Ces 4a.|

As Electio Day Nears DEMOCRA CONCEN .| NEWES RESIDENT With less than two weeks to Election Day, Nov 5, the contest for eleven township positions appears to be attracting only passing interest compared with the excite — ment of the Presidential campaign of last year. The Republican candidates pointed out today that the disorganized Democratic campaign has "faile to raise 4 single Vol. 10No. 40- Hicksville, N. ¥.-October 24,1957 5¢ substantial issue" Meetings before civic groups tomers opposing emits 72 Entered as Second Class Matter at te Post Office attracted only small audiences. 1s His pee The absence of campaign effort is particularly mnoticable.on the part of Democrats in Hicksville, t Visit Juni Hi onFu Ti Farmingdale, OysterBay and other Na Destr major populationcentres. The-op- position appeared to be struggling HICKSVILLE -- The Junior High School on Jerusa- for a following on the newest home This . lem Ave will go on full sessions next Monday morn— developments of Plainview, Syos- Oyst Ba Weeken ing, Oct 28, it was disclosed today by Dr Wallace E of - This marks the OYSTER BAY Sunday Oct, 27, beginning i: t oes Lamb, superintendent of schools. The new addition are going forward with Theodore Roosevelt Year ‘celebrati with effort including taiksto commuters ceremonies conducted at the of the late President at Oyste B to the former community high school has bee in use grave at the RR stations, visits to homes, the Fleet Reserve Assoc, assisted by the Third Nava District since the start of the term on double A and all invitations to Br is the of President Theordore Roosevelt, The sessions, accepting birthday , share speaking platforms with their erationSun at In the afternoon the Associa- major portion of the original building, which is being begin 11:30AM. early opporents on a “forum basis”. tion will visit Sagamore Hill, home of the when the Political observers feel the bulk completely renovated,’ will be available as of next Band will give a short patriotic concert on the Forelawn, ae ofthe election effort will fall Monday to permit single sessions. The original high upon The JointLegislativeC the shoulders of district commit- for the Theodore Roosevelt Cen- oD school was dedicated in May, 1925. Construction was teemenand workers who will have tennial of which John J. Burns of | to overcome the “off year” atti- Sea Cliff is vice chairmar an- - startedDec 17, 1923 and the was on building accepted tude of voters. nouncesthat the U.S, Navy Dept. May 5, 1925 The late George A. Duke was president Democrat candidates have.been has assigned two destroyers, the | speaking on wide variety of andthe U.S_S, of the Board of Education, Other members of the U.S.S. Hailey few of them related to the and to anchor topics, Rooks, to the area | Board were Frank Chlumsky, William Duffy, Dr offices to which they aspire. The in the Harbor, The ships will arrive candidate for Assembly talks town- Saturday afternoon to assist in the Elwood A. Curtis, and Joseph J. Ulmer. and candidates for ship problems, proper observance of the day, Town Board raise state issues. Michael J. Sullivan, chairman WELCOME VISITORS Approve Bethpage High School of the GOP campaign committee The officers and crew of the jin ie said last night Naval - the here on on the two propositions vess BETHPAGE In voting Saturday, tw Sund “it is a Towne ition has Hill bei ee the in- on (1) to build a new 46 room,a $4,685,580 High School and (2) boat fou no for campaignin Ri eerie small Wsee | clusion in ‘the bulldingof a $18 657 swimming pool, the first proposi- and as conea result are floundering tion to the anchored tion received 1,529 yes votes and 501 no votes. The second received around with the most unbelievable tours for a limited numberpedisof 278. votes and 731-no votes. However since both propositions yes. and terested civilians. between LP issuance the bonds, the high wild-eyed allegatio phoney 2/3 vore. foappreve of and 3 PM. Visitors will embark eadipvone = not swimming pool. ne charges, the” ‘Propo “Tani confident that the people from R cosevelt P ark Dock here, * of our Township pe cani and persons interested may rene for want to continue tn aain good the trip to ai being Servi Dr government of the John at the Roosevelt. Pack at the ap- Cos Burns as ‘supervisor and all the Mr, Burns said, Gar pointed time, 4 other experienced and able candi- This year marks the 30th year

= OYSTER BAY - Municipal garbage collection is continuing to be 4 dates can and will provide.” that the Fleet Reserve Assoc, successful for thousands of the Town ow There are ian 100, 000 an ‘international group, many of highly operation more | ne he i d said of aiH voters for Election Da whose members served ships Oyster Bay Town Board today following upon THEODORE ROOSEVE report from Sanitation Superintendent Louis Kappstatter o Hicksville Nov. 5, when the polls will be on which President Theodore from 6 7 took has made which: showed a 13.3 per cent reduction in collection costs for many open AM to PM, Roosevelt passage, His birthday this Sunday, Oct. 27, areas now being served by municipal collection, a pilgrimage to Oyster Bay. The Starts a year-long Centennial Gele Tlie costcuts which average 13.5 per cent and range as high as 18 per PLAY BY PLAY program will include participation bration across the nation. The Oy- several its 5 cent become effective Jan. 1. Areas in which the ‘new reductions will Capsule Report of How by of distinguished ister Bay Republican Club is:staging pe: take place include Old Woodbury, Southridge, Hicksville, members and.an address Com- a’ huge dinner tonight (Thurs.) at © Syosset and South Farmingdale,Beuip Hicksville Upset Port aideer ltred Diore, USN, re- Garden City Hotelto start the F said he confident continued the presenting Command - ue savin to see program honoring Oyster Bay’s most __Kappstatt eff b page 13 wa th and Third Naval Disui New York, seer nérs will be one h is famous citizen. extended throgghou the areas of Townsh Meadow Brook Bank In New Buildin Novi HICKSVILLE--The Meadow Brook wasiec Bee will open. for banking business in its new three-story building at Newbridge and Jerusalem Aves. on Tues- dag, Nov. 12, it was disclosed today. The Bank, 29 offices in Nassau which operates banking County, .

— will move from its existing office on Broadway at the RR crossing where it has been located for almost a half century. automatic electroni doors at the open house, to which main entrance. : ays is invited, all the community MOSAIC MA will be held atthe new office on Monday, Veterans Day, Nov. A unique feature of the exterior Door prizes will be awarded, anda decoration is a mosaic map of guests will be served coffee and Long Island, extending for more Is donuts, and cider and cookies. ch 80. feet alon the east wall Hicksvil Elephant In addition, a special display of the building, facing Jerusalem . famous antique coin banks made lL incorporate Veteran Campaigner available, ug the Grolier

Society, publishers of The Book - “Republica Club’s elephant has of Knowledge, be. on view. ( ae eea stalwart with nearly ten The new, aee-story of thé Hicksville yts. Tunder ra blue penpalsa: ddle. Angela was born in will ‘house the banking facilities ‘office of Meadow. Brook 1948, the creau rtistic work of John Jeanson of Charles mee _on ioe fies Sloot base- ‘by E, Colthusst, aie North Broadway, Hicksville. She made her debut ondeind third stories president and manager, iii cie in the Hicksville. Tercentennial Parade of that year. - pyare planned for e rental _b able to offer expanded services The small picture at the right shows Angela,

: fefoai thro the a additi: on of two auto Hicksvilleply io 1 h has been ee. ugh tolling down Broadway tohelp celebrate The pulldi is fully air-condi-— teller. windows, larger safe de- 300th Birthday. and extensive fint to her the tioned, with an exterior of glas : Posie facilities, When prese admiring public, for bank alumin and brick, and wih Park custom (continue on page four) ME©-./


; 682 Members For Woodland The J Woodland Ave, School Par- : Dear ee cs ee auant : in ent Teacher Assoc, of Hicksville ans Be et eng peers r eae la hate p held tts nell, Gene “Do you. leave you | go gals? monthly meeti , shopping, t Distric ‘Chairma 80 on Tuesday, Oct, 15. Mrs, P,T.A.' o A friend of ours did at the Repoli, i = Saint super- Ch s d Citi ay R e- Mid Island she had . Shoppi and ‘ P Memb who : a total of 6 lations, most n -- members 55 new explained Apparently someone i the -- but work of UNICEF ones the goal is still 100 per interestingly “first car withkevs in cent, and the fact that "Malnutrition \th © The desperate need for mental and disease go hand in hand; as clinics in soon as have malmutrition Nassau County was you you’ brought to the attention of the will have disease,&qu Mrs, Gilbert members Mrs, P, Sagona was followed by the UNICEF film, Health & Chairman, who also cleared "Assign Children, starring Mission: n up alittle of the Danny Kaye, mystery surround- ; Sefertl arthe Asian Flu an Refreshments, consisting of ing Asian Flu pro- John an the gals coul be I tection, some of the best doughnuts ever Mis, R, Nakeville, President, served and good coffee, were taken it GEARY’ care of the Sixth Feminded all the parents they are by Grade mothers, startin, invited to watch Woodland's st Hal- f th loween Parade - one of the high of Supper-Dance spots the school year as far as the boys and girls are concemed. -American jFor Mercy League for dinner one evening. The fas that terrible. As we left the ‘ Phone: The: Glen Cove-Hicksville SUnset 5—0232 ‘How did you enjoy your din- of R. & W. Jedierow ski Leagu Mercy Hospital will ner? We answered the th service was terrible. Still Where we wait for sponsor a at.9 h a seve his trade but Supper- PM smiling much"., ARTHUR O, on Nov. at the was th don’t want it unless we please him. Milleridge Inn SWICK guest RVEL at the Hicksville Rotary IDEAL in Jericho, last week, The Rotarians issue Bekers at five j bucks s. James Cummings, Chair- each on their car raffle any4 Window 5 Cleaning Co. man has announced that Was. speaking to . Mrs. of Jerusalem Ave., Hicks- Spectalizing in ingee may make their reserva- ville, this week, and she daughter, JOAN, writes from calling the ticket chair- Rice Lake, Wisconsin, that ind is teally happy in the work oe Estates @ Private Homes © en, 8: Thomas Catalano at she has chosen. Miss McGai of St. Ignatius and Our Lady Storm Windows and Screens ells -1-2329 or Mrs. Daniel of Mercy Academy in S Order of the Sisters of Removed and Attached McGrath at Wells St. 5-0572, Francis, Our deepest the on the fecent P.O. Box 307 Hicksville, NY In conjunction with this affair death of a brother, 'Mewho died in Patis, will a journal be published, Mrs, France, onhis w to a gen of Abbots at Citreaux Monas- William Giannelli and Mrs, Mark tery in eastcentral France, use of th Trappist monastic Madden are chairmen of the Jour- Abbot) McGa former resident, Mrs.: LAW- nal, Mrs. Vincent is RENCE Hilly co- EISENHAU. gton, was 71 years of age and chairman allowe’en Cards- with Mrs, Cummings. head of the Trappist Mo Lady of the Holy Ghost, Con- Candy- Costumes All proceeds will go to Mercy yers, Georgia, for the nine FOREIGN LANGUAGE CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW AVAILABL Hospital in Rockville Center. Sorry to hear that Mrs, MAN and family of Notre Dame Ave., Hicksville, had this week, A cousin in COMPLETE LINE OF family OFFICE SUPPLIES Invite Women To New Hyde Park, we unde and the BUSINESS STATIONERY —- GREETING CARDS Szwanigs of Hic SHEAFFER ROMANS. are well on the & ESTERBROOK PENS & DESK SETS Join Sisterhood Albums --+-Are you saving your Photograph — Scrap Books sored by the Hicksville- An opportunity is being offered Shopping Plaza on Nov. HOLDEN’S STATIONERY by the Sisterhood of Congregation 4. 100 BROAD WAY Shaarei for l (Near west Marie street) HICKSVILLE Zedek, Hicksville, women to become y have started to dig up Beth- WFIls t—1249 acquainted . with its benefits and in paving, Seems a shame to OPEN — varied " 9 PM MON. THRU FRI. many activities means of a trial Oh well, with all the traffic on by $ road, we guess the more The membership of year, ending important... PAUL Aug, 31 1958, YURA‘sof W. Martie St. the sick list thisweek, Hope ‘by this writing, Helen, Jr. are feeling better. Formerly restricted to .. Don& member forger the East St. PTA the of the Synagogue, the Sisterhood ie children wilt really enjoy themselves thi be ballo MEADOW BROOK has started’ its expansion program gam - bust, ring toss, bowling, al and book handicraft wmetion«as bark by opening its ranks to non-mem- booth, nition booth and of course, hot the bers, This year has seen the in- . Betchaeve grown- ups will be of new the interested... stituting committees, RAY AUTOMOBILE BONA ZZIof Dane Ai , returned home on testing of new ideas and a renewed Sunday from a week trip to Minn. a8 a of Investors zest in all phases of Sisterhood , guest FINANCE Syndicate for a Sales confe} work, It is believed that a trial and children were at Idle PLAN membership in the Sisterhood would of the little HOOSA wns down result in a family membership in Ave., Hicksville, ROSSICKI of Miller Rd. the Synagogue. Interested persons Hope front are invited to call Mrs. Harold «Good to see the office get ‘back -to normal EXAMPLES OF LOW MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS Braun, W -1-1115 for further infor- with Mrs. ELEANOR SHARRATT of - Center mation, St. Hicksville, k visit with her daughter and family in has NEW CARS USED CARS Preston, Mary) . charge of the Want Adv. of the ~ Dept. HERALD, Amaunt To Be Menthly Amount To Be Monthly’ Babe Ruth Dance .,.. . Have you seen thenewly” Financed Financed Payments Payments principal of St. Ignatius $ Saturday Night its new blond furnil 500.00 16.04 200.00 with 750.00 24.03 Justa réminder not to the taste and the color scheme ++ 14.14 forget +000.00 32.01 Annual Hicksville Babe’ had a hand in all; she d «+ 18.82 Ruth i 1250.00 40.00 for her work, Mother' A . 23.50 League Fall Dance, to be held at . $50.00 fine . i 47.98 the Hicksville Gardens on Saturday new, big American fi; JOE ESATTO of 128 Wood- 759.00 55.97 - night, Oct, 26, starting at 8:30 bury Rd., Hicksville, fter a vacation stay 209 00 upstate 63.95 PM, Missed the gal. from h le Farms... Friends and 2250.00 71.94 former For further information and res- piano students of St. 2500.00 79.92 ervations call WE 5-6841, vent may be interested inhe! Music will be furnished by the many years in Hicksville NO ADDITIONAL CHARGES Domies, A door prize anda gay Mill, N. Y¥...... Nov. parents, have you become a time for .all is promised by the of your P-TA? like a 100% membership ‘by Committee, the first. Will you help, child attending the School Insurance you require can be handled through your own broker and may be financed if desired MAKE SURE noisiest, most utiful flop I ever saw” is the opinion of MURIEL O*DO) rtmouth Dr., Hicksville, YOUR NEW HOME who attended MIKE T few friends, last Thursday night at Madison HAS S tended the affair with her hus- whose - band, BILL, After all th pi ning the tons of food-to be distributed including 3 as chocolate covered . ants, AIDED VY |B MEI OK utchin and the like eggs, nded up with was an apple, a »paraso of shrim and a piec at was taken out of hand mrcatioma’sl hark her pisfi could eat it. In thos who stayed home were better off... OIL BURNE 6.5.0 Knappe and Johnsen e opened a branc office at WORLD'S Northern Member Federal Depes Insurance Corporation 2110 Bivd., have been architects forall MOST MODERN the Hicksville Schools, are

+e Acc ording tothe Hofstr 65 BROACWAY - HICKSVILLE - WE 1-2000 INEER 6-8900 search, the Nassau-Suffo! 127.1, in July.to 127. 4 in of the more recent cutbac! Auxiliary¢ SCHWARTZ FURNITURE The Ladies Auxiliary of the. F,Gouse Jr. VFW Post, Hic! will hold a card and bunc ¢ and Prien will be 24 Thursday evening Oct; £ Op Monda Friday Til 9 P.M.


see Ac ieenders, SSIESbe


NEW OFFICER of the Robert O. Ulmer Mem- G. = CLOTH oral Post, Amvets, in thelr first official ses- adeecOlisak1 sion since their recent Installation. Seated d g spl PreBla le left to right are John Ryan first commande Te Quin relations Insulated Boot

. Louls Mignon post commande Gerr Bre ao wits, nance officer. (Hera e Rotary third vice av aly) yyyF nan, commander. Standi from A inansen). andSho ye. bucks WA V —_ Hicks- Red Cross Holds Insulated , ne Underwea tes from Benefit Nov 15 he work Meeting Nov 6 Jur The Ladies to the Plans for the annual Christmas Insulated Lady Socks _ The isters of Hicksville Chapter of the Sey, American Red Cross will e recent meet in Paris, on Noy, 6 at1;30P,M, at the ne, Soe with Mrs, Public Jerusalem Avé, « Monas- ptie , JACK e PANTS onastic Hicksville, Mrs, Joseph Ul- CA oot in LAW- mer, charge. Plan were completed for the uniforms were being purchased, The

interested in | FREE- age and Anyone the Wo thi old up for sale and di Jambore uniform of the Red Cross is noin- held Satun are t, Con- at get in touch rom FREE: Parkin Fi to attend, fuse wil tuetude just members of

Mrs, Ulmer has — e Dame urged anyone The group Wi interested in ousin in volunteering to help boy-friends as the Tuesday ‘even’ ie meov, peeinat out at the Chapter Headquarters, fire O Di Romans house, AN Mineola, to contact her, She 5 A of 1€ little basket ch awarded O D BR there a é the flu is great need for clerical will WEAR — SPORTING sw SCHOOLS ENTE GOODS .» She be reached at - may ig spon ee Island 1-0020.. Local schools are flooding Mid- 192: BROADWA Island K ‘Brook+ with requests for en- Open P.M. try blanks eein the Hal- Evenings ‘til 9 Except Wednesday s if you forthcoming : Resident Wins loween Wind Pa p Beth- Painting Contest C lame to being sponsored by the center. affic on Trip to Miami Entry blanks have been Teceived Vince Braun’s Meat Market e PAUL already from all Hicks- A resident, Miss Elaine - k, Hope qeri the Nassau County Instal- ville. public schools as as Burns_ 22 Maide:iden Lane, won a FREE DELIVERY Don’t lation Dinner to be held on Nov. and ol + trip to ea Beach for ‘tw via en 7 se en aa will — Northeast Airlines, hotel POULTRY FROZE FOODS including She vanmembers Seeto on bust, 3 a e in Needlework cont made idicra ft hele Guild with the First Anniversary celebra- ees a seat aalae rown- tion of Mid Island Plaza. The an- nougcement was made sunday Monday Oct. 4. 1vestors Other winners included: Mrs. Mrs. B, Joseph Brady, 202 8th St., Hicks— turn... Guaranteed To Go 8 RCA 21& TV down ville;als Console, » courte of Newberry M. Kier-

, Hope nan Inwood, a $100 value cash- t Office o Thru Ice, Mud or Snow mere ‘coat of nheim ATT of courtesy Collins: Richard Ceil fer and Loeser, Pl., Bethpage, a ‘valu crib We the Tow it Adv. or Pay and chiff ferobe set, S00sivia Dee Lin minic, Juvenile Center; Sylv 10 Center leasarit enbaum, Dr., Syosset, n_good Refrigerat cour- aconof There were 17 other | Sister tesy away your chains and winners of lesser jplause prizes who will all be notified mail. with a by Pull-Power."’ Wood- Watch for the Country Tires plus Tow REOPENING before the eas of get full dete Ri by chool? FERRARA’S is the Service rille, Station “WINTERI YOU CA NO AT 3 Permane ANTI Re $3.25 gal West John St & Burns Ave FREE sPecIAL $1, QY sci Due to the widening of Broadwa we are ‘ice at HICKSVI FIRESTONE for. all moving, after 16 years, school from our present DEALER STORE j Re- , y from location at B' and some : Jerusalem Ave. WEll 1-0961-0170 And Ferrara, pel 300 SOU i Ave. BROAD Lek will be W 1-2134 EESSESUASSESS ES SEE HICK will be TOT AUTHORIZED SPORTING GOODS FISHING TACKLE AGENCY WILLIAM’S HARDWA -

87 BROAD (Near Marie st.) HICKSVILLE . Open Moo,. Thurs., Fri. Evenings -

OCTOBER 1957 "PA 4- MD ISLA HERALD — THURSDAY, 24, Hicksvill Elepha Is Vetera Legionnaires’ Log (continued from page one)

elephant rolled on four small wheels close to the CHARLES WAGNER, Post 421, Hicksville, N.Y. gtound, Traction was provided by a small tractor. by Artie Rutz A close inspection of the picture shows two mén seated on the carriage which carried Angela. They are “Pappy Jeanson an Place wh sub “Get that pride of belonging” is and‘ Ed Becker, both past com- ns oe the 1 9 of The American manders, put a goo deal of their Elephant’s Society. plows Drive---Have time to binding minutes of the Angela was involved in the only ecide whic Legion ‘embership | ” in the you paid your 1958 dues yet?--- meetings of many years occurred during the‘8-day Tercentennial celebration past into book form---And they and it wasn&# even her fault. After the parade, it’s 1958 membership could be heard chuckling over was being towed back to her barn a! Duff Ave. . quota by Veterans’ Day, November some of the goings on as reported when a happy participant of the gala festivities but before the 11 and you can do yow share in in those minutes climbed on her back, unbeknownst to the tractor this project by paying now-4-If evening on too well they operator. The hitch-hiker was so happy he fell off in shuffleboard you cannot make the next meet- were 4 aie a and the rubber-tired, lightweight carriage rolled duel th umnee Barnett and : ing which is on November. 5th, over him. Hodkinson ace car- of for-her please mail your check to the Johnny (our Because Angela&# extreme light weight Post---Get in back of Commander toonist)---Once again you' re- size (her original structure is wood and chicken old Smith in this effort to artain our minded that if you have any wire, covered with goodGriffin and Rushmore burlap wearable clothes them the membership quota at one of the but to bring baggi and padding), elephant hitcher suffered the that we take earliest dates in our history---Add to Legion so may only slight injuries. them the her. fuel to our membership out to veteran patients Each year during the month of October, Angela Park October 27th-- of her domicile and the "rock by getting at least one at Kings on comes out year-round hits And know that on trail for the of New member and by the way new you campaign cause Republican good

- Noxe members’ have been pouring into Sth we have a dance going o government, Last year she made a new appearance with the music our ranks the past month it seems supplied by To that all of Hicksville’s veterans bell’s Tinkling Trib --- Once afte now aware that Hicksville's again a reminder that w you American Legion, The Charles haven as yet, to pay your 1958 Wagner Post #4 is the organi- dues now so that we can make zation that they can have that the honor roll of paid up Posts ¢ of belonging to& ---In fact -Thaverun out of applications sev- give eral times (1 usually carry them with as in the me) many times little men were here month I have been on surely are But, wulet&# ‘past stopped eo you sonenot, oe 10, 20 and even 30 the street a veteran who further and the kind of by some- see do it the hadn done a how’ knew I was connected with well be-though' 4, you may chiring those many the American was .~ Legionand asked New Arrivals nevertheless a “pe where and when was an applica- er sy tion available for - - membersh Party-you are ki ae heace My answer was "th and then, A son, Michael Warren, was bom as being an ol’ Boy Scout, I wa Oct. 13 to Mr, and Mrs, Robert DCY. Alan of 66 Bobwhite La, Prepared-- . Goldberg , the Starting Monda Oct, 28, you Hicksville, at pon CHARLES J, McWEENEY of 20 :.. invit Pavilion of Alarm ate to take a gander at our il Fordham Ave,, Hicksville, is the in one He 7 Ib. 3 oz America Legiondisplay of Freeport, weighed Democratic candidate for Highway Gertz’ jows at the Mid His mother is the former Allen shop Superintendent. He. was bom in Island Plaza---Don't thar | forget Radinsky, Poughkeepsie in 1924, is married - ~ this Two Saturday afternoon, Oct, 26th, and hasone child. He received his give ingly to ICKSVILLE grass fires, at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.Niemczyk uto a and starting 1P.M. until4P,M. bachelors degree in business ad- your demands for prizes and fire, wrong alarm, is the clos of Hicksville, are the proud parents mbulance calls the Fire celebrating ministration from Pace College to your numerous kept recat ofa daught Cynthia Agnes, born in the of ing UNITED STATES WEEK New York City. During World War Tali activities, etc, busy during period witha oben at Hicks- Oct. 16 at Huntingt Hospital. be Lett mi tally Ihe spent two years and 10 months: Let&# fair, keep in ville High School---Bring the ye rr Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moseman in the US Army Combat Engineers family to this event and b : on Oct.15, help of 55 Meadow serving in the ETO, Subsequent- eing you and you Lane, Hicksville, aiklie on honor this very vital week in the The small businessm: an was the following day the of a ly he was employed as accountant you, 4 are prond parents daughter, and Fox history of the of our great and service for your community needs you La. Pl. Lee born - 8 at manager Monogram maki Ann, Hemp- ¥ nation--- realize it Oct. 18, the vamps put out stead General Hospital. International Corp, For the past you soon, you the terrifi rainfall Last soarto fact too Despite seven years he has been controller awaken the late, Friday night the club house was needed him too, Robert and Marguerite Burt of for the Council for Intemational you really more than well filled with mem- Do live in a 214 W.. Marie Progress in Management undercon- you want to St., alarm came bers who came to relax and enjo: tract of the US town? store after wrong on..Oct. welcomed a son, Robert agencies a from Box 246 at two o t Jerusalem good company---However, Ni Dan wie hnical store? Noone you can stop born on Oct. 12 at the F and Dante Ave. The blaze earliest Bob 5 arrivals, Mangels prog ™m. fast spreading epidemic. Why


/ BOY. INP SPoTWICK, OR BvsTr Bill: I°ll show you how f if

down. schéol taxes ... Ju get rid of the houses wi: all those kids. Guy: Carmen ond Ave will be proud of you. This is real planning. I used fo mann, Ing folks trimming. eve Fr. Bollweg of St. Ig- ‘] Loyola Church and Dr. Turk Plainview who attende:

ive so much comfort when most id. BILL & GUY Mrs. James H. McNamee DESTRUCTION Co. and Family Main Office: we take this opportunity of Tammany Hall a our many friends and and members of the Organizations to which 1 also th mbe for the kindness and extended to me in the a of my sister and her hus- f Clearwater, Florida, I am helpful to every one for it us along a difficult road ‘gave us consolation in our sorrow. May Our Father&# g be upon you always, MID- HERAL Mrs. Mina Baumgardner Official Newspaper, Hicksville School District ES TO GERMANY Published Weekly for the Mi@Jsland Community at Hicksville, Long Island, N.Y, ‘uanita McN, FRED J. NOETH, Editor and Publisher har St,Hiclavi fle HOWARD FINNEGAN, Sports Editor Address correspondence to P.O, Box 95 Office: 98 NorthGroadway, nextto P.O. Hicksville Telenhones WElls 1-1400&# WElls 1-0346 .,

MID ISLAND HERALD — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 PAG 5 Treats for 2. ’ Hallowe ~~

Bohack’s has EVERYTHI

folio— ween. .ysweet .. fresh, crisp, juicy apples. &a tangy,apple cider... big yellow pump- ~

~ kins ie and wide variety of cakes and

: at a to candie . .. big saving you!


4s regarded as amodel document. Left to PRINTED COPIES of sight Frank Mallett. the Cade of Social Be- ore rs. Henry Lensky, president of Junior D. havior for Hicksville: Junior High School, High P-TA; Frank Maguill, L fons Club educa- composed by the Parent-Teacher Assoc., have tion chairman; Mrs. Mortin Polsenski, chair- Photographer the bee prepared by Hicksville Lions Club man of th e P-TA social behavior committee; @s a The community service. Code hes. been and Bernard Braun, principal of Junior Hig Phone WElls 1-1460 widely distributed in educational circles and School. (Photo by Frank D. Mallet f 183 Plainview Road Hicksville 200 at Old Ferrara Heads Kiwanis Club JERICH -- Andrew Ferrara will following board of directors: bethe 1958 of the Country P-TA president Hicks- Louis Ruben- ville Kiwanis Palladino, Philip Over 200 parents attended the Club, succeeding Stein, Charles D. Dr. Robert Wallace, Eginton, meeting of the Old Country Road Charles Masek, Julius Schwart, of Other officers elected last P.T.A. Hicksville on Oct 16, Francis Anderson, William Mur- Wednesday include Patrick at 8:15 P.M, F. phy and Frank Chlumsky. Caputo, vice Louis E. Mrs. Martin Polsenski opened president; Appointive officers are Louis the Kappstatter, treasurer; and the This has meeting with a Prayer. Miss Klein, recording secretary; Paul product no connection whatever with The Americon Notlonel Red Crom Mabel Harris, teacher, led the Drake, corresponding secretary; } CHAPTER MEETS Pledge of Allegiance. and Richard at arms. America Thi next of Smith; sgt unchallenged 95 Mrs. Sam meeting the Mid- he $449 2 Christiano was nomi- Island’ Kiwanis will sponsor a teen S nated Chapter of the Nephrosis shoe value *9 and unanimously elected to dance at the Hicksville High 1 Foundation will be«eheld on Tues- the position of Division this fires, Recording Secre- ‘School, Ave, , Fri- 4 day, Oct. 29 at 8:30 at the al p.m. tary. Southedge day night, Oct. 25, at 8 PM. Julius Mrs. A, School, Magnolia Drive, W, Schall, speaking Massapequa, Schwart: is the chairman, od of for the Legislation Committee, urged everyone to get out and Mid- vote on Election Day, | the The parents very Ric enjoyed Ly on Dr. Alan Fromme's talk which FAR @ urged parents to relax more with t out their young children, not to ex— ‘HICKBROILERS 2% 1b. ip. FOR FINE SHO 35¢ pect miracles from them as "chi rusa = dren are and always will be chil- Bonel isket ! 118 BROADWAY, HICKSVILLE WElla 1-286 dren&q and above all be happy in COR BE 69¢ 11.j) family, life as youngsters thrive on love and happiness, CHUC STEAK 45¢ 10 Delicious refreshments were pre- pared and served by the Sixth Grade Call KROEMER at WElls 1-0500 mothers- at the close of the meet— ing. FOR YOUR LAWN AND GARDE SUPPLIFS

» Ses

Visitor y Coast j to Hof Italian - Bread TEA BAGS Chrysanthemums ‘W BLoom JamesV.°McLaughlin, formerly Oa SUNDAY . 79% of Sunset has 61 Ave, Hicksville, re- ¢ GIANT CLUMP IN BASKET= turned to his Murray Hill, NJ. $1.25 Free - home after visiting California, At Delivery Phone WE 1-0892 a conference of the American 128 Woodbury Rdo, Bet Bethpage Rd. & Park Aves. Hicksville Petroleum Credit Assoc held in San Francisco, He was elected DUTCH BULBS director’ for three years of this oF - group of credit and finance ex= TULIPS, TOP GRADE 1$ ecutives of the major integrated Lebkueche doz ‘Lync Inc HYACINTHS ...... 0...... $ .17 each and independent oil companies » RED EMPEROR TOP throughout the country. Prior to A TULIPS, GRADE $1.00 doz. the conference, Mr. McLaughlin Professional Insurance Agency GRAPE HYACINTHS $ .25 doz. visited the plants of an affiliated CROCUS 2 35 ; doz company in Los Angeles and Oak= AGENTS: FOR-- SNOWDROPS ...... p 45 doz la SCILLA SKY BLUE 45 doz Aetna Ins. Co $ DAFFODIL, KING DOUBLE NOSE ALFRED, . $1.25 Travelers Ins. doz. Companies E. H. KRELAGA Christian Mothers DAFFODIL, .... $1.18 doz. and Other Leading Insurance Companies To Meet SALE REO POWER MOWERS .|6 : oF 29 W. Marie St., N.Y. WE 1- 1000 The St. Ignatius Loyola Auxil= seHickville, Reg Price Sale Price

7 Revo-Trim 18 79-95... iary of Christian Mothers will meet Rotary, «+++... $ 2.15 63.95

Revo-Trim w/Recoil . « $ 68.50. on Monday evening Oct. 28 in the

Spin-Trim 18&q Deluxe. . .. school hall on E, Nicholai St., 21°& Deluxe Hicksville, at 8:15 PM, Rev. THE HOHE OF FOO Spin-Trim . .« _ LOND; MichaelLeavy, CYO Director will WWE HONE OF Royale 18&q reel Deluxe 21&# reel Deluxe speak on "Te Age Dating”, Royale Coffee and cake will be served OLD Power-Trim 18°? Rotary, SP Power-Trim 21&# SP at the close of the COUNT Rotary, ys . meeting.

Trim-A-Lawn 25&q reel... 25 eee e $269,.95.... Ride-A-Lawn 25&q reel. DELICATES ...+e+. $379,.95,..... $303.95 In the CENTER SHOPS W 200 Old - Kroe Country Rd., Hicksville


— 120 B’way Hicksville SEEDS TOOLS — MOWERS — FERTILIZERS __ nen failv il 1 Pt. W 1-1484 WEST JCHN STREE WELL 1-0500 HICKSVILL _‘

ocToB 1957 PAG 6 - MID ISLAND HERALD — THURSDAY, 24 & Class Representatives ‘Meet DRUG FACTS 5 ac meeting sen, Mrs. Basini, Mrs..Fred Boden- Representative _ Delbert: Mrs. was hél in the All Purpose Room siek, Mrs. Whitten, Hicks- Mrs, Willson, of Old Country Road School, t, Edgar Mrs, ville, onOct. 8 at 3 P.M, to wel- Mrs. Harry. Schisidelman, come the 1957-58 classroom F.H. Howard and Mrs. Peterson, AWINNER! YOULL mothers. This committee is spon- Second Grade: Mrs. Thomas — WIN TOO —IF sored by the P,-TA. Rascoll, -Mrs. Arthur Roth, Mrs, YOU BRING YouR Mrs. Robert Capel, Chairman, Dale Mrs. M. J. Fahe

ro Mrs. : Albert PRESCRIPTIONS TO addressed the mothers and explain- Eugene Mandel, ed how the operates, the Giardina, Mrs. Edward Brown, Mrs, program ~ duties and what it does and does Richard Bernstei Mrs. Theodore SMITH' not include. Cohen, Mrs. Morris Schoenthal, The following is the list of Walt Werner and Mrs, Pol- mothers who were requestedto be Me

- Bernar PHARM Classroom Representatives for this Third Grade:Mrs. Uebel, Mrs. . Anthony Bocchiere, THEY GIVE You a Par: Mrs. Wil- Charles Lieder, Mrs. Cornelius } JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR Kindergarten classes, liam Mrs. Robert Foy, _.Mrs. Donald Miller, Mrs. oroERs! Maher, Barasch, Mrs. Bernard Handelman, Mrs. Sanford Abeles, Mrs. Frank Mos- Charles Ober, Mrs. Jack McCann, chetto, Mrs. Robert Capel and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Farley, Mrs. Charles John Crenson, Lewis F ‘fourth Mrs. Edward Hea- Niedecker, . Smith, grade; Mrs, Anthony Bellacera, Mrs. feli, Mrs. go Ferdschneid Mrs. Cornwall Dufur, Mrs. Wesley Mar- Ralp Cascardo, Mrs. Austin Bow- tens and Mrs. James Hubbs, les, Mrs. Saul Markow, Mrs. Gould William Rem- Mrs. Mrs. First: Grade:Mrs. Hulse, John Caldwell, ~ CHECK round ond Ed NEW loying squore- dBruton, Mrs. Herbert Freed- BRAILL is CWV man and Mrs. Ted Schwartz. shaped plastic checkers opposing players, being Auxiliary Fifth Grade:’ Mrs, Walter Biel, distributed to, local hos; litation centres and organ- Mrs. William Mrs. Charles Molin, izations for the blind b ville Lions Club, according to Benefit Mrs.‘ David Arranges Catalano, Poller, Dr. Lowell 0. Glatt, Richard Mrs. Club President: Lawren ‘affrey. . Skully, Joseph demonstrat A card party for the benefit of Grittani, Mrs. Joseph Strockbine, chairman of the Lions 5 ation committee, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Catho- Mrs. William Mrs, Harold Persons who Goeller, ed the checker set of th eeting recently. lic War Veterans of Nassau County Lowig, Mrs.‘ James Conaghan and the Lions need fora re asked fo write will be held on Wednesday even- Mrs. Raymond Keller. may have o ing at the home of Mrs. Arthur Sixth Grade: Mrs, Clifton Bain, Club, Gox 201 . Hicksv Rettberg, 42 Harding Ave., Hicks- Mrs. Martin Polsenski, Mrs. Max ville at 8:30 p.m. All are cord- Meier, Mrs. William Tauby, Mrs. ially invited to attend. There will Robert “Avenius, Mrs. Joseph Annudl Rally <caymen be prizes and refreshments will be Dorenbecker, Mrs. Salvatore Vi- served. Proceeds will towards go tale and Mrs. George Clinton. This yearthe Lutheran La’ Boatd of Social Missions of the making vestments for the Mission Assoc, of Nassau County United Lutheran Church in Ameri- Circle of the Society of the Propa- Barn Dance Richard Eisemann of 259 Je’ ¢a. He also serves as atfnember

gation of the Faith, - BETHPAGE The Butehorn Bros, Ave, Hicksville, is secretary, Of the Joint Department of Family rupti Mrs. Thomas Harmer of Levit- Post 4987, VDW issponsoring a Barn Life of the National Council of town is dent of the Auxiliary. p Dance this Saturday,.Oct, 26, at this Sunday, Churches, His subject will be 9 p.m., in the American Legion Adelphi College “The Continuing Reformation”. | Halloa Washingt St., here. Do~ Garden City, at 3:30 P,M, Music isin charge of Prof, Law- nation is $1.50 per person, and The speaker at the Rall nce Rasmussen. beac tickets may be secur from Rudy year willbe the Rev. Harold WE 1-6711 at the d: Executive Secreta Gorlitz, or or. Ph. D, , _-—— The next meeting of the Hicks-

le - Cove Mercy League COMPLETE LINE OF HALLOWE'EN SUPPLIES Glen will be held on Thursday, Nov. GREETING CARES — STATIONERY — BOOKS at the home of Mrs. Michael 11 Soundview Rd., Glen BROOKS STATIONERS, (in Center Shops) linded that the Sale 224 Old Cuantry Road, Hicksville Rummage the group will be held at the d P on Nov, 4,5, Mss. Harold Smith, of chairlady in charge. YOUR NEAREST that you can offer sale by calling her at Walnut ~1-2693. Alsd’she can use

mection with the sale, Proceeds of the sale will go towards Mercy Hospital, Rockville Centre. LEGAL NOTICE

NOTICE OF HEARING UPON LIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE iS UEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the ‘Own of Oyster Bay for the fiscal ar beginning January ist, 1958 TZ -- * BROADWA HICKSVILLE las been completed and file in the Office of the Town Clerk a Tues Wed. Sat.9 FOR FINE SHOES Zara ee ee 118 BROADWAY. HICKSVILLE & person at ‘all reasonable

= pavt notice is hereby given jt the Town Board of the Town eectOPEN Oyster Bay will meet and re- DAILY said preliminary budget and . UNTIL fol ‘a public hearing thereon, at ‘the Town Hall, Oyster Bay, N.Y., 10 P.M it 10 o'clo A.M. on the 29th Melaiid- Gatta i DEP day of October, 1957, and that at suc hearing any person may be

Mary budget as compiled or BRO DELICATE OF against any item or items Hicksvi! 72 Broadway in contained. 11 of it & W NICKELSEN, prope to Section the MARI — th propose salaries n\Officers are

ye in an year ‘ou on [SFEQ 900, 00

13, 500, 00 12,000.00 & 00 "H Servi 15, 000, FOR 12, 000 00 YOUR YARO OF SER CENTER TOWN BOAR O To get this book and a NORTHS ‘N OF EER BAY. free fence estimate, call WE 1-9 SP SMithtown 2~3533 272 N. B’ way, Hi Ploneer 6—5854 or Ploneer 6—0863 cksville 482 Jericho Turnpike Mineolo, New York CA 8 TRUC REP N. OFFICE O”7 EN UNTIL 2 PM SATURDAYS Work rantaed Bay, 4 Rea rt om8, 1957 John G. Vasser, Prop. ONLY UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION MANUFACTURE CYCLONE FENCE O 10/2 «|

a . af Se Bi Cit

Shoes Party in suede and potent leather for For Bia and Little Sister Gr Tow z Democrats, the Brown following Black — Blue lead of ‘their Tammany — Big a City. - Sizes 64 —3 bosses& have made Proposition No, 1 on the Election Day ballot, B-C-D-—E Width political issue. Edwin J, Fehren- bach of (Bethpage, Republican candidate for state assemblyman, Mid Island told _ an audience at Massapequa MID ISLAND SHOPPIN PLAZA Wednesda night, the Republicans ee have Hicksville, N.Y. : not made it a party issue but WElls 8~7340 call sharp attention to: . 1. The ‘adequacy of the more Careful legislative proceedures for Constitutional amendment. The 2. danger os losing basic tights in theconfusion, ‘political ° maneuvets and | package deals that GRAND ate of typical the Convention pro- cedure, fi vA _ 3, The waste of five million TWO MEMBERS OF BUILDING dollars of TRADE (from left) Walter Mare- the taxpayers‘ money for ton and Ralph Osbome, their views to an unnecessary Convention, give State Assembly can- to didate for of the ling 4, The cunning, rapacious in= Supervisor Town of Oyster Bay, regarding the tent behind the a Glatt, Democrat drive proposa by Democrat fo declare @ mortitorium on small home for a convention, OPENIN strate construction in the township as a means of curbing school taxes. who BIG CITY s CONTROL The proposal has been branded as illegal. Fehrenbach and “This Fashio Floors Lions time Tammany would Burns visited construction projects in Bethpag and the Mid- Carpet Center use a Constitutional Convention Island area. (Jim Healy photo) to get control of the state legis- FRE INSTALLATION .~ lature. Such’ control can stitution and bring amend the same&qu tional corivention endeavor to annexation of Nassau to New is the first York question at the top of paint -it as 4 rare opportunity for Of City and we wh fled the to Oyster voting machine, reading from the people to make important Carpetin & Bay will be the Broadloom O; Township repatriated left. Fehrenbach urged a “No” changes inthe State fundamental is Of the to live again under Re- vote on this. All-Orders Big City law&q he continued, “If past ex- Ameri- mote Control with Big City Right next Placed before 1 taxes, to Proposition No. 1 perience is repeated on Nov, 5, Nov. fnember Big City crime and is Big City cor- Amendment No, 1 which pro- the voters in the state who don Family ruption, Fehrenbach stated. “Alert vides authorization of a bond issue care whether there is Samples of a constitu- to ~ uncil of your ‘neighbors for an overwhelm= for of the State Carpeting brought expansion Univer- tional convention sufficiently to will be ing ‘No’ to proposition no, 1 on sity, A vote ef " on amend- pull a lever on a voting machine ” your nation&quo tne ballot on|Election Day, ment No. 1 for higher education will exceed ¢ither the number hom f, Law- 4 Proposition No. 1, “Shall there is urged, wh vote for a convention or against 200 beaconvention to revise the Con- "Th who favor a (Plus) sompies of & constitu- it. In 1936 when 5,690, 093 voters colors, styles weaves, in- went to the polls, 3,086,214 ove cluding such brands as skipped the question.” Roxbury, Art Loom, Mage Hic ks- Stanford, Beattie & Others } League NGOWER /RED WALTE Juniors to Meet y, Nov. 263 The Junior Youth of the Michael Group OldCountryRd., - ° Hicksville MY DICK SAYS | Glen AND GENERALLY WALTZ INTO Congregation Shaarei Zedek, E. .» (opposite Centre THERE BUTONE TS ABOUT Barclay St,, Shops -ORINK THAT, Hicksville, will hold | MAKES HIM 4 meeting on Oct 24 at OPE ‘TILL’9 PM THURS. ie gue are WALTERS Thursday, & FRI” Dizzy, 7:30 pm in the For ge Sale SHOP Vestry room, LIQUOR in tion at the regarding the group ‘call Mrs.Hal Miller, Wells 5-3229 W Wells L___ cater Murray Altman, 1- 8-447 | an offer g her at can use rom the in con- rocee ds s Mercy LIQUOR 9 4B ds -3 PON T Phone: WE EN that Just 8-2424 of the WALTER S fiscal LIQUOR SHOP 14 W. ST. Phon J t, 1958 MARIE (opp. Big Ben) HICKSVILLE Hicksville WE ¥-0600 © filed in INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ‘ lerk at < SINCE i138 ere it is by any sonable y given e Town and re- -MICHELE’S BAKE SH get and eon, at 1052 Old Road N.Y., Country (Morton Village Shoppin Center) Plainview 2 1¢ 29th

| that at be ANNIVERSARY may CELEBRATION ~ he pre- ne piled or 3 items

3 of the Daily Specials 29 - salaries Starting Tuesday, Oct. sers are

-- All Agsorted Tuesday Rings. .. Regular 65¢..,.. Special 49¢ 500.00 Assorted Wednesday--All Pies. ... 500, 00 Regular 75¢..... Special 59 900, 00 Thursday --All Pound Cakes..... Regular 80¢ ib,.. Special 59¢ Ib. -= All 500. 00 Friday Bobkas, Russian, Scotch...... -. Special 59¢ 000.00 Saturday -- All Cakes... Small Layer 69¢ ..... Large 000, 00 99¢ 000,00 : < «O ENTIRE WEEK ERBAY

&a : Lido Ice Cream 1/2 gallon... Regular-$1.29,.....Special 89¢ ; All r Blintzes,...... eeeceees Regular 11¢ ea.... Special 9¢ea. » eae Phone OV 1-15 _Open7AM.-9PM. — Thursday, October 24, 1957


Sam and and their Sally bowling clu are playing on brand new alleys tonight ...no telling what the score will be...

the Recently Mr. Smith, owner of the alleys, got a business loan from his local commercial bank, and did a first class job of modernization. No the alleys are doing a bigger business than ever before, and the and their Spriggs neighbors have a fine new place for recreation,

. The new bowling alleys are typical of what iz

happening every day. ‘ Serv.ce industries (like the bowling alley) borrow ‘o add new equipment, give better service... ‘i. ufacturers borrow from local commercial banks to add machinery, increase production, make more jobs, better jobs...

Merchants borrow to take advantag of buying opportunities, to offer more goods at lower prices to Mr. and Mrs. Consumer.


Only commertial ban loans. Help yourself, more secure-—make your family bank. f ; accounts,

‘ checking acedunts, lo: leposi and all other ‘bankin se _




apec has a Movie Time Tabl Seu‘= bbort & te sia SACK sn THE C Sun, thru Tues. , 10/27, 29 Port ~GLEN COVE _ land Expose 10:40; No Down Thurs., 10/24: No Down Pay- ~ 8:50,Be ment 3:00, 6:15, 9:40; Portland Paymen N K Expose 1 45 5:00, 8:20, SHORE, HUNTINGTO Fri. 1Sat 10/25 26: Geran eala Until They Thurs., 10/24: Until they Sail Sail 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:40; Sierra 2:25, 5:3 8140; Death’ in Small. Stranger 3;19, &315 7.1179, 9:20. Doses 4:00, 7:05, 10:18, ome Sat. Mom, Kiddie Show, 10/25: Fri, Sat., 10/2 26: Unti They 3 Cartoons 10;30; Hallowee , Con- Saill;10, 4:10, 7:20, 10:35; Death: teston © stage 10:45;3 Brothers 11:15 Doses o0 5250, 9:10, Congo Bill (Chapter 11345; Bowe a Eethru Tues, 10/2 28: Until Boys Meet the Monster 12:00, Sail 2:225, 5:30, 8:40; Death Sun. Mon, , , Tues, , 10/27-28-29: th in Small Doses 54:00, 7:05, . 10:19. The Helen Morgan Story 2:50, 5:45, 325; Black Patch 1:30, 4:20, HUNTINGTON 8:00. e UNDER Thurs., 10/24: Helen Morgan one F 1s mit FReeL LEVITTO Story 1:20, 4355, 8:80; Black Patch Cke Rae 3320, 7:00, 10:45, plus coreTO HELL . 10/24; Written On The SIMMON S Thars., JEAN and Starts Fri., Sat. , 10/25, 26: Black Patch Sunda Wind 1:80, 3:25, 5:25, 7:20, 9:20. are Pa of the romantic principals NO ~ 1:25, 5:15, 9:05; Morgan Fri,, 10/25: Written On The * Dow Armee als Story 2:50, 6:45, 10:35.Kis in "Un They Sail&q unfolding the PO Wind 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:40, 9:45, love stories of four beautiful Sun, thru Tues. 10/27, 29: James sisters Sat., 10/26: Written On The in New Zealand during World War Dean Story 1:05, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05; + QAILROEO.S CARITAS ChMRUSEL Wind 6:19, 10:20; Jack & MINIAINIOR ROUND © 20 SHINES 8:17, Black Scorpion 2:30 5:30 8:40, Il, JoanFontaine, Piper Laurie and MERRY_L the Beanstalk 2:00, 4:00; Cartoon inact the other sisters + CHAIR RIDE SLIDES. Show 1:30, 3:30, of the drama which is at the Cove Sun. to Tues. 10/27-29: Solid Square Dancing Theatre, Glen Cove, Friday and Until They Saif&a Death in Small Doses GoldCadillac 1:30, 3: 5:25, 7:20, Oct. 25 and 26. Starts Monday 2 Saturday, _ 9:20, The Three Facesof Eve Wed Thurs., 10/ 31: Giant Set for Nov 16 WEDDING HIGHT also The Restless Breed 1:30, 4:50, 8:15. The Sisterhood of the Midway Sagamore Lodge and Sisterhood , Hele Morgen Stor & The Black Partch of Knights of Pythiaswill hold a (Th HICKSVILLE Jewish Center of Hicksville has Starts Sunday— “Wedding N 7 on Dec 7 Sat., 10/26: Run of the Arrow scheduled a Square Dance for The Black Scorpion 16 at For a Wedding gift of $1.50 per, 2:07, 5:47, 9:27; Man of 1000 Saturday. evening, Nov. elso The James Dean guest you will have all the laughs Story Faces 3:32, 7:12,| 10:50, 8:30 P.M. Chairman Mrs, Sam you can stand, s by Estelle Sun. thru Tues., 10/27-29: The Mogavero and her committee Garrett, all the ‘pplifoo you can oat, BrothersRico2;00, 5:17, 8:34;Fire have planned an evening whichis certain to be different from the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Sag- Down Below 3:21, \6:38, 9:55. NEW POLICY a t Century Shere and of dances, @more and dancing to the music of Hunting- 31: ordinary type square ton Theatres, Wed,, Thurs,, 10/30; Doctor Fort and his SUNDAYS thru THURSDAYS the There will be many games, gim- John Orchestra. at Large 2:07, 5421 8:35; Inter- LAST SHOWING OF FEATURE a? 8:40 P.M wonderful For invitations or further infor- lude 3:45, 6:59, 10:10. micks, refreshments, (Followed by Asscciate Faature). mation contact Thelma Lewander, Fries /I: Tip on|a Dead Jockey great array of wonderful Wells 1-0098 or Jerry 2:00, 5:21, 8:42; House Numbers Prizes. The callers will be Lowinger, o g 9-3879. 3:49,) 7: 1 10:3 and Sol Slutzky. The Squar e Chapel : ance will take place at the “ DRIVE-IN 11 yosset Fire House, All those in- 4-5-6- COVE “5 Prank’ i Sat., 10/25; 26; Joker is terested in purchasing tickets are ae 3 V200, Short Cut | 10:45; to Hell advised to call Mrs, Mogavero. Mo @ORS ie pile Classes} w Te Ose individual att’n.) Fri-Sat Oct 25-26. ot ALIBI Present Not Satillite - Play RUTH WALTO Until They Sail “(ood Food Always” ’ The blue object that you will be This Weekend in the SCHOOL OF AMERICAN DANCE Seeing sky on near cinemos cop | Newly Enlarge &q Ave, and 3rd Mineola isn age &a Hicksville Actor's Playhouse pre: St., J. Simmons- J. Fontaine sentati Russia’s Encore "T -Girl ‘O The Via Flaminia’ satillite it’s the SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY plus i Dining and Banque ‘Theater's moon. In ol ordemeer ee € by Alfred Hayes will be shown at OFFER NOW ~ SIERRA gointo the American Legion Hace UNTIL Room The Division Ave |School in Lev- HowerdSTRANDu i _across. from the Mineola Rattr THANKSGIVING ittown on Oct 25 and 26, It isa CALL MARIE JAGOBS, MGR. Station and see not only the moon, candidly realistic and compelling W 8981 ‘DINNER SERVED drama which is recommended for ‘but the locally famous Encore Oct 27-29 Sun - Tue. 5:30 til Theater Players adding their spec- 9:30 P.M. adults only. It was first shown in jal touch toF. Hugh Herbert’s Sundays and Holidays “The Circle on The Square& in Broadway " Moon is Lawnview 1955. Burns Mantle includes this hit, Blue&q The-Helen 12 Noon till 9:30 P.M. All the proceeds will-go to the play in his t: 2 best/for 1955-1956. Teen Players, a group of teenage ca: includes Renee Seafood Haven IDANCIN - ALIBI TRIO thespians. The ‘Encore Theater ‘Rissacher, Murray|Lemkin, Anita Stor makes many donations to com- Steinberg, Kut Segall of Beth- offers Morgan e Sat. @ munity charities annually. If you&# Every Nite page; Irving Shapiro, Howard FRI -— SAT -— SUN like to the obtain in - Bert Speer of join group, cinemascope 50 R- Berger, Levittown; formation Old Countr Wells 8- - Ken Korade and Marcel Weissbrot by calling A. Blyth P. Newman of Massapequa; Stephinie Byer of 2 Stuffed Lobsters plus WEll .. . . $3.95 BLAC 1-9660 Wantagh; and Ruth Sherry of PATCH Prime Ribs of Beef . . . $2.56 George Montgomery Hempstead. 2ist Mercy Ball . Bway & Jerusalem Ave. The production is directed by Baked Sword Fish . . . . $1.85 Joseph Crucilla of East Meadow Edwar! Robinson Jr. of Oyster who has directed professionally Bay has been named chairman of for several years: He. has been the Town of Oyster Bay Division DANCING EVERY SAT. EVE associated with The Dobbs Ferry Gf the special gifts committee for TO THE MUSIC OF NEWEST Hall on tone tstand Playhouse, Playhouse Albany, Al- the 2lst Mercy Ball to be held at Catering THE LAWNVIEW TRIO bany Ligh fou Company, The the Garden City Hotel Nov. 22, Provincetown The ater in New York, Hempstead Presiding Supervisor HICKS VILLE and The RedBarn Theater in North= Edward P.. Larkin, chairman for GARDE _ Luncheons trom 90¢ up port, L,I, Nancy Slostrum of Ley= special gifts, also named Francis : Dinners from $1.85 up Catering to ‘ittown, who is a very talented Ja Donovan of Farmingdale and artist, will design the sets, Michael J. Sullivan 6f Hicksville Weddings-Banquets- to serve with Robinson LAWNVIEW For reserved seats call PE 5— on f Oyster Committee, a 7020. Bay RESTAURANT Bar Mitzvah-Dinner Dances Hicksville House Upholstery Sa, B’ Hicksville 244 Old Country Ree WE 8-0400 .- Co 355 ,

; “Custom Built Re- ok ae Toni aWe (1 Bik. W. Newbridge Rd.)eee : Custom Mad Slip Covers — Drope — Cable Complete Line of Upholstery Suppli annem 106 Broadway, Hicksville. NY WEl 1=3484 ae E PLAINVIEW | Sun-Tues Oct 27-29 & THE BROTHERS RICO WINES with LIQUOR Richard -Conte also YOUR COMMUNITY STORE&qu FIRE DOWN BELOW 516 Old of S, Oyster Bay Rd. wi Country Rd just Eas Robert Mitchum Plainview,|\N.Y. Yo Rina- Bring WE 1-4646 | dock Lemmon Rita Hayworth ‘GEARY’ TAVER Prano Player Every Friday Saturday HICKSVILLE 100 NORTH BROADWAY : / » Phone: WE 1-0749 oe ee|

w SNO B Bo Seever

O PLAINVIEW DEADLINE; M for both MI ISLAND LD and IERALD, Want ads appear in» both pers F, only, deadline Thurs 10 AM.- . Charge $1 for 15 words,


-R& TV - FOR FAST SERVICE Basements & AC CHIMNEY & call Joe WELL 1-6867. Be Hair HICKSVILLE SPECIALT ; Free FURNACE CLEANERS Attics Alterations hair Oil burners cleaned and service mted removed pemianen: irom face, arms, legs, body “Oil Burners - Fuel Oil Quality Printing TES. FREED roly sis. m Heating & Plumbing iptman WEll CONSTRUCTION CORP. P.O. Box 111 WEIIs 24 Hrs. © installations 5-3970 lal se per Day B. & J. HEATINC CO, Inc. 208 E. 2nd St. Hicksville, N.Y aes &qu Mineola, L.I. NCR BOOKKEEPING, PAY- SUPERFLUOUS Bae WElls 5-9784 TREMO HAIR, rolls,. financial statements afd mtly, inexpensively. Days, [Vanhoe 6 — 6262 I INCRE TE WORK VERY EASTCHESTER nings Air conditioned. Louise. keeper. Reasonable. WEILIs. reasonable, John Baldasare. WE lls FREE ESTIMATES ‘credited operator. Radio & TV Service WElls 8-5627 eeswrite °, 8-0092, COMPLETELY INSURED P Bo WE Ils 55329 345 Syosset, N.Y. ROOFS REPAIRED INSURANCE~ PLAINVIEW’S FINEST WANTED work, guarantee one year, John&# “USED FURNITURE AND KNICK- TV SERVICE Roofin and Siding WEIls 5-9894. kmacks. Bought and sold. Call “JU WANTED-PAPER, RAGS, 5-1205 MO machine stove PLUMBING AND HEATING WE or 1+5480. washing Contractor, Free Estimates, No } & Call WEUs 5-9516. small. fe tgs lar or too WEI|s, ELECTRICAL CARPENTER and Installations Service CABINET MAKER CHILD CARE &qu OFFER A Socket to a Complete Home WAXING No job too small FLOOR PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE 2 ast. 1952 WEEK OLD KITTENS 1

. PORTER SERVICE Oscor Nat PE 1-9371 PE 5~0264 MID- females, WElls 1-5541 . Homes — Offices — Stores BENNETT and SCHMALL HICKSVILLE W 5.7107 WE 8-5923 Baby Sitter . FLOOR WAXING SERVICE a FOR SERVICE 120 Broadway WElls 5-4444 Virginia Ge Vitra!

& Refrigerator Mature Competent Mothers “SE PIECE GREY WALNU FAR AND +24 Service WElls ‘Foom set in perfect condi- CARPETS, RUG FURNITURE BETTER JOB Hre 1-2677 wirw) FRE 4 IRE ) china, table, cleaned, shampooed, stored. MESH aswroncemsurs 00) wa Washer Service S WEIls 8-7200, Mayflower Rug CARPORT REAL ESTATE CALL — WE Cleaning Co, ORIVEWAY 5-8496 20 | years exoerience ran ‘cone PATIOS. ere. Sa oor con= BS 9 : enera ontractors Fred GOT INSECT 54837 ‘lSee For Yourself!’ OR RODENT Kraus “W RS PROBLEMS? REALTOR Phone: WEls 1—6264 FOR RENT B8 North Bway. Hicks vill ‘ROOMS e CONSTR GALLO ®DOPMERS ALTERATIONS DORS the Post Exterminator Co. opposite Office e ATTICS COMPLETED ARGE SUNNY ROOM, NEW Residentials — 23 Peter Lane, Plainview Businesses go. Locations O Request WEIls 1-— 1818 §. & E. Maintenan Co. WElis 5-7583

—— PAPERHANGING - WALLPAPER INSURANCE, A. MESCHKOW $1.25; Walltex, Sanitas $1.50 per Willow Kitchens. licensed roll, Bathrooms and $2.00, Call WElls 1-4449, Oak Tree Co. INSURANCE 16 Ea St., Hicksville. Plumbing and i Heating Contractor LIFE - GENERAL Jobbing-Repairs Electrical° Work Pruning, Removals, Feeding DOUBLE, ONE SINGLE, Tree Planting Monthly Payments Privileges, newly deco- WElls&# — 4603 Outlets WE 1~3047 PE 5~9109 Frank Dryers — — Wiring Govermale Electric HEATING - WEIls 8 4200 . MIMEOGRAPHING, CLEAN, for Attics, Playrooms, PadAdditions &g service. New We Are As sharp copies, Prompt WElls — 7035 Near machine to turn out exceptionally H. NOTOV Free Estimate fine quality work. Herald office, As Your Phone 98 North Broadway, next to Hicks- || ville. Post Office. A-1 TOPSOIL WE

~ 5-122 FORALL HOME MAINTENANCE Agricultural andre ef- - pairs, No job.too small, Concrete Sand —~ Bankrun ficient service. rares 5-7176.Reasonabl SPECIAL FOR HOMEOWNERS Tall WElls WElls 54108 HICKSVIL it " Know All The Dirt** WE 1-6122 E PICK UP AND DELIVERY} “FEOOR WAXED] PHOTOGRAPHY - WEDDINGS, home CESSPO : ) Office Cleaning portraits, commercials, ROTO NG Pierre Charbonn 59 Bri St, MOR WAXING SERVICE Hicksville. Telephone Us 1- Landscoping and Maintenan Tractor Grading 4470. e ‘

WElls 5 — 0249 SERVI BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY Lots HOT WATER HEATERS OIL Commercial - Weddings, Call Cesspools Vacuum Cleaned Frank Mallett, 183 lainview fired heating, bath, boilers, re- Most Modern_ Most PHIL KNEETER 2 WElls Efficient paired, FHA terms, d., Hicksville, 1-1460, installed, Most Odorless Method WElls 5-6848. U.S. REMO CO.

- READY -MIX HICKSVILLE UPHOLSTERY - GENERAL CONTRACTOR reupholstering, rewebbing, re- Cl CONCRETE Custom Building Springing, leatherette, plastic Cess fabric, Priced Extensions - Gorages extremely low, Vv POMPA estimate PErshing or and Ch Licensed plumbing & heating Se 1-3257 Pe WaAlnut 1-5372 Free estimates WE 157333 Tf EXPERT reSEWING ALTERATIONSa DANIEL SOFA BUTTOM RE-WEBBED AT and dressmaking. Worlamanship HERALD WANT ADS your home, $16,00; chair, $5.00 and satisfaction guaranteed. WELls \(Third Jpholstering, slipcovers For home S=8916 generotion o Get Prompt Results service call IVanhoe 6-3535 140 Miller Road or TAPING AND SPACKLING, EX- PYramid - Low Cost Action ~ Quick 8-3834 pert work, No job too big or small WEll 2707 \ Call after 5 WElls 1-0688.



&quo tro prec pa SLAND appear HE WANTED FEMALE | INSTR 1 INSTRUC urs 10 AM. wards, HOl ion-Gr money. Survey fo child photo= | VOICE & PIAN grap! No selling, Unlimited Pellerin phone ecessar Call Acc ee Jean“a 1-0051. ee er m Studio WANTED, RELIABLE WOMAN. O he 3 to 4 mornin a week for house 1 1453. References, | work, WElls 5-3217, | WANTED MALE

| All INSURANCE « EXPANDING WHOLESALE Instruments greenhouse: and nursery in central : Nassau has opening for honest in= pavgare ay 0. dustrious man. Year round em= qncktry 12,000,000 ployment with advancement, Must 1 Mic Lr have some experience with farm or nursery equipment, or green= drivers& house operation.) Give full details “ACCORDION, GUI CLAR- Of and ex= inet. Private lessons _ experience, salary in blow horn!| pected infirst letter. Write Box 76, H,_Roserran Pershing 1: ee oe our Mid Island Herald, 98 No, Bway, Hicksville. BUSINE OPPORTUNITI BOY 16 FOR GARDEN WORK, IRVI of Jericho _ BER Members President After school if possible, and Sat- $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME srHadass welcomes note guests Hadassah’ 135 Marie Hicks— le U; urdays. E. St., i RAGS, REFILLING AND COLLEC’ ing in back row (left right) Rabbi Paul Levinson of pl stoves, ville. money from our five cent High Or-Elohim, Mrs. HermanLubitzPresident of Jericho Chapter of FURNISHED ROOM Grade Nut machines in this Our holders sah, Rabbi Simeon Kobrinetz of Jericho Mrs, 1548 area, policy are our Jewish Center, Irving | To qualify for work Kesne Membership Chairman of Jericho Hadassah, Walsh Presi-. FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE best advertisement. They soe o leed car, references, dent of Jericho Civic Assoc, Jerome Abrams Presiden of Birchwood for or Business 2, couple < enjoy guaranteed driving Civic Assoc. x pie secured | St.. Hicksvil by ferred, 16 East Le to Mrs Mrs Devoting 6 hours a week to security - plus friendly On‘steps (left right) Irving Berger. ‘TENS 1 Stor St se your end on percentage col- dept of Reform Temple Sisterhood, ‘Mr Harry 1-5541 mes - countrywide claims service - INSTRUCTION Reform Temple Sisterhood, Mrs. Harr Eats Procioot. at dollar savings. Mobile Unit is outfitte with csi MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS important terhood, illustrations,’ p! o all Hadassah' tutoring, Don wait.until it&# too iti over time. Income in- Over 2 million protected. sample handicraf deni role inin& ae Jericho to B, cre: For inter- ica serve to all with Hi late, catchup. Rudman, A phon call brings acq WElls 8-9399. z view, includeera ia fact plishments, the scroll presented obli an prou — as = Tromi renee and figures. No on to Hadassah the A cuspley for 1956. DRUM INSTRUCTIONS, Private by lessons, OVerbrook 1-2816, evenings. Joe Longaro Facts About Syosset District 31 SOUTH OYSTER BAY RD- INSTRUCTIONS by Ralph Diamond period of five years. The next elec= tionfor the School Board member call: 5-6589 to the best of: informa- WEll According will take place in May, 1958. Ar tion available approximately 400 of the present moment there is n PIANO INSTRUCTION families of the 1000 homes of Birch- resident of Birchwood Park ar wood will go to the Syosset School Sight Readin Theory, Harmon Jericho’ on the Centtal Schoo! District. the correct name Actually Board. Inasmuch -as the School Classical and Modern - of the district is Central School Board is a most important body District 2. This district is com- ~ Conservatory Teacher the policy as tc ROSE - STARK WE 8 6473 posed of three sections,nameély - suchos aeraproblems as transportation, Woodbury, Locust and Grove, new schools, budget, etc., it Syosset. should be one of the most GAL NOTICE The affairs and-policies of the important NURSER SCHOOL goals of our residents to elect & school district are set by the School Poide of our community the STATEMENT REQUIRE BY THE Board. At the present time we have to _ ACT OF AUGUST 1912, AS Board, Crestwood 24, a nine member Board, which ac- Count Day School AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF At the present time th cio cording to a so-called"Gentlemen$ the school taxes for our residents’ MARCH “ NURSERY SCHOOL and KINDERGARTEN 3, 1933, ANDJULY 2, Agreement, three members from | in the Syosset District is 3.679 per” Chartered by the N.Y. Stote Board of Regents 1946 (Title 39, United States each of the aforementioned dis= 00 assessed Our Experienced State Certified Teachers Code, Section 233) SHOWING T: HE $100. value. county : tricts have been elected, Beginning of Plainview tax is 3,09 per $100. 00 of Transportation — Right outside OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, the member of the next year ment, thereby making-a O MYrtle 2 —63 61 AND CIRCULATION OF MID be elected fora total School Board will 00 ISLAND HERALD dweekly $6. 969. per $100. of assessme:it. On the other_hand those in at Hicksville, New York for Jericho School RE ESTAT Getober 1, 1957 SQUARE DAN District pay a combined School and di-*rista tax 1, The names and addresses of county blish Island 3 the editor, managing Square dance with Long $5.25 per $100.( assesse DO YOU NEED A FAST SALE OR GOOD TENANT? most caller Stan Gallowin In dollars and cents a editor and business managers are: popular those SPOT CASH OFFER Cha-Cha oee ? PublisherFred J. Noeth Hicksville, and his musical Hayseeds, Syosset section will pay approx=~ at The North$ NY and Mambo atoo imately $150.00 more a year thar the residents of GREATER NASSAU REALTY Editor Fred J. Noeth Hicksville, Synagogue, Muttentown,Rd, , Sy Birchwood, whos. osset, NOVEMBER 9, 1957 - 8:30 children goto the Jericho Schools, IVERY| pe - 6 2448 Turnpike, East Meado — PE P.M, Donation $3. person We, as home owners, must be= 2. The owner is: @ owned by er eate John’s - call OV 1-1956 of the (Next to Bargain yea acorporation, itsname and address for ‘tickets spon- come aware inescapable fact sored Sisterhood of that time the school, ao. must be stated and also immediate- by: Reform every increases” our tax dollar < - a thereunder the names and Temple Or-Elohim, will ly i addresses of stockholders owning W therefore, have a twor = the shown fold problem of our children or holding 1 percent or more of ceding date above was: giving BROOKS 873. the maximum educational benefits | total amount of stock, If not owned 5, while still keeping a shar on by a corporation, the names and Fred J. Noeth eye PLAINVIE LOTS FO SALE to subscribed béfore the school budget which our addresses of the individual owners Sworn and affects _ this 22nd tax rate. must be given. «If owned by a me day of October, 386 Old Country Rd. Plainview Ov 1-1673| 1957 Partnership or other unincorpo- : tated firm, its name and ad- Charles J, Barvels dress, as well as that of each in- Notary Public, ‘QUINNY dividual member, must be given. ) State of New York Fred J, Noeth Hicksville, NY. No. 30-5206735

Houses « Businesses.» Land 8. The - known bondholders, (My commiss{on expires Buyers mortgagees, and other security. March 30, 1958) holders owning or holding 1 per- cent or more of total amount of A “MAN bonds, other se - WILLI curities Tioreageare: k UMN aly Real Estate 2 ad - Paragraphs 3 dude, in Case where the stockholder or that beats ’em 38 Rroadway, WEIls 1-122 : P11 security holder the Hiem7 Dav appears upon books of the company as-trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, MADDEN' Sat the name of the person or cor- AUTO BODY SHOP “MIL H. pcration for who such trustee is also thé statements in the WOODBURY xOAD: Real Estate- Insurance, Alf Forms acting; 140 two paragraphs show the affiant Personalized HICKSVILLE full knowledge and belief as tc

foo perc | — Cor. Newbridg & GlenbrookRds. Hicksville, NiY. the circumstances and Conditions WE 1-9777 KEROSENE OIL B RNE 3 Blocks So. of Old Rd, . WElls 1—3753 under which stockholders and [ WE Count security holders who do not appear VQUALITY iri canara 1207 em : a upon the of the Compan as trustees, hold stock and secu- STAR REALT CO. titiesin a capacity other than th of a bona fide owner, 5 The average number of: Copies RESALE SPECIALI - of ‘each issue of AVENUE i thi 82 LEE

— = GENERAL INSURANCE ebbisat HICKS RENTALS APPRAISALS sold or distributed, Phone WEII 1-024] _ at mails or to Hicksville. L.1. ov otherwise, paid WE SEND ‘G WIRE ANYWHERE s oe scribers during the 12 months p: FLO —=_-|

PAGE 12 — MID ISLAND HERALD — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 Pynch Cites Hi Enginee Backgro - Town- Fast-growing Oyster Bay of engineering and practical ex- & ship wit its network of more than for this it opponent important 630. of perience, was pointed out by miles streets and roads positionhas admitted in a prepare which Thomas R. Pynchon, Republican require maintenance and statement read before an organiza- candidate for re-election, when long-range development needs as tion recently that he knows ab- he spoke Monday before the East &q Superintendent of a about Highways Norwich Assoc, solutely nothing town roads n of Templ Beth person with substantial background or what is required to improve and Avodah, wo make their the roads and streets of presentations in our town. Our po ion increase Participate a discus- of 263.9 per ote ‘1950 has brought, With it a tremendous in- crease in traffic movement. To place the management of ‘the High- \ evening, Oct. way Department in the hands of.a Congtegation Shaarei: Zedek person who confesses — his inexperi- East Barclay Hicksville ence St., second class is &qu and lack of training in this hold’ _, Survey registration’ for its History.& It will field v would be a disservice to the survey Institute of Jewish Studies. from the home owners and residents Ty shistor Babylonian of our courses will be offered this COMMERCIAL DEPT. town.&quo ye to the present day. Emphasis Burners for al] commercial ‘Placed on the problems of Pynchon has a background of lants. No. 5 and No. Burns more than communities and their oil. a quarter century of a P to highway supervision and main- present-day living. DOMESTIC fegistration fee is $300 DEPT. tenance as well as per -- general en- People who have no Williams Oil-O- Matic, non- reading kno Both courses will be taught neering experience. Before he edge of Hebrew and clog nozzle, guaranteed will i Eli for came D, Skaist. Hfe time. Burns No. 2 oil. Oyster Bay Town Highway ‘- — superintendent, he was in FUEL OIL — SERVICF. charge “ construction and To Wed | mber : general Teach engineering with the Nassau County - and Mrs. of of 227-21 Hoxie ‘cksville secondary school LOUIS SMITH Dept. Public Works for the Br., Baysid . Prior to the field Towns of Oyster Bay and Hemp- Oaks, Queens, have announce; entering 53 Heitz Place. Hicksville Phone WE_1-0357 stead. the engagement of their daughter, ication Miss\Moskowitz was a Rhoda tian at Memorial Hospital for a Ruth, to Irving Lew, son Diseases and of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Lew of L.I.. Jewish Bromx, GEO. H. PERRY’S SHOP . Plans for a December wedd INC. “LEGAL have been made. NOTICE Hicksville - Jericho Road LIQU The bride to ana be, mn COURT, of DAdelphi College, receivedhe: Free Parking masters in L-6048 WE 1-1552 degree education from LEVINE, Plaintiff against Brooklyn- College, an teaches in SIMON, NOEL SIMON &a EDELMA Defendant VOTE REPUBLICAN

MmQ\ - VOTE ROW ‘A’- NOV. 5th LET& FACE IT day of November OUR at 10 o'cloc in the fore-. TOWNSHIP of Oyster Bay, extending from the the front door of Atlantic Ocean on the south the Nassa to Long Island Court Sound on the House, facing Old north, has grown greatly in popula- tion in the past few Road at Mineola, Town years...And just like a growing ad New I family, we' had our share of Problems. York, shall We' for sale solved many of them andwe as the law directs are making real progress on the others. More population has meant more ae autos...and we' building miles of aC new highways ion © Ale aswell as additional Edelma ho parking fields for shoppers and commuters. All day of November Town Hall services have expanded 1956, and multiplied... time thereafter of, in ALL folk IN ALL, it' a pretty nice Place inwhichto live, our Town of Oyster Bay. The people wh are NOEL SIMON doing whatis necessary to make suburban : living and . that certain or Tecreation more . convenient and plot, piece pleasant have i proven their ability. of land with the buildings THIS IS AN iprovement thereon erectea, IMPORTANT ELECTION for you be- and near cause you elect your own town being government, The in the Republican candidates ©, Town of are all known to you as people of ability. As Election Day nears, irres- Ponsible, unproven and unfounded Campaign state- ments are dreamed up by the opposition for the sole of ‘certain map entitled, “Map purpose deceiving the voters. Airy promises by the ‘ah Homes, Section No, 3, Tiger with the slick smile cannot measure near Town of - JOHN 1p against solid ACHIEVEMENT Hicksville, J BURN by your REPUBLI- Nassau CAN TOWN OFFICIALS, County, N.Y., for SUPERVISOR! Teas & Steinbrenner, for ASSEMBLYMAN 125 Church St., Mal- N.Y. , September 29, 1953)& filed in the Nassau County office on December 31, omas M ‘Map No. 6029 bounded and Pync Hen s according to said map as RE- Curr~

to i Pract Town Clerk atthe corner formed intersection of the south- side of Martin Place with - side of ELECT AS MEMBE OF THE TOWN BOAR sterly Joseph thence south 63 degrees 30 seconds east along FOR COUNCILMEN asterly side of Joseph PETER B. ALLSOPP EDMUND A. OCKER - of Locust Valley of Plainview -two(72) feet; running MAJORIE R. POST north 63 degrees 20 minutes of Massapequa West seventy-two (72) LOUIS A. SISIA thence north 63 de- BENJAMIN utes 30 seconds west of Bethpage ZIPPER . of Syosset.



« =



e MID ISLAN HERALD — THURSDA OCTOBER 24 1957 2 PA 1 for 9 orth Tank Boxer First Smoke oe y JOE MOON champ Billy Graham backed By Hf vide some crack marching man- _ WAR FINNEGAN . euvers. b Bat, Batillino, ex-flywe The first Pather and Son Smoker ehsc of tWo decades Hicksville High at Glen Then for the racing car crowd, ago, will be Cove City Stadium of the Hol ‘Name of Holy committee is headed Society Mike Caruso, stock car whiz, will The by this Fam! R.C. Church, Hicksville, Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. with a bold bid rev-up .some of his “black flag” John Cochrane, chairman; John will ‘answer the beil 8 to get back the NSAA Nov. at winners of the midget racing cir- Keating, master of ceremonies; in football Conference race fol- Levittown Hall. O'S and Tom ea cuit. Ted Isoldi will join in with Frank Comiskey, lowing its startling 14-13 A boxing card of eight bouts, refreshments? Charlie upset of league leader the hows and why of soap box Neglia, Port featuring lightweights, middle tickets; Vincent Luna, displays Washington last oa derby-ing. . and : from weights heavyweights Another feature will star and sound, Ed.—O’T dole, :arrange= , George Coach Howard. the Uniondale Police Club and Neil HNS Bowers and his assistant Edward Boys Colimbo on the trampoline. Frank ment, McCormack, ; , be will the main of the - Emphasis attraction aL Petro and Miranda” will man a booth with president, roblems of Amadeo Tomaini, had reason to The results good savory evening, will be scored skin diving and underwater equip- Prizes will include a master bi- and their that winover as official PBC competition, footballs Port after three straight defeats but had ment;C asey Wojnak will detailship cycle, and- lay But before the Dad model living. to bouts begin model building, and the Bulova and a scale Grummanplane. 1$300 quickly turn their attention to the serious and Junior will be treated to vir- for per threat a School of Watchmaking will dis- Price of adinission is $1.25 be taught that the tual of athletic events and fathers and 75 for sons. Covers present to a Hicksville sidesho play timing devices where watches , comeback, entertainment. Even the Army will be timed exactly, free for the A. Comet victory in this and Marine will be well-balanced Triple A Corps on hand. asking. Braves would The 325th Tank Batallion will Regain- league give Hicksville a chance for the champ- And to cap off the preliminaries move in anM-41Patton tank, (It& It the North Merrick Fire Department ury school ionship. plays Mineola, Neck and nomock-up, Junior will be able to CYO Great Westbury Band will go through its paces Leadership the field scramble around... will home to wind up the season, as Pop... while Nick Borenello clowns vitlZ was a on his own personal tour of in- through the crowd, b Bill Sakal for ‘Hicksville fans could The spital have done a jig on the Port spection). Mid-Island Marine Oh, The of the yes. top guest HICKSVILLE .- The Braves re- I,. Jewish crossbar Corps color guard will also pro- following the victory. It&# now been 17 years night will be ex-middle weight gained the lead in the Holy Family. Division of the CYO Bowling Lea=— Since the Blue has done the Orange in. The schools gue with the help-of Bernard have Oh | Could Write a Sonnet only met twice in the last decade and both times Nagel who rblled three nice games (174 (204) (215) for a series of embittered defeats have been dealt Port. 593, giving his team four points,

: ff against Young Billy Schrimpe is to be Two weeks ago the Dodgers teok Denni Michael Egan, Josep SIMON & greatly admired for that late fourth first place from the’ Braves although - he Gallipoli, William Garthe, George jant quarter punt got off against Port, B. Nagel “tried to stop them. We Giammarino, on issued do not wish to highlight the Jerry Giovaniello, It. was fitting therefore that his four Thomas Howell, ed in the bad passes from center that Guigliano andjJohn séries be the one to heip the Braves can be reasonable Also Henry Ksiezak, Charles NASSAU accounted to the regain top position. oy Lantay, William Thomas t of said four stitches in the index finger Lloyd, Othet good scores were . Manaski Neal made ed in the of the snapping hand of center Bill Markowitz, James by N, Kleiner.573(218);Bed Smith, but McCabe, David Richard Difice on Fink, we must record that three McCoy, 566 (207) J, Wingenbach 539; E, 1956 in - times Bill had to eat the ball hard McKenna, James McKinstry, Ken- Arundell . 536 P, Schmidt 536 when the fourth Roth, Stephen Ruggiero, in favor down kicks had to Larry 207) F, Finan 526; B, Holdton -— » akadinskl, Robert Martin zinst said be abandoned. We do not know Schall, 19; T. Staudt 524; B. White 516 Schulman, 20th day what the young man thought when Henry Steinmann, (201);W.Gribbons 516; R. Schaefer Van directed the fourth Came bouncing back to William Cise, John Wichnian 914; and R, Carine 502, and Wendell him. Charging in where those four Helwig. Standings as of Oct./ 15; re notice . e = Port boys loaded) for bear but w L ovember The Hicksville Schrimpe’ somehow. sent the High Tennis team Braves 20 punt 8 = he fore ~ can win the Eastern = off before going) down under an DivisionChamp- Dodgers 20,538 e Nassar of the NSAA ff it wins | avalanche of blue shirts. ionship its Phillies 19 9 last two matches, ~ Bill Fink and Mickey Anglim Yanks 11 so This tum of events has were understandably upset by the come Orioles 1612 1112 about because misfires from center but they both Wheatly had to for- Giants 1612 feitsix matches for * playedso resolutely otherwise that using ineligible White Sox 1812 1272 Players and the Comets in the warm embrace ‘of victory resting Indians 16 13 second position were elevated should their to Tigers 14 14~ pu care asid the top spot. Red Sox 13 15. Theteam of veteran Ted Greves picked up 86 yards _. iscomprised Cards 130 rb in. 17 Port Alex Althausen, Thomas Bean, attempts against and Senators = 10 148 Dick Zarczynski, converted from Philip Ferro, Ken Foran, William Pirates “919 “i two Goebel, Philip guard weeks ago,| hauled in » Cubs.” 9 2). ae 91 in 16 tries, Stillman rattled off Sherin, Paul Scalzetti, Bill Queen, Athletics — & 51 siece or Mark Finklestein Capsule 18 in 2 in his short offensive duty Roy Furman, and Play by Play Reds 8 20 uildings and Bill Wright carried6 timés for Fred Hordeen, y rected, 30 yards. Y . s 5 RRR Re near ng InallHic sville gained 232 yards: Hicksville High will beat Glen Hicksvill * Cove, Upse Por WORLD’ ROOMIES on the ground. yy Saturday. 14-1 ° id State = e . « Undefeated Port GRANDSTAND ignated Have gotten 1957 Booster Washington was Greves to shut off that threat, HicksvilleJ.V. lost to Port 18-6 you your * ck 459 Club The Powerless to SRKstop theKEKEground game Hicksville then moved with Thomas Westerfield Membership yet? Club ’ out to 5 pirrene vevers scoring of winless Hicksville po , " needs in its efforts to High immed- the Port 35 but a fourth the TD for Chet Jaworski' club, your support down punt ROOM FO ALL*PLENTY O SE = No, iately after the opening kickoff, 4 3, The Jay Vee*has been plagued back up the youth of the high attempt saw the ball sail over Bill ‘own of ’ Ted Greves hit for illness but is sci 4,3, 5, 8,5, 9, Schrimpe head, ona pass from by expected to get 4 There are 3,5, and yards as Hicksville and Port N.Y., stronger. as the remainder of the already plans for a center, was on the Orange moved for four fall dinner to honor first downs. Full- 27, It was a touchdown s€ason progresses, the players of in four back Dick Zarczynski took over in this autumn a hietic season and quite plays but the placement conversion i\Competing groundwork for the band, the tired Greves and was wide a Possibly 5 smashed hairline. for next season Comet Varsity are by a s s over from the two, Dick Stillman Isaac Barrocas, John Beckerich, On the next seriestof downs Port wasrushed into the game and cut- Thowald Bresemen, Michae} Burn- Washington pointedly asked Hicksville suffered another bad back off tackle ACEWAY that the Hicksville High Band re- to get the extra pass from center and Port stood side, ArthurCenter, Robert Chepac, Sila mr a te col oy It was of of- main home last point. only one three hungerily “on the Comet It AllanCourt, Peter Damohray, Noel Saturday. 26. DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 8:15 P.M fe Playsan injured knee could took, six plays to the : acquire allow Stillman to run, second TD and_ the conversion Port was stunned but Cub Pack 491 Greets aggress- made it 14-13 with 11 minutes to Fall ive anda run on fourth down failed go, with the Comets gaining possession ei By RAY SCHROM With exactly féur minutes to go |. onthe Blue 23, A Joe Naso to Fitz HEN Hicksville attempted another punt ;With summer but a wistful Pawlitcek the 23 the official advancement board for pass covered and from’ its own 44 and the from for pass Memory except an occasional the first the score moved to Zar- time, On hand to greet the 13-0. center bounced all over the. RADIO TV SH risé}- in the mercury, Hicksvillets |. Michael who was cezynskielated the Hicksville stands incoming Ryan ground, Schrimpe picked it up — Cub Pack #491 gathered at its witha 23 graduated from the Webelos, was successful plunge for a 14-0 and- kicked ‘it into the teeth of ~ BROADWAY. usual rendezvous in the St, Igna— the new Scout count, . {comer Barclay Troop 491, : four” burly Port linemen, It was Street). tius cafeteria on Friday, Oct. also It NSAA in was a busy night in the leadership real partially blocked but cleared out HICKSVILLE oe 4, to greet the new fall season, award Port did Dept. as evidenced by the jeopardy, not recover twenty ~yards and was the key that Brightened by the presence of two until late WEIs ~ 0627 following list of winners: in the second quarter. allowed the Comets to hold.on, new committee members in the WOLF BADGE: Dennis Clancy,: A 29-yard pass carried the host to Asnappy reverse-caught Hicks- Speciolizing (nz persons of Cubmaster Vito DelRosso the Philip McCafferty, Charles Mont- «Comet 7. There were 16 ville nappingand itappeared the and Asst, “Cubmaster, Neil Smith, seconds left, The Hicksville REPAIRS ONLY. drew Novellano, David line third Port TD was off and away but taking over their new roles from.. of Bill Walter Schreiber, Larry Mickey Anglin, Fink, Joe Laptman reached out to trip the T - AUTO RADIO Bill DiBella and — . departing Gene Howard Joosten, Laptman, Larry tunner from behind to save the Waters, the dens were put through Slofkin and HOME RADIO: LION BADGE: Stephen Brummer, Edward Zivica rose up issue. In four downs the Hicksville — their paces in the usual projects- Michael to stop two plays and the half Dolan, . Robert defense the losers back six and-skits Eton, threw PHONOGRAPHS competition, Dennis ended, * ‘ Gallahue, Jack Hanifan, ae, yards andsit was over. ALL WORK GUARANTEED * A serious-faced youth from Den An_ immediate fumble William Kibler, Joseph to start 33-yard blast to the "Servi This Community for #1 ‘who Lodato, Allexcepta displayed a model of an “the. third found e Bennis Rogan, Dennis Huff, period Port on the Port 30 by Zarczynski on the final the Past 21 Years aircraft carrier whose vital Comet 16, Stillman knocked statis- BEAR BADG Charles Graham, dow play of the game. - HF. tice en he was careful to enumerate, a pass in the and Tushed ‘Ronald Waters, . rocked his -audience with the up twice from the dar with punch-line, ‘she was sunk in the_ eens ‘an icree Pacific Ocean, ..&q Not many mo- Charles Graha Pica z ments. later a 2-man costumed REFORMATION FESTIVAL | "hor provided (b Den #5, SILVER . ARROW; Stephen Brum- MAGLIN oe that came apart at the proverbial mer, William Kibler, Michael De seams with the disengaged tea> end Paloli, Alan Spencer, Rol: rt Teer St, Pau) Lutheran Church, Stew- SOLE AGENTS FOR hastening. to catch up with its Micoast DelRosso, art Avenue and Baldwin Place, anterior, provoked more chuckles, woees pyrraham (2), Thomas Di will celebrate the Fes- tivalBethpof Tre R Three new bobcats were inducted; Bella, Jonathan Baldwin, Paul on Oct, o Paul Jones, Richard! Meares and Russel, Ronald Reilly, James Van 31, with Special Services at 10;00 RUT: Kevin McDonald, in an initiation ALM, and 8:00 P WINE — that featured the use of Next is Ast, F, wil WHISKEY WElls ceremony — pack night Nov. James Taylor officiate, 1-04 =

2 i __-

1957 — OCTOBER PAGE 14 — MID ISLAND HERALD THURSDAY, 24, Friends Elec Mrs Szend

At a meeting of the Frien of Mrs. Joseph Bean, outgoing the Hicksville Library held Mon- President received a standing vote day evening, Oct, 21, Mrs. Emil of thanks from the group for her J. Szendy was elected splendid work on behalf of the unanimo this with . Frank past. President, along year, + the Island. You enjoy’ organiz that Alfieri, Vice President; Mrs, Mary was announced Mrs, en different dinnera Kimml, Secretary; and Mrs. Ed- stat will hold a card party at ward Werner, Treasurer, her home on Nov. 1. Proceeds will be used toward the gift the : Friends will present to the newly- In-Gathering completed library.

-For Guild DAUGHTER ENGAGED The Hicksville Needlework Announcement of the engage- Guild announces that the yearly ment of Miss Edna Johnson, daugh- will be held on "In- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Nov, 7 at the American Thursday, Johnson of E. Northport to Norman Legion Hall, E Nicholai St., REMIND Rowehl, was made recently by Hicksville from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. her, parents.’ Mr. Rowehl is the son Refreshments will be served, Back of Mr: and Mrs. William Rowehl et Clocks interested become Anyone may of Hicksville. amemberby bringing two of akind Sunday. morning, Oct. 27, at new garments (to fit amy member 2 AM is the official time to "tu of an average family), This is a back the hands of time.&quo That is worthy cause, as local families JOE CAPPETTA when Eastern Standard Time goes are aided by th group, into M effect for the portions of the HICKSVILL Eastern time zone that observe (PIZZA KING) Daylight Savings Time the during NEW OFFICERS Period .from April thru Oct. So ITALIAN remember, before you retire fo AMERICAN At the October meeting of the turn back’ the clock one hour, or Bethpage Civic Assoc., three new if you are a Late Late Late Show Entertainmen Members-at-Large were chosen, devotee tear yourself away from They are Maurice Haberman, Dine & the TV during a commercial, and Dance and Saun- set the clock back. Blanche Kanew, Gladys Every Friday & Ssturday Night to ders, Maurice Haberman was named chairman of the Blood Bank Committee. He can be reached at Scho Boards We 8 - 1733. In Convention OBITUARIES The 38th Annual Convention of WILLIAM H. WAY, SR. the New York State School Boards HICKSVILLE - William H. Way, Assoc, will be held in Syracuse Sr., of 121 Fifth St., here, died Oct. 27 to 29 with more than Oct. 18. He is survived by his 3,000 expected to be in attend- wife, Elizabeth (nee(Giannelli); ance, Syracuse has served as the five sons, William, Jr., Marco, convention city for 25 successive Anthony, Frank and James; one years, Members from nearly 700 Here’s handsome, easy-corrying - daughter, Elizabeth; two brothers, different school boards will be Frank and August; four sisters, YKYS * COOKYS Present, including Herbert Johnsen RESTAURANT Charlotte Sasacear, Agnes Rhodes, TRI-TAPER and Jerry Z ft of Hicksville. Ann Perez and Sister Anges Clare, Approximately 100 consultants O.D.P.; and six grandchildren. from the State Education Dept., LUGGAGE He was a member of the Holy ‘Dept. of Audit and Control, Re- Name Society of St. Ignatius tirement Systems, Civil Service made by American Tourister and Loyola RC. Church, where a and the Social Security Agency sensibly priced Contours subtly Solemn Requiem Mass was offered for modern will man conference roomsto give curved luggage styling. Monday at 9 AM. Interment fol- features: ]. Fiber- expert advice on‘all types of edu- Wear resistance lowed at L,I, National Cemetery, glass reinforced shell2. One-piece . cational problems, under the direction of Henry J. construction 3. Stainless steel in- Goy. Harriman isa featured Stock, closums.. For woman: speaker at the General Session on terlocking Nine sizes in 5 colors, includi Monday morning, Oct. 28, Shar- MARGARET GILLEN the new and popular Silver Dusk, ing the platform with the governor BETHPAGE - Margaret Gillen, colors in- willbe Commissioner of Education For men: Five sizes in 4 (nee Downey) of 70 LindenAve., Dusk. JamesE, Allen, Jr. who will speak cluding Silver here, died Oct, 20. She is survived on“ The Truth, the Future and Our by her husband, George W.; two Responsibilities”. Feast your eyes on the hand: in our new, expand daughters, Elizabeth McNamee Fidis ‘re luggage department. See the wid ef nationally famous~ brands, and Eleanor Auer; she was also the 917...... Atlantic Cor Sa mother of the late Rosemary including Calandrine; a sister, Lydia Jager; Couple Injured 25 making ond and four grandchildren, yea iin. rechosen THE In Taxi Crash Mrs. Gillen reposed at the Henry EX- J, Stock Funeral Home until CLUSIVE. SAMSQG when a Solemn NASSAU COUNTY Mr, and Mrs, Thomas A. Burke Thursday (today), Requiem Mass was offered at St rince Gardner REGISTRAR of 98 Bruce Ave,, Hicksville, were Martin of: Tours R,C, Church at fand matched wallets for her, too, passenger in-a taxi in Manhattan 9 AM, Interment followed at Princess te Friday night which was hit y Gardner.) Calvary Cemetery, L.I. City. jemovoble case with Add-A- roadside by a private carat pass “Pass Bor for adding more windows. Madison and 57th St. Mrs. Burke ALBERT L. LAUCK ill divider with concealed money is. a patient in Roosevelt Hospital LJUtTolep) SPU Aa Ake oo Re HICKSVILLE - Albert L, Lauck icket pocks in New.York suffering a borken leg of 10 East the husband and fractured pelvis. Mr. Burke, St., here, ets. of the late Mary president of the North East Civic (nee Mullin), From $ 39 5 rue tox died Oct. 21. He was the brother home but suffered ex- Assoc,, is _ See our complet ossortmant of of Adam of New William tensive bruises and contusions, Jersey, Prince Gardner Billfolds, Key of Fort Lauderdale, Fla,, the late Also passengers in the same taxi rds Pocket Secretaries, Canti - Walter of Mrs, Martha and Mrs. E, Carlton Hicksville, ‘ French Princess were Mr, Travel the lightweight way nental Purses by Holmes of Valley Stream, Mrs. smart, Heeseler of Wantagh, Mrs, Heese- STREAMLIGHT Catherine Crawford and the late SAMSONITE Gardn ler is a patient at Mid Isiand Hos- - of LUGGAGE Persian back Her hus- Mrs. Margaret Reinhardt Hicks- pital with a injury. resists clean hehe ville, Finish scuffs, wipes z band also suffered bruises & and had eon 3 yw Po eo the psope A Pepkoem ¢ 25"with lasts for tt ee = Mr. Lauck at the Henry domp-cloth, wor years!8S 6 Df a bh on P three stitches taken in his chin. reposed St J. Stock Funeral Home until Haweiian Blue, Saddle Ton, Raw- le photo cerd case. for re The two couples were enroute hide Admiral Colorado bills without bill- Thursday when a Mass of Finish, Blue, moving opening from’ a dance in New York to an (today), Solemn Requiem wasofferedat Brown, Bermuda Green and London eating. place when the collision Plus R.C. Church Grey- Many styles and sizes. om $ 3.9 5 Tax occured, St. Ignatius Loyola . at 10:30 AM. Interment followed w the entire Princess Gardner ensemble, Read {t First In The Herald at Holy Rood Cemetery. All Prices ‘andmatcha complete rom $19. Plus Tax twin needs psp ? Wh SPECIAL LUGGAGE DISCOUNT SALE To introduce you te our complete luggage line. i Grandma ha a sister Kate Purpose: And both look young and slim They& on the go from daw till late And ow it all to TRIM*

* the low calorie skim milk that gives them nutritional balance to combat weight problems that increase with the years.