Ces 4a.| As Electio Day Nears DEMOCRA CONCEN .| NEWES RESIDENT With less than two weeks to Election Day, Nov 5, the contest for eleven township positions appears to be attracting only passing interest compared with the excite — ment of the Presidential campaign of last year. The Republican candidates pointed out today that the disorganized Democratic campaign has "faile to raise 4 single Vol. 10No. 40- Hicksville, N. ¥.-October 24,1957 5¢ substantial issue&quot Meetings before civic groups tomers opposing emits 72 Entered as Second Class Matter at te Post Office attracted only small audiences. 1s His pee The absence of campaign effort is particularly mnoticable.on the part of Democrats in Hicksville, t Visit Juni Hi onFu Ti Farmingdale, OysterBay and other Na Destr major populationcentres. The-op- position appeared to be struggling HICKSVILLE -- The Junior High School on Jerusa- for a following on the newest home This . lem Ave will go on full sessions next Monday morn— developments of Plainview, Syos- Oyst Ba Weeken ing, Oct 28, it was disclosed today by Dr Wallace E of - This marks the OYSTER BAY Sunday Oct, 27, beginning i: t oes Lamb, superintendent of schools. The new addition are going forward with Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Year ‘celebrati with effort including taiksto commuters ceremonies conducted at the of the late President at Oyste B to the former community high school has bee in use grave at the RR stations, visits to homes, the Fleet Reserve Assoc, assisted by the Third Nava District since the start of the term on double A and all invitations to Br is the of President Theordore Roosevelt, The sessions, accepting birthday , share speaking platforms with their erationSun at In the afternoon the Associa- major portion of the original building, which is being begin 11:30AM. early opporents on a “forum basis”. tion will visit Sagamore Hill, home of the when the Political observers feel the bulk completely renovated,’ will be available as of next Band will give a short patriotic concert on the Forelawn, ae ofthe election effort will fall Monday to permit single sessions. The original high upon The JointLegislativeC the shoulders of district commit- for the Theodore Roosevelt Cen- oD school was dedicated in May, 1925. Construction was teemenand workers who will have tennial of which John J. Burns of | to overcome the “off year” atti- Sea Cliff is vice chairmar an- - startedDec 17, 1923 and the was on building accepted tude of voters. nouncesthat the U.S, Navy Dept. May 5, 1925 The late George A. Duke was president Democrat candidates have.been has assigned two destroyers, the | speaking on wide variety of andthe U.S_S, of the Board of Education, Other members of the U.S.S. Hailey few of them related to the and to anchor topics, Rooks, to the area | Board were Frank Chlumsky, William Duffy, Dr offices to which they aspire. The in the Harbor, The ships will arrive candidate for Assembly talks town- Saturday afternoon to assist in the Elwood A. Curtis, and Joseph J. Ulmer. and candidates for ship problems, proper observance of the day, Town Board raise state issues. Michael J. Sullivan, chairman WELCOME VISITORS Approve Bethpage High School of the GOP campaign committee The officers and crew of the jin ie said last night Naval - the here on on the two propositions vess BETHPAGE In voting Saturday, tw Sund “it is a Towne ition has Hill bei ee the in- on (1) to build a new 46 room,a $4,685,580 High School and (2) boat fou no for campaignin Ri eerie small Wsee | clusion in ‘the bulldingof a $18 657 swimming pool, the first proposi- and as conea result are floundering tion to the anchored tion received 1,529 yes votes and 501 no votes. The second received around with the most unbelievable tours for a limited numberpedisof 278. votes and 731-no votes. However since both propositions yes. and terested civilians. between LP issuance the bonds, the high wild-eyed allegatio phoney 2/3 vore. foappreve of and 3 PM. Visitors will embark eadipvone = not swimming pool. ne charges, the” ‘Propo “Tani confident that the people from R cosevelt P ark Dock here, * of our Township pe cani and persons interested may rene for want to continue tn aain good the trip to ai being Servi Dr government of the John at the Roosevelt. Pack at the ap- Cos Burns as ‘supervisor and all the Mr, Burns said, Gar pointed time, 4 other experienced and able candi- This year marks the 30th year = OYSTER BAY - Municipal garbage collection is continuing to be 4 dates can and will provide.” that the Fleet Reserve Assoc, successful for thousands of the Town ow There are ian 100, 000 an ‘international group, many of highly operation more | ne he i d said of aiH voters for Election Da whose members served ships Oyster Bay Town Board today following upon THEODORE ROOSEVE report from Sanitation Superintendent Louis Kappstatter o Hicksville Nov. 5, when the polls will be on which President Theodore from 6 7 took has made which: showed a 13.3 per cent reduction in collection costs for many open AM to PM, Roosevelt passage, His birthday this Sunday, Oct. 27, areas now being served by municipal collection, a pilgrimage to Oyster Bay. The Starts a year-long Centennial Gele Tlie costcuts which average 13.5 per cent and range as high as 18 per PLAY BY PLAY program will include participation bration across the nation. The Oy- several its 5 cent become effective Jan. 1. Areas in which the ‘new reductions will Capsule Report of How by of distinguished ister Bay Republican Club is:staging pe: take place include Old Woodbury, Southridge, Hicksville, members and.an address Com- a’ huge dinner tonight (Thurs.) at © Syosset and South Farmingdale,Beuip Hicksville Upset Port aideer ltred Diore, USN, re- Garden City Hotelto start the F said he confident continued the presenting Command - ue savin to see program honoring Oyster Bay’s most __Kappstatt eff b page 13 wa th and Third Naval Disui New York, seer nérs will be one h is famous citizen. extended throgghou the areas of Townsh Meadow Brook Bank In New Buildin Novi HICKSVILLE--The Meadow Brook wasiec Bee will open. for banking business in its new three-story building at Newbridge and Jerusalem Aves. on Tues- dag, Nov. 12, it was disclosed today. The Bank, 29 offices in Nassau which operates banking County, . — will move from its existing office on Broadway at the RR crossing where it has been located for almost a half century. automatic electroni doors at the open house, to which main entrance. : ays is invited, all the community MOSAIC MA will be held atthe new office on Monday, Veterans Day, Nov. A unique feature of the exterior Door prizes will be awarded, anda decoration is a mosaic map of guests will be served coffee and Long Island, extending for more Is donuts, and cider and cookies. ch 80. feet alon the east wall Hicksvil Elephant In addition, a special display of the building, facing Jerusalem . famous antique coin banks made lL incorporate Veteran Campaigner available, ug the Grolier Society, publishers of The Book - “Republica Club’s elephant has of Knowledge, be. on view. ( ae eea stalwart with nearly ten The new, aee-story of thé Hicksville yts. Tunder ra blue penpalsa: ddle. Angela was born in will ‘house the banking facilities ‘office of Meadow. Brook 1948, the creau rtistic work of John Jeanson of Charles mee _on ioe fies Sloot base- ‘by E, Colthusst, aie North Broadway, Hicksville. She made her debut ondeind third stories president and manager, iii cie in the Hicksville. Tercentennial Parade of that year. - pyare planned for e rental _b able to offer expanded services The small picture at the right shows Angela, : fefoai thro the a additi: on of two auto Hicksvilleply io 1 h has been ee. ugh tolling down Broadway tohelp celebrate The pulldi is fully air-condi-— teller. windows, larger safe de- 300th Birthday. and extensive fint to her the tioned, with an exterior of glas : Posie facilities, When prese admiring public, for bank alumin and brick, and wih Park space custom (continue on page four) ME©-./ — MID ISLAND PAGE HERALD — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1957 ; 682 Members For Woodland The J Woodland Ave, School Par- : Dear ee cs ee auant : in ent Teacher Assoc, of Hicksville ans Be et eng peers r eae la hate p held tts nell, Gene “Do you. leave you | go gals? monthly meeti , shopping, t Distric ‘Chairma 80 on Tuesday, Oct, 15. Mrs, P,T.A.' o A friend of ours did at the Repoli, i = Saint super- Ch s d Citi ay R e- Mid Island she had . Shoppi and ‘ P Memb who : a total of 6 lations, most n -- members 55 new explained Apparently someone i the -- but work of UNICEF ones the goal is still 100 per interestingly “first car withkevs in cent, and the fact that "Malnutrition \th © The desperate need for mental and disease go hand in hand; as clinics in soon as have malmutrition Nassau County was you you’ brought to the attention of the will have disease,&qu Mrs, Gilbert members Mrs, P, Sagona was followed by the UNICEF film, Health & Chairman, who also cleared "Assign Children, starring Mission: n up alittle of the Danny Kaye, mystery surround- ; Sefertl arthe Asian Flu an Refreshments, consisting of ing Asian Flu pro- John an the gals coul be I tection, some of the best doughnuts ever Mis, R, Nakeville, President, served and good coffee, were taken it GEARY’ care of the Sixth Feminded all the parents they are by Grade mothers, startin, invited to watch Woodland's st Hal- f th loween Parade - one of the high of Supper-Dance spots the school year as far as the boys and girls are concemed.
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