crer and student ent in the U.S.A.," and was a BY THE MONTH bowling. Any will be occupational therapy major trom Zeta sisters her engagement to San Jost,. 7th & E. SANTA CLARA I, Fedet- Kemp Guest House Airlifted with a student body card. Glendora, while Douglas is a Winston is a sen- ambled by the American Adcock. Adcock TESSANDORI-NIELSEN 811. 8 SAN CARLOS CY 7.5431 .efreshmcnts will be served. junior business administration ior ation of Arts, in cooperation with political science major from Janis Nielsen and Gene Tessan- from Menlo Park. A ser- Santa It major Clara and a member of dori Jr. were married its the "Art in America" magazine. A&M Auto Repair onade Its blot hers of AT() Sigma Pi. First Methodist Church in Reno. has received nation-wide acclaim Bungalow Fountain G I Auto Itepow Juniors To Sell .oneement. NORTON-GRASSO Nev., on Oct. 13. The former Miss I Si.) II \tr. Most of the work is alistract, Fhoo Food -Rectifiable Prices Automatic Taneviss;on Specialty Notes inside party snappers at Nielsen Is a social welfare major ,I111 I:I 1 - the Delta ereaLfast Lunch Dinner Student Rotes CY 5-4247 1:upeakes Today Zeta house told of Bar- from Spencer. Wis. Tessandori is but it. varies .fritom abstract ex- sta {,: hot bara Daly 6 30 - 700. - Sun. 7 00-200 4M E. Sas Salvador, Sae Jose Phi Grasso's engagement to Jack a journalism major from Taft. The pressionism to forms of roman- Cupcakes u ill be sold in the, Mu sisters at the begin- Norton. sorority Miss Grasso is a graduate couple has made their home in ticized cubism to a purely geo- Corner 9411 & William, t.iter Quad today from 9:30 a.m. -^ ning of this semester by announc- social science major 'seeking her San Jose, metric composition, to 12:30 p.m., according to Sylvia ing he r engagement to Terry general secondary credential. Nor- Staub and Dale Scott, Junior Class Al./MUGU-LAWLESS FLATTER Simerly of Lambda Chi Alpha ton is a giaduate psychology The artists represented a r e For your leather craft supplies Ytnil fund-raising co-chairmen. Miss Focht is a junior business major and is now working for a Patricia Lawless recently an- painters LeRoy K. Burket, Robert and for Il your hobby and craft EYES In the event of rain, sales will major from Bakersfield. Her fi- general second:Iry is social WielICC, nounced to the sisters of Alpha Conover, Helen Frankenthaler. supp!.as cume in and set. us- Improve y o ii r appearanee be conducted in front of Morris ance, from Capitolzi, is a senior Chi Omega her marriage to Glen Michael Goldberg, Robert Grilley, well as your iision %Anti MARRIAGE as lade): Auditorium, Paula Besse- radio and TV major. The couple Albaugh. The couple exchanged John Guerin, Ellsworth Kelly, John style -wise glasses from LLE N-41 il'MP ineier chairman of the sale, stated. plan a July wedding. vows in the First' Methodist Levee, Jack Mattson, Henry NIC'SP, HUSTON'S Jacqueline Gump, recently was Church of San Jose. Mrs. Albaugh Charles Osc a r, Guy Palazzolo, HOBBY SHOP ISTRALEY-WEEKS married to John Callen In Oak.' Is a senior education major, while Dr. Jack II. Chennell Roberta Weeks, Merton Manor. James Phillips, Roland Reiss, land. Miss Gump. a Delta Zeta her husband is now teaching phy- 713 S FIRST STREET OPTOMETRIST MEETINGS announced informally at a recent Lundy Siegriest, Lisa Jane Stern - was a marketing major. Cullen sical education a t Centerville. r e Cafe breakfast her engagement to glass, Walter Stevens, Natstiko 254 S. SECOND iry 5-2747 at ten d.e d Syracuse University Their home is also in Centerville. - OPEN AWS. meeting, today, 4:30 p.m. George Straley. Kappa Alpha at Takehita and Jack Wolfe. Member of SPAR -TIN 1.11.meering Lecture Hall. where he was a Zeta Psi. The ORMSETH-MAX'WELL Mon.' Thurs.- Fri -11-9 Stanford. Formal announcement Sculptors are Oliver Andrews, Tues. Wed.- Set. -14 (1,(tit-ittat.n tonight, 7:30, Women's couple are living in Santa Clara. Connie Maxwell and Jerry Orm- followed that evening at a party Lindsey Decker, George M. Koren. BRoNNER-GANS seth were married in Carson City, given by the KAs. Miss Weeks is Hilda Morris, Raymond Rocklin, Junior Class, cake sale, today. Mike Branner took Lee Gans Nev., on Sept. 3. The former Miss a freshman family life education Robert Rosenwald a nil Jack 9:30 amt. to 12:30 p.m., Outer Maxwell is a senior education 1N ro4, Whatever major from Claremont, Straley, al- Squier. Graphic artists are Ed- Quad. major from Susanvillt, whilg Orm- the so from Claremont, is a senior mond Casarella, Idelle I... Fein- Newman Club. meeting, tonight. President- seth is a senior business adminis- occasion economics major. A July wedding berg, Gray Foy. Dean Meeker and 8:30. Newman Hall. tration major from Minnesota. 24* is planned. June Wayne. Say it Phi Epsilon Kappa, special meet- Their home is in San Jose, WATSON-KIRK Boosters Exhibitions will be open to the with ing. tonight. 7. Room 21, Men's The engagement of Karon Kirk (Continued from Page 1) REY-F'ARLEY Flowers Gym. to C. Don Watson was announced ested in football. "They can get Many Alpha Chi Omegas jour- Rally Committee executive coun- by passing a box of candy at a better accommodations at other neyed to San Leandro on Sept. Janko's cil, meting, today. 3:30 p.m., Stu- 18 for the FLOWER Mu Phi Epsilon meeting and at a colleges and junior colleges," Bar- marriage of Fran Far- dent Union. ley to Hal Humphrey. The nupi- * TOofTBratt * /CI 19 BAKMAS SHOP dinner party given by Miss Kirk's thn was told. Rally Committee, meeting. to- mother in Modesto. Watson is a tals took place in All Saints Epis- Largest Sandw,chs in Town CT 2-0442- 10tb & Saata Clara ARGUMENT POINT night. 7:30, Morris Dailey Audi- senior engineering student be- copal Church. Mrs. Humphrey is Cold, Crisp Salads The legality and enforeability of torium. longing to Tau Beta. Miss Kirk a senior business major, while N.Y. Steal (16 -ox.) . $1.12 Senior Panhellenic. meeting, to- the CSCP ruling made tip the Club Steak 110-ox.) . ,s 1.39 5ELIX is a junior music major. Humphrey, Theta Chi, was grad- hone of Chicken 1.30 night, 7. HE 44. 1.17CItt:--coNNt:I.I. contention at last night's uated from SJS last Frbruary with meeti ng. Spore Ribs 1.2S SALES RENTALS Spartan Spears, rummage sale. nor general a degree in business administra- Steak Sand. (baled beans) .76 SAN FRANCISCO OAKLAND today "I can't make charges; I hate and tomorrow. 9 a.m. to elem.iit.uj 111.1)01 I rOM Alameda, tion. The couple now resides in Friday Special 'a Lobster 2.40 BERKELEY SAN JOSE no proof," said 5 p.m., in front of Morris Dade!, recently announced her engage- Illartranft, "Iiiit San Leandro. Elsciroom" Available I have learned that the presi- For Private Parties 75 SOUTH 2nd Auditorium, ment to Sgt. Fred Linde from JAMES-SCHRA6ER dent of one state college is not Ilene Clpreas 4-2322 Spartan Twirlers, folk and Kentucky Icy passing a c.andle Carole Schrader, Alpha Chi 19 N. Market St.. CY 3-1695 adhering to the athletic code square dancing. tonight. 8 to 10, among her Delta Zeta sisters. A Omega, and Glenn James ex- as laid down by the t'SCP.".., s’Wiriete,/iiiiiWoW,..Wrrio’Wrkt. Room 22, Women's Gym. wedding for next September is changed vows on June 20. The Del DeVilbiss, president "V," open meeting span - planned. of the former Miss Schrader was grad- le, Santa Clara HEAD CHEF OWNERS Social Action Committee. HARRISON-ARNOLD County Taxpayers uated from SJS last June. receU - Assn, and a tonight. 7:30, 203 S. 9th St. A poem enclosed in a bottle told spokesman for the ing her degree in education LOU LEN & PEE WEE Citizens Tau Delta Phi, smoker, tonight. of the coming spring marriage of Committee for a Progres- James, aLso a graduate, now is 7 30. lintel Do Anza. Dottie Arnold and Dave Harrison sive San Jose State College. des- employed as an engineer at /tern- vt a Hockey, today, 4:30 p.m., to the sisters of Delta Zeta. Miss cribed SJS' "inferiority complex." jet GenOral Corp. in Sacramento 1’s Gym. Arnold is a senior life science Buildings are important, he said. Roseville is the Schraders' pres..nt Pee Wee's Pizza major from Hayward, while Har- but when such intangibles as spirit, home. fostered in great part by football, 945 THE ALAMEDA rison. Gilroy. is currently stationed DeSTORIEs-('RAIN are neglected. "you cut the heart I Across from Arfhur Murray's, HAVENLY FOOD at White Sands. New . Har- The wedding of KittysCrain out of a school." rison attended Hartnett College. William John DeStories Jr. was FOR PARTIES "You can't attack this problem SCHULTE-GAGLIARDO held in the San Jose State Mem- Coop without a definite policy," he CHEESE ANCHOVIES PHONE CY 3-1682 Shirley Gagliardo blew out the orial Chapel on Nov. 2. The for- maintained. OLIVES MUSHROOMS Corfu Donuts Snails traditional candle at the Alpha mer Miss Crain is an Alpha Omi- 'BIG PICTCRE' Chi Omega house to announce cron Pi alum who graduated in PEPPERONI AND ITALIAN SAUSAGE Harrnburgets Hot Dogs DINNERS a la carte "The 'Big Picture.' as her engagement to Lewis Schulte. described June as a social science majoi by Bucknam, is SAI AMI AND BELL PEPPERS Assorted Salads Hot Lunches 5Z'c from 51.30 Miss Gagliardo is a senior edu- important, but we while DeStories, a marketing Z* are interested in SJS. It's much Service Fountain Boyshore of Julian cation major from San Jose. major. graduated in August. Table Special Beer on Tap Schulte is a University of San better for the different state col- CY 7-5900 leges to maintain their individu- ality. One way Is through compe- Open at I P.M. BUSIIHSS tition." Pizza with a "Porsonalify" HEIMED9 notOliniS Emerson Arend& another leader 96E vin FERRARO() N 2 750 HOUSE OF PIZZA in the Citizens Committee, said, Almaden Are.. CY 7-9908 RENT A TYPEWRITER "It's not fair for the little schools 291 Complete Library t if Ii'!Boo k s Nar the Ci,c Auditorium SPECIAL STUDENT el to run RATE. 3 MONTHS Via SJS through the CSCP. He also termed Bucknam's bringing in of the money issue as "financial THIS COUPON GOOD FOR HI-WAY MOTEL smokescreen." It's not a question of money. Set up a good athletic $1.00 60 Uu;ts and Apartments ON ANY PURCHASE Coffee Shop Restaurant policy and you'll get financial sup- OF 33 75 OR MORE I he thigattai Heatd Swimming Pool port from the alumni, students and Ed Eby, Florist FPe TV avd Room Itho.,as townspeople." 2112 S. FIRST STREET "We don't need to spend mon- 525 E. Santa Clara ey for a new stadium," Ferrie said. "We want to fill the one we've got." JACK BLAKE'S A conciliatory note was added Hair Styling HAVE TROUBLE by Dr. James Strayer, pastor of 112 SOUTH 2ND CT 2-1447 the Calvary Methodist Church and EXPERT IN STYLE CUTTING If here the complete FINDING A member of the College Advisory ONE Of THE I' AREAS Board. Ile asked for an end to CY 7-6455 497 S. 2nd ST. FINESTatellEPARTIMA collection of these "open fights" and called for united PARKING ? incinnitoroble dresses action to meet the football prob- lem and others facing SJS. , Have Your Own can be seen dad)" ASH President Don Ryan said RESERVED SPACE that the majority of SJS students A !wrier! end lo an enjoyable day 10 to .;:31) on the corner of don't kn..- the facts of the case. 8th & SAN CARLOS dinner at Tico Tacos rv.-., 7 pri-ci ONLY $6 What could be more inviting Call KEMP'S than a tangy Mexican CLASSIFIEDS CY 7-5431 9t8 & SAN ANTONIO dinner? vmarveswww...wswv SPANISH RICE W ANTED FOR RENT ENCHILADAS in new $9 per week. room a board State st (ideal to fill bed Don't miss it . . . terror and suspense Board wit apt. FREE rent until Dec. $65 per month. 361 S. 7th St. .2 TAMALES 11,,111r !43 W. Reed, Apt. 6, after at . . Large dbl. rm., kit. pent. Reason- 7 pm walk hand in hand BBQ TACOS able. 538 S. 5th. V. ashiug A Ironing: 80 cents REFRIED BEANS Vacancy. meta staidents - Board hour. Pickup and delivery. CY & room. 28 8. 13th St.. Si. 6094. ANGEL STREET BURRITOS Large studio apt. 4 quiet gentle- . Male -student to share lane men. 1 Mk. to college, $za ea. bedroom_ apt. $37.50 mo. CY 5-21 If it's 6BQ Chicken you want, CY 2-2152 eves., Sat. & Sun. Wanted - Typing of all kinds - Last Showings - Nov. 14- 16- 815 P.M. try TICO'S tender, juicx College girls preferred. New one reasonable rates. 487 N. 2nd, C5' bedroom and 2 bedroom units. 0772. chicken cooked to a golden Group of 3. 4 or 5 girls Com- brown in a special pletely furnished 452 S. 4th St. _ BBQ Sauce. S. 4th St. Call John Di 51onto, Lost Wed, brown wallet W it CH 3-3282. Gym. Keep money return rest CWC 195 E. San Fernando. STUDENT 50c GENERAL $1.00 FOR MALE Phone cy - - - . TICO'S TACOS 48 Dettioto. excellent condition. MISCELLANEOUS_ College Theatre Box Office New paint & brakes ey 3.0381 Organization or individuala lu 'tape Recorder. new IKS. 464 S. need of musical entertainment.1 1-5 P.M. CORNEA 4th & ST. JAMES STREETS 2nd St. CY 7-7700. Ph. C'ti' 7-7886. -