Warning: Some emails in this document contain material that may not be appropriate for all audiences. FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Port Metro Vancouver Project Update: Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

From Sent November-18-13 1 13 PM To Port Metro Vancouver Public Affairs, ministerec gc Ca, minister©tc gc ca, mem minister@qov bc Ca, Env Minister©ciov bc ca, FSD-EIA Cc Subject Re Port Metro Vancouver Project Update Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Directors of Port Metro Vancouver and Honourable Federal and Provincial Ministers,

As a resident of Texada Island who lives within 4km of the proposed coal stockpile, I am shocked by this obscene pretense of an “environmental impact assessment” that fails to take into consideration the shipping of the coal and its storage on Texada Island. I demand that an independent federal and provincial environmental and health impact assessment be undertaken that includes the full scope of the proposed undertaking. If you refuse to carry out such an assessment, please be advised that I will take whatever measures are necessary to protect my health and property.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Requested comments for EtA internal ref: 614836 Attachments: volume-I -main-document-and-executive-summary. pdf

From: Sent: November-18-13 4:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Subject: Requested comments for EIA internal ref: 614836

Dear Mr Tim Blair, Senior Planner at Port Metro Vancouver,

About the Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA)conducted by Fraser Surrey Docks, internal ref: 614836. Document location at http://portmetrovancouver.com/en/proieets/OngoingProj ects/Tenant-Led Projects/FraserSurreyDocks.aspx Thanks for inviting the public to review and comment, this shows transparency:)

I have three comments below

Comment 1: Comment 1 summary: Tom Watson does not seem to be an appropriate contributor to this ETAdocument, as he has a potential financial conflict of interest

Comment 1 details: In the “VOLUME 1: Main Document and Executive Summary”, on page 1, it reads “Tom Watson, PhD, Soleil Environmental Consultants Ltd’ That document is located at http://portmetrovancouver.com/docs/default-source/PROJECTS-FSD/volume-1- main-document-and-executive-summary.pdf?sfvrsn=O

Tom Watson does not seem to be an appropriate contributor to this EIA document, as he has a potential financial conflict of interest. In other words, Tom does not seem to be fully financially independent from FSD, Triton, their contributors and their business partners.

Tom worked and might still be working for Triton Environmental, source https://www.linkedin.comlpub/tom watson/4a/2 11/a78 And also because Triton gets money from FSD, and FSD is promoting the Texada coal expansion, source: page 23 of 41 at http ://www.delta.ca/assets/Environment/PDF/FSD CouncilPresentationO2 1813.pdf

Here are some interesting information about Tom:

* Tom received money coming from Lafarge Canada paid to Triton, source “Triton recently completed a project for Lafarge Canada’s Texada Quarry (3906; PM: Tom Watson) to assist them in receiving Wildlife at Work certification from the Wildlife Habitat Council. An article about the quarry (and a Triton ad) appear in the MarchlApril 2009 issue of Exploration + Processing” source: http://www.triton env.com/intranet/documents/Newsletter-Issue2_May2009 . pdf

1 * During the period 2012-2013 Tom Watson received money from Triton, potentially $135 to $190 hourly rate, assuming it’sequivalent to a “M3” rate. Potentially an even higher rate because “M3*?is listed higher in Triton hourly rates table, source: http ://www.triton-env.comlintrahet/employee-manuals/documents/RATESHEET 2012-201 3updatedAug29l 2.pdf

* Tom was also involved in Triton’s Board of Directors. Source: “The new executive team officially took up the reins October 1. Many thanks to Tom Watson and Clyde Mitchell for their contributions over the years and their continued work on the Board of Directors”. Source: http://www.triton env.comlintranet/documents/N ewsletter-Issue4 Nov2009.pdf

Tom has not yet reply to the private message I sent him. Anybody know if Tom is now currently fully financially independent from FSD, Triton, their contributors and their business partners? If Tom his still receiving money from any of them that makes his argument much less valuable to me. I’ll let others decide their opinion, they own it. Check this out, interesting short video showing the relationship between Bias, Conflict of Interest (CoT),and Money ($), http ://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia!commons/transcoded/0/08/Bias_v2 .ogg/Bias v2.ogg.360p.webm

BTW, if any of the above documents are no longer available there are alternative locations on the internet, let me know if needed

Comment 2: Before involving someone in a EIA document, I suggest to request from them a written confirmation that they do not have financial conflict of interest with the parties. In that ETAcase, parties such as FSD, Triton, their contributors and their business partners.

Comment 3: I suggest to do a fully independent Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Texada Island Terminal expansion. As it’srelated to that project. For example, a large number of barges would commute from FSD to Texada. Then, be unloaded at Texada Island. Next, commute back to FSD.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: What are the primary reasons for making this port The Port?

From: Sent: November-18-13 8:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: What are the primary reasons for making this port “The Port?”

Your plan is flawed. We know that you have lead a gross campaign for your port to export the coal. You have disregarded the social, health, environmental and inconveniences of your plan.

Our legislation needs to change. You should not be allowed to do this without approval from various levels of government.

I will personally barricade myself to an area near your rail line, Just close enough to make it unsafe. If your train passes, it will only prove my point more.

Then, after a few truckloads, I will blow my nose and leave the sooty kleenex on your desk for you to dispose of.

“no impact on health” my ass. You know people aren’tthis dumb.

This proposal just makes you greedy pricks.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Re: Flaws in Vancouver Fraser Port AuthorityCoal Export EIA

From: On Behalf Of RealPortHearings Sent: November-19-13 12:50 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Fwd: Re: Flaws in Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Coal Export ETA

Administrator info©realporthearincis.org


======Forwarded message ======

To : “[email protected], “darrell.desiardiniortmetrovancouver.com” , “willyyungportmetrovancouver.com” , “evanqeline.englezos©portmetrovancouvercom”

Cc : “[email protected], “[email protected], “MEMMinistergov.bc.ca” , “hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca” , “Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca” , “Ministerec.cc.ca” , “mintctc.gc.ca” , “inforealporthearings.org”

Date : Mon, 18 Nov 2013 20:43:00 -0800 Subject : Re: Flaws in Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Coal Export ETA ======Forwarded message ======

What is the cost of cleanup of 50 years of accumulated environmental contamination? How effective is the cleanup? Who pays for the cost?

1 Who pays the cost of marine contamination (bunker oil) if ships transporting coal have an accident on the Salish Sea?

What are the risks of shellfish contamination? Who will pay for losses?

Who will pay for the increase in medical services required from those who suffer from coal dust exposure?

What are the true costs to our economy (including real estate) and lost tourism dollars?

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Review of inadequate report

Original Message From: Sent: November-19-13 9:35 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Review of inadequate report

In the face of the opposition (thus far) from the Governments of Vancouver, Surrey, New Westminster, White Rock, and Langley who represent more than 30% of the population of this province, this report is totally inadequate. All of the above have asked for a proper health assessment to be provided by an independant third party review. As well, representatives of the Fraser Health Authority and the Vancouver Health Authority who have previewed this report have written to say that the SNC Lavalin report is full of holes, errors and inconsistancies.

Further, dozens of Physicians, scientists and hundreds of citizens have voiced their opposition.

You must stop the process until a proper health assessment has been completed and reviewed and a full public hearing process has taken place.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: movement of coal

From: Sent: November-19-13 10:27 AM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;[email protected]; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cjc.ca; mintcctc.gc.ca; inforealporthearings.orq Subject: movement of coal

Name Email Subject movement of coal Listen to the science.... continued use of fossil fuels is mortgaging the future of all Message sentient life on this planet. If we are not part of the solution, we are contributing to the problem. Site http://realporthearings.org Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 19, 2013 10:27 am Sent from (referer): http://rea1porthearings.or/?page id126 Using (user agent): Mozillal5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; W0W64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: In response to PMVs EIA report released yesterday - Nov 18th

From: Sent: November-19-13 11:47 AM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister_Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: In response to PMV’sEIA report released yesterday - Nov 18th


Subject In response to PMV’s ETAreport released yesterday - Nov 18th As a lay person whose sole incentive to respond to this ETAis simply a personal plea to seriously consider the broad implications for this coal transfer proposal at FSD. After reading, carefully this report, my feelings have changed considerably. I offer the following as my comments to this PMV-commissioned ETAreport. 1. Astonishingly, the report appears to neglect almost totally, all of the many, likely human health impacts of this proposed venture. It appears to place a significant amount of weight on a single, out-dated and hugely irrelevant ‘expert letter’ from 1998. Unbelievably inept, in my humble opinion. 2. I won’t bother reiterating all the numerous shortcomings of this obviously flawed attempt to railroad opposition to this application. Many more intelligent and informed people than I are doing a very credible job at this critical function. I will however, offer the following: The release of this PMV-ETAchanges the game in its entirety, in my opinion, to wit: a) It so marvellously identifies a major problem with our industrial governance in Canada, in and, in this case, for all the citizens of Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, the Sunshine Coastal communities, numerous First Nations and communities all along the lower half of Vancouver Island. b) It deftly begs the question, “How have these people (PMV) and their supporters, been allowed to be given the ‘apparent’authority to render a final Message decision for an all-encompassing industrial project of this magnitude which extends far beyond their boundaries of operation?” c) It demonstrates very clearly, an amazing level of amateurism and professional incompetence when viewed from the broader perspective of overall community health. d) It also, amazingly, tries to burden the reader with responsibilities and concerns about a very small amount of ‘highpaying jobs’ that would be created via the approval of this application and goes further to issue a thinly-veiled threat of potentially disastrous PMV/FSD job losses should this application be rejected. That reminds me of a retailer saying, “ Look, we’vearranged to purchase this crappy product and if we can’t put it on our shelves and sell a bunch, we’re gorma have to lay off a bunch of staff.” Pathetic. Might I suggest humbly, that a little harder effort may be required to market commodities/products from British Columbia by which we, the people can be unconcerned about their health impacts and in fact proud of their industrial efforts in contrast to trying to capitalize on quick and easy, dirty American-sourced commodities which cannot get shipped from America itself. e) Continuing on the last point, if PMV and FSD cannot market their export handling facilities successfully and resort to virtual blackmail in an effort to convince authorities to allow for such ill-considered, industrial efforts from the last century,

1 perhaps we ought to be re-thinking, as a society, the level of competence and expertise we’ve entrusted this enormous responsibility to. f) If they are not, and by their own admission, they claim not to be responsible for the very real health impacts of the hundreds of thousands of citizens who will surely be affected by the enormous, open coal trains crossing the border near Blame, Washington, traversing White Rock, Surrey and North Delta and then, by the transfer of this commodity to huge piles at FSD and onto open barges for daily trips out of the Fraser River mouth and up to Texada Island. And then, from enormous stockpiles on this fragile, Sunshine coast ecosystem, by being loaded onto ocean-going bulk carriers to be transported to end customers in Asia. Who then is and will be responsible for the health impacts of all this filthy industrial commodity transport through these non-PMV jurisdictional areas??? Answer: Nobody. g) No Metro Vancouver officials or authorities are responsible for these major concerns we’re all expressing vehemently. h) No Fraser Valley communities’ officials or authorities are responsible, I) No Gulf Islands’ officials or authorities are responsible j) No Sunshine Coast officials or authorities are responsible k) No First Nation’ officials or authorities are responsible 1)No British Columbia (amazingly!!!) officials or authorities are responsible m) No Canadian Federal Gov’t officials or authorities are responsible n) Therefore, the ONLY people who appear ‘tobe responsible’ for the health and welfare implications of this enormous industrial project proposal, are we, the relatively modest amount of average Canadians and concerned professionals, from all walks of life, who care to work for a better, healthier future for ourselves, our neighbours AND our children. 3. In summary, I urge in the strongest possible terms, any and all authorities who may have any jurisdiction in these matters to reconsider the risk/reward, the competency, the logic, the special interests dangers, the obvious lack of oversight, the commitment to community, the societal responsibilities of the body to which this responsibility has been trusted and, the many, many holes in regards to human health considerations that this project application brings to bear. Thank you for your consideration, Very, very concerned Sunshine Coast resident Site http:!/realporthearins.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 19, 2013 11:47 am Sent from (referer): http://realporthearings.org/?page id126 Using (user agent): Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; W0W64; Trident/6.0)


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: coal terminal Fraser Surrey docks

From: Sent: November-19-13 2:12 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: coal terminal Fraser Surrey docks

I have attended many meetings and received an incredible amount of information through many sources about the movement, handling and storage of coal. It isn’t very pretty. From the time it is dug out of the ground in Montana and Wyoming and ends up in China or other far east countries every step of the way some kind of polluting machinery is used. The worst of course is the making of the end product which is the burning of the thermal coal in China to make electricity

and I guess later supply Wal-Mart with all its goods made in China. I have seen so many pictures and video of the coal dust lost along the routes via train and other means along with coal flying into the air from piles of coal at terminals. There is no way you can control the weather and its winds, well maybe there are some ways to prevent world wide future

super storms ifwe stop burning the filthystuff amongst other things. I have seen pictures of what is happening to the pollution of the oceans around the terminals from the wind blown dust and the runoff from the rain or the watering of the

coal to hold down the dust. Which is worse dust or polluted water. I live right above the tracks in Crescent Beach where most of the time there is an onshore wind blowing the diesel particulates and dust into our homes. The whistles are so

loud you have to cover your ears because I am sure it is damaging my ear drums from the 115 decibel noise. I understand the cars can not be covered because the thermal dust may cause friction against itself and possible cause fire or an explosion. There is already in place a group of doctors in Washington who have been doing an exhaustive study about health problems relating to coal, diesel and noise. This study has been over a incredible period of time and they are still learning about the impacts. Whatcom Lake has a mercury level that directly leads back to the burning of coal in China. Council ofCanadians for years have been involved in trying to bring back lakes in Canada which have been very adversely effected by pollution of fossil fuels. Does this interest you and if it does not why are you not concerned about the future not only of your family and grandkids etc. but the world and the global warming. The incredible storms, forest fires, floods, famines and so many other disasters we have seen in the last couple of years or so are omens of things to

come. Studies of the impacts of all these things needs far more than a couple of weeks especially from what I have heard about the black listing of the company doing this study. The study has to be completely independent and done

over at least a three year period. I look at the Devil making these impact studies when the Devil is in bed with the study makers. What right has Port Metro to make those decisions about my health and well being while they are busy

promoting the very things that may make me illor worse. The wolves tending the sheep is what I see. Every time we make fossils fuels cheaper and easier to get at we have mostly foreign countries jumping onboard to produce it and trying to find alternative cleaner types of energy falls on the back burner. The promoter of Fraser Surrey docks says he wants to give the people of China a chance at a better life. Poppycock! The quicker they can get the cheap dirty coal out of North America the better and make a few bucks along the way before the world self destructs. Can you imagine all these folks in China and other far east countries getting a better life. For one thing they willwant to get all the throw away stuff we have. Oh yea, most of that stuff is made from an oil byproduct. You know what we can do then, we can send them even more dirty coal so they can make more electricity and by more products made form oil byproducts. What a world we live in. Hallelujah. How long willthat world we enjoy be around or at least be tolerable to live in without wearing a mask. Oh by the way could all that incredible amount of profit the port is making from these neat ideas and what they think is good for us please be used to buy my house by the beach. It has a beautiful view looking west and is only steps from the beach. You can sit on the deck and enjoy the art work on the 20 to 25 trains that go by a day sometimes three in one half hour. You willlove the screeching of the wheels on the tracks and it willremind you of the laid back days on the farm where you might have been part of branding a heard of pigs all at the same time. Do not let the smell and sight of coal dust or diesel smell deter you as it willsoon fade away at least until the next train. There may even be a good chance you can talk city hall into lowering your taxes.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Thank you for the updated information on the coal shipment - please see my notes below.

From: Sent: November-19-13 3:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Subject: Thank you for the updated information on the coal shipment - please see my notes below.

Dear Port Metro Vancouver it is important to note that you have done additional due diligence on the issues of shipping coal from the Fraser Surrey Docks. Thank You.

I wish to confirm however that I remain strongly apposed to this and highly recommend that you find another product to ship through the port. US coal should be shipped directly from the USA, not through Canada and there will be environmental impacts from transporting this through a very urban area.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommjttee.or [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 4:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair and Federal/Provincial Ministers,

As a Metro Vancouver resident and a concerned citizen dedicated to reducing the catastrophic impacts of climate change, I insist that you reject the application for the Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility.

The increase in coal and other fossil fuel exports from our shores has raised serious concerns among citizens, health authorities and other stakeholders -- but our concerns have not been properly addressed. First and foremost, Port Metro Vancouver should be holding complete, independent public hearings on this project, which impacts not only local residents but also the global climate.

Secondly, the public deserves a legitimate health impact assessment -- which health authorities have repeatedly demanded, to no avail.

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time, and it should also be a factor in the Port’s decisions when it comes to approving fossil fuel projects. This is Canada’s chance to be a leader, not a laggard.

On top of it all, the coal to be shipped is of the dirtiest sort, sent up here by our American neighbours to escape opposition down south. I-F the U.S. ports won’t take it, why should we!?

Please do the right thing for our climate and our communities and say NO to this proposal.

Thank you for your time,

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(awildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:29 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. Especially as they impact MY future as a youth far beyond the lifespan of current policy makers. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. Sincerely, SUMMERLAND,BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

-Original Message- From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(äwildernesscommittée.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

New Westminster, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:[email protected]: November-19-13 5:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

More coal , that’s ridiculous at this point. Stop thinking of money and think of your responsibility to the future generations .1 urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. salem, oregon

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

For the love of all things sensible, let’s put money towards clean energy & get out of the filthy energy business!! ! ! Why are we all so neanderthal as to ignore the the signs of the earth’s distress & to keep on with this fossil fuel industry? Get your heads out of the coal bins guys! vancouver, bc

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA N Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterJwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced by the seas and life in the seas, by land and life on the land, by air and life breathing air and water and life drinking the water. Consumption of fossil fuels is a contributor in killing our planet and your children. Please deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility.

Delta, Bc

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am concerned about dirty coal, dirty oil and dirty gas. I think it’s time you and your government started taking responsibility for the negative environmental impact that these exports will have on the residents of the lower mainland and indeed all the province. We must develop sustainable energy and it would be nice if your government took a lead role in doing that. Burnaby, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(äwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 5:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

1m writing today to request that the coal proposal for the Fraser Surrey docks be independently reviewed particularly as regards a health impact statement just as the health authority recommended.

The climate impacts are a big concern to me as well as we need to be putting our energy into discovering alternatives to fossil fuels. You just have to look at the storms of horrendous proportions that are striking various aspects of the globe to know that climate change is alive and present affecting the world. Where will we be in 10, 20 , 30 yrs from now if we continue this present growing export of coal.

It is time to stand up and start working with the citizens of BC to maintain the planet, find alternatives to coal and in particular preserve our beautiful province.

Please do not give a permit for this proposed facility. vancouver, bc

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org Sent: November-19-13 6:01 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Sr. I deserve a comprensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by health Authority officials. And also I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are axacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. And I urge you to deny Fraser. Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsability for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuel from metro Vancouver ports. Thanks very much for you atention and I am very concern about this matter and for the future of this Country special for my province,

vancouver, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] Sent: November-19-13 6:04 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair: Re: Proposed coal docks in Surrey. This whole plan requires public hearings and an assessment of the entire operation. 17 million tons of climate changing carbon would enter the atmosphere under the current proposal. Look at what happened in the Ohillipines! Look what happened on the east coast of the US last year. It is a matter of life or death for our planet and people and animals that protections be put in place NOW. Thank you,

Vancouver, British Colimbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

It is time you realized you are investing .money in a dying industry. We know why we need a proper assessment - it is our health you are willing to put in jeopardy. The questions is why are you so afraid of an assessment if as you say there are no health issues. It is time you realized the importance of our Salish sea and it is not as a method of transporting the worst polluting coal on this planet. It is time Canada as a whole stood up against industries trying to make a buck at our expense. Enough is enough! We do not want to become the black whole of the coast! SAY NO TO COAL!!! Say yes to cruise ships, grain transport , those industries not polluting every inch of this planet. There are options but not this one for our port or our provinces.

Surrey, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

This is 2013, we shouldnt be exporting coal. We should be encouraging the world to adopt and invest in sustainable technology and energy solutions. I want Canada to stop this pointless peddling of polluting fuels now.

Victoria, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Dear sir The proposed expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks is a bad investment for the health and future of Canadians, the surrounding ecosystem and the planet at large. Washington state residents have already rejected any increase in coal trains, knowing full well the health hazard associated with these.

I strongly urge you to deny the permit the permit for coal, as well as any further expansion to facilitate fossil fuel. we are long past the due date for a low carbon economy and its time your organization took full responsibility for aiding and abetting catastrophic climate change.

Salt Spring Island, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

We have a number of concerns regarding the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility. First, several proposed terminals in Oregon and Washington have been turned down after local review. If the citizens of US states don’t want to export their country’s coal, it’s difficult to see why we would want to. Second, there are a number of negative local health impacts from shipping and loading of coal, to the point where local public health officers have expressed concern. Third, burning coal for electricity creates a number of pollutants, some of which like sulfur and mercury have been detected in BC from Chinese coal plants. Finally, and most importantly, it’s clear that to keep temperature increases under 2 deg. C. requires that most coal must be left in the ground. To claim that China or other importing countries will get coal elsewhere doesn’t relieve Canada of its responsibilities if we aid in the process of providing it.

I urge the Canadian and BC Ministers to deny the permit for the proposed coal facility.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscornrnittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.orgJ On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Hello, I am deeply concerned about the growing export o-F fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. Allowing these exports implicates us more and more in climate change and the destruction and devastating consequences that so many global citizens are experiencing. Mega storms and devastation is happening with greater intensity and frequency. It is time to drastically cut back on fossil fuel use, especially coal, and put a halt to exporting so much carbon. Moreover, I am also concerned about Metro Vancouver Port being designated as an export facility. As a British Columbian, I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment o-f the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Thank you, Victoria, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:40 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

To Whom it May Concern; Why have not realized that you cannot possibly do an Environmental and Health Impact Assessment on this proposal in isolation of the the area and the total Fraser River Estuary, its’ people and their environment? Why do you continue to ignore that the location of this coal terminal is right in the middle of the Fraser River Estuary an Estuary that has been recognized the Fraser River Delta as Ramsar Wetland Site of International Significance at the United Nations Ramsar Convention on September 22, 2012? The Lower Fraser River Estuary encompasses some 20,000 hectares and is recognized for its international ecological importance for migratory birds and fish species and diverse habitats that support a multitude of estuarine species.

I quote from an article at the Ramsar Convention “Business as usual is no longer an option....if we continue to undervalue wetlands in our decisions for economic growth, we do so at increasing peril for peoples livelihoods and world’s economies” end quote.

I quote from yet another article called the “Wetlands Live”; “The Fraser River Estuary has been proposed as a WSHRNsite which stands for Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network, which is an international initiative to identify and protect habitats in key stopover points used by shorebirds during their long migrations across the North and South America (the Western Hemisphere), better known as the Pacific Flyway.”

The Fraser River Estuary is the largest producer of salmon on the entire Pacific Coat of North America. Annually millions of adult salmon migrate upstream to spawn and millions of fingerlings then migrate downstream to the estuarine marshes, mudflats, floodplains, sloughs and river channels that are all critical feeding and rearing areas for them and other fish during their transition from the river to their oceanic habitats. Forwarding a copy of a “Report of the Environmental Assessment Panel Roberts Bank Expansion March 1979” outlining the potential detrimental environmental impacts it would have on salmon migration on the Fraser River estuary of any port development at Roberts Bank, which is at the mouth of Fraser River never mind at the Fraser Surrey Docks location.

1 Forwarding a copy of a studies done on the Sedimentation and the affects of Trifurcation and dredging of the Fraser River to accommodate ships to the docks at New Westminster and Surrey- Delta. would have on salmon migration and the stability of the dikes and marshland Removing of the George Massey Tunnel and dredging of the Fraser River deeper would only compound these concerns. Why before you even consider deepening the Fraser River to accommodate more and deeper ships in the Fraser River Estuary, do you not carry out a full Hydrological Study study to be undertaken over a long period of time to determine what affects deepening and placing raw material terminals would have on the estuary? Why hasn’t this and other projects proposed for the Fraser River Estuary been reviewed independently by the Department of the Environment and Fisheries Scientists? Why have they been muzzled on this issue? Why have you ignored the concerns expressed by over 200 doctors from Whatcom and Skagit County’s calling for a Comprehensive Health Impact Assessment regarding the health impacts of Coal Dust and Diesel Particulate Matter during the transportation of coal through their communities to both their ports and our ports?

Why have you ignored the letter dated Sept. 26th 2013 from 34 prominent professionals in the filed of environment and health requesting a full Comprehensive Cumulative Impact Assessment of all coal projects and facilities in an open and transparent manner, that would involve stakeholders in decisions that will have a significant impact on their lives and the future of the region? It would appear that you are prepared to put economic development ahead of the health of the people and an ecosystem that supports the continuance of life in the Fraser River Estuary. My last question, why have we not heard from the Conservative M.P.’s of B.C.on this issue? Submitted by:


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 6:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Please reject the US coal export.

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Sent: November-19-13 6:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Totally short sighted and irresponsible. Reasons from global warming to the health of residents of Surrey, Ladner, Tsawassen and Texada Island are being ignored if this goes. Wake up and do the right thing. Sincerely

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wj1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 7:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver i@O The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

am concerned about he climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and around the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

We should putting more $$ into alternative forms of energy and conserving the oil and gas we have instead of exporting it to other countries! Coal exports, that really is reaching the bottom of the barrel. Please take responsibility for the climate change that is already happening and stop growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Victoria, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message C From: webmasteriwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasteriiidernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 7:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. salt spring island, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:[email protected] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 7:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Hello Tim Blaire, my name is , high school student in grade 11. I am against this project because of health and climate change concerns. Despite the environment assessment results I still think that the coal exporting plan for Surrey will change the climate and cause increase health problems and pollute the air. This will increase chances of lung cancer in Surrey. As environment experts scientifically proved that the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility will cause health issues and change climate, I will urge decision-makers to reject the project’s application for an operating permit. I will also ask them to re asses the future dangers of the coal facility.

Thanks vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 7:28 PM V To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner -

V V Port Metro Vancouver V

V V V 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place VV


V Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4 V

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

To whom It May Concern

I will add my voice to the comments you have already heard regarding coal dust and its effect on the environment it is shipped through.

I also would wonder why you are shipping this coal by barge to Texada Island to be loaded on ships. Is the coal going to travel uncovered to Texada from Vancouver and then travel back over the same water to get out to the Pacific Ocean. I would hope these huge ships are not going to be going on North through the narrow waterways up there. I can’t believe this stupid idea. I really have to wonder if there is any common sense being used here. Shake your heads and, give this some more thought please.

Comox, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Nodirecttransfer coal facility,surrey

FromSent: November-19-137:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Nodirect transfer coalfacility,surrey

Hi Mr. Tim Blair,

Being a father of two beautiful innocent lives and as a resident of surrey, BC,Ican only say that it will be a no brainer for me to vote against this proposed coal facility. I am in strong opposition to let this facility come to life.

Iwould also like to add that not one person Italked to is in favour of any type coal transportation, but

I do recognize I am just one vote.

Iwould also suggest that there should be an easier way to vote, ballot boxes at ports and other important and busy areas might be a good way to get more people to vote.

I don’t consider that I have any better access to the information about pollution or global warming than you, therefore, Iconsider that you will add your own knowledge and opinion and help and guide us in the right direction, as it will be a long term project that does not fit with our plan to reduce green house emissions and curb pollution.






From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 7:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I can only hope that the polluters and the “paid for” ministers wake up to the reality that most informed citizens want a better path forward for our future.

Halfmoon Bay, BC

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: [email protected] [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 7:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iOO The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC

Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake V

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I live in Abbotsford B.C. where there are three railway lines that go through urban and rural parts of my community. I have seen coal trains spreading dust over farmland that produces 80% of some of B.C. s food. I have just read this article in the Edmonton Journal http : //www. edmontonlournal . com/Simons+Time+Alberta+come+clean+about+environmental+accidents/9 163015/story. html which notes that coal has a number of hazardous chemicals including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Here is an excerpt from the article:

Those are the kinds of disturbing test results Dr. James Talbot, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, is seeing as he monitors a huge plume of coal mine waste water currently oozing down the Athabasca River.

“Our overriding concern is the safety of the drinking water,” says Talbot. “We’re advising people, ‘Don’t draw water as the plume is going by.’

The coal trains that are travelling to the US put my community at risk. I am also concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Abbotsfrod, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 8:16 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair: I want a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility as has been afforded the citizens of Washington State. Canadians deserve a hearing too. I want a full health impact assessment completed so that my family and fellow citizens will know how our health could be impacted by this project. What will be the financial costs to our health care system when the end result is more illness? I am very concerned about climate change and this project by increasing the consumption of coal will put more C02 into the atmosphere. We have very little time left to protect our environment from total collapse. I beg you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility. The export of fossil fuels from BC needs to be stopped for the sake of present and future generations. Sincerely,

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org

1 Subject:

Sent: From: To: FSD-EIA Subject: Tim Vancouver, From: CC: Port iOO

this I the as RE: Environment Vancouver, taking I fossil I This wildernesscommittee






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From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterlwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 8:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

We need to do a comprehensive assessment before embarking in more coal exports. 1 out if. 5 children in china have asthma because if coal pollution. Toronto has 60 smog alerts per year because if coal generated electricity in New York, Detroit and Connecticut. Us thus what we want smog alerts telling seniors and children it is not. “Safe” to go outside!

Vancouver, B c

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wjldernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 8:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 108 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair:

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. The Americans voted down a port there - why should we endanger our & our childrens health for their economic benefit?

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Show the people some leadership and step outside the money grabbing mind set. concerned citizen Chilliwack, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 8:49 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility dear Mr. Blair,

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal -Facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

I look forward very much to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Comox, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message----- From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

As a concerned citizen and father to a young son who live near the railway line in South Surrey we wish to make our concerns about the volume and frequency of the trains transporting coal through our neighbourhood. My son’s school in only a few blocks from the railway. The winds and coal dust will be blowing up to our home and school and community. In addition I am concerned that this thermal coal is contributing to the worsening of the environment in China which eventually could compromise our world’s climate and environment. I urge you to review with the Health Authorities and listen to concerned citizens of the Lower Mainland as well as those living in the repressed Communist China who have little or no opportunity to voice their concerns. Thank you.

Surrey, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:05 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Is Canada a third world trans-shipping hub or do we still have standards and ideals to uphold?

We are sinking to a new low when we propose to take dirty coal from the United States that THEIR ports refuse to handle, ship it through suburban neighbourhoods in Surrey, Whiterock and North Delta, off load it to barges, ship it through the pristine waters of the Salish Sea to Texada Island, off load it again to deep sea vessels and ship to other third world countries where the regulations are lax enough to allow it to be burned!

The burning of this dirty coal in Asia and the carbon emissions that it releases is a world wide concern not just a problem for Asia to deal with. Right here in Canada each rail car loses 250 pounds of coal dust per trip and untold tons blown from barges and spilled into the sea during off loading. The raw coal impact will be severe.

This project has no environmental or developmental viability. It is only a conduit of profit and greed. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility.

Delta , BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(älwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(lwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver ise The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear servants of the public,

It should go without saying that the future for ourselves, and the generations to come that this project is in direct conflict with public health and the well being of our environment, but since you are still not convinced, I propose that a full independent hearing on the Fraser Surrey docks coal facility be conducted. The same has been afforded to citizens of Washington state by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

We also deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surry docs cool facility as publicly recommended by health Authority officials.

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

As a citizen of this province I urge you to deny Fraser Surry docs a permit for its proposed coal facility and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that would result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

I trust that you will listen to your citizens and consider very carefully the damage that will be inflicted on our health and our environment if this facility is built. We can and will build a secure and thriving future for our children without the dirty profits of coal and bitumen. Respectfully, North Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 9:22 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Hello, I am. concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. Sincerely,

Delta, BC - British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mai1to:webmasterJwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I demand a comprehensive study of the impact on human health for this port expansion both to residents of the lower mainland as well as the residents of areas where this coal is destined.

Its time to start taking accountability for climate change caused by this dirty, outdated fossil fuel.

PLease deny the permit for the proposed coal facility and prevent my children from living in a world that I no longer recognize. Sincerely, Vancouver, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility



This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr Blair,

I will not stand idle while the Port and the Liberal (Conservative) Governments destroy our air, water and lands environment for the sake of pure greed. I pledge to do everything in my power and gather everyone possible to stand up against the Port, Coal, Oil, Gas, Resource Companies and Multinational Asian companies who destroy our environment. This is not about jobs and sustainablility its about un relenting greed. You wont smoke screen the puplic anymore they are getting very wise to corruption of Governments by Corporations.

Regards, vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports

Thank you for your consideration Parksville, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . Org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommitteé.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports

Thank you for your consideration Parksville, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message----- From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner

Port Metro Vancouver - iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports

Thank you for your consideration

Parksville, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wilderness committee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster’wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports

Thank you for your consideration

Parksville, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mai1to:webmasterwi1dernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports

Thank you for your consideration

Parksville, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscomrnittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 9:49 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver ise The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

How can anyone think this is a responsible decision?? Washington St. at least has public inquires about this, why are bc citizens not being heard? Why are our health & climate issues being ignored? Coal is dirty & it should not enter our waters. Period.

Vancouver, Bc

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org

1 ..


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:01 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair,

With respect to the proposed shipment of coal from the Fraser Surrey Docks, why is BC considering this shipment, when it is US Coal which has been declined shipment through its own US Ports? Obviously it does not meet health or environmental standards in the USA. As well, in a town hall meeting, my understanding this expansion only creates 50 new jobs - not much considering the risks. We as residents deserve better consultation, a study of the health impacts, and a thorough review of the impacts to the environment. This project has apparently passed a two week environmental review but does not consider the affects of burning coal and climate change, (which we all know is the worst polluter of them all) So who benefits by this project? There arent many jobs, and too much is at stake. Our taxpayers money pays for all the added infrastructure - will any of it come back to us in the way of benefits? We deserve more answers. thank you for reading, hope we hear back soon, New Westminster Resident.

New Westminster, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facihty

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org {mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:05 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Port Metro Vancouver,

I am writing this letter out of concern for the Fraser Surrey Docks project for expanding its coal facility.

I live in New Westminster and raise a family here. Aside from my concern about climate change and the world, I am also primarily concerned about the health of my seven year old son. My family has worked hard to build a life in this community of family-friendly, working people who care about their neighbours and their health. We really don’t want coal dust floating around our neighbourhood.

I can’t understand why decisions would be made to build such an unhealthy and potentially dangerous project so close to where people live?

Our city has worked really hard to make New Westminster liveable. I understand that local ELECTED representatives have expressed their concerns as have local public health officials.

I urge you, no plead with you, to reconsider this project. People live here. It’s too dangerous and unhealthy. Sincerely,

New Westminster, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. victoria, bc

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am writing with regard to the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal port expansion proposal which is currently in the process of being rammed down the public throat without any consideration for the widespread public opposition to this project or the broader implications for climate change.

The situation cries out for a fully independent hearing as has been the case across the line in Washington State where no similar projects are being approved. Also a comprehensive health impact assessment.

This project is literally insane from any conceivable viewpoint. Why are we transshipping the American’s dirty coal, (when their own citizens have resolutely resisted coal exports on their own turf) in order to fire the power stations of China, a country already literally choking on its own fumes? Why are we fanning the flames of a fossil fuel industry that is universally recognized as being quite probably the single biggest threat to our continued survival on this planet?

And when will you, sir acknowledge your personal moral responsibility in allowing this business-as-usual atrocity to procede on your watch? There can be no rational justification for permitting this project to go ahead and I urge you to use your authority to ensure that it be denied.

North Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(awildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Sir:

Coal is one of the dirtiest fossil fuels on the planet and should be completely banned since we are all in the throes of climate change that will be irreversible. Please stand up to short term profiteers and protect this province from experiencing even more pollution and accidents around shipping US coal here and then abroad. Climate Wars by Gwynne Dyer illustrates the implications and realities of further using fossil fuels when we should be investing in clean sustainable energy instead. Climate change is happening now and if we do nothing there will be no future for either the planet or the people on it. Thank-you, vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sent: November-19-13 le:37 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

It is time for the BC government to listen to its citizens as it behoves a democracy. Thousands of British Columbians, including myself, do not want BC to export more coal, which would be harmful to our health as well as the health of Mother Earth.

I want a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

Given the known harmful health impacts of coal dust and pollution, I demand a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

In addition, I demand that the FSD be denied a permit for the proposed coal facility given climate change. I am tired of political leaders in BC ignoring one of the biggest and most urgent problems facing humankind, which is exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

Please listen to British Columbians to whom you are beholden and not to BIG BUSINESS, which does not care about current or future generations.


This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From webmasterwildernesscommittee org [mailto webmasterwildernesscommittee org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal -Facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators. assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Coquitlam, BC

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. The world has to move from fossil fuel. It is going to be a long road but it starts here by turning off this proposal. Let’s put our money into alternative energy now.

North Van, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 10:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Greetings,

I would like to voice my vehement opposition to the proposed expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks and\or any other coal export facility in British Columbia.

The proposed creation or expansion of any coal export facility needs to undergo a full independent hearing of citizens concerns and input, as has been afforded to residents of Washington State by regulatory bodies recently.

Comprehensive health impact assessment of any further creation or expansion of any coal facilities needs to be completed, as publicly recommended Health Authority officials.

Canada should be a global leader in the production and export of clean, sustainable energy sources, not dirty fossil fuels that contribute to already dire global climate concerns.

Do the right thing. In the interest of all British Columbians, present and of future generations, do all in your power to stop this shameful, short-sighted endeavour. Lets be global leaders and part of the solution, rather than the worst part of the problem. Sincerely,

White Rock, BC

Jeff Hubbick White Rock, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-19-13 11:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

The environment biased Review/Report by SNC Lavalin was a whitewash by an Engineering Company in bed with Port Metro Vancouver and who’s ethical performance in the Middle East (Liberia) has been a disgrace to Canada. They are primary an Engineering Company and are not known for their environment expertise. What is required in a completely independent comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks and to include not only thee Docks but the whole of the coal train transportation system. We demand a fully independent hearing as afforded the citizens of Washington State. They do not want coal termiinals to pollute them why does Canada allow their coal to pollute us!

Surrey, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(äwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 1:56 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal -Facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Paris, France

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 2:22 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I regard doing anything that promotes the use of coal, oil an methane that fuels climate change to be a crime against humanity. I am a professional physicist and understand that there are ways of providing the power we need without burning these fuels. We need leadership to do it. That is why I am pushing against the entrenched big businesses who have no interest in benefiting society, only their bottom line. The latter is a legal requirement and is morally wrong.

SFU Burnaby, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernessconimjttee.org [mailto:webmasterawildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 3:02 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

My name is , and I am a resident of the San Juan Islands, Washington, in the United States. Canada and the United States share the stunning Salish Sea, and we must take care of this beautiful body of water together.

We must reduce the threat of an oil spill which would devastate our economy and environment. I am concerned about the coal facilities in Vancouver, BC just as I am concerned about the coal export terminals and coal facilities here in Washington. Coal exports contribute to climate change, threaten the preservation of the Orca whales and salmon populations, degrade our fresh and salt water quality, sully our air quality, reduce high quality farmland, and put our human health at risk due to coal dust in our air, food and water. I urge you to pease deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks (FSD) proposed coal terminal.

We deserve on both sides of the border comprehensive health impact assessments for all coal export terminals so please conduct a comprehensive health impact assessment of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility as publicly recommended by your Health Authority officials.

The citizens of Vancouver, BC deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

We can create a better solution for our shared Salish. Sea, a better long-term economic driver than fossil fuel exports. We can build a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, and ensure a healthy economic future for ourselves - the lucky residents of the Salish Sea.

Thank you, Sincerely, Olga, WA , USA

1 This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(âwjldernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 4:05 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Please stop all coal exports. It’s obvious they will only exacerbate climate warming.

Clarkston, WA

This letter was created with the use o-F an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(awildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Sent: November-20-13 6:51 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage th

Surrey, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(äwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 6:53 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.’ I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Surey, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD—EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterawildernesscomruittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 7:44 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner .. .•;;,. Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am requesting that Fraser Surrey Docks be denied a permit for its proposed coal facility, for several reasons.

-- There can be no denying that climate change is occurring, fueled by man’s use of fossil fuels such as coal. Allowing this dirty fuel to be exported through Fraser Surrey will only add to an already serious problem worldwide. We are seeing the effects of climate change with incidents such as the recent typhoon in the Phillipines.

-- This coal will generate serious local pollution. Coal dust from this terminal will affect everyone along its path of transport as well as at the terminal itself. Health issues caused by coal are well documented.

-- The local pollution will affect nore than just people. Indeed, the local waterways will also be subject to the polluting effects of coal dust, including an increased acidity. This project is certain to harm wildlife and flora along its path o-F travel.

-- The ‘independent’ study done by SNC Lavalin rubberstamps this project as being safe. Meanwhile, health authority officials have basically said that the study ignores the health risks.

-- It is clear from this that Fraser Surrey Docks told SNC Lavalin what they wanted to see in the study, and hoped to gloss over the true problems. This is typical unethical corporate behavior that unfortunately has become all too common.

-- The international market for coal is actually decreasing. China has already recognized the serious impacts coal use is having there, and has announced plans to greatly reduce and even eliminate coal use in many areas.

1 i\ full independent hearing is needed on this project, as was done in Washington State. It should be becoming more clear now than ever that all Canadians are concerned about the future of this country and the very planet. We are tired of having projects like the Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility forced upon us without any consultation.

We will not go away.

Parksville, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf 0-F Sent: November-20-13 8:53 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am very concerned about the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility and feel that the project will be railroaded in! I care about B.C. and feel that not enough is being done to protect those who live nearby and the obvious environmental impact. Metro Vancouver Port needs to decrease it’s activities not increase them!

.1 deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. ‘I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. ‘I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. .1 urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. Sincerely, Gibsons, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmast ‘(ildrnesscommittee.org] On Behalf

To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I a complete independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Salt Spring Island, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommjttee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 9:28 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I’m writing to request that the Port of Metro Vancouver reject US coal exports -- because climate change, carbon regulation, the entrenched ‘social norm’ of public resistance, poor risk management, and the need to avoid building fossil fuel infrastructure that will become “stranded” in the future, all make this project a bad choice for our economy and communities.

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 10:40 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair. Leona Aqlukkaq, Lisa Raitt, Mary Polak & Terry Lake

A full independent hearing of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility is deserved to residents, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

As recommended by Health Authority officials , a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility must be done. This facility will threaten the health of the communities with coal dust and diesel particulates lost from the associated coal trains.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. Sincerely, Morinville, Alberta

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

From: Sent: November-20-13 11:05 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

To Whom It may concern: I am forwarding a copy of my e-mail to you by mail of Nov. 19, 2013

along with copies of five research articles from which Iwould hope you considered when studying this proposal. They are as follows: l.A 1963 Study done staring in 1963 of the affects of dredging of the Fraser River on it’s ecology and salmon migration. 2 A 1979 Report of the Environmental Assessment Panel, Roberts Bank Expansion of March 1979 and it’s affects on the ecology and salmon migration. 3. A 1981 Overview Summary of the Environmental Impact Study For Proposed Improvements to the Fraser River Shipping Channel on the affects of Trifurcation (Training walls) and their affects on the ecology of the River and salmon migration. 4. A letter dated Sept 26, 2013 from 34 prominent professionals from B.C.in the field of the ecology, environment and health requesting a full cumulative assessment of health and the environmental impacts before any further coal shipping terminals are established in the area of the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver. 5. A Press Release on October 17, 2013 No. 221 by the World Health Organizations, International Agency for Research on Cancer; Titled: IARC:”Outdoor air pollution a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths.” From this report alone one would think that you would so the right thing and abide by the requests recommended by these professionals in their letter to you. Anything less would endanger the lives of the people living in the Lower Mainland and the Greater Vancouver air shed.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(aiwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf 0-F Sent: November-20-13 11:12 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Good Grief, talk about climate deniers. Look around! It is time to get real and start mitigating climate change. Canada has to do its part. Instead of capitalizing on resources that increase the co2 in the atmosphere do something to make the world a healthier safer place for the next generations. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. I am so freaking fracking ashamed of this countrys unabashed exploitation of the earths resources to the detriment of all. Sincerely, Salt Spring Island, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 11:32 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

My family and I are long-time residents of Crescent Beach. Two of my children have worked as lifeguards at Crescent Beach during the summer months. With all of the increased train traffic, we are very worried that when an emergency response vehicle is required, it will be temporarily stopped by the trains. This is of great concern to the families of Crescent Beach as well as the lifeguards during the summer months.

Please deny Fraser Surrey Docks the permit for its proposed coal facility.

Vancouver and Crescent Beach, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message----- From: webmaster(lwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 11:38 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I don’t want dirty coal from the US, where even they don’t want to handle it, sent into Canada to be shipped on to China or wherever. I live in White Rock, BC with my wife who is borderline asthmatic and so we will be directly affected. We are opposed to the Fraser Surrey Docks receiving a permit for its proposed coal facility. White Rock, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(äwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterJwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 11:39 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I already have a health problem C.O.P.D. and I live across the Fraser River from the Surrey docks. This coal terminal would make me have to move. I could not live with the coal dust this would finish me off. Before anything is done I would like to see a air quality report on what we are breathing in now? This report should be made public in print form (papers). Thank you for listening?

New Westminster, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommit-tee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 12:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Tim Blair,

I am extremely concerned about the climate impacts which are currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world. There are in part being exacerbated by the extraction, export and consumption of fossil fuels.

As citizens of this region and this country, we deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. We also deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment related to the proposed Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking seriously the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. We as citizens will not tolerate the transformation of our beautiful city into a corridor for dirty fossil fuels! Sincerely,

Burnaby, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterlwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 1:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

To whom it may concern,

I am a concerned canadian citizen urging the denying of a permit for the proposed Fraser Surrey docks project in light of its impacts globally and locally (canada) our rights are to be respected and adhered to for this project. No way should it (the project) go forward in anyway shape or form with those risks not being taken into consideration or ignored.

Thank you for any and all consideration, Sincerely, winnipeg, manitoba

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee.org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 1:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am writing to oppose a permit for this proposed coal facility as it is clearly past time to move away from fossil fuels if we are to sustain our continued life on earth. Each day brings more information on the severe damages to the climate from fossil fuels. This week we are witnessing the climate conference in Warsaw, funded outrageously by fossil fuel companies, double-billed with a coal conference--its agenda is in stark contrast to the clean energy supported by most people now both here and in the rest of the world.

Please use your power to make wise decisions to transition to clean energy, not to prop up a destructive fossil fuels industry.

Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwjldernesscommjttee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-2e-13 2:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Considering that we have ample evidence of climate warming I find it difficult to believe that our government would be in favour of another l7million tons of carbon pollution entering the atmosphere.

Further more this was an industry led evironmental assessment. It is in the best interest -for all of us to have a comprehensive health impact assessment done before even considering to allow this project to go ahead. For our own health authority to voice concerns over the fact that this was not done tells me that this is serious and something better be done about it. Sincerely, North Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.or’g [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-2e-13 2:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility t’s time to reclaim this -Flawed process and flood the Port’s inbox with our letters — to demand a proper hearing and let them know that we DON’T want this project to go ahead. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Victoria, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee:org [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 3:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr. Blair,

Please do not expand the coal exports from Fraser Surrey Docks.

My concerns are health related due to an asthma condition but far more important are the effects on CLIMATE CHANGE. Coal feeds the Co2 in the atmosphere which is already at 400 ppm which is 50 points above the Nasa designated safe level for our planet.

Storms such as the recent events in New York and Hurricane Haiyan are a prime examples of the results of our fossil fuel addicted society.

It is our children and grandchildren who will suffer the greatest from the decisions we make today.

Please do not export the BLACK DEATH.

Sincerely. Vancouver

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Coal Export EIA

From: Sent: November-20-13 4:33 PM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrechc-sc.qc.ca; Minister©ec.cic.ca; [email protected]; info©real)orthearings.org Subject: Coal Export EIA

Name Email Subject Coal Export ETA A full and meaningful assessment done by a competent and trustworthy body must be done. This government seems to care only for money and financial profits without any Message concern for stewardship, health and environmental concerns or the wishes of the populace. Site http://realporthearings.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 20, 2013 4:32 pm Sent from (referer): http ://rea1porthearings.org/?page_id 126 Using (user agent): MozillaJ5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0; BOIE9;ENCA)


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-20-13 7:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I wish to express my firm opposition to the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility. We are in the midst of unprecedented, catastrophic weather events such as polar ice melt, flooding in Calgary, the typhoon in the Philippines, devastating tornadoes in the US mid west and on and on.

What will it take for you all to see how wrong-headed this plan is to export the coal that the US citizens dont want because extracting it, shipping it and burning it will only cause more health problems as well as exacerbate an already cataclysmic situation.

This permit needs to be denied and a -Full environmental impact study needs to be conducted as well as full health impact assessment as recommended by Health Authority officials. Canadians and BC residents deserves as much as the citizens of Washington State

The Canadian government has a moral obligation to its citizens and those of the world to act in such a way as to mitigate the effects of runaway GHG emissions and to not turn a blind eye to the consequences of aiding and abating the release of even more harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

May wisdom prevail. Salt Spring Island, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-20-13 7:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Sir,

I am a resident of Burnaby, British Columbia. I write to you regarding the proposed coal terminal in Surrey.

I request a full independent hearing on this proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

I request a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

And so, I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Thank you,

Burnaby, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org

1 S S S


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Coal transfer objection

Original Message------From: Sent: November-20-13 8:05 PM

To: FSD-EIA S Subject: Coal transfer objection

As a homeowner and resident of New Westminster I am putting forward my strong objection to this proposal.

I am concerned about pollution and potential health and environmental issues. If this type if facility could not gain acceptance from the United States where the coal is from I would like to ask why I as a Canadian Citizen would benefit from it being located within the proximity of my community.

Please advise specifically what my gain or the gain is that the City of New Westminster would derive from this project.

Or via Email

Sent from my iPhone


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The PMV EIAfor the totally unacceptable

From: Sent: November-20-13 8:09 PM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;premierciov.bc.ca; ENV.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca; inforealDorthearings.org Subject: The PMVETAfor the totally unacceptable

Name Email Subject The PMV ETAfor the totally unacceptable Sirs/Mesdames I call on the Port to put a moratorium on coal export expansion and commit to working with key stakeholders to conduct proper health and environmental impact assessments. I ask you to follow the example of the Gateway Pacific Terminal Proposal in Washington State where: -the commenting period took place over several months and producing the Environmental Impact Statement will take up to 2 years - the regulator built and maintained a huge website for public commenting -over 150,000 comments were received live and shown in the scoping report -the scoping report is being used to determine what was included in the Environmental Impact Statement If we look at the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal and your ETA:-You the Metro Port Authority gave 30 days for the public to comment on a deeply flawed Environmental Impact Assessment produced by SNC Lavallin (hardly a third party unbiased assessor!) -You the Port Authority refuse to publicly post agency comments, meaning that the public is left in the dark over expert concerns about this project. - You the Port Authority see no need for an independent Health Impact Assessment even though Dr. Paul Van Buynder and Dr. Patricia Daly, the chief medical officers of Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health, respectively, responded in a letter to Message Fraser Surrey Docks that warnedthe report did not address their concerns. \“The assessment of potential health impacts is particularly disappointing, and receives minimal attention in the document,V’says the health officersVletter, dated Nov. 13. Furthermore your statement that the project is “not likely to cause significant adverse effects to the environment or human health” does not give any substantial scientific data that would give the public confidence. Reading between its nebulous lines it seems to say: \“There might be some impact but weVrenot sure if and how much. Probably not enough to make you too sick or to kill you.\” That is not good enough for the people to be affected. Therefore, a serious Health Impact Assessment must be integrated with a new Environmental Impact Assessment and both should hay e the following criteria: -Both assessments must involve key stakeholders like our Health Authorities from the start, including determining the scope and terms of reference; - they must include an assessment of the risks of the proposed coal export expansion at Neptune Terminals; -they must consider all local impacts from the time the coal enters our region by rail to the time it enters international waters by ocean going vessel; - they must consider climate change impacts of the end use of that coal; -they must be open and transparent and incorporate public hearings. I and many other like minded

1 citizens will continue pressuring you until you comply with a best practices process which is transparent, open, objective, unbiased and truly concerned with the common good of the citizens most to be affected by this project. Respectfully and Site http://realporthearings.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 20, 2013 8:08 pm

Sent from (referer): http://realporthearings.org/?page id=126 Mozilla!5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10 9) AppleWebKit/537.71 (KHTML, like Using (user agent): Gecko) Versionl7.O Safari/537.71 —

2 FSD-EIA : ‘ From: FSD-EIA

Subject: FW: [POTENTIALSPAM] I am writing to express my deep concern that and INDEPENDENT

environmental impact study has not been carried out on this project. Wake up, please. I have two beautiful children and two beautiful grandchildren who need a clean place

Importance: Low

From: Sent: November-20-13 8:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: [POTENTIALSPAM]I am writing to express my deep concern that and INDEPENDENTenvironmental impact study has not been carried out on this project. Wake up, please. I have two beautiful children and two beautiful grandchildren who need a clean place to... Importance: Low


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(äwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(äkildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf

Sent: November-2e-13 8:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver iee The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

To say nothing of the fact that the possible damage to our health is still being aggressively questioned!

Surrey, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwjldernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Charlene McAllisterSent: November-20-13 9:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC Fed Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

To Whom It May Concern, In this past week, in the aftermath of the most powerful recorded typhoon in history, devastating the Philipines, as well as the historical floods in Sardinia, and record breaking storms in the U.S., I stand with my fellow global citizens to demand a viable environmental future for the future generations of all life on this planet.

I therefore urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the unprecedented climate damage that will further result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

At the very least, a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials must be conducted, so that the population gains a clear understanding of the consequences that the proposed coal facility will result in for the citizens of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and around the world.. And, once properly understood, this population must have our democratic right to reject further climate change drivers respected and acted upon.

The notion of perpetuating further fossil fuel shipments through British Columbia, or elsewhere is becoming an increasingly obvious willful madness on the part of our corporate and governmental leaders. The people of China, for example, are already suffering severe health consequences and environmental devastation as a result o-f global warming and escalating pollution, and we here in British Columbia have no interest in further creating further such the wanton destruction, here at home or anywhere around this planet.

I implore you to please consider the future quality of life for our children and grandchildren and stop this insanity now! Sincerely, Vancouver, BC






















find at FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: EIA Released by PMV Nov 18th

From: Sent: November-20-13 10:04 PM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;[email protected]; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerçov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; mintc©tc.cc.ca; inforealporthearinqs.org Subject: EIA Released by PMVNov 18th

Name Email Subject ETAReleased by PMV Nov 18th With respect to your recently released Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA)for the Fraser Surrey Docks Coal proposal, I have some concerns. While it is surprising that it would take you several months of public pressure to commit to do such a study, it is almost more surprising that you still don’t have it right. In allowing Fraser Surrey Docks to hire SNC-Lavalin, charged by the World Bank as being one of the most highly fraudulent companies in Canada, you automatically raise public credibility issues regarding the ETAresults. The results suggest why it was done in such a shortened time period (4 weeks), while International Standards call for a minimum 6- 12 month assessment. SNC-Lavalin has pretty much repackaged work previously done, with limited analyses. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, you showed no interest in taking a longer, sober look or engage in any original research. While you refer to a few environmental mitigations, such as increased suppressants and more care in dealing with coal dust upon barge departure from FSD to Texada Island, the reality is that the stockpiling which you say you will not do, will effectively take place by virtue of the barges sitting idle in conditions of wind speeds over 40 km. The barges may be idle, but the swirling coal dust will not. Most prominent is the failure of Message . . your ETAto deal with the inevitable human health impacts resulting from the mountains of coal dust and diesel particulates coming off these 150 plus car coal trains. With an average of 4 -6 diesel engines per train, the C02 and other toxicities (such as methane gas) would be far from inconsequential. Children and elders will be greatly impacted; 17 schools lie within a few km of the train tracks in Delta and Surrey. Were we in the USA FSD’s coal handling placement near schools would be illegal.. For the environment (Burns Bog, the lungs of the lower mainland will be compromised); the Fraser River Estuary, never having had coal before, will be significantly endangered, with untold cost to fisheries. Herring and Salmon spawning grounds do not take kindly to diesel particulates. Farmland and farmers will also not take kindly to the increase in toxic pollutants, including mercury, arsenic, lead and the impact this will have on our crops and food. The public consumption of such damaged goods? Oh, well. Considering that coal dust and diesel particulates contain known carcinogenic matter, increasing the risk of cancer, stroke, cardio pulmonary and lung conditions., it is also surprising you failed to address the health issue. Fortunately we have our Fraser Health and Vancouver Health authorities to address these oversights.

1 Except you chose not to fully seek their advice nor their involvement, claiming you have no need. Shameful as that is, the reality is, while you may believe that, we know better. You may not need their expertise; but we certainly do. I noticed you have no MD’s taking part in your study. Dr. Paul van Buynder, Fraser Health, has offered his services in creating a full and comprehensive HIA. Please do the right thing and take the offer. The public deserve it; and I demand it. It is not too late .Sincerely, Site http://realporthearings.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 20, 2013 10:03 pm Sent from (referer): htip://realporthearins.or/’?pageid1 26 Using (user agent): Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.O)


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 9:52 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Please deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal -Facility. We must all take responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export o-F fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports. This is not a trivial issue. I t is increasingly evident that the future of civilization rests with the individual decisions, like this one, that are being made around the globe.

At the very least, we deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

A comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials, is needed and this health assessment must include the threat to life from extreme climate events, exacerbated by the burning of coal and other fossil fuels.

Salt Spring Island, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 10:15 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility November 21, 2012

Dear Tim Blair,

I am writing today to express my concerns about the expansion of coal exports.

I have very recently leant about these coal expansion proposals that have been kept from the publics commentary. I am appalled at the thought of such expansion occurring right here in Vancouver without any consultation with the public. These projects are not in the best interests of Canadians. Undoubtedly, they have the ability to make a few Canadians wealth in the short term but everyone in canada as well as the rest of the world will suffer from this_development in the long term. Burhing o-F coal, as well as the other fossil fuels, is hastening the onset of dangerous climate change that will greatly amplify human suffering worldwide if not held in check. All carbon based energy projects must be phased out immediately. Your proposed projects do the contrary. By allowing the expansion of coal shipping, more coal will be extracted that will inevitably be burnt - adding to the already dangerously high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels currently found in our atmosphere. One does not have to be a climate scientist or even a scientist to link these simple processes requiring elementary school arithmetic. The consequences of current elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have already been well documented. They are grim and will only get exponentially worse if projects like the ones

1 you propose are passed. Lets move towards the future with a clear heads and make decisions that move us down a path of negative and devastating consequences.

I strongly urge you to reconsider these fossil fuel projects and at the very least allow Canadians to have access to all information of your plans and allow them the opportunity to help make a decision. This project affects us all and will all have a right to have a say!

Its time we dissociate ourselves from these fossil fuel projects and use our resources, time and money to built infrastructure that taps into renewable energies! In addition:. • I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. - • I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surr’ey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. • I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. • I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

My name is and I reside in Vancouver.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Texada is part of the Scope of the Project and should be recognized as such

From:) Sent: November-21-13 11:35 AM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca; info©realporthearins.org Subject: Texada is part of the Scope of the Project and should be recognized as such

Name Email Subject Texada is part of the Scope of the Project and should be recognized as such I live on Texada Island and disappointed that the EIA did not include specifics on Texada Island. I am also a previous employee of SNC Lavalin and I question the ethics of the intent of the report. It is written in defense, as if to some how \“justify\” the short duration of the term, the incomplete scope of the work listed. It appears that the history of SNC Lavalin conducting ETAVsare NOT independent, but pro industry- EVERY TIME. No wonder, SNC Lavalin is one the of the biggest employers in Canada- mostly from mining. And they are being used to give an \‘independentV report? On Texada Island, there is -NO mention of coal dust exposure on endangered Stickleback species that reside within 5km of the coal storage -No mention of marine traffic impact on three world class provincial parks in narrow Sabine Channel, including loss of recreation travel and sport fishing -No mention of impact to marine Message . . life, including eel grass on Texada -No mention of water impact on Texada, where there is a limited supply of fresh water. Already Lafarge is polluting the Van Anda watershed. By not recognizing this, it appears Lafarge has the right to pollute -NO mention of the Lafarge poorly build estuary, infringing on marine life - No consultation of the impacts on Texada with the general public on TExada -Winds of 40Km and the tugs will AVOID travel. And how to tugs do this? not leave the Fraser River mouth from Nov to Feb? -Too many other points that I can list, -others have done so. A FULL REAL INDEPENDENT - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT. The scope of the project includes Texada. Our population may be small, We are still a part of British Columbia. Site http://realporthearings.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 21, 2013 11:34am Sent from (referer): http://realporthearings.org/?page_idi 26 Using (user agent): Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(awi1dernesscommittee.org [mai1to:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 12:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Dear Mr Blair,

I am worried about the continued use of fossil fuels in Canada and elsewhere. The negative impact of the use of coal and oil is well-documented and contributes to the general degradation of our world.

On the local level, we citizens of the Lower Mainland deserve a more comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility than has been afforded by your EIA, Fraser Health and Coastal Health authorities have asked for this.

I will go farther. I request that you deny FSD a permit for this coal facility. yours respectfully, Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Coal Dock in New West

From: Sent: November-21-13 1:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Coal Dock in New West

To whom it may concern,

Below is a letter I sent to my local New Westminster Record Newspaper (Nov. 20) following the publication of an article entitled “No harm from coal facility.”

I am not in favor of a coal transfer facility a t Fraser Surrey Docks.

My letter:

No harm from coal facility? It’s no wonder our residents are skeptical. Fraser Surrey Docks surely knew who they were hiring to run this environmental risk assessment. Record readers should be informed that SNC Lavalin is world renowned as one of the most corrupt companies on the planet. A September Financial Post headline reads: “Canada now dominates World Bank corruption list, thanks to SNC-Lavalin.” Anyone can Google the details. This is not a company to be trusted with our health and well-being. In the comic books, this is the type of organization Batman or Superman would be fighting against. Looks like we are going to have to go back to using common sense. Obviously coal transport does put us and our environment at risk. But, what’s even more risky is trusting the kind of people who say, “No risks here” all the way to the bank.

I hope everyone will join me in calling Fraser Surrey Docks to make our outrage known. Or, we can, as the Record article states, comment on the assessment by email: [email protected]. Written responses can be sent to Tim Blair, senior planner, Port Metro Vancouver, 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC, V6T 3T4



From: Sent: November-21-13 2:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: COALIMPORTS


I am constantly amazed at how Canadian’s and Canada’s interests are so susceptible to a few dollars waved by american interests.

Why do the three western states - Ida. Org. & Wash. refuse the transit of their coal, oil and gas across those states, but Canadian’s cant wait to genuflect and acquiesce to risking our environment.

Having - SNC Lavalin recommend the use of Surrey docks, is paramount to having the wolf leave his sheeps clothing at the door of the meeting. With the deplorable record of “PORTVANCOUVER” having the final say on this assessment, is an absolute dereliction of responsibility.

1 wildernesscommittee This White completely devastating move review vibrations major have said is Docks Vancouver, CC: RE: Tim Environment 100 Subject: Port To: Sent: Of Subject: From:

From: FSD-EIA already Comments The Fed. Blair, FSD-EIA letter from she been Metro Original Rock, and coal It webmasterwildernesscommittee.org November-21-13 Like that Pointe, Climate cannot I is Comments Environment a no so unnecessary have outrageous. facility. strongly Vancouver Senior BC so was BC addresses consumption house Minister hard devastating proper on many Message created caused stand the V6C 999 change to she on Planner . people org impact urge believe Proposed Canada 3T4 Mary Minister the 2:28 the the loves. FW: FSD-EIA and dozens with of is Just environmentally you Proposed many Comments noise Polak, in PM fossil against REAL. studies Place the the to recently Fraser the of Can Leona flaws and hold proposed use new BC Lower And fuels. you Fraser on the done. pollution Aglukkaq, Surrey Health of in cracks the an it imagine a interests Mainland this an friend Proposed independent [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee is has terminal Surrey The online Minister Docks HERE. to proposal. been this any impact 1 Fed. her in Fraser Docks I of Transfer letter White more, allowed can have We for house. Transport ALL Terry review on Surrey cannot Direct be yourselves? been of and all Rock writing seriously to Coal Lake Docks us. She of the of incredulous who delay continue Minister Transfer the us is Facility Please constant Direct tool lives who being proposed thinking considered Transfer which to live Coal Lisa hold near forced that this coal-train close Fraser Raitt, Facility you Marine an about Coal a .org] point. when to independent project can Facility to it sell Surrey BC Drive On it find the and There is Behalf and this route at our has FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 2:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility Hello,

As a retired geophysicist, I am starkly aware of the increasing global heating. We have to find ways to leave as much carbon in the ground as we can if we are to slow the rate of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

One way to slow down fossil carbon extraction is to choke off the transportation routes as other jurisdictions have done.

Therefore, I urge you to reject outright the Fraser Docks application.


This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterJwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 3:37 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

Climate change is the checkmate on coal. Mining, selling and burning fossil fuels is no longer a feasible.

For your childrens sake, for ensuing generations, I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

We havent the luxury of time to entertain this proposal Qualicum Beach, British Columbia

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterilwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.orgJ On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 4:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I feel that I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Docks coal facility and a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Dock facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. We have lived in North Delta since 1967 and do not want this coal facility in our community. Canada is working hard to restore our country from pollutions of all nature and this coal facility would be a step in the wrong direction. We have to be diligent in protecting our environment and the impact being experienced in Canada and in the world from fossil fuels. I urge you to Deny Fraser Surrey Docks proposed permit for the Coal facility and to start and take responibilty for climate damage that will result from the growing export of Fossil Fuels.

North Delta, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Sent: November-21-13 4:22 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

To whom it may concern, I am writing to you today to urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility.

I am a BC resident and a Vancouver citizen and as such, I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials.

I and every other resident here deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.

I am also very concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels.

I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Our climate and our communities cannot afford the completion o-f the FSD proposal, and I urge - —decision-makers to reject—the- project’s application for an operating permit. Thank You, Vancouver, BC

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

-----Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 4:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place

Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4 V

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

We deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Dock facility such as the one done for the people of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year.We need a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Coal facility, as publicly recommended by the Health Authority officials. We are concerned about the climate changes in the world which are made worse by the export of Fossil Fuels. Bringing Thermal Coal in particlar in our community is a step in the wrong direction. We have to be diligent in protecting our environment from pollutions of all naturel request that you deny Fraser Surrey Docks permit for the proposal of the Coal facility and to start to take responibilty for the climate change that will result in the fossil fuels exported from the Metro Vancouver Ports.We have lived in North Delta since 1967 and lived in B.C. for all of our Senior lives and do Not want this proposed Coal Facility in our country in particular Delta.

North Delta, B.C.

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wi1dernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmasterwildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 5:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export of fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Thank you. Sincerely, Brookeville, MD

This letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee . org

1 This


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf Of Sent: November-21-13 6:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I am deeply concerned about the proposal to allow dirty American coal to be shipped through our ports and waterways. Coal dust isn’t “just coal”, it contains many toxins, including arsenic, which are cumulative in effect and detrimental to our water, wildlife and people who lived in this area.

We deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Facility as well as a full independent hearing conducted by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. It is unconscionable that, given the state of global warming and coal’s considerable contribution to that effect, Vancouver, B.C.and Canadian government officials are willing to expand our part in the use and accessibility of fossil fuels to the world.

I urge you to refuse a permit for the Fraser Surrey docks. Please consider your responsibility to the people and wildlife of our coastal communities and the world.

Halfmoon Bay, BC

letter was created with the use of an online letter writing tool which you can find at wildernesscommittee. org

1 ______


From FSD-EIA Subject FW Fraser SurreyDocksDirectTransfer Coal Facility

From: Sent: November-21-137:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Fraser Surrey DocksDirectTransferCoalFacilily

Dear Sirs:

I am writing to strenuously object to your plans for shipping coal from the Fraser Surrey docks to Texada Island and then on to China. The very thought of barges full of coal threading their way through the Gulf Islands to Texada is anathema to me. Our Gulf Islands are amongst the most beautiful places on this Earth, and polluting the air around them with coal dust is unthinkable. The Fraser River estuary is an extremely fragile and important habitat for fish and birds, a fact that your plans to ship coal in this area ignores.

Ivery much wish that Port Metro Vancouver were more transparent and accountable, not to mention open to suggestions from the people who live in this region. Please reconsider your plans to ship coal from Fraser Surrey Docks. Yours sincerely,

1 take _____


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Please consider this letter: EIAfor the Fraser Surrey Docks Coal Proposal

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:03 AM To: FSD-EIA 1 Subject: Please consider this letter: ETAfor the Fraser Surrey Docks Coal Proposal

Dear Port Metro Vancouver,

With respect to your recently released Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Fraser Surrey Docks Coal proposal, I have some concerns. While it is surprising that it would take you several months of public pressure to commit to do such a study, it is almost more surprising that you still don’t have it right. In allowing Fraser Surrey Docks to hire SNC-Lavalin, charged by the World Bank as being one of the most highly fraudulent companies in Canada, you automatically raise public credibility issues regarding the ETAresults.

The results suggest why it was done in such a shortened time period (4 weeks), while International Standards call for a minimum 6-12 month assessment. SNC-Lavalin has pretty much repackaged work previously done, with limited analyses. This is unacceptable. Unfortunately, you showed no interest in taking a longer, sober look or engage in any original research.

While you refer to a few environmental mitigations, such as increased suppressants and more care in dealing with coal dust upon barge departure from FSD to Texada Island, the reality is that the stockpiling which you say you will not do, will effectively take place by virtue of the barges sitting idle in conditions of wind speeds over 40 km. The barges may be idle, but the swirling coal dust will not.

Most prominent is the failure of your EIA to deal with the inevitable human health impacts resulting from the mountains of coal dust and diesel particulates coming off these 150 plus car coal trains. With an average of 4 - 6 diesel engines per train, the C02 and other toxicities (such as methane gas) would be far from inconsequential. Children and elders will be greatly impacted; 17 schools lie within a few km of the train tracks in Delta and Surrey. Were we in the USA FSD’s coal handling placement near schools would be illegal.

For the environment - Burns Bog, the lungs of the lower mainland, will be compromised. The Fraser River Estuary, never having had coal before, will be significantly endangered, with untold cost to fisheries. Herring and Salmon spawning grounds do not take kindly to diesel particulates. Farmland and farmers will also not kindly to the increase in toxic pollutants, including mercury, arsenic, lead and the impact this will have on our crops and thod. ‘l’hepublic consumptionöYiiWdamaged goodsr011, well. - -

Considering that coal dust and diesel particulates contain known carcinogenic matter, increasing the risk of cancer, stroke, cardio pulmonary and lung conditions. Ttis also surprising you failed to address the health issue. Fortunately we have our Fraser Health and Vancouver Health authorities to address these oversights. Except you chose not to fully seek their advice nor their involvement, claiming you have no need. Shameful as that is, the reality is, while you may believe that, we know better. You may not need their expertise; but we certainly do. I noticed you have no MD’s taking part in your study.

1 do Dr. Sincerely,







































Please FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: health impact assessment study

From: Sent: November-22-13 10:55 AM To: FSD-EIA Subject: health impact assessment study

There seems to be a disconnect as to the real issues with the coal dust. It causes health issues. Please listen to the professionals in the health industry. If they’re appalled we should all be concerned. Your health assessment study is self-promoting. This is such a tragedy that health is second to profit. Please give your heads a shake. Delta resident FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: moratorium on coal export expansion

From: Sent: November-22-13 11:36 AM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;iremier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected];hlth.ministerQov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintc©tc.gc.ca; [email protected] Subject: moratorium on coal export expansion

Name Email Subject moratorium on coal export expansion I am not a climate change expert but I am a concerned mother of 5 incredible children with bright futures poised to make positive contributions to Canada’s future. I am also a scientist with deep respect for evidence-based policies. I believe Canada is going in Message a very wrong direction with our environmental policies that are based on flawed and unsustainable economic goals that are putting my children and their children’s futures at risk. Please re-consider this one flawed policy and work towards a sustainable and viable future for Canadian children. Site http://realporthearings.org

Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 22, 2013 11:35 am Sent from (referer): http://realporthearings.org/?pageidl 26 MozillaJ5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10 7 5) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, Using (user agent): like Gecko) Versionl6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1 — —


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 1:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrelLdesjardin©øortmetrovancouver.com, willy.yung©portmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca. hlth.ministergov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrechc-sc.gc.ca, Ministerec.gc.ca, mintc’tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, this ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.”

Nor does this ETAassess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. This is unacceptable.

Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s EIA does not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. It should.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, which needs to include a comprehensive health impacts assessment and full public hearings, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Neptune Terminals Coal Port Assessment

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:33 PM To: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Wifly;Englezos, Evangeline; FSD-EIA;[email protected]; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©cjov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; info©realrjorthearinqs.org Subject: Neptune Terminals Coal Port Assessment

Name Email Subject Neptune Terminals Coal Port Assessment Re: ETAof the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export terminal. It is my understanding that the Vancouver Port Authority is bullish on the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export terminal. They appear to have determined a-priori that the project is required, and are treating the ETAprocess with disdain. The ETAreport does not meet the well-defined standards of an HIA or an ETA,the process is flawed and is not transparent. I request Message that you take into account all the criticisms made by the Health Authoriies and conduct a proper and transparent impact assessment: involve key stakeholders from the start; include an assessment of the risks of the proposed coal export expansion at Neptune Terminals; consider local impacts from the time the coal enters our region by rail to the time it enters international waters by ocean going vessel; and most importantly, consider climate change impacts of the end use of that coal. Thanks P Site http://realporthearings.org Sent from (ip address): Date/Time: November 22, 2013 2:32 pm Sent from (referer): http://realporthearings.org/?page id=126 Using (user agent): Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:25.0) Gecko/20 100101 Firefox/25.0


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:52 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandIesportmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desiardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, hlth.minister@govbcca, Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Issues of health and the environment must be given top priority in accessing the wisdom of pursuing coal exports. Sincerely, nelson


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:52 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “iim.crandlescortmetrovancouver.com, darreH.desjardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister Ministrehc-sc.cjc.ca, Minister”ec.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Do you have children? Do you care about their futures? Think about shrinking your child’sbrain and then think of how the people along this route feel.

Do the right think instead of thinking about $ signs.

Sincerely, Edmonton


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘iim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], evangeline.englezos©oortmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Minister©gov.bc.ca, MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am appalled that your environmental assessment ignores the advice of health officers. I am also completely opposed to using our ports to ship coal that even the US won’t allow through strategic routes to its own ports! B.C. is acting like a third world country - handling toxic materials that other countries won’t. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘iim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com, darrelI.desiardinportmetrovancouver.com. [email protected], evangeline.englezoscportmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], [email protected], Minister Ministrehc-sc.Qc.ca, Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Star using green energy and drop of those filthy resources that are killing us.

In case you are not aware yet... MONEY IS NOT EATABLE!!!!! Sincerely, North Vancouver



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com, darrell .desiardin portmetrova ncouver.com, willy.yung@portmetrovancouvercom, [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, hlthminister©gov.bc.ca, Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.cjc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I think this is a terrible idea that will adversely affect a lot of people’s health I against granting a permit Please do not! Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: jim.crandles©Dortmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desiardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, hlth.ministerkiov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.ac.ca, Mifli5ter’©ec.gc.ca Subject:T Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey DocksT Short term gain, long term pain. Say you care more about the health of your fellow human beings over immediate profits. PLEASE DO NOT GRANT THE PERMIT FOR FRASER SURREY DOCKS AND COAL EXPORT EXPANSION! Health officers say the port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.” If the port was truly acting in the public interest, it would come clean about how the proposal could affect our health. Sincerely, Richmond


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-132:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrell.desjardin©Dortmetrovancouver.com, willy.yunq©portmetrovancouver.com, evangeline.encilezos©portmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected],hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca. Minister’©ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I live at the Quay in New Westminster. We bought our place in order to be near the river and its tiny bit of natural space away from the city. But we already have dust and fumes we breathe everyday from the nearby train yards. Please DO NOT add to this a thousand times over. Please NO NOT approve Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. My wife and I strongly and strenuously oppose this. I do not believe Fraser Surrey Docks’ propaganda. I do believe the Fraser Health Authority and Coastal Health Authority spokespersons’ comments are accurate. Please STOP this application and stop expanding coal exports. We will be paying very close attention to the results of this issue. The outcome is extremely important to us. Thank you. Sincerely, New Westminster


From FSD-EIA Subject FW Fraser Surrey Docks EIAcomment

From Sent November-22 13 2 59 PM .:..: To: FSD-EIA Cc ‘i rn crandles@ portmetrovancouver corn darrell desjardin@Dortmetrovancouver corn willy yung©portrnetrovancouver corn evangeline englezos©portmetrovancouver corn ENVMinister)aov bc ca MEMMinisterQov bc ca hlth rninister@ciov bc ca Minister Ministre@hc sc cjcca Ministerec cicca

Subject: Fraser Surrey Docks ETAcomment . ..


I am writing to express my concern over the application to export coal through Fraser Surrey Docks. Given that the ETAwas not geographically comprehensive, and still shows adverse effects with its limited scope, this is a BC?s dangerous proposal for largest metropolitan area. .

Furthermore, coal is a carbon-intensive source of energy that our society should minimize as part of our energy portfolio. Sincerely,

Prince George

••.• • ••.• •... .:....

•, ••• . 1 FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cjc.ca, Minister”@ec.pc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I impolore you to work with the medical officers and health officials to make the very best choice for the health of future Vancouverites. I have two children aged 7 and 8. Your decisions now will help them support your endeavors in the future. It may not be the most profitable thing to do, but it’sthe right thing to do. Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 2:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “iim.crandlescportmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desjardinportmetrovancouver.com, willy.yung©portmetrovancouver.com. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”@ec.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I’m 26, young enough to be hit by the long-term effects of localized coal pollution--as well as the globalized effect of climate change. The same goes doubly for my children. I opposed this development for these reasons, and because I believe we must find a new, sustainable way forward.

Continuing down this outdated path is killing us and robbing future generations of so much that we hold dear. Let’s have some courage, rethink what progress looks like, and stop carbon pollution one step at a time. Sincerely, Vancouver

• • • •

• •: •. •• •• .. .. .


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrell.desjardin©rortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],hlth.ministergov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca, Minister”ec.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Port Authority is not a law unto it’s own self....get with the programme... which is consultation and open debate and arbitration on all things environmental Did you not read the news in Ontario concerning coal? Sincerely, Riondel

1 ______


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: T1jim .crandles©oortmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desjardinportmetrovancouver.com. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister [email protected],Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To Whom It May Concern,

For our children, I ask that the Port address the health issues raised by Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health over concerns regarding coal dust and coal transportation.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports.

I request a written response detailing how the EIA addresses basic requirements for a health impact assessment. Sincerely, Vancouver V5N 1T8


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:05 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandles©iortmetrovancouver.com, darrelLdesiardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministercov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca, Minister”ec.qc.ca Subject: Environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Stop shipping oil and coal, dying later isn’tworth profits now.

There are better ways for Canada to contribute to the world, we don’t need to gut our lands as fast as possible so that other countries get more power. Sincerely, new westminster

1 Subject: Vancouver Sincerely, Come Sent: From: Subject: From: FSD-EIA

























Surrey assessment






From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:06 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandles@portmetrovancouvercom. darreIl.desjardinortmetrovancouver.com, willy.yung©portmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],hlthministergov.bcca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca, Minister”©ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Docks’ should be shut-down, in the public interest, until a heath risk assessment is completed. Sincerely, Halifax


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:07 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desjardin©øortmetrovancouver.com, willy.yungportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca, Minister”cec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks where does it stop? it must stop here! once the water & air can no longer support us - then we’re up the creek without a paddle. we must maintain clean air & water at all costs - once it’s gone, it’s lost forever, we must think long term not just for the now. our selfishness must stop here & now! thank you! Sincerely, Gabriola


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘jim.crandlescportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We live very near the board walk in White Rock and thus have the luxury?of seeing the coal trains pass underneath us every day. I have been concerned about the adverse effects of the coal for sometime and these concerns were re-inforced by a number of educated professional. I would like to urge the Feferal Government to refuse the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. Sincerely, White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrell.desjard inportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca, [email protected],[email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.cjc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

STOP IT NOW. Listen to the experts - NO COAL through our Ports. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandlescportmetrovancouver.com, darrell .desiardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], evangeline.enqlezosportmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected],[email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.cjc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To who it may concern... I would like you recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application on behalf of me and my family. You know that coal is not a ‘clean’source of energy, so why would you even considering this deal... It is shameful. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: HELLO!!it’syour grandchildren too

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘jim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], willy.yungoortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], MEMMinistercgov.bc.ca, [email protected], Minister Ministrecthc-sc.gc.ca, Ministerec.cic.ca Subject: HELLO!!it’s your grandchildren too T Short term financial gains maybe attractive to the greedy

Ironically even from just an economic perspective, the long term costs will be prohibitive

STOP! enough is enough Sincerely, North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: jim.crandles©iortmetrovancouver.com, darrell.desjardin©rortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], evangeline.englezosportmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], [email protected], Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca, ec.gc.caMinister Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey DocksT Dear Port Metro Vancouver

According to medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.”

The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ’jim.crandIesoortmetrovancouver.com, darreIl.desjardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Minister©pov.bc.ca, hlth.ministerov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca, ec.qc.caMinister Subject:T Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey DocksT According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The EIA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Winnipeg


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW. Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: jim .crandlesportmetrovancouver.com. darrell .desjardinoortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca, hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca, Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca, Ministerec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

British Columbia needs to stop taking steps backwards with our environmental policies. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc ‘jim crandlesportmetrovancouver com darrell des1ardIntortmetrovancouver com willy.yung©portmetftvaicouver.com, evangeline.englezosportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], MEM.Minister©ciov.bc.ca,[email protected], Minister [email protected],Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Clean energy does not include coal. Period. Sincerely, Lasqueti


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: iim.crandlescpoftmetrovancouver.com darrell.desiardin©rortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],hlth.ministergov.bc.ca, Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

With high handed behavior like this it is clear Port Metro Vancouver needs a publically elected board which is accountable.

The new coal transport plan is not acceptable. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘jim.crandlesortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], willy.vungportmetrovancouver.com. evangeline.englezos©iortmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I would like to recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application to store and export ëoal, at least until such time as a proper, transparent health and environmental assessment has been performed. Sincerely, Vancouver

1 - . :... ..


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:11 PM

,. To: FSD-EIA . Cc “jim crandles©rjortmetrovancouver corn darrell desiardin)portmetrovancouver corn willyyungportmetrovancouver corn evangeline encilezos©portmetrovancouver com ENVMinister@gov bc ca, MEMMinistergov bc ca hith ministergov bc ca, Minister Ministre©hc-sc gc ca Minister”ec gc ca Subject Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Dock’s application that would allow transporting U.S. coal for export to Asia through our B.C. port. The impact on our environment and the health of citizens (hearts, lungs, brains) is too great. Sincerely, North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘[email protected]. [email protected], wiHy.yungportmetrovancouver.com, evangeHne.engIezosportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], hlth.minister@’gov.bc.ca, Minister [email protected], Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The PMV seems to be on the side of the Docks and not the public..The Fraser Surrey Docks’have to be shut down immediately, because of public health risks, until the health officers finish,their public health risk study, in the public interest. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrell .desiardinportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], [email protected], ENV.Minister©gov. bc.ca, [email protected],hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca, Minister [email protected], Minister’ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is quite shocking to learn how much impact this could have on our health. I am so opposed to this project. For once, I would like to see the health of the population put ahead of the almighty dollar. I sincerely hope that the permit for Fraser Surrey Dock’s application will not be granted. Sincerely,

North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 3:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “[email protected], darrelLdesiardin©portmetrovancouvercom, wilIy.yung©portmetrovancouver.com evangeline.englezôs©portmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Ministercciov.bc.ca, [email protected]. [email protected], Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca. Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks stop mining coal , deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports.... Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: November 22-13 3 13 PM Sent :: To: FSD-EIA Cc: “iim.crandlesportmetrovancouver.com. [email protected], willy.yungportmetrovancouver.com, [email protected], ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected], [email protected], Minister [email protected], Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We need clean, green energy! Coal is not the way to go for our health or our planet. Sincerely,

North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser SurreyDocks

From: Sent: November-22-133:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: “jim.crandles©rortmetrovancouver.com,darrell.desjardinportmetrovancouver.com, willy.yung©portmetrovancouver.com,[email protected],ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca, [email protected]@gov.bc.ca.MinisterMinistrehc-sc.cjc.ca, Minister”@ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser SurreyDocks

I live close to marine Drive inWhiteRock and am appalled at the arrogance of Port Metro Vancouve?s condescending and uncaring attempts to discount the well studied impact of coal dust on human health. I strenuously object to having this organization endanger the lives of the children in our community and nonchalantly profit from human pain and suffering. Until PMV demonstrates a willingness to listen to citizens’ concerns and respond appropriately, I do not recommend they be granted a permit to proceed further with this proposal. Sincerely,

White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: ‘[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], evangeline.englezosportmetrovancouver.com, ENV.Minister©aov.bc.ca, [email protected],hlth.ministergov.bc.ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca, Minister”ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It appears a full study has not been undertaken because the results are already known by port officials it is time that people are put first rather than business and profit... .people are a valuable resource and need to be protected.. .their health needs to be protected if medical officers of health are concerned and speaking out then trouble is on the horizon.. .no one is immune to environmental threats Port officials and their families included...,it has been how many years . . .decades.. . .since it has been known that coal is bad for one’shealth....at many levels Sincerely, Barrie


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Our health is at risk! The port ignored an open letter in September from over 30 health and environmental experts who roundly criticized the assessment and asked the port authority to start over and do it right.The ETA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. It does not take into consideration the long term health damage, nor the medical costs of such damage, that the people of the lower mainland, at the very least, will be exposed to. I watched my husband die a long, painful death from COPD and would wish that on no one. Please do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Health assesment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:16 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cic.ca Subject: Health assesment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To whom it may concern,

The public safety and health of our citizens is not something that can simply be overlooked. A rigorous, comprehensive health assessment by medical officers from Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health is needed to ensure basic health requirements are being met. Failing to do so is highly concerning for the future of our children, who will be affected by this the most. Please take the necessary steps to force the Fraser Surrey Docks into complying with the proper health inspections before allowing further coal expansion in Metro Vancouver.

Sincerely, a concerned citizen, taxpayer, and voter,

North Vancoucer

1 1


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Unless the port stops ignoring the concerns of our chief medical officers and actually conducts public hearings on this massive coal export proposal, they should deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely,




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

While I now live in Toronto my original home was just outside of Vancouver - the city where my heart is. Upon rereading the statement above I see that the transshipment place is proposed to be the Surrey Docks - immediately across the river from where I grew up! I vote ‘NO!!!” Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministeraov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

With respect, Port Metro Vancouver absolutely must conduct public hearings on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks permit proposal. Public health and environmental impacts must be fully examined. Your refusal to do so can only be seen as an admission that these impacts are too negative to allow the project to proceed. Sincerely, Port Moody


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:19 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier ov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please follow the recommendations of our Chief Medical Officers by not granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application.

Wealth is nothing without health! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: - Sent: November-22-13 3:19 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premier@’ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal dust, combusted coal fumes, coal ash, all of it is dangerous, it all causes cancer, among other health and environmental problems. These are important reasons. Less important is that there isn’t enough of it to get us to the end of this century. We need to be investing coal dollars into geothermal, solar, and ultimately fusion. Stand up to corporate fascism, go public about how corporations tried to bribe you (we all know they bribe everyone). Lets set human civilization on a path to the future, not one bent upon global suicide. Sincerely, cambridge


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please consider those with breathing difficulties when making your decisions. We need clean air. The opposite will simply increase medical costs, and will cost the government more downthe line. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:22 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; emier©ciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal is a dirty way to get energy. It’svery unhealthy to breathe this air and the air we breathe is very important for the health of our lungs. We in the lower mainland do not want the export of coal at all, much less through our area! Sincerely, Roberts Creek




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:22 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.cic.ca; [email protected]; mintc©tc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am against shipping coal from the USA cia the ports of Metro Vancouver. Let the Americans use their own ports if they are intent on exporting coal. We should have no part in shipping this extremely dirty stuff through our waters. I recommend Port Metro Vancouver deny this request! Sincerely, North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 3:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiercQov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks does anybody care...I personally suffer from lung disease and know how debilitating it is. For you to even consider bringing these exports into B.C. even though Oregon and Washington states have refused them due to health concerns is in my opinion criminal.The EIA does not meet even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment and does not assess the impact on the lower mainland or Texada Island. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports Sincerely, westbank


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am hoping that you, the politicians, who may read this take the time to really consider what may happen when the.coal dust reaches the lungs of seniors and children as well as others. I am an asthmatic and when I can’t breath I go to the hospital. When the number of hospital visits go up our health costs go up. It seems very simple to me but I understand there are many factors involved otherwise you would not be considering this action. I would hope that you consider other costs prior to giving the rubber stamp of approval for coal transportation. Thank you Jae Sincerely,

North Saanich


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I do not want coal exported through the Lower Mainland or anywhere else. We are in an emergency situation with regard to climate change and fossil fuels should be left in the ground. We should be investing in green energy. Furthermore, this will be a health hazard to the area. Already residents in North Vancouver are experiencing air pollution and respiratory problems related to the increase in coal being shipped out of that area. Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal shouldn’t be transported through the backyards of Lower Mainland families. Sincerely, Winchester 22


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: more lies and deception

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: more lies and deception after a meeting a week or so ago of the stake holders and concerned citizens had several testimonies give on the wisdon of such a plan as shown in scetches which every one left thinking the same thing a resounding no and low and behold the next night on global news a spoksman for the coal industry had the nerve to say that the coal industry experts have detirmaned that there would no adverse effect by doubling the capacity of rail cars traveling through their neibourhoods ya right and there is a tooth fairy Sincerely,





From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:26 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a grandmother of two, I want to make sure we leave a world that can sustain them and their children.

Please listen to our chief medical heath officers and stop future coal export expanstion in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:29 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinister©gov bc Ca, MEMMinister@qov bc Ca, hlth minister@ciov bc Ca, Minister Ministre@hc-sc gc Ca, Minister@ec qC Ca, Dremler@clov bCCa, mintcctc gC Ca Subject: My Comment Oil the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

There are too many things wrong with the proposed expansion of coal shipments via the Fraser Surrey Docks. - a public process that includes so much secrecy rings alarm bells; - diverting US coal from US ports to Canadian ones, rings alarm bells: - Premier Clark is campaigning heavily on the replacement of coal with LNG so that Asian consumption of coal will be replaced. The expansion of coal capacity flies in the face of the Premier’s message. Promoting and facilitatIng US coal shipments are in direct competition with Canadian interests and against her overall plan. - most importantly, the risk to the health of a significant population is not worth the negligible economic benefits that might accrue. That health risk is supported by strong evidence. When dealing with our citizen’s health, the question should not be “prove that it will hurt” but rather “prove that it will not.” Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am strongly AGAINST granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. The last thing our beleaguered environment needs is American coal passing through on it’seventual way to China. We in British Columbia are trying to cut down on unhealthy emissions into the air we breathe, not add to it. Please do not choose financial gain over our health. Sincerely, Langley



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangehne; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cic.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our area medical officers, the EIA does not meet even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.

Please put the health of our citizens ahead of money & recommend against granting apermit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application Sincerely,


1 coquitlam Let Subject: To: Cc: Sent: Sincerely, premiergov.bcca; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; Subject: From:


the Crandles,

































Englezos, environmental



[email protected];







[email protected];


[email protected];





From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©cjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impactassessment for FraserSurrey Docks

I will not stand for Coal being shipped out of a port in a town that I live. Profit cannot continue to be put ahead the health and well being of the community in that area. Please do not allow this. I will fight for this until the end.! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I believe in the interest of our health and in our children’s future health, We.need have to have an honest evaluation of the effects and impact that transporting coal would have. I believe that if a company does not comply with with the directives of our health officers they should not be operating in our province, period. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:37 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The port needs to take the public interest into account, and this proposal does not do that. Do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. I am concerned about health impacts of coal transport through my community, greenhouse gas impacts, and the lack of proper and thorough health impact assessments in this process. The port authority needs to start over with this assessment. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:37 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministeriov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The permit for Fraser Surrey Docks to export coal should be denied until a REAL health assessment is conducted, with input from public health officials. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.cic.ca; premier©ov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The behavior of the port authority has thus far been disgusting! Public consultation and meeting the requirements of the health assessment are the very least of what needs to be done! I do not want my health affected because of profit driven motives that benefit very very few of the publics needs. stop this madness! coal is outdated ! thank you Sincerely, richmond v6v


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’s an atrocity that the general public seems to always be the ones to suffer and sacrifice in the name of profit for huge corporations and politicians who all too often sell them out. I have a feeling that we won’t be standing idle and letting them do this to us anymore. Thank God through social media that these things are being revealed and shared. Too many years of these kinds of things have happened due to an uninformed public. That’s changing now! So, look out - there just might be a revolution. Sincerely, Chilliwack


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cic.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctcxic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why should we allow American coal to pollute our environment when they refuse to ship it from their own shores? Listen to The health of our families and the health of our environment are both far far more more important. Deny the permit. Sincerely, N. Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The assessment is inadequate. It just uses old data. Plus the scope is too narrow. What about effects on White Rock, Delta, the coastline?

And what about increased greenhouse gas emission when this coal is used in China?

If we care about our grandchildren, we should not be shipping coal to China and especially not through Vancouver. Sincerely, Nelson

1 ______


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Port of Metro Vancouver and all levels of government need to look beyond any possible economic benefits of coal exportation and consider the health and well-being of the citizens of area and the associated health and social costs of the likely adverse effects. A proper environmental impacts assessment needs to be done. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I live close to White Rock beach and am concerned with the number of trains using our beachfront AND especially with the loads of coal travelling thru my breathing space. Why are we enabling another country to utilize this non renewable resource AND have it moved though our close air space? This is SO unacceptable. I am not willing to have this go on. Sincerely,

White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 3:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrefl; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser ‘Surrey Docks

Coal is obsolete. We should be using green alternatives like nuclear, solar, and wind. Sincerely,

North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Hi! I am writing to you today to ask you to deny the Surrey Fraser docks a permit to expand the export of coal. To see what a hazard coal is to the human body, all you have to do is talk to a coal miner suffering from black lung disease. Our own medical experts have said how harmful coal is. In China, people living in urban areas have to wear masks because of the pollution partially caused by burning coal. I am asking you to listen to the people of BC as it is ourhealth that will be put at risk. Sincerely Quesnel


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 3:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The invirornent is very important to me.

Gatineau secteur Aylrner


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The inviroment is very important to me.

Gatineau secteur Aylmer


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’stime to stop the insanity of ramping up shippment of coal through our communities. Please heed the advice of medical professionals who tell us the health risks of transporting and storing coal has serious adverse health effects: I urge you to choose the health of British Columbians.

Please don’t grant the permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks’ application for coal shipping. Sincerely, ViCTORIA


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: NO MORE COAL,

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: NO MORECOAL,

Stop trying to raise co2 so everything aerobic dies! Not smart for your offspring! Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: NO MORE COAL,

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cjc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: NO MORECOAL,

Stop trying to raise co2 so everything aerobic dies! Not smart for your offspring! Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I highly recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application.

This would have adverse effects on our health and our environment.

I look forward to your reply. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Fraser Surrey DocksEnvironmentalimpactassessment for

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles,James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos,Evangeline;[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];MinisterMinistrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected];mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Fraser Surrey DocksEnvironmentalimpactassessment for

As a local resident who is 6.5 months pregnant, Pm extremely concerned that health impacts were left out of the environmental impact assessment. If the Port of Metro Vancouver were acting in the public interest, the Port would assess the health impacts, and make those public.

However, according to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health TmpactAssessment.”

In addition, unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

I strongly urge the Port of Metro Vancouver to refuse to grant a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks’ application, unless the port authority starts over and provides a proper assessment. Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Our Health Matters

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Our Health Matters

It has recently come to my attention that a team of physicians who studied the impacts of coal storage and transportation over a two-year period discovered significant impacts on people’s hearts, lungs and brains. These health officers say the port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.”

The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Abbotsford


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I stay with my brother in S. Surrey /White Rock and know how close the trains are to residences and businesses.We have a family member with serious lung trouble,on oxygen and afraid, as we all are, of added pollution. We would also like to point out that coal is not appropriate to ship .If it were ,the U.S. would be doing this! Say NO to Permits. Sincerely, Calgary


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca;hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiercgov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETA does not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-133:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please consider the health of our families as well as your own. What is our health worth.

Please consider allowing the scientific professionals do their jobs and protect residents from what could be a dangerous level of exposure.

Thank you, Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks to ship US coal for export to Asia through the backyards of Lower Mainland families.

Chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health say the port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.”

Moreover, the EIA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Nor does it assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of the coal.

If the port authority won’t provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal ports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEMMinister@ciovbc ca, hlth minister©ov bc Ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc gc Ca, Minister@ec ciCca, [email protected]; mintc@’tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey DOCkS

My husband worked in a coal mine as a child in West Virginia. He later developed lung cancer and died of it. I believe that less contact with coal is better than more. Please, keep coal away from the general public for the sake of their lungs and for their loved ones elsewhere who will miss them if they did prematurely. Sincerely, Moose Jaw


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I believe the strength of our voices against the continued pollution of our air and water dictates the fact that we are united against these dirty ways of making money. What good is money without clean air to breath and fresh clean water to drink - the critical links to our livelihood. I recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application and consider the expansion of coal export to China unlawful and dangerous. Sincerely,

Prince George

1 .. FSD-EIA

From: ESD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November22-13 3:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

An independent health impact assessment by independent Fraser Health and Coastal Health authorities needs to be conducted. If they confirm negative health risks are present, the permit needs to be denied. Let the USA transport there own coal if that is their wish. Sincerely,

Maple Ridge


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The development of coal in Vancouver

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:47 PM To: FSD-EIA - Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: The development of coal in Vancouver

I am dead against development of coal in Vancouver. Of course it will be a danger to peoples health, it has in the past and will in the future. Instead of taking coal, oil and gas from the earth - and harming the environment in the process, we should be investing in the resources like wind, sun, and tidal power. These are resources we can harness for the benefit of Canadians, and without killing off our planet. Please look to the future and not the immediate monetary gain.

Victoria, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:47 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cjc.ca; [email protected]; oremierciov.bc.ca; mintcctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Tmpact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Tfthe port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:47 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.MinisterQov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

My husband and I were looking forward to retirement in White Rock, but the failure of Port Metro to assess the impact of coal transport on this gem of a beach town is causing us great concern. We currently live very close to Texada Island and it seems that the pristine air and water we have enjoyed there for nearly 40 years is also in great jeopardy. We do not want to see our health compromised in either locale! PLEASE act in the interest of the citizens of this province and put our health first. Sincerely,

Powell River



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I was shocked to see coal being shipped out from your docks. I couldn’t believe my eyes! In beautiful BC! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November22-13 3:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bcca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal transportation definitely has terrible effects on populations the coal travels through. Any sane and fair government would not foist this danger on its citizens. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.cic.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please, for the sake of our future generations, stop the mining and transport of coal. This will encourage investment into renewable energy options which provide hope that our coast will not experience the destruction witnessed by the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines. You are in a unique position to act on behalf of all our grandchildren and I hope neither yours or mine need curse your name in future for contributing to pushing coal as an energy option. Get your head out of the sand, (or in this case the coal bucket, and recognize what all the global scientists have confirmed, and the correlation of coal burning to global extreme weather conditions. You don’thave the right to mortgage the future of the planets population on short term misguides coal investment nor the health impact of those along the path of the railways that will transport this excessively dirty energy source. Sincerely, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:49 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a retired Registered Nurse in Vancouver I can only assume that there is some kind of economically (short sighted and profit driven) disconnect on the issue of the health consequences of increased coal exports.

The lack of a genuine health impact assessment is very troubling and completely disingenuous on the part of Port Metro Vancouver and Fraser Surrey Docks.

Hopefully litigation will follow this transparent effort to ignore the very real health issues associated with coal.

In the absence of any serious, thorough and independent health impact assessment there should absolutely be no increase in coal exports. Fraser Surrey Dock’s application for a permit should be denied. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It hardly stands to reason that in this day and age, with so many alternatives, and with so much knowledge around the adverse affects of coal, that we would even be considering this proposal! I call on the port to truly act in the best interest of the citizens of Metro Vancouver and dismiss the Fraser Surrey Docks’ application.

Thank you very much Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.qc.ca; premier©ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am someone who suffers of asthma and I moved from the city to White Rock in order to improve my ability to function on a daily basis. I believe the Health Assessment put forth by Port Metro Vancouver is inadequate and does not begin to consider the full impact of transporting coal through my neighbourhood. I believe we need to seriously consider the concerns expressed by the Chief medical officers of Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health. I don’tthink we should risk the health of our citizens to increase the wealth of businessmen!!! I am tired of money and business being more important than the health of the average worker who lives in BC. Please stop ignoring the concerns of the people who chose to live here because we thought it was the best place on earth! Ensure that we have a comprehensive and thoughtful health assessment that includes the concerns of those living in this area and not just consider the opinions of those who will have the most to gain financially.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; DremiercJov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why would we enable the shipment of THE biggest contributor of carbon in our atmosphere , especially when our coastal neighborurs to the south of us have refused ? And now further medical concerns are raised Please DO NOT grant this permit Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

In the year that Ontario declared a moratorium on coal power generation, the international science community spoke out against the continued use of coal citing it as the single largest threat to the global environment. And Canada continues to ignore the irrefutable evidence that coal is killing our planet, all while the price continues to fall.

This is a failing industry that destroys our communities, contaminates our landscapes, poisons our watersheds, and makes us a global leader in exporting carbon pollution. This needs to stop, and it needs to stop now. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth’[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Stop coal railroading through my back yard Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: kshy Sent: November-22-13 3:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the health officers say the port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment, why are doing this. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Environmental assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerQov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.pc.ca Subject: Environmental assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Uncovered coal trains leave dust where ever they go. All Coal trains need to be covered for this discussion to even proceed. Cover the coal train cars first, then have public input. Sincerely,

New Westminster


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Laura Firstly, I agree completely with your points on the coal train issue, but having worked in the marine environmental area for several years, I think you are beat.

You may just be beginning to understand how much power the port has, they are just about a law unto themselves. The only way that you can stop them and the only way that they have ever been forced to alter a position is through political action. I believe that you are protesting at the wrong location, you should be at the doors of the local tory MPs. The possibility of unemployment for them is a great persuader, they may listen to the people, the port will not. Thanks forlistening Sincerely, White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the EIA does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The EIA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver,

Please have a proper environmental impact assessment done and take into account the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

Stop having everything be decided on the bottom-line dollar profit of projects. People’s health matters too. If proper information gathered concludes this project is not good for people’s health, deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Hamilton, Ontario


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal is a very dirty commodity. It always leaves carbon in the Air. We need to find other ways to heat the world without fossil fuels. Lets work on that, we are creative.!!! Sincerely,

North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministercec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please represent the people of Metro Vancouver, rather than fossil fuel corporations. This applies to both the greenhouse gas emissions of burning coal which impacts everyone and was included in the EIA for a proposed coal port near Bellingham, WA and to direct impacts of breathing coal dust, particularly on those living near the proposed rail access and port facilities. When the major Chief Medical officers in the area say that the port’s environmental impact assessment doesn’t meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment”, I can only conclude that the port is ignoring science that is needed to ensure the health of Metro Vancouver residents. For both of these reasons, the Port Metro Authority should not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application, and stop expanding coal exports, at least until a proper environmental assessment is provided. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please stop this cloak and veil meetings and allow the Public Health officers input on the approval process of exporting coal out of the harbour. I do not believe for one minute that the export of coal has no impact on the health of Lower mainland inhabitants; to the contrary I believe otherwise. Let our health officers speak out on this issue. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent November-22-13 4 34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Since the health officers say the ports environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.”

If the port was truly acting in the public interest, it would come clean about how the proposal could affect our health.

I want the port to stop lying to the public.

I recommend AGAINST granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks application Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To Whom it may concern

Please know that I do not feel that the Port Metro Vancouver has neither read nor absorbed the medical information available on transporting coal through populated areas. It seems you are more interested in the bottom line rather than the health impacts of such activities.

•Whyshould we in BC suffer the health problems, related medical costs and deal with accidents that will occur when increased transport of dangerous goods interrupt our daily lives when the US does not want to experience these first hand by having such a port constructed in their own country? If mining and exporting US coal is so benign - let them keep it down south and ship from their own ports.

Further, the long term effects of the burning of the coal in distant countries ultimately affects the world. We too will suffer the consequences of such actions.

Leave the US to solve their own problems with coal export! We do not need to suffer and have our lives directly affected by a product like this going through our neighborhoods. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintcctc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Let all voices be heard. Our health matters. This is a democracy. Sincerely, Collingwood


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; IJremier©clov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Find clean business to deal with. A dirty port is not good advertizing. What ever benefits are derived will be soon be nullified by clean up costs and higher medical bills. Having a business that makes profit by sending its liabilities elsewhere is no community asset.

It is American coal ,let them figure out what is acceptable and what is not.

Thank you, sicerely- Sincerely, Penticton


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Authority, The US companies are trying to ship coal through Canada because American communities think it is toxic - and irresponsible to do so. And you want us to believe this export is safe? Please take our health seriously. Sincerely, Ottawa


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; remierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is beyond me why our health is always less important than the needs.of the corporations. I ask that you do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please don’t grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks to transport US coal through the lower mainland. Sincerely, Aldergrove


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Time to pay attention to physicians re: Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent November-22-13 4 36 PM To FSD EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Time to pay attention to physicians re: Fraser Surrey Docks

Would you kindly take need of the message from the chief medical officers for both the Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health and conduct a comprehensive and independent health impact assessment for the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal?

Or would you be open to instead having the province bill you for the higher health costs, lost wages, and higher social costs that are likely? Sincerely, Nanaimo


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:37 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.ac.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To Whom It May Concern:

Is it not time to learn that money is not the best bottom line for people and the environment! It is time to put health of people and the environment FIRST!

Here are just a few of the assessment’s shortcomings:

The assessment primarily repackages existing data that health and air quality experts had already judged to be inadequate.

The scope of the port’s assessment is limited and focuses solely on what happens within the boundaries of the Fraser Surrey Docks terminal. It does not assess impacts of coal transportation on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

The assessment does not consider the end-use greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts of coal shipped to Asia.

Unless the port can go back to the drawing board and comply with the demands of our medical officers, study the full scope of impacts and conduct proper consultation with full public hearings, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit application and stop any further coal expansion. Sincerely, Qualicum Beach


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministerXiov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

When chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health say that the Port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment”, I get very concerned. Until a proper, consultative impact study is done and we citizens are convinced without a doubt that coal port expansion poses no threat to our health, Fraser Surrey Docks permit should be denied, Period. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministercciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministeraov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Thermal Coal that Surrey Fraser Docks has proposed is a Hazard to our communities.The coal will be wet down twice during shipment and the coal will be not be loaded to capacity in the rail cars, this I heard at one of our Delta council meetings on Nov. 18th. Precautions because Thermal Coal is a health hazard and a pollutant to the environment. What about the Diesel particles coming from the trains. Spillage, derailment, property decline and many more issues.The U.S.A. does not want Thermal coal in their country for all of these reason, why would we. We are working hard to keep our country free from environmental decline as best as humanly possible and trying to restore what has been destroyed by pollution.We do not want the Thermal Coal at Surrey Fraser Docks project and recommend against the permit to be granted. We must be diligent in protecting our environment for our health and safety our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren.We have requested a full comprehensive health impact statement from Dr. Patricia Daly and Dr. Buynder. Sincerely,

North Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:30 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The health of Metro Vancouver residents (current and future) is of much more importance than any economic benefit that might result from opening the Fraser Surrey Docks to the exportation of coal. Since the ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route, a more comprehensive environmental study MUST be done before you proceed with your plans. We are counting on you to take into consideration the needs of local citizens. Sincerely, White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrechc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I read in the Vancouver Sun this week about the fact that the environmental assessment that supposed took plan around the Fraser Surrey Docks project was in the opinion of Costa! Health were sorely inadequate. While I object to the project in most every way, at least give us the benefit of a though study about the impact on health to the people of BC and elsewhere. How dumb to you think we are? Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent November-22 13 4 32 PM To FSD ETA Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinistergov bc Ca, MEMMinister@gov bc Ca, hlth minister©gov bc Ca, Minister Ministre@hc-sc gc Ca, Minister©ec gc Ca, premiergov.bc.ca; mintctC.aC.Ca Subject: My Comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’s time to put the health well being of BC’s citizens and our environment ahead of corporate profits. It’s become clear that we can’t count on politicians to represent the wishes of the people. Our government(s) represent corporations at the expense of citizens. Politicians at every level of government from coast to coast behave like 3rd world corrupt dictators. Is this the new Canada? More like the new world order which I use to believe was just a conspiracy. Shame on all of you. You’ve sold us out to corporate interests. How much did “they” promise to pay you, Christy... to betray the people of BC? Hard to decide which is worse... you or Gordon CampbelL I’dsay it’spretty even. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Port Metro Vancouver is heading in the wrong direction. Coal, like oil, is cave-man fuel. Also I have first hand experience with the affects of coal dust. My father worked in the coal mines, in England, until the General

Strike in the 1920s. You wouldn!t want what he suffered from. Back off! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: A Full & Proper Assessment is needed for expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: A Full & Proper Assessment is needed for expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks

No permit should be issued to the Fraser Surrey Docks until a proper and full assessment of impact of any coal transportation through our province is completed.

All remedial options should also be considered and those that actually protect the health of the public and the environment should be maderequired prerequisites to any permit being issued.

Our health and the safety of the entire environment is wholly more important than the opportunity of the port & other companies to make more profit. Sincerely, Richmond, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks



1 ) North Sincerely, destruction against I Aside thing shipping documented, US that thousands Why (Washington doubling Just resources largest climate To: 97% Subject: Cc: Sent: premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; From: Subject: From: FSD-EIA implore or Crandles, FSD-EIA other because of have environmentally, Vancouver November-22-13 from Canada typhoon global all change the or My Port jurisdictions in of the climate of the tripling the comment coal. we James; particularly casualties. state) the citizens coal Metro is global around on ground. don’t irrelevant. earth’s scientist mintctc.cjc.ca use, record have the Desjardin, Vancouver on burn 4:26 impacts of around the accept volume and The [email protected]; the rejected climate Vancouver/BC for in FW: FSD-EIA world. PM coal How are particularly environmental solution Philippines those this Darrell; the My associated convinced of for to and can the comment Look world increase coal with seriously heat movement to a to Yung, province shipped the no respiratory turning in or eliminate , not with etc impact that acting further on electricity in Willy; death been consider which the shipments burning burning through Minister this of like assessment Englezos, environmental of as consulted? than there this problems trend have thousands an BC, in the product fossil coal, accessory recent 1 [email protected]; our BC dependence of who caused wisdom around Evangeline; this for Canadian does the fuels or events has of impact Fraser from toxic those potential 10’s not is to people an of either to the on their with this incredible product absolve of Surrey assessment [email protected]; in ports, leave unwitting this billions closest thorough causes initiative medical/health November mines fuel 80% Docks whether [email protected]; us when reputation proximity or of of ASAP. through for of contribution their contributes and dollars our the all Fraser the Tornados responsibility to people identified negligence. Accelerating coal issues their join in to for Surrey damage the is doing me ports? to of to in are mined rail significant the the fossil Docks in Illinois, well the a lines US to and and stand in ensure right the FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: What are you trying to hide?

From:. Sent: November-22-134:04 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: What are you trying to hide?

Clear the air. Allow an independent impact assessment. Sincerely, Maple Ridge


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Our families need to have faith that VPA puts our security above profit. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministercciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Given that Washington State won’t act as a transshipment point because of the environmental and public health impacts, why should we?

This will generate very fewjobs, and relatively speaking, very little profit. Unlike LNG, this is not a strategic initiative for Canada or BC. There is no payback to accepting these environmental and health costs.

This is a very shortsighted project. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Health is of upmost importance to my and my family’s well-being I do not accept decisions which could adversely effect our health being made without consultation and collaboration. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: - FW: Increased Coal Exports Via Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrechc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Increased Coal Exports Via Fraser Surrey Docks

As a Canadian and resident of the lower mainland, I strongly urge the Port to do its due diligence and responsibility to ensure the safety of the citizens but allowing a comprehensive health and safety as well as a regional and global environmental assessment of the impacts before considering any inèreased coal shipment activity through our ports.

Aside from the significant health risks that increased storage and movement of coal may have on us, from an ethical and environmental perspective, we as a country and a province should be phasing out the mining, transport and use if coal.

How shameful that we have largely abandoned the burning of coal in this country and yet we continue to profit from it’suse in other countries without regard for their health and safety and the serious environmental harm it is doing both in the areas it is burned and on a global level.

Shame on the Port for even considering an expansion of trafficking in this harmful product. Do the right thing and think of the future and the children who we will be leaving to deal with our mess and destruction of the planet. At the very least, put the health and safety of the children who live near the port first and foremost as you consider this serious decision. Is the money really worth it? Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister@’ciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; Ministerec.ac.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

When are corporations going to consider something other than their PROFITS! It is high time to be respectful of human life. It cost millions to treat illnesses that are often linked to burning and harnessing of fossil fuels By the time coal is transported to Asia and burnt over there, thus polluting the air for those demanding cities, it then blows across the Pacific so we then can breath in all that pollution. Are we that simple not to realize what the real cost of this stupidity amounts to. I certainly recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks application Sincerely, VICTORIA

1 ______


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health are thoughtful, well-trained advocates for the health of us all. They don’t stand to gain anything from opposing the plan to ship U.S. coal through Vancouver/Surrey. They are not motivated by greed. You should listen to them. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,

Victoria -


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerkjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintcctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I urge you not to grant a permit for coal export through our port. Current and reputable community health assessment of the impact is necessary. You must attend to the legitimate concerns of local Chief Medical Health Officers; to fail to address the issues they raise is immoral and incompetent. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW; Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Yes, allowing coal though our towns and cities will bring a little employment and a few pennies to our coffers. On the other hand, it will bring injury and illness to those near the tracks and the ports. I am pretty sure that the private businesses and their owners will make a decent dollar. But the taxes that the public cofferes generate will not cover the long term medical costs.

Why let a few get richer while the rest of us pay for it?

Sincerely, .

Alexandria, ON


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Deny further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Gravenhurst P1P


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 4:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I do not support a coal port in Vancouver as I strongly believe there are health issues that go along with the storage and transport of the product. Furthermore, I support green, alternative energy solutions... not climate changing technologies. Sincerely,


1 ______


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

A large percentage of this coal will be used for the generation of electricity, one of the most polluting methods. Air and water pollution from Asia eventually makes its way to North America, so we will not be exempted from these effects. I therefore am totally opposed to the granting of a.permit to Fraser Surrey Docks. Sincerely, Chemainus, B.C.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qovbc.ca; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.cic.ca; premiercov.bcca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The people of Oregon and Washington have spoken up loudly and clearly in opposition to facilitating more coal exports, and the industry has high-tailed it for Canada, hoping we’ll snooze and let them in here. We will not. Sincerely,


J —


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’s important to consider: •According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” •The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. •Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. •If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports.

Who are our laws protecting??? Seems like Big business is supposed to stomp on what the people want - again.

We don’t want the coal industry at all! We need to stop contributing to Greenhouse Gasses and Global Warming - here at home and wherever we ethically can. That means NO MORE COAL! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.ac.ca; premier©qov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected];[email protected]; rremier©gov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a citizen and father of two children who live in Vancouver, I expect health and environmental impact studies to be completed that meet or exceed standards set out by local, provincial and federal levels prior to the introduction of potentially hazardous materials to one’s health are brought into the region. Please follow the guidelines as prescribed. Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierQov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Given the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change due in large [part to C02 emissions from burning of fossil fuels, it is inexcusable to be considering the shipment of coal from Port Metro Vancouver. The long--and short term--negative impacts on human and environmental health so vastly outweigh any possible financial gain as to be ludicrous. NO COAL STORAGE OR SHIPMENT SHOULD BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA! Sincerely,

Gibsons FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; mintcctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver,

Coal is bad-- it’sthat simple. It’sbad for our environment, it’sbad for our health, and there’s a reason why kids don’t want a lump of coal in their stockings for Christmas. Coal is bad. As it is impossible to completely stop coal use and exports immediately, please take the first step in helping to preserve our future that does not include the use of dirty energy by granting a permit for Fraser Surrey 1Docks application. This expansion proposal cannot be approved while maintaining a healthy atmosphere, a sustainable economy, and a better future for my generation. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministeraov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The whole world is watching. It is time for Br.itishColumbia to lead the world in clean energy alternatives. We can! I am writing from a former coal town (Ladysmith). With a little effort we can find ways to increase the income of the province without selling our health, environmental wealth, and sovereignty. Your third great grandchildren need you. Please, allow them to live in “Beautiful British Columbia”. Do not grant the Fraser Surrey Dock the right to increase coal exports. Sincerely, Ladysmith


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 4:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I won’t repeat the whole spiel about how bad this coal port idea is, I’m sure you’ve heard more about it than you want, but I do want to make sure you hear my opposition to this plan. So, here goes, I AM OPPOSED TO THE FRASER SURREY DOCK COAL EXPORT PLAN.

I am against it for a lot of reasons, all of which will have been articulated much better than I could by scores of others, but mainly I am against it because I don’twant this kind of nonsense in my granddaughter’s world.

Please be sensible, don’t do it! Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I suffer from asthma. I know that the diesel particulates and other emissions from burning diesel trigger my asthma attacks. Trains and ship engines burn diesel. Heavy equipment at the port burn diesel. The impacts of diesel engines associated with coal transport should be evaluated in a Health Impact Assessment. The health impacts of coal dust should also be evaluated.

The impacts of a fossil fuel spill of the propulsion fuel of coal carriers transiting the Salish Sea should be evaluated for marine life and the local economies that depend on fisheries and on recreational fishing. Other tourism is based on a healthy environment. Increased shipments of coal will increase the risk of collision, allision, or grounding of vessels. Bulk cargo vessels can carry 500,000 gallons of bunker fuel or more. A spill of bunker fuel of only around 50,000 gallons into San Francisco Bay closed beaches, shut down fisheries and fouled the outer coastline for lOOsof miles.

I live on an island in the Salish Sea. The ship traffic from the Fraser Surrey Docks would pass through our common marine waters. There is no barrier in our shared marine waters. Sincerely, Deer Harbor 98•


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

There needs to be a credible health assessment for this to be a proper environmental impact assessment. Without independent review there should be no permit granted to Fraser Surrey Docks. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©ciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected];[email protected]; premiercJgov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland until public hearings are conducted and a proper, thorough impact assessment is completed. This assessment should include impacts of coal transport along our coast and the impacts on greenhouse gasses of the end-use burning of coal. A MUCH more thorough and rigOrousHealth Impact Assessment is completed. The port authority must start over and provide a proper assessment or recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks application. Sincerely,

New Denver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:52 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.cic.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro Vancouver,

We respectfully request that you postpone granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application until a comprehensive and independent health impact assessment can be conducted by a team of qualified professionals. We’rethinking of the health of our children. This is our first priority. Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.cc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I live in North Delta and would be directly affected from the Coal export expansion. I have personal experience with the adverse effects of coal on health and will oppose and openly advise all and any to make their vote heard in municipal elections. Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser SurreyDocks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles,James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected];mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmentalimpactassessment for FraserSurrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver,

There are several reasons for you to reconsider the permit to Fraser Surrey Docks to expand its coal exportation capacity. The impact on health has not been assessed. You have not fully partnered with the Surrey municipality. And most worrying, you have not assessed the wisdom of forcing the taxpayers to pay for an expansion of coal exportation, when coal is a commodity whose use is set to decrease over the coming years due to climate change policy, so you are at best investing in a short term gain that will eventually “go south”. Not to mention the fact that you’ll be the site for shipping mainly US coal. Finally this expansion is immoral given that coal is a leading producer of GHGs. For all these reasons please consider disallowing a permit for the port expansion. Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.minister©ciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc@tc’gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the Port and Fraser Surrey Docks aren’twilling to participate (along with the medical officials from Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health) in a comprehensive health assessment of the newest coal export proposals, then there is no way that they should be allowing any expansion of the coal ports and coal export. What are the Port and Fraser Surrey Docks afraid of? Why are these entities so adverse to proper transparency - unless they have something to hide that will negatively impact British Columbians’ health? Sincerely,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bcca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrechc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I strongly object to increasing the export of coal through Metro Vancouver ports: This will increase the detrimental health risks to Lower Mainland Residents, contribute to increasing carbonization of our atmosphere and be detrimental to the health of people world wide. Coal mining, burning and transportation is adding to our problems of world climate change and it is critical that we become world leaders rather than contributors of world carbon footprint. Sincerely, Bowen island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Concern with Fraser Surrey Docks proposal

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:29 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: Concern with Fraser Surrey Docks proposal

Hi There,

Pm emailing to express my concern over the lack of public consultation surrounding the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal and discussion of expanding the coal export through Metro Van. I am concerned about the health impacts that coal exports will have and believe that a project of this size should be carefully considered and trade offs openly discussed with the public.

Please don’t grant permission for the Fraser Surrey Dock’s application.

Together we can devise new economic development strategies that build jobs and do not jeopardize the health of the local population. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: - FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister_Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for FraserSurrey Docks

To whom it may concern at the Port of Metro Vancouver:

I’m a Canadian citizen, physician and mother living in BC, and am very alarmed by the numerous corporate and industrial projects pushing forward fossil fuel extraction, shipping, and burning in my province. My topmost concern is for the future of our children, in the face of potential runaway climate change, related to continued exploitation of fossil fuels. I’ve been studying this topic in recent years, when time permits, and I understand there is a very short timeframe, realistically, for nations to turn around their petroleum product use and convert to renewables, or invest in major conservation and waste avoidance, preferably both. There is no issue which concerns me more than this one, and I’m anxious for government to take a responsible lead, implement broad carbon taxation, reduce subsidies for fossil fuels, and invest in renewable energy and innovation.

I understand coal to be one of the worst, if not THE worst, fossil fuels, in terms of rate and amount of carbon emission. It distresses me greatly that our country is not rapidly turning off the taps for coal provision and burning. Our premier argues for the “favour” we are doing the world by pursuing LNG plants, claiming we’ll help stop the world’s addiction to coal. Here, though, we appear to be proposing to continue trafficking in the worst form of energy for our environment.

Secondly, I’mconcerned about the impact of coal dust on the respiratory and general health of those in the path of this coal shipment plan. I understand that the scope of the “safety study” that has been conducted has already been declared inadequate by physicians and scientists who understand the characteristics of a valid health impact assessment.

To its shame, our federal government has led a spy campaign on ordinary citizens advocating for a responsible approach to environmental stewardship, and has also jointly led an organized campaign against science and evidence based practice. The Port of Vancouver should not seek to emulate this evidence-shunning government in its decision-making processes. Health and safety studies should be comprehensive and honest endeavours, not propaganda exercises for corporations! If I treated patients in a manner that was non-evidence based, there would be outrage, and the rate of unnecessary and early death in my practice would be inexcusable. Why should the Port of Vancouver or the Government of BC or of Canada feel that they can pick and choose facts to suit their profit motive? Why would they want to, given they are also citizens of this planet, presumably many with their own children and families? Responsible Canadian corporations, governments, and public institutions should be committed to transparent and honest reviews, rather than being at ease with selling out future generations’ interests for a quick buck.

I recently took a climate literacy course from two UBC professors, which was provided as a MOOC, a massive

1 open on-line course, in which thousands of students from every corner of the world came together online to learn about the science and policy around climate change. It was from one of my fellow students’ assignments that I first learned about this plan to ship coal through Port of Metro Vancouver. I am ashamed that my governments have made Canada one of the biggest climate change deniers and environmental laggards on the planet. Make no mistake: the rest of the world is watching, and they don’t all have blinders on, like our politicians and so-called “think tanks”, who are busy deflecting concerns and protecting inaction. Canada’s betrayal of its citizens and the globe’s climate future will not promote the interests of Vancouver, BC, Alberta, or Canada.

Please don’t be a willing party to a cheap, dishonest and manipulative process where Canadians’ safety and health are concerned. It is witless that we have institutions relying for health and safety-related information on the very circumscribed reports of vested corporate interest groups, rather than consulting qualified experts in the fields of environmental science and health research.

If we continue to look at fossil fuel investments on a narrow, case-by-case basis, examining partially and superficially the impacts of each project, completely in isolation from the big picture view of our rapidly and dangerously changing climate, we will never ever take responsible action in time. If we never attach a cost to the spewing of carbon emissions into our atmosphere, we will never be able to afford to change to clean energy. Why are our governments choosing to embrace dirty fuels, instead of clean energy industry? What’sin it for them?

I would advocate that anyone charged with reviewing any new carbon emitting fossil fuel project should go to the Philippines first, and help pick up some dead bodies from the sidewalks and the rubble, and give the big picture a good think, before making a decision.

If the next super typhoon hits the continental US, there will be a major economic and human health fallout that will impact even the most disinterested and uncaring observer. With ongoing global average temperature rise, we can anticipate that this will happen soon, and will happen repeatedly. The floods in Calgary last year, and the 2.8 billion dollar cleanup donation of taxpayer dollars to tackle this climate-related disaster, should give all of us impetus to look not only at the potential profits, but at the whole scope of costs and risks, whether environmental, economic, or reputational.

Thank you for inviting input from the interested public. Please do not help advance worsening climate change and pollution of local air, water and soil in BC. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministercec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We must phase out coal now. Move on. Please, for everyone’s sake. Sincerely, Gbriola



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Attention: Port Metro Vancouver

The Chief Medical Officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health have concluded that the ports environmental health impact assessment around increasing coal exports through the Fraser Surrey Docks does not meet, “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment”. As such the ETAdoesn’tassess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Tslandthe the islands and waterways along the shipping route. Do you really believe that these areas will not be affected? It doesn’t-examine he impact on global warming like the Bellingharn proposal did. And the economic benefits are infinitesimal . Why would we take on something that all the American ports have already rejected? Are we the garbage dump of North America? Be assured that if you reject the proposed expansion, I will support each of you in your careers and encourage everyone that I know to do the same. If you approve this proposal, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you will never hold public office and that you will not be reappointed to any official position. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is outrageous that the pubic and medical opinion be ignored by Port Metro in it’swish to expand coal exports.Heath risk ,greenhouse gas,we all have to live on this earth looking at risk to our selves ,our children and beyond. Sincerely, Gabriola BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 5:07 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal is the worst fossil fuel. Smoke from coal contains phosphates, nitrates, sulfates and heavy metals. Small wonder it has adverse health effects, even when not burnt but just transported through. Development of non-fossil-fuel energy sources is the way to go. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected];[email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I find it hard to believe in this day and age, that you insist there will be no adverse health effects from the coal transporting. If the-Americans have said NO to transporting coal through their country side and up their coast, WHY oh WHY should we! Listen to the physicians who are standing against this, they know what the effects will be, it’s too late to reverse the damage this can and will cause, we need to prevent this happening in our country and our community. Sincerely, New Westminster


From: FSD-EIA Subject: - FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tcgc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We need to clean up our world, NOT continue to rely and encourage polluting and unhealthy practices. Please do not allow this criminal act against all of us to happen. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a concerned global citizen I feel that there has been way too much action and approval on very risky economic plans, without public consultation. Most of the citizens I have come in contact with are very interested in making a shift toward clean energy, and I for one would like to follow Ontario’s lead in becoming coal-free. The recent incident that resulted in a substantial release into the Athabasca river is also a big concern, we don’tneed this type of pollution in our backyard too. Please, let’sact ethically here and do what is right in the larger picture. At least allow the public to have a say, we are the ones who have to live with the consequences. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:12 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; mintctc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’s the publics health at stake and a proper and thorough assesment MUST be made! Sincerely, port coquitlam


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

White Rock’s mayor has had it with you guys and so have I. Disregarding the health concerns of our chief medical officers proves to me the bogus nature of your environmental impact assessment. You don’tdeserve the required permit and the public certainly does not deserve the obvious health hazards. Sincerely, BurnsLake, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Sent: November-22-13 5:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To: Management-Port Metro Vancouver, Our health matters. The team of physicians two year study found that coal storage and transport caused significant impacts on people’s hearts, lungs, and brains. Health officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health called for a comprehensive independent health impact assessment but you have refused. Your environmental impact assessment does not even meet the most elementary requirements for a health impact assessment. Our health and the health of our children and grandchildren matters. You cannot replace oil and gas by going backwards in time to coal! Be responsible and refuse to grant a permit for the Fraser Surrey Dock’s applcation. Work with our health officers and call for an independent health assessment. We need to fund and support replacements for oil, gas, coal, and nuclear energy that are not toxic, are efficient, clean and with support can easily be made affordable. There is only one small pale blue dot and it’sOURS! Thank You, Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EJA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:30 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Metro workers & government Ministers, you are all acting with full personal liability because you are working for an organization whose charter has been cancelled. Do the right thing for the people and the public and that liability will not be an issue. The Fraser Surrey Docks’ would have an adverse impacts to the environment and communities; do not grant their application. Sincerely, Atlanta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:22 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am very concerned about the lack of care for the health and well being of your citizens.Why are you just giving our resources away. Do you want to pollute us like China is? As a citizen of B.C. I am concerned that you are not taking care of our beautiful province and its people.This is very short sighted and undemocratic. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministercgov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; premier@’gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing to express my disappointment with the inadequate and limited scope of the EIA recently completed for the expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal.

I will leave the numerous deficiencies associated with local health and environmental effects to those subjected to the impacts.

My message focuses on the climate change implications and the economic impacts from the stranded assets which will occur when the world acts on the carbon budget defined in the latest United Nations Summary for Policymakers. (ref. IPCC WGI AR5, p. SPM-20, 3rd paragraph) The evidence is clear and compelling; hundreds of climate scientists from dozens of countries have defined the upper limit of cumulative C02 emissions world society’s can emit if we are to achieve any reasonable probability of meeting our 2 C target.

BC recently announced new large gas reserves; if BC expects to utilize any portion of those reserves, we absolutely must not enable the C02 emissions from the US coal proposed for export in the application from Fraser Surrey Docks.

Now is the time for real leadership; find the moral courage and refuse the permit. Sincerely, Williams Lake


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:30 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministercciov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I feel strongly that the ports environmental impact assessment on the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal are biased, and do not even meet basic requirements of a health impact assessment. Please listen to the request from the Fraser Health Chief Medical Officers and Vancouver Coastal Health about the need for a comprehensive and independent health impact assessment.

We need the impact of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping routes to be done. We need the EIA to include the assessment of greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

If the port authority is not willing to start over and have this independent and more thorough assessment done, then please deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit, and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why don’t you people listen to public opinion-this is what sickens me about ALL politicians-we elect you then you become a law unto yourselves-be done with the lies-tell the truth about the health risks here-don’t say there isn’tany risks involved-do honest health assessments then hold a public referendum-you don’thave the backbone to do this.There should be no permit given until this is dealt with. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please don’t sell my lungs to the Chinese. You do not have my permission to do so.


C’mon, I’d like to raise my kids here someday. Sincerely, Bumaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministercciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The People have spoken, we are tired of being dictated to , the economy is NOT more important than climate destruction Enough I say Enough. Sincerely, sidney



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctccc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

How can you even argue this---its master of the obvious---Quit being such fools with peoples lives

TWATS!!! Sincerely, North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministercec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I most strongly urge you to refuse to grant a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks! coal export proposal. If it goes ahead the massive storage and movement of coal may have very detrimental effects on the health of nearby residents and of those who prepare it for shipment. Medical experts have explained that coal storage and transportation can have a negative impact on the hearts, lungs and brains of those human beings who live close by or work with this substance. Surely this is a good enough reason to refuse to allow such trans-shipments.

Surely the time has come to ensure that the environment will not be negatively impacted and that people’s health will be protected under any new use of the port. It is foolish to take such risks just to trans-ship materials from another country to another country. (Nor would it be worth the risk to use this facility for the movement of domestic coal to domestic destination.)

Please remember that the public interest is the most important consideration. It is not satisfactory to circumvent the spirit of laws intended to preserve our health, even if this might somehow be legally done.

Sincerely, V Victoria V


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:28 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Your assessment is simply not believable.. Sincerely,

Pitt Meadows BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I most strongly urge you to refuse to grant a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks?coal export proposal. If it goes ahead the massive storage and movement of coal may have very detrimental effects on the health of nearby residents and of those who prepare it for shipment. Medical experts have explained that coal storage and transportation can have a negative impact on the hearts, lungs and brains of those human beings who live close by or work with this substance. Surely this is a good enough reason to refuse to allow such trans-shipments.

Surely the time has come to ensure that the environment will not be negatively impacted and that peopl&s health will be protected under any new use of the port. It is foolish to take such risks just to trans-ship materials from another country to another country. (Nor would it be worth the risk to use this facility for the movement of domestic coal to domestic destination.)

Please remember that the public interest is the most important consideration. It is not satisfactory to circumvent the spirit of laws intended to preserve our health, even if this might somehow be legally done. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:08 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Based on the following I can not support the granting of a permit to Fraser Surrey Dock’s application to expand on their current coal export capacity.

Repackaging existing deficient data and analysis on health and air quality impacts does not constitute an appropriate or sufficient response to their deficiencies, it merely papers over poor data and poor data management. Good, reliable information is the foundation for good decision-making.. .bad data in, bad decisions out.

The scope of the port’s assessment is limited and focuses solely on what happens within the boundaries of the Fraser Surrey Docks terminal. It does not assess impacts of coal transportation on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

Whole cost accounting compels that the assessment accounts for the end-use greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts of coal shipped to Asia. This constitutes my understanding of our responsibility for good decisions impacting global citizenry. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Fraser Surrey Docks hired SNC-Lavalin to review the proposal to transport US coal by rail through my backyard (south Surrey/White Rock), and the firm’sreport concludes the company’s proposal effectively mitigates the potential impact of the project.

Why doesn’t this surprise me? SNC-Lavalin is a very corrupt corporation (e.g. Libya) and since Fraser Surrey Docks is the client/customer they are hardly likely to suggest what the customer doesn’t want to hear.

Even the region’s chief medical officers, said it did not “meet even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment” and failed to allay their concerns about the project’s potential impact on public health.

In its Notice dated September 23rd 2013, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) advised that CEAA must decide whether a federal environmental assessment is required for the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project located in Delta, BC. The Agency is seeking comments from the public to assist it in making that decision.

Quite frankly I am dumfounded that such a question needs to be asked since this project, if approved, is potentially the largest infrastructure project in the Lower Mainland of BC during the next ten or more years.

The Harper government has so weakened Canada’s environmental laws with the result that the environment is now subject to undue risk, in order to give Canadian industry an edge over the U.S. and Mexico. As a direct result, it has become more important than ever to hold a rigorous environmental assessment.

• Railcars with exposed coal are already being moved through my backyard and I have observed airborne coal dust with my own eyes. This is a problem now which affects the people of Delta, South Surrey and White Rock communities. This proposal will make the problem much worse and who wants to breath coal dust?

• Disturbance to shoreline habitat

• More pollution that will almost certainly affect living creatures in the area, both on land, the tidal flats and fish and other creatures in the nearby ocean.

• Boundary Bay, Mud bay and other areas close to Roberts bank are important areas for wild birds, either as a resting spot during migration or for some species a place to overwinter. I go there myself several times a year. There is a notice posted by the City of Surrey that states that

1 during a specified period, neither bicycles nor horses may be ridden, as they could affect the birds. Next thing, a thundering kilometer long Burlington NorthernlSanta Fe coal train goes past shaking the ground, spreading dust and making one hell of a lot of noise. So if a bicycle or horse is not appropriate, why is the freight train ok?

Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s EIA does not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

I am therefore writing to demand that an environmental assessment be conducted at the highest level, which I suspect would be a review panel.

The following also applies to Fraser Surrey Docks

Anytime there’s money to be made, corruption isn’t far behind. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENVMinistercgov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister@gov’bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrechc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.ic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

• Please wake up to these health dangers. Health trumps wealth anyday. Sincerely, Gibsons


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierQov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Without doing an appropriate and complete Environmental Impact Assessment in regards to all aspects potentially affected by this proposal, this government, along with its agencies, stands to be acting in a criminal marmer toward the peoples and all living aspects of the lands, waters, and air of the province of British Columbia. ABSOLUTELY NO RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GRANTING PERMITS TO THE FRASER SURREY DOCKS & ANY & ALL ASSOCIATED WITH THEM MUST BE GIVEN UNTIL THEY HAVE SHOWN THE APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENTS & PLANS HAVE BEEN MADE. Sincerely, NELSON


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Original Message From: webmasterwildernesscommittee.org [mailto:webmaster(wildernesscommittee.org] On Behalf 0-f: Sent: November-22-13 5:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Subject: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Direct Transfer Coal Facility

Tim Blair, Senior Planner Port Metro Vancouver 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC V6C 3T4

CC: Fed. Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq, Fed. Transport Minister Lisa Raitt, BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, BC Health Minister Terry Lake

RE: Comments on the Proposed Fraser Surrey Docks Transfer Coal Facility

I deserve a full independent hearing on the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as has been afforded to citizens of Washington State by regulators assessing coal terminals this year. I deserve a comprehensive health impact assessment of the proposed Fraser Surrey Docks coal facility, as publicly recommended by Health Authority officials. I am concerned about the climate impacts currently being experienced in Canada and throughout the world, which are exacerbated by the export and consumption of fossil fuels. I urge you to deny Fraser Surrey Docks a permit for its proposed coal facility, and to start taking responsibility for the climate damage that will result from the growing export o-f fossil fuels from Metro Vancouver ports.

Kind Regards,


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeliné; ENV.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We should be phasing out the use of coal never mind expanding the Port. Health is so important and if your not getting a proper assessment on the health of people along the route, then there should be no expanding. Asia should also not beusing coal, those poor people are wearing masks in Beijing. Sincerely, St. Catharines


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©cov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We should be phasing out the use of coal never mind expanding the Port. Health is so important and if your not getting a proper assessment on the health of people along the route, then there should be no expanding. Asia should also not be using coal, those poor people are wearing masks in Beijing. Sincerely, St. Catharines


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Honorable Premier Christy Clark; ministers of Environment, Health and Energy and Mines; Federal ministers of Transportation, Health and Environment,

I am a long-time resident of and employed in the city of Vancouver. The issue of coal transport through the Fraser Surrey Docks as proposed by Port Metro Vancouver has been brought to my attention and deeply concerns me.

It is my understanding that you are trying to grow British Columbia’s economy by promoting sales of coal and other fossil fuels in China. I am wondering if you are aware of the detrimental impact mining and burning fossil fuels is having on the health of British Columbia, the people, and the whole world. It seems like you do not care as I am certain you have herd the news, yet you continue to put us all in this precarious position. But it need not be this way. We are so advanced! Why don’twe invest in renewable energy? Such as solar, or tidal energy. Think outside the box!

Port Metro’s Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed coal transport project fails to include a proper Health Impact Assessment for effected surrounding communities. You cannot do this yourselves, it must be done independently.

And what about the air? Have you thought about the effects of burning coal on the quality of the air we breath?

I want the port authority to provide a proper, independent, Health Impact Assessment, or deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit to transport / export coal. It is that simple.

Please also consider my above note on renewable energy.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The coal from Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming, USA, has coal dust in all its fractions that contains varying amounts of heavy metal contaminants such as lead, mercury, chromium, and uranium, which are devastating to the health of all living organisms from the mining of the coal, transportation of the coal, and the end-use burning of the coal. Some of the major environmental and health issues associated with the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal are the potential impacts of coal dust on human health and the health of all living creatures, and impacts on agricultural land (including food crops and livestock) in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The Fraser River Estuary is also a sensitive environment for marine life and birds, as is the Salish Sea. The greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal in Asia and its effects on climate change also need to be addressed. Annually, the Fraser Surrey Docks thermal coal export proposal, as well as the recently approved metallurgical coal export facility at Neptune Bulk Terminals in North Vancouver, BC, will release more than 100 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

A comprehensive regional health assessment and environmental impact statement are needed to assess coal exports from Port Metro Vancouver. A full joint public review is needed under the BC Environmental Assessment Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act due to the potential scope and jurisdictional impacts of the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal. Local First Nations must also be included in the decision-making process and be full members of the joint public review panel to assess coal exports from Fraser Surrey Docks.

Given the environmental and health impacts associated with the Fraser Surrey Docks proposal as noted above, the Fraser Surrey Docks’ proposal to export USA thermal coal to Asia, should not be allowed to proceed, as the environmental and health risks are too great. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.oc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am opposed to granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Dock’s application. A comprehensive health study of the effects of coal transport should be done. There should be open and public hearings. Why should BC be the site for coal shipments that have been rejected elsewhere. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.ac.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

How can you say there will be no adverse side affects transporting “coal” through neighborhoods? Look at China’s air quality,look at the the coal dust from the trains transporting coal through the Fraser Valley through to the interior. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.qc.ca; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Economic prosperity at the cost of citizens’ health is not prosperity. Simply factoring in the additional healthcare system burden provincially would likely nullify over all profits. Thenthere is the emotional impact on families of ill health, the lost earning potential, plus the environmental impact, and loss of peace and quiet for neighbourhoods and communities. Please think holistically. Thank you! Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:12 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Transporting U.S. coal for export to Asia through the backyards of Lower Mainland families has adverse effects on British Columbians. A team of physicians who studied the impacts of coal storage and transportation over a two-year period discovered significant impacts on people’s hearts, lungs and brains. So, please stop allowing US coal to be transported throughBC’s ports. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Air quality is more important to the humans than coal business. Sincerely, sherbrooke


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministeraov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premierkiov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I have comment on this issue several times, now. I was sent an e-Mail asking for my input - as to what “kind” of shipping, etc. When I said I didn’t want ANY - my comments were not added to the survey results.

I find this absolutely reprehensible. WE DON’T WANT ANY KIND OF COAL SHIPPING through ANY neighbourhood in The Lower Mainland. How often, and how loudly does that need to be said in order to penetrate thick, stupid skulls - who have begun escalation of commitment to one of the most dangerous and stupid ideas EVER for Vancouver. Sincerely, Bumaby, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintcctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We cannot let health considerations be ignored. The most rational assessment of the health ramifications must be made before the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application could possibly be approved.

This is not the eighteenth century when capitalists did whatever they wanted regardless of the costs to their workers and to their environment.

A public hearing is only fair and just. Because Fraser Surrey Docks is against such a public hearing, we can only ask “what are they hiding?”. Until we know what this answer is, we recommend that the permit be refused. Sincerely, Ottawa


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:07 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sccic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impactassessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I don’t wish to see a permit granted for Fraser Surrey Dock’s application. Coal export expansion is harmful to health and that doesn’t seem to be considered. Coal also greatly increases C02 emmissions creating more climate change and is therefore harmful to the environment, once again badly impacting human health and our children’s future. Please do not grant this application. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister ec.gc.ca; premiercciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I recommend that tje granting of a permit to Fraser Surrey Docks be DENIED. I live on the Sunshine Coast and do not want to see more coal shipped thru the Salish Sea amd/or Haro Strait - The risk outways the risk by a huge margin. Sincerely, Sechelt


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent November-22-13 6 07 PM To FSD-EIA Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinister@gov bc Ca, MEMMinister@gov bc ca, hlth minister©gov bc Ca, Minister Ministrehc-sc gc ca, Minister©ec gc ca, premierciov bc ca, mintctc qc ca Subject Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver should come clean about the health and environment impact of further coal export expansion. Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Health impact assessment on coal export

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©gov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Health impact assessment on coal export

Shame on the Port Authority, it’sdirectors, and employees for risking the health of fellow Canadians!

Not doing a proper health assessment is akin to negligence if it turns out that the project negatively affects the health of people affected. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercqov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Min[ster Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca;[email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Honestly it is disgraceful to think we can tolerate this. Is this the best you can do?

You carmot let this go thru with current issues surrounding the question of health standards. Sincerely, Vancouver



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 4:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premier©gov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the closer Port of Seattle won’t touch this stuff why should we? They obviously had serious local concerns and so do we... safety, health, and global warming. It is short sighted to ship this pollutant to China and think it won’t effect us all. Instead of investing in all this dated energy source we should be looking to clean, sustainable energy projects. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent November-22-13 6 08 PM To FSD ETA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministercqov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.cic.ca; premier@c’ov.bc.ca; mintctc.c.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Our health matters. According to medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.”

The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, DarreI; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Immediate gratification will not make up for the long term affects this will cause. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinister©gov bc Ca, [email protected]; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Washington State doesn’t want it in their back yard but want us to take the risk and we say YES because of the bucks. Interesting that the Washington (Seattle) Port Authority is elected and the Vancouver Port Authority is appointed by the pro business-over- health government of Christie Clark and Gordo “BC is now open for business” Campbell brfore her. I recommend AGAINST granting a permit to Fraser Surrey Docks. Sincerely, vancouver, B.C


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW. Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:07 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov. bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministercjov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I have loved ones living in southern B.C. and have plans to move there myself. I am totally against - for the sake of those on the sending and the receiving ends of the coal-trade - such blatant disregard for the well-being of living things and of the planet. Sincerely, Montreal FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministercgov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is time we all realized that the biosphere is in danger and that we are the cause. Take responsibility reject Fraser Surrey Docks application. In the end you represent each citizen of this planet. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-135:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premier@’ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To; Port Metro Vancouver. I DO NOT want Port Metro to grant a permit to ship coal through the Fraser Surrey Docks. I have lived just above the docks for more than 25 years and do not want my health adversely affected by the movement of coal here. The people in the north west United States turned down this venture and we need to also. The physicians that have stated their deep concerns have to be heard. The economic gains achieved with shipping this coal to China does not out way the health risks to the people that live here and generations that follow. China is expanding its use of wind power and once they can create their own source of cheap power, they will not need to pay for U.S. coal. Then all of this would be useless. The people that will die of respiratory illnesses caused by the coal dust is needless. This is not just doing business. This venture has far reaching effects long after you have passed. I do not support this coal terminal proposal. Best regards, Don Leyland. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca;[email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It’s time to stop relying on selling unrenewable resources to support the BC economy. It’s long past time to start investing in environmentally responsible resources like solar panels and wind energy and improving this technology and making it cheaper so that everyone can start using it. Why can’twe sell renewable resources and renewable environmentally friendly energy? We need to think long term and not short term. Sincerely, Vancouver, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiercjov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

People are more important than profit and you are in office to do our bidding; not your own; not that of business interests only.


The health of the citizens of BC are far more important.. .you need to heed our voices! If you do not do a Health Impact Assessment via a third party with no business interest in the shipping of the coal, you are ignoring what your citizens are asking you to do. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:06 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierQov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Try using your head for the first time, you corrupt cunts. The ETAdoesn’t even nearly meet the basic requirements of a health impact assessment, as you well know and ignore. Stop expanding coal exports, NOW! Sincerely, humboldt


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministercec.Qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If you choose to ignore medicine and real science, you will be legally culpable in causing damage to the environment and to people. You have a responsibility to the regional biosphere. Please listen to reason. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a citizen concerned about health and the health of future generations, I call upon you to insist on a comprehensive and independent health impact assessment of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal, as well as the impact of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Shipping coal to China also exacerbates global pollution of the air we all breathe. Stop expanding coal exports! The BC coast is too precious a resource to allow increased oil and coal traffic. Sincerely, Saskatoon


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Put the heath of our community first by conducting hearings and listening to the expertise of chief health officers of our community. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I think it is insane to ship any coal through any port as it is an antiquated fuel source with many associated health and environmental risks. Shipping US coal through our ports and waterways for China is ludicrous. Putting our families at risk is wrong. Sincerely, West Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected];mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

coal, coal, coal, gas, gas ,gas, oil, oil, oil okay, I get it... .money for everyone, right right... .right. . . .okay, I get it, only money for the mult-nationals, the rest of us can eat cake... .hey, if you are a human, you can see the problems.. .if you aren’t human, who gives a shit... Sincerely, ;nanaimo


From: FSD-EIA Subject:. FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks Please just do s1what fair for the people who will have to breath, and live by and around your next proposal for coal shipment. All we want is a fair and unbiased report on the potential health risks. Thanks! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; premieraov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I recommend against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application simply because the assessment by the ETAis inefficient and incomplete. According to the medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The EIA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Sioux Falls


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: No to oil and coal trasporting

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: No to oil and coal trasporting

I demand that you protect the people of BC by not allowing the transporting of coal and the building of an oil pipeline to our coast. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for White Rock city

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintc@’tc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for White Rock city

My name is and I am a resident of White rock since 1999. I would like to register my protest to the Fraser Surrey Docks expansion due to the coal shipments through my community. I have not seen any evidence that there has been a comprehensive indepth independent study as to what impact the coal dust generated by this coal movement through my community will have on the health of my children who are 9 yrs and 12 yrs old. Also, Increased train traffic is quite literally running down my fellow white rock citizens. I respectively request that you halt the transport of this coal through my community. Sincerely, White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please don’tgrant a permit for Fraser surry Docks?application. Our children are already suffering from the pollution that the government is responsible for the pollution that is put into the air, soil and water of all our lands in Canada. They fight the protection of the environment every step of the way. Our children as well as ourselves suffer enough without adding to the suffering by allowing coal to be transported across our lands. please think of what you are doing to your childrend and grandchildren before you make this very important decision. Sincerely, Regina FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-136:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Unless the port stops ignoring the concerns of our chief medical officers and actually conducts public hearings on this massive coal export proposal, they should deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The environmental impact assessment must be as thorough as is humanly possible and its adequacy should be confirmed by an independent body composed of persons with relevant expertise before it is accepted by the licensing authority. An assessment that fall short of the highest standards is not acceptable. Sincerely, Shawnigan Lake


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: [email protected] [mailto:sharonesmalkamail .com] Sent: November-22-13 5:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; premieraov.bc.ca; ri,intctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks to ignore credible science re significant health effects on citizens living near coal routes and those who are suffering from coal powered industry in China, shame on you. To support any coal project is to confirm corporations with profit as bottom line is more important than democratic process, public health, global and environmental health. increasing toxins puts our children’s future at great risk. SHAME, SHAME. sharon small Sincerely, Denman Island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 6:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks


It is important to have open and honest health and environmental assessments. Lets make decisions based on facts - and not based upon corporations self interests. Please do not grant the Fraser Surrey Dock application until all the facts are in. Sincerely, Halifax


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

When will we stop ignoring science and common sense on the health impacts of such substances as coal, oil and gas. Please act in the best interest Ofthe public, which includes you and your families. It’stime we stopped making money the highest priority. MAKE LIFE FOR ALL SENTIENT BEINGS THE HIGHEST PRIORITY. Sincerely, Victoria



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am getting on in years so any change in air quality does effect me greatly. Obviously, whom ever says there will be know problem hasn’t had to wait at a level crossing even with the windows closed in the car you can still smell the coal which means the dust is in the air. There has to be a better way. Sealed container cars? But the way it is now-not in my back yard. Sincerely, Chilliwack


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premier@c’ov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I do not support coal expansion for health and environmental reasons. Stop ignoring the public’s concern! Do not issue a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks. Develope only clean, sustainable energy sources. Sincerely, Saltspring Island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent November-22-13 6 27 PM To FSD ETA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.ac.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Health considerations should come first! Coal is a dirty, fossil fuel. As long as we continue to export it, and other, dirty, fossil fuels, no efforts will be made to find clean alternatives. We NEED to STOP exporting dirty fuel, and encourage the search and development of clean, renewable fuels! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-2243 5:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am a 55 year old woman with asthma, I have lived most of my life with this chronic disease, I really don’t wish it on anyone, not even you or your children, it is time we take a precautionary approach to dealing with coal, even if we take great measures to ensure our health isn’t affected through transport the truth is on the other side of the ocean someone will be burning it, one planet, one life, be considerate do not grant this application for a permit, and become part of the problem. Sincerely, Maple Ridge, BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Fraser Surrey Docks Permit

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.Qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Fraser Surrey DocksPermit

The health of Canadians is not for sale. Protect the interests of the public first and foremost, and only then then about how to enrich our economy. To do anything else is insanity. I implore you to deny any grants until a full investigation is concluded. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

This is ridiculous! Why are they transporting coal through our Canadian docks anyway??!! If they must transport coal to Asia, then they should do it off their own coasts, better yet, NO transportation of this dangerous and extremely unhealthy (for both human and planet) substance, but at the minimum, they should take that risk on their own ground and seaways, not ours!! Please do not grant a permit, now or ever, for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application! Thank you. Sincerely, Calgary


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

With respect to coal exports transportation I would implore Port Metro to do a thorough, independent health impact assessment. Demontrate that people’s health is the priority and focus rather than money. Sincerely, Gabriola


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: No Coal Through The Fraser Surrey Docks!!

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.ac.ca Subject: No Coal Through The Fraser Surrey Docks!!

Why are we shipping coal that American ports refuse to accept? They know the health and environmental risks and are acting on it. Port Metro Vancouver is a federally run and this smells like the Harper government has it’s hand in this - ramming through whatever it wants to meet it’sadgenda with no consideration for the population. What other body could act above the law like this and not allow due consideration. The stories out of China now are starting to sound like China is looking for alternative power as coal smoke and dust is killing it’s citizens. We don’twant that to happen hear! Stop the madnes!! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November22-13 6:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministeraov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerpov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

With respect to coal exports transportation I would implore Port Metro to do a thorough, independent health impact assessment. Demontrate that people’s health is the priority and focus rather than money. Sincerely, Gabriola


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:19 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Keeping people healthy is more important than making money by shipping dangerous and toxic cargos - like coal. People come before profits Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

My children and grandchildren live right beside the Fraser Surrey Docks and we live right beside the rail line where this massive U.S. coal export to Canada will take place. We are very concerned that your environmental impact assessment does not meet the basic requirements of a health impact assessmet and that the port and Fraser Surrey Docks refused to work collaboratively with the public medical officers. What do you have to hide by refusing to meet with these specialists and the public who are impacted? The health of the public and our children more important than the money generated by this proposal. Sincerely, Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:16 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles,James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];MinisterMinistrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the general public of Washington state do not want more coal exports (I’ve seen the posted signs) then we of the Lower Mainland don’t want them either.

It looks like a battle is shaping up because the greedy Port of Vancouver and the Greedy Surrey docks would rather work under confrontation than to deal with the truth and create a compromise. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; cremiercciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Allowing coal to come in and out of the Fraser Docks will destroy my health. I have asthma and breathing conditions and the coal dust will ruin my quality of life. Not to mention what it will do to the children being raised in this community. This is not old time England!

Get your priorities in line and as a corporate company have some morals. How dare you think you can destroy my life and I am not going to say anything about it. I am not a person who normally actively protests but in this instance I will.

Any politician who votes to go ahead with this project I will make a point of rallying against them to make sure they are run out of office and do not get our votes.

You can spin this any way you want but we all know that coal dust is coal dust and the adverse affects it has on health.

Keep coal out of the Fraser River and North Delta. We do not want it.

North Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.MinisterQov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrechc-sc.gcca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The port must comply with the demands of our medical officers Dr.Buynder and Dr Patricia Daly to study the full scope of the impact of Thermal Coal and Diesel particles and full puplic hearings. If this is not done the Fraser Surrey Docks permit application should be denied further coal expansion. Sincerely, Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is absolutely time for an in depth 2nd look at the transport and shipping of coal. Please do not granta permit for Fraser- Surrey docks to increase their capacity until & unless a comprehensive study is complete. This does not need to be decided in a rush. The health & welfare of all citizens must be considered. Hold this application and insist on public hearings and detailed in depth studies before anything goes ahead. Sincerely, Nanaimo


From: FSD-EIA Subject: . FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premier©qov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro,

As a citizen of Vancouver I want you to understand that I am absolutely opposed to the expansiOnof coal export through our ports. We do not want more coal shipping, let alone more coal burning / use throughout the world. I think it’spathetic and embarrassing to pretend we are environmental and green thinking here in British Columbia when we will gladly ratchet up production of fossil fuels and pretend that China burning them is somehow better. We have to STOP using fossil fuels all together, so that doesn’t mean shipping them off somewhere else.

Listen to what the people are saying — we care about our health, environment and future and we do not want an expansion of coal shipping in our communities. If you do not stop the Fraser Surrey Docks from expansion, you cannot say you care at all about the environment because if you did at all you would do everything in your power to shut this coal expansion down. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:28 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Minister@’ec.cic.ca; prernierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I strongly feel, that granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Dock will adversely affect the health and safety of many living along the route the coal will travel. We absolutely need to listen to the physicians whornstudied the impacts on people’s hearts, lungs and brains.

Please, either start over and provide a proper assessment, or deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop all expansion of coal exports. Sincerely,




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I’m from Nova Scotia coal country and am very familiar with the smell of coal dust. I know how toxic coal dust is and suggest you deny the application. Sincerely, Nanaimo


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If there were a socially equitable and effective means to assess the impact of coal mining, transport, and use on our environment and the welfare of its occupants then we would have a point of reference from which to make a decision. There isn’tyet. Until such time neither the government nor industry are acting for the the greater good and must be opposed by whatever means possible. It is already happening and will only increase until the public outcry becomes deafening. Sincerely,

Denman Island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:07 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©ciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Sir,

As a Surrey resident I consider it unacceptable that elected officials are promoting and intend to build a coal exporting terminal at Fraser Surrey Docks without doing a proper health impact assessment into the impact this will have on the hearts, lungs and brains of Surrey residents. Port Metro Vancouver needs to take its responsibility in this more seriously.

Why are you valuing coal export more than the lives of Surrey residents? Sincerely, Surrey

I - -


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:27 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sccic.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.ic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Health issues are basic rights for every Canadian. Adverse affects from coal are incredibly damaging. Do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks Sincerely, Coidwater


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:14 PM To: FSD—EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©Qov.bcca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If you really believe that this will have no impact why don’t all of YOU go and spend a few months right beside the coal dust 24/7. Stop looking at ONLY the money! Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:25 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierckiov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am getting on in years so any change in air quality does effect me greatly. Obviously, whom ever says there will be know problem hasn’t had to wait at a level crossing even with the windows closed in the car you can still smell the coal which means the dust is in the air. There has to be a better way. Sealed container cars? But the way it is now-not in my back yard. Sincerely, Chilliwack


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I have family in Greater Vancouver, please protect their health. Sincerely, Sidney


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:33 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.Qc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

First, we should never mine or export coal, as it is the worst fossil fuel to come in contact for our health and the environment. Why would the city and government allow it? Well, I am sure it is all about the money, however citizens are more concerned with their health, so I think it should be banned permanently! Sincerely, Cultus Lake FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:34 PM To: FSD-EIA - Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

In order for our nation to have the highest safety standards possible, it is necessary to consult with health officials concerned about the impact of our actions on the health of people and the environment. Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:42 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministeraov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.cic.ca; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why are you keeping the puplic and top health officials out of the debate? What are you hiding? Coal dust is disastrous to health. Ask any coal miner. How can it not escape into the air for miles around the port and transportation route?

Please stop this project immediately. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:39 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

So, Port Metro.... Is this what you teach your children? To avoid searching for the truth because it might mean loosing your job? Because after all your job is more important than anybody’s health, right? It sounds like it makes you more important than anyone else, but all it really says is that you identify yourself solely with your job, not as a loving, thinking, individual who seeks the truth. Too bad. You’re all worth a lot more than you think. Sincerely, Penticton


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:32 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Given that a team of physicians who studied the impacts of coal storage and transportation over a two-year period discovered significant impacts on people’s hearts, lungs and brains, and that the greenhOuseeffects of end use of the coal have not been factored in, this is clearly not an acceptable risk to take. Our health and the health of our planet are more important than profits. The damage this will do cannot be undone. Please do not approve this application. Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov. bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the executives are so confident in the current health and environmental plans they and their families should be FORCED to live downwind of the Fraser Surrey Docks. Better yet, move the families on site. The can brag to all their golfing buddies about their short commute! Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If it’stoo toxic for the US it’stoo toxic for us. If it ins’teconomically viable enough for the US it isn’t ecomonixally viable renough for Canada. The US dollar rulesi Canada can do better than that. We can care about the people and environment that will be adversley affected. We care. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected];[email protected]; premiercQov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing to express my concern regarding the transport of coal along the coastal shipping route. The health impacts on the communities affected by this transport have not been addressed by the environmental impact assessment. So I am recommending against granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application to expand coal exports. I am also concerned about shipping coal to Asia in the first place -only to be burned and so contribute to more climate change. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©ciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerQov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Our health has to trump profit. What else should public officials be protecting? Sincerely, CHATHAM


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-136:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministeraov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; premierccJov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser SurreyDocks

You have got to be kidding!! With all the nasty environmental issues going on..Chem Spraying. ..Radiation from Japan and we still have not gotten the message to be more careful? I would have to say it is not only the Toronto Major who is doing drugs. Sincerely, Grand Forks


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-2243 6:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected];hIth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Unless the port can go back to the drawing board and comply with the demands of our medical officers, study the full scope of impacts and conduct proper consultation with full public hearings, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit application and stop any further coal expansion. Sincerely, Toronto


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 6:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cc.ca; [email protected]; premiercjov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If the chief medical officers called for a comprehensive and spatially-relevant (eg Surrey, White Rock, Texada island etc) study of the impact of coal movement storage, and if the Port Metro Van and Fraser-Surrey Docks do not do so, don’t you know that you are opening yourselves to liabilities of a vast and enduring nature? The small cost of the study now will be dwarfed by the long term costs of your foolish plan later! Sincerely, Burnaby


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 5:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; vemier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why do you people lie to us all the time? Ifeverything was OK and has no adverse effects you would generate and publish complete impact studies, for everyone involved, not just inside the terminal itself. You either aren’t doing your homework, or you are hiding the realo story. We’re pissed off at you bureaucrats and so-called managers, and we aren’t sitting still for it. So, start doing your jobs properly so you can regain at least a bit of credibility. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:47 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministercjov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministercec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks re: the ETA ignore the experts, ignore the potential for harm. What will your explanation be to the next generation? Sincerely, Maberly, Ontario


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I frequently visit Vancouver and have people close to me who live there. I am shocked to think that our health could be endangered due to the negligence of the very public officials who are responsible for protecting it! Sincerely, Montreal


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 3:59 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks health is a major issue, this will also affect the water and islands and wild life within this area Sincerely, fergus


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:57 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministercgov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Once coal dust gets into your lungs, it is there forever. So amounts just keep building up as long as the cars roll by. Unlike other substances, our bodies have no way to eliminate these particles once they are in our lungs. Eventually, we can’t breathe.... Sincerely, Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

In a time of climate change information being its most robust and alarming, it is absolute poor judgment for our decision-makers to increase the risks of deleterious impacts to both our local and global community. Sincerely, vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-137:05 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerccjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Aside from carbon dioxide emissions which coal-burning causes, and that negatively affect the earths atmosphere, medical health of Vancouver citizens is at risk from coal shipped out of the Lower Mainland. Health is no consideration for Fraser Surrey Docks. Their proposal is against the well-being of my family members who live in the Vancouver area. Coal trains pass near their homes and medical evidence proves negative effects result from dust and toxins that result from shipments. The Fraser Surrey Docks and Port Metro Vancouver ignore this, and have deliberately avoided health officials’ enquiries. They want no accountability to Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health authorities. I recommend no permit be granted to Fraser Surrey Docks for this coal shipment application. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:06 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierQov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I would like to add my voice to those asking Port Metro Vancouver to deny Fraser Surrey Docks’permit for their coal export proposal. I am not satisfied with the environmental impact assessment. I don’t believe that it addresses the public’shealth concerns, and I am worried about significant negative health impacts. Why weren’t health officers from Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health consulted? Why are there no public hearings when there is clearly large opposition? Furthermore, why is B.C. even considering the export of coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel? Aren’twe interested in doing our part to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions? Mary Polack has touted the export of liquid natural gas to China as B.C.’s gift to the world, because it will decrease global coal consumption. Sincerely, New Westminster


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The EIA does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports.

OUR HEALTH MATTERS Sincerely, Boca Raton

1 To:

I Sent: I Subject: Cc: me dust coal Subject: Thank From: [email protected]; [email protected]; FSD-EIA Vancouver From:

don’t want











aggravate Family




















[email protected];







concerns, Family






























[email protected];


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From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Engezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; premiercgov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Have you really thought this through as a HEALTH issue, not a GREED issue??? Sincerely, Langley


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 6:52 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From a community health perspective this an ill conceived and dangerous undertaking. Let our American friends export their own coal, and suffer the consequences if they so choose. End this now. Sincerely, NVan


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please listen to us for a change. We don’twant coal shipments and we don’t want to breathe coal dust. I don’t care if China needs the coal...I don’t want it shipped from anywhere and especially from the Fraser Surrey Docks. This coal is dirty and I don’tbelieve the dust can be kept down. Hopefully you’llrecommend against the permit application. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Vancouver is a beautiful city and it needs to stay that way. Pollution is a huge health issue for everyone. Coal needs to be replaced with a truly healthy energy (not nuclear). Even transporting can be a dirty process. Sincerely,

Comox valley


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercqov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintcctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We all know that burning coal produces toxic fumes and hi-products one of which is mercury oxide. Mercury is poison to the brain and other organs. How hard is it to understand that? Economically it’snot feasible. Nobody gets $1/hr anymore and oil is outrageous for shipping. We have lots of other forms of energy that are clean, efficient and sustainable like Hemp oil which can be produced cheaply and in abundance. We have Wind power, tidal power, solar power. Germany is producing 22GW everyday. Equivalent to 20 nuclear reactors. We don’tneed coal. Sincerely, campbell river


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerQov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am against the granting of a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks’ application.

There needs to be a genuine and independent public health assessment done by health officers which covers all of the critical areas, including: White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island, and the waters and islands along the shipping route. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:50 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks we need to take our environment seriously and honor the nature we have yet to destroy. Stop undermining our environment and future health for economic gain. Stop transporting dangerous goods such as coal through our cities Sincerely, North Van


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©qov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I recommend against granting a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks aplication.

According to medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.”

The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s EIA does not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Peterborough


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.cic.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing to recommend that the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks?application be denied based on the scientific research conducted on the matter. The ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment. The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Tfthe port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercqov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Minister©ec.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing to demand that until a full and robust assesment is complete with 100% transparency and public involvement the permit for the Fraser Surrey Dock’s application be denied. Here are just a few of the identified concerns with the current application. According to our medical officers, the ETAdocs not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; MinistereC.cic.ca; premierckiov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Thermal Coal that Surrey Fraser Docks has proposed is a Hazard to our communities.The coal will be wet down twice during shipment and the coal will be not be loaded to capacity in the rail cars, this I heard at one of our Delta council meetings on Nov. 18th. Precautions because Thermal Coal is a health hazard and a pollutant to the environment. What about the Diesel particles coming from the trains. Spillage, derailment, property decline and many more issues.The U.S.A. does not want Thermal coal in their country for all of these reason, why would we. We are working hard to keep our country free from environmental decline as best as humanly possible and trying to restore what has been destroyed by pollution.We do not want the Thermal Coal at Surrey Fraser Docks project and recommend against the permit to be granted. We must be diligent in protecting our environment for our health and safety our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren.We have requested a full comprehensive health impact statement from Dr. Patricia Daly and Dr. Buynder. Sincerely,

North Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:53 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Dock’s application. It is integral that Canada begins to focus on sustainable energy instead of unrenewable resources like coal. Please.help accomplish this. Sincerely, Nelson


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:01 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV’[email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.cjc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

•Donot put people lives at risk by using failed assessment so you can profit Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Thermal Coal that Surrey Fraser Docks has proposed is a Hazard to our communities.The coal will be wet down twice during shipment and the coal will be not be loaded to capacity in the rail cars, this I heard at one of our Delta council meetings on Nov. 18th. Precautions because Thermal Coal is a health hazard and a pollutant to the environment. What about the Diesel particles coming from the trains. Spillage, derailment, property decline and many more issues.The U.S.A. does not want Thermal coal in their country for all of these reason, why would we. We are working hard to keep our country free from environmental decline as best as humanly possible and trying to restore what has been destroyed by pollution.We do not want the Thermal Coal at Surrey Fraser Docks project and recommend against the permit to be granted. We must be diligent in protecting our environment for our health and safety our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren.We have requested a full comprehensive health impact statement from Dr. Patricia Daly and Dr. Buynder. Sincerely,

North Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.ac.ca; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks dear sirs,I hope clear and comprehensive assessments, including health assessments form part of any and all decisions that affect our country. Incomplete and biased reports are becoming the standard

Sincerely, victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:29 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please think about our children.., there are other way. Listen to the people you are about to jeopardize longterm heath for a few $$.Some of these people are your families, your staff... Is it really worn it? Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cc.ca; Ministercec.ac.ca; iremier©ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing in opposition to the granting of a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks application to export US coal. A team of physicians who have studied the impacts over two years of coal storage and transportation found significant impacts on human health (heart, lung, and brain). Further, Canada and BC do not need to facilitate the enhanced use of coal in energy and GHG generation off shore. It is important to note that the west coast US has rejected applications for similar coal export proposals. It is clear that this is not an economic opportunity, but an opportunistic short-sighted proposal and it should be rejected. Sincerely, Victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.c.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Follow the lead of Ontario. We used to be the environmental west coast. Now, Ontario is leading the way. No coal exports expansion. Sincerely, parksville


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-134:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles,James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos,Evangeline;[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];MinisterMinistrehc-sc.cjc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for FraserSurrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for aproposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Tfthe port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely, Cranbrook


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangehne; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.ac.ca; [email protected]; premierQov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks application. According to the medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment. Furthermore the ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. There has not been any assessment of the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Unless the port authority starts over and provides a proper assessment of these issues, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks the permit. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerçiov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Though not affected personally, I stand with the people who will. It is shame on the authorities who will not recognize the findings of the Chief Medical Officers or allow their finding to be used. I urge you to do the right thing by the people. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Concern re possible adverse health effects of coal transport through Fraser Surrey Docks

From: - Sent November-22-13 6 31 PM

To: FSD-EIA - Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinistergov bc Ca, MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Concern re possible adverse health effects of coal transport through Fraser Surrey Docks

I am very concerned that coa; transfers through the Fraser Surrey docks will have an adverse effect on the health of those who like myself and family who live nearby. I also think coal should be discouraged as an energy source due to the environmental effects of combustion. Isn’tit time we started to take seriously the longer term effects of continuing to burn carbon on the environment and future generations? It’stime to support alternatives. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bcca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.pc.ca; Ministercec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Greetings, i only have to say that i am sick and tired of signing petition after petition telling our government to do what right for health and well being of the ecosystem witch effects everything and everyone, pls do what is right! witch has nothing to do with $ but with the life on this planet, and keeping it and ourselves safe!!! thank u for finding the humanity and compassion within yourself to be the guardians of the planet for the future of our children. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:52 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©ciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Sounds like it’sall the same! People making important decisions on behalf of the public care nothing about our health they only care about how much money they can make. Harper has this same agenda How loud dowe have to get to get the point through!!!!!!!! Sincerely,

Ocean Par


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I totally disagree with the extension of the port. And I certainly oppose any further shipment of coal to Asia. The world has enough C02 and other GHG in the atmosphere to cause climate change and the destruction of large living-space of populations through flood and storms. Spend the money on alternative energy and research Sincerely,

Quadra Island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercqov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©Qov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Medical officers have found, the EIA does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” to move forward on such evidence would be crimminal.

This ETAis a sham it does not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route.

Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal which must be considered as part of the assessment.

If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©qov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro:

I am opposed to the shipment of coal from ISurrey Fraser Docks. You have not considered the health impacts to people living in the area. You do not talk about the impact on the marine environment, particularly at Texada Island.

Port Metro continues to act without proper consultation. Just because it’sa federal jurisdiction does not mean you can act like a dictator. Sincerely, north van


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

According to our medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Tfthe port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,

North Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Gentlemen, I believe that the Chief Medical Officers of Fraser Health and Vancouver Coast Health consider that your environmental impact assessment is inadequate and flawed. Health of people MUST be considered as being more important that profits of either Coal companies, the Port Authority or the end user of the coal, and once it has been burned it has negative impacts on the atmosphere so vital to all living creatures. Please cooperate fully with those charged with guarding the health of at least this area. Sincerely,


1 V


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerkiov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; premieriovbc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

There needs to be a credible health assessment for this to be a proper environmental impact assessment. Without independent review there should be no permit granted to Fraser Surrey Docks. Sincerely,




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministeraov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

How can your environmental assessment be just within the boundaries of the docks? You have to look at the impact of the coal before and after it passes through your gates. Haven’t you heard of cradle to cradle design?

What a joke. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiercciov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks


I do not normally get involved in these types of issues, but this one is important to me, because coal emits dust and other particulate matter for us all to breathe in.

Granting a permit for the Fraser Docks application that does not include an adequate open public consultation process, AND is against a long-term, third party health/medical impact assessment, AND is without the input/acceptance of the affected Health authorities is unacceptable.

It’sthat simple. the Port Authority is not accountable to the general public and, in this decision, the health stakeholders and public are not being included, and they need to be.

This pending application should denied, and a full public consultation process should be immediately initiated.

Thank you. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver should give full consideration to the health officer’s environmental impact assessment. To continue to ignore the facts is putting the public at risk, and in addition ignoring the public concern about greenhouse gas emissions that have become such a huge concern for the wellbeing of our planet. - Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier3ciov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks the ports impact assessments are not telling how their proposal for environmental impact affects health at all. i have already lungs damaged by chemical exposure- both kids are on inhalers for asthma. for the sake of our health and of others- DO NOT GRANT A PERMIT until the docks agree to work with the chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health Sincerely,

Courtenay BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected];[email protected]; premier ov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As usual the environmental impact of a project in regards to an energy source are swept aside in favor of profit, and profit only. Big Coal is treated with kid gloves, just as Big Oil is and to hell with the health of people and the environment. Why do you think Washington state vetoed such a proposal? To not even consider the end use of coal in China is very naive as it will contribute untold amounts of greenhouse gases to a communist country that is one of the worst polluters on the planet. But greed is KING and do not worry about the disastrous consequences. Doubling the number of train cars through the lower mainland is a horrible idea with no concern to human and environmental health. Fraser Surrey docks should not be granted a permit of any kind until an honest and thorough evaluation can be done. We do nOt stand to benefit from this, but take all the risks with none of the rewards. Do an honest evaluation and try to leave greed out of the equation. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycommenton the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am writing in opposition of the proposed coal transfer facility at Fraser Surrey Docks.

I believe this proposal is not in the best interests of the residents of Surrey or British Columbia for a few reasons.

1) Neither the port nor the rail carrier or the buy or seller of the coal will accept responsibility for the particulate emissions increases that result form the diesel exhaust. Recently we have learned that particulate emissions already lead to the earlier death of 22,000 Canadians per year. Diesel exhaust is known to be particularly problematic. The cost to our health care system would be very difficult to pass on to the proponents of this plan. Not to mention the impact to quality of life of those affected. http ://www.coaltrainfacts.org/docs/appendix-A.pdf

2) As you may know the The Canadian Association for Physicians for the Environment have spoken out against the impact of the coal dust of this project. Although the proponents say they will reduce dust by 85% this is hardly impressive. In 2009 a representative from the BNSF testified before a US federal review board that about 1.5 lbs of dust escapes from each rail car per mile traveled. So even if reduced by 85% you can see that a great deal of dust will still escape. The proponents seek to externalize the cost of this so that it will be born by the citizens of this city.

3) In light of the recently released IPCC report on climate change it is incumbent on politicians at every level to consider how their decisions impact carbon dioxide emissions. Pardon the hyperbole but I consider allowing shipments of thermal coal to pass through our gates while looking the other way as equivalent to in the allowing slaves to pass through in the 1800’s.We have a duty to act. It is an over simplification to say if we don’tdo it someone else will....

4) The proponents also seek to externalize other costs to society for example the vehicle traffic interruptions that increased rail traffic will cause, plus possible increase in ambulance and fire protection that might flow out of that. In addition there good deal of research into the impact of noise on the well being of people. http ://www.coaltrainfacts.org/docs/appendix-D .pdf Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.c1c.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Follow Ontario’s wise decision to ban mining of coal - we should not be increasing the use of coal by transporting it

- ethically, morally it is wrong to pollute the environment, or to help in the distribution of this dirty fuel. Sincerely,

Parksville, B.C.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Shipping of coal through BC ports

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:35 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministercec.cic.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintc(tc.gc.ca Subject: Shipping of coal through BCports

Please do not carry out this plan to ship more coal from BC. Coal is bad enough where it is; it is not fair to mainland residents to ship it through their homelands with no concern for health effects. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:48 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Stop expanding coal exports! we need clean energy, not more dirty, polluting and unhealthy energy. I am against a permt for the Fraser Surrey Dock&application. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent November-22-13 6 20 PM To FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercjov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©qov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please stop being greedy with the health of BC’ers. You are pushing the health envelope as well as the negative environmental aspects. You are also pushing the loading /movement planning up the Georgia Strait (Texada Isl). Why are you ignoring studies which suggest great negative effects.Are you people so insensitive to living? Please stop this maddness of shipping and moving coal. You are killing my planet Sincerely,

Courtenay BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November22-13 6:21 PM To: FSDEIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gcca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

•If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports Sincerely,

West Allis


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW:Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-135:12 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos,Evangeline;[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected];[email protected] Subject: Mycommenton the environmentalimpactassessment for FraserSurreyDocks

I urge you to recommend AGAINST granting a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal.

As matters stand, the so-called “health impact assessment” before you has been reviewed by our two top local experts in Public Health, Dr. Patricia Daly and Dr. Paul Vanbuynder, and found NOT to qualify as a health impact assessment. For example, it uses inadequate and outdated science, doesn’t detail the components of the coal dust to which people will be exposed, it identifies only some of the people who will be exposed, and it does not separate out the people who will be exposed by the type of exposure (contamination of air, soil, water, food) or the levels of exposure.

You might wish to compare the factors considered in this 2012 report from Kentucky posted at http ://www.healthimpactproj ect.org/resources/document/Coal-and-Clean-Energy-Optionsin-KY.pdf . In its discussion of the human health effects of coal transport, it looks at health effects mediated through not only exposure to the coal dust itself but also through the predictable increase in truck accidents, diesel emissions, road and bridge damage, and reduced pedestrian transport.

It is also important to know what toxins are in the coal, because those toxins will also be in the coal dust that is released during transport. Here is a 2013 thesis looking at wetland contamination with heavy metals resulting from coal dust exposure of wetlands through which coal was transported by train: https://digitalarchive.wm.edu/bitstream/handle/i 0288/i 8606/LovetteJohn20 I3_thesis.pdf?seguence1 . All the metals for which testing was done were elevated: arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, and zinc. The mercury in particular entered into wildlife, as indicated by elevated mercury levels in captured spiders. What is in the coal dust that will be released by the proposed coal transport in the lower mainland? Besides the heavy metals mentioned above, what is the uranium and thorium content? How much of the coal to be transported is the highly friable and difficult to contain Powder River Basin coal?

Further to the points raised above, I commend to your attention this 2012 report, which I recommend you read in its entirety: http://www.sightline.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/20 12/11/coal-FAO-November- 12.pdf.

A few points of particular interest in this.report:

“British Columbia’s Westshore coal terminal, which ships about 21 million metric tons per year, sits on a peninsula jutting into the Strait of Georgia. Some residents of Point Roberts, a beachfront community three miles away, complain that coal dust blackens their homes, patio furniture, and boats moored in the local marina. 19 A comprehensive 2001 study of coal dust emissions in Canada found that the Westshore Terminal emits roughly 715 metric tons of coal dust a year. A separate study recently conducted by researchers at the

1 University of British Columbia found that the concentrations of coal dust in the vicinity of the terminal had doubled during the period from 1977 to 1999. 20”

“To reduce or prevent coal dust from escaping, shippers can fill cars less full or cover them with tarps or chemical sprays, but these measures run up the cost of moving coal, so coal shippers rarely employ them by choice. 27 A March 2011 ruling from the US Surface Transportation Board, which oversees railway operations, allowed BNSF to require coal shippers to control dust, but there is little reason to believe the controls will be effective. 28 In fact, shippers are already appealing the decision, blaming BNSF’s operating procedures for the spread of coal dust and arguing that the railway’s dust reduction goals are unrealistic and based on “junk science.” 29 Complicating matters for the Northwest, Powder River Basin (PRB) coal is notoriously difficult to handle. One technical analysis finds that, “PRB coal is extremely friable and will break down into smaller particles virtually independent of how the coal is transported or handled.” According to the study’s authors, “PRB represents the extremes of handling problems.” 30 The same analysis found that: Spontaneous combustion of coal is a well-known phenomenon, especially with PRB coal. This high-moisture, highly volatile sub-bituminous coal will not only smolder and catch fire while in storage piles at power plants and coal terminals, but has been known to be delivered to a power plant with the rail car or barge partially on fire... 31 Outside of confined environments, Powder River Basin coal does not spontaneously explode or burst into full flame, but under the wrong conditions it can self-ignite and burn slowly even while it is riding the rails—a troubling proposition for railroad workers and communities along the tracks.”

“For many communities, coal trains are almost certain to worsen traffic congestion and impair truck freight. The sheer number of trains required by a full build-out of the coal terminals would dictate that even if trains traveled at 35 miles per hour they would obstruct at-grade crossings for 10 percent of every day. In urban locations, where train speeds are slower, the problem is likely to be even worse. . . . The Portland, Oregon- Vancouver, Washington area is one of the most problematic locations in part because it will be affected by coal trains no matter whether coal is shipped to Bellingham, Longview, the Port of St. Helens, or Coos Bay. In fact, the authors of the most comprehensive analysis of Washington’s freight rail system note that, “delay hours per train moving through the Portland/Vancouver area are greater than the delay hours for trains in the Chicago area, one of the nation’s most congested rail hubs. 41”

In short: our health care costs and infrastructure costs are high enough and our traffic congestion is bad enough already. We don’t need and can’t afford the extra burdens imposed by taking on the transport of huge amounts of coal that other jurisdictions have had the good sense to refuse.

I urge you to recommend AGAINST granting a permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal. Sincerely,

Maple Ridge


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The Thermal Coal that Surrey Fraser Docks has proposed is a Hazard to our communities.The coal will be wet down twice during shipment and the coal will be not be loaded to capacity in the rail cars, this I heard at one of our Delta council meetings on Nov. 18th. Precautions because Thermal Coal is a health hazard and a pollutant to the environment. What about the Diesel particles coming from the trains. Spillage, derailment, property decline and many more issues.The U.S.A. does not want Thermal coal in their country for all of these reason, why would we. We are working hard to keep our country free from environmental decline as best as humanly possible and trying to restore what has been destroyed by pollution.We do not want the Thermal Coal at Surrey Fraser Docks project and recommend against the permit to be granted. We must be diligent in protecting our environment for our health and safety our children,grandchildren and great grandchildren.We have requested a full comprehensive health impact statement from Dr. Patricia Daly and Dr. Buynder. Sincerely,

North Delta


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Yes, allowing coal though our towns and cities will bring a little employment and a few pennies to our coffers. On the other hand, it will bring injury and illness to those near the tracks and the ports. I am pretty sure that the private businesses and their owners will make a decent dollar. But the taxes that the public cofferes generate will not cover the long term medical costs.

Why let a few get richer while the rest of us pay for it? Sincerely,

Alexandria, ON

1 PimierQov.bc.ca; MEivLMinister©gov.bcc; To: Nelson Thank Subject: Cc: Sent: This Subject: From: From: FSD-EIA












Our on




FW: FSD-E!A health
















Englezos, environmental


1 coal!

[email protected];







[email protected];







From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.MinisterQov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Re: environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver,

As a member of the local community, Pm concerned about the health of myself and my neighbours. As a scientist, I believe in a proper, sufficient, and thorough study before decisions are made. I also trust experts in their respective fields. In the case of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal, the top health experts have spoken. They have said the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.”

As an expert in atmospheric science myself, I believe a proposal like this without question should assess the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions down the line. The resulting C02 emissions will affect us even if the coal is not burned anywhere near here, as it is a well-mixed gas in the atmosphere. I have grave concerns about the impacts of enabling this coal to be distributed and burned. The science behind the consequences of additional greenhouse gas emissions is basic and well understood. Further warming will have detrimental impacts both to Canadians and others around the world.

As an atmospheric scientist, I believe the EIA must include the impacts on greenhouse gas emissions. I also trust the opinion of experts in the field of health, who say the ETAdid not do a satisfactory job of assessing the health impacts. As such, the Port should deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks to expand their export of coal. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please take action that clearly demonstrates that you have heard the concerns of chief medical officers. It is time to conduct public hearings on this massive coal export proposal and deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland until these hearings are completed. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:01 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cjc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Yes, allowing coal though our towns and cities will bring a little employment and a few pennies to our coffers. On the other hand, it will bring injury and illness to those near the tracks and the ports. I am pretty sure that the private businesses and their owners will make a decent dollar. But the taxes that the public cofferes generate will not cover the long term medical costs.

Why let a few get richer while the rest of us pay for it? Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:20 PM To: FSD-ETA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministeraov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro Vancouver,

According to the dogwood initiative!s medical officers, the ETAdoes not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Tslandand the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. Tfthe port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintcctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It is sad indeed to see how callous and indifferent the corporations and their crony’s in public office have become to what used to be called the public good. What is going on is madness or at least some weird form of mental illness that prompt those in power and their corporate friends to think it’sjust fine to increase tanker traffic fivefold in Vancouver harbour and at the same time close down coast guard facility.

Equally stupid thinking wants to ship millions of tons of coal through B.C. ports. I’m sure that will ease the pressure on the environment and people’s health both here and abroad.

I long for sanity and wisdom to take its rightful place at the head of the table currently led by the willfully ignorant and the greedy, those Neroes of our modern age. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:19 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©aov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Why are you not listening to our health officers? Why is greed your main concern? Every person’s health should be your major consideration. What does it take to make you understand you are putting peoples health at risk - STOP this plan now! Sincerely,

Sechelt, B.C.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:20 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

No U.S. coal export, please.The future of as and our children under great risk. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: The environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

You should not allow any coal export expansion in the lower mainland. Physicians who studied the impacts of coal storage and transportation over a two-year period discovered significant impacts on people’shearts, lungs and brains.

We need to ween ourselves from fossil fuel use, so expansion of a fossil fuel infrastructure is going in the wrong direction! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the health and environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the health and environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro Vancouver official,

I am writing to express my deepest concern regarding the proposed coal export expansion of the Fraser Surrey Docks.

The adverse health impacts of coal dust are well known, and to me the risk to families here in the Lower Mainland of losing their health to coal dust are not worth the economic benefits proposed.

Fraser Surey Docks says they will operate according to best practice. But none of the existing technologies are capable of containing the coal dust. Risks are even greater in an event of a wind storm, which I, having lived here for only 2 years, witnessed multiple times.

I want to see our region as a vibrant and healthy community that’s moving towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. The coal export expansion doesn’t fit into this vision and will be a huge step back for us all. I cannot believe the argument of adding 30 jobs can even be taken seriously when the health of people in our region is jeopardized. I am sure there are multiple other areas where jobs can be created in our region without putting the health of whole communities at risk.

I urge you to take action on this matter and stop the proposed expansion.

Thank you for your attention to this burning matter. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:38 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I feel like we should not allow companies to do business of any kind if it negatively impacts the health and well-being of any of my fellow Canadians or the environment. We need to start taking a stand and protecting this beautiful nation of ours and its people. Sincerely,




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

“According to our medical officers, the EIA does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” Isn’t that enough to give you pause? Sincerely,



From: FSD-E1A Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:29 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do not grant the Fraser Surrey Docks application to store and transport more coal through the Lower Mainland. Coal has a terrible effect on the environment and peoples health and the current environmental impact assessment does not address the actual price we would pay. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:06 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; oremierccov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Too many reports have shown the health dangers of coal as it poisons the air. Your studies don seem to show any of this. I am opposed to plans to ship large quantities of coal as is being planned t Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:36 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.Qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please comply with the health officiers. This is really not ethical.... Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:54 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks hese health officers say the port’s environmental impact assessment does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.” If the port was truly acting in the public interest, it would come clean about how the proposal could affect our health.

It’s time to stand with our health officers and tell Port Metro Vancouver our health matters. Sincerely,

Pender Island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser SUrrey Docks

I am opposed to granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks. Coal storage and transportation is antiquated, harmful, and needs to be stopped. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.cc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

NO! Just no, we don’tneed more pollution coming here from the US. Sincerely,

Masset FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am NOT in favor of granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application as it stands today.

The port authority MUST provide a proper assessment, including a science-based evaluation of potential health risks to our BC population. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: - Sent: November-22-13 7:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I have lived right above the Fraser Surrey Dock for 33 years. Aside from all the diesel particulate from the trucks and ships is the matter of getting a decent nights sleep. Train whistles blowing at 5 different level crossing all through the night. The shuntting of train cars at 2 am which sound like the anchor chain of the Queen Mary being dropped. Plus the vibration of ship engines running all night. Im sure the executives employed at Port Metro would not put up with this in their back yards. How much noise and aggravation presents a health factor? Nobody from EIA knocked on my door or any of my neighbours most of whom have lived in this area for over 20 years, one for over 50 years. As President of the Royal Heights Neigbourhood Assoc and as the spokesperson representing over 100 home owners we are totally against this proposed coal drop At the Fraser Surrey Dock. Sincerely, Surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Ministercec.cic.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.çic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As a physician and Canadian, I am acutely aware of the repercussions of coal use, and recommend all measures supporting coal transport be gradually phased out, including new permits to transport. Canada should be making all heavily polluting industries like coal a thing of the past.

For the health of Canadians, and the world. Sincerely,




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November22-13 7:17 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Firstly enough of politicians and large industrial companies making decisions about environmental impact our Mayor of Vancouver wants are city and know doubt in the future to be the first green city....if the public cannot be apart of a decision making on environmental issues then there will be nothing for my grandchildren in their future nor their grandchildren... .whether it is coal, a pipeline, smart meters what next. I have a compromised immune system and between all these polutants in the environment health wise it will affect not just myself but also the rest of our community I am almost seventy and in the past fifty years I have even noticed the environmental changes....1remember is the early seventies when we would talk about acid rain and people just laughed or ignores stop ignoring these issues and find other alternatives to keep this earth green for our future gebpnerations or otherwise they will have no future. I recommend granting any permit for Fraser Surrey Dock application enough is enough thank you Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Canda is a democracy

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:24 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministercec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Canda is a democracy

Our health matters, our communities matter, our country matters; and future Canadian generations matter. Please respect all BC citizens. These types of actions smack of a dictatorship more than a democracy. Take a stand and just do what is right PLEASE. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:04 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bcca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; mihtctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

STOP FOSSIL FOOLS NOW. Aside from endangering everyone in the lower mainland including my family, shiping global warming fuels to China for someone else to burn is the same carbon into the air as doing it in bc

Its like possing in the wind. All that pollution is going to blow right back on us and me. We are already getting far east crap blowing across the ocean and floating junk on our beaches. STOP NOW! Sincerely, victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premier©ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Just on ideological grounds I don’t like more coal going into the environment as well as more disruption to the beauty of the land. There is every possibility that science will obviate the need for carbon in the not too distant future. It is insane to give up the environment for jobs and the economy: without the scientists there is no doubt we will run out of planet. Any economically sustained growth will result in an exponential spiral until there is nothing left. We may not become extinct, at least in the near future but the quality of life will degrade to a level no better than a Hell. You must not grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. Sincerely,

Victoria BC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmentalimpact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:03 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, W1FIy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerc1ovbc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiercov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I think its terrible to even consider going ahead with this plan until you have included all the facts of the health risks!! I say NO!!!!!! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:15 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.ac.ca; premier©gov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The application to ship, store and load ships with coal has totally inadequate safeguards. The permit for the Fraser Surrey Docks must be rejected. If Canada wants to be a leader in reducing GHG, then Canada must cut coal exports. It would also be a win win for the health of Canadian people. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:16 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintc@’tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I want the Ministers to know that it does not matter how much money the Port and Canada will gain in profit from coal being shipped through this port. What matters is the amount of harm it will do. Does the harm out weigh the benefits? I my opinion you dont know and should NOT be pushed through with false data.

Please allow the Chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health to do their jobs and do an independent impact study. Until then you can not say the health risks of the coal trains traveling through to Port Metro Vancouver are not harmful. Sincerely,



I..— —


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: A No from Roberts Creek to coal transport from Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:16 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.cic.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: A No from Roberts Creek to coal transport from Fraser Surrey Docks


I am a resident of Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast. I have twin one year old girls and a five year old son who frequent the beaches and coastline of the Sunshine Coast. We are totally against the proposed coal transport from your Lower Mainland dock through the Georgia Strait. I do not want my children’s or my own health compromised because of your actions. I am also a health practitioner and am familiar with the detrimental longterm health consequences of coal dust exposure. I am totally against your plans and hope you will listen to the PEOPLE, including my voice on behalf of my babies and children, who want you to stop.

Thank you, Sincerely,

Roberts Creek


Frorn FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangelne; [email protected]; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Hey Port Metrovan,

I wanted to drop you a quick note so that you would know that my family and I are opposed to increasing coal exports through the Lower Mainland.

We’ve burned enough coal, shipped enough coal, mined enough coal and killed enough people with coal already. Increasing exports is the wrong way to go.

GHG emissions should be taken into account in any assessment of the impacts of your decisions.

Get it together guys. Do you want your kids, grandkids living on a scorched earth?

I don’t and Port Metro Vancouver is a choke point that can stop further GHG emissions from coal.

New Westminster


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

To: Port Metro Vancouver

I am writing to implore you tOlisten to the concerns of the chief medical officers and say No” to the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal. The health of the public should be of the utmost importance. We already have too much heart, lung and brain disease.

I am also concerned about the impacts of coal transport on the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. I understand that these impacts have not been assessed.

The greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use of burning coal should also have been assessed. With the increasing devastation caused by global warming the least we can do is to assess this the same way that Bellingham has done just across the border.

Thank you for your attention Sincerely,

Campbell River


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintcctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

If you feel so sure about the non-impact of shipping coal to Asia... why don’t you allow an assessment? and listen to Health Officials.

Thanks. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, WlIy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Miflistercciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We have a right to clean air and water. No amount of economic benefits are worth giving those up. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.ac.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

PLease do not grant the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ Application.

The proposal to transport coal to Asia through the northwest region is a bad idea for everyone involved...the health effects for the people along the route, the negative environmental impacts here and abroad and with respect to climate change, all point to this proposal as one that should be avoided at all costs. Sincerely,

La Conner


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:04 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I like good clean particulate-free fresh air when I go for my mornings and evenings constitutional. I am aghast that Fraser Surrey Docks refuses to listen to our medical doctors in the health impact assessment. Stop polluting our great plac,e to live in! Sincerely,

Vancouver BC.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:40 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Transporting massive loads of coal through areas with large populations is not a good idea. Public hearings are needed.

Sincerely, V



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From:] Sent: November-22-13 8:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerciov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.ac.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Living on the West coast and this affects ALL who live nearby the mighty Fraser River are ashamed,astonished and appalled that coal won’t have any health consequences. Is this not the same town that abolished coal for personal burning years ago? Yet OK to ship and sell it to foreign interests? Please, do this the Canadian way and let the people have a say. It’s for all our sakes, for generations to come.



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:01 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.ministerccjov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I have family in the vicinity of this area. And even if I didn’tI would oppose it for all those that do. Coal is a dirty form of energy that should have stopped decades ago. If you had true leadership and integrity you would encourage less use of energy and then only the greenest and least harmful methods of producing energy. Instead you think of money and jobs. WE can not live with out a harmonious ecosystem. And we’re running out of time. Make intelligent choices, not ones like these!! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From Sent: November-22-13 7:47 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.cic.ca; Dremier(aov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Surely to God this cannot go ahead. The medical consequences alone ought to put a brake on this type of damage to ourselves and our environment.

Please do not grant this permit. Sincerely,

Saltspring island


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:46 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministercciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver,

My children and grandchildren live in Greater Vancouver. I am now even more concerned for their health. A unilateral decision by you and other parties that ignores the impact of transporting coal on its country’scitizens and does not even permit input from health experts despite concrete evidence of harm to the body, appears to be the stance of a bully. Shame on all of you. Sincerely,

Vancouver FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:45 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please consider the health of local BC citizens. Listen to what the medical officers have to say about the effect of coal transport on people’s lives and the environment. People’s hearts, lungs, and brains are directly affected by coal export near their homes. Money from Asia should not be more important than human health and the environment. Stop expanding coal export, please! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:47 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministeraov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerccjov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerQov.bc.ca; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am opposed to increasing the transfer of coal by rail in Surrey. Instead, I am in favour of reducing our shipping of this dirty fuel and encouraging the use of clean, sustainable energies. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks


Sent: November-22-13 8:06 PM V

V To: FSD-EIA V Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEMMinistergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiercov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Without a proper health impact assessment, Port Metro Vancouver should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports.

Economic development should not surpass the peop1es health concern.

Sincerely, V



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment oh the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:02 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©çiov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; hlth.ministerciov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

No expansion of a dying and deadly fuel. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The health and even lives of everyone in this area are to be put at risk so you can drag out as much coal profits as you can before the entire industry collapses... That is despicable... Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Integrity now

From: Sent: November-22-13 6:00 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; mintc()tc.qc.ca Subject: Integrity now

Please withhold from granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks’ application until measures are taken to ensure the integrity of an environmental assessment. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: - Sent: November-22-13 8:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.cic.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premier©ciov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Ministercec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; mintctc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Please do the right thing and DO NOT grant permit to Fraser Surrey Docks’ application. Citizens deserve better than that. An independent impact assessment on human and environment health must be requested. The way I see it, should Port Metro go ahead with is, it will be responsible for causing a lot of harm to their population and nature. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: My comment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:34 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin,Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.cjc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I don’t want to end up with black lung. Unless a proper assessment is done, please do not allow expansion of coal exports through the docks. Sincerely,

New Westminster



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:31 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

As someone who has had cancer, and who knows that cancers are hugely exacerbated by environmental toxins, I urge you to consider the health and well-being of your community, your families, and yourselves. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: S Sent: November-22-13 8:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; hlth.ministerqov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

A friend’s house at Point Roberts had black “white” landscape rocks. Roberts Bank is just a few km away.Please do not allow this Fraser river coal port to go ahead! Sincerely, burnaby



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:44 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I do not understand why all aspects of this proposal cannot be looked into and/or considered. Why would the recommendation of the medical field be ignored who stands for the safety of the community? Yes, there are normally two sides to a story - therefore, prove them wrong, if that is your stance. How could a good job be done if sections of water that should be considered, be left out? Sloppy, right!? Hum, certainly not how I would be carrying on business - at the expense of the community and their health. Please, put your ‘dollars’aside - consider good business sense - our health - then, maybe, we would support YOU, but until then, we are against your selfish and wrong decisions. Take another look at how responsible you could handle ALL of the proposals about the coal movement. Naturally, it would start by not granting a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks - that would be a good beginning to show the Public your ‘better’side :-)Good Luck on your re-vamping these plans as I do believe, for your sake, it COULD work out for all of us. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:41 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintc©tc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I don’tthink the EIA meet even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment. The ETAdoes not assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Please consider that the environment is atreasure to prptect. Sincerely,

Lantier, QC


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:55 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Very weak health assessment by the Port!

I live in Lund, and have heard from locals that the relatively small amount of coal currently being shipped through Texada Island has resulted in the local oysters having visible coal dust when opened.

I know that climate change is not in the Port’s terms of reference regarding this proposal, but to the governments that have more power, please do not allow this morally reprehensible project to proceed. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:56 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

It has been proven that the port does not meet the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment...so how can you go ahead with that coal import proposal? Please think of our health ( and your children’s?), do NOT grant a permit, to the Fraser Surrey Dock’s application, and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland!!

Thank you!




From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:58 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.cic.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Unless the port stops ignoring the concerns of our chief medical officers and actually conducts public hearings on this massive coal export proposal, they must deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerkiov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

These train cars carrying coal pass by our neighbourhood beach when they enter canada. The cars are dirty and the coal is uncomtained. You can see puffs of debris coming off the heaps of coal as they pass by. Also, why do we want to ship coal to China? It’salready extremely polluted there, and we should as a country, be pouring our resources and energy into cleaning up our planet and supporting new technologies that don’t pollute and have the high impact on our environment that fossil fuels have. Duh. Sincerely,

White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerçiov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister@’ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I do not and will not support this federal government led by Stephen Harper, nor the provincial ‘Libera1s so called, led by Christy Clarke, as a result of their complete lack of accountability, and seemingly industry-shared interests which exclude those of public any of these energy initiatives. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:51 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.ac.ca; Ministerec.ac.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for-Fraser Surrey Docks

Please stop treating citizens like retarded. Pipelines, coal, what’s next? Radioactive waste? NONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I live in White Rock BC, your enviromental impact assessment is not worth the paper it is printed on. Your indifference to the people that this will affect with your skewed assessment is as usual denying scientific fact in pursuit of the almighty dollar, in the real world we call that greed. Sincerely,

White Rock


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerqov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.gc.ca; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

if Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health are calling for a comprehensive review and independent health impact assessment, why would you not heed these recommendations? do you have something to hide from the people who will be impacted by these changes? if not, please agree to an independent review as our children and grandchildrens future will be affected by this for decades to come. thank you. Sincerely, victoria


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks


Sent: November-22-13 4:12 PM V To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] V Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We are at the end of the line, fossil fuel consumption must stop in order for life on earth to continue. Listen to science, common sense, your conscience. They will all tell you the same thing. I’m sure many of you have children or young relatives. Please think about their futures, and that of the human race.

Regards. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:14 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; Minister©ec.cicca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Madness marches on! Sincerely,

West Vancouver


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell;Yung,Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

I am appalled to learn that Fraser Surrey Docks and Port Metro Vancouver are refusing to cooperate with Health Authorities to have a proper health impact assessment study done. Failing a change in this obstructive attitude, I strongly favor denying an export permit and any further expansion of coal storage in the area. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.MinisterQov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister©ec.gc.ca; [email protected]; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Port Metro Vancouver should deny a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks application to expand coal exports until a proper environmental impact assessment has been completed. This assessment should included health impacts in the surrounding area, impacts of coal transport and the greenhouse gas impacts of the use of the coal. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premieraov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro Vancouver Decision Makers

According to our medical officers, the EIA does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment.” Nor does it assess impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Island and the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route. Unlike the assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington, Port Metro’s ETAdoes not assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal. If the port authority won’t start over and provide a proper assessment, it should deny the Fraser Surrey Docks permit and stop expanding coal exports. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:13 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; rremier©qov.bc.ca; mintcKtc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Unless the port stops ignoring the concerns of our chief medical officers and actually conducts public hearings on this massive coal export proposal, they should deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland. Sincerely,

Williams lake


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister@’gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; Minister@’ec.Qc.ca; Dremier©gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Having lived in White Rock, just above the waterfront tracks, we know all too well how additional train traffic through that community with increasing numbers of coal and oil cars is a threat beyond the noise and pollution. With several traffic crossings, there is greater likelihood of derailment and the “Megantic” threat.

Don’t do it without far greater safety assurances or at least re-routing of the rail line. But even then, we are not happy about the additional Surrey Docks implications of greater pollution and mishap on land as well as the shipping of toxic products through all the waters of Juan de Fuca where an accident could be disaster for all sea life and those who live along the shores all the way to the open ocean.

Don’t do it. There are other energy alternatives that we and our foreign customers should be developing. We should help them do that rather than perpetuate the abuse of fossil fuels. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the Fraser Surrey Docks EIA

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the Fraser Surrey Docks EIA

Until and unless Port Metro Vancouver provides a proper assessment on the environmental / health impacts of coal transportation and storage, the Fraser Surrey Docks permit must be denied. Both the Fraser health and Vancouver Coastal health officers tell us that the port’s environmental impact assessment was woefully inadequate.

limpact assessment as woefully inadequate. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Minister©ov.bc.ca; [email protected];hlth.ministergov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.qc.ca; Ministercec.gc.ca; premierçiov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

We need to think about the health of our people before the profits that can be made!

Once the damage has been done to the health of a person in this area, money cannot buy it back. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 5:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; premiergov.bc.ca; mintc©tc.cic.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear sirs Living as I do less than 100 metres from the BNSF railway line through Crescent Beach I am very concerned about my and my wife’s health because of the coal trains coming through our village. We see coal dust coming out of every train that comes through this village and I have read very reliable studies that confirm this is dangerous to human health. I cannot see how your assessment can come to the conclusion that there is no danger to our health unless you ignored this area. I request that a reliable health assessment of the dangers of coal transport by open trains to human health be completed by a third party along the entire route be done before you grant SFD the right to ship coal to Asia. Sincerely, surrey


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:19 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerpov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

What kind of a money grubbing operation does the port authority think iCsrunning? How can you ignore the health concerns of not just citizens but senior health professionals? We all know coal in production, transport and as fuel is a bad idea and yet you want to carry this idea forward all for the sake of a little bit of money. It is now your time to look within yourselves and see what goes on in there. Just say no thank you and be a hero to your community. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: comment re: Fraser Surrey Docks EIA

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:10 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister [email protected]; [email protected]; premierqov.bc.ca; mintc(tc.cic.ca Subject: comment re: Fraser Surrey Docks EIA i am one of the concerned local citizens who see that the EIA is entirely insufficient for the project. the scope is too narrow - far too narrow - and needs to additionally look at *at least* the transport chain and health impacts. commercial and economic interests must not sacrifice the environment nor the healthiness of this metro area - both of which are under stress already. it sure seems that the weak, somewhat secretive process is due to knowledge the involved parties have that *this plan is neither safe nor healthy*. if they believe it is, they should be prepared to undergo proper scrutiny. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerqov.bc.ca; MEM.Minister©gov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.gc.ca; premier3gov.bc.ca; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Coal dust has been killing and wounding people for hundreds of years. Alberta has opened our resources up to foreign miners polluting to dangerous levels. BC has always been a haven from environmental sickness. BC has magic. Please do not allow the transport of coal across our land to our ports and waterways. I recomend most strongly against granting a permit to Fraser Surrey Dock’s application. Sincerely,

St Catharines


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Fraser Surrey Docks-The environmental impact assessment

From: Sent: November-22-13 8:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministerciov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; mintctc.qc.ca Subject: Fraser Surrey Docks-The environmental impact assessment

There exists an obligation in Common Law to protect BC residents and lands from environmental harm. The transportation of coal across our province has impacts on our health, lands and water. We need our representatives to have integrity and a view larger than a limited corporate profits mentality. The ETAhas not met basic requirements of a Health Impact Assessment. Stand up to the pressure of your bosses. Make a difference to the health of your citizens! Thank you, Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:09 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministercgov.bc.ca; [email protected]; hlth.minister©gov.bc.ca; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.qc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Hello, The Port Authority must listen to the constructive criticism of our appointed public experts and redo the ETA. The Chief Medical Officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health, Ports Metro Vancouver have both determined that the ETAcarried out by Ports Metro Vancouver with regard to the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export proposal does not meet “even the most basic requirements of a health impact assessment.” The ETAdoes not assess the impacts of coal transport on White Rock, Surrey, Delta, Texada Tslandand the waters and islands along the coastal shipping route, nor does it assess the greenhouse gas impacts of the end-use burning of coal, as does the similar assessment for a proposed coal port just across the border near Bellingham Washington. Refusing to review the potential impacts of our raw material exports on communities surrounding Fraser Ports is unthinkable after many years of progress in Canada in our understanding of the health impacts from our industrial activities. Refusing to consider the contribution of our exports to Global Warming when the impacts are being felt across the Arctic, Canada and most prominantly and recently in the Philipines with such disastrous effects for millions of people is shirking our responsibility for our actions. Until such time as a proper EIA is submitted, the Fraser Surrey Docks permit must not be issued. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 7:43 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministrehc-sc.gc.ca; [email protected]; premier©gov.bc.ca; mintctc.gc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Never mind the health of the poor sods who live in your neighbourhood - but have you even heard of anthropogenic climate change? Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels? Get with it, guys - or do you really want to sink to the level of our federal government? Do NOT grant a permit for Fraser Surrey Docks! Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: stop coal export expansion

From Sent November-22 13 4 14 PM To FSD-EIA Cc Crandles, James, Desjardin, Darrell, Yung, Willy, Englezos, Evangeline, ENVMinister©gov bc Ca, MEMMinister©gov bc Ca, hlth ministergov bc Ca, Minister Ministre@hc-sc groCa, Ministerec C Ca, premier@gov bc Ca, mlntC@tC dC ca

Subject: stop Coal export expansion .

Port Metro Vancouver Please acknowledge the full health and environmental impacts of any coal port expansion. It is ludicrous that you try and pretend you have done a full assessment of expansion of coal exports.

I ask you to cancel any permits for expnasion and do a full assessment of the health impacts as well as an assessment of the greenhouse gas impacts of the exported coal.

I urge you not to expand coal exports. The health and environmental risks are too great. Sincerely,


• ./.>


• ••• 1 FSD-EIA

From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: People’s Health Over Profit!

From: Sent: November-22-13 4:11 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministercec.qc.ca; premiergovbc.ca; [email protected] Subject: People’s Health Over Profit!

Unless the port stops ignoring the concernsof our chief medical officers and actually conducts public hearings on this massive coal export proposal, they should deny the permit for Fraser Surrey Docks and stop any further coal export expansion in the Lower Mainland Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 9:21 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; ENV.Ministerciov.bc.ca; MEM.Ministergov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.gc.ca; Ministerec.ac.ca; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Do the proper public and municipal consultation. Your antidemocratic acts are found out. Sincerely,



From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 9:23 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy;Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; MEM.Ministerpov.bc.ca; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

Dear Port Metro Vancouver The world has moved beyond the time when coal was the primary heat and energy source. Remember the lethal fogs in London, Chicago, and many other cities that resulted from burning coal? Remember the miners whose health has been undermined by silicosis and other lung diseases? The Chief medical officers for Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health have found that coal storage and transport damages people’s hearts, lungs and brains. Surely Port Metro vancouver does not want to be responsible for deaths in the Lower Mainland or in Asia from coal. Sincerely,

Vancouver, B.C.


From: FSD-EIA Subject: FW: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

From: Sent: November-22-13 9:18 PM To: FSD-EIA Cc: Crandles, James; Desjardin, Darrell; Yung, Willy; Englezos, Evangeline; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Minister Ministre©hc-sc.cic.ca; Minister©ec.cic.ca; premierciov.bc.ca; mintc(tc.Qc.ca Subject: Mycomment on the environmental impact assessment for Fraser Surrey Docks

The passage of coal through my neighborhood will have short term as well as long term deleterious effect on my health according to our local health officials. Please allow the Health Officials report to be part of the transportation decision that shows coal dust negative effects on the health of all living those here in my neighborhood. Sincerely,

New Westminster