Slocan Valley Community Organizations Directory Fall 2011 Compiled by Sharon Butler for the SVEDC Contact [email protected] for info. Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image

Arts Box 92 Station A an apolitical advocate for arts and Assembly of BC Arts 250-754-3388 250-754-3390 1-888-315-2288 , BC V9R culture in the province of British All Areas Councils 5K4 Columbia.

Hidden Garden Gallery Box 201, New The Hidden Garden Gallery is unique http://www.slocanlake.c Teri Freeman/ Denver, [email protected] in that it is a rental gallery space run (250) 358-2297 om/hiddengarden/#cont North Valley Eleanor Spangler , m entirely by volunteers with artist act V0G 1S0 participation. Located in .

Society promoting swing dance, Heather Grant, [email protected] ballroom, bellydance and more with Kootenay Dance Beat 250-226-7362 All Areas president m classes, instructor contacts, dance camp. The Kootenay Gallery is a non-profit institution, governed by a Board of 120 Heritage Way, Kootenay Gallery of Directors and financially assisted by Castlegar, BC V1N kootenaygallery@telu www.kootenaygallery.c Art, History and 250-365-3337 the Government of BC through the BC All Areas 4M5 om Science Arts Council, the City of Castlegar, corporate sponsors, members and donations. Silverton gallery has a myriad of its Silverton Gallery and own productions, workshops and Box 123 silvertongallery@neti Gallery John White 250-358-2760 exhibitions. As well, it rents the North Valley Silverton V0G 2B0 Society facility for shows events or celebrations.

The Slocan Electronic Arts Centre is a non-profit community organization that operates out of Slocan City. SEAC has a wide range of high-end digital/media arts equipment as well as Slocan Electronic Arts SEAC, Slocan V0G highly trained professionals with many [email protected] Centre 2C0 years of experience in the field. The purpose of SEAC is to promote knowledge and awareness of media arts and to encourage members of the community to get involved and learn more for themselves. The Community Arts Council is a group of volunteers who Slocan Valley Arts C/o Box 18, www.slocanvalleyarts.c distribute grants and scholarships. Mid & South Laura Tiberti, pres. [email protected] Council V0G 2J0 a Their mandate is to broaden the Valley artistic opportunities for residents of the Slocan Valley.

Page 1 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image The Slocan Valley Community Band plays several concerts a year and Slocan Valley Gail Elder 250-355-2459 practices every Wednesday evening All Areas Community Band at 7pm in W.E. Graham School, Slocan City. New members welcome. Slocan Valley Figure Yvonne Munroe 250-359-8069 Drop-in figure studies drawing group All Areas Studies Slocan Valley Russian Len Markin 250-226-7578 Dukhobour singing choir All Areas Choir The Slocan Valley Threads Guild is a society of people active in any of the Slocan Valley Threads JC Bradford 250-355-2475 fibre arts — spinning, dyeing, weaving, All Areas Guild basket making, sewing, knitting, and more. trevorharrop@yahoo. www.slocanwritersguild A collection of old codgers that like to Slocan Writer's Guild Trevor Harrop North Valley ca .ca write. Valhalla Community [email protected] North and mid Francie Oldham 250-358-7986 Meets once a week during the fall. Choir m Valley Valhalla Summer School of Fine Arts vfs@valhallafinearts. Society: The VFAS is a registered non-profit org, Valhalla Film School, organization that offers instructional svi@valhallafinearts. Valhalla School of opportunities in film-making, theatre Box 22, New org, Theatre Arts, www.valhallafinearts.or arts and music for children and adults. Daphne Hughes 250-358-2684 1-877-458-7794 Denver, BC, V0G vssminstrumental@v All Areas Suzuki Valhalla g Intensive programs are led by 1S0 CANADA Institute, professional and recognized leaders in and Valhalla Summer a non-competitive and family-oriented vssmchoral@valhalla environment. School of Music, Vallhalla Community Concert Series

The Eco Sculpture park is located at the Vallican Whole Community Centre and developed by the Rural 3670 Little Slocan Alternatives Research and Training Vallican Eco Sculpture Monica Carpendale River Road, Society. The sculpture parlk Mid Valley Park Winlaw committee holds regular workdays during spring and early summer, all interested community members are welcome to attend and get involved..

Publishing ARTiculate magazine and the Kootenay Festivals and Evral Alliance. Assisting local arts councils Box 103, Nelson, West Kootenay in the coordination of the Annual BC V1L 5P7 Regional Arts Council Kootenay Boundary Regional Office location: and Columbia Krista Patterson 250-352-2421 1-800-850-2787 [email protected] Exhibition Maintaining an arts All Areas #4 – 619B Front m Kootenay Cultural administration resource library Street, Nelson, BC Alliance Supporting and hosting local

professional development workshops of benefit to the West Kootenay cultural community.

Page 2 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Heritage Formerly known as the Doukhobor Village Museum, the Doukhobor Discovery Centre will introduce you to Doukhobor Discovery Netta Zebroff, 112 Heritage Way, www.Doukhobor- 250-365-5327 Doukhobor culture and their unique Centre Director Castlegar lifestyle as it evolved in the Kootenay region of British Columbia from 1908 to 1938.

A National historic site of Canada, the 306 Josephine centre reflects the story of the 22,000 Nikkei Internment Street, Box 273, people of Japanese descent who were 250-358-7288 Fax: 358-2636 [email protected] All Areas Memorial Centre New Denver, BC, kei placed in camps during the Second VOG 1SO. World War. Includes the serene Heiwa Teien garden.

Since the 1970s, a group of dedicated volunteers have worked on-site to [email protected] preserve and restore artifacts and (250) 358-7920 Box 52, New Sandon Historical President (2009) or buildings— including the beautifully- or(250) 358- Denver, BC V0G North Valley Society Dan Nicholson sandonmuseum@net restored Slocan Mercantile Block, 7215 1S0 which now houses the Sandon Historical Society Museum and Visitor’s Centre.

th St. Box The Silverton Historical Society's Silverton Historical 408 4 miningmuseum@yah www.silvertonhistorical 17A, Silverton, BC attractions offer a glimpse of life North Valley Society V0G 2B0 during the silver boom in the Slocan. The Silvery Slocan Historical Society was incorporated April 28, 1971. Its purpose is to record the history of the Slocan Lake area and to operate a PO Box 301, New museum. The Silvery Slocan Museum Denver, British is located at Sixth Avenue and Silvery Slocan Museum 250-358-2201 250-358-2201 Columbia Bellevue Street in New Denver in the North Valley V0G 1S0 old Bank of Montreal building. Operated from June to October by volunteers and a summer attendant. Also the tourist information centre.

Included, in its many exhibits, are collections of records, artifacts and photographs of the Slocan Lake Area, Box 301, http://www.newdenver. instruments from the early Slocan Silvery Slocan Museum , New Denver, BC, [email protected] North Valley ca/museum/ Community Hospital, artifacts from the V0G 1S0 old Knox Church, and a room dedicated to New Denver Japanese- Canadians.

Page 3 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Nation are the traditional, sovereign caretakers of this land, located in the interior of BC, Canada, Bob Campbell, RR #1, G. 16, C.2 Sinixt Nation Society 250-226-6743 extending North of Revelstoke as far All Areas president Winlaw V0G 2J0 south as Kettle Falls, WA, and surrounded by the Monashee and .

The Slocan History Project is an independent community story project Graham Foulkes, Box 73, Slocan slocanhistoryproject www.slocanhistoryproje focusing on the area right here at Slocan History Project 250-355-0075 Felicity Gerwing V0G 2C0 home, where the lake meets the river, now known as the Village of Slocan, British Columbia, Canada

Slocan Valley Historical Joyce Johnson 250-355-2230 Mid Valley Society

Page 4 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Community & Economic Development 358-Exchange Community information from North Valley Enterprise to Hills, New Denver to Wendy Harlock 250-358-7792 [email protected] Sandon. Publishes every two weeks, free event listings and announcements. Arrow and Slocan Lake 250-265-3674 250-265-3378 205 6 th Ave. NW, [email protected] The Society was originally formed to North Valley Community Services PO Box 100, deliver homemaker services to the Society , BC V0G Nakusp area, and since then has 1R0 grown to become a multi-program agency encompassing Arrow, Slocan and Trout Lakes region from Edgewood to Nakusp to Silverton. Services include Meals on Wheels, Home Care, Counselling, Employment Services and Regional Transit.

Columbia Basin Trust Castlegar office 250.365.6633 250-365-6670 1-800-505-8998 Suite 300, 445 - 13 [email protected] All Areas Avenue Castlegar, CBT provides funding and grants BC V1N 1G1 through a variety of programs including Arts, Culture, and Heritage, Business Advocacy, Environment, Scholarships and Community Development. In addition, CBT supports regional initiatives such as Climate Change Adaptation, Water Stewardship, Literacy, Youth Engagement, and Land Conservation.

Community Futures Chairperson: Bob 250-352-1933 250-352-5926 #201 - 514 Vernon [email protected] Community Futures Central Kootenay Central Kootenay Wright Street is a not-for-profit economic Manager: Paul Nelson, BC development organization. We are Wiest V1L 4E7 committed to helping people in the Central Kootenay region who are either operating or are planning to start their own business. All Areas Healthy Housing Society 250-358-7218 New Denver, B.C. Brian Stolle VoG 1S1 North Valley Kootenay Boundary Luce Paquin 250.352.6786 250-352-6712. #304 - 625 Front All Areas Regional Resources Street, Nelson, B. The Kootenay Boundary Community Cooperative C. V1L 4B6 Services Co-operative (KBCSC) is an organization directed by its members to provide resources and services to people in the West Kootenay and Boundary regions of southeastern British Columbia. Its mission is to work to strengthen its members and address issues of social well-being in the region. The members are all community-based social service organizations

Page 5 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Kootenay Career Jan Wright, 250-352-6200 250-352-6203 1-877-952-6200 Suite 203-514 [email protected] Employment counselling and South Valley Development Society executive director Vernon St., Nelson resources to Nelson and the V1L 4E7 surrounding area including support for employers. Kootenay Cooperative #308A- Hall St., www.kootenaycoopradi Broadcasting at 107.5 FM in New North and South 250- 352-9600 Radio Nelson Denver, Silverton and Hills Valley Kootenay Restorative 250-355-2484 coordinator@krjustic All Areas Justice Kootenay Restorative Justice runs several programs to achieve our WE Graham goals:· We have the NO Bullying Communtiy Services Program · We have the Peace Building Workshop · Restorative Justice Circles and Lending Library LACE is a volunteer-run registred Lucerne Association charity that operates the Bosun Hall for Community Carol Bell, contact 250-358-2125 North Valley with funds collected from the Donation Education (L.A.C.E.) Store in New Denver. Southern Interior. If you are a Member of Parliament Alex Atamanenko, 250-365-2792 250-365-2793 1-800-667-2393 337 Columbia Ave, [email protected] All Areas constituent having a problem with a MP Castlegar V1N 1G6 federal government programme or service, please contact my office. My staff and I would be happy to lend a hand. As my Federal Caucus Critic area is Agriculture and Food Security, I also welcome news, comments and feedback from across the country on these issues, and ask that you contact my federal assistant in Ottawa at [email protected] .

Member of the Katrine Conroy, MLA 250-304-2783 1-888-755-0556 #2- 1006 3rd katrine.conroy.mla@l BC MLA for West Kootenay/ All Areas Legislative Assembly Street, Castlegar Boundary. Constituency staff are V1N 3X6 available to provide services to both community groups and individual constituents. We can help you find the government agency you need, or make suggestions on how to resolve government service issues.

Nelson Cares Society 250-352-6011 250-352-9855 521 VernonStreet, All Areas Nelson V1L 4E9 Nelson Cares Society sponsors a wide variety of community programs and services such as The Advocacy Clarence dekBok Centre – including Victim Services; Earth Matters; Services for Community Living – supported housing and supported employment; Ward Street Place and Stepping Stones emergency shelter. Page 6 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Outreach Employment www.canadaemployme Access to employment agencies, Services 317 6 th Ave, New career counselling services. 250-358-2433 Denver V0G 1S0 [email protected] North Valley The Red Mountain Internet Society's mission is to deliver reliable high speed internet to the population of the Box 41, Silverton Red Mountain Internet Information- Larry Slocan Valley for the lowest price. 250-358-2191 BC, V0G 2B0 North Valley Society Lavin Speed is faster than local ADSL service.

Regional District Walter Popoff, area (250) 352-9300 1-800-268-RDCK Box 590, 202 [email protected] Regional District of Central Kootenay All Areas Central Kootenay director (7325) Lakeside Drive, (RDCK) is one of 27 regional districts (250) 352-6665 Nelson, B.C. V1L in the Province of British Columbia 5R4 created to provide local government services and political accountability for people living in the unincorporated (rural) areas outside of municipal boundaries. In addition, regional districts are widely used to provide services and facilities for both municipal and non-municipal residents in a cooperative manner.

Rural Youth 250-352-5656 Slocan, Crescent. [email protected] Outreach youth employment services. All Areas Employment Facilitator Valley and more (YERC) upon request.

Slocan & District President, [email protected] A strong Chamber of Commerce is a North Valley Chamber of Commerce voice for business owners in our region. Together we can help create an environment where economic development is pursued in balance with the natural values we all cherish here. Slocan Solutions Richard Johnson 411 Derosa Drive [email protected] http://slocansolutions.w Our purpose is to promote a shared North Valley Society Brian Stolle m vision that enhances the cultural, Ryan Butler social, economic and environmental Clarence dekBok development of Slocan communities: Luce Paquin Slocan Valley Community Legacy All Areas Fund Slocan Valley Dustin Demontigny, 250-226-7768 c/o Box 25 Winlaw, slocanvalleyedc@gm The Slocan Valley Economic All Areas Economic Development Chair Sharon Butler, BC V0G 2J0 Development Commission is a Commission Secretary function of the RDCK that works to facilitate economic growth and initiatives in the Slocan Valley.

Page 7 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image The mission of the Royal Canadian Legion is to serve veterans and their Slocan Valley Legion Carol Barclay, [email protected] dependants, promote remembrance All Areas branch 276 secretary and act in the service of Canada and its communities. Valley Voice Newspaper Jan McMurray/ Dan 250-358-7218 250-358-7793 Box 70, 406 Sixth [email protected] A biweekly regional BC community All Areas Nicholson publishers Ave., New Denver, newspaper serving the Slocan, Arrow BC V0G 1S0 Lakes and North Valleys that is 100% independently and locally owned. Village of New Denver Ann Bunka, mayor 250-358-2316 250-358-7251 115 Slocan [email protected] Discover an industrious and North Valley Avenue, P.O. Box progressive rural village, New Denver, 40, New Denver, BC, Canada. Home to 600 citizens, BC, V0G 1S0. this active community is situated on the beautiful Slocan Lake, within the Selkirk Mountain Range, in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia.

Village of Silverton John Everett, mayor 250-358-2472 250-358-2321 Box 14 - 421 Lake administration@silver With a population of 185 people, North Valley Avenue, Silverton is British Columbia's smallest Silverton, BC V0G municipality. Enjoy our parks and 2B0 campground, shops, galleries, museums and restaurants.

Village of Slocan Madeleine Perrier, The Village of Slocan is a small, Mid Valley mayor peaceful community at the south end of Slocan Lake where the begins. W.E.Graham Joanne Ellis, 250-355-2484 coordinator@wegcss. Food bank, Vallhalla Children's Mid & South Valley Community Services coordinator com Centre, Tenacity Skateboard park, Society Employment outreach services, Art and Play Therapy, Addiction and mental health counselling, Electonic arts centre, WE Graham Community school, Youth centre, Learning centre.

Youth Employment Nelson and District 250- 352-5656 [email protected] Serving Kootenay aged youth 15-30 All Areas Resource Centre Youth Centre 608 Lake Street for over 10 years. (YERC) Nelson, BC Canada V1L 4C8

Page 8 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Community Halls Appledale Hall W. Harasamow 250-355-2320 Mid Valley Association Bosun Hall Village of New 250-358-2776, located at 710 Operated by the Lucerne Association North Valley Denver, Bev Casely, 250-358-7771 Bellvue Ave., New for Community Education with funds bookings Denver from the Donation Store. LACE is a registered charity run by volunteers.

Crescent Valley Hall Marleen 250-359-7620 Box 42 , 1385 South Valley Society Hwy. 6, Crescent Valley V0G 1H0 Hills Community 250-358-2428 4480 Hwy. 6, Hills Originally the one room school house North Valley Doukhobor Hall of Hills. Operated by the Hills Recreation Society. Junction Jesse Lerch 250-359-5065 Playmore Junction South Valley

Knox Hall Village of New 250-358-2316 located at 521- 6 th Formerly Knox Presbyterian Church, North Valley Denver Ave., New Denver built in 1897, now owned by the Village of New Denver. Krestova Hall 250-359-7081 3601 Cemetery Hall is also the location of the Pyramid South Valley Road, Krestova building. Passmore Public Hall Jean Nelson, 250 226-6929 located at 3656 The Passmore Community Hall Mid & South Association President Passmore Old Association's mission is to sustain the Valley Road, Passmore hall and to ensure that the community uses it. Bookings available: contact Norm Essery,phone 250 226-7745, e- mail [email protected].

S. Slocan Anglican 250-359-7107 Village of South Also known as the Yoga Schoolhouse. South Valley Community Hall Slocan Operated by the of Mangement Commission, RDCK.

Silverton Gallery Village of Silverton 250-358-2472 250-258-2321 Box 14 - 421 Lake Originally built as a Schoolhouse in North Valley Avenue, Silverton, the early 1900s, it now houses an art BC V0G 2B0 gallery; performance room with theatre lights & sound system; workshops; dressing rooms; and a kitchen.

Silverton Memorial Hall Sue Mistretta, Hall 250-258-2711 Hwy. 6, Silverton [email protected] With a seating capacity of up to 200 North Valley Manager. a halls/memhall.html and excellent acoustics it is the ideal setting for dances, weddings, concerts and community meetings. Silvery Slocan Hall c/o Carol Barkley 250-355-2672, 502 Harold Street, [email protected] 148 person occupancy, new games Mid Valley home of the Slocan 250-355-2417 Slocan room and bar in progress, stage and Valley Legion Hall and small kitchen. Women's Institue

Page 9 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Karen Markin, 250-226-7722 Mid & South Community Hall Bookings Valley Society Slocan Valley Threads JC Bradford 250-355-2475 Guild Society

Vallican Heritage Hall 250-226-7448 Vallican Whole Tamara Smith, 250-226-7957 3762 Little Slocan [email protected] A unique, warm, post and beam Mid Valley Community Centre secretary River South Road, om building, nestled on 11 beautiful Vallican BC V0G forested mountain acres, close to the 2J0 Little Slocan River in the beautiful Slocan Valley of British Columbia, operated by the Rural Alternatives Research and Technology Society.Spacious kitchen with 2 ovens; outdoor spaces and sculpture park. Winlaw Hall Society Carey Gahimer, 250-7702 5897 Hwy. 6, [email protected] Capacity 170, updated kitchen, lots of Mid Valley Winlaw V0G 2J0 parking and camping space in the field, outdoor stage, close to downtown Winlaw on Highway 6. Yoga Schoolhouse Ann Wood 250-359-7107 3253 Village Road, The Old Schoolhouse is available for South Valley South Slocan lease and rental arrangments. Please call Ann for more information.

Page 10 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Education Brent Kennedy Laura Moll, principal 250-359-7292 250-359-7522 PO Box 40, [email protected] http://www.brentkenned At Brent Kennedy Elementary School South Valley Elementary Crescent Valley, we aim to provide an environment in BC V0G 1H0 which success can be achieved through cooperation. We respect our school and environment, care for each other and are courteous.

Castlegar & District 250-365-6611 250-365-7765 1005-3 rd Street, info@castlegarlibrary. www.castlegar.bclibrary Since it was first established in 1946, Mid and South Public Library Castlegar V1N com .ca the Castlegar Library has continued to Valley 2A2 provide a welcoming atmosphere, personal attention, and access to an ever-growing collection.

Christian Home School Nelson Regional 250-352-0546 1- 888-352-2435 810 Tenth Street, [email protected] CHEK Across BC provides All Areas Network office: 250-352- Nelson, BC V1L personalized, non-denominational 0526 3C7 Christian Home Education for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students throughout the province of BC. With an emphasis on integrating a biblical worldview into each subject area, CHEK’s BC Certified Teachers work closely with your family to achieve an accredited alternative to the regular school system.

Columbia Basin Christine Nichol, 250-355-0032 #2- 1535 14th St. [email protected] CBAL is a non-profit organization All Areas Alliance for Literacy Slocan Valley RR #2, , whose purpose is to promote literacy Literacy Coordinator BC V0A 1K4 and lifelong learning throughout the Columbia Basin by educating the public about the importance of literacy and by supporting local community actions related to literacy. In the Slocan Valley family programs, computer classes, workshops, tutoring for reading and math.

DESK- Distance Dan Dalgaard, 250-354-4311 250-505-7007 1-800-663-4614 811 Stanley Street, [email protected] DESK is an innovative centre for Mid & South Valley Education School of principal Nelson V1L 1N8 online learning. At DESK, we offer the each student a unique learning experience. Whether you are looking for BC Ministry of Education K-12 curriculum leading to Grade 12 graduation, or unique locally developed courses, DESK has a course or program right for you.

Page 11 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Home Links Gloria Gadacz, vice 250-505-7030, 250-505-7031 811 Stanley Street, [email protected] Mid & South principal 250-428-2217 Nelson V1L 1N8 School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) Valley offers several K-12 distributed learning options (both electronic and paper) to students and families who choose to learn at a distance, rather than in a traditional classroom setting. Lucerne School Natasha Miles, 250-358-7222 250-358-2533 Box 130 New [email protected] http://www.lessweb.bce Lucerne Elementary Secondary North Valley principal Denver, B.C. V0G School is a Preschool to Grade 12 1S0 school with approximately 100 students. Located in the beautiful lakeside village of New Denver in the Kootenay near , the school has won numerous awards and recognition for innovation in its educational approach. Mount Sentinel Glen Campbell, Secondary School principal 250-359-7219 South Slocan Mid & South Valley Nelson Municipal 250-352-6333 250-354-1799 602 Stanley ST., [email protected] Nelson Municipal Library is a public Mid and South Library Nelson V1L 1N4 cultural resource at the heart of our Valley community where all can enjoy the benefits of free and uncensored access to all forms of information. Nelson Waldorf School 250-352-6919 Box 165, Nelson [email protected] Mid & South Since 1983, the Nelson Waldorf V1L 5P9 rg School has been providing Waldorf education to children of the West Kootenay area. As a full Kindergarten to Grade Eight school, it offers a comprehensive curriculum of academic rigour, artistic excellence, and ethical development.

The Reading Centre is open eight North Valley hours a week, staffed by dedicated New Denver Reading 521 6th Ave. , New volunteers. Located on the ground 250-358-2221 Centre Denver floor of Knox Hall at corner of 6th Ave. and Columbia St. Public internet access available. School District No. 10 Carol Bell, Board 250-358-2125, 98-6 th Ave. NW, [email protected] www.sd10production.b Global learning in a rural setting. The North Valley () Member 250-265-3638 Nakusp V0G 1R0 a Board believes that change requires support and input of those concerned, and is working hard to put the consultative and collaborative processes in place that achieve this outcome both within the organization and the community.

Page 12 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image School District No. 8 Jeff Jones, 250- 352-6681 250-352-6686 [email protected] Located in the southern interior of Mid & South Valley (Kootenay Lake) superintendant 570 Johnstone British Columbia, Canada, School Road District No. 8's area covers Nelson, BC V1L approximately 15,000 square 6J2 kilometers and includes the communities of: Slocan, Winlaw, Slocan Park and South Slocan Self Design Learning 250-354-1310 1-866-910-8869 1-888-551-2951 402 Victoria Street, [email protected] Now in its 27th year, SelfDesign All Areas and Self Design High Nelson V1L 4K5 Learning Foundation (formerly Wondertree Foundation), a non-profit BC registered charitable organization, directly serves the learning rights and educational needs of children in British Columbia and around the world.

Selkirk College will develop empowered, effective citizens through rewarding educational and life experiences that are built on our Region's distinct identity. Choose from over 70 academic, career, vocational Castlegar 301 Frank Beinder and technical programs in our schools 1.888.953.1133 250-365-7292 250-352-0546 Way, Castlegar of: Adult Basic Education, Business & All Areas Nelson V1N 4L3 Aviation, Digital Media & Music, Health 1.866.301.6601 & Human Services, Hospitality & Tourism, Industry & Trades Training, Kootenay School of the Arts, Renewable Resources, Selkirk International and University Arts & Sciences.

Sequoia Learning Janis Chernenkoff 250-359-7219 [email protected] Youth/ alternate high school program Mid & South Valley Centre located in Crescent Valley. Slocan Community Village of Slocan 250-355-2355 710 Harold St. , Volunteer run community library, Mid Valley Library Slocan memberships available. Located in the Wellness Centre. Closed Monday and Sat. Call for hours. WE Graham Public computer access on Slocan Learning Centre Community Services 250-355-2599 Wednesday to Saturday. Free internet. Mid Valley Society Call for hours. The Whole School Pierre Kaufman, 250-226-7737 [email protected] www.vallicanwholescho Founded in May 1973, The Whole Mid Valley principal om School is a community supported non- profit independent elementary school with the goal of providing a rich learning environment for its students. From wildlife exploration to weaving, carpentry, music and more, we offer an experienced based curriculum that allows our students a sampling of what this amazing community has to offer.

Page 13 WE Graham Brent Cross, 250-355-2212 250-355-2523 PO Box 10, Slocan [email protected] W.E.Graham Community School is a Mid & South Valley Community School principal BC V0G 1C0 chools/weg/default.htm Kindergarten to Grade 10 school located in Slocan, B.C. School programs include the Valhalla Wilderness Program, an Alternate Education Program, a Hot Lunch Program, Breakfast Program, and primary and child/youth After School programs. Winlaw Elementary Al Auringer, principal 250-226-7217 PO Box 10,Winlaw [email protected] Mid Valley BC V0G 2J0 s/winlaw/index.htm K to Grade 6 Elementary school with Strong Start Program

Page 14 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Environment and Nature

British Columbia, Nelson office 250-354-6333 250-354-6332 1-800-663-7867 401-333 Victoria [email protected] Environmental Protection Division. All Areas Ministry of the Street Nelson, B.C. a Environmental Stewardship Division. Environment V1L 4K3 Compliance Division. Parks and Protected Areas Division (Parks BC). The Water Stewardship Division . Strategic Policy Division. Corporate Services Division . Climate Action Secretariat.

Columbia Basin Eli Baker (250) 427-4678 190 Higgins Street CBEEN is a registered non-profit All Areas Environmental Executive Director Kimberley, B.C. society and an umbrella network for Educators Network V1A 1K6 environmental educators in BC’s (CBEEN) Columbia Basin, a region internationally recognized for its biodiversity values. Our members share a common vision for a sustainable future and recognize the vital role that education plays in achieving that goal. Columbia Basin Fish 333 Victoria St., 250-352-9777 250-352-6178 333 Victoria St., The Fish and Wildlife Compensation South Valley and Wildlife Nelson Nelson m/about/our_commitme Program (FWCP)delivers projects that Compensation Program nt/compensation_progr conserve and enhance fish, wildlife ams.html and their supporting habitats affected by BC Hydro owned and operated generation facilities in the Coastal, Columbia and Peace regions of British Columbia.

Columbia Basin Trust Castlegar office 250.365.6633 250-365-6670 1-800-505-8998 Suite 300, 445 - 13 [email protected] CBT provides funding and grants to All Areas Avenue Castlegar, Environmental organizations. In BC V1N 1G1 addition, CBT supports regional initiatives such as Climate Change Adaptation, Water Stewardship and Land Conservation.

Govt. of Canda, Dept. of South- East BC 250-352-0891 250-352-0916 118 McDonald [email protected] Fish Habitat Management- provides Fisheries and Oceans Drive, Nelson BC information to assist you (land owners, V1L 6B9 governments, industry, consultants) when planning and conducting activities near water. Examples of activities include shoreline stabilization, channel modifications, building bridges, docks, etc. All Areas Sinixt Nation Society Bob Campbell, 250-226-6743 RR #1, G. 16, C.2 Sinixt Nation are the traditional, All Areas president Winlaw V0G 2J0 sovereign caretakers of this land, located in the interior of BC, Canada, extending North of Revelstoke as far south as Kettle Falls, WA, and surrounded by the Monashee and Purcell Mountains.

Page 15 Wildfire Management South East Fire 1-800-663-5555 Forests.ProtectionBra Report a Wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or All Areas Branch Center, Castlegar [email protected] *5555 from a cellular phone Wildfire Information: 1-888-3FOREST or 1-888- 336-7378 Burn Registration Line: 1- 888-797-1717

Page 16 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Education and Advocacy To provide educators and students with quality educational resources, 1767 Angus programs and other agricultural BC Agriculture in the Campbell Road, 604-556-3088 604-556-3030 [email protected] information that highlight agriculture as All Areas Classroom Foundation Abbotsford, BC an important part of our economy and V3G 2M3 way of life.

The BC Wildlife Federation is the largest and oldest province-wide voluntary conservation organization of hunters, anglers and recreational 101-3060 Norland shooters, representing all British BC Wildlife Federation 1-888-881-2293 Ave. Burnaby BC All Areas Columbians whose aims are to V5B 3A6 protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. The Get Bear Smart Society is a collaboration of staff, board members, advisors, partners and supporters in British Columbia and across North Wayne McCrory, Bear Smart Hotline 250-359-6611 America. Together, we are helping to All Areas Evelyn Kirkaldy create a paradigm shift in people's attitudes toward bears, which will allow bears and people to coexist in harmony. The BCEN was established in 1981. We are a provincial network of the British Columbia Canadian Environmental Network 604-515-1969 [email protected] All Areas Environmental Network (CEN). The CEN is a nation-wide umbrella organization of over 1500 environmental groups. Box 2759, 110 Programs and services for public Canadian Avalanche Executive Director, MacKenzie Ave 250 837 2141 [email protected] avalanche safety in Canada from the All Areas Centre Ian Tomm Revelstoke, BC Canadian Avalanche Centre. V0E 2S0 The Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC) is a group of concerned local citizens, land Central Kootenay Suite 19 - 622 Front coordinator@kootena www.kootenayweeds.c managers, and government and non- Invasive Plant Crystal Klym 250-352-1160 1-888-WEEDSBC Street, Nelson, BC, All Areas om government agencies who share a Committee V1L 4B7 common concern about the increase of non-native invasive plants in the Central Kootenays and BC.

Page 17 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image

Earth Matters is an environmental program based in Nelson, BC. Our mission is to inspire and support lifestyles that are environmentally Nelson CARES responsible and beneficial to human Society 521 250-352-6011 health.The Earth Matters Recycling Earth Matters Vernon Street South Valley Ext: 17 Service collects recyclables from Nelson, BC, V1L Nelson businesses on a weekly basis. 4E9 And the Earth Matters ECO Store sells a range of products that support environmentally sustainable lifestyles both on-line and from a retail location.

We connect people who have excess fruit from their backyard fruit trees with those who have the time and energy to harvest it. If you have more fruit Box 293, New Harvest Share Bree Lillies 20-358-7225 than you can manage, or if you are North Valley Denver V0G 1S0 interested in food preservation and taking home a portion of the harvest, we would love for you to participate with our project.

The Kootenay Lake District Parents’ Advisory Council (Kootenay Lake DPAC) is the recognized representative for the collective voice of parents in our school district. Kootenay Lake DPAC is comprised of elected parent representatives from Kootenay Lake School http://dpacsd8.weebly.c our 22 School Parents’ Advisory Mid and South District Parents' Susan Wilson 250-226-7751 om/ Councils (PACs), advocating for over Valley Advisory Council 5000 students, in communities such as the Slocan Valley, Lardeau Valley, Creston Valley and centres like the City of Nelson, Town of Creston, and Salmo.

Kootenay Land Trust Contact: Bob Inwood 250-226-6988 Society Kootenay Organic Growers Society (KOGS) is a not for profit Kootenay- based certifying organization dedicated to the production and Kootenay Organic Box 149, Winlaw, Chair: Peggy Frith 250-226-7249 [email protected] promotion of organic agriculture and All Areas Growers Society BC V0G 2J0 products. We are committed to supporting and strengthening sustainable agriculture and related businesses in our home region.

Page 18 The Kootenay Permaculture Institute was formed in 1991 to develop a model for research and education in S12, C2 RR#1 the field of sustainable living in British Kootenay Permaculture Gregoire Lamoureux Winlaw, BC V0G [email protected] Columbia, Canada. The Institute is Mid Valley Institute ulture/ 2J0 m designing and implementing permaculture principles and techniques on a ten acre piece of land in the Slocan Valley.

The Slhu7kin Perry Ridge Wilderness Preserve Initiative is a united Perry Ridge Wilderness contact: Marilyn campaign by the Sinixt Nation and the 250-226-7324 Mid Valley Initiative Burgoon Perry Ridge Water Users Association to protect Perry Ridge in the Slocan Valley of the West Kootenays of BC.” Riverwatch Society In 1972, The Rural Alternatives Research and Training Society (a.k.a. RARTS) was incorporated in British Columbia as a non-profit society.RARTS main purpose was, Rural Alternatives and still is, to help people live rurally - Tamara Smith, S16a, C.2, RR #1, [email protected] Research and 250-226-7957 through educational, cultural, and Mid Valley secretary Winlaw V0G 2J0 om Technology Society social endeavors. One of our main goals is to make our services and community centre inclusive and beneficial to the Whole community. RARTS is also a registered Canadian Charity.

SIFCo is a non-profit Cooperative incorporated in the province of British- PO Box 189 SIFCo- Slocan Integral Stephan Martineau, Columbia, our mission is: “to create 250-226-7012 250-226-7014 Winlaw BC V0G [email protected] Forestry Cooperative business manger and operate a financially sound 2J0 community forest business that fosters community and ecological health”.

The Silva Forest Foundation (SFF) is a pioneer and leader in the development and application of ecosystem-based conservation P.O. Box 9, Slocan planning. EBCP is a practical means Herb Hammond, Silva Forest Foundation 250-226-7222 Park, BC, Canada, of relating to and using Earth in ways Mid Valley executive director V0G 2E0 that maintain and/or restore biological diversity and natural ecosystem integrity, while fostering the development of diverse, healthy local economies.

Page 19 The Slocan Lake Research Centre collects data about the environment in the West Kootenays, particularly around Slocan Lake. Our plan is to gather and disseminate scientific and Slocan Lake Research [email protected] http://slocanresearch.w Richard Johnson anecdotal information about the area North Valley Society m through this website. We are non- political and not sponsored by any organization or agency. Current funding is provided Richard Johnson and Vega Resources Ltd. The purposes of the Society are: a) To research and cooperatively plan guidelines that will ensure the care and protection of Slocan Lake, its tributaries and foreshore; and Box 322, New Slocan Lake Therese DesCamp - [email protected] http://slocanlakess.wor b) To support and initiate projects and 250-358-2590 Denver, BC V0G Stewardship Society President m programs for sustainable lake use; 1S0 and c) To facilitate education regarding Slocan Lake, its tributaries and its environs.

Slocan Park Community Action for Slocan Park CARE Society is a Peter Kabel 250-359-7944 Mid Valley Responsible Ecology nonprofit society. (CARE) Society

The Slocan River Streamkeepers is a non-profit society founded in 2003 and became a fully incorporated Society under the Society Act of British PO Box 47 Columbia in May of 2005. The Slocan River info@slocanriverstre www.slocanriverstream Mid and South Jennifer Yeow Winlaw, BC V0G Streamkeepers mission is to work Streamkeepers Valley 2J0 towards protection and restoration of streams, streambeds and riparian zones that foster stream dependent biodiversity, with initial emphasis on the Slocan and Little Slocan Rivers.

Slocan Valley River Dustin Demontigny, Farmers Society pres.

The Valhalla Wilderness Society was founded in 1975, in the small village of New Denver, British Columbia, Canada. It started as a group of local residents who wanted to save the Valhalla Wilderness forested slopes of the Valhalla Range Chair: Anne Sherrod [email protected] North Valley Society 250.358.2333 in southeastern B.C. from logging. After an intensive eight-year campaign, Valhalla Provincial Park was won. An evironmental charity, working to preserve and protect wilderness and wildlife.

Page 20 A coalition which includes the Jumbo West Kootenay Creek Conservation Society, Box 12, Argenta, Coalition for Jumbo Rowena Eloise Wildsight, the Valhalla Wilderness All Areas V0G 1B0 Wild Society, the Nelson Ecosociety, Sinixt Nations and others. Our mission is to protect the natural environment while building a just and #206 – 507 Baker sustainable post-carbon world. West Kootenay Eco John Alton, pres. (250) 354-1909 (250) 354-1909 St Nelson, BC V1L [email protected] Initiatives include: All Areas Society 4J2, Kokanee Visitors Centre, Markets and Campaigns.

Wild Voices for Kids (WVFK) is an environmental and heritage education program that provides students with FREE curriculum-based presentations and field trips by local experts (Community Educators, or CEs) on the land, history and culture of the Program [email protected] Columbia Basin region. The program Wild Voices for Kids Coordinator, Susie All Areas g inspires stewardship and a MacDonald conservation ethic by promoting an understanding of ecosystems and environmental issues, and providing opportunities for students to directly experience ecologically and culturally significant areas in their own back yards.

Page 21 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Regional Parks Bigelow Bay Regional Recreation 250-358-7200 Box 293, New North Valley Park Commission #6 Denver V0G 1S0 ommunity/parks/slocan Bigelow Bay Regional Park, located _valley/bigelow_bay_re on Slocan Lake immediately adjacent gional_park.html to the northern boundary of the Village of New Denver, is leased by the Regional District and managed by the Regional District’s Slocan Lake Recreation Commission. The park is used for beach recreation activities and classified as a waterfront access park. Centennial Park and Village of New 250-358-2316 250-358-7251 http://www.newdenver. The Park is home to the Hills Garlic North Valley Campground Denver ca/centennial/ Festival and May Days. The campground offers serviced and unserviced sites with full washroom and shower facilities.There is a large playground for the kids, and equipment for bocci, badminton, and volleyball can be borrowed for free from the Campsite Attendant. There is a lake nearby with a raft and a roped- off swimming area. There is a covered barbeque pit and a marina for campers with boats.

Galena Trail Rosebery to Three 250-358-2415 http://www.slocanlake.c North Valley Forks Regional om/galena/ Rosebery to Three Forks Regional Parks Commission Trail (Galena Trail ) , located between Rosebery and Three Forks, this twelve kilometer section of old CPR rail right- of- way, is leased by the Regional District and managed by the Regional District appointed Rosebery to Three Forks Regional Parks Commission. The park provides for non-motorized recreation use opportunities and is classified as a regional park trail. Springer Creek Village of Slocan 250 355-2266 1-866 355-2023 1020 Giffin Ave. [email protected] http://www.slocancity.c Come and stay at Springer Creek RV Mid Valley Campground and RV Box 50, Slocan, BC om/scrvp.html Park and Campground and experience Park V0G 2C0 the serene beauty of the Slocan Valley mountains and lake. Full hook ups, partial hook ups, tenting, sani-dump, pets on leash, seasonal tourist info.

Rosebury Parklands RDCK (250) 352-6665 (250) 352-9300 1-800-268-RDCK [email protected] North Valley (7325) ommunity/parks/slocan Rosebery Parklands Regional Park is _valley/rosebery_parkla located on Slocan Lake a few nds_regional_park.html kilometres north of the Village of New Denver. This 2.8 hectare parcel of waterfront property is designated as a waterfront access park and is used for beach recreation activities.

Page 22 Winlaw Regional and Winlaw Regional 250-226-7792 [email protected] The Nature Park,located immediately Mid Valley Nature Park and Nature Park ommunity/parks/slocan north of the Winlaw community, is Commission _valley/winlaw_beach_r owned by the Regional District and egional_park_winlaw_r managed by the Regional District egional_and_nature_pa appointed Winlaw Regional and rk.html Nature Park Commission. Recreation facilities include restrooms, playground –picnic area, beach and elevated boardwalk. The park is categorized as a waterfront access park. No overnight camping.

Silverton Municipal Village of Silverton 250-358-2472 Box 14 - 421 Lake Lakeside campground is situated at North Valley Campground Avenue, the foot of Leadville Street and has 5 Silverton, BC V0G sites directly on the lake and 10 sites 2B0 adjacent. New handicap washrooms and shower facilities. The lakeside camp ground is primarily for tents, and small camper units. Larger units such as RV's and trailers are encouraged to use the Creekside camp ground located one block east of the main campground. Situated along Silverton Creek, Creekside is an ideal setting for large groups and people with pets. Ball diamond, children's play ground, tennis courts and bochi pits are located nearby.

Page 23 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Provincial Parks The ACC has 28 alpine huts and 20 regional club sections across Canada. www.alpineclubofcanad Alpine Club of Canada 403-678-3200 Contact to reserve cabins in Provincial All Areas and National Parks, including Kokanee Provincial Park. The purpose of the Recreation Sites Prov. Of BC., and Trails Branch is to develop, Recreation Sites and Ministry of Natural www.sitesandtrailsbc.c maintain and manage a network of All Areas Trails Resource a recreation sites and trails to provide Operations safe, quality recreation opportunities for the public.

The Discover Camping Reservation Service allows you to book a campsite or yurt so that you can travel to your Prov. Of BC. Ministry www.discovercamping. favourite park or try something new Reservations Camping 1-800-689-9025 All Areas Environment/ Parks. ca with the confidence of knowing your site is assured. You can use this site to view site availablity, reserve a site and manage your bookings.

Page 24 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Watershed Protection Brandon Improvement Ken Forsythe 250-355-2478 Mid District Columbia Basin Trust Karen Nickurak 250-341-3738 250-341-3738 [email protected] The Columbia Basin Watershed All Areas Watershed Network Network is assisting local watershed groups by providing information and educational resources. We also function as a central meeting point to collaborate on ideas and ultimately function as a larger unified body.The Watershed Network is a partnership of groups with diverse goals and priorities but have a shared interest in ensuring healthy functioning watersheds.

Elliot Stephan Martineau (250) 355-2206 250-355-2327 GR4, CP17, RR#1 [email protected] To protect the water quality, quantity Mid Anderson/Christian- Winlaw, British and flow of water supplies used for Trozzo Watershed Columbia V0G 2J0 domestic and agricultural uses. To Committee (EACT) educate the public as to how such protection can be achieved. Hills Watershed Richard Allen 250-358-2355 North Valley Committee Perry Ridge Water Marilyn Burgoon, 250-226-7324 Mid Valley Users Association president Slocan Park Maureen McEwan 250-226-6876 spidadministrator@co Mid Valley Improvement District

Slocan Valley 250-226-7324 Slocan Valley Watershed Alliance was All Areas Watershed Alliance ml formed in 1982. The links page has some groups that do similar work to ours or that we have found useful.

Slocan Village Council 250-355-2277 250-355-2666 1-866-355-2023 503 Slocan Street, info@villageofslocan. Mid Valley Box 50, Slocan ca B.C. V0G 2C0

South Slocan Com. Of Peter Wood 250-359-7107 South Valley Management (RDCK)

Village of New Denver Ann Bunka, mayor 250-358-2316 250-358-7251 115 Slocan [email protected] North Valley Avenue, P.O. Box 40, New Denver, BC, V0G 1S0.

Page 25 Winlaw Watershed [email protected] If you are a water user on Winlaw or Mid Valley Committee om Dumont Creeks then become a Winlaw Watershed Committee member. The Winlaw Watershed Committee is a nonprofit society founded twenty years ago by Winlaw and Dumont Creek water users aiming to ensure responsible stewardship of watershed ecosystems and protection of precious water – its’ quality, quantity and timing of flow.

Page 26 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Family Fully licenced daycare in Winlaw open Appledale Children's 6566 Nixon Road, Monday through Friday, offering a Huguette Marr 250-226-7844 Mid Valley Centre Appledale French Immersion Program. Subsidy available. Fully licenced childcare facility offering Infant Toddler Care, PreSchool Box 28,1092-A classes, Group Childcare 30 mos. to 6 Brent Kennedy Susie Myers 250-359-5011 Hwy 6, South yrs.and before/after School Age South Valley Learning Centre Slocan V0G 2G0 Program for children 5-12 years old Monday to Friday. Located near Playmore Junction.

Childcare referrals, toy lending, educational opportunities, childcare subsidy assistance, newsletters and Suite 001-518 Lake more. Child care providers are Child Care Resources aanytaf@kootenaykid www.childcarechoices. Aanyta Fahrenbruch 250-352-0407 250-352-0410 St., Nelson V1L supported though information, All Areas and Referral (CCRR) ca 4C6 outreach, resource library networking, learning opportunities and professional development hours towards ECE renewal requirements.

Funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Children First Initiatives are led by early childhood leaders and local steering committees, who view early years community development as an inclusive, Children First, British childrenfirst@thekoo community-driven process supported All Areas Columbia by research, that brings together agencies and people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to work collectively to support young children and families. Delivery in the West Kootenays by the Early Years Initiative.

Located in the Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar, for 3-5 year olds. A Children's Orchard corepreschool@gmail second language opportunity at a level Russian Explore Sharon Nazaroff 250-359-7081 South Valley .com for all to enjoy. Parent participation (CORE) Pre-School makes our preschool unique, everyone welcome.

The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy is a non-profit organization. It was created as a regional network to support literacy development in the Columbia Basin communities of the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Christine Nichol 250-355-0032 [email protected] and Boundary region of southeastern All Areas (CBAL) British Columbia. We provide literacy programs for early childhood, school age and young people as well as adults who would like to improve their Page 27 literacy skills. Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Dads make a Difference 250-352-6678 www.kootenaydoulagro Kootenay Doula Group Raina 250-226-6881 All Areas

We are a community based non-profit society focusing on the early years, with programs serving the needs of children, parents and caregivers through education, support and childcare centers. Services include Nelson Family Place, Pregnancy Outreach Program, Life After Birth, Valerie Warmington, 312 Silica St., [email protected] Kootenay Kids Society 250-352-6678 250-354-2055 Childcare Resource and Referral All Areas Exec. Director Nelson V1L 4M5 a (CCRR), Pediatric Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Program, Care to Learn Children's Centre (group daycare), Aboriginal Early Intervention (Little Robes), Regional Community Action Plan for Children, Interior Regional Childcare Resources and Referral.

Society that runs the New Denver Slocan Lake Early Charlene Alexander, Box 466, New 250-358-7768 Nursery School, located in Lucerne North Valley Learning Society director Denver V0G 1S0 School. The Slocan Valley Early Childhood Community Advisory Council is a voluntary council of organizations, service providers, and parents focused on the well-being of young Slocan Valley Early Penny Tees, children and their families in the south Mid to South Childhood Advisory 250-226-7605 [email protected] coordinator Slocan Valley (from Slocan south to Valley Council South Slocan).Operates Network for New Parents and provides a community email of family programs and events at [email protected] Slocan Valley Craig Lawrence, slocanvalleyrec@rdc Recreational programs for families Mid to South Recreation 250-226-0008 coordinator and people of all ages. Valley Commission

In BC, Success By 6® is a unique partnership among Credit Unions, United Ways, the BC Government through the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and our Success by Six, West communities. Success By 6 builds and Kootenay enhances community through engaging citizens in early childhood development, and funding programs that strengthen services for young children and their families.

Page 28 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Talking Little Feet is an Aboriginal Early Childhood Community Council funded by Success by Six. The Talking Little Feet web-site was born out of the Little Robes program Danica Lee, 250-352-6678 danical@kootenaykid Talking Little Feet located at The Family Place in Nelson All Areas coordinator ext. 123 m with the intent to provide a website that informs readers of the range of programs and services available as well as embraces the Aboriginal culture in all its many forms.

Award winning, licenced group daycare with nursery school, after kindergarden and Valhalla Trails summer programs for children 2 1/2 to Valhalla Children's 915 Harold St., Natalie Lucas 250-355-2222 6. Focus on social competence in Mid Valley Centre Slocan V0G 2C0 group settings, sign language, exposure to other languages. On- going family support and workshops for parents.

Award winning, licenced, year round care for 2 1/2 to after kindergarden. Old Schoolhouse, Focus on social competence in group Wee One's Early Care 3253B Village Natalie Lucas 250-359-7404 setting. Exposure to other languages, South Valley and Learning Road, South cooking, growing things, life-skills, Slocan science, art, music. Ongoing family support and workshops for parents.

West Kootenay Early Years Initiatives are funded by:Success by 6® provincially by Ministry of Children & Family Development, Credit Unions of BC and United Ways. Children First Dorothy Kaytor, West Kootenay Early regionally by Ministry of Children and Regional Early Years All Areas Years Initiatives Family Development. The Initiatives Coordinator are overseen by the West Kootenay Early Years Council as well as community councils. Programs include the West Kootenay Family Magazine and Stars for Success.

Magazine is published by the West West Kootenay Family Dorothy Kaytor, 304-625 Front St., childrenfirst@thekoo Kootenay Success By 6 Initiative and 250-352-6786 1-866-551-5437 All Areas Magazine editor Nelson V1L 4B6 m delivered for free to over 22,000 households in the West Kootenay.

Page 29 The Women’s Centre is a place for all women. Drop-in: Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from noon to four at 420 Mill Street.Services include A free clothing store Free coffee, tea and snacks Free nutritious food to take home (limited supplies, especially on West Kootenay Thursdays, tofu and bread always Women's Association 420 MILL Street, info@nelsonwomens www.nelsonwomensce available on Tuesdays and 250-352-9916 All Areas and Nelson and District Nelson V1L 4R9 Wednesdays) Women's Centre A play area Information about health, employment, financial assistance, housing, abuse & assault A meeting place for a variety of groups Volunteer opportunities Access to computers, internet and library Counselling

Winlaw Strong Start School based pre-school parent and 250-226-7217 Mid Valley Centre tot program.

Page 30 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Fire and Safety Crescent Valley Fire Department Box 66, 1365 Hwy. Non-emergency: fccrescentvalley@rdc Fire Chief: Carl Nord 359-7355 6 Crescent Valley, ommunity/fire_services/ Volunteer Fire Department South Valley 359-7353 B.C. VOG 1HO fire_departments.html

West Kootenay area for persons Crisis Line 1-800-515-6999 All Areas experiencing emotional distress 24/7

The Regional District has prepared Emergency Response Plans for seven areas: Creston and Electoral Areas A, B and C; Salmo and Electoral Area G; 250-265-3427 Nakusp and Electoral Area K; Cell: 250-265- Electoral Area H-The Slocan Valley, Emergencey P O Box 280 1756 and Nelson and Electoral Areas E and Preparedness Service Terry Warren 250-265-3788 Nakusp BC V0G [email protected] unity/emergency/emerg All Areas Office: 250-265- F, Kaslo and Electoral Area D and Coordinator 1R0 ency_coordinators.html 0230 Electoral Areas I and J. Under this program, the municipalities and rural electoral areas work together to deal with emergencies.

EMERGENCY- Fire, 911 Emergency services All Areas Police, Ambulance 1-800-663-9911 FortisBC’s safety information for Fortis BC- natural gas All Areas or 911 y/Pages/default.aspx electric and natural gas utilities 1-866-436-7847, option 1 Fortis BC-electrical /Safety/Pages/default.a Downed power lines or outages. All Areas


The Kootenay Heli-Rescue Society of Nelson, BC specializes in helicopter flight rescue systems (HFRS), also known as long-lining or HETS (helicopter external transport system). The society was formed to establish RR 1 Site 8 Comp and maintain an organization to Kootenay Heli- Rescue joe@kootenayhelires www.kootenayhelirescu President: Joe Vingo 250-354-9616 10, South Slocan, provide specialized rescue services on All Areas Society BC, V0G 2G0 mountainous and other difficult terrain to the RCMP, fire and rescue services, BC Ambulance Service, BC Parks, the Emergency Management BC (EMBC), private industry and the public, when requested;

Page 31 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Nelson Search and Rescue is a non- profit, volunteer organization that is registered with the British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program. At the request of PEP, the RCMP or another authorized party, we respond to Randy Lall provide assistance with Ground Nelson Search and President [email protected] Search and Rescue (GSAR) All Areas Rescue operations. We are strong supporters of "mutual aid" and frequently assist (and request assistance from) other search and rescue groups within our region.

Box 285, 115-B Slocan Avenue, ommunity/fire_services/ New Denver & Area Fire Fire Chief: Leonard Non-emergency: New Denver, B.C. 358-7251 fire_departments_- RDCK Municipal Fire Department North Valley Department Casley 358-2248 V0G 1S0 ml

Passmore Fire Department Box 4, 3725 Hwy. 6 Fire Chief: Gord Non-emergency: 226-7545 Slocan Park, BC [email protected] ommunity/fire_services/ Volunteer Fire Department South Valley Ihlen 226-7545 V0G 2E0 .ca fire_departments.html

Multi-agency hazard plans for B.C. are prepared and updated regularly by the Provincial Emergency Program to ensure an effective strategy is in place to address many possible types of emergencies and disasters. These plans foster cooperation among Provincial Emegency BC Gov't. 1-800-663-3456 multiple organizations focusing on All Areas Program (PEP) public safety, infrastructure and property protection and managing the aftermath of events. Web site contains information links to weather forecasts, road conditions, health alerts, wildland fire, avalanche and flooding.

All RDCK fire departments are operated on a volunteer basis, 24 Regional Fire hours a day, 365 days a year. In Mid and South RDCK Fire Services 250 352-1507 1 800 268-7325 [email protected] Chief:Terry Swan addition to providing fire protection, Valley Regional District of Central Kootenay firefighters are well known for their River Forecast Centre BC Gov't. Flood - Advisories and Warnings All Areas ca/

8877 Slocan South Rd. Fire Chief: John Non-emergency: Box 42 Slocan, BC Slocan Fire Department 355-2943 [email protected] ommunity/fire_services/ Volunteer Fire Department Mid Valley Gates 355-2945 VOG 2CO Page 32 fire_departments.html  Report a Wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a cellular phone Wildfire Wildfire Management South East Fire Forests.ProtectionBra 1-800-663-5555 Information: 1-888-3FOREST or 1-888- All Areas Branch Center, Castlegar [email protected] 336-7378 Burn Registration Line: 1- 888-797-1717 Box 65, 5741 Hwy. 6 Winlaw, BC V0G 2J0 Fire Chief: Jon Non-emergency: Winlaw Fire Department 226-7353 [email protected] ommunity/fire_services/ Volunteer Fire Department Mid Valley Wollenberg 226-7353 fire_departments.html

Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Health A.A. Passmore 250-359-7817 W.E.Graham A.A. Slocan 250-355-2454 Community Services AL-ANON New Denver Health 358-7904 Tuesdays, 7 pm, Call for info North Valley Care Centre Annex Annex of Health Alcoholics Care Centre Annonymous 358-7158 Fridays, 7 – 8 pm Call for more info North Valley (where the Red Cross is)

ANKORS, a non-profit society, serves those living with and at the greatest risk of acquiring HIV / AIDS and/or HCV, who have difficulty obtaining services elsewhere, 101 Baker Street, information@ankors. Ankors 250-505-5506 1-800-421-AIDS especially due to substance use, All Areas Nelson V1L 4H1 mental illness, sexual orientation, gender identity, race and ethnicity, and/or other social barriers.

97-1st. Ave. NE Arrow Lakes Hospital 250-265-3622 250-265-4435 PO Box 87, Nakusp, V0G 1R0

Page 33 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image

The BC Community Response Networks purpose is to promote safe communities, through the development of community networks where individuals and private and public sector organizations can Community Response castlegarcrn@hotmail participate in activities to prevent Sandy 250-365-7678 All Areas Network .com abuse, neglect and self-neglect of adults. In addition, to support communities in their responses to adults who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse, neglect or self- neglect.

To promote an improved quality of life for individuals, families, and Kamloops Society 250- 374 - 4634 communities affected by or at risk of Detox- Kamloops for Alcohol and Drug 250- 374 - 4621 1-877-318-1177 All Areas developing alcohol, drug and other Services related social and health problems. Self-referal. Detox- 1-866-860-4001 Dinners at Home Kootenay Lake Mid and South Lorraine Tarasoff 250-352-3111 Program Hospital Valley Drug and Alcohol Counselling for Main office: 349 Youth ages 13-18. At Freedom Quest Tammy Verigin-Burk Columbia Ave. Freedom Quest Regional Youth Services we respect Executive Director Castlegar, BC www.freedomquestonli Regional Youth 250.304.2676 250.304.2678 1.877.304.2676 the uniqueness and individuality of All Areas Services every person we serve, working cooperatively with every person in their journey to a healthy life.

British Columbians can access non- emergency health information, medical advice and get help navigating BC's healthcare system 24/7. A trained health service representative answers HealthLink BC 811 811 All Areas the 811 calls and, if appropriate, transfers the calls to a registered nurse, pharmacist or dietitian. Translation services are available in over 130 languages.

Interior Health (IH) was established as one of five geographically-based health authorities in 2001 by the Government of British Columbia. It is Interior Health 813 10th Street, responsible for ensuring publicly 250-365-4301 All Areas Authority Castlegar funded health services are provided to the people of the Southern Interior. Web site contains information on health, safety, careers and emergencies.

Page 34 Julie Collette, Peer BC's information source for children, Support Worker and youth and families on mental health as Kelty Mental Health Kelty Resource [email protected] www.keltymentalhealth. well as information on eating disorders 604-875-2084 1-800-665-1822 All Areas Resource Centre Centre Support & ca for people of all ages. Based out of BC Resource Children's Hospital. 'As families, we've Coordinator been there'

Kootenay Boundary Autism Society is committed to providing resources and information to families, caregivers of Kootenay Boundary Box 152, Trail, BC individuals diagnosed with an Autism [email protected] All Areas Autism Society V1R 4L3 Spectrum Disorder or anyone with an interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders. KBAS is a non-profit, registered society.

The Community Hospital serving the Nelson area (including the Slocan Valley and Kaslo) which provides: * Laboaratory and radiology (x-ray) services * Emergency services (24 hr) * Acute care beds for patient admissions for general medicine, Kootenay Lake Hospital 250-352-3111 250-354-2320 1-866-352-3111 3 View St., Nelson observation, assessment, All Areas convalescence and palliative care. * Obstetrics * Outpatient ambulatory care procedures * Physiotherapy and some clinics and programs including diabetic education, repiratory, chemotherapy, IV therapy, dialysis

Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital offers specialist services, core medical services and advanced diagnostic Kootenay Boundary 1200 Hospital 250-368-3311 services to the residents throughout All Areas Regional Hospital Bench, Trail the region.

Page 35 Meals on Wheels Gordie 250-358-7711 North Valley 2nd Floor – 333 Nelson hours:Monday-Friday Victoria Street, Nelson Mental Health 1-800-661-2121 8:30-4:30 with appointments available Mid and South 250-505-7428 250-505-7246 Nelson, BC V1L and Addiction Services in Slocan. Valley 4K3

New Denver & Area 317 6th Ave., New Home Health Care 250-358-7762 Denver Society New Denver Mental Health & Addictions Slocan Lakes Services 250-358-7823 Community Health Call for hours North Valley Centre

333 Victoria Street Options for Sexual Place 2nd www.optionsforsexualh Sexual Health Services and Support 250-505-3108 All Areas Health floor. Nelson , BC , for BC V1L 4K3

Located at the Family Place at Kootenay Kids, for all families in the Nelson area with a baby under one year. The program offers parents Pregnancy Outreach/ 250-352-6678 312 Silica Street, temporary help with the transition after Life After Birth Cathy Spears ext. 228 Nelson V1L 4M5 the birth of a new baby. We provide Programs phone calls, breast feeding support, in- home support, a weekly drop-in group, and volunteer mom's support network. All Free. Problem Gambling Help- 1-888-795-6111 Line Nakusp Health Unit Public Health Nurse- 611 Braodway St., 250-265-3608 250-265-3104 North Valley Nakusp PO Box 315, Nakusp V0G 1R0 Nelson Health Unit Public Health Nurse- 2nd Floor-333 Mid and South Mary Asselin 250-505-7204 250-505-7211 Serves the Slocan Valley to Slocan. Nelson Victoria St. Nelson Valley V1L 4K3

Page 36 We are committed to providing health- care programs and services that meet the needs of the people in New Denver and the surrounding area. To help us do that, we have a Community Advisory Committee made up of interested members of the public. Services•Continuing Care & Home Ann Weir, Slocan 401 Galena Ave. http://www.interiorhealt Slocan Community Support,•Emergency North and Mid Community Health 250-358-7911 250-358-7117 PO Box 129 New Health Centre Department,•Diabetic Education•Foot Valley Centre Manager Denver V0G 1S0 services.aspx?id=350 Care•Heart Health•Massage Therapy•Occupational Therapy•On- site Lab, X-ray & ECG•Residential Care•Respiratory Therapy•Smoking Cessation

Doctor, Chiropractor,Registered Slocan Valley Medical 250-226-7111 Slocan Park Massage Therapy, Rx delivery Mon.- Clinic Fri. 710 Harold St., Slocan Wellness Centre 250-355-2279 Slocan If you live in the Nelson BC area and are diagnosed with a mental illness, or 818 Vernon St. fear that you might have one, you are The Friendship Nelson BC 250 352-7730 250 352-7709 invited to come and visit The All Areas Outreach Clubhouse Clubhouse. People like it here. It has a relaxed, supportive atmosphere, and if you like, you can get involved !

Page 37 24 Hour Regional Crisis Line Phone: 250-364-1718 or 1-800-515- 6999 2079 Columbia 24 Hour WINS Transition House Ave, Trail, BC Phone: 250-364-1543 Fax: 250- V1R 1K7 Trail FAIR Society 250-364-2326 250-364-1255 [email protected] 364-1480 All Areas Main Office Phone: Main Office Fax: Nova Vita Second Stage Housing for Women Phone: 205-364-2665 Fax: 250- 364-1480

Provides a daytime, Monday to Friday volunteer service for people who are unable to access public or private transportation to attend non- emergency medical appointments. Coordinates the service for Castlegar, Trail, Nelson Kaslo, Slocan Valley, New Denver and surrounding areas. Usually provided on a referral basis, Castlegar and 1007 2nd Ave with referrals coming from Home and West Kootenay District Community 250-304-2990 Castlegar, BC V1N www.communitylivingb Community Care, Hospice, Mental Volunteer Driver Services Society 250-365-2154 1- 877-304-2990 All Areas 1Y4 Health, Home Nursing care or other Program (CDCSS).  service providers. Volunteer drivers  are screened and trained. Those receiving the service are expected to reimburse the volunteer driver for basic costs on a flat rate basis established by the community services provider.

Music Slocan Valley Gail Elder 250-355-2459 The Slocan Valley Community Band All Areas Community Band plays several concerts a year and practices every Wednesday evening at 7pm in W.E. Graham School, Slocan City. New members welcome.

Slocan Valley Russian Len and Karen 250-226-7722 Choir Markin

Page 38 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Seniors

Coordinator of Volunteer Services for the Kootenay Boundary Health Services Area provides regional coordination for this service and has a list of local contacts. The volunteer counsellors, who are seniors themselves, are knowledgeable about Castlegar and District helpful and relevant services and Community Health 709 10th Street resources. Can help seniors complete Centre (250) 365-7711 (250) 304-1234 1-866-304-1299 Castlegar, BC application forms for such programs All areas Senior Citizen V1N 2H7 as: Counsellor Program •Old Age Security (OAS) Coordination •Guaranteed Income Supplement(GIS) •Spouse's Allowance •Provincial Seniors Benefits •Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)

Elder Abuse Prevention 250-352-6008

Nelson and District Community Education Services 719 Vernon St., Mid and South Seniors Coordinating 250-352-6008 Seniors Resource Center Nelson Valley Society Home Help Service 824 Kildare St New Denver/ Silverton New Denver, BC and area Seniors 250-358-2229 V0G 1S0 Housing Society

Passmore Seniors (55+) meet at the Passmore Hall every Friday night for cards (crib & whist alternativing weeks) at 7 p.m. They also enjoy carpet bowling Wednesday afternoons at 1 p.m. Monthly meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month Lorna Anderson, in the hall at 1:15 p.m., with a potluck Mid and South Passmore Seniors 250-226-2267l [email protected] president lunch followed by a fun game of cards. Valley Speakers on seniors issues also give presentations at the monthly meetings. For further information, contact the president, Lorna Anderson at 250-226- 2267, email [email protected], and Joan Deans (secretary), phone # 250-226- 6943.

Page 39 The Seniors Information Directory is a community based resource book dedicated to seniors, their families, caregivers, and the communities where our directories are distributed. It is an annual publication that serves as published by a one-stop resource for seniors and Seniors Information www.seniorsdirectory.n S.D.Services, 250-554-4474 family members who are dealing with All areas Directory et Kamloops important issues such as healthcare, housing, financial advice, planning for retirement or just staying connected with their community.Website also provides the above information.

PASSMORE LODGE is a beautiful 10 unit seniors apartment building visioned and built by the community to house independent seniors who want to stay in the Slocan Valley during their golden years. Passmore Lodge runs FREE SENIORS FITNESS S18a C11 RR#1 Slocan Valley Seniors PROGRAMS from September to May, Winlaw, BC svseniorshousing@n Housing Society and Tamara Smith 250-226-7136 including therapeutic,chair and Passmore Lodge resptorative Yoga by Eliza Gooderham, and Jointworks and personal Fitness training by Helen Kissinger .

WE Graham- Seniors Call WE Graham Services society for 250-355-2454 Mid Valley Lunches info.

Page 40 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Social/ Service Hills Recreation Society 250-358-2428 4480 Hwy. 6, Hills Hills Recreation Society manages the North Valley V0G 1S1 Hills Garlic Festival. Proceeds help to fund various community projects. Over the years the Festival has become one of the highlights of the Hills / New Denver / Silverton community and has raised money to provide recreation facilities and services for the area including basketball/ tennis courts, yoga classes, children's recreation programs, and local cross-country ski trails.

Hospital Auxilary,New 250-358-7284 Denver Chapter

Hospital Auxilary,South Anne Wood 250-359-5911 Slocan Chapter

Kootenay / Slocan Don Munro, 250-226-7855 We are the main service providers in All Areas Lion's Club president /jmacpher/Kootenay_Sl the Slocan Valley of the West ocan_Lions_Club/ Kootenays of South Eastern British Columbia. Meetings: 1st Wednesday 7:00 PM. at Passmore Hall - - - Non Dinner 3rd Wednesday 6:30 PM. at Passmore Hall - - - Call for dinner information .1656 Passmore Old Road

Kootenay Regional Walter Swetlishoff 250-359-2967 www.usccdoukhobors. The United Nations Association in All Areas United Nations org/kruna/kruna.htm Canada (UNA-Canada) is a national Association (KRUNA) charitable organization established in 1946. Our mandate is to engage the Canadian public in the work of the United Nations and the critical international issues which affect us all.

Slocan Valley Legion Carol Barclay 502 Harold Street, Open to new members, monthy branch 276 Slocan meetings, numerous seasonal events act as fundraisers for a variety of social causes. Grants available, contact Carol before September.

Slocan Valley Women's Mabel Bone 250-355-2357 Institute

Page 41 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Misc. Advocacy Centre 1-877-352-5777 Nelson and advocacycentre@nel www.advocacycentre.o The Advocacy Centre is a non-profit, All Areas Castlegar rg community-based organization which provides legal information, education and problem solving for low-income residents of the Central Kootenays including landlord/tenent advocay. We also provide specialized victim assistance to victims of relationship violence, sexual assault and child abuse. Operated by Nelson Cares Society.

Basin Business Diane Munro 250-825-4171 Owners of established businesses in All Areas Advisors Program the Columbia Basin have access to the Basin Business Advisors (BBA) program, which provides free, one-on- one, confidential business counselling services. Bus Service-Central The transit system provides rural All Areas Kootenay Regional ons/cko/ transit and paratransit services, as Transit well as custom door-to-door handyDART service within the Slocan Valley, Nelson and District, Nakusp 250-265-3674, and District, and Kaslo and District. 1-877-843-2877 Ext. 203 Cost is shared with the RDCK and BC Transit. Service operated through Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Service Society.

Circle of Habondia 420 Mill St., Nelson [email protected] http://www.habondia.kic We are a circle of women with a All Areas Lending Society om community vision dedicated to the financial empowerment of families in the West Kootenay area.

Donation Store New Denver Operated by LACE with proceeds to North Valley the Bosun Hall. Drive BC BC Govt., Ministry of 1-800-550- Current road conditions, Enviornment All Areas Transportation HWYS (4997) Canada weather conditions, BC Highway webcams, Inland ferry schedules, distance calculator.

Page 42 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Kootenay Association PO Box 119#108 - The Kootenay Association for Science All Areas for Science and 2196 Le Roi & Technology (KAST) is a registered Technology Ave. BC non-profit society whose members live V0G 1Y0 and work throughout the West Kootenay-Boundary region and represent a broad range of interests in local industry, business, education and government. KAST works to foster a culture that values science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship as activities vital to maintaining and enhancing the competitiveness of the region. Free business consultation available.

Kootenay Boundary Lindsay 1-877-565-0013 The Credit Clinic offers free All Areas Credit Clinic workshops and one-on-one consultations to help area residents take charge of their debts and learn to use credit wisely. The Credit Clinic is a project of Castlegar & District Community Services Society and is funded by the Law Foundation of BC, Columbia Basin Trust, Kootenay Savings and Nelson & District Credit Union. Kootenay Ride Share WEST KOOTENAY (250) 354-1909 #206 - 507 Baker The Kootenay Rideshare is a free All Areas ECOSOCIETY St service to the community that helps to Nelson, BC V1L connect riders and drivers. If you need 4H6 a ride somewhere or if you could use some help with driving and costs, you can post a notice on this website.

Service BC Basic information on Provincial All Areas 250-354-6104 1-800-663-7867 ca Government programs, toll-free trasfers to other provincial offices. Yellowhead Road and Hwy. 31 A, New Highway and bridge maintenance in All Areas 1-888-352-0356 Bridge-New Denver Denver the Central Kootenay Contract Area 250-358-2343 (Service Area #10). Contact to report road problems. Yellowhead Road and 5695 Winlaw Highway and bridge maintenance in All Areas 1-888-352-0356 Bridge- Winlaw Bridge Road, the Central Kootenay Contract Area 250-226-7274 Winlaw (Service Area #10). Contact to report road problems.

Page 43 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Spiritual Dumont Creek Burial 250-7682 Winlaw Mid Valley Society SGI Nichiren Buddism Bob Inwood 250-226-7405 All areas

St. Andrews 250 355-0021 Box 327 Presbyterian Church 619 Arthur, Slocan

St. Anthony's Catholic Mass times: ll:30 a.m. every Sunday North Valley Church

St. Mary's Catholic 250 355-2487 711 Harold, Church Slocan St. Mathew's Anglican Rev. Ann Wood 250-359-7107 3370 Village Road, www.kootenayanglican. Worship Schedule: Sunday 9:30 a.m. South Valley Church South Slocan ca except 3rd Sunday of the month c/o RR1, S14, C10, Crescent Valley, BC V0G 1H0

The Junction J. Lerch 250-359-5065 2840 Eden Road, Sunday Worship Service South Valley Evangelical Covenant South Slocan m Church Sunday Mornings @ 10:00am Corner of Garden and Eden Road in South Slocan. The Junction Church has a food cupboard available to help anyone in need. If you need assistance or know someone who is in need you can contact the church.

Union of Spiritual 250-226-7578 Slocan Park info@usccdoukhob www.usccdoukhobors. The Union of Spiritual Communities of All Areas Communities of Christ, Hall,Slocan Park org Christ (USCC) is a registered branch 17 Canadian charitable society dedicated to the sustainability and enrichment of our Doukhobor heritage, our culture and our spiritual values and beliefs.

Zion- Turner United 221 Lake Box 44 Church Silverton, BC

Page 44 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Recreation

Borderline Boaters is a non-profit water-user group of individuals (using self propelled personal watercraft) that appreciates and is aware of all Borderline Boaters Carl Jacks, www.borderlineboaters. waterways, man-made and natural. It 359-2910 All Areas Kayaking Club president com provides opportunities for all ages of both genders to recreate in a safe capacity, through junior development programs, skills development programs and river safety programs.

A world of adventure in our own backyard. The KMC is a non-profit society based in the Kootenay region P.O. Box 3195 of southeastern British Columbia. Our Castlegar, BC, goals are: promoting an interest in and Kootenay V1N 3H5 kmc@kootenaymount www.kootenaymountain development of mountaineering skills, All Areas Mountaineering Club furthering fellowship in the mountains and advancing the conservation of the natural values of the mountain environment.

Nakusp Hot Springs and Campground 8500 Hot Springs truly is the place to relax, refresh and Road, Box 280 always return. Open year round, Nakusp VOG-1RO www.nakusphotsprings. Nakusp Hot Springs offers something Nakusp Hot Springs Village of Nakusp (250) 265-4528 250- 265-3788 1-866-999-4528 com for everyone. Enjoy the soothing mineral waters, and kick back in British Columbia's cleanest Hot Springs.

The Nelson Cycling Club is a voice for cycling interests in the Nelson area. We work to improve and maintain trails, trail access and events. Our goal is to promote and develop cycling [email protected] opportunities in a socially and Pat Wray , www.nelsoncyclingclub. environmentally responsible manner Nelson Cycling Club South Valley memberships org for the benefit of Nelson area residents. We are a volunteer-run, registered, non-profit Society that caters to children, youth, adults and families, and to riders of all levels and abilities.

Page 45 The New Denver-Silverton Trail Society is working towards a permanent off highway trail to connect the Villages of New Denver and Silverton. A 4km trail would not only New Denver- Silverton Ryan Butler 259-358-7210 create recreational opportunities, but North Valley Trail Society provide an alternative to the rather dangerous section of highway that links the two communities.

From April to October we have about 2 field trips per month to study geology and collect interesting rocks, minerals Selkirk Rock and Maureen Krohman, 250-367-9605 and fossils.Over the winter we take All Areas Mineral Club president jewlery lessons and do rock polishing. For more info call 250-367-9605 or 365-7424.

Slocan Curling Club 250-355-2221 903 Hume, Slocan New Members welcome Mid Valley

Slocan Lake Arena 713 Josephine Society New Denver, BC 250- 358-2863 V0G 1S0

The Slocan Lake Golf Course is a beautiful public nine hole golf course in New Denver. Amenities are a practice green, clubhouse, dining area, coffeeshop, and a pro shop 250-358-2408 where you can rent clubs, power carts Slocan Lake Golf Club North Valley or pull carts. The proper golf attire is required when playing at this course and it is open daily from April to October.

Organizations seeking to apply for a grant should submit the proper application to Box 293, New Denver, Slocan Lake Recreation Kevin Murphy 250-358-7143 BC V0G1S0. Application forms are North Valley Commission #6 available from the Village of New Denver, the Village of Silverton and Lucerne School. Slocan Park Manages the park and field at Slocan 250-226-6876 Mid Valley Improvement District Park. Slocan Valley Archers 250-226-7852 Slocan Valley Backcountry Access 250-226-6960 Society Slocan Valley Community Complex Gary Burns 250-355-2562 Mid Valley Society

Page 46 Slocan Valley Heritage Rory Lindsay, 1-888-683-7878 Box 22, Winlaw BC www.slocanvalleyrailt www.slocanvalleyrailtra All Areas The Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Rail Trail Society President V0G 2J0 ml Society (SVHTS) is a community group originally formed in 1994 to promote the development of a recreational trail along the recently abandoned Slocan Valley spur of the (CPR) in the West Kootenay region of BC.

Slocan Valley Outriders PO Box 81, Slocan Shannon Hicks, sec. 250-355-2318 Mid Valley Assoc. V0G 2C0 Slocan Valley Recreation offers a wide variety of programs for children, youth, Slocan Valley Craig Lawrence, PO Box 8, Slocan slocanvalleyrec@rdc families and adults. Our Leisure Guide Mid and South Recreation 250-226-0008 250-226-7440 ommunity/recreation/sl coordinator Park BC V0G 2E0 is published three times a year and Valley Commission ocan_valley/sv_lg.html mailed to homes from Slocan to South Slocan.

All Snowmobilers & ATV'ers! The Slocan Valley Snowmobile Association is a family-orientated, non- 2403 Cunningham profit society promoting back country Slocan Valley Sharon Milton, Rd snmilton@columbiawi http://www.slocanvalley 250-359-8118 recreation ~~ winter and summer. All Areas Snowmobile Assoc. secretary Slocan Park .com/listing.php?id=115 Winter events are held every year! V0G 2E0 New members are always welcome!

Slocan Valley United George Perriere 250-355-2473 Soccer Club Sports Association ownes and South Slocan Sports 250-359-7408 operates Campbell Field next to Mount South Valley Assoc. Sentinel Secondary School. Summit Lake Ski and Snowboard Area offers an affordable skiing & boarding experience for the whole family. The 250-265-3312. hill has all you can ask for: a day lodge Summit Lake Ski Hill North Valley m complete with cafeteria, ski shop with rentals, lessons with qualified instructors, T-Bar and Rope Tow. 

Roller derby is a legitimate full contact sport. Roller derby is the fastest growing sport in Canada. It is not for the faint of heart, but it is for any woman intrigued by aggressive, Valley Vendettas Roller checkout Face Book supportive, and empowering team All Areas Derby Team page m experiences. The Valley Vendettas team represents the Slocan Valley in the West Kootenay Roller Derby League.

Page 47 Valley View Golf Club is a community- run, non-profit society. The 9-hole course was built as a Centennial Project in 1967. Countless volunteer hours resulted in the building of the course in the late 1960s, the building of our beautiful clubhouse in the late P.O Box 57, Valley View Golf Terri Mac Donald, 1990s, and the continuing operations 250-226-7241 250-226-7241 Winlaw, BC V0G Mid Valley Course board president and successes today. Valley View is 2J0 an economic driver in the Valley economy, employing approximately 8 staff during the operating season. Tournament, wedding & party rental packages are available.

West Kootenay Kennel 250-359-7154 Club

Page 48 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Area(s) Served Image Rural Living The Regional District of Central Kootenay would like to encourage and protect farming and food security in our Region. One of the ways this can be done is through the creation of an Agricultural Area Plan agriculture plan. Farmers, food All Areas producers and residents of the Region joined in the creation of this plan to support viable farms and food for our area. .

The BC Association of Farmers' B.C. Association of Markets (BCAFM) is a provincially Farmers' Markets registered, non-profit association, run Suite 311 – 119 by a volunteer Board of Directors. Our BC Association of 604-734-9797 West Pender www.bcfarmersmarket. membership includes farmers' All Areas Farmers Markets Street Box 48 org markets, vendors and other interested Vancouver, BC groups and individuals. V6B 1S5

The Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC) is a group of concerned local citizens, land Suite 19 - 622 managers, and government and non- Front Street, government agencies who share a Central Kootenay Nelson, BC, V1L www.kootenayweeds.c common concern about the increase Invasive Plant (250) 352-1160 All Areas 4B7 om of non-native invasive plants in the Committee Central Kootenays and BC.

Farmers Markets- http://www.klasociety.or Web Site contains listings of local [email protected] All Areas regional g/Farm_market.html Farmers Markets, locations and times.

We connect people who have excess fruit from their backyard fruit trees with those who have the time and energy to harvest it. If you have more fruit Box 293, New Harvest Share Bree Lillies 20-358-7225 than you can manage, or if you are North Valley Denver V0G 1S0 interested in food preservation and taking home a portion of the harvest, we would love for you to participate with our project.

Page 49 Vendors from all over the Kootenays, the BC Interior, and farther afield gather to sell the bounty of their Ellen Kinsel, Festival harvests: vegetables, herbs, arts and Co-ordinator crafts, and, of course, GARLIC! The 4398 Highway 6 coordinator@hillsgarlicfes festival attracts about 5000 people of Hills Garlic Festival (250) 358-2459 New Denver , B.C. North Valley all ages with lively music, great food, V0G 1S1 children's entertainment, and old fashioned community fun. Operated by the Hills Recreational Society.

Kootenay Local Agricultural Society is a not for profit Kootenay based local agricultural organization dedicated to the production and promotion of local agriculture and products. We are committed to supporting and Kootenay Local 1911 Irving Road, Jeremy Lack, Chair. 250-399-4809 [email protected] strengthening sustainable agriculture All Areas Agriculture Society Castlegar V1N 4N6 and related businesses in our region. The Society for farmers,growers, vegetable gardeners and beekeepers in the Kootenays.

Kootenay Organic Growers Society (KOGS) is a not for profit Kootenay- based certifying organization dedicated to the production and Kootenay Organic Box 149, Winlaw, Chair: Peggy Frith 250-226-7249 [email protected] promotion of organic agriculture and All Areas Growers Society BC V0G 2J0 products. We are committed to supporting and strengthening sustainable agriculture and related businesses in our home region. The Friday Market happens in the heart of New Denver every Friday from June to September. This gem of Box 422 a market spreads out on the grass New Denver, BC New Denver Friday ndfridaymarket@gma amongst fruit trees and flower Morgen Bardati 250-358-7733 V0G 1S0 North Valley Farmers Market daymarket gardens, beneath shady maples on the corner of 6th and Kildare from 10am to 2 pm.

The Rural Alternatives Research and Training Society (RARTS) has served 3762 Little Slocan the Slocan Valley since 1971. RARTS Rural Alternatives River Road serves as a catalyst for new rural Tamara Smith - 250.226.7957 info@VallicanWhole. Research and Training projects, its mainstay being the Mid Valley administrator com m/ Society (RARTS) Vallican building, maintenance and operation V0G 2J0 of the Vallican Whole Community Centre and 12 acres of forested property in Vallican A voluteer group that cares for the Slocan Lake Garden 358-6806 maintenace and upkeep of the Kohan North Valley Society (SLUGS) Page 50 Reflection Garden. From June 24th to September 2nd the Slocan Outdoor Market is open Sundays from 10 am to 3 pm featuring a "Live Stage " from 11 to 3 with live Harold Street, http://www.slocancity.c Slocan Outdoor Market Joanne or Leslie 250-355-2698 performers from throughout the Mid Valley Slocan om/locatt.html Kootenays. For more Information or to book a table Call Joanne at 355-2531 or Leslie at 355-2698

An annual event sponsored by the Slocan Valley Arts Council that Slocan Valley Art and Slocan Valley Arts www.slocanvalleyarts.c Mid and South Ruth Porter [email protected] features some of the beautiful and Garden Tour Council a Valley creative gardens of the Valley. Open to the public, by donation.

The Slocan River Farmers hope that the local food guide will facilitate backyard food production and strengthen the local food system through connecting consumers with 355-0053 Slocan Valley Local malinchristensson@h farmers. The distribution and Malin Christensson All Areas Food Guide promotion of the guide will also help to raise awareness of the benefits of local food for carbon emission reduction, health and the economy.

The Slocan River Valley Farmers was established in 2007 in Winlaw with the purpose of creating a thriving and viable ecological farming community in the Slocan River valley. The farm Slocan Valley River group operates autonomously as well All Areas Farmers (SVRFS) as functions as the Slocan Valley social and educational committee of the Kootenay Organic Growers Society (KOGS).

Slocan Valley Wildlife 226-7231 Assoc.

WWOOF is a world wide network of organizations. WWOOF was founded in 1971 in the UK. From there WWOOF spread to Australia, New WWOOF Canada, Zealand, then Canada in 1985, and Box 85 Procter, Willing Workers on now exists in 100 countries (and BC, Canada, V0G Organic Farms 250-399-4809 [email protected] growing) around the world. WWOOF All Areas 1V0 (WOOFERS) is a help exchange linking volunteers with organic growers, and helps people share more sustainable ways of living. Website is multilingual.

Page 51 Hwy 6, Spicer Come check out all the homemade & Centre grown goodies at the Winlaw Farmers' Winlaw, British Market. Takes place every Sunday at Columbia sweetearth@netidea. Winlaw Farmers Market Kim 250-226-7862 the Spicer Centre from 10-2pm on Mid Valley V1N 2N8 com Hwy 6 in downtown Winlaw.

Page 52 Name of Organization Contact Person Contact Phone Contact Fax Toll Free Mailing Address Email Web Site Description Area(s) Served Image Youth Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has been taking an active role in developing CBT Youth Initiatives Columbia Basin opportunities for young people in the 1.800.505.8998 All Areas and Council Trust Basin. We do this through investing in projects and ideas brought forth by young people 15-29 years old.

Scratchonline is a web forum for youth in the Columbia Basin to share their artwork, photography, writing, and Columbia Basin 1-800-505-8998 Scratch Magazine with each other. Submissions to All Areas Trust Scratchonline can be submitted for a chance to be featured in Scratch Magazine The Youth Centre is a free drop in WEG Youth Centre and Joanne Ellis 250-355-2484 [email protected] place for youth, open Friday evenings. Mid Valley Tenacity Skate Park Tenacity Skate park is open 24/7. Slocan Valley Recreation offers a Slocan Valley Laureen Steeg slocanvalleyrec@rdc Mid and South 250-226-0008 250-226-7440 ommunity/recreation/sl variety of programs of interest to Recreation Grace, Programmer Valley ocan_valley/sv_lg.html youth.

Growing, Learning Opportunites With Science is KAST's annual Kootenay Assoc. of PO Box 119 programming designed to inspire and (250)483-5052 Science and 250)483-6872 #108 - 2196 Le Roi stimulate interest in science and Ave. technology in Central/ West Kootenay- Technology- GLOWS Rossland BC V0G Boundary kids and youth. Includes 1Y0 science activities, digital media, competitions, resources for teachers, bursuries and scholarships. All Areas

Page 53