California State Library Sacramento 9, California Wahlquist Prom Athletic Action / resident Tells Boosters He Will 'Take Problem to High State Officials By JIM DRENNAN SpaZtan The leading adversaries in the SJS football hassle met in a two- CAM ItCC CT hour session last night that brought a promise by Pres. John T. Wahl- Communism, guist to turn their common frustrations into common action. Pres. Vvahlguist agrecd to take the question of SJS' ofhletic double standard up with his College Advisory Board, and then to Russia To Be VOL. 45 ACP. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1957 NO 34 discuss the situation with top state education officials. The president, accompanied by Speech Topic a representative of the booster De. Arnold E. Joyal. president BY THE ROCKETS' RED GLARE clubs Council Forsees pressing the fight for better of Fresno State College, will speak football, will attempt to end the about 4,000 "Some Impressions of Rus- troubles in a eonfereneet with Dr. sia ralkIS [00, and Communism" at 10 30 a m. Roy Simpson, state superintendent today in Morris Dailey Auditor- Special Election of public inatruction, and Dr. J. ium. Burton Vasche, associate superin- Thia summer Doctor Joyal spent tendent of the State Department The Student Council Is expect- feel about it." U S. FARSIDE three months in Russia and is "full of Education. ed to be faced with a petition call- "Spartans United" will meet to- kt SE Akt. H Kind to the brim" with information, ac- ing for an election to determine night at 7:30 at 126 S. 9th Vd 44 BOARD DE('IDES student sentiment toward college St. Representatives of the "Citi- 1,500 William Bucknam, member of administratino policies when it zens Committee for a Progressive the State Board of Education, SPEAKS meets at 2:30 p.m. today in the San Awe State College" will be backed Pres. Wahlquist's con- Student Union. present as will members of SJS' SOVIET tention that he is virtually bound The petition is being circulated football team, Interested students SPUTNIKTI by the strict recruiting and train- by "Spartans United", organized are invited, Noble said. Csifof ing regulations set up in May. student movement, according to 1464S 1952, by the Council of State Col- alat ow am asap lism loth ala to fa. Bill Noble, spokesman for Ow lege Presidents. 1,000 group. Careers Day De did admit, however. that Noble said the movement grew the esters pout-k maav he en- out of a meeting Monday of 35 U.S. JUPITER'C' forced or revoked by the State To Include ARMY students from several campus or- Board of Education. TIPSY MI,,...11.1E sovICT lie also said that local ganizations. SPuTNIK I boosters In a prepared statement, Mel Satellite Show should realize that SJS is only Gauntz of "Spartans United" said, A satellite display, including a MO MOP IV SO OM part of a "big picture," which in- "We feel such an expression of, rocket, mini-track antenna, globe 500 cludes nine other state colleges. student sentiment at this time and satellite, and launching plat- He indicated that state funds are would Ise of great value to Presi- form models will be exhibited by inadequate for the brand of foot- dent Wahlquist in the formulation the U.S. Navy Electronics Lab- U.S. TS4012 tball the boosters want SJS of future policies affecting the oratory of San Diego at Careers aise tows i iSOVIET iC student body." in Engineering Day, to be held on 11,t Ais,i . In an eleven -page report to the .. EXACT DMA If five per cent of the student campus Saturday. The laboratory . ,VNUNOWN overflow audience in the Science body signs the petition before it aLso plans to show a display re- _ Building conference room, made up i000 _ .500 a000 is presented SOO 2500 j000 3500 to the Student Coun- lated to their part in project "Van- of students, faculty members, DR. ARNOLD JOYAL cil today, a general race to the moon. This diagram gives a graphic comparison between -the approximate altitudes student elec- guard." The boosters, college and state offi- . Fresno tested and future U.S. roekets. FaMide rocket, fired from State Proxy tion must be called within 10 days. Senior students and faculty and distance* of Soviet missiles and cials, Pres, Wahlquist discussed a balloon laat ueek, Roared 4900 nines into spite officials reported. Russia's "Molina:" uith its Noble said the student move- members in the Aeronautics, En- his long fight to lift many restric- dog passenger is orbiting earth about IWO miles up. The dog is reported to be dead.photo by inter- cording to Joe 11. West, dean of ment was the result of a state- gineering and Mathematics De- rims on Spartan football. Forbid- national. educational services and summer ment made last week attributing partments who pl a n to attend den by the 1952 CSCP ruling are sessions. the current athletic policy dispute must sign this week in the Student training tables, athletic grants in An educator since 1928 when he to a "small, disgruntled group." Affairs Business Office, Room 16. aid and other benefits approved by Dr. Ralph J. Smith was principal of Wheatland, Calif., "We thought, Noble said. "that At this time they will pay a $1 the Pacific Coast Conference, Reuther Criticizes Union High School. Doctor Joyal It should be determined once and fee, which will help to cover the NIXED BY 1PCC Accepts Ness Post has lectured at the University of for all how the students actually cost of a turkey dinner. 1-Te also told of his unsuccessful California at Berkeley; specialized attempts to gain membership for In school finance for the U.S. Of- As Stanford Prof SJS in the Pacific Coast Confer- Neglect of Education fice of Education In Washington, SLAVES FOR A DAY Dr. Ralph J. Smith, professor of ence. D.C.; directed the University Col- engineering on leave of absence, In his report, Walliquist said By RAY BARCH lege at University of Denver; and recently has accepletritpraltIon an -that the rill" 1,',"ra' The U.S. faces "great peril" if it continues to neglect its educa- ""Pted 4tieri ii ileisn rat She University of professor of electrical engineering fore lie bee; a member of the tion system, Walter Reuther, vice president of the AFL-CIO, told a Denver and the University of Ok- at Stanford University. He will I'. Under the rentrictions , San Jose audience Friday. lahoma. have some responsibility in the ar- 5.15 finds Itself playing teams Reuther, speaking at Hawaiian Gardens to more than 300 labor, The Canadian-bairn administra- ea of undergraduate instruction. with looser restrietions, yet be- business and civil leaders, charged that the U.S. is robbing its youth of tor has been president of Fresno Doctor Smith ing forced to Mde by lb.. '5- education with its emphasis on "plumbing rather than its education presently is advis- State College since 1948. ing the University of the Philip- C1". more stringent rulea. system." He said this complacency is reflected in the recent techno- logical advances of the Soviet pines in Manila concerning its elec- Thicknam said that Pres. Wahl- trical engineering program. gist has done everything "human- IAAlege1, ion over the U.S. fights social security and minimum Play He, with his wife and four chil- ly possible" to ease the restric- "In 1920, Russia had 40,000 en- wages." dren, left for Manila last June on tions. He also said that it would gineers and scientists to our 250,- Citing the figure as a fraction 11 be virtually Impossible for Prfs Has 000," he said. "In 1956, Russia had of what was spent during World brills Wahiquist to withdraw from the 541,000 engineers and scientists to War, II, Reuther called the defeat By MAXWELL SHAPIRO CSCP. "It's part of his job," our 500,000." of school aid legislation a defeat RESIGNS Enough old fashioned thrills -r Bucknam commented. Reuther said the answer was of the "challenge of peace." Wits- generated by the east of "An- Most parties seemed agreed at federal a44 gel S this reporter if he felt yesterday's meeting that SJS' cur- owim federal aid in its school program have an at the college Theater, to keep a college graduates today rent football picture is dismal. without fear of federal control. understanding of standing room audience pleasantly the labor move- IMPOSSIBLE' POSITION State resources just aren't ade- But he friglimors1 throughout all three ment. Reuther said "no." "SJS is in an impossible posi- 1111.PM.10.1 quate to do the job." acts added that labor was largely re- tion." remarked Assemblyman Reuther told the audience that. For some. perhaps, the plot, in - that sponsible for Bruce Allen. "It's a question of the UAW-supported "Labor has been so busy grow- %oh tug ;I murder and hidden M- 300 million ende vs. schedule. We play under Ines, seemed a little strained, federal aid to education bill was ing'that it's neglected the univer- a tighter code than that of any but no one could find fault with YOUR defeated in the last session of sity curriculum. This is where bus- schofil we play with," he added the GIFT casting, acting or smooth directing Congress "by the same group that Incas is a leg up on us." K. Glenn -Tiny" Dart ranft. HELPS THE job of Dr. Paul Davee. PUS at director, said that HANDICAPPED James Dunn handles the role 4.011 ty 13. k INV 1411,, &IS football Is now losing mon- ey.
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