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The Ledger and Times, July 12, 1965

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a .

, 1965 9

Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

The Only rm• Largest .1. Afternoon Daily 1 U. artem- Circulation • I In Murray And Both In City Calloway County And In County beret )0 anis United Press International In Our 86th Year Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, July 12, 1965 Murray Population 10,100 Vol. LXXXVI No. 163 it) em. p fin 10 pin, /0 p sa. Pre-Sch400l Clinic Former Murrayan Retires After For Robertson And Lions inert College High Set International President BULLETIN Troop Strength Years In Washington, D.C. NANTUCKET, Mass, 4.1.1 — nee 36 Eight dead airmen were recover- 111 nes pee-school clinic will be held at A ed from the Atlantic Ocean to- 10 ars --- the Calloway County Health Cent. ' Miss Hope Howard Hart. of Wash- day after an Air Faroe radar 0 pm. on Thursday. July 15, at 900 ant.' D C formerly of ishrrai patrol phase washed with a crew 0. P 211 Se9f) & Heard int*. all children, enteririg the Met In Viet Nam May anser Di Tenneseet‘, today -ern cif Ile abeibill.— -- grade at Luther Robertson Emmen- ..unced her reterem!nt ante; eery- I tary and Murray College High this At wee to Ermen stA-vIved, 36 years as Secretary to two Around fall. The fan of Pie other one was not Members of Congress from the ilth Parents are requested to bring thett known. 10 ant — later the Eh — Omens:ions! ▪ children in to -this cllntt o: taiga 100,000 Men O am District of Tennessee She is leav- MURRAY them te their private physician 0 p.m post on August let that she ing a exaMinetkin. Any child who has has heici continuously since the Local Woodmen To eicaminatkm las. year to enter fey BAY F. HERNDON an estimated 280 Viet Cong goer. Life would be dull iliteed if it were 71st tgrees on March *int of the dergseten peed not come in for phy- United Press International rillas were killed in air strikes in on for those little Vignettes which Attend Coryention 4. 1926 sical nomination. but must have SAIGON 7P9 — Nearly 4,000 in- South Viet Nana. occur from time to Urns. Mies Hart was appointed by the certificate of Immuninatione signed Several Murrayans all attend the WS:yawn of the US 1st division In the north, Wet waves of US late Representative Jere Cboper, of by Health Department of private Woodmen of the World Life Insur- began landing today in a troop planes Arlan WO Otarimuniat am- Take the other night. Dyersburg,' Tennessee, after his buildup that by fall may bring U S. leis Alpe Howard Hart PhYskien Dr. Walter H. Camabell of ance Society aonereselon which will munition dunite. an army barracks inaction in the Fail of 193111 She re- troop strength to 100,000 Miami Beach, Florida, was be held at the Animalism Hotel in men in and barires, and tended a *viziers We hear this odd screeching and mained with him until his death in Viet Nam. " annualhePresidentraeleva Aof Lioitntsioill New Vol:COM July the famed nneg ned One. width and thought It was some kind of 1967 While winding im the affairs 10-212 • Ales Rosie,40mies A Parker. and Antergan planes hit Communist swarmed ashore at Cam Ranh Bay. bird or animal with which we were of Mr Cooper's office, she Was ap- Sixty Five 4.11 Club-Members convention T C. Oelles,,idi Son al-expense paid targets on both sides of the border. It was the ferst landing of the war not fa nu pointed to the same point:ton by his Angeles, July 7-10. trips to the conversion as leaders A 135 military spokesman said by • unit of American infantry, suocersor. Representative Hobert A ..1gre International Withwith arm* find representatives of the and it raised the number of 1/11 - Got out of bed. dressed. got the tverett of Union Oily. 'Tennessee. Leave Today For Week At Camp Moiety. fighting men in Viet Nam to nearly reneget and went outset* to take and she has remained as Mr tee- 'trim, is the Ladies Golf Day • world'atreelliel/Of- Widton Rayburn. a member of the 71.000. a book. rett's prierApal aide until fours- ice club organ* Mani of Directors of the goc.ety Pairings Announced j. Dematches from Waehington mid Sixty Dee 4-H Club members from Reokie Hop- bone bet _Bulard. Hert—Illada_Adensger . _ another 30.000 men will be sent here Came heck in. Startefriowaid "fled icannderfuT16 AMOWn far Be mimyytpio;— "fl ha. iiiiih- Calloway OsuritY and 3 Illeterli left Mts. am Pouter. War Weal. for West Kentucky ell glee regis- Wednesday. July 14. will be the yitiiiitssuner Clear*/ full to being bed win and whet did we do? Miss Hart mid, "and I am proud of Otemela grams, community service trial morning by chartered bus for Bererks Rogers. Sollegi • ter Mb the other lee alhilial de- regular ladies gun day at the Cal- the total to 100.0110. Interred a Mak with the right big every dos I was privileged to sarve, project",flight conservation ac- the 4-H Otrim at Doweon Merbet lee: Stumm. Wenn Infifitote tweak legaiss. field representatives, and lawny Country Club Tee off time Marines from another newty-ar- toe Med for a moment there we two outstanding leaders from my tivities add aid to the blind. The MO stay total Priem, July 16. Mary Frames Len Gail Fumble. (nemeses of their families wilt be 9 o'&ocic A potluck lunch rived unit, the 2nd Battalion of the thought that we had literally kick- apprecate tisk Last year Lions Clubs around hocue Daetrtet, I lege at the 4-H Oboe they will Nancy Whams, Jude will be served at noon Sadie Nell 9th Marines. ..ot their first taste of the world completed more than arimapers nil inchade 135 Sen- . ei It off. Idledriamen and courte- be porta:eating dileplog activ- Kam Dribble Galloway, Debbie (Cannoned ea Page 6) 430,000 individual community ator neaten L }hulks of Nebraska: West is pot hostess sies. to me. Ad above all the op- ities Midi as millemeng, hgatiag, Didasua pro)ects. Peri* Whitehead. deputy regsonal The Ibillswing pairings have been Bert. man it hurt. Sprayed some portunity they have given me to handleniet, camp folk gliende. Leaders amending include Mr. and executive I Rat of Region 4- Boy made bug killer on the bleeding toe, put a meet ism and renew acquaintance A H singing, group lemma ensure -seed7. Me Cent Like and Mrs Omuta of America Parris Newber- Frances Hulse, Marge Kipp, Reba att ofa it lad Made it badt to to nemay West Tennessee In- hunter Mier There. be arng Mee. Family Picnic For ry. tanner Woodmen president, Part Two-Accidents bed. sideI babe Men thrtld to be in srtending are Con- with diub numbers hien Graves and Jr Courisekre Frank X Lee, president of the Na- Mary Ruth Parker. Ina Keller, the midst the making of history Rom The of lAYinpoton County. nie Hopkins and William Auxiliary, Legion tional Fraternal Congress. and Wil- Urbena Komori, nuilene Robinson. The serene? Oh that was the air in eraihington As a Congremional accompanied by Glen llsose attending SIM Canoe ay group well be liam R Martin, president of the Marie Waiter, Agnes Payne. ler- ningtiseper 111 the upstairs window have known ali of our Ten- Agent. Planned Tonight On Saturday AM. I County indtals, tom: Dines Ray Stns, Associate County Woodmen of the World kne Sularan, Margaret Stinnett complaining about something or Senat- nessee Represent.ttives and Agee. Mal Gritfin. Choir Evers- Prances Meer, Nell MoChuston, Mist. ors for the pest 36 years and all meet Bey Ray Poeta. Paul Rush- Amerman Legion Post 73 and the Martha Sae Ryan have been uniformly wonderful to ing, Andy Armstrong. Pat Keith Employees MSC Chapter of AOPi City police reported two Mations Postoffice Legion auxMary will hold their tam- Nelda Murphy, Pearl Tucker. Ed- Now elarla Mr K C Stone with me. Rom Roger Dale Parrish Rohm* over the weekend One citation for • picnic at the City 'Park tonight Wins National Award a-irs timmona three large Inert Patatoes which "Mr. Comer was a top man in Suidodale, Myron Smith, Freddy Hold Dinner Friday rec-kiess driving and one for public at 6 30 pm The meat, bread and Venda tertian, Roth Wilson, Cienogges ler mark years and my Berry, Randy Wayne Lat, Rard dru nkeneas (reelltsied is Page 6) Ilesiployees of the Mtn-ray Post drinks we be furnished by Alpha Omicron PI representatives Prance* Parker teen were greatly stir. the Lee- •Aleo City poly* reported two se- Painilei Gee. Toy Wilbert% Marry linadt. trots the Delta Omega Chapter Anna Mary Adam& Melba Want Oates held one of their regular Ignaires sod the rest will be potluck of adings Saturday allarban Oris red by betas lass at hand in the Charles Regaing, Darrel Chorale Norm. /Ma* Meetings Friday July ninth, furnished by the Auxinary. Murray State DOOM Imme immt re- Ties at 5'15 pin en. Chen:nut near Lynn Ricky lindreph. 1111gi Osineen. Jinvede Collie, Pra-* sort. moval tem the Adele allberoll Pi As* Patata_bdityl-derettee Des- CoIt All-Stars ).'...-ITOZC:ulfliti=- Lyre .iairsor "I'libe ander rod the- ocindllriew fiternatltaill- fairieley"dbadatougy Shoemaker, Jergelniele. New an invocation by Pnelr' slat of 321 I "Pitoe'. ant taderak elb eritthe Party and the es.citing Mains. Orogen, Pat Scott. will be Laitatied at this 111111itinp. Nee Cahoon. Jo tang, Illeallba riesiler Linder Nanny. • fine mesi The convention was held at the Ky. driving Cheiestra. tee Mys under Privoident Rms.- Kerry Williaine. Pat Lamb. Mil Post Cenmentle wit be Oise was nuoyed by the kikeeing ens- Sams Clese-Park Plass Thiel in St Lou- Oreselkird. going wale on Chestnut Street and the event. leading up to and On& Larry Roberta, Larry Tidwell, • Ted-C'- • Are Named For Myna and their guests. IS is, ligimourt A feature of the free Seerew Erseruld. Hebrew Break stopped for a traffic light. OM& the grim. dramatic days of Work, Teddy Rogers, Jeffrey Gordon, Phil- engem lad - nvelys See, Wed Attending were Thomas and beikt- ‘1164111001•111111 day meeting was the presentation Jones. Clifton Burgess of 306 North 701. War II, and the action-fined ses- lip Bonner, Roger Fain, Kent Mc- Mattes Minis adlelgod bibs Purdom, Betty nod HAL Pelle and Verra Mee Far- -- of awards to outstanding conegiatir Lou Donin, Alit* Murray. driving a '83 Chevrolet hit sions of Congress in the post-iver Dubbin, Patrick Robert Taylor, Roam. Maw Lbw Han- Tournament ley. Maynard and Mildred lImpente, &aptens Lowry the Domett car in the rear end as it period. chair chahoun, after nide Wilson nay, nervice 01111ser Joe SI 11111- Oscar Moaner, Lloyd and Melte The Delta Omega Chapter receiv- Elaine Harvey, Kathryn Kyle, and stopped at Use traffic light Patrol- 'Them When Mr Everett succeed- Ken Wm. Larry Thurman. bans, Ctiman Rey Henry nicKen- Boyd. Arid and Sue Clara. Hatton ed a trophy for dembdring the most Card Silitard men Morris and Wehreepoon In- The 1003 Oat League Al ear ed to Mr Cooper's Neat pernitttlng Girls detesting: 'Tonna Duey, Me and Flgt at Anne AMES ft and Mary Mice Garner, Joist and elifident and cooperathe spirit In vestigated the accident team tare been announced The fol- me to stay On as he quksidy rose to 'Karen Peeteleir, La Dome Maur). Anna Mae Lassiter. Alfred mad Jes- JOI111114 relatIonswide the naternal central Another accident was It 3 40 on lowing boys will represent Murray a nutted and inlbsentiel position in in, limy Mr,Patty Rogers, Becky Mrs. Leland Morris sie Faye Young, Ones and Elm- Ware. The earrer she received an the notrh side of the court square in the GM District Tournament to the Democratic leadership of the Rail. Fraines Mardi* Name, Ilbe Legion baseball teem will be Thril. award ler their outman:line a/so- Dies At Hospital perviree Attired terwater of Route 3. mg cup was filled and runn- beer Jeffrey, Jerry and LAM& guest* of the plonk along with Lae be played in Murray. July to-23 Home, Karen Dente Otendenon. Nancy lemn* evenage The chapter advisor Don and Asipa Lee Wells Oleo and four toys who attended Bluegrass Murray. driving a '64 Ford was go- s There will be One game PlaY'ed each ing over " Rom Men Watson. Pamela Pas- Mrs Leland Morrie of Hein. age legent Sykes. Van •nd litm Viten- Max lam Boehm alloChrter, received a ing weal on Main 1Joycl Joshua night with game lane 7 00 pm Pa- Miro Hart, the daughter of the BIM State. Steve Douglas.. lion Mildred ?dom. Boyce and roes award in her datingtinhed 82 passed away at 11:15 am, to- SpIceiand of 7136 Aoscleon, Dear- ducah and Madisonville will play on kae numerated Merlin, it Hart. a Risme", Harrel Wayne Orutcher, and MicOuistork H and char- alumnae contributions day et the wersay-Cutheay Coun- born, Michigan. driving a Al Ford Monday. Juk 10, kicking off the Methodist minister. lived in all of Lone Oak Primitive Hilly Oveebey 'The baseball team Inete Raptael and Molly The mensbers of the Delta Omega ty Ficapital. was hacking out of a parking space eleininatIon tournament the counties in the Mena District with a 6 won and 6 lost record 'tour- Baptists Set Meeting Mabel Rogers. A chapter hum Murray are Marion She is arrived by her husband front of the Graham and Jack- except Crockett fillw was born In .ftitrird arid neys this weekend to Campbells- in Manes play the winner m daughters, Mrs A. " and Rah Mae Doherty. Mote. Sara Mews, Kaye Walls, Leland Morris. two son store end backed into Lassiter &Jim first Cottage Grove, in Henry County, ville. Ky,. tor a doub/e-header Satur- ninety and the Sea loosen Ail,' Thomas Patsy Spann, Andrea Rupert Anderson of Longbeach, Mortis investigrited the recently was adklied to the J. Raymond arid Wanda Jones, day night gni a angle game at Patrolmen "MI piay on Wednesday thus elan- winch- Diane Larson. Callornia, Mrs Albert Poole of The Lone Oak Primitive Baptist James Senuhri. Lester and Myra Dowering Oreen Sursiwy afternoon Lonelier end minden. &Ai mating one teems CM Thursday the District. Mee irradiated from high Basel; one son Ciranetlie Morris of Church will have their annual Nantsy, handolph and Jean More. The next home game will be Hop- Sea two reersening teams will play and school 10 Murray. Kentudry end at- Mantic. Connecticut three brothers. Pe meeting beginning Wednesday night Itopilmess male to attend were Ichweille 'Neale: night and a does- if a fifth same racmary it will tended West Intinessee Teachers Miss Mary Humn On Roy eistouler and Waiter Saunders Mrs. Emmett Roberts July 14. lb. meeting Mil continue Prestoolones, Canoe Hendon Nor- lute-header with Owensboro Satur- • be played on Friday The winner of -College (now Memphis' State UM- both of Amarillo, Team. and Row- through Sunday, July IS. man napp. Del.nellen cure* Pal- day night to end the regular sea- College Dean's List Passes Away Sunday the Metric( tounesment will advance verwity and became a teacher She an Saunders of Loularibe. and sev- armies will be held each night mer, Charles Lamb, B Jonas. Al- son. itie District tournament will -- to the sectional tournament has eyed at various times in .Dy- eral nieces and nephews Bight at 710 o'clock aril on Sunday M fred Barnett. end Win, Ito:mink open Monday July 19th at the Mur- Mrs Emmett Roberts. age 91, let The entire tournament will be ersburg. Onion. Rickety. ,Trenton. WILLIAMBIBIMO. Vs. — The arid fifteen great 10$6. Parker. and J W. Young grandchildren .d sway Sunday at 7 00 a.m. at the Cninfretton, Ripley. and Dresden. In ray In& School basenntl field Dealt Lot stiatiente for Use spring played it "tunny and these boys rider Cecil Daintier', sill do the granddielhiren Mao survive home of her rninddiughter. Mrs. Kai Tenneasee and in Solite and Mur- semester at the College of William need an of your support, a makes- preaching Lunch will be served on She was a member of the Hazel Reword Dowdy of Put-yew. Route am ray in Kentucky Dresden was Uw and Mary have been announced man add There is no admission Sunray The public es Milted to at- College High Tests Baptist Church Tuners] arnange- 1. she wee a native of Calloway pa charge and home of het parents for many years Miss Karen Adams Students who in arry semester there will be thetty of tend mente are Moonaplete and friends Coure v after her father retired from the Given On July 28 make limy-three quality points exciting baseball Murray Oable Vis- Miter Larrimer Is the pester of In Art Workshop may nell at the J.H Churchill Fun- Elbeis survived by one daughter pa ion is uniforms for active irdnistry with at leant 3 hours of "A" and at purehaaing new the church. eral Horne Mrs, K Trevathan, Route 1. Mur- Miss Hart says, "Much history has least 9 the all star team and they will hours of "B" and with no ray, and one sum On* Roberts of =IP been made In Washington at my Students who were not enrolled be worn fee-the est time on Tim- Miss Karen Adana. Monroe Jr. grade below "C-. and`have • quality Route 5, Murray, Fourteen. grand- time — and nobody Who has 'seen III Murray College nigh Ian school lead 2 0, are Dr. Paul Sears To If day. July 20. The Cabieviskel Com- Hagh School. Anavoriengee, NM., point average of at ch adren and twenty-tour great it Mr se I have dens, Ma enjoyed year In grades 7 through 12 and for the pany srxt,,theW Keith Hill who is living on Coldwater Road placed on the Dean's List Deliver Lecture grandchildren abo survive. it more " Word/mar who WW1 try enroll MYfol.should are to be need for making the amorpar, is enrolled In the fifth folloveling semester and entitied to She was a member of the Flint contact the Otrector of the gehod. our bare the beat auttated team in 1111111 School Donors Art special privileges The 20 average is Dr Paul Sears. Protestor of Baptist chin-ch Funeral services Verona Shown "B" the district Report Warbles Mks conducted by Mar- Is equembent of a Chemistry at the Univerelty of Ken- we be heed In the Flint Baptist Presbyterian Women Test for new stutters* erte be ad- lilies The AS Star team, which is Tran- Sate CbIlsgs in conjunetese Miry Hum daughter of tucky, Is a ebbs lecturer at the Church at 230 pm Rev Robert Ireaseeemanammilmt menistered at College Mei on Wed Mr. end sited by vx A Smith. with the Plan Retreat July 19 Ma MEW Oallsys IMO &hest Ina Bugene W Hurn of Summer Scheme Institute, Murray Herring and Rev. Willie Johnson needey, July 26 at ir 15 am. At stu- mach .1 W. Young, IS as follows The worldrup Wes Mr land 13195 Oneby, Murray. attained this State College, tea week Dr /Wars will oniceate Burial will be in the dents when' to take ele ten the Ryan Milk Company :Braves Mr, Alfred Lindsey. Meettlent of Max Temp Sterth7 • tonneau thrash July 16 net will deliver a imolai lecture. "Ad- (Wove Cemetery should file an application for ad- Elm gdaced the knowing boys. Bobby the Worrienn Asociation of Cobege The minable Is dripeid for stu- in Inorganic Chemistry," Active pallbearers will be Jimmy MM. Ten. &may inand0t1 Mime the test date. Cnargibele Phill Jones Man Key. Presbyterian Mech, hes announc- Mists who wish to illignear and de- Robert Downey Dies this evening at 7 p.m in the As- Rickman, Charles Roberts. Thanes . Mike McDougal and Iltdche Young ed plans for the society's Annual get. Musnidity velop their MAIMS as ellistive ar- sembly leali of the Appbed Science Roberta, Bilty Roberta, George Ro- From the DEWY Queen Giants men, 1Ret resit, which wit be heed in the ias Instruction is peeled to rye At Home Near Almo Standing. second Boor, South Whig. berta and N. D. Roberts Melon- Jimmy Buchanan, Jaen Wilson. Church Sanctuary on Monday even- Forecast 'Iloden. Temp. Erwin F. Washer And talents concentrated migerienee Us The pubbc In Melted Coleman has charge of arrange- Wiliam Vance, end alternate Jerry ing. July 19, at 0:30 o'clock. ins or more media MIL emphasis Robert Holman Dennis,. age 511, Dr. Mars, • former student of Forename lbday Frankie Brandon On ments and friends may can there. * Raley. Representing the Sink at In charge of arrangements and tn indhedual expression and tech- passed away at 656 am today at Prof. Si, P. cleintabear of elettline- Muni* Pirates ere Bob Dunn. Greg leading the Worship Service will be Carrier Roosevelt -Wine his home at Nano. Route I. after ney elate *liege Chemistry /Matt, .11/01Cese. Steer feuremone, Steve Mrs Jack Beide. flidritual 14e Ithesard CI Jackson, workehogi cUr- an extended When nil be • editor unit) Wednesday, Father Mrs. Beshear Sheds Burton Young. and alter- Chairman. Western Kentucky — Mostly fair ector, mid that they are planned to He is surv4ved by his wife Whs. July leith He is accompanied by Dies On Friday nate Baxter Dieter 'The league The speaker. Rev Henry McKen- and a little wanner today through tiEti3 PRANK Lilt D. ROOSEVELT e'er prOfenional art training be- Nadi* Doymey 'if Route 1. Aim. bers.1lears and clitughter lembeth. Theaday A little more humid Thee- champion Parker Mater Tigers piec- zie, main of the Clagettn will ex- (CVA 42, (FHTNC) June 20 — ta* Mlle'e seui to provide an ap- one daughter Bronchi Sue Parkin% Clarence. Wooten of Raftineton. day. High tmeperatures tirday near ed the following three bon on the plain flee Menges Shall hare been Fireman Apgrentice lerwin r Wash- pellee for deny contact with of Pensacola, Florida. one MIL DANCE CONVENTION Kentucky, the father of Mrs (tur- 90 Low Unseen in the upper efts, 9 dream team. James Biro& Jerry proposed by the General Assembly er. USN, was of W. and Mrs Ned others who think cut art as of every- James Howard Downey of Rands. ret< flearther of Mwsny passed Meekly, and alternate nill Smith in the Weetnienater Confession of L Maher of Route 2. and Aviation day Importance. Wisconsin. three Meters, Mrs Naomi era James Cochran and Mrs. Joe 'teeny Friday the depos- Greenry, Mrs. Arne Watson. Penh, hug the Creed of FIVE DAY IFORIICAST Boatswarn's Mate flied Clhat Pran- both Cherry, dance Inatructors will at- Funeral wryness were held In tar- Revival Will Get it/ration. k* D Brandon. URN, an of DM. Inservice Training of Paducah. Mrs. Jame Clibeitle of the elmuner Detre Master 'Murton at 2:00 pm Reid Funeral Men of the cormregation are in- LOIMEIVIIIR — The five-day and She J. C./ Brandon of Route• Monet, Arimons; two Mathis% *Mention, Argy 12 through 14, at }tome had charge of arrangements. Underway Sunday valid as 'pedal Weds. to Join the Kentucky weather outlook, Tuesday 907 Mackay Lane. all of Murray. Ky.. Is Taught'At Home Claude Downey of Pa/mak and Is Chinni Bohol In Memphis andination membees in this retreat through Saturday, by the U.S. Wea- are serving abcard the attack air- Lacy Downey of Puryear Alese aht *her *where Mao all 'treed with FULTON FAMILY HURT Revival cervices will begin M the and study session ther Bureau: craft miner UM Franklin D Mrs. Doll Morton. Phinical Titer- grand chelren survive, Ihss se Sera Dempsey Stokes of OM Grove Cumberland Presbyter- Tempereaures Mil avenge near Rocerwelt, currently operating wIth iglekt from the Dtvinlon of Medical He was a Member of the Firet Inairesed and lees Roes Mary 'Pat- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pulton and an Church on Sunday night July Wham SINGING rionnal to 4 degrees above the me- the 1,75 Sixth Fleet In the Mediter- Oare, Dr Witham H Molleath, dir- Baptist Church In Murray. He was terson at Padunih. gently were Medved in automobile IS &nicest will be held at 9:46 in ntal highs of 57 to 91 and nortnal ranean • was in Murray for two dart formerly of McCracken County and scolderaho the wed owe the week- • the morning and at 710 at night. Thesenend of • series of folk lows of el to 72 with minor daily The Roosevelt, a princes& deter- lest weeit pane Mervice training had been in learemy since 1936 He MEETING WEDNIXIMY end. he, Fulton Mined • color- The patter Bro. Z. A. Mathes and tinting foe talltbelers wilt be held nuielona rent In egression in the Derepsim. at the Westriew Nursing Home. Ma an employee of ttse Blue Ridge bone or shoulder injury and Mrs. mernbers of the duet invited at the public Veen Three night Rahltal. Moab afternoon and African and near Pastern areas, 316s, Morton gave imsons in pi- Manuesoturing Company !Wand The Calloway Mindy Releowee Fulton a cut co the leg It mas re- everyone to attend. at 7:20 pm AD Ole ,and OrintY evening thundenhowers, win total serves as a mobile, illegustairdni to the start for the Invalid errengtenents are incomplete and Development Agency meeting will ported thed none were injured ser- Bro. A. J. Tony will be the erIknal?' teen-agers are libeled nlira 'Treys- one-t.herd to one-tian inch with lo- air base for supersonic Igniter amt Rem the bed patient tip to the triersk may call at the J H Chur- be held on Wedneeday at 1.30 at ious* and not pheed in the hest- Set. than mid cally higher amounts. attack aircraft of the age Fleet. anemia stage. chill Plineral Home. the Murray City Halt petal No details could be leaned.


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at, .,...... •••••• 6 - JULY 12, 1985 - MURRAY. KENTUCKY M NDAY =Mb PAI1O THE LEDGER & TIMES Hospital Report • THE ,LEDGER & TIMES C• mos - Adults LEDGER & TIKES PUBLISHING COMPANY, lac- mc olillonSkunif by omens - anblEs - 10 --- of the Murray Lederer, The Calloway Tones. sad-- The Dassactidatwo ostie,otai admitted 1 Dams derma. Octmer 20. AUICI the Wen Keotockao, January leas deshareed I„ UNIS. Sa - July 6. 1965 JAMES C Wil PUBLIsitiai Panned adiWILW41.0de &AL tinny* it NIS zee am. my Lamers to the Editor, C' reserve the right to reject Advertising The Almanac ilops 1110(adistnn, Rouse 6, which, in in- 1%1 Public Voice moo our tilArtire. ate Sat fur obi bow Louis Fronk West. liiesel. Mu. Au- ad our readapt keutuck By Tatted Press latersatiensi Mayfieki; tars NOM* T1O14AL S£NTATIV1. WALLACS WITthint CO, 1.011 Todo ii Litaaday. July 12, the Wooing. sad baler bey, Kuser a. Am., lanpiva, Tenn., Time A Lee Bide, Hew Yolk 14-Ya nerd day of IMO with 172 to follow. State Police Benton: AVM Ti.lenge ander- • Detroit, Bldg. Mica The moon is -iipproachud its full. Loy; Km Beulah Todd. None 'II Wlii Mitered at the Post Offiee, Murray, Reatucky, tor tramensoop se Ouse Molter Kirk Warren. 111131 &Med zi t Second Clees eforning lean are Saturn and Magician Too Lene. Ernest Witham Par,, Route up as Ammer 3 Mrs. Jeisepti Itteleeety, 218 North 111.3 )01- SUBSCRIPTIoN RATES. By Carrier in Murray, par week 23t. pa _the evenumpaers are Venus and S:reet, Mrs. Reba Mice City- amok fiso. la Calloway and edyincung counues, par ye, $4.50. one- 13:11 n Niue Mars tc,i, 3128. lith street; 0. lt Jeffery. einem, By CAROLE MASTIN lefthar an nutter eie N. sada air444.; ma. WM Snout MP" burn PAH PRANICPCIRT try Tel - Lee 1.. With 'The Ositsiseikag Civic Ailed ot a Comassidri ie the sign of mincer Amer ran poet and 1710 Olive Str, et. sin Wady Pao- Alien Ede& a lusuesient the 196 six landrity et it. liteepaper- aslianikst Henri' David Thoreau co-ill, 1310 Poplar. Kentucky Sttae RAW Pried A- heal, Dodger ma born on this clay in 1817 415 Sid* 9th Street. Mrs. °tote sher wrues trona tielterpiwtrple, like a MONDAY - JULY 12. 1n65 Oa this day in banory: 1heinp, 1509 Story. Mrs Ted Use *IMAM nor oreesdlithell Illthreatc in NM. George ameman. the - McCarty, and baby boy, ZI0 N. 13414 crime. mart wuzs snm4ca Is BEST pioneer in the American phut:ogre- Street: Mrs Jesue it Lee. 507 Pins No ptue industry. was born ba tame it wink to thaili- Street; Jessie Jobracea 512 8 lath ever h , • In ISis. the Medal of Honer was sods elm hies am bin Susie; Mrs. JAMall DOWL31 ?IWO. seasons witil FitnELILIUo SYRUS, an ancient plallomplier, is credited authonesd by °servo Estak 51. OEMs he is the worth's knd .baby girt, Model, Tapia.; Joe 25-6 m annies cracked some observations on the virtues of silelice and speaking up In 1441 German only state tompernatrolen. tiab Beta-a. Alsno. Mrs. t- way to the lltelin Line" in Rum& and Pew the met 36 Wan) die ondener- Holies, Route 1. Almo. cisme a. wan hi At the right time and under the right.conditnins that Senator manhed teiwarti tor of -the Medd Long. Robert ICeuriedy would do Wed to brulitt up on. In 11161. 13 mania died when • 1. Harclui: Mrs. than Gardner, and lanes A McDivitt nob Uten emPloYed by the Kentucky 75 MILES OF CALIFORNIA COAST is in this photo. taken oy astronaut and 'plane crashed in K. left, .... One was. "Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for Cantedovaklan SLIDAZ Poocoto env* his alentho baby boy. 414 S Ph Street: with a Nairn movie camera during the Gemini 4 orbiting Santa Barters la on the Africa a(-baud WU and delivez the man Keane, 1511 Johnson Street. iitas right Santa Monica. Capeuei at right a .saoe." with Santa Cruz aed Santa Rom laiand• and on woe of safety to =bug cheideni Rebecca Stone Ratite 2 Cari Ber- knows not Another: He knows not when to be silent. who A thought for the d&). Writee H. She atria ndt, 1414 Wed Olive. Mrs, Mau when to speak." And: "I have often regretted my speech. L Menaten said -1r..rusticea re- con" or 'Pied Pew Slakely.Route 2: Duff Erwin, Ftt. Oil wed lativ•ty easy to bear What adage as he le amain David McMullin, 305 South 15th Pleads never my silence." "Keep the golden mean between saying Iligignoine." a liattee mama triune some .35.h. Street: Mrs, Bay Max Rogue. 113 had wd is of -the soul. As too much and too little" "Speech a mirror - voltam schools throughoili South 13; Mies Sherri Lee Branoou Er- the was Payne: Mrs &Las Outland, Route A.:U1111111 Avenue, ilopionsviiie and 513 South 4th Street Mr Udell speaks, so is he." Kennon sith natereaming MAIO 425 & Bobby Box rry Bran- bre.'k a man 6. Earl Hudspeth. 2111 Winslow Dr baby boy Harrell, Miss. Vickie Car- win. Route 4, Miss chodkais Joe Pat Witherspoon, 306 8 Jer- nicrou The above maxims of Publiliusi Syrtis; who lived in the last Business min UDC 211. Cclunibt-s. Ohio .fack Skiriher. 212 man Route 4. Benton. Miss Mary don, 4Z South lith Street. Mn. 'inei twee to be Putt es owe-- 6th Street: Mrs Darrel Dowdy, and girl ry 'rat, $1 N 7th Street, and baby ceotury before Christ, seem especially appithable to the speech N Ind Street: Mrs Jackie Weaver, Kepi, Bunt 1. Limo. and baby three tenni io good entertainhak baby girt, Flouts 2. T C. NZ. 401 Rogers 113- Route 1. Hardin Mrs Clarence Keys. Master %Were McCann. RI boy York: Mrs Silly Route Jelivered to a graduating class of an international public ataxiirep.' them (*served "heaven Ilth Street. WilltSUZI Paul Mor- S memo, mo South ind Street: Mrs 1. Lyon Ocoee; Mr Clyde Rowland, Sou* 13th street, Mr. °wise :itiii of Highlights Lingua Sal- the junior senator from New York Friday in ion*, it 14 Doti 4 ir$14 in IMO ris. Rates a; Donaid Hardin. itet Telations class by Jad_lins McDaniel. Room 2: Mrs 1400 Cent. James Brown. $06 S. ,Long, . tgcr Cniddres are not the ievel New Concord. Mks. Marvin this administration's foreign policy, bc theta Prentireett and baby boy. Rt Isto street: Mower Kirk Warren -- NOW' I his bitter criticism of Ave. Glenn tailed Piess-ILeranisaal be Midget shoot tintioinnt Nth Hearts, 1641 Mrs. Mrs Cordle NOW VW KNOW Sw ar.d Dr I. Lynn prt vi' Paid Cunningham, 16911 nowt Ione. and especially to the situation in the Dominican Republic lhe Unit- MrtelinanCe." colon. Route 6 MA wAseariOnOli ON- • I Route 1,• F its Ikons Kira Rasta 3. Murray. Snored. Mrs. miner queue lines represents the Wird saw. Rea* 4: Mee . Dale Ilnidik Vietnam. ed States hod. OM Ma full _man - Ina ,--Ln_421_11_111111 Cloopir. 436 Millaen ats,;.d. Veiled Prom latematienal enulten el' law Mitemensed um vine Sareek Mrs. - talepbees _ lainnefo*__4etinedy tradition he claimed most of the credit Wane, of wiesames eleldistin Mar Otis--Yo •ses Mt Ptduceb. Kr, L. Prank West. Haul commercial Mile to at moos is hes ildy 'S Peet._ lel Poplar -Mies. exchange Ma opened In New Skim since 11E10 for the late made thillfr S. Mu, lathe: :103 Poplar abiptied. Ike 'sae, Pa,.chafl Liu felt 1111 the" gaiiskin foreign relations in Su' noon _Carraway, rth Sone IDA *mom ot_iill_Cilmospiii0_ oft- Jerry It a -404 76. WI Pop* Siren; Mrs. Onie Mande. fano, au _LPL acceinkno to the_ President. hie- blether, John F. Kennedy, Without even so with 14se 0-7-alt wren - like re-reels Tritheallinliart Ws are warded Maths soma air- -...W ."-libit Sineet, Mrs. Janitor I _O'Mara Motel. Route 1, Alain Mr Cellos Wyre World Anneasc S audit; lam Lis HillY much as a mention of Fidel Coat= and his cruel rximmunna, pita cause aseeplemese abcoo MR 161.C14 3:6 Jesse. t$ihonr, 1104 , the Winton Teem; Mn. twanto of memos Prdirriln in HE molts an mindulge with osrnett. nu lifearaire: nine Of Cuba. ti p stumbles in Algiers. and his brother's total le.ouria:uft C pta cnristy. rislaselh. aelleisie Pe ro of the various ethool ( obert Casielbers: Monte 6- Len" oat of the year. Tead s; Mr. lime Wagon. 1100 agging of Ben Bella when he visited Washington; his thartar ameba was trying to visit as mane ward. 714 Witillimin Avenue; Wks. med the mond r.ourblua Drive _ran Christy, Wien alienated our moot loyal Euro- nth a a Ilse woe yea ao not-, JAZIUS Wm. Mb Cam Siva; policy laward De Gaulle which due ao assorecuisam boom Team; Richard Taw. us Lester. The Divine church Vs. of in. whole able Si • given time ratted& direberved nen Ale 4, pean alIy, and the coddling of unfnendly rulers in Egypt MOM kir the mia Batesville, Mad., Mrs. Crawford Rey yew la inestighle. Ewen' hue di no reirertmre .13 HIS dna inn to .11117 1110 • • Mew Brett. Vivi Horton. and Lodonedia. dewgned to support • definite sof- • INA -Route 6, Mrs. Warn Gowns nos At the very time when our President needs the undivided YORK - Pam:had Either 1117 nen**. Beta eviound. Mina Mrs Preston Mous. Route 1. Ha,- • NNW 541, Mrs. Rush Skinner. 402 N hid hers awns. warlord= sat- Human Organizations of kus party leaders, the loyal opposition and every Cup. boa otters* to tnee trouble/I °me •P ert‘mrd to toe ararnignin- eel; cnorgis Barret. II" support toil Street. Illtm Fklieleler Amami One of Pam- Omni of a etheir neer in AV** sey; Kr& Illenin Nobinners patriotic American. lt ill-becomes a former attorney general ingdai. L 1.. k as- The ad More ishsch to utter the least hint of criticism of kiss administration which p mednsmise X Junes, a tenthly vemste eissimoter, rotated stole Ihma rumble 0: In the of Ocia is facing a crisis that our President publicly admits will get Is seeing elf adalantith non-opereo Is fling- The chiirt'i of nous Christ ea. -rae Ai:noway word refthin in a ers are write asswory madam eitaidistie on the day of Pentec-er ; -rue .t douche, are !-'1 that they much worse before it gets better feet eilleM real estate syndicate. beta tram • oinciudY fthried 74Mlos a perfect institution. Acts 2 rt was .;.11 i.ippxt all of these manonadr"..2 President Johnson has become one of the most contro- Popo. Wah perfect tildes be sock mopes.; by the very numi of Ood trgantutIonit with tre Lwel's men- 1 versial Chief Executives in the history of the United Staten. NM VP= - The nut civil up the story and *Ms vim the rhirelieltitenied fee X to The colleges ask the funds of - - piper to reveal a 11001rfirke deep work and `wonhip Ti the churc:us I. import all of thetr.:: regardless of party affiliations, who NOW dot Iglisral 110,11111110oht un- do. both in There are few Americans. basketballs der .the IMMO eseellepaleo be sod the seepan. •15Mety existed a Mutt Cie •d dill en/ El Iwo% Alta thin Inclooko "go all the way with LBJ " No man who has attempted to get ta- in, seeks ems awl menatese of An apprupt ate anecdote shout cegannations for mu Li bealontoll unforros Mod as much done In two years as he has airootty atromplished Okra seam ham g, leeMe Oho t911,04. Sid eALY a told while Bets titres .tt: -. " tammo,. out totalities of $oos...., he wilei the r Vats' an. who alt, lig, the authority for the people all *V dlibe;••And etrtainly'new ciesimea Mem .deuta.,ies audience - marl sift Toi can hope anplathe -en the deal of • Kew Tara egsswille 15.-a 'teetotal Lroltlt Mrs mot in winch taking tie, insney ;twen fate he has not done so Nntionis civil rights legislation. his polktes it over kir suith saw a mound at 6001.1•11-nnothe 4 three bake-inadamber sod greesso. trasiory and tensing _ relations, but see telel that no $ums on Lame. WOO av, pax"; ellgodeniallignign to roma the Mem ' ,chenew eamilan eamernessetrict The problem of uthitatImalorn vellelento • on esileger. authority is needsi tiosoitsli youth he has aotbilig to Rehr as frat as support of his golittary stand (Mame isliso he. bass Winn .!ito meow first &ensued for the Lord's people RIZ cornea. orphen Wawa, homes for the eleteeti and Was omparevasa the'erauta stales OMB' midi in thc form of th- mlasonary some, is emigrated human enterprises . - - - IS WA adlegda at Oa peltection Th- tire Meeting WAS called In the 'aged and "VW PE 's> tarry out our ...e 11: toe &IMP alas iboss who do not favor his determination law' yaw - Radio Corsi of Base dessands al Isemele fe team c.ity of Cin:truisti in the year or roninglaterita Ri South Viettmari. especially leaders In his own America Vol Plea Naticeel Cite any • aussuee and • to w- (lib Thls Itirain organisation was is IAA trac:ace continues tt Nava WWII wet large mopes- trai, r required two end • the irsclot of man and an addition party, may land Mutt Madam an silence Even if his opponents as* gain that Gals people no ape opened licreasun prelim be hilt years or mid wort and am- to the pet-feet churn of chost are right there Is nothing to gain at this Mine by contributing WAR where the Bible speaks the Met MAI of Oa Ilimellse. need peseta to drveiop Wt.' estalinajeth to preach the repel Weir aid Ian are no longer silent where to sii already confused state of affairs. Neat Me repened a 7 per seat LIMB trait deve4oped here C.1•4 had 1011..T, the church tiet Kith*is silent. Chapter and verse wthe min be"e MN Into keen experts Mr. Beneheati the skeleton : Tim Oni nothren in western Is th for what they warn and practice is molai of in solar eakivaeon recede- head he WS act. cost UM, Kentucky west Tennessee re- of si • thing of the past and they have IP vireo-Weer met -- he mid -And ter every week ins acted this depoitirre from the per- departe.1 from the doctrine of Christ. down sot. dimardad 100." he added. fect church re the Lord of yx • From The News 2 John P. I Cm 4 G. tastes latea an amompilehed • merit uses ontyartliaxluilper school CNITIn thiTt1174A T vs AL I HOG MARKET quiet. The first human institution to ar- The elusion of the church is to pstrotboys" vex - as Peddle Stier Zarket NOR ewm- dada s...n.c a workiS relieving the need] peach the gospel and save tots souls. I CHICAGO - Deputy Fire Marshall Michael Mahoney, , ha sor July 12. 1986 Kenseeky Pm- Meatier of troupe,„, appeared ji st over fifty errs ayo The Lori did not die ter bsitetballs following the fourth senseie i.p city iti recent theme of Iltow bumbling the drove-Arts Hof ileidlot mown he- The the depends 1011 In Acton when the widows and basketball tearni congrelisualli day Malone Bonne illeadeas an Me type at anion ne visits. at sere to be pio•leted for. !.hr apostles are in darter of toeing their 14110111. It appears we lino! bomber loose" saannteci Kent* MO Need. hem a tbdb actwal. Zits might media- told the church to seek out seven is the church of the New Testampat.. We II -- - road And Steady to lin Lower %la! w.te driving babas. at • cured Inge and they meld appoint threff to Those who cry out against Uwe. ' +thin, schud siefLy. or at a •irk tit 'lin church la NANTUCKET. Maas An officer at Otte APS, home Or U S. t a Ewa I 1104100 Ow MIS- lithi •- Acts partures seek to lave the 1110:41 c•ty e.ementery school, street and to relieve them who are ertomi• in- which our isellor the 111- fated radar pictet plane that ditched In the Atlantyt 13Ilk Pew,17-- 1117-1" no-the lbe bought church for ie. tr, II 2 and 3 245-170 safety. deed. 1 Thn. 5 16 with 19 crewmen aboard: lainnei tied. Fee sth oft-iiii.V SI! end -You react to the children in the "We're hoping and praying" C' wait until they're ready sad 1116-116 ibe IV S-2126 t' 2 and Pun 51a bew-' -mine ;tat over fUty Voc, owe it to non andic' Fines mad -the yodesillend eo• K El 3 mwm ecio-Old be Ill 09-1/1 25 trick years aga, human lisitthith n affer puritY of tiro chorea JACKSON, Miss CIvIT Roy tights leader Wilkins. telling II 8 1 and 1 name its 'els OW atirinere from 46 Min- buteaa tnstituuon ruis sprung iii 1111r•ellgatCOMie anthem that 1.000 Negroes how they should conduct themselves wheel Zak ute& to aft bder all to be onnorted by the blood- threaten to destroy the chords or registering to vote. &eight church and all without one the new Thatadiebt. "Don't go down there picking a fight with anyone or see- litg bow much you can sass the sheriff before he clobbers Yen-Years Ago you. The object is to get aeries on the bodes." Today LEDGEJ4 risisn VMS ATTEND THE TENT MEETING AT WRAY,KYr-z• JOHNBOPI CITY Tex - A report to President Johnson on Get ti Hewlett Clark, ag,e died yesterday at 633 at the Mu: first-year results of the civil rights Ian. df, Sec aril Batpitai fitilownig a innat a:lack. /de Was employed as : it "Complarice with the letter of the civil rights act is Willi Jas. P. Miller, Evangelist elation the Bank of Moira,* kettle time of his death achieved. perhaps, faster than the drafters dared hope " taderfat Ma, M dadies Ray Crouch of Lout pruve is eniolled in the RICOH versity ul Kansas summer session tfe is one of lour studio : so ra nes July 11-21 7:41S Each Evening frcm Kentucity ennAled In the ecnoril I Federal An eothitelanic crowd of some 400 persons enjoyed a pro- media tf en t.S. 641 MURRAY gram 411 Line Gospel Soloing Satordz,y at the Carr Health Tent Located 5 Miles South of Murray LOAN CO. Building The progiatri Woo sponsored by the Murray Junior • Chamber of Commerce MONEY HEADQUARTERS a, • last maim WOW I to , dog language. Cindy emote A total of $4,945 was turned In during the 1055 Red Cross West Murray Church of Christ 914 W.lafreet flee! win-Wu-weed Savaanao Ga... esteJ•thera say the hydrant's fund campaign, according to Ku Ice Pace, ezeeutiv secre- bought is an engineering oscoosity because et MA 100611.6011. tary of the Calloway County Chapter

All New- Fresh BIG 2 FOR 1 SFICI IAte STILL IN PROGR1$S. No Lay-Away Buy One Pair at Regular Price . . . Get n Second Pair FREE!! so This offer includes Men's, Wornesis' and Childrens' S)19001-You can mix them when buying,- bring the whole' fkmily! No Exchange Nationally Open We,,kdays Till 5 p iii . 1.4ridaY Night's Till 8 p.m. and Saturday Nights 'Fill 6 p.m. Atiyertised FAMILY SHOE STORE No Refunds All First Quality! ilerchandise 5(0 Main Street Murray, Kentucky Glenn C. Wooden, Owner


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• 3. "L .1' • - • MONDAV — XL? 12, 1965 LtDOSII lb TIMIS — 1111110011LT PAO! mutt Sandy Koufax Looks Good For I Jim Maloney And Milt Pappas Major League Record Expected To Start Tomorrovs,

Ry FRED DOWN PETERSEN Twins at first • Dodgers' first in the third and By LEO H. of the Mir.nesota UPI Swats Writes Los Angeles. took the lead in the UPI stens Bann _ rib Stapitana 1a-zonsesto, - Vihrit started ae a year of uncert- fourth anti the help td an by MINNEAPOLIS-St Paul PC Na onalmegueiced•- fa the ainty for Sandy Koalas was wind Gene Freese. ' American League Jim Maloney and "lait. Pappas, a preepset01 paring with a sub-pa- Up at one In which be sals a new Freese's bad throw saidnd Lou W. L. Pet, GB pair of eager beaver -riglittuanders Willie Map. long an Ail-Star hero maks' league etrikeoug record nu Abram to mesh ant base with A .646 who have practically planed for Mem was Injured in a collision at 14.1.00(111.1 League villkery mart for one out. filleighe by Ran Itairty and Cleveland 411 34 .566 5 the assignment, were espadtad to hune plate in Philedeptila Satur- lefthanded . Jim Lefebvre awl Casio Virola pass- Bettiosore 49 355 .6115483 6% e named the starting pitchers to- day night. but X-rays proved nega- With a 15-3 won-lost repaid and ed ball produced dee nun she a Chicago 46 day for Tuesday's 27..h All-Star tive and he is expected to start. 195 rurn a atter the Les blades 3-2 Los Angeles Lad. Detroit- ..... 46 36 .661 7 game. He saw his leg hurt Dodgers 811411, game. Kautax Woks A victory in -Me mond nine Lm Arens .. 41 44 482 131S Reed mansger.-; 0 ne Mauch of but when asked whether he wo:lio. lIke the a good bet tO wen 25 OWNS end would have enebled, the Dodgers New Yatt 41 46 471 14, the Nation& LeagJe and Al topes Pay Tuesday replied. "I'm on *Masten Bob rrnite% major Imileal to ream podeseden of feet Piece Washirepton ... 36 50 419 19 of the American kere to roster, ain't I." mark of 34111 strikeouts ins eassOn. but the Pastes pillied out die Boston .... 51 51 .378 A umounce their choices at a mann- With clear weather forecast, a se.liout eipeet- No Munn League TeRhander squmker when MOM hornered off Kansas City 23 54 2961 27% ing prom center-craze and ine bet- throng 01 47,000 ma ever has enjoyed two 25-victory Bob Miner with Mb sot to the Mi. Saturday's Results Ling was that MmiL.iey and Pipeas ed at Airtrcnollisio Stadium, Lociat - ..easons. But Koufax, who had a It was the that bil ended kg Mi- Waninon 5 Boston 3 3 finally well get the.r long-eought ed midway bettreen leinnespolle 25-5 meet hi 1963, is WM an his ler in 3 1-3 innings igui *MK Ms Miinnegova 4 N Y 1, let, day opportunity to atit an AU-Star and ht. Paul. Al in 3.000 steraci- itay itog room to hecurrung. the first. He has he fifth lois and pin Mink Oime- New York 11 Minh. 6, kod, MOM game. only WW1& haste boa sao: won Maloney, never A9-1 The stand.ue mom ticketa will go his laet nine games in mene- pin her Mid dewy.. Ejsepe City 4 Get. even_op an t-AGO Mid figures to make between had' Chime° 6 Saki 4. 1st. tvi Stir" Squad before, has won 10 games on Deistic sok it'noon, istrhipiii be- Cr 17 and 19 starts in the Dodgers re- Roberto Oneassees end Clirnelsobs Baltimore 5 Chi 3, 2nd, night for the Cincinnati Reds this season I lore 1 P. m. tome tune. maining 73 games. two each for the Les Angeles 1 Cleve 0 night and lost low. including an 11-inn- ing game against the New York • • Koufax* road to Peaces major Brave. Sli=eds Sunday's Results FOR CORRECT league strikeout mart poses more The Milwaukee Ilhaves shaded Minassota 6 New York 5 Meta in whet he pitahed hitless I difficult problems but his season to- the Cincinnati Reds 3-1 and the Detroit 4 Kansas City 2 bali for 10 Innings. TIME aid tal woad oorne to shout NO if he Chicago Cubs scored a pair of 6-0 Los Angeles 2 Cleveland 0 flag Apysanusee TEMPERATURE retains Ms current inborn peee victories over the Eft Louis Card- Pappas is making Ms thlrel ap- Unicago at.Ealtknore. ppd rain DAY OR NIGHT and works 130 more A10111 inals in other NL action Houston Breton at Waleibarton. pod rain pearance on an All-Eltai squad but Er- the way, Kaaba undoubtedly will at New York and San Prsuiciace Meaday's Games hie two previous assigninents were 751:6363 Sran- Own NL at Philadelphia who took up duty with base- in relief in he was not involved DIAL Orient hi man of 30$ were rained out, COME ON, YOU ROWDIESI—some of the 30 or so mothers (No games schedule/1 in any decisions. Re has a 9-4 Jet- ,trikeoutim—ern in 1366. In the AZIAISTI0101 League, Minne- ball bats to keep rowdyisin out of Frans Park Playground are shov•-n on guard In St. Tuesday's Game record t baby Math Seraigbe sota nipped New York 6-6, Los An- Louts, Mo. They complain that rowdies tun.a damaged equipment and harassed park N. L. All-Stars vs. A. L. Ail-Man red' the Baklmdre and amity lurked Lopes for the s 111 /Coutes, • question meet at the geles banked Cleveland 2-0 and De- users, and they complain about the -fteming laxity of our pollee departnieilt." at Minnesota Oriole.: PEOPLES BANK tem ge troit tapped Kamm Clity 4-2. Chi- atiohling emignment, prewing his wait of the an became of an - of readiness for it with a four hk 1-0 arthrttic anemia in hal telt dhow. cago atnitimore and-HoptiOn at Nadeau! League victory Murray, Kentucky reeled off hes ninth etralght Washington were postponed by ran. W, L Pet, GB over Leeks' Chicago White Soar in Priday tory Sundry,• 4-2 dedlerns—in the Men Aaron's 17th 110111iet, • Wo- Yankees Wear The Scars To Cincinnati * 36 676 — night. Lopes Vold Pappas not to worry opener of a doillaidmager over the rm shot to the seventh inning, en- Los Angeles 51 35 573 — about the amignment, nal Pittsburgh Penes now Mokili' abled the Braves to tag Olsen- Ban revenge° 56 543 amuring him he was 'Dun to see a lot of ac- pbooe ite.h-inning homer enablat the Pi- foci 13-gaunt winner Sammy mil Show Killebfew Rally Star Phabideighla .... 46 38 .636 SR tion" bombe he en well rested; tan n rates to win Ilse second woe 4-3. -rwitt2 in fourth imis Ken Jan= 101samille 41-W .613 -676 - -u.dwe ott-Boar- =Integra to-mint- o the Koulea._yras-basered tee lumers ere ratelyet.,stredu for his Muhl& wis PEW DOWN Jerry Fosncrw, years. • number of the Bob Baikay and Donn Cloodenon in although Tony Cioninger patched Sy the fifth Minnestaa ill. Louis...... 41 46 477 114 pitchers in the WIWI TOMMY UPI Sped* Writer . tua third rioter,' of the.. this one WIIN ante up to Tuesday's the float tonne bUt than latt out HASPer had two Rouse= ....___ 39 46 .464 trLi The New Tort Yankees WSW Ohm The game well rested. ,161Maliwith three hits the rest hits for the Reds, who Wad the sec- Yankee bed pee ahead M Hee Tart 90 56 431 20 the Maloney. like . He warned may two ond-place Dadra, . 574 to .873 awes today to prove that IllarlE100 top of the nen an Inas Chanel ...._... 40 46 .471 1) Pappas. pitched Pei- Ng= Leer/ Knebres beionp mean the nen. Howard's Ink, an _sneer by led- day might, deterneag the Mitira.utee rde mxi struck oat 10. Jadomargavelastr an eight- 111111411" Regina abodY hes, Braves. And his GET RID OF daglidi home Jeff Torbert for the hitter ond Oat Anew a ais-better Joe reptionele. 117 an NW riliaatilese 01010WIlii micieser. Diet Eis- Killebrew elli be Wine dartinst ler, toil to ken the crowd ot 34.579 at error by ramose. Mickey Wan- Las Annan 4 rimaine 2. let ben neer lbw ems: -You ROACHES lineup against the ReNallal League won't Wrigley Mit Chimp. to • double tle played the first seven innings Plhabludb 4- In Angeles 3. 9nd tondo •OA spike min Tues- in Tuesday% Ail-Star Wee beesuse day.' AND ANTS 2: shunt, Ones Krug Mt a three- for the Yankees -and became the 10 BSI Brown= of the ChimpsWhite 34th Premiums egel homer In the fourth liming of player In lamtery to score 1500 Ohioan I et Louis 0, let Roach cad Ast Is Sox was forced out rd the game by No mean who the deellot pit- the fine game and Erna Banks runs by tallyine nice. Spregy ••por,tos an injury. Chicago 6 St Louis 0, bid cher, ark the National ;segue was Susie's Cafe Mt a three-run homer in the sec- fat avaititill Indians Loss Again Houreon at New York 2 104133••• wand at 7 ,to 5 to go speed in ond game to provide the big blows The Minnesota 'Pirate' lose Pewee nsuoular, postponed. rain. rthis Aii-ator sorbs for ei. fiat for the Cubs. Ourt Memnon and 210-pound first bowman lad the The Los Angeles Angels shut. ., eneekles po.orfv4 &Mortars Results time. Bledi lesiva Imo 011111 17 of of 000 lb Ray Eladecki were the kering pilotl- second Moen at the AL Messrs Mi the Cleveland Indlons 2-0 and the Chicago 11 St. Louis 3 time pest 36 gm= Mak alm • tie. fosidool (loot t ChtOT ess kr the Cardinals. their voting but ea tar as Detroit Tigers beat the Kansas City the Lou Angelis I Pettabargh 4 Triers was a ket-alpute change 'neap wand Yankees an concerned he's the Mo. Athletes 4-2 in other AL genies Hendon A New York I WORLD BANK 011EP — in the Misorlakci Lynn mind. be Sop bolk. s t• rim- 1 choice for potential at Baltimore seal Botitan nieetagni, In Menu togsten T. Merchant (above) Eke regaseleso 7 RIM. 0. night Papier al the Timken reekeeng Inds of - e tacit. It may be that the U Washington were maned out. $00kreigi bine nes Ii President Johnson's ap- ClniammalliS Idervaukee 8, Men INI immuswin ar the White an at their:: Kilieben h& eunder--olt Nit •- Gimes peirernmedi In the Nation* League Pitts- pointee as executive direc- Po Is in nib a lads injury. latball4 Wu% the time he was. mowing (NO passe efteduledi burgh beat Los Angeks 4-3 tor of the World Bank. Met- illreemen vas inn to Meet at that and in- iirovrto as a firit-strIng AU-Star at"'• Tgashey's Gems 4-2 lase Mewstakee nipped Cin- a:zit, 61, was uader secre- lase by the Perm stetla —wail be remarnbered as Me mast Pt, Lw An-eurs va. A. L. All-lases I cinnati 1-1 and Chicago bed Et. tary of Maki Win Ilismirni in. Lopes was re- rity. for devaetatinig Wow struck against the at Miongeolle. Lows 6-0 in peated to Mei Benson LAWebrese . ito the ; Yareures sessen. both ends of a dioubte: tor wash • GET header, The Houston at New reek o BitoS 4 BeLyweed Sirens and San Frani:taco at Pedladelnizia LADIES 111114WER LEAGUE t• youth gainer were washed out by rain RID OF Team w. L. The scene cnubi have bean in , for the ; Three-Fourths . 9 In Hollywood. TM Yankees. lead- Dean Clancir. 5-5 at the 1904 AI- emetics 3 PESTS Reapers 6 6 ing 5-4 in the hide= at the ninth. Star break. moored hut sixth v7 Go-getters needed the vanory teeperately to against four Maas with a seven- ADAMS 6 6 get moo hitter Chance singled a at ma Jolly Three Ss 6'4 poilidlon he • ine-season home the WE'LL BANISH drive Ran Ronne ems ea nest iLos Msediss run end the An- pie na fl,7J... 5 7 first base, ism were in and the gola added theft other run e speaks Three E tante. 7% count was 3 on an THEM FOR GOOD anci 2 Pete error by shers litickelsen needed anh• Mad basenan Max Al- Team N9ftMem MCI one peanut In vtr. Lee no verse Amerce an Import- ebnge suffere Ihanml Is the persistent presence Tliree-Pourths 616 ant Yankee Manx', he. for the Indium C SHOE settee is .1 silverfish getting ytAi Reapers 102 it; hay, • But Kilieligew Masted the next Hank Aguirre clattered 11 leis and down? We'll get them out if Christ. Mich into the loft Dead stands and won his 10th game wane four of your boost or apart- Team Itigle $ Ones (iec) the Twins nude off with a 5-6 losses behind a Detroit attack that ment to out! STAY Reapers 1756 elikery that gave than 10 wins in included homers by Gates Melva •ch is to5. Three-Towne 17211 their last 11 sprztas and Norm Can end Dkk souls. ataiblast Mingliffs oat Thee Stecties West SALE GET OUR FREE 1613 thern to opal to a Ree-spanse fast Ekon, who esis ranged he five Moe lead. k Knebrew's 16th hits and lour mons in 4 1-3 lallkags, ESTIMATE lad. High Gioia (PC) PI= homer of the season and it MT suffered his fourth in, Istlimint.. Beery Doisa RD We exterminate pests those( de= i Sandra Onlmore STARTS TODAY, JULY 12th. all Wads at low coat ear MAW lid High 3 Games Betty Bois -heckle Gilbert Sale Runs IL Days Only ed lie RC Jenny Homphely ...... _...... lei alien lir KELLEY'S PEST rive NO has that Avallarti Betty Riley 167 SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN hurch 01 CONTROL Betty Powell 197 Jeolee Gilbert 147 Phew. 7534911 Buy One Pair at the Regular Price . . . My Rowland ...... 143 KL-to SELECT THE SECOND PAIR OF YOUR CHOICE . . Get the highest rate On your savings at Security Federal Savings and Loan Asso- ciation at 174 East Center Street in Sikes- 4i ton, . Savings are insured up to $16,000 by the Federal Savings & Loan In- c0 surance Corporation — an agency of the Federal Government. Your savings lin- etaii„? mvirmik, teed fa tely available. 641 • ore !Nal KED SA TINOS FOR ONLY 5' SAYINGS ADDED BY THE 10TH Buy For Two Different Members of the Family! IN OUR SELECTION EARN DIVIDENDS FROM THE 1ST WE HAVE . . . 278 Pairs Men's Shoes; 940 Pairs Women's Shoes '1.11•Ta 0117 Mr. Ames M. Board. Manager security Penni drones & Loan Aso. ACQUAINTI:0' 124 Itara Center Street, !Ilkeston. Mo. 420 Pairs Children's Shoes Seed yen amen sweet sod tafermaties tat • .today am adattloaa I la farmsslow o a famaarlal Name BRING A FRIEND . . . SPLIT 1111141.111.14..t. Foe may woad THE SAVINGS!! Andrew .eEff•aboa vodier — NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SHOES in *pea year sites.' awl City State fide "waif**. Adams Shoe MIT FE VACATION—Janninme Kennedy, widow Store ON of President Jabs P. Kemeny, walks with her son. in John, Hyannis' MURRAY, KENTUCKY Port, Maas., where they, and her daughter, Caroline, are ass spending a month's vacation at the Kennedy Compound. All Sales Final No Exchanges No Refunds 924 EMT LIINTIOR •Smionsel.mstallil . I., ••

„ 1•••••-•"••••". • •

1••• •• •


••-•• - 47.



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..*•••••••••ftiell• •••••• MO MONDAY — JULY 12, 1985 THE LEDGER A TINIER — MURRAY. KENTUCKY • 'amennaearmaamallIMIle ,•••••=•- -Erwin Wedding Vows Are Read She man $ Wen el haw whipped Broach creionVilehed Ow the attendants Social Calendar Phone 753-4947 " It South Plasant Grove Methodist Church except ter Mont puffed deems and dont% WS Owl with a bow In the Club WO lave its dinner The Ledger & Times • • • amok. Her headpiece was hke the* Monday. July a Wilswite• the Wornao's Club House of the eitendenta She calmed a The Genealogical Society will seeetiret at petals home of at 6:30 pm. pLnk beeket Deed With rose meet at j:30 pm. at the • • • Serving as Met wen for the gettan Mrs. Price DoMe. Baptist Clatrroh Wo- as. has bather The poomemen • •. The Pled itienonary society will meet Guy Miler, Teddy Clara Larry Teeeday, July 13 maas at seven p Cloodh. and Darrel Sena Tacker Carole of the et" the church ELIE The • •• Monty Wawa cask) of the Fire' Methodist Church will meet at Sox CMOs likelVerst groorn. was the fingbeams and ow- 9:3111 am at the home of lira Bry- The Demehp art 1 Claire& WAIN' MEI most at the Welfare State. and eventually ned the ones on a WE.. satin pil- ant Toth, 1339 hitairi areet Baptist - John D. Lonna at Why we cant see I is low thi-horne of elm a we- beyond me I mainarried to For her damitterb wedding the 412WiloadtOw Fleet aBestam Church 930 am. • • • Na Dear Abby . n oho relines to teach responsi- brippe mother wore • blue alb po- WARI:11111.ei am follows: I each bility to her, clgildren. Mow I Melo SW& and III with South- 753-1 en drew with instatthe haatfew haw ..R. The W1.41: they for the that I cotdd combine her -WM she bhp deem Us was trimmed in Mos at 11:26 san., U welt the as,. dell Rots western Regicoal sell be hold at MR. is cheating diem Miload at helping velvet Minh du were iddin at her Ken- Assembly WE Mre IL. W. Mumble Jonathan Creak trims them And all in Yu Byte of Moms, albite doom and a comae, Moly Ulm midage at 10 am.: IV asked to at 9.30 am. Each cria S & Du menntiona Whinda White at 2:30 of white with Maa. he: oval lurdi and bevereges to Brutally Frank! "ALARMED' pink raven p.m brim He's Whs. arwin Mose to liner a p.m., Vat Ow Chapel at the teseenbly. • • • may be treueht at /Men with • pird anis hat, we T. A. Ilailter of Murray la CONFIDENTIAL To LILY: Deal and a cor- No 433 Or- Mrs. pink those. Milk gleam Morrow Slim Chapter prnackta maw be• Num- its regional 11011 \an Buren salt Ise I.Thee neas Of WE. eanallem der elf amiability Oar wtil hold • • • othu leas Issaliv, wet Ws very mar ,The bride% greitemothete, Mrs- espalier DAME* to tbe Mersonie Hall bemeislaa. Oble Anne WE tam W. H. Ihresch. at 7:30 p.m. Pithy. July 14 • • • • earl the groomn mendinother. Mrs - •• Story hour for acond through wan Teem Bram were white carnethons' 11seynten Prod Circle of the fourth grade will be held at the Woodmen Members Pao Idesikeitis Chorea WAGS- mill Iattertror- three-um DEAR ADAY,-Pte Wald& =hoot De Wel _as the 0141011 11 la*. Publk For ---- Miers taiverea Orem kept the re- mat at the house of Mrs Rex Alex- MnOtafillina mt. mg brother swot wef wtwn reL the Emit awl' - Make Plant • • • -001740 ?OM"' at the dumb. ander at 9.30 Lin. - we aSOSO der 111 ode eid ea en* York Trip • • • Arther sewed@ New Pollkening the omentany the cou- of mar Semi% beeling gligaildsbinge. DEAR -GOING": Wood. Orove 1.1* held da re- friendly. warsi-boarted nun ple lea for a Meet wealth], trip The Mice Sestets arch of the taleephs, a ems a be. g. xcomed Elks a nder moighly meeting Thursday roe with tbs bride wearing a green allk Pah Mothoriht Church Wi9CO3 will biether awl he mid at was no "lbw W mud &lima rim Wass evening at the Murray Woman's asamanc.e It ta ad- Mesa lisid pleat suit oath white meet at 9:30 am. at the home of Rift — he couldiot ddolk ot waat to bealana. Club Rome. and blast patent aseamorles. Dan Robertaon, 806 North l8th sum Ines ymi want privacy ta grove president. Leslie Renal Om, Mrs. thing litia kid muld wemore. Robbie Paectall. Illr, Wes, James orchid Warm mil Arthur yes want Heider Her sormige was a Mate Street. lames godendeed A.we ma Ow presided itarecaLkor. Sea by • • • lam so plium to stay South Plea- h& father, was lovely In Ow Door Ions Roma is a him graduate of In ant siinip. lie Om bad • Aide 'isesigaise Roberta Ilimbday pruse vent to The moctuory ot the swat pm call we length wedding gown of Mute pew Gallaway County High School and Teenage lelk dreging will be held troulle Omani Mom/.Int Met is ag Ihe Lashes Rutb Lasiter sant Grove Methodist ploineb ways tai Ala Ow ire Me. The drau wee. lashioned Mans to outer Murray elite Col- at the Mac Library. Ills and lam. not manommato tami-epera to. lila Than illiaaj Prior to the Mum a group pict- the some of the wealing oe the Miami& duskier • malt a setaight panel iti Vas Dud lege UM fail The groom a a Ma- at 730 pro All city and unuay The Meek was addremod Mr a cat wam MEM( uru11.1 Nada of Mame present who Sharllyn Kay lardmit;. with follimas at the Mok odeliding dera at 3LtirraY Mate Codege They youths are Ins itect it 11* went Mut stlartisa ettnia. be homing next week Der New Or. and Wm Pawed A. Him*of son. so he geoid all home • • • • • • Leslie alto a lotig.Arain. Of medal War- are molding in then trail or troultat He juit looked painked `Dirk to attend the WOW Some- Murray Route One. to James V Mrs Jerrie: tet in the beck wee the Weal on Murray Route One Wednesday, July 14 arid mid he was pains to mit cern Clamp, Much oanvenee Erwin. son of Mr and DEAR ABBY: I oan I forget that Etephtt fok1 bow milli stresatins to thsAlldr lieheareal Demmer MO to served at dm I'm afraid to tell raw hisslisod ler WM at the Antioaoalla Hotel Warren Dula 516 South letter m. your collognn front the mo- end a $at inntorial rose on the helm Mr. WE Mrs. Emus. the groom* OMB Clitillier Club Rosereatioas fear WS take my brother apart- Scheduled to go from Murray in Street. barmy. ther who complained becamelher bow Medhalone Imo a the flint porde. Were twom klZoweliMIMPI mud Melilla ens WE In advance what do ywu anke of that? the Game Party era 13 Wall Mehl- Rev. Hoyt W. Osida married ctuldren distended on her elm on 111M- of the degas mid Ow Dims poiplibil dailegif AMIE at the Re- by alsitingto the Pro-eheo or W- DAZED IN ORAAIIIIIRIDOE Mn. Motional cammateeviemers the double Meg permirwm- Yet Mcatiera Der with ewer spous- sleeves an. lait -book of the arso ismagag es Pitchycouple__ hom the IMalbolut chairmen. ague 1•113.11131: Tam Mellier may ME go lw Mose to New Yook. and man. June M. et eight °bloat In e. and their chairem and the hod as lasterted with tiny selt covered The MUM gifts 'WM or oo-cibuinwee. emeat welL liskliwone • Janette _Sena-'Ate terWE- Qat!" or do-an -41a, woribis - 109-41111k-MI-miebie pressugibasint 111Inse tbe- -bei Usual Idenitia- darter- Miff gradadhlalr- %WM EMU cleaning up. Mae ot her mar- via- tubed to • double SPOOR ot UMW Owdeele,m.itaiirJK lovely heats are Owed to sehind. IS me easserage 11. A Maim with Me. Lyres Reamm who wdl be wrought Moe sr bait a lowdr ried children :end them human& patch and her map assolare errangssnont of pint The weal buit snows* son. Jahn Mac Carter, and on the weihIM. Way se Way Wood 'seeded • p.. erten-mined thumb's Meg hret at the Mee plink net boa Med with and whew New York abaft id TIMM AM- inia her pearl ea:romps. MR favors ens illossit wed M. 4 Wear salt eio at the Weir. Story hour for preschool through giving cards and goesiping. hist Woom tired pink alise to Maw& the couple tW hi the group are Goias' mon were eiaollibm side of the arch • • • • be? dime medding Is-es grade will be held m PedAm .,gon bind can parent* Oplia cren- amen-brenehed can- /Meowing the Owd. Reale Pa,sehnil. flanked by the cooded WM* able topped Library at three p.m. taw NATO ENVOY-1161m Aram, and neve Thh mother reeved them cited- Birdie Ote i Covers were Mid for twenty-seven paha MAY ated. Knikken iwiterson. dekabrea. Ontemey orenpleint the mho • • • Cleveland (above) replaces apa tren, end they are doing mactly what with a matte Maid mitt Mew mewtill & year, ega Ids2e. Ida elmaluil- decamhona 'The ?sadly pays persona as U.S. Ithritor. 01110ga altar tiad in lovers knots. • • • lam= Z Fteiettee "No b„:11,01 the tomb' them to do. SI alba hod Lunde Men bows bon Strallealli of bilk stir ISO. TWO. Mae 0.-01. were 11111,111N1 willt white Maus we the malt of The Ifialotory. Auxiliary the wodembler to the Bath At- Moi *lid. and IraIned them to AtoosPit abate Aare and • lima.* mosed mentme Mid& balm Denning. Lamm Cheedord WE Alas North Pkaaant Grove Chlotberland babe Treaty Orgaidadion. of tinumbakt reepepelbliatees. in- Mrs. J. W Joime. mingle of the halwir Mae Yeah • • I am ttaa mar- Milano Lae" Maellaa flue Riran. brides- Preibyterian Church IVA meet at asident deed of waltiog head and feot Manta aaii played Charlotte Dollen ware the I :it I F dativeleitd lee been manta went flinwingker. Medelie Talent. bride. waii Me /14./1\1:: 4 the church at seven p.m. Wide a- Sadie Me was- whits They wore floor lehlth dress- sumbe• et State tor inter- swig Wildkiense. elect- tholia-idet Jasamanoawligle WM severed selaillons Includimg 13 a awenips, Lemma nod Old Jobs. &maned Thursday. July Whoa! affair% bee:titan wed dunimikiss. ekes podium &Lionel middle, marchat ler Vie efi of Moo wIlltiocd cram Mete realimmt. MR he The group sell vielt the Warld's blue 11- The Buenas and Peotessicars1 mem 004 And ihs."Meld - and the mosedmisi/ She the bride's Weals Ms& Itoir1130041:Sa nod Wail and alPop MOM it mitered to proceeds:1mi into Parr ProaMae Mikes vein were attached to a eisie :-t-: werwern We haws • Iwo* rwse flee- NM' wade hem Menemil 10Ir Mims Diane West sang 'Ob New York. eiega be ll'addnoton of the blue Id:appeal cream Itteher does- ow& Issimplee. awalamiste men and by Me- and *I Lowe You They", and nude out fif:s • tenagatoe. eat if alight seeing Map saloret hume they cier'- Lord's Prayer' as the coup- Their Moss were tdue and is% me as. he gem lowbuig for me WORM of Wameadeow. Va. Wm may r9.4 bouquets of light and Sark Milk He even Ur to be rata Made me am weftdab be point DM Swore Club knelt on • ki4-ditig bend& —1 The Jessie lialiton • sem 1to Oh is a abaft momple al WM• The candles Irmo Ilgteadby Tan)- aarnablona in the iliebist caoldnill. meeting' has been conceded for was Mee Tama hoggioniem to our Maim Because Harms and Tommy Poseiml the Lower There ARE Uniss wipe I do, need mince so maw ell Ms rissostierb alU fly bride. awe not amight their in dwrriher b) Cumontseiss Mem of the hie help Isr ameilibeg Ow trash etc, ths snothers of town on the trtp. The bride. given is be out but how can I get scrams Igim chilkirea to be respoodlike and HEY! Iladit ohm I NWED trilreal WE Mr wens dew • wit. Ire new tarn, Hir's sup wiswatles sad 1 dual been • lease wasniampe • addle leant to bort flaking& Pisan sr- Ulm MOM ammillikg ler netiNg. Real Cool Ideas poimelles weer thee theeedis yaw seams Wale In ille eldRefile IA* arand Finates For Dessert a PVT A . . . DAN WEADVAll spewed ice email Weide a NEW T. light, no-bake des- ITS fiso Tiger i6 Y°U41 Tank! XWmeta. such as the two fee- la qt- mein' INK -At. hired today, are popular In sprinkie 2 tligiKerailio Moo summer. Who wanta to tun mi cake sod gime on Ice cream on tlaa, oven when it's hot? Myer. arenas Servicenter ChM awaponamt milk in re- BOONE'S, Inc. Murray Esso Kelm lied TIKES frigerator tray until atft ice NM()& SSW MOTOR OIL - ATLAS 411/11ba Praline, with Its crystal ferns amend edges a/ A Tr) Our Serrtet and Be Cvneineed! Has orange fia yam IAA:, tray-ead to 00NMI. - WIC GIVE - tar Perak Ice ceimm with mtg. sinporated milk tmtll * Sa GREEN STAMPS * allemie cake /*mem In a stiff (2 min 'Add aontain- LAUNDRY intim NEW LOIN OPERATED •I meld. We 'Erred With- Ana-V.1W • Ds* &MK Mier/ &um shit, about": tali On The OPoWile-Lblw Angel rood, Beat eh• r bet; fold be Pie hillas an eselly-enede Co- whipped emporgaim conut lama Quit that bolds Tura into oohs WM. College Farm Road a Ad* WE delicious filling of Freeze until firm Mumma milk and Al Five Feints Go ahead. vthipped eveporeted on serving-1*U. lir" WE VIM debNia Dark have& Plierry Baum Phone then. Env sis the nitlp.M. Serves I. 1. FREE PARKIMO A-PLENTY SOME PliALINK 41a.comamoraNG 41 from now, DAILK swELT 2. (Am, in less than a minute 1 mi. Matta:wean iir.itev BAUM 3. FREE STARCH 1 (1 lb.) can dark 4. WASH 15c, 20c. 25c - DRY lac you can trade news. I lisp. anew juice sweet dierrise 5. ATTEN1DANT ON DUTY 1 c. diced sponge or I the,. Wear 6. IRONER booties arrived. _ wiellow mks 1 thip. corestana And make sum the 7. HAM DRYER c. (small met undiluted tap. grated Mos= Pod Mad sugar, ammeters*. motil the same bolls, about pod % WE 8. ralc-ur FOR DRY CLEANING AND hear what the baby did tciday. cyanoses t ed milk Dash of Chial16011 lemon osul einstrese be And 1 pt orange milk ph. rbet 1 tsp. lemon Men Sweeps", Stle Oh IMIS/Vell Add cherries and beat FINISHED LAUNDRY After all, Dark Sweet Cherry Drain eh•rries; reserve Syrup 1-Ssa, kola POW for 2 min. 9. DRIVE-IN WINDOW Hance ItYrolk Cook ~Si wadtbitly. Mabee about 3 o. IL DOLLAR BILL AND COIN CHANGER what's Long Distance fcr, COOONIPAL1311 ANGZL FOOD PLO if it isn't to keep you 1 (3 am) pkg. Nms geketla SPECIAL dose to those you love? e• OHM &espialIda- akin 96 a. hot maw OFFER mistease • hot ihas Mee Ott ACQUAINTED I a. undiluted evaporated WE. good at this store only. Special on 2 thew ham Seise 1 (11-1h) Coconut Crwnb , . Dry Cleaning July 12 thru July 15. Crud MEN'S Dissolve gelatin mil mpg MANS dater-WE oda WE gatilleteney of on- litatat oar masa. ..allhaveganated IMAM Is- CASH and ('ARRY Isamahor May mall rltege to hese firOWE td cis sts was. OMR etWE(1 •••):146411ager FREE DRYING e157 stiff (2 Ea. teldp Offered Thursday and Friday Fed Into (MUM palatal lillotime. Spools isto Omen* armth Crust CND until SOW UtoIbrs,. De:arab WM • e Wee and mist, ft desired. cocoarT.cams deem • e. gam emisat BC- ONES' aside eminhe BAN Wear It c. melted butter Mix ell ingredients lagellair. Corn LAUNDRY IAMELT To LOOS AT and luscious to tail*. Hombe Praline ad perfect deasert-for wIttn1 Lin.aides WE beams ef Oda vitalase. Its kgrwass• maws ice chew, WE dairbet, taliade Juke Slid sPouP Wu" fie plate with Madura combhaiate Five Points - 401,4111104 -

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•••••• • A-Aio

, _1I._ Ammarns,.. "mommak. TIMER MURRAY, KENTUCKY . _ MONDAY - JULY 12, 1965 THE LEDGER dr err eral pona, sizes 4 and 5. Mernarel Downs, phone 753-5463. .1-14-C

s•L ••••'• rums ,BPINET PIANO. good cionektIon, PUZZLE Answer to Wind/her ER '74 full length for- CROSSWORD MOW ollit.-yellow. Goad condition. 1307 ACROSS 6-U lbtSki ISTIMMU Holds in W19111120 =IMMO /Aiiiiii.)4#9"DEA"S" Mid. Risme - Jahnion 753-3135. 11,gh regard .11/4 • • \ raii inner 1- Ansi° Saxon ODOM WWIN J-I4-C money Illerilrag• VT73 iouse 4- Hebrew S. Nuiesnee • 4311@ S. letter 5. Four .1K1 ,Ais9F:! (Roman FOR SALE OR RENT House and number) 11 t':, 11 11q1:13 of North 4111 and Chest- dltIon Ountaut W. H. Rogers. Call 10. reality tbScorner of High Salmi 11 Number Wo- lot in oone bits* 12.A state ._75374a4 N 0 TT C E nut h now under new management. LC WAN T,.10 753-6666 J-412-0 15 Printer's mem FISHING SUPPLIES anti Hoeptbiti, thonli payttients and measure (abbr.) ME1C! -MINN 00 Ray's Service SWAMP will be open 10 Comm on 14 Farned -J121-7 1BOYS CLOTHINO--blaok Wig 'long terms. Phone No 4$6-5830, 17-Country of W1 /AL= Iran 6 a. in. uz*8 p. in. each to. se•na _120r1.1 _202 ELsomALux a eairvice. fur collar be Bente Few, nid , New °mooed Ky., 11, B. Baey, Sr. te• Rater In Asia (Ai m ty. 0-7;111M0 Box 213, M. Band- the week. Your business ' Ilily 20 MUD= Murray. Ey., C. throughtut HELP WANTED 'J-13-.c Artificial 11712113 top coat. sports coat, all size 5: see- 10. A state 116. 031AP1 &MAO on Phone 3113-31741 Lymartlle, ePtiratillned. Phone 763-0490. lingua ,41 IN at "II be tabby 1 TPC J-13-C BAIT WORMS 21. Ripped 24 °mottos Ms it • 22•isa 2e•Couple Freshly Dag - Active Curb, Dinning Roowi tor Si Extst 24 Cher plant 27 • sis.• 44 Symbol roll, any type. $0- Remain tellurium 511•Ilymbol tor ROOFING. Buildup• and KitCheli fe Lnwsial tin Naw 2,004.0r war waatm491.10ne rIANOS, Baldwin Organs, GW- 42,10114 re ea umber ittorislio et Spanish 450-Organ ot 24 Mentat * Seek. article Ainp111.10% iitagnky x NOINTICOADLIrael 00 ter $100 - Ondienly 48 Thinks 7534331 or 463-0334. July 12-C Park -Apply In Person eos, TV's, Records, Rind hun, HAUB NNOIshil _ iO for 81.0e Ii Bird'. IoniC $7 Lampreys 51 Marutrs. 52-A ooet.or VI Quaver , labbr.1 the -.1 in. "TEC 33 Man', tenet at OF 1)=.31 TV as Bar Ments, your ,omplete music tub BE?.LL owilnIATO 54 o..4.0. on 11.4• Knockout 41 Flambe 13 Wint•r ettely now employed at DkM arross from the poet office, Paris, - - 34 tovect egg• . Cirbbr I Tnigeration Ii Jerry's Restaurant : 43-Tea. pt•scioltatie. 34 Dirk to Piano Corn- I •Cell et Bee Cad & Dunn Eleetric & TV. In Use futun Tenn. Torn Lollard° .10/RE tre RCS at -J Mrs. Ed Smith South 12th Street 280111 MIN N to coned Mr. Bell call 753-3017. pany. H -31-C SUCH AS MILEAGE' .1 Mike trim Court square ua Cue. J -14-C President embly. July-21-C , GAS, MANTES/4K 40 T Wee Is, h AT uI Roof t Oust std. ut Hey., 42 Choose THE MOViEb 46 Fame., ruff seed cuiting and COONS 163-2465 InJ81010001NO, ! 'LET FOLSENGER le 47 Oast/ince measure other uscoar wort. guaranteed. Oa/ ' ;OR SALE : EIE 10AGAIOR ''POR CAP110L DRIVE -1h 40 Century Hopper Jidy-E-C Plant Jerry 763-434& -- information. call 753 3314 anytime". HOUSE FOR BALE BY OWNER. 3- 50 Seals ei •INOUIHE SHEN ilr"r1311 52 Baker's PURE BERVIOZ STATION an AN TEG bedroom plastered house. ceramic hough T'HIC DOUEIT , products at the We bath Near oollege. 1621 Banal- 64 Smiler ITO 56 aterill' eine' - I 4aligniostr :Write BrOl-x"433"wiree-M 753-1741' ri104 ea T-F-43 • POIT'L-ALL YOUR electric, TV and OFMT .-7 1.0 service call 753-3037, A MAP WILL DO 0 *eVitrin- Elwhin& TV. We Id. and °WAWA and cal - tar recital alr-oon- is HANDY HINTS SAFETY HINTS pester work. Tree eaclimares, Skeen andocxnrnmwl ietregera- 4004. ITC 111tai end eir service. Wit EUR SPEED UN, J' -11-C MAKE 140iES ON Fat TAPE DOWN RENT RILL OFF MAO MEN OR DOUBT OF 7-ROOM WOK room 3 bedrooms. 1-Peen unfur- room. and a haw Black DAMN ACUTE /1 IINECIXIII Lisamess 3-BEDROOM APAat rikturr, beti family WIN NOE WMER CHE01 S-isaminuts 5630 tnt of $17.500. 15alb6c1' Wern rilege INX11 elemenuary schoo/. NON COMM senate on for analler 4-Savey csima'Pal "'"Ve atreet• `".`" 753" Teems: Outsader trade d 5.00 p in. TPNC mum racia-r 6613 after house or mime test eotate. Phone: 10 NUMMI) DOOR READ AWDINE iTC 766-3046; 7534409. „WANTED TO RENT "-

THREE OR preferably four bed- TWO-BEDROOM from an-candl- Min ssesalid storage Amos. honed house. Large Beloit mad 41 or around ilikatay. Cell, Frank- den-dunkn room combination, large It was a dark and 500-3602. unity roan. Phone 766-23711. Glom stormy night. So Carter School. A41-C

THIS istri pialimpeate,-Bince the U. B. does not resaignize Services Offered ---4-111121110061, ilOMIL-ota hewing Communard Mil-. we have no di916matic Watkins 50I WO- in Nandi Has eledilic heat and new tuition_ So Oda 11COne to Warsaw, Poland. Is strictly 03tAVEL kt413 ART lasubrig: Mx- I carpet in lining 200111. Priced atiodp. of meetings between the existent It is WM of the series bavating. Hobby Otuanioglawn and and the Pal 410-INR. .1-13-0 U.S. smbeasader. Mho AL Cabot (second left), Paul IlOgard. C 474-33711 or 474- (right). Topiet -- Red China ambanador. Wang Kuo-chuan UM at bald. Bee at Begird Texaco, (Ciabispirote) braided rugs They anal saying. East MGM. • MNI -4-P Two ALL WOOL ices one 12' a 15' and one r a 10'. Pour - Ethsua Allep ber, mob (545 763 Ate 31156.- 3-12-C MOIL Bestseller by Eric Am/b/or dant BRAND NEW BRICK veneer bon* Ike& A. ICIND for sale by owner end reedy to or- • located en chcace lot neer amenable Mopping Center, In CMY 41(711:117 .1111i,]1NINIC:11113 /Fit Liman with all caty uditalea. Has by From the mu el yhthlithed by Athesteum Coleyr-ght is 1904 tile baths with built-an OA) , brie amebear. Distributed by Lug Features Syndicell Pi and ventalator fen Large family book-lined I1J- non sunset bad 0080 S 001401410 AMIN* EMI moss parmilleal Ina ourcung in • Banger mid meal OM mai same 00,11 OM birch. tiutit-in cook _range. large - carved NOY ileepeaoe. a man 82 WPM ae W(setts, et/trance bak. extra storage In an araedhill Pan down • 111111 IMMO °same roan arm wide blacktop drive. You WI 11111 glasses aryl pad to be book LOOS May krik In comfort. II Imo centre( to net ma raw or robe sk-eondittosene. Par appetnanect. Is Patrica sot • tittle lepipm. sues J-12-C newel cal 751-530 Chain wee • tau, I wits, so owe tie' reasonably e•- agresalids-leaMng Ohms Ptirlb-cOta drink boz, 41-1 con- os mese Its was .INE he was aho cautious easy. peemer eZirtleitat pro- wearing 48 MOW* and 8 whisil • silk ▪ . COMUMA1120 1114200111, ealla toularo man eying, ansidlim obra a way to use t tbouribt about tus beck. lpb 110115piesoor that weakness. was sallow out eitaltity, ano nsa IN to HEY-- NO EATING- Caramel was beginning dark, crisp hel• ?Inn on grab ana re- GET RID OF RN 1 MIMI Parts It HERE - - - "ride number. tar peeled sir 006.0coo• He glanced at We' cane I THAT went to By. =Nis bat* net ma la-spese sent ID and Dell Out Die Dann Omni ea Ilia 1 MN •MON eel MOO &OBS -"Illonneur Maa i 11110 Sla.c M Liana As le do narrator at Die Puma, badt ft Ia INIMIneVe. to meet you. u a t1tUe pusaSsa went dim de litiesrey I. met By the !wham lino VIVID Mt the CRalr•ERR 6 it Ridds dip egress meettr, I mean. NV down coo- leo A SOURISETTR was a tree& please. tonneaus* oo IY 1 rerun than It ft Is mrrel or It was • bigger piece "Thank yea. atompna, and stood outskirts at from the road. As you to mg we toward DSO looked on the taliMds InkIng on: my footsteps sounded on the ite 1 mg dawn, be went Gramm an flagstones, • dog inside "I am mare way old cart track leading The began to bark Whan important Itinertaan and nouse down to it had been paved rang the bell. the parking got Mould ..-eilliser-test. =1 A sign lined with oteandiers. Mterest .to louder and angrier After • mo- know anytking of was private warns' that this with ment I cook] bear the maid Its readers." a Dad-tem- property and that do with Laces UM Mill accent telling Me dog "Anything to Kept The Naos pered dog was to be quiet. Bernardi la news at the mo- -tended and bad an alr of well Ike had one hand on the dog's ment, KS. •••••••••• possibly elegant setiterlein. he saki. Collar 'Men lbs opeereembe 'Lucia Bernardi?" the road stopped the car ki - the I dock. I was Wily partly ream "leo t that the woman pollee stunted and wondered now I woman He shrug Mired she was • small were looking for?" . teen tackle PbiIllp Sanger. Large -We Itm • quiet Its DOR and the aoimiu was • ged„ A EAL EVER SEE I'VE NEVER of %longing Maim drove to one barked at me again. In any caw, I'm afraid I stilt WEIS' Airediva It " OW,A.14 A STUDENT EATEN THAT took • room. and maid clouted It absently. Wert see Wbst tate ram to dr The WELL!! got the telephone number I FAIL DOG MENU? I "Monsieur?" with me' THE CHANCE opera- of La Bourklette trora the with SEE n would tem to 'peak 'Lucia Bernardi met Colons TRAINT\rOURSELF TO tor and calkal 41 Monsieur eanger." 1 gam twor A rbtl to livritaselanti el 1Tft answered. Elbe had 15;As A R24,.., jtoG A woman one ot the humor cards. Morita, At the time alie Vag ga Midi accent and sound- THE WTI a strong 'Walk plesea" the otreipiany ad an AMONOSII Powiekeeper. like a maid or ed SIM shut the door. I waited. named Patrick Chase i mane OF YOUR LIFE tor Monsieur Hanger. I asked After a reknit* or two she canoe Patrick ("Lase is • !nano oi WIMPS me who 11111011ed Whets our Deck, this Mtn wdboar the dog. yottra 11.r. Sanger. I wolUer 61011 Something ADO ram. I dIRMakill card. Ube gave me back the to talk to Mr Chase about aer. was Mork nung up. At mast ne regrets DOW Esit.,•• annals/ Be lt,Okert Me • tel in me 14°11.1" I tried to pat myself him 64, oust It ii impossible tor lenity -I do snow a Patna,. '0 lac* to is. oonrerneo Bee.'ase You. its does WS wish Chase, yea tie was Porgetting about Lucia ooncerned with journalists." She briefly In an Italian Mu estate Use moment, here was card for darted to clam the door. deli in which I was involves, Who bad prOtOOSS011al crook a. a -One moment. Madam tot • time But Chase wasn't out ot ma 1 nudge a Irma thing Mite this to ium." exactly, scarcely an out- Please a trieno prong...1MM invested bis ' wrote on the trace of the acquaintance. You must WM muse property ings velit - itsecue, Patrick nuataformaa. I 10111 we 7-if =Mr. re- card. To been •••11•11 girn 11111111 He Grimm,' and banded It bade th now I can nem you - game, tired MW now her- You couldn't tall me Roo.. ea ' any the it.""PlarTo v•i% Wt. She hesitated, then closed might get in touch with dint. eiy was 14 rata, DO door agaut Hut when en* Mt Banger +$811 A-N' NLATs under his cram and respectably site stood aside nead regret- tn opened the door 14. 5110011 0.15 • French citizen HOW'S IT GOING AUNT NAPE name, tO Mt me in, fully. "He Was Sating as agent FAR So(000. NE/ 1)411'4R Prance. a titUe minute only, Italian 00301 STOOD Per WELL, so weak- "got tot an there would he Miriam@ I AM 'IOU - MONICA SHUDDER- But please. Monsieur and naps it you were W write to In vulnerable area*. for 1 - AND ANSWEREP nesses. have arrangtMenta made tilt group " He make on. j,N I'VE rued aian's position. I QUESTIONS such • Otli evening." -What I don't tmOttritS110 is ALL THEIR. an 1/41Cation of Already had • • • why you decided to mom to use. WITH "CHIC"," DIVINE' one. El entered. woman In Wbo gave you new name-ano OR "FABULouS bit had bought the three When IA Crane through an this address ?- ONLY NOW - Sete be had given Marks properties in I suddenly felt that the New of one nt them as archway .4 it the address thirty-Ave York repair' iambi oot neva was no Effie was about own address There all. 'Who ma with a good figure and nate been • mistake after reason why be stiouid not would legal The lines gay. you my came 1- 1TO though Use bleached almost white (‘1' nave done so even natures inquiry. were those of a w- have been • .1 • the land was utUn- In bet face , ouliding on and at- The additional three wards -- valid pnatru enn WOO anthem entry nahliahle; It, liras a addressor' were not V'e4/14(- tractively, bat Abe Mewl ismil- end this • ..,„„ * adreas pin* natural ff INI 421511 only clearly, a Ins nob. was also, quite Sang's. kEt. the dairy. Phillip as the bank for- She 11/•111 up it _eta r"lvr/f 111* (To Fri Confleased Tomrs-roso r Merrell% 1 fouowed tbe m II across the &cam. ei /s ardin& lap by gri,n a nibif z, AtUeSitsm, ,,byriarh, Free My ayes out twist by „abr 'rammed in MAW Featares Srsoasce

sosimasmasiiiwaismommo nsimmill.11011111111111111111.11111RmessossmomsnassamoRIM-14



4 • ••••••• •••,• •••• '41

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c 4 44


11011KOMMW•awm..---, alf,•••...swoma•W-


JULY 12, 1965' PAGE SIX rift L11115021 lb TIMIS — •13111•1. EINfOogy MONDAY — ‘40....4•1111•••••/ reports from Contemned China that Lion Team G rah rie-D unlap "a shtick brigade" of Notth Viette-1 Loses TROOP STRENGTH . mess volunteers has receeree an TO Bowling Gr4een sctrve astegnment to resist alleged „ feasilioned !Vega Page II • ecathat guaday when they routed Anitrtain aggression. presontably kp enr est.meted 2C0 Viet Gong suer- South Viet Nam. The Murray Leton lost to Weil- :Cis frr,m a heavily fe.Olfled ham- The Hanoi rtaime said recent Gre'l lericray afternoon at Itt 34, two int:es froth the De land.ogs by Anieresn ant She' Bolding (Irene with a score e 12 Nang a.: lase. foreign troope in S:oth Vlet Nahl to 1. The game was closer hears the The 211:".ftea tried one gurrela vas "a reckless move." -rore Indira!'" as seven runs were mai ortried seven sailonNo• The An -America n sk'mein wild 'the Jnearned on Morrays motoues M•r- Mar.nes ht b-ok at ,the Vet Cog US infantrymen landed today sere ray got its lone ."care In tht fifth aR 1r sn pers Med ion • Marine rsrt cf the 4.7g,43,111:el to U ndwell was bit by- a pitched '14 getrol.. The Americas discovered eDiallott the increasir.gty hessy Coro- tall West drthed a aim& up the rainy tunnels. trembles. and gun ellients.t offenaive Sni..h- Vier midttle and Steanak got a hat d-yem pos.tixis bulk by the Marmalade. Central Righiands. he first base, line. storing Tidwell. In the ad. 54 pima from the The American troops are mem- Warren end Ttdwrd aho had a hat Unit, Ak Pare arid Navy were Involved in bers of tee division's Serond Ro- eta& the es raids. Their targets includ- od, based at Ft. Riley, Ken The Bowling Green milleoted 3 hita. ed the Teo Bt. 37v.I Yen Sm am- inhultryosen debarked fr on the I loyd and Vence getting tie) aiunAlon dumps. bi:h nom/rarest of transport ship US6 Gordon at a and Mshaney getting a dst:b'e Hand. where Dia: :xis of Drente u1t ionk r• -d last on ••.• ath R HE were dr posi by Air Foe... pens nv U.S Army Engineers Munny000010000-1 4 11 Green and .be Mai Ltrah army hi:rides Curi Ranh Hay is one t,1 tie moat o if so 5 0 0 big surprise nit by p:tnes fruit the aircraft ear- perfectly shetered harbors In tlte 0-12 8 MESS—Atlanta. Ga., truck driver James C. Byrd got a Dorm. Stalls (71 and Dubs A COTTON PIMP" of cotton clan t. ner I adepe nd enc.: truck loaded with coldille, stopped suddenly and the 42 bales sorieLAIthough lta waters are !hark' Markham and yin-' when his - --The— -Pole- Infantry Dryers infebsel.And...sur.riniely chagez)u.s for -911••••.-- laieinn as 'Big Red One" for its an, amphittioaletdlng •••wilkwear thatiad-re sladoildec patch won The troops began hailed under many batt'se stre:•meri during com- orleht tithe at 1140 am. as U.S jets bat In Europe and Africa In World olrokked overhead cn the alert for War ll aog Oftemuniet harammmt. There Today's lord:rig was nada sada ens none. •In Ms Mary Jane Owtheee (flpeollal Mr. sikd Mrs Bobbie thabrie of BM Mouth Thud Street announce LITTLETON'S the engagement arid appeseeMat inerringe of their daughter Mary ADS, beNr7 f to Pk Mew Gene af Mr. and Mrs Johnriy Befl Dunlap of are OM Rosier. Tam Social E. The bride-eked is a graduate of Mestrel High Sobcol, NW* Tann. high 4""•••• and is now attending Murray riftertIenuittii State Ciehege a-here the is allithallig M • alimentary fithandson. Per Malay is a graduate of Central High Schnoi and is now station- ed et Port Wainernibt. Alaska Both the bride-eked and dinees-eiect are ineethers of the Union abEntkagalnest Also, drove Idlraienary hapthit Clhardi Where the wedding MIR be aoteennbed t...sir • ilatueday. July II. at kw pea. AA relatives mail Maeda are matted JULY CLEARANCE arn to saw& report r bird with mem eggs or bah it-yTheArk i SEEN & HEARD .. . win -send hint peeking if be conies • eVery snosping around: ab 04A cAsuALTy—A wounded South Viet Nam soldier re- •the our iCeatiesed Fres Page Gael ashes medleal aid after being evacuated from tisoirso Ba -4- kb isembehr sr et the elluhrel Cha to Quang Ngat together wore three and one-quar- Ba Cut was attacked by the Viet Cong; seemone Mid in Mead aim side Oa an wave assault s. $2.99 ter pounds Al from the sae heB Redtegitoro • bee kering by robbinga bold feeder the am he says arid-, sate three ise SALE four mare amid aunt 'SHOES The birds strenuointy objected to PRICE bye adride: this and would u-y to attack the Jacqueline - Connie Me mod no hedillner. Mr Stone. montet. Mg he )ust crawled down glen an who Mee on Sega SO Street It under the feeder. which was no a OVER 400 PAIRS $7.99 ' nudge • reedther tree. where it was dIffludt to at- al arid net has Lit gotten One erudite friend 0 J. Yaw Regularly to '13.99 writes concerning the speeediell Ole ciders Appeireisty he bid on ocandosee birssuse as soon as he flasistie& be *I 'Owed the spoon — dinsamdeel sent back tor more In Saes and Dant and was bast shoat he melte on ohm I sior that Sly gond MIK Peed gawks. hae We dewe W a drunk sit ibis Dada- Ready To. Wear am dot =Noir ilireDIM -ether day dia.-Whip:ft Inye mem ela IN* kg* Issil siww sa Oilk fer maga. bass She bane at w tkolk MEIrnor Stem* It la Illett 71flyagiron Ike* ibis swot Illot mos ihnik Mid-Summer ; deb. If am tam 111110 -In ant I - u - lima' 0° OFF abeam it. * la so as to be mid be ally Tat I MEd It wed Dresses-Sportswear Any on . he and again in hada by Othd 3 the arm anthers alas far the Want part. 00PYof 'peak elbarmse mood gmacild Little new* o They my try and be an tins be League Bridge sure and read etc Try and vitn— the fine one may try and not wen - and it SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIAL tba: .71:422 it= i All-Star Play Mahout ening •R tees bettned Ca/ also admittedly Regular 9901.29 _ _ _ _ Sale Price .69 over the TIMMeme, says -Try and dogs icare. Is Next Week Regular 1J,49 Sale Price .99 Ilbold that we might persnade Regular 1.99 Sale Price 1.29 rafthhe by to -- PIECE fhwifiegfaap yours. The IAD* Leaeue AA-etar Tease- Regular 2.49 Sale Price 1.69 D. J. • SC be held in Beaton on Regular 2.99 Sale Price 1.99 Odray Dane Joir 21 through Judy 24 Three- We Set teams from Paducah. one tearn from Regular 3.99 Sale Price 2.99 ha.s ban 1111*. R. S. rolisle of Benton route Menton and one from blorrey wiUI weeka In On and min --regarding yew compete. GOODS QUADRIGA CLOTH _ __ yd. 294 mama July I on the loud mouth Oise Jog The libuiagers of the little Lea- *It would gue Sive pickedtie folkevong as were pie members of the AM-B4or Team: CLOSEOUT ON mew:nekton when they e year Rairely Dever, Michell 111ard. David Veteran crawling or the pretend see a snake Genius. Danny Osborn. Itenity Lowe. average they set up • screeching war cry Steve lede. Michael Abler Dow BRAS SU, MT and will teem a group cd II in 20 items Micheal WIMaugbby. haat, Upholstery end foam the ernakee sersre-!MMus Don Dubs. Terry Mobinand 54" Discentinued Numbers L99 Wok this yarning I killed Method ussat. I Davy Proles and Drown Drawls es.notmg c- 35515 AnAperic - Jetta Riding at England Values to $3.95 NOW invent •Ilmir end goe-half foot wake on The alternates are David Hughes. em8a binself••bi,ot 1/ foot boat into Bermuda waters after a ine gob July 4. They never fall to warn Gary Vance Melton and Jan solitary ram-week voyage from the Amore*. 2.500 miles east- Material yd. 79c rains eVl ward His boat Is believed to be the mailed The Manager for the thatay Ut- ever te cross *several the Atlantic. He is heading for Florida_ (Cabiepriate) duces th Ilissis Dr. That& The Mae Jay tIs League Al-eter team Is James Is quite • robber too and the Cat- Vence and cornett la Gene Oahe,. Blue Ridge Nylons Clifford' per Point"' II CANTHEIE Pair boa this yen 87e $225 every di MESH PLAIN Ranee* all pr. - box the STRETCH _ _ _ 694 '1.50 per out, the •stand of

Driving Last Week of Vanity Fair SHOWER CURTAINS dome of Wows at

Folks In GIRDLE SALE Prete, Se that we

Take • tended Now $69$ to $13" Now $2.99 •of dist I been wit

LITTLETON'S !Cantu warm ti day in to uP111 Warat ' thunder

fv•vork- tv-•• • , ••• _
