_full_journalsubtitle: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography _full_abbrevjournaltitle: SCRI _full_ppubnumber: ISSN 1817-7530 (print version) _full_epubnumber: ISSN 1817-7565 (online version) _full_issue: 1 _full_issuetitle: 0 _full_alt_author_running_head (change var. to _alt_author_rh): Dunn _full_alt_articletitle_running_head (change var. to _alt_arttitle_rh): Romani principes aduersum nos prouocantur _full_alt_articletitle_toc: 0 _full_is_advance_article: 0 Romani Principes AduersumScrinium Nos Prouocantur 14 (2018) 7-24 7 www.brill.com/scri Responses to Conflict in Early Christianity ∵ Romani Principes Adversum Nos Provocantur: Augustine of Hippo’s Epistula 87 to Emeritus of Caesarea Geoffrey D. Dunn University of Pretoria
[email protected] Abstract Prior to the 411 colloquy at Carthage, Augustine had written to Emeritus, the Donatist bishop of Cherchell, urging him to abandon his adherence to Donatism. A complaint of the Donatists against the Caecilianists was that they urged the state to persecute Donatists. Augustine put words into Emeritus’ mouth: “… you stir up the Roman emper- ors against us.” (Ep. 87.8) Augustine told Emeritus that one can only be persecuted if one’s cause is right; if evil then it is legitimate punishment. In Augustine’s view the Donatists have brought imperial punishment (not persecution) upon themselves because of their schism. This paper will show how Augustine sidesteps a dilemma using Paul’s letter to the Romans: while it is true that Christians should not judge each other (Rom 14:4), it is the responsibility of the state to punish wrongdoers (Rom 13:2-4), while it is the responsibility of Christians to rehabilitate them (Rom 11:23). Keywords Augustine of Hippo – Donatism – religious coercion – religious violence ©Scrinium Geoffrey 14 D.