Design Past Winners Quality of Place Awards 2016 Suffolk Coastal District Council isisis currently accepting entries forforfor this year’s Awards The Awards recognise and encourage an interest : in the quality of the built environment within the Dovecote, Snape Maltings District and promote awareness for the need for high standards in all forms of design, including planning, architecture and sustainable development. 1 1 2010 The Award Categories are; •Design (Joint Winners ) White Gate Lodge, Hollesley & Hoo House, Melton •Building Conservation HowHowHowtototo Nominate aaa Scheme Entry is free and is made by completing a Nomination Form, which is available online at; or from the Council Offices on request. The completed form, together with supporting information, to be submitted to: Design & Conservation Team, Planning Services, Suffolk Coastal District Council, Melton Hill, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1AU by Friday May 27th 2016. E-mail entries are welcomed to;
[email protected] Tel :01394 444296 Heron House, Aldeburgh (Non-Residential) - Red House, Aldeburgh (Residential) - Walk Barn Farm, Westleton 2015 2015 2013 2012 201 (Non-Residential) - Maritime House, (Residential) - Frith House, Yoxford Felixstowe WWWeWeee llloloooookkkk fffofooorrrrwwwwaaaarrrrdddd tttotooo rrrereeecccceeeeiiiivvvviiiinnnngggg yyyoyooouuuurrrr nnnonooommmmiiiinnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn!!!! Building CoCoConservation Co nservation Past Winners 2010 2010 2011 2012 (Small scheme) No 267 HighSteet, Aldeburgh (Large scheme) Hoffman Building, Snape Maltings What schemes areareare eligible? Any type of development can be nominated: agricultural, commercial, community, educational, ecclesiastical, industrial, leisure and residential. It can be new construction, extension, conversion or refurbishment. Qualification To qualify for an award, the project must be within the Suffolk Coastal District Council area and completed in the past two years.