Property of the Watertown Historical Society The Watertown - Oakville Weekly Timely' Coverage -Of News In The Fastest* Growing Community In Litchfield County

Vol. 18, No. 867 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Yi Single Copy, It Cents July 16. 1964

Fund Transfer- Illegal Full Connector For Rt. 8 • Watertown "was treated to a. rare exhibition last week when: the Chairman of the Vfown Council voted not once, but Approved By Town Council twice on the same motion.... and to this point, at least, has •,gotten, away with it. The strange' situation came about when the Council, after Porter To Buckingham 1 Paladmo Named a tedious argument, moved to transfer $1,650 from the con- Section Would Cost tingent fund to' the School Building Committee to be used for repair of fire damage and'correction, of alleged fire haz- For Outstanding Under $200,000 ards at Swift Junior High School. The 'vote, with one Council- 'The Town Council voted M'ondajr man absent, showed four against the transfer and three in Young Men Booklet to recommend the complete re- construction of Echo » Lake Rd., favor, at which point Chairman. James E. Cipriano cast his Vincent O. Palladino, 433 Wood- bury 'Road... has been notified that starting at Porter St., to serve ballot in, favor creating a 4-4 tie. he has been nominated .as. an. out- as a connector to new Route I. standing young man of America Estimated cost' of the project if Mr. Cipriano then declared that in case of ties he,, as.and. will be 'written up in the forth- $523,640, according to -figures, Chairman,, is entitled, to another ballot and proceeded to cast coming 'edition, of "Outstanding prepared 'by Town Engineer Jade Young Men of America." This an- Reynolds. This includes $325,000 a second yea vote, supposedly carrying the motion 5-4. nual biographical 'compilation will for the section from Route 8 t» - 'The remaining Councilmen apparently didn't know the feature the' Tien Outstanding Young Buckingham. St.. .and $198,640 for Men of America., who were se- the second section from. Bucking- right or 'wrong of it, were too surprised at the action, or felt lected in, January. ham St. to Porter St. the .matter not important enough, because only one, Albert Mr. Palladino 'was selected as Earlier the Council tentatively the 'recipient, of 'the Distinguished had recommended Echo Lake 'Rd... Montambault, raised, any protest, declaring that such a sec- .Service Award for 1963 by the 'be reconstructed only from Route ond vote was in conflict .with Robert's Rules of Order,, by Watertown Junior Chamber of 8 to Buckingham. St., but agreed Commerce, .and. has been active to examine the possibility of push-, which the Council is supposed, to govern itself. Mr. Cipriano in many "Community affairs since ing through to Porter St. after in-' •moving to Watertown in 1958. dividual Councilmen reported re- mildly suggested that Mr. Montambault check. Mr. Roberts ceiving a. number of calls urging to see who was. right and "who was wrong and the Council, .In this year's publication, the that the entire road be recon- introductions are being written by structed. quickly passed'on to' other 'business. - President Lyndon B. Johnson and, U. S. Jaycee President Richard CAPT. THOMAS G. TRAVER,. The Echo 'Lake Rd. project is1 We fervently hope' that the School Building Committee Headlee. "The book, which honors son of Alfred M. Traver, Sr.., one of seven items which, were doesn't attempt' to' '.spend any of the $1,650 which allegedly young men between 21 .and 35 Park Rd., has completed a six- given final approval for recom- years of age 'will be' available to. month ordnance officer career mendation to the Planning .and. was transferred, because the • Chairman's second vote was, libraries and research groups. course at the Army Ordnance Zoning Commission for its. ap- without question, illegal. Mr. Palladino recently' was Center and School, Aberdeen proval, so that all the items may elected Qjrt-man of the Republi- Proving Ground, Md. 'The course be 'bought to. the public in a ref- We know, of no rules of parliamentary- procedure, includ- can Town. Committee. In ""addition, is designed to prepare officers erendum on a bond issue which ing Roberts', which... give the chairman of any group two he is Chairman of the Board, of for immediate performance of might reach $2,000,000. Directors of the Watertown Chap- command and staff duties in all Action on, one project, 'the pro- votes on the same matter. And' what is more important, the ter, American, Red... Cross; • Proj- areas of Army Ordnance. The posed, $328,900 reconstruction, of ect 'Co-chairman of the American 31 -year-old officer entered the French St.. was held in abeyance town's Charter sets forth in'black and, white that the chair- Field, Service; Past-President of Army in August., 1954.., and was for further study after 'three First: man, shall have only one ballot. the Watertown Jaycees; Treasur- fast, stationed at Fort Caimp- District Councilmen expressed er of Cub Scout Pack: 55; a mem- belt, Ky. He is a 1950 graduate fears that the 'Council, 'would, haw Chapter 3, Section 302, of the Charter says, in. part, in. ber of the LJtchfield 'County Sher- of Watertown High School and a difficult time selling the public reference to' the office of chairman,, that '"Such office shall iff's Association, - the National received his B.S. degree from a $2,000,000 bond issue if all the Sheriff's" Association,, the Water- the University of in streets involved are in the .Second. not give nor deprive^ such chairman or vice-chairman of one town-Oakville Chamber of Com- 1954. (tLS. Army Photo I District. merce, the Baldwin-Judson PTA. Other projects 'receiving final • Vote on any-question." University of Connecticut Alumni, approval Monday were: Straits We agree with the four Councilmen who voted for the Association. , Alumni Association Miss Virbila 'Turnpike sewer and water facili- of Washington, and, Jefferson. Col- ties, $465,000. Storm, sewers on. transfer that funds should, be made available for the work lege and: the Watertown Library Belden St , Bit. Vernon Ave... Bam- required,, but we disagree wholeheartedly with the manner Association. Among Pageant ford Ave,.,,, Crestwood, St., Edge Other1 area residents who will Rd., Wilson, Dr.... Pullen Ave,.., • in which the vote was pushed through. And, we believe that be included, in 'the publication are i-Finalists Prospect St., Beach Rd., Sunset Richard C. Bozzuto, Watertown Ave., and Guernseytown Rd,. $55.- the four Councilmen, who voted against the transfer also feel Kathleen Virbila. Miss •Water- 828.50; Davis St.. from. Maple St., and State Senator James Tansley, town of 1964, placed among the the funds should" be provided. Their's was a disagreement Waterbury... to Straits Tpke.. $185,250; River- ten semi-finalists in the 1964 side St.. from, Henry St., to French with the source' from which the money should be taken. Miss Connecticut Pageant held at St.. $144,300; Falls Ave., "from, the; In his desire to provide'the money which had been request- Young Republican the Ezio Pinza Theatre in, Stam- railroad tracks to Sylvan 'Lake ford last weekend. Rd,., $185,250; .and Sunnyside Ave,., ed, .we feel Mr. Cipriano made an error in judgement, and Honora Bukowski, Hiss Wal- from Buckingham St. to Franklin, that his second ballot was not an, attempt to deliberately Club To Organize ingford, was named. Miss Con- Ave... $95,940',.. All of the figures. necticut, and, will compete in. thelisted include 10 per cent for en- flaunt the provisions of the Charter. • Next Tuesday Pageant In Atlantic gineering and, 201 per' cent, for con- We- ask, that at the earliest- opportunity he admit he erred A meeting to form a Young Re- City this September. Other win- tingencies. publican Club in Watertown will ners named in. "the Pageant were 'The total of the orojects ap- in his decision, that the motion stands as a tie, and, that the be held Tuesday, July 21, at 8 Carole .Ann. Gelish, Miss Water- proved Monday is $1,655,208. 'The' entire matter be reopened so it can be handled legally, per- p.m. at the Watertown, Library, bury, 1st runner up; Omega Lau- Council will meet again in spe- Republican Town 'Chairman Vin- rette Milbourne, Miss University cial, session next Monday evening' mitting the necessary work, at the school to be carried out. cent O. Palladino reported this of Hartford, 2nd runner up; Ar- at. 8 o'clock in the 'Town Hal An- week'... All registered Republicans lene Bouchard. Miss Southington.* nex to decide whether or 'not. are invited, by the chairman, to at-3rd runner up: and, Marilynne Mae French St. shdald be included in. tend. Holm, Miss Bridgeport. 4th run- its entirety or as a partial, project At the first of two pre-organiza- ner up. consisting of sidewalks in the Local Stouts Successfully tional meetings held 'recently,, Mr. Linda, Majorino, Miss 'Cheshire',, school areas, and, whether .any oth- Palladino and, 'GOP State Central was named Miss Congeniality.. er streets, particularly in the Committeeman Charles Allen ad- First District... should 'be. added. dressed a. gathering of 12' persons. While 'the Council, earlier had The group elected a slate1'of tem- Industrial Tract Complete Hike Of 59 Miles porary officers, as follows: Ray- (Continued' on 'Page 2) A week-long, HNnile hike which trail packs, which, with extra, mond F. Ventresa, chairman; Being Developed started from a point just north of clothing,,, rain gear, 'bed rolls, John L. Vail and John Traver, the Massachusetts State Line, and tents, 'Cooking equipment and food',,, vice-chairmen;' Alan. R. Blum, By McLennan ^ Proffer To Address ended at Camp If attatuck, Plym- weighed from 30 to 40 pounds 'treasurer; Mrs. John Traver. secretary; and Henry Long, Jr., Robert McLennan, Crestwood outh was. completed last week, each, 'They slept: in the open- and publicity. Also attending were by 13 Scouts and two adult, leaders did not use shelters except for Ave.. has purchased five acres of .Fred Richmond.,,, Herbert Shaw, Al- land at Sylvan Lake Rd... and Falls from Boy Scout Troop 450, of Wa-Wednesday .and. 'Thursday nights, fred, Traver,,, Jr., and Bert Tro- in Oa.kvi.ile to develop as an tertown;.. July 8 ^and 9, when it rained... ver. industrial , site, .Albert R... 'Good- - 'The trek began on. Sunday, July Dehydrated food was 'used in. or- kin, Chairman of the Industrial Meeting July 22 5', and ended with the arrival, of der to lighten the loads as much Development Committee of the Atty. Joseph Protter will speak the group at Camp Mattatuck last as possible, .and daily supplies Hoffman Receives Watertown-Oakville Chamber1 of on 'Consolidation, at a breakfast Saturday, July 11,. The hike was were delivered to 'the group at, .se- Commerce .announced this week. meeting of the Watertown-Oak- planned in keeping with this year's lected, rendezvous; 'points. ville Chamber of Commerce on theme in Scouting, ""'Our Ameri- The first night was spent at Army Promotion •'Work already has commenced Wednesday. July 22, at 7:45 a.m., on a 40 by 100' foot 'building' which at the Oakville VFW Hall, Davii can Heritage," and was 'the cul-Sage's Ravine, just north . of the To Lf. Colonel 'will house' .Leo's Welding' shop, mination of two months of plan- Massachusetts line, after a hike Mr. Goodkin said. 'There also will St. ning by Scoutmaster Warren Mans-' of approximately one' and a half Major John J. Hoffman, Jr., of'be a 20 by 20 foot addition" to the Atty. Protter, Chairman of the field and .Assistant Scoutmaster miles. 'The 'boys arose' at 4 a.m. Watertown, has: been promoted, to structure' to' be used, for office town's Consolidation Commission, Barry Almstedt, Jr. The two spent Monday -.and hiked to the top ofLieutenant' Colonel in, ceremonies space. will outline the ordinance which six weekends - from March to June' Bear Mountain for - a pre-dawn at First US Army Headquarters, is being 'proposed to consolidat* in trail surveys to locate suitable American Heritage ceremony. The Governors Island, N. ¥',., Mr. Goodkin said, 'that Mr. Mc-the two Fire "Dis.tri.cts. under the: camp sites- and water supplies. ' journey then "'took' them to Salis- 'Colonel Hoffman is Chief, Man- Lennan 'will, construct additional town's central government, and • In. preparation - for 'the trip the bury for1 Monday night's encamp- agement Branch 'in the Office of buildings on. 'the' site' if the' space will answer questions raised from .(group made' -several short- prac- ment at 'Rand's farm .and. then to the Deputy 'Chief1 of Staff for Per-can. 'be' leased to other industrial the floor. tice hikes of about - seven miles Pine Ridge - shelter in Housaotnic sonnel, having come here from concerns. The donuts and coffee session each. 'The 'hoys, 'whose ages ranged The property was. purchased. is scheduled to end. promptly at from .11.. to . 15, . canted • special - •.: -" < o»P«9»-2) i frwn Lester Shaw. - - • - 9 a.ra*- - •A" • r-'

streets 'from the First District PAGE 2 — TOWN TIMES* (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JULY 16, 1964sell with no "work: 'proposed for the First District. "" ' . will be included in the' bond issue A. 'Pouianger Jr., a, ed 'Only if none of1 'die' other 'rec- 'will 'be decided at next Monday's parents live on ' Sanford Mr. 'Hial said that no thought special, meeting. Tiro First Efts- Propertyommende ofd street s thewere to b e Watertownsac- had been: given to First, or Secon Historicald Society>,, 'Bethlehem,, was , promoted Met roads mentioned' for possi- rificed. John Reardon, Raymond District in the -makeup of fine sub- to Specialist four on Okinawa June (Continued from Sjostedt, . Alexander . - Alves - 'and. committee .and. that from, 'the com- ble inclusion, .wire "Hamilton Ave. 26, 'while assigned to 'the 173d Daniel Zuraitis felt ttie connector ments of the other Councllmen it. and Middlebury Rd. Airborne Brigade. Germany where he served .as an should be" given number one. pri- .now appears ""'unfortunate** that However, some Councilmen stat- ' - A) surveyor in 'Headquarters, and (exchange officer with 'the French bam members of the committee ed 'that they would not be In favor Service Battery of the brigade's When 'the first vote to include chosen, .from 'the 'one" dis- of including more streets, for the 319th Artillery, Ballanger en- I Colonel Durbin, ''Deputy Chief of a.0 of Echo Lake Rd. in the.' pro- trict. • . sole purpose of reaching a target tered the Army in March 1963 Staff' for 'Personnel and. Mrs. gram was taken, 'Mr. Mas! and. He stated very definitely 'that no figure of 92,000.000 for the. pro-' and. received, 'basic training at jHbffman pinned on the silver Mr. Montambault opposed the mo- attempt- was made by either him- posed issue... '- Fort Dix, N. J. He was stationed leaves. tion, and Dr. Ftuggerio abstained;, self or Mr. Montambault to' Addressing the -Council before at Fort Benning, Ga., ..'before' ar- !" At. the end of his service with basing their opposition on a desire "load*" 'their' recommendations 'in. 'the' meeting and speaking in. favor riving overseas in September ithe 'French Army,, the French to see no other parts of the orig- favor of,'the Second District. All. of the full Echo Lake ..connector 1363. - ' ' ' '. ^Minister of War ntfie Mm .a inal proposal deleted. Later 'file the streets, were chosen,." he con- was Wilmot Ebbs., president of the Boulanger is a I960 graduate' of [Corporal of Honor in the French Echo Lake Rd. Item. .was. brought tended: as 'projects." which would WatertowiFOakville Chamber of| W. F. Kaynor Technical Higft (Army, the highest rank, a for- up from, reconsideration and all contribute to the ''economic 'growth Commerce, who said,' the Cham- School, Waterbury. eigner can. "hold. He also wears eight Councilmen attending, the, 'Of"the community or as deferred ber's Directors recognized .the 'the Combat Infantryman's Badge, session, give it. the! approval needs of" the 'town. importance of . the connector. He the Air Force Commendation Med- Mr. Sullivan said, the Town En- qualified 'the approval, -'' however, where, he said,, 'the town's future" te'l and the Purple Heart. Mr. Masi also Mated that "he growth will be. gineer's estimate of fne work to has "heard, remarks 'that 'the.' re- by saying that whether or not: 'the Mr. Zuraitis also complained, Colonel. Hoffman. entered the be done on. Echo Lake Rd. .from construction of - French ' St. was full job should be' done would de- Porter St., to Buckingham St., In- that as proposed now, a 15 inch Army Air Corps in October' 1944 proposed by 'the sub-committee' pend upon cost, and the final de- .sever main on Straits. 'Turnpike 'and- served, in it for two years. cludes, $23,400 for 180 feet of because it fronts property owned cision in this, area should 'rest with In 1946 he reenlisted in the' Army road and sidewalks 'from Porter wi|l empty into a. six: -inch Main ori 'by' .his .uncle, Joseph Masi*. 'This the .Council. ' Frances Ann Drive, and... that en- land took Ms 'basic training at St., to -Jason St.; $25,000 for re-" contention, he said, is absurd, taining walls in this 'area; $104,- James Christie, Northfield Rd,.,, gineering studies admit that 'this Camp Croft. S, C, attended Offi- 1 'that such attacks 'don't also spoke in favor of .the full con- cers 'Candidate School at Fort: 400 for 5.220 feet at road'"from six inch line will -have, to be re- ./fienning, "Ga.,." and" was commis- Jason, St. to Buckingham St.; $15,- him as long as 'he knows nector, as 'did Donald Atwood. placed .in the future, adding to" the "'stoned a 2nd Lieutenant in May 280 for engineering and $30,500 .in tils own mind that 'his recom- Mr. Zuraitis,, who .warned, .that iwn's expense.. -;. . . 1M6. - - - - for contingencies, making' up the1 mendation was, based, on need, and continuing increases . in the ' cost Several ' CouncHmen and the - ..Major assignments have taken J198.&40 "total. The approximately of government Is creating a hard- Town Manager, while admitting [Colonel Hoffman twice to Korea" 1.1 miles, from Buckingham St. to He went on' to point out that ship on many taxpayers, abstained they would* not'engineer a system (and Germany. He-has attended, the Route - 8 would 'Cost $325,000. French. St. serves the new high from voting on several of 'the bond to "feed a 15 inch line into a six, school .and Polk School and. that, issue' "Proposals. He did, however, ] Infantry School, Army Language making the total for the entire 1 inch line, said- 'that the .grade and [School, IT. S. Jungle Warfare road 5523.640. large numbers of children walk: vote, in, favor of the Echo Lake Rd. flow 'from, the turnpike ana, will children walk along the- road. Mr. connector and. the storm sewer 'School, and the U..S. Army Com- 'The Town Manager said. It will 'be''- such 'that the present six inctt jjrtand and 'General Staff College. Masi listed several portions of 'work, but voted no on the Straits line can handle it. not. be necessary to acquire' any the road which are quite hazard- - Colonel Hoffman is the son. of property along the entire route Turnpike .project. Mr. Sullivan answered Mr. Zu- ous. He also' said, that it 'teas his, 'The 'Councilman, said the turn- raitis"" remarks by pointing out that Mr. and Mrs. John, ' J. Hoffman,, from. 'Buckingham. St. to Porter St. and Mr. Montambault's feeling, 13. 'Cherry Ave. He is a, graduate to provide a. 30-foot., road. Me said pike sewer and 'water project, as the only way the six inch-line on that: a reconstructed French St.. proposed, would serve only one Frances Ann Drive . will become 'Of Watertown High School, and 'that maps, show the roadway line could serve to funnel .truck traffic Norwich University at Nofthfield, to-'he 49% feet in: width. At. the small area and. would" not be of inadequate requiring its replace- from. Route' 8 to Main St. if only •benefit to the entire town. He pro-' ment "is if there is additional Vt.. .and Is married the former lower end of Echo Lake Rd. some the "section, of Echo Lake Rd. from Dorothea R. Reinsch of Jena, eight, 'houses extend, over the road- posed that instead, of going through 'growth in the turnpike area. "And Route 8 to .Buckingham St. was 'with the project as planned, the if .. this happens," he said, "the; Germany. 'They have a six-year- way line,." he' said. in. this area, developed. old daughter, 'Heidi Lee. - Where it is necessary to take existing sewer on Davis St., "be ex- project will have accomplished its property', it 'Will be 'taken, on. - 'the Later in the meeting Mr. Has! tended, to Straits Turnpike and that purpose." • : left or north side of.the' rand so suggested, 'that .since the Council ind.ustr.tes south of this 'point who that no buildings, will "be affected. is recommending Echo Lake Rd. wish- to connect" with sewer and. as a full connector, perhaps 'the VOJJM (Continued from page' 1) However, 'the road from .Porter St. water enter into developers agree- to Jason Ave.. -will, cut into 'the 'high full reconstruction of French St. ments' with 'the' town and extend the bank on 'the' north tide of the should 'be reconsidered. He said utilities 'themselves. He contend- given tentative approval to items 'that thought should be'' given to ed,' 'by extending mains to Davis St.. ICE CREAM STORE Which totaled. $1,800,000, it agreed street requiring the* 125,000 lor retaining walls 'and. steps' leading constructing sidewalks at the low- they then can 'be. continued, if need ' Straits Turnpike, Watertown last, night to include the lower up to homes, er end of French St. "from.' the' be, .along Bunker Hill. Rd. .and be- .section of Echo Lake Rd. .and to" railroad tracks to beyond Burton yond to the Winnemaug area make its 'final 'recommendation" a Various proponents - of the full St. .and! from Riverside St.. to-Polk' ixmd issue which will not exceed Echo Lake' Rd... connector cited its School.. - - '. ' ' Weekend Special 92,000,000. 'The only .other, item, importance "to' 'the' future He .also questioned Mr. Sullivan. ..which was" included, in the 'Original .growth -of the' entire community. concerning the proposed program, •: Friday, Saturday A Sunday .recommendation which was .not Not only would it benefit 'existing of bituminous overlay "for' town acted upon, or mentioned, last industry in the immediate area, roads and said that if 'French St.. Edward W. Kafita 1 8 Fluff Toffs might was $25,000 for a. new 'they said, but would provide good could be given this treatment, with pumper for the Fire Department. access to' new Route 8 for other " INSURANCE 2.88 mills" sidewalks -in 'danger • 'areas, the' industries in town, would open, up road might serve as . is 'without AGENCY for $:.oo Should the Council's final rec- 150 acres of recently zoned in- major reconstruction. Mr. Sulli- ommendation reach the $2,000,000 dustrial .land near "'the Bucking- van .said that streets scheduled for' figure and the" bond issue, subse- ham St.-Echo Lake Rd. intersec- bituminous overlay already are quently be approved " in referen- tion and another industrial, tract mapped out for this year, but it f 1.50 dum, the cost' to- retire the bonds estimated at 850 acres closer to .Route 8.. ' would be possible to "include 639 MAIN STREET over a 20-year period, would come French St.. in. the program for next Value to. approximately 1159.000 per What some Councllmen felt WATERTOWN year, including principal, and in- year. 1 might be the. chief stumbling block 'What will be done on French St. 274-1892 terest , or about 2.88 mills on the to acceptance of- the bond issue is and, whether -or not • -any other tax rate. the fact that most of the streets Town Manager James L. Sulli- originally recommended' by a sub- van stated that the - cost - for. the committee consisting - of Mr. Masi 1964-65 fiscal year, should the and Mr. Montambault are, in the bond, issue be approved, in the fall, Second District, All of the Couh- 'would be only $33,000. since the cilmen agreed that - the streets Choice USDA only expenditure the town would recommended for work certainly face during the year 'probably need it, but -they weip fearful that would be'. a, half year's interest First District residents • might fol- payment due in 'April or May... He low the age-old' Watertown-Oak- said the first 'payment on princi- ville conflict and feel 'the issue !s pal would not'come .due until the weighted much too heavily in fa- -"fall' of '1965<. after the start of the vor of the Second 'District. They 1965-66 fiscal year, and.' taxpayers contended that putting the bond, is- "would not feel the full impact of sue across 'will be a- selling- .job, BONELESS • *the issue until taxes become due and- it might be very difficult to in.May, 1966. ' . ' While the Council was unani- mous, after two tries, including 'the lower end of' Echo Lake Rd, in the proposed bond, issue, the Cbuncllmen were mixed 'in their feelings as to the importance of 1 CHUCK the section in the overall pro- gram. Donald Masi, 'Dr. Novel to ' Ruggiero and Albert' Montambault felt the section should be includ- AFTER THE DRY SPELL Speny-s

LAWNS NOD FEEDING ib USE ELM CITY BACON NITROGANIC 49 100% Sperry-s ORGANIC LAWN BOLOGNA FOOD 55 • Will NOT BURN EM: S-aO-AJfl, to 6 Mon.-Sat, 8:30 9 P.M. Thurs.-Fri., 8 A.M. to 1! P.M. A 5to 8P.M., St. • OSf ANY TIMf A HUB BAR I)-HALL PRODUCT HY LABONNE & SONS WATERTOWN CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. INC. 1047" MAIN StREET — 2 7 4 -8 "1 2 2 - '-4 tt Dapot Stmr — 2M-2S12 — Watetfmm dlebury. Mr. Wilson is a graduate Mixed Scotch Foursome .TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JULY IS, ISM —PAOE f Watertovvn High School and is. A, innD&d Scotch Foursome 'will' p.rn. ceremony Saturday, • July 11, Arthur and. 'Teresa - Marriage' intentions have been employed by the Connecticut Light in St. John's Episcopal, Church, BeHen St., have 'been issued filed -In -the 'BureaPropertyu of VHal Sta- and Powe ofr Co. Nothe date has , beenWatertown, be held at the Watertown Golf 'Clu Historicalb Societypermit to construct a porch set" for the' wedding. " " - on Sundm, July 19,' at -1 p.m. 'The Waterbury. 'The Rev. DeWoJf Per- tistics, Waterbury Oty 'Hal, by committee in. charge of arrange- ry, rector, officiated,, assisted by Iota Satnbuco, Oakville, and Bev- Diliberto-OeLuca ments includes Mr. and Mrs,. 'the Rev. Donald March. Roches- erly Lubesky, Waterbury. 'Fred Green and Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ter, N. H., uncle of 'the bride- Mrs. John. DeLuca, Giles St., groom. - Joseph R. LePage of 1003 Bunk- Waterburwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgy has announced 'the' en- seph Corcoran. er HilJ Ave., and Paul Wuthrich, gagement of her daughter, Miss American Legion Oakville Post MFD no. 2-Woodbury, were' named Anna Marie DeLuca, to Louis An- thony Diliberto, son. of Mr..,' and, 195, Bunker Hill Road, has 'been to the New Haven College 'Dean's issued a permit: to construct a 1155 Main St., Watertown list for the spring semester. Both 'Mrs. Louis Dffiberto, - 29 Bessie Longo-Ferrare St., Oakville. The couple will wed small addition to " 'the present Watertown Plaza attend the evening division at the St. Mary Magdalen Church was building. $250. 'College. Sept. 19 at '10 a.m.. in Sacred the setting July 11 for the mar- Heart 'Church, Waterbury. riage of "Miss Ma.ry Ann Ferrare, Watertown Golf Club, Guernsey- - 'Donald W. Saltmarsh, principal daughter of" Domenic Ferrare, 50 town Road, has been granted a of the Woodbury Junior Senior Samt>uco-I_ube»ky Dalton .St..,,. Oakville, .and the - late permit for an addition, to the golf High School,, is enrolled in the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lubesky, .Mrs,. Casmella V. Ferrare, to Mi- club pro shop. Seventh Annual Working' Confer- West Porter'St.,.Waterbury. have chael Palmino Longo, son of Mr. ence on Junior High School Edu- .announced., 'the 1 engagement and. and, Mrs. John, Longo, Walnut St., cation rt the University of Con- coming' marriage " of their daugh- Waterbury. 'The -Rev. John. A... Car- necticut, Starrs. The conference ter, Miss Beverly .Ann' Lubesky, rig, rector, performed the cere- is, being held, July 12 to 17 and to John Anthony Sambuceo, son. of mony. COKSWAHTO co-sponsored by- 'the University's Mrs! Natalie Sambuco, 609 Main (School of Education, the Conn. As- St., Oakvilie, and Anthony 5am- • Lange-Pinard Collections - Sets - Bills sociation of Secondary Schools buco, 'Bristol. The wedding 'win Miss .Carol Ann Pinard, daugh- and the Conn... Stafe 'Department of be an event of Saturday, July 18, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton, Finard, Sold — Or Single Items Education. at 11 a.m. in St. Joseph's Church, TO Greenwood St., became the Waterbury. bride" of Albert' G. Lange 'Jr., son DUDLEY A1WOOD Recent 'visitors to Washington, of Mr. and Sirs,. Albert G. 'Lange, P. O. Box 5, Watertown, Conn. All. DAY SUK&AY t).C. arid to the office of' Repre- Scherer-Judson •Valentine St.:, Waterbury in a 1 sentative John S. Monagan includ- 'The ' engagemen1 t and coming ed Paul G. Lapira and. G. A.Scutt marriage of Miss Naimette Cher- of Watertown. rill Judson. daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. 'Frank H. Judson, Woodbury, John Franklin Hc'Niff, son of to Airman Celester C. Scherer, Mr. and Mrs. Miles ifcNIff of 47 USAP, Woodbury. son of the late Cotter St., "was among 321 gradu- Mr. and Mrs: Martin Scherer, tes of Princeton. University who. has 'been announced. 'The wedding •Teceived honor citations. Mr. Me- 'will fake place Saturday, July 18. Niff received honors in. Econom- at 1 p.m. in Christ 'Episcopal oney Church, with the Rev. Jackson W. ortgage ics. Faley, rector, officiating. m m " Mrs... Nicholas Menzele, 82 Tale St., Oakyille, is spending the sum- Stanevicn-Aube mer with her" son-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aube, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hor- Bonsecours, Seine Maitime. yat, of Durango, Colorado.- France, have announced the en- gagement of their daughter. Miss . Anthony P. Vitarelli, 135 Brad- Jacqueline Aube, Topsy La., Mid- ts avaitable. . . ley Ave,,, Waterbury, a. teacher at dlebury. to Francis Joseph Stane- Watertown -High School, is partici- vich. 6:20 Main St., Oakville, son pating in a four-week Summer In- of the late Mir. and Mrs. Francis stitute in Microbiology for 'high Stanevich. 'The mahnage will, be • TO BUY OR BUILD A HOME school teachers of biology being: held Aug.. 29 at 10 a.m. in St. held, through July 31 at*- Indiana John of the Cross Church, Mid- University, with support • of the dlebury. • TO REFINANCE AN OLD MORTGAGE National Science Foundation. • TO REPAIR OR IMPROVE YOUR HOME Engagements Wilson-Wasserback GERARD — A son, Daniel Joseph, Mr. .and Mrs. Frederick Was- July 1 in St. Mary's Hospital to serback, 58 Pepperidge Tree Rd,.» Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy A. 'Gerard ' have announced,'the engagement ot (.Louise A. AnctiD, Greenwood hchdeOw their daughter. Miss Marion E. St. Wasserback, -to Lawrence W.-Wi!- son, - Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W.. Wilson,, 80 Wilson THE RED BARN Broad Dr. A .graduate of Warren F. Kay- ' ttosktngfs Gift Stwppe nor Regional Technical School, 96 Porter St. — 274-4889 Hiss Wasserback also is a grad- Watertown uate of the M. Kayula Institute of HUNDREDS OF UNUSUAL Hair Design, and, is employed by Financing the Harlequin Beauty Shop in Mid- GIFT ITEMS Experience

it m.i I' •'!'"! t i » i - t • ., t *. 'I i i I I > i i ' I i • 1 i • i I iiii ft 11 i . i • i "i.C * q J 'J S f *- ,i. T * /, * ~ ft' 'Mis. Anne Elizabeth -Davis, daugh- PACE '4 — TOWN' TIMES' (WATEflTOWN, CONN.), JULY 18, Iff4 |. flfc- _mmu • Patients Guests ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Da- Property of the Watertown Historical Societyvis, in Hamburg. ..Miss Davis was designated Junior Quotorian -'of the Utter Sicped At Luncheon ' - the• Professional Women's Town Times, Inc. A busload of patients from Fair- Club and .received a scholarship' By Daniel Webster field Hils State Hospital were en- with a gold medal and bracelet Offlc* locate) I* *• G+org» BviWinfl, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgMain Shwfc Wataftam, • far m*m e A letter signed, by Daniel Web- tertained recently at a luncheon She also received a scholarship I 274-1968 or .3744610. o« to TOWN TIMES, B©« » ster has, 'teen presented, . to 'the at 'the home of Mrs. William. Starr, frank the Hamburg High School mm Wtmum 1' \M tmhm m • m i mi in ICMMM G:u#* AtWetic League. • wr IBOK Ij. .wmfTOWPf WBHIIIla. - Watertown .library by Arthur P. chairman of the Watertown-Oak- Editor & Hickcox, Mrs. Charles Shons, Li- vilte Mental Heal* Committee. One of 14 Presbyterian high brarian, report'ed this week. The? .Mrs. Evelyn ' McDougall, . .of the school students," Miss' .Davis will letter, dated, July 23, 1850, is ad-hospital's recreation • department, go to Waterville, Me., as a re- dressed . to Samuel Bromberg, accompanied 'the patients.- ligious deputy .in the'church, sum- U S. Consul., Hamburg, Germany, " Serving at the luncheon were mer school... She enters Ellis Hos- and reads as follows: 'Mrs. Jean Archambault, Mrs. H.pital Nursing School, Schenecta- Sir: C. Ashworm, Mrs. Bernard Beau- dy,.;N. y., in. September. I have ':tfae honor to inform you champ, lire. Joel, Black, Mrs. that, the President, by and with 'the Richard Carpino, -'Mrs. George' Mr. .and Mrs. Belfit also visited advice and... consent of the Senate, Deary, Mrs. Pat Duello, Dale Du- their son- and "family, Dr. and Mrs has appointed .me Secretary of cillo. .Mrs. Leo Fabian,, Mrs. R. W. Beffit, Jr., In, - Midland; State''of"the United States.'and"'that Alice MadetiK, Mrs;. Shirley Och- Mich. I have this day entered, upon 'the terhof, Mrs. Harold Huh. • Mrs. 'duties of that "office,.. Charles Seymour, 'Mis Sandra .- I am Sir, " Williams, Mrs. - Vincent Zuraitis, Your obedient servant Jr., and, Edward O'Connor. - Daniel Webster. ANNETTE'S According to Mr. Hickcox's in- . Return From 'Trip formation, Samuel Bromberg was Flower Shop bom in Germany; .and later moved Mr. and: Mrs. R... W. Belfit. '68 to Hew iforic 'with, his wife, Sarah. Sunset Ave., have-returned from, a He later served ; .as U. S. Consul 'trip to. Midland, Mich., and Ham- FLOWERS in 'Hamburg andf it was, there he burg, N. ¥., received the above notice from They attended 'the hi^'h... -school For Every Occasion Daniel. Webster, j .graduation of their granddaughter. Their . son, 'Charles, was born Old Colonial' Road' — Oakville in New York Cityt and died, in Oak- The- letter is on display at the : TEiL. tM-mo vile in, 1914. He ts buried in'N'au- Library and, subsequently will be gatuck. He and his wife resided kept: in the Benjamin DeForest —- IF r e • D e I Iver y — about opposite the O'Neill Funeral Curtiss Memorial Room for fu- (Laurfer and Annette Thibault) .Home, Main, .St. " ture reference. Chevrolet dealers sell more cars than anybody Because they sell great cars

MR.ANDMRS. DONALD R AY M O N D ALB REC H IT were married July 4 in St. John's Church by the Rev, Richard H. Guerrette, a»lstant pastor^ Mrs. Albrecht Is the former Sharon Susanna Hal- belka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John J. Hatbelka, Claxton Ave. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Albrecht, Thorn- Chevrolet Impala Sport C&upe aston. " " " - - (Adrian, photo 1 two; shopping plaza, one-;: dump 113 Alarms During fires, nine; ~lawn.'mowers, one; .and false alarms, three.. Third Quarter .. Mr. I^antphier said ..'there were -Watertown firemen, 'answered '127' investigations of fires, includ- 113 alarms during the thin].quar- ing 24 which, were" not: turned .in. ter of the current fiscal year, ac- to 'the department. cording to the quarterly report of The total of fires for 'the first IFire1 Chief Avery Lamnhler, which nine months of the fiscal, year was was submitted, to > ttie Town, Coun-249, 12 more than reported all of cil recently. last year. The largest number of alarms CheveUe Maiibu Spmt Coupe during the March-April period were for brush fires, which to- taled '68:. 'Others were: car," truck, IAWNMOWHS tractor .or gas spillage, sin; emer- gencies, 10; house' fires, seven; Let Us Service Y 'bairn, and. shed, fires, - three; fac- tory fires, three; school ' fires. NOW!!! APPLIANCE ft Fully Insured & AH .Work. HOUSEHOLD Guaranteed REPAIRING WHITE'S Cfomw H Nma .Sport Coupe 755-9277 ' POWER MOWER SALES-*. SERVICE CotiMcrkut AppK 714 -Main St. Oakville, 274-2213 pp Open Every Night Until 9 p.m., Service Div. '. - Except Saturdays "OP WATERTOWN"

MAY WE HAVE THE NEXT DOffS? CmnmirMmmem YOU Chevrolet has brought a whole new kind 'Whether you're fobbllnf up a Ml In of excitement to; everyday driving this a thrifty Chew It or making tracta year-with 5 different lines of cars and on a, sandy 'beach with a rear-engined 45 different models. Corrafr, yoii'irfeelit " .Ami' whether' you're cushioned in the. So.why- not stop In, at your 'Chevrolet. bucket seat of a luxurious Chevrolet dealer's soon and, see what we mean. Impala Super Sport or behind And don't be surprised if yon, the wheel of the roomy Chevelle, see your-'neighbor there. More Call you'll feel. it. ' people do.' ••'• ' ..-. WALTON'S AUTO BODY BECAUSE lill PEOPLE ill CHEVROLETS, CHEVROLETS MUST BE A BEHEB BUY 5B Wfoodniff Ai For fi* ,lMit' fa body work &

mm Typw Of Antoniofiw WESTS SALES AND SERVICE, INC ON DOTY M HOWS WATERTOWN, CONN. _ . . .,. TOWN TIMES (WATCTTOWN, COfiM.), JULY' «, 1M4 — PAGE # General Assembly whose topic will be "Studying the Brkiqe Results American Housewife." Property of the Watertown HistoricalA. native of' Providence, RSociety. I., Scores in the Ashworti i . And Yen, Topic Mr. Igoe1 received Ms B.A. from cate Bridge Club game held Jtdy the U.S. -Merchant, Marine Acad- 7 were'.: North and South: Mrs. emy and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Charles L. Larfctn and. HowarA Of Rotary Speaker New York University. He served, Larkin, 78:%; 'Mr. and .lira.. Mid* ard M. Hunt., '75%; .Mr. and Mrs.! Thomas F. Dowi» Jr., of Trum- as a specialist in marketing re- search from 1956' to I960 and hasRichard' Clark, '69; Mr. .and MrtP ibuJl, a. specialist for public af- Esmond Guilbert, 68%,. East, add' | fairs with the General Electric held his - present position with. General .Electric since that time. West: Mr. .and Mrs. 'Gerald Be* [Co., Bridgeport, was guest speak- i erty, 83%; Mrs. Donald Atwood and ,er at yesterday's meeting of the Both speakers were provided j Mrs. John Boak, 73; 'Mrs;,. RusseJt I Rotary Club at Armond's Restau- for 'the 'Rotary Club through the Chase and Mrs. E. rant, discussing "The General 'Courtesy of' 'the Manufacturers .As- ers, Jr.,, 64; and Mrs. .Assembly and You." sociation of Connecticut. Crowell .and .Mrs. 'Carl • Speaker at the Wednesday, July It was reported to 'the club yes- 63. 22. meeting will be Robert Igoe, terday that its 'recent benefit per- also 'Off Trumbull, manager . of formance at the Southbury Play- marketing research with G.E., house was highly successful. TED HER, JR. so supplied 'pack, patches, which were awarded to the boys as fol- TRUCKING ! lows. Womfb'ury Road', Watertovw .' Youngest hiker. Ralpfg Mans- ANYTMKE, ANY PLACE ^ field, II; Most improved, Dave Gi- Crushed Stone - Grave* - Sand iesker; Most helpful, Jim Town- Loam : •send; Most congenial, Vin Banda; 274-3789 Least complaints, Dan Murphy; YOU CALL,, WI HAUL,. < and Best Scout. Mark Fuller. .REASONABLE RATES • j The .hike symbol was a, clumsy 75 HI'ULCREST AVENUE ; walking stick which was awarded Wedding Invitations You're Always A hod to hikers for violations of bail Programs • Factory Forms rules. This "fat stick," will ••be' Phone 274-2066 When You Call Ted. ': ikept in, 'the Troop Museum. Only one 'boy, Mark Fuller, did not have to carry 'the stick at: all during •the 'trip. , " :. . The boys composed a trail .song MISS MARION E.' WASSER9ACK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to' the tune of'"Clementine," and THE RED CLAM BOX 'Frederick Wasserback, 58 Pepperidge Tree Rd., is. engaged to serenaded' their parents at the Lawrence W. Wilson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence: Wilson, Wednesday cookout, as well-as at RESTAURANT INC. 80 Wilson Drive. No date has been set, for the wedding. 'the Saturday eampfire. Work was (Stockmann Photo) completed on cooking, camping, . "Oceans of Food" and hiking' .merit badges, -and the ing to tell anyone for fear he .group will complete work..-on their Adjacent To Black Rock Park — Watertown-Thomaston Rd. Local Scouts would be sent home. He finally nature and conservation badges at In ThO'imastO'in For Res. Tel. 283-9668 f Ct-atinued from page 1) was forced, to return home" Friday Camp Mattatuck next week. .night for treatment, then, he, too, • Those who participated were It's A Pleasure State Forest for Tuesday night's returned for the last lap on Satur- Warren and, Ralph Mansfield. Vin- bivouac. During these two days day... cent and, Louis Banda, Mien and the • boys worked on' nature study The Scouts will, receive a spe- Paul A'chterhof; Daniel and Chem T o S e r v e Y o u and. conservation merit, badges. cial badge which Will be awarded Murphy, Peter Wight, • Charles The Scouts were met by their by the national organization after Emerick, David Giesker, and 'Your Hos T s : parents at their fourth stopping confirmation of the trip is made James Townsend, all from,. Troop LOU & JOANNE COSTA Mohawk on Wednesday in •writing by Mattatuck Council. 4.50, and Mark Fuller from Troop night where they were' 'treated to The of dehydrated food a.1- 82. some home cooking .in order to relieve the monotony of dehydrat- ed food. They were awarded spe- cial neckerchiefs at: a campfire ceremony and, slept in their tents that night for. the first time tin the hike. Thursday's trek was a 12-mile hike through the rain, with packs 3 out of 5 save at growing heavier and~heavier .and was a 'real test, of .their en.du.r~ • ance. The trail shelters on, a, res- ervation in Bantam were welcome Waterbury Savings that night. This day's hike took them away from the Appalachian Trail and along 'the upper reaches of the Mattatuck Trail. 'On Friday morning Assistant Scoutmaster Almstedt conducted1 two short •hikes,- during which the 'boys did additional work on their nature., merit badges. They then took a 12-mile walk over Black Rock to their encampment in Black Rock: State •Forest. During this part of the trip the .group spent time on wildlife "and con- servation as they passed through Ihe White Memorial Foundation are .in litebtield... On, Saturday morning, after con- servation work and a plunge in the Ranger's pool, -the group" left on the last lap to Camp Mattatuck, arriving at, 4 p.m. They had. din- ner with the Scouts at camp and then met their parents, after which they all were honored, at the clos- ing campfire.. The hike was not without its more dramatic moments, as might be expected. 'There were cases of heat exhaustion and uncommon blisters were a common problem. 'One boy was forced to return home for treatment, of blisters on Tuesday night. He returned for Thursday's trek, was forced out Thursday night:" and doggedly re- turned Friday night for the last seven, miles on Saturday. Another boy walked for 'three days with an infected toe, refus- Are you saving regularly at WSB? A Clean Furnace efficiency— People prefer — "by a, landslide majority! — to' save at WATEKBURY SAVINGS, It's been HOW YOUR SAVINGS GROW the favorite for generations — because gen- AT WATERBURY SAVINGS erous dividends, 'Convenient offices, friendly SAVE HAVE IN HAVE IN HAVE IN WESSON service nave 'made it. so. Yon probably 'have MONTHLY 1 YEAR 5 YEARS' 10''YEARS Carefree "Heat' a WSB •account If you, have, gel .ahead faster by .saving' 'more, every pay 'day. If you $5 $61.30 $332.32 $737,42: Includes a thorough fur- 10 122.61 664.64 1474.85 nace cleaning.,, plus new haven't, you can open .an, account in 'minutes. -20' 245.22 1329.29 2949.70 nozzle, filters, and tune- Start' making' tomorrow surer — at WSB 1 50 613.07 332324 7374.25 up and 24 Hour Service, with no charge for parts OAKVILLE OFFICE or labor for one year — Ask About It.' . Phone Waterfall!? WATERBURY SAVINGS 751-7041 IM WlTEIIiMY: •frllMatoalSaflipSt. • 211 Mwlimii. • Class lit. Stitiplig Mm • CtlaaW Sl'ttpiif, Man ALSO IN CHESHIRE • OAKVILLE • WOLCOTT • PROSPECT Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpwattoa % * —* Property of the Watertown Historical Society solicitation of support • fa. to be tee' are Newton Alexander',' Wil- Show made' •. ... Fire Chief Sherwood, liam Numoerger, Raymond Stro- The Litchfield Historical Soci- Wright has urged, public 'support, hacker,--Dalns Barton,,'Mrs. Lucy ety will open its eighth annual Art noting mat the club has recently Palangio, Mrs. Oeland Dopp, and Stops' on Saturday, July 25, at the expended a. huge 'part, of- its, avail- as ex-officio members* • Leman watertownhistoricalsociety.orgJudson, Miss Ann,,, Skelte and Paul Fojrman School dining hall Nor- IBETHLEHEM NEWS I able funds in. various, community folk Rd., in litchfifild. 'programs and the organization Johnson . . . „ TThe- committee will •MMMMMMM ' . ••—•I also serve as a nominating com- the exhibit will feature contem- needs to. replace the costs in- porary art by artists of western. By Paul Johnson can 'be dialed at 266-7267 . . volved fa. 'their treasury. mittee-for annual meetings of the Politics becoming an active part variety of sales, games and organization 'and. will seek: to in- Connecticut. Paintings and sculp- of the teal, < scene, with Republi-tertainment for the children, and Tax Collector .Mrs. Helen sure its perpetuity by providing tures will be in various media ex- cait Town. Chairman Samuel L. pony rides are among: offerings' of Woodward 'wishes to remind, folks needed ' replacements . . . 'The pressing individual techniques of Benedict announcing a caucus to the event, which is 'expected to at- that she 'will 'be at. (be"'office of Bethlehem Fair is • generally the different artists in the conven- naftie party endorsee) candidates tract a. large, throng of folks the 'town. ..clerk Saturday from credited with" having the largest tional as, well as the abstract fa" stale' 'representative .and 'forThomas Bate .and Mrs. W. S. Roe-9:30 a.m. until noon and next staff of volunteer workers of anyschools. JtMces of the Peace will be held del as' co-chairmen are assisted, Wednesday from 7:30 to" 9 p.mof. the state's non-profit agricul- Hours .on Saturday 'will be 10 Am- U • ' • • .Democratic Town by a. large staff off1 committee' to receive tax. payments...... tural exhibitions.. a.m. to 5 p.m.,. on> Sunday, 'July Qfthmittee will meet In Memorial workers in its planning. - First installment of property tax- 26,' from .2 to 5 p.m. and Monday Hit; Monday eve 'to set date for a Catholic Women of ' Bethlehem es must be paid prior to Aug. 1 A slate of judges for the 26th ftaJttoigti' 'Thursday, July 30, from similar party session and to 'bold a potluck picnic supper 'this to avoid, .interest 'penalties . . . annual 'Bethlehem Horse'Show, to 10, a.m. to noon and 2 to 5 p.m. transact other preelection plan- Thursday at 6:30' p.m. at borne of The payments may also be mailed he held Aug., 16 at the fair There is no admission charge. ntrtg . . . Annual food, sale spon- Mr. and Mrs.. Dwight F. Bennett, to her at. her home on Brophy Rd. grounds, has been named, by the solid 'by the Republican Town East St...... Meat for' the 'picnic Bethlehem. Fair has - named a. show chairman, Frederick E. Committee' due to 'be held July 25 will be provided "by 'the organiza- personnel committee to enlist Hasler, Washington Depot . . - latfons 'won him recognition not from 1 to 2 p.m. in front of' Me- tion and. dessert and coffee by 'theadded workers to serve on a wol-Officiating at 'the show will be ,€1% in-America but, in England morial ' Hall ". . . Contributions hostesses ...... All women of the unteer basis at its. annual 'two-day Mrs. David R. Pearee, Monkton, and Scotland .-. .. Rev. Robert for the sale 'Will be' appreciated. church are invited:. exhibition, . . . More than 200 un-Md.; Mrs,. James J. Fallon, Mill-Saftsoucie, pastor of the.' Feder- "This Saturday is date.' of annual Bethlehem. Firemen's Club has paid workers now staff the fair brook, N.Y.; Mrs. Margaret Mor- ated Church, 'Will -review some of fab- €f the Federated Church, announced, plans fat* m family out- and represent all .area towns, but rissey Beyea. 'New 'Canaan,, and the teachings, and. writings of Dr. .wlich takes place at BeMamy. Hall '•HE;., to be held Au?. 9 at Assart's fair officers note that 'the event Mra. .Frank' Balboni, Old Lyme .Bellamy at .services fa "the and its adjacent' grounds from 1 Grove, Thomson Rd. , ... . In., event has showed, a marked growth in . George A. Nash, West Hart- church, -and 'Visitors 'will, tour the to S p.m...... A feature' of theof rain the outing' will be' held at attendance and. that the increased ford,, is to be show steward. [mansion which housed a theologi- event is" to be a chicken barbecue, the .fair grounds ... , . Hours of activity places a. ".strain upon the An hbservancp of '"Bellamy cal school he -.founded, and. which to be served from 5:30' to7:3 •h0 e event are' from 10 a.m. to 5present staff . . . Members of Sunday*" " ©n July '26' is being is -"'now property of Miss Caroline p.m., and a hootenanny .and bon-p.m., and. a day of recreation for the .committee' will be pleased to planned 'by the Federated 'Church, Ferriday . . . Members of the fire which is to follow 'the s«ipn»r the entire family 'with' food, hear from additional folks who to honor1 memory of the Rev. Jo-Mfns' Fellowship of the Feder- . ...". Reservations for the barbe- Barnes, prizes and entertainment would. Ike to join the fair staff, seph- Bellamy, first pastor of theated. Church .are' clearing' a path cue may be made' through' any is • 'promised...... Reservations and they-will be assigned, as soon Bethlehem, church and a promi- through 'the Ferriday estate to member of the Men's Fellowship are now .available through any. of as ' 'places are available . . .. nent 18th century New England Lobgmeadow Cemetery, - where or1 Mrs. G. Judson Wells, Sr., whothe firemen, and a. house-to-house Named to the 'personnel commit- theologian 'whose religious disser- Dr. .Bellamy is buried,. SHOP IN C'O-O

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large scott towels - roll. FREE § FRIENDLY GEOR PARKING I SERVICE JLA4L UMIN 'CIMIIIHIIA 1 wesson mayonnaise «,ar WATERTOWN 1 - » .. la,* • TOWN- niversary Requiem High Mass for 'The 'drive 'Officials, hope to Drive Not Complete a final figure .on; the .fund raising Property of the WatertownMrs, Philip Milot, 8' a.m.. Historical'The annual Watertown-QakviU Societye venture .in the near 'future. There will be' no Mass at 7 a.m.Little 'League" 'Booster Drive still CHURCH NOTES next week' "while the Rev. Richard. has not reached the 52,000 quota, Gurrette is on vacation. 'There Chairman Jerry IQnzly and will be' a daily Mass at 8' a.m.League President Joseph Buono•announced this week. They said EGAN'S Trinity Lutheran Chapel liand sermon, -11 a.m. Union Congregational that with .some boys on vacation, Sunday. July 19 — .Service, with Sunday, July 19 — Choir re- all returns, have not 'been made. the Kev. William Jennings, pas- First Congregational hearsal, 9:30 a.m.; Worship serv- CATERING tor, presiding, 8:30 a.m.< ' Child Sunday, July IS — Onion Service ice, with 'the Rev. Douglas Har- .•anniversary Reqalem .'High Mass care 'will be provided. with the. Methodist 'Church in thewood, pastor, officiating', IB a.m.:or Anna Guerrera, 8 a.m.; Nap-' First Congregational Church, 10 The sermon title is "Containmeni ial 'High Mass, Maurice C. Eter- CATERING SERVICE Mkldlebury Baptist a.m. Gene Outka of the Yale Di- or Peaceful. 'Change.'" -inin pnH T inriq 'Fabian.,, 1.0 a.m.; Sunday. July 19 — Bible School, vinity School will officiate. Church Nuptial High Mass, Salvatore Bor- 9:15 a.m.; Morning Worship, 11 Hour .group • for children 3 to 61 St. Mary Magdalen nere .and. .Maria Rosa, 11 a.m.: EVERY OCCASION a,.m.;: Youth .Service, 6 p.m.; Eve- years old on the first floor in the Confessions, - '11:45 a.m.. to 12:1.5 ning Service, 7:30 p.m. Trumbull House. Crib Room for Thursday, July 16 "— Solemn i,.m., .and 4 to 5:30 and, 7 to 8:30' - Call: 753-9873 or 274-3221 Wednesday, July 22 — Service, children six months to' two years High. Mass in honor of Our Lad) fi16 West Main St.,. Waterbury I 7:30 p.m. on the second floor. of Mt Carmc'l, 9. a.m. Sunday, July 19 — 'Masses; at * Saturday, July 18 — Eighteenth7, U, 9, 10 .and '11 a.m.. Christian Science ' Methodist Holmes and Mitchell Avenues Sunday, July 19 — Union Serv- Waterbury >e with the First Congregational Sunday, July 19 — Service and Church in the First Congregation- Sunday School, 10:45 al Church, 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 22' — Meeting St. John's ' including testimonies of Christian Saturday, July 18 — Third an- Science Healing, 8 p.m. niversary Reouiem High Mass for Mrs. Anna Margaitis, 8 a.m. All Saints Episcopal Sunday, July 19 — Communion Sunday, July 19 — Eighth Sun- Sunday for the Council, of Catholic day after ' Trinity. Holy Commun- Women and the Young Catholic ion, 9:30 a.m. Women's 'Guild. They will receive Holy Communion in a body at the Christ Episcopal 8:00 a.m. Mass. Masses, 7, «, 9, Sunday, July 19 — Holy 'Com- 10' and 11 a.m. munion, 8 a.m.; Morning 'Prayer Monday, July 20' — Eighth an-


Rates for many CLAP customers are lower by over 4 million dollars', sines lust last November. We made these reductions to help our State's economy to grow and prosper.

How do lower utility rates do this? We know that low rates 'help keep our .state's industries right here In Connecticut: - providing plenty of good-pay ing jobs. We naive one of the 'best records in the country for a good, solid" economy. Connecticut ranks 1st: In the ratio of skilled workers to total workers; In per capita military prime, contracts awarded; in per capita value added by manufacture; In the ratio of manufacturing employees to total employment

Good rates also help to attract:" new industry to our state, and Connecticut: has an. excellent record, here, too — CL&P's area, development specialists who are out' looking .for new plants ean attest to that." Stores and shopping centers and motels need low electric and gas rates to con-' tinue in business', too. And farmers and families will enjoy additional benefits from increased use of CL&P Service if the costs for this service are low. Our recent' rate reductions of over 4 million dollars are your assurance that'CLAP Is 'working hard to keep Connecticut's 'economy strong, so that our State's citi- zens will continue to prosper.

CMMECf ICUT UCHT AM PfWEl1 CQNPMf MARKET Int .1 SHMtHOUJCd-OWNW MJW.K IffIU1Y t*« &*••* ;»*-•*»« f:tt f. §*•**••'* u •••*•••»•*»•* •*#*»•*' «tll> i *«*•** *U •«.*•*•'»* t I li< IIII i II imiM • fill 1 III II • 1 <• • *»•• PAGE f— • TOWN TIMES (WAT ERTOWN, CONN.), JULY 16, 1964or 'to - 'that owned .. .and : operated Oakville: three', daughters, Mrs. St^te Highway Department seven Robert Mcntory? Waterbury, Sla- years ago* and moved to Arizona Mother's Ideal Bakery, Washing- wt ere he lived until moving to town and. was retired fiv1 e .years. ton Ave,, Waterbuxy, for' 25 -years. ter Joseph Marie,. Sisters of St. ago. He was a member of St. .Mary 'He was a member 'pi' Stv John's Louis, Plattsburg, N. ¥., .and Bin.Fluida four years ago. ; ObituariePropertys Magdale nof Church the. WatertownChurch. HistoricalLouis Rocco, Waterbury; threSocietye Survivors include his wife, Mrs, brothers. Louis TrotM, Canaan, Uiia (Seaddeo} Lockhart, Deer- <; Survivors include a; brother, An- Survivors include his wife, Mrs. The funeral of Mrs. Olivene tonio ' of Oakville, .and several, Mary (Krakauskaa) Navickas, Wa- Joseph Trotta, Watertown; and fie d Beach; a brother, Norman A. CEfclisle) - McLean, 99; wife of nieces and. nephews. tertown; a .son,' Edward. William William Trotta, Morris; four sis- Lockhart, ©akville; and a neph- McLean, Random Lake, Navickas, Jr., Los Angeles, Cal.; ten, Mrs. John Zappone, Sr., Hi- Eugene A. Lockhart, Oakville. ., who died July 10 in. Wiscon- .^ -" Francis B. four sisters, Mrs. Ann Kichas, dean, Fla., 'Mti. Josephine Nardi after a brief illness, was- held 'Funeral services for' Francis B. Hartford, Mrs. Eva Botoosz, Wa- .and Mrs.. Gilbert Young,, both of July 13 «t 'the Hickcox Funeral Waterbury, and. Mrs. Raymond., 50, 263 Eastern. Ave., tertown, Wrs1. Mary Zujus, Mid- Gruber, Oakville; seven grand- Home, Main St., with 'the Rev. Waterbury, who 'died suddenly July dlebury. and ..Miss Shirley •Mavicfc- Duuglas Harwood, pastor of 'the children .and several nieces .and • for * " 7 at'his home, were held July 10 ., Watertown; .and several neph- nephews. ' . Union OongregationaJ Church offi- in the First, Congregational ews. Mot*-Mower • Lawnmoster ciating. Burial*" was. in Evergreen Church,,, Waterbury, with the' Rev. 'Cemetery. David Hanna officiating. Burial, Mr*. Madeline Mancini Arthur B. Lacldiart Till CM*. .Mrs.' McLean" was born in the will, be at the convenience of the Funeral services for Mrs. Mad- The funeral of Arthur B. Lock- Province of Quebec, Canada, eline (Trotta) Mancini, 60, wife of hart, DeerfieW Beach, Fla,, for- M * family. merly of Waterbury, who died sud- "March 18, IMS', daughter of the Bom Jan. T, 1914, in 'Water- Rosarlo Mancini, 66 Monroe St., G«rd«n equipment late Hormidas and Lamina (Rathe) Oakville, who died July 13 at Wa- denly at his home July 12, was Yardman Equipment bury, .'he was the son. of'the late' held this morning at the Alderson Belisle. She had resided in • Wis- Peter and,-Marie (Bonnolinl) Be- terbury Hospital after a brief ill- Lotbant Ctttin 9 consin tor the paskseveral years. ness, were held this morning from Funeral Home, 70 Central Ave., SNOW «lflD sancon and lived, all his life in. Waterbury, with the Rev. Dr. Max- Survivors in addition to her- hus- 'the Waterbury-Watertown area. pie Maiorano Funeral Home, Wa* band include a son, Wesley, Jr., He served in the" Merchant • Ma-terbury, to St. Mary Magdalen well Long officiating. Burial was Random .Lake; five brothers,. Os- rines during World War H. Mr Church for a solemn high Mass. in new Pine Grove Cemetery. car, West Bridgewater, Vt., Ed- Besancon was employed as a ship- Burial was in Mt. Olivet Ceme- Mr. Lockhart was born in Wa- ward,, Mewport Center, • Vt., Ar- ping foreman at Waterbury Gar- tery. terbury April 11, 1902, son of the Luiwn • Kohter • Clinton tfuiv ..South Tnqyt Vt, Eugene, - Mrs. Mancini was bom Nov. 9,late Albert B. .and Jennie (Sage) ment Co. and a member of 'the Lockhart. He retired 'from, the A Cwnpleta Ltne of 10,000 Xmstal, ."and Leo Belisle, Water- First Congregational Church in 1903', in Old Forge, Pa., daughter Part* ani Aooeoorie* Carried town; four sisters, .Mrs. Ger- Waterbury. He was a. member of of 'the late Joseph A. and Rose raaine Couture .and, Mrs. Mary 'Ancient .and Accepted Scottish (Arcaro} Trotta... She • had. been, a for the tttoov* equipment. Jane Bedard, both of Bristol, Rite, Bridgeport.; Clark Com- resident of. Oakville for 47 years, Also For Many Other Makes Miss decile* Belisle, < Waterbury, mandery, 7 RT; Eureka Chapter was a.' communicant of St. Mary & fad Oil .and, Mrs. Marlon Murphy, Bethle- 22 RAM; past master of Euclid Magdalen Church and a. member WHITE'S hem; and- several, nieces and Lodge' 135', 'Waterbury, and . a of 'the Rosary .Society of 'the par- BARFBAUIXS • ' POWEA MOWKK ' nephews. member of Waterbury Council .22 ish. '::- «ALE8 « S6RVICC and a former Dad of DeMolay. Survivors .in addition to her hus- MAIM ST.. OAKVILLE ,'714 Mill Street, OAKVILLE . Mrs. Edith (Sparring) Wood •Survivors include a brother,'Pe- band .are' two sons, Daniel S., Wa- Tel. 274-3*84 or 274-1281 " Funeral services for Mrs. Edith ter, and a sister, 'Hiss Evelyn. B. terbury, .and. .Anthony J. Mancini,, ; - i m-aar (Sperring) Wood, widow of Gray- Besancon, both of Watertown. son. B.- Wood, ST., Guernaeytown Rd... who .idled, July 10 at Water-. Bernard Commerford bury Hospital, were" held, July 14 The funeral-of Bernard F. Com- at the First Congregational merford, 61 Inman Ave.,, .Water- Church with' the Rev. Douglas bury, who' 'died July '12 at Water- -Harwood, pastor of 'the Union Con- bury Hospital .after a brief ill- gregational 'Church, officiating,.. ness, was. held. Jul1 y 14" 'from, the Burial was in .Evergreen. Ceme- O'Donnell Funeral Home, East: tery. Main. St., to St. 'Thomas 'Church, Mrs. Wood-was born in Sharon, Waterbury, for a high 'Mass. Bur- Are you a telephone wallflower? April 1:8. 1891, daughter of the ial, was inr All. Saints Cemetery, late Frank and Anna (Middle- Waterbury. brook) Sperring, and had .resided, Mr. 'Commerford. was., born in in Oakvffle for several years be- County Caven, Ireland,' son. of - the fore moving to Watectawn four late Thomas and Mary (Boylan) months ago. Commerford. He had lived in Wa- Survivors are a son, Grayson terbury for. 70 years and' was a. B. Wood,, .Jr., Watertown;" two retired employe' of the Connecti- brothers, Raymond and Elbert cut Light .and Power Co. Sperring, both of' .Waterbury; a,, Survivors, include Ms wife. .Mary sister, Mrs. Hazel Crisp, Oajt I'Smith)' Commerford.; 'three sans, ..Park, ni; • and, three grandchil- Bernard.' T. '.and .John X, both of .dren. / - Waterbury, and .Fraiicis A. Cbm- merford. Prospect; a daughter, Raeco Famiglietti ' - „ Mrs. William • Virbila, Oakville; Funeral services*' for Rocco' Fa- nine grandchildren '.and' 11. .great- miglietti, . • 352 Buckingham St., grandchildren. Oakville, who died July 9 at the Waterbury- Hospital 'after a short Edward W. Navickas, Sr. Illness, 'were held July 11 from. .Funeral . services for Edward the Hickcox Funeral home to St. William Navickas, Sr., -..SI, 507 Mary Magdalen 'Church, Oakville. Echo Lake Rd., who died sudden- for a .solemn high Mass. Burial, ly July 11 at .Waterbury Hospital, was in. Calvary Cemetery, Water- were held July 115 from the' Hick- bury. cox Funeral Home, 195 Main St., • Born |n 'Italy, he was the son to St. John's 'Church "for a solemn df the late Michael and. Rose (De- 'high Mass. Burial was in Mt. Ol- Vita)' Famiglietti. A- resident of ivet Cemetery. • Oakville for the past" 35 years, he Mr. Navickas-was born" in Cedar moed to this country about 50 Point, III., Nov. 28,' 1912, son of years ago. the late William ' and Nora (Pa Mr. Famiglietti had been em- baibis) Navickas." He had been ployed, as a- watchman for the employed' as head baker at the Princeton Knitting Mills in Water- Southbury 'Training School and pri- ROOT & BOYD INC liitwmnc* Underwriter* Sine* 1853

.. 54 Center Street WATERBURY " Tel." 756-7251 449 Main Street WATERTOWN 274-2591 SUMMER

TYPING Grandparents, Clubwomen, Teenagers —- are yoti missing important 'fA.ono calls? Maybe it's because no one can find your name in the FOR • TEfNAGfRS telephone Ipook. If you live with a relative whose last name Is differ- ent from yours, or if you rent a room — or snai© an apartment —• THUD SESStON — AUG. 3 TO AlHS. 28 you may'"be missing lots of calls. • What's tie .solution? Simple. FOUR WEEKS Make sure people can reach you by getting your name listed in the THREE HOURS DAILY — 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. telephone directory. The cost Is so little.... only 50 cents a month. . Just caN our 'business office. 1m Water+own, dial 753-9221. 7 WEEK SESSION 2 HOURS DAfLY 11:15 to 1:15 June 22 to Aug. 7 ••' . ' • " ' ACT "NOW!" ' -: Free Bulletin — Phone or ...Write Today"' .' •" • • • Deadline for the " ? ; Classes Limited —• Enroll '.Mow/ WATERBURY DIRECTORY is AUGUST IS POST JUNIOR COLLEGE THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY .. We do our best to serve you. better \ 24 CENTRAL AVE., WATERBURY 7S*-3iIS

I $ -m. -»•• -•Hi i ' !. i • /«•< Pofioemen's Ball 'TOWN Tl MES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), JULY' 16, tW4 — PAttE * Property of the Watertown HistoricalRaymond A. Buscemi 'to Willia Societym Edward arid Paulin e Hingfoain* D. and Ghita M. Aureli, land and land, and improvements on 'Del-, To Honor Dunn lm.pmvem.entS' on Warwick Road. wood, .Drive. The Watertown Police Depart- .Ann W. .and John F. Doran to 'Timothy and, Anastasia Kowa- . ment's Sixth .Annual.' Ball,.. slated Sidney 'and Hilda B. Starr, land lewski, to William Kowalewski, and improvements on Walnut St. 'three parcels of land on Carter Si.'for' Sept... 2S at. Swift Junior High. Maurice F. Fabiani and Eugene I School, 'will 'be held in. honor' of Philip M. and 'Maureen; G. B§- T. Pesce, d/b/a Face Homes, to anchini to Marvin M. Palmer ST.. |the late' Michael Dunn,, who at. the Joseph J. and 'Beatrice A. Bianca, and. Betty J, Palmer, land .and im- time of Ms death was the town's land and improvements on Delprovement- s on. Bussemey Ave., Zoning Enforcement Officer... hurst Drive* The Sirqua Land Co. to Joseph Oakville. Mr. Dunn had "been active 'in Wa- A... Berish, Jr. and. Patricia. Ber- Bertha L. Siemering to' 'Richard tertown's -political .affairs for ish, land, and improvements on A. and 'Carol W. Marti, land and! many years. He served as a se- Stoneleigh Road. improvements on. Hickory Lane. lectman for 14 years, was a mem- Charles J. Monterose to Frank ber of the Democratic Town Com- and Angeline Martino land and im- Robert 'Wright, 135 Ball Farm. mittee for 25 years and also provements on Mt. Vernon Ave. Road,',, 'Oakville, has ..been issued served as Town, Chairman. Lester I. Shaw. Sr. to Robert a permit to construct a. one room J. McLennan, also known, as Rob-addition, to the .present two-family ert James ' Plank, land and imdwelling- . 1800, provements on Falls Ave.,, Oak- Realty ville. W. P. Stevens & Sons, 'Inc., to Transactions Joseph D. Carey, • three parcels of land on Bunker .Hill. .Road and 'The following .realty • transac- Barnes Road. CHAS. F.LEWIS tions have 'been filed in the office of the town clerk, town hall- Mary Rose to' Patricia Kafchin- Warranty ski, two parcels of land near Lake James • Ihnes to 'Harold T. .andWinnemaug. IdeBa G. Gray, land and .improve- Paul John Burgio to Patricia Trucking ments on. Lake Road. Kafchinski, land near Lake Win- . Eleanor M. Keilty to - Jack: L. nemaug. and. Margaret If. McCann, land, Raymond, A. Buscemi to Allen and. Improvements on Merrimac E. .and Lucille C. Harding, land St., Oakville. and, improvements on Warwick: John, E. Pond, Jr. to John J. Road. 274-5162 and Elizabeth, J. Baker.' land and Maurice F. Fabiani and Eugene WATERTOWN, CONN. improvements on Farview Circle. T. Pesce, d/b/a Face Homes, to Raymond J. and Hazel V. Black to Raymond ,L. and Anne B. ,AJ- vord. land and improvements on JOHN BRAND PITMAN, I nil Northfield Road. 'William and, Carol A. Horan to Francis J. Stanevich and, Jacque- line Aube, land and improvements 6REAS0N,INC. John Pitman Named Manager on Sprucewood Road. 'Call 'us for your residential 'wiring. For estimate*. Of Watertown Tennis Gab Emergency repair. Commercial wiring. Say, MAJCf R. J. BLACK & SON, inc. If ADEQUATE WJRING1 " John Brand, Pitman,,' HI, of Bar- The Open 'Club Tournament, un- ' Sales and Service ien, has been, •named manager of |der the sunorvision of Paul Rodia '510 IHain St — OAKVILLE — Tel. 274-2559 the Watertown 'Tennis -.Club for the Water Pumps, Water Softeners 1984 season, club • officials an- and, William, Ellis, will begin July 1,8 and will continue through, July 295 Northfield Rd. Tel:274-8853 nounced, this week. Watertown, Conn. A Licensed Electrical' Contractor Sines 1S27 Mr. Pitman is a 1360' graduate 25, ' ' of Marietta, College and presently is serving' as a teacher at the Colorado' -Springs School for Girls in Colorado. For the past, two summers he served, at the Tuxedo THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS AT Club, Tuxedo Park, New . York. In an effort to stimulate' inter- est in'tennis among children,,,; Mr. Pitman will conduct group lessons from, 10 to 11 a.m. on Wednes- DRUG CITY days and Friday?. Following the instructions, round robin matches will be' set up between the better players, 'There Vill be a slight charge per person 'per .day. Indi- AGENCY vidual lessons also will be of- fered, and equipment will be1 available at 'the pro shop. 1161 MAIN ST. WATERTOWN, CONN. Mr. Pitman is married to the Phone: 274-5425 or 274-5426 former Margaret Rouillion of Washington, Conn,.,, and, the couple is spending the summer there with. Mrs. Pitman's parents. OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK - 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dick Robinson - Replaces' Davis «* **, i>- * f For 'Record Hop Fun in the Sun... Hartford disc jockey Dick Rob- inson will replace Brad Davis at CANNON tomorrow night's American Field Service dance at Watertown High Terryclorh School, according to record, hop chairman Sydney B. Rudder, who said Davis Is unable to attend be- cause of a programing problem. Robinson will bring his 'Complete record show with him- and as a' Beach Towels special attraction there will 'be a rock and roll combine. ' Added features tomorrow wili be 'the "Heart Beats,"'a rock and roll group; "The1 Landsmen," and "Tommy Perkins and Friend," hootenanny singers who will try out for • the Sept. 19 < live ' 'radio hobtenanny show. ; Praise, • for the A.F.S. program., which -makes it 'possible lor a for-' eign student to spend a year In school here and this summer sent. a Watertown" .girl to France, came this week for Supt. of Schools) pcfaard C, Briggs.. He' especially 'Complimented ' . the teenage com- mittee which has 'worked so hard on 'the various AFS .projects. TABLES HEMfNWAY SPRAY BARTLETT STARCH MFG. CO. WATERTOWN.' CONN.

NYLON -THREAD BRAIDED LINES Complete Selection of WINES - UQUORS - CHAMPAGNE & COLD BS* PACE 10 — TOWN TIMES (WATBWTOWN, CONN.), JUtt-Y 1g, from July 22 through Aug. 3. State-wide jtiay W& be J»b* highway in front of a Reptile farm. from Aug. 44, the Hfewr Englaa* SpookingProperty of... Afte rof a shor tthe wait he realizeWatertownd Open BisMc* Historicaltournament from Aug. WHS, thSocietye they weren't cooling off any so he Eastern Regional* from Aug. 17- uimti&ii left the trailer truck and went for 23 and flie World Series from help. In the meantime someone Play July 25 Aug. .25 to 29 at WHliamsport, Pa. SPORTS called the Marshall Creek Fire The Watertown-Oakville little Leo Chevrfer and Phil Clark .The annual All-Star game for League team ha* drawn a bye for •y BOB CALMER watertownhistoricalsociety.orgDepartment, a volunteer depart- are coaching the tournament ti ie Watertown-Oakvilfe Little ment much like our Watertown the first round of play in the an-team. On the roster are: Joe Ro-I eague's Intermediate League will INCIDENTS outfit. When they arrived the first nual District 3 Little League mano, Yankee*; Fred Jackson, fa e held Friday, July 17, at 6 p.m. "' 'We are not vain enough to think thing they did was to put the hose Tournament, President Joseph Bandy Bares and Gary Garthwait, qt Mosgrove Field, Davis St. for • me moment that with 'the ex- Buono announced this week. The Cardinals; M3ce McColgan, Bob ception 'Of a, band. Ml of Mends, to the smoldering tires. At this Robert Riedl will coach the Na- exact instant according to all re-team will play its first game on Marinaro and Neil Saucier, tional League team and will be no 'One is interested in: where the' ports around Marshall Creek, the Saturday, July 25, when they take Giants; Joe Buono, Dodgers, John Palmers' -went- for-.their vacation.. on the winner of the Oxford-Shel- Metro, Bob Palleria, Tom Berube aisisted by Ernie Lindstrom and Last wMk we relived he first leg: track blew up and the results were r Phil Berchonak. John Metro is heart breaking. ton North game at 2 p.m. at Mos- and Mark , Red Sox; and of suck because we thought there grove Field. One more coach of the American League might be a "few fishermen or out- Six persons in all were killed, Shawn Wlash, combine and will be assisted by The locals must win three boy will be named to fill out theDan Zuraitis, George Cbcco and door fellows who might take no- three. firemen, a hotel occupant games to come up with the Dis-roster* tice. • . . several hundred yards away, a trict championship and the right M Dostaler. This week' we think, that some passenger in a car driving by andto meet the winner of District 5, The National League roster iiK things happened on a 1,000 mile the lady proprietor of the snake the Bridgeport area. Eleven Gotf CfabrW chides „Joe Rovero, Bill Smith, ' Journey through 'the Poconos, Get- farm. teams are entered in the District Frank Widmayer, Louie Quadrate tysburg, Amish Country, Washing- The explosion turned three fire 3 tournament playdowns. Besides and Mark Whittlesey, of the ton, D. C, the World's. Fair and engines into a twisted mass of Watertown-Oakvflle and the two Giants; Ron Heroux, Greg George, Shea Stadium 'that Just might be steel, tore a gigantic crater in teams above, they are Ansonia A supper dance will be held on Joe Lavoi, Charley Butterly and •ot reader interest, so kindly bear the earth, smashed windows and East, Ansonia West. Shelton Saturday evening, July 25, at theGlenn CoJson, of the Cardinals; with us. tare roofs and sidings off many South, Derby, Seymour, Nauga- Watertown Golf Club. Cocktails and Ron Marcil, Gene Lavene, ,, Probably the most amusing tiling houses and destroyed several au- tuck. Union City and Newtown. will be served at 6:30 p.m. fol-Steve Labock, Hark Berglund and that happened was the fact that tos parked in the vicinity. The district playdowns are slated lowed by dinner at 8 o'clock. $ob Charette, of the Dodgers. during the vacation stretch we Dancing will begin at 9 p.m. with On tb» American League roster 'Awe bumper to bumper, fender It was a terrible sight to see district with a 3-2 record. music furnished by the Carmen and the hearts of Marshall Creek Bradley has given up but one are Jim White, Bill Overbaugh, UD 'fender 'through. Montreal, Wash- and East Stroudsburg west out to Campion Orchestra. Qurt Miller, Ed Metro, Dan Mar- ington, New York City and Balti- run in 20 innings of pitching and Supper reservations must be cuscio and Chester Haft of the Iit- more without so much as a scratch the families of the brave firemen has 16 scoreless innings running. made by July 30 at the club house. who were called out of their beds Dad always said Chuck was the *"' s; George Cocco, Charley UD our new "car. • in the early morning hours never Serving on the arrangements rick, Jeff-Gorton, Jim Young, ,' But on a dead-end street. In Lan- best young pitcher around and itcommittee are Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Wheeiahan and Jeff Dostaler caster, Pa., traveled," on because to return. looks like he's right again . . . ard Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. David we' got off the mate 'route' into of the Yankee*; and Al Baummer, The Oakville Red Sox, on a two Pape, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Good- Jim Lombardo, Bruce Post, Mark Amish territory, a young' fellow CUFF NOTES year, and Mr.- and Mrs. David An- DiMaria, Hairy Clock and Brett backed oat of a driveway as only game winning streak, are back in There's nothing like being in drews. a young fellow could and believe the thick of the Pomperaug Valley Shea Stadium when the Mets win turartis, of the Red Sox. us, the Impala was- baptized. League race only a game off theespecially like the night we were Thank goodness it was still mo- pace being set by Torrington and seeing this beautiful new ball park bjle and we continued! on, not with Seymour. for the first time. Lecturer Reginald Lawrence 'the same see America feeling but Lorrie Mentus pitched a six hit- It was ihe game that Frank will present a literary program onward toward the nation's capi- ter against game but winless Beth- Thomas proved to be a Frank at a meeting of Watertown Grange tal. .'Last year a taxi sideswiped any. Youthful Billy Dinorfio hit a Merriwell and hit a home run with Friday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in Ma- us at 'Logan, Airport, in Boston' so solo home run over the left field two out in the ninth and Joe Chris- sonic Hall, Main St. Master Flor- SINTHtfNGS the batting average is being main- snow fence for the Sox. There topher on base for a 4-3 win over ence Byrnes will preside at the AND tained. hasn't been a ball hit over that the St. Louis Cardinals. business meeting. particular spot in several, years Plans, will, 'be formulated for. a but. 'two were' hit there Sunday, After 'Thomas , crossed the plate PLASTICS, INC. . Members of the fire' department with - the 'winning marker, it baked ham supper, date to be an- 1 the-.other by Bill Lee the visiting seemed nobody wanted to leave. nounced. The Home Economics might be interested in a tragic catcher. " •Committee' will conduct" .a Country ' ' A accident: that happened in the Po- Whether "Met; fans not used to such : Seumour and 'Torrington meet goings' on, - were' stunned, or' were .Store, for 'which .members are -to cono Mountain -area near East one another this week .and. a. Red WATERTOWN Stroudsburg, Pa. . just happy enough to want to stand bring articles. - " Sox. win" at. Roxbury means that around and talk about it we Refreshments will; be served by INDUSTRY "' It occurred .only, a, mile .and athey will tie one of the .current couldn't decide. " Mrs. Bertha 'Noble 'and. her com- half from the, Blue Ridge Inn. league leaders for second, place. One wag" hollered, .out'"loud and mittee'. . - 1 where we 'were staying. - clear,, '"Thomas for president, "The local papers showed a pic- Chuck: - Bradley's mound per- he's, as good as the rest of the ture 'of the" 'tragedy, but. Fame first formances for the" Oakville Amer- candidates." 'hand" information might add to theican - 'Legion team have been just To which another replied, "Bet- THE S1EM0N COMPANY 'details. ''The 'driver of a truck car- 'wonderful and he has won all three ter—they can't hit home runs." rying 'dynamite noticed" his tires, games .the team has won. They Yessir, a, visit to Shea is a, happy A Connecticut Industry ~ . smoking' and pulled off the main are - in second place'' in the' sixth. .occasion, particularly when . 'the home farces win. Since 1903 The Oakville Red, Sox, like most. ' Moldors' CHICI wcniufocTiirors 18th ANNUAL amateur teams, .are finding it hard to make ends meet. 'There .just of Plastic Materials isn't enough take at the gate to. pay expenses and to survive each week: is a task in itself. ST. PAUL'S FAIR 1 Most .of ' our Yankee fan friends Moin St. (on the Given, 1 Wooafocify, Conn* - 'refuse to take the play,of the' Bal- timore ' Orioles seriously, even What 'though the Birds are leading' the pack at 'this stage of the season. ' a shame- SATURDAY, JULY 25th, 1964 "They are counting on the Orioles to crack- before much longer just IfaW-F-T* as most teams have 'fallen 'before, 10 A.M.— 8 P.M. •the ' Yankees . down, through the years. They could 'be as right as missed seeing our ., •rain, but one shouldn't' forget' that UNDER THE BIG TENTS these aren't the Yanks of old' as state's colorful fairs! the Dodgers very well proved. NO ADMISSION CHARGE ' AUCTION at 1 P.M. RENTAL SOV1CE Sanders — PollaHiai-a. E'd'gers — Garden Tillers.' STEER BARBECUE Lawn Rollers — Spreaders - Complete Dinner 5 P.M. to 7 P.M. KE,'Y8 MADE ADULTS $2.50 CHILDREN $1.50 KAY'S HARDWARE Main Street - Watertown

Ever since 'the' first American fair at $iew Haven in 1644, July through October 'is traditionally fair-time in Connecticut. Time to eat barbecue*! chicken .and you're small, you'll find! this -a most relaxing" rocker. Gives, you just "the blueberry' pie* feast your ej/ws on prize-winning live- right bade support you've always stock and food, ride on a ferns wheel ... at any of longed for in a chair that kas lots of the state's 47 fairs. For a complete listing, write for style. a free lair guide to': Marketing Division, "Department You'll have a, permanent invitation to of Agriculture and Natural Resources, State Office' "take tt easy" in, this big, friendly, chair, built for sprawling and .relaxing- Building, Hartford, Connecticut 06115. Our fon- filled fairs .are: another happy reason for encouraging •very W-F-T (* World's Fjair Traveler - pronounced' Store ,Heun»: Tue*. thru 1 Firi. 10 to 9 P.M. "Weft" ) to 'Come up to Connecticut this year..Get 'Sat, to 5:45 P.M. in touch, with your out-of-state friends - fell 'them 1 - The only things missing are the pipe' what they're missing if they don't cross our border! arison's and slippers! Lean back and relax, and enjoy the solid comfort of this Let's bring W-F-Fs • roomy high-back rocker. Ideal for' living room, family 'room .or study! .In. . - over the border to Connecticut solid Northeastern "rock, 'maple and JfUKNlTUISE wear-free fabrics, - _ The Southern New England Telephone Company • 1740 7 S 3 - i 0 7 0 ~ • fin* WmMm§ FEMALE INTERVIEWER WANT- TOWN TI'-MES (WATEHTOWN, CO'NNI.), JULY 16, 1964 •— PAQg ft Legal Notice ED for part-time 'telephone' sur- vey work. Give phone number. 'DISTRICT OF WATERTOWMProperty, IS,, PROBATE Prefer privatofe 'line the. Not a sellinWatertowng Historical Society COURT, July 10, 1W4. - Estate tf job. Air mail letter including ed- MARY KRIZttMUSKAS ucation, work experience and, tile of oWtftrtnwn in saW District deceased., names of references to: Ameri- Upon the application of me Administratrix, praying that iM be' auilMrttM to anil and can. Research Bureau, 'Field Staff convey 'Certain real estate belonging to said, Belts ville, Mary- Estate, as ..per appHcsfion on fife none fully land. Appears, II ib ORDERED — 'That l«M application be PAINTING: The A-l Painting Co. heard aM determine! at me Probate Office, will give you fast, efficient serv- (n Watertown, in said distrtet, on the anti ice on your house or building. tfay M July, A.D. IflML at' 4:31' o'clock in Me afternoon, and that 'public nonce be Free' estimates". 274-2101. given of the pendency of *aM application for adoption: Three kittens and me time and place of' hearing thereon, by pvMMiIng .9 copy of tfiis order once in assorted colors, dispositions, tome newspaper hawing, a circulation Im laid sexes; also their handsome spin- District, and by mailing In cartifled. letters, ster aunt {''frankly,; a little1 hell- peerage prtpaW and re+vm 'rwaelfct reqoest- raiser); and Uncle Pete ' (he National thinks he's the father). Call aft- GIVE tsted and residing outskte the Probate DVs- er 5 or weekends, 754-5025. Jiriicf1 off wtttcftwra^' A ©opy OT pb'is ©Twee <8fl Stores Bt least W day* before -tali firm assigned, •id return make to this Court. ' ., - JULY" SPECIAL — Extra Heavy • . • , . . JfliSEPM M. NAVIN, Judge 9 x 12 Braided Rugs from 139.95 TT 7/WI4 to $69.50. Values up to $95.00. GREEN 'Other sizes- in proportion. 'Call TAMPSJ DISTRICT OF WATERTOWN, «., PROBATE or visit THE HQUSATONIC VAL- COURT. July 'It Iftt. ' LEY RUG SHOP, Cornwall ALEXANDER KV'I'ETKUS Bridge, Conn. Tel. ORleans 2- ROAST (ate .of Watertown, In said District, deceased, 6134, Upon the application of Leo J. Greenwood, Claude M. DeVorw of Wientta, jUmMMrafar. DON, prayinft Mat Ine be Kansai, was elected President of tiriMHMd to seH • and convey certain real .-swrnrs SIGN SHOP '•state belonging to Mid EataM. an per Lions International at the Asso- application on file' more fully appears. It Is 2 PYTHIAN AVE. ciation's 47th annual convention ^ '. ORDERED — 'That said application be Jus'274-384t .arrive9 d at 'Chintz Watertow"N" Printns fa Toronto, Canada, July S-1L heard and determined at 'the Probate 'Office of Newtown, an, enormous num- Lions International, with 720,000 In Watertown;. In said district, 'an the 20th members in 124 countries, is the flay of July, A.D. 1M4, at 10:06 o'clock, in ber of Decorator Slipcover 'Drap- Chuck R<»2 me forenoon, and 'that- public notice be ery and Upholstery Fabrics at world's largest service dab or- BONE IN given of me pendency of said application enormous savings. South Main SfmSftlti. LB •nd the time and place of hearing thereon, St.- CRt. 25'), Newtown, 'Conn. Lions International la best Cui from ««aVY'. by publishing a com 'Of this order once in 'known 'for its many youth pro- some newspaper hawing a circulation In said FOR RENT: — Floor Sanders, WasMm Steer leei District, and by posting a copy - on the 'floor polishers, sanding . ma- grams, community service proj- public sign .post nearest to the place 'where chines, transit .and levelling ma- ects, sight conservation activities the deceased last 'dwelt, -all at 'least 4 days and 'Bid to the blind. Last year before said time assigned, and return mate chines. Lions Clnbs around the globe to this Court. Watertown Building Supply 'Completed, more than 400,000 in- CHWtRCUT JOSEPH M. NAVIN, Judge' - Echo Lake' M., Watertown dividual community projects- TT J/WM Tel. 274-2555 BOHIUSS DISTRICT OF' WATERTOWN, IS., PROBATE LADIES. Dresses' need shorten- COURT, July IX 1*W. ing ? Bring them to . Davidson's Estate or ' ' Dress' Shop. Will pin free of MARY ZURAI'TIS charge'. Hems finished, for .nom- BUILDING CALIFORNIA late of WafierMm. In said District, deceased. inal fee. 274-1149. us Upon' the application of' Leo J. Greenwood, PERMITS. Administrator praying that he 'be author lied EM It., JEWELERS to sell and convey certain real estate be-' EXPERT WATCH AND CLOCK longing to saiM Estate, as per application REPAIRING—Guaranteed Work- on file' more fully appear*, it to Henry and Mary Boucher, Colo- ORDERED' — That said application be - rnanshio. heard and determined -at -the Probate Office nial and Candee Hili Road, have lira Watertown, In »ak» (Harriet, '4*1 me IWt'RUGS,CARPETS,, BROAOLOOMS been issued a ' permit to erect a. day of July, A.D. ""19*4 at 10:tt o'clock In —Minor's Valley Bug .Service, So. children's play ' house, 5250,., the forenoon, and 'that public notice tie Stain St.," Thoroastan. Rugs and • John Kontout & Son, 55' Central given of the pendency of' iaid application Carpets "denied by Bigelow's and the time and' place of hearing ftiereon, Ave., Oakville,, has been, issued a by publishing a copy of mis order once In Karpet Kare Process. permit to construct a one family .tome newspaper hawing a circulation In CARPENTER A MASON WORK, house with three bedrooms and a .said District, and by posting a copy on the reasonable. BnQFiJig, repairing, garage in the basement, $12,000. i» If e public sign post nearest to' lie place where the deceased last dwelt, all at least 4 days Free 'estimate,. Tel Z74<839T. Richard B. Thompson, 77 Oak FWST 1WO before said time assigned, and return make GENERAL ELECTRIC" Heating, St., has 'been granted a permit to to this Court. Hot Water, Warm Air and. .Airconstruct a- stonewall planter at- -<*rv JOSEPH M. NAVIN, Judge Conditioning. WESSON HEAT- tached to the house,, $150. TT 7/U/t* ING CORP.. Water burv. Tel. . Priscilla and Francis Membri- LEGAL NOTICE 754-1892. no. Bassett Road, have 'been, is- To any person toemefl'cfenltf- Interested' In lite tolhwlng lots in Evergreen Cemetery" In ERNIE'S AUTO BODY WORKS sued a, permit to construct -a one Watertown Connecticut. 'One of' 'the most, completely- family dwelling, $15,000. '"There ere charges legatty *ssesW against equipped Paint and Body Conrad H. Sansowcie. 116 Ball these- foil, which are due and unpaid tar Farm Road, Oakville, has been ten fears. You are hereby 'warned that un- Shops in Connecticut. Wheels less lines* charges on any such fats are Alignment 'and Balancing. granted a permit to erect a one paW within one year jrom July 9, If**,, 141 Meridtti Rd.. Waterbury room addition, $1,700. Ibis' Association will1 take over and dispose of the unused grave* In such lot under the —— w — | urn Qjir provisions of the General Statutes of Con- •Sweet, Juicy Flavor EACH necticut In 'IBM! Revision. Section W-KS. East Cemetery, .Section J, lot 1*A in name SUMMER CLEARANCE of hUarw Harris 'Freeman; Section D, tot W, In name of Estate Maria Hlchcox. Excellent Selection Evergreen Cemetery Association Peacbes OOM. U by John V. Abbott, Secretary of POTTED ROSES . . . OM Favorites And Many CLASSIFIED ADS New Varieties ... Plus: STANDARD FUCHSIAS Street Corn NATIVE 6 FOR 35, JOHN B. ATWOOD, all lines of insurance. -'Bus,, Waterbury. 753- 5147, Res., Watertown .274-1881. Vi Price 10 aufy S a I o n Stffl A Good Supply 'Of' «APE JUICJ E 274-2195 - " " FLOWERING ANNUALS GA«0fN A 6OZCAN6-OSZ Jttffe George Building, Main Street .... CANS oO9yC Plenty of -frmm .Parking WOOD LA N D G At D Ell S HAWAIIAN PUNCH JOHN G. OWE&L Top of' Sherman Mill — U. 8. 6A, Wood-bury 263-2285 EALTHFULLY R M FUMEKALHOME O P IE N 7 ID A Y S A. WEE, K 742 Main St., Oakville PHONE 274-3005 9131, 'DMtnetftwOanitb M*J«rn «y»- »*/ lUB In oil tinl*hed Walnut v«- PHOTOGRAPHY fALLNEWI news and ••tact, hardwood by Dick Wood Grocery Studio Vm Malh ft. 1964 1-QTT4-OZ $100 WATERTOWM —' S74-1015 Pole JIM J CANS"

Peanut Butter JAR J. Andre Fouroier PMAST 210' AUTO - UFE - HOME Large COUNT Special Sole Paper Towels INSURANCE 7-OZ On Rebuilt Sets 510 Main Street - Oakville SOLID WHITE - In Oil CANS 2 7 4 -111 1 Apple Sir—4 LOUIS A. LAUDATE VAUGHN • ' Brim In This Week' > CMpms Y« iMthel in th* Mai! ELECTRIC OIL BURNERS GET 30 EXTRA $«tf GREEN STAMPS Sales, 'Service * Repairs BROS. • with BLUE HEAVEN Glassware Motors —- Pumps — Control* Relays — Trarwf ormers $ Electric artd Manual TELEVISION 5 GLASSES for 1 Pet Burner Controle-Parta, etc Burner Parts and- Materials 1125 Main Street - "in Stock tncai, SHtctiv. I'ut Sitjcdjy. My IS. 1964 in Krot HMoMlli Soon .MwUli, Onlf 14 Rochdale Avenue WAfnrowN Wl ttScll'Wf THE KM? TO UMIT jyAMTITtlS . .. OAKVILLE,'CONN.. 274-8737 "' a.-..*:» Bum A »,«*#ec» P«M*-»C«» bams* ftrm Somo OHm Ph«n» S74-3471 - - « — TOWN TIMES" (WATERTOWN, CONN.)- will, .include works by • Mozart, tfrral concerts, will be conducted Albert Dges, SI Maple St.. Oak- Property of the WatertownStrauss.' Schuller, and music fro mHistoricalby Erich Leinsdorf and Eugen Societye has been issued a permit to Stravinsky's - .ballet,, "Pulcinella", Qroiandy. Mr. • Leinadorf's pro- a "one- room addition to' with. - sab voices drawn:, from, the gram for Saturday, July IS, in- present dwelling, 9,9011. ' . Music Center's' Vocal. .Depart- cludes Wagner's,. Overture ''and .John. Kontout & Son, 55 'Central. five Major Concerts Slated ment. Berkshire Music^ Center' Bacchanals from, "Tannhauser"; Ave., Oakville, .'has 'been issued, a, chamber music concerts 'will' be Richard Strauss' "Hie- Tageszeit- "mit to construct a one family 1 .given-at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, en"; Three Nocturnes - by Debus- d welling' with three bedrooms and.. 24, and.--on.,Sunday, July 26, at8 sy ;• and '"111 Eulenspiegel" by t TO car garage in,' the' basement, for Next Week AtTanglewood p.m. 'The fourth in the "new and in- Strauss. The Harvard Glee Club SL2,000. The coming week will be the 'been'sold. Admission to' the .great creasingly popular Music of «,., S. and Radcliffe Choral .Society,''will itmsiest of ' the 1964 Berkshire lawns at Tanglewood will be on Bach programs will 'be" .given in Join the. Orchestra for portions of' Festival to date with five major saie at noon for-this concert only. the Tanglewood Theatre .on Sun-'the 'concert. The Philadelphia con- MIKE'S COFFEE SHOT 'Concerts scheduled -for TangJe- At the Sunday, July 26, 'concert, day, July ,26, at 10 a.m. All Berk- ductor 'will direct 'the Boston Sym- shire Music Center .. pelonnances phony Orchestra in Sunday's pro- * ' Featuring 'Famous: . * wood, Lenox, Mass. Claudio Ar- 'the first of two-' guest' appearances PHILLIPS PRODUCTS «au returns fern- his third engage- at Tanglewood this summer. Wil-, are open to the- members of 'thegram consisting of Beethoven's ment off-the amstm -on Tuesday liam Steinberg will begin the- 'pro .Friends of 'the- Berkshire Music "Egmont" Overture and Sympho- "The Seat in Food-.and Service" evening, July 21, for an all-Mo- .gram with Mendelssohn's Sympho- Center. 'The' " Friends are those ny No. 4; Ravel's •'Alborada del |5«9 Wain St. — Watertown •art sonata recital. The -annual ny No. 4, Op. 90, commonly desig- who contribute to' 'the support of gracioso"; and Elgar's Variations. . Boston . Pops -at" Tanglewood . con- nated as the ""Italian*" Symphony. the Music Center's scholarship 'Oil' an Original Theme. Mr. Or- cert for the benefit of. the Boston .Mr... Steinberg, will 'also conduct funds and thereby aid - the mem- mandy has graciously 'Consented to performances of Siegfried's '.Rhine bers of 'the 'Center in -two ways: conducted this 'Concert which was 'THINK OF FLOOR.8 Symphony . Orchestra's i . Pension providing financial assistance and 1 THINK OF .. .» -. Fund will take place in the Music Journey and. Death from Wagner's 1 scheduled to have 'teen directed ' Shed on Wednesday, July ,22. For"Gotterdammerrung" 'arid Beetho- .making "up the audiences for 'tieby 'the late- Pierre Monteux. MURRAY LOGAN ven's Symphony Now 5, Op. '67. many .Music 'Center perform- this concert Pops conductor Ar- ances. . Tanglewood - patrons are' remind- FLOOR COVERINGS " thur " Fiedler has invited .Allan. Arthur Fiedler, Conductor of :i ed 'that all evening performances Sherman to he guest artist. 'Erich 'the Boston .Pops Orchestra, will 638 E. Wain 7S6-8883 L«Lnsdorf -will conduct 'the "Boston journey from his guest appearanc- • This weekend's Berkshire' Fes- 'will, begin at 8 p.m. Symphony Orchestra on Saturday es in San Francisco to Tanglewood; evening 'With .Van Cliburn as solo- on Wednesday, July 22, for the - ist. Mr. Leinsdorf has invited Eu- Boston. Pops at" Tanglewood pro- gene Ormandyj Music Director of gram. 'The well-known comic sing- II " the Philadelphia Orchestra and a. er .and performer Allan Sherman summer resident of' the Berk- will make Ms first .appearance at shires, " '.and. William Steinberg, Tanglewood at this concert.' He In And Receive ,. Music Director .of the Pittsburgh will join. .Arthur Fiedler and the To Buy* . Symphony Orchestra, to conduct Orchestra in performances of his •the' 'concerts on Friday. July 24, "Peter and -the Commissar" and and Sunday, July 26. "EndTrf a Symphony.." Mr. Sher- man mil. conduct his own "Varia- k .'Our List Of Summertime Bargai For *e Friday. July 24, Bcrk- tions, on How 'Dry I Am.." ahire Festival concert Mr. Or- *naady 'has chosen, to 'begin the 'The fourth concert of the "Tues- BfG SAVINGS ON' MORE THAU 100 ITEMS program 'with Richard Strauss' day 'Evening Chamber Music Ser- tone, poem "Don Juan", Op.- 20. ies will, feature Claudia- Arrau .in •Me will also, conduct the 'Boston a. piano recital, of'" Mozart sonatas. • Symphony -in performances of theMr. Arrau's 'program, will include Symphony No. 5 in E flat. Op. 82 the Sonatas in G major, K-. 283; A PLUS: 200 More Bargain Items For OnJy 99* *y Sibelius and Debussy's "Iber- minor, K. 310; B-flat. K. 570; D - is." The -program will, conclude major, K. 5716; and. Fantasie and .. with Ravel's Daphnis et Chloe Sonata, in C minor, K. -475 and 457. • ..Suite.' No., 2: .j • • » Proceeds' from these chamber mu- WATERTOWN BUDDING SUPPLY CO. 'ING. sic concerts benefit 'the Berkshire Hie 'regular Saturday morning Music Center's Revolving .Scholar- 56 Echo Lake Rd. — 27 4-25 5 5 — WATERTOWN 'Open Rehearsal will be held at 10 ship Fund. o'clock in the Music Shed. The members of -the . 'Berkshire - Erich Leinsdorf will.. open' the Music Center, the Boston Sympho- .Saturday, July 22. concert with, the ny Orchestra's summer center for first Tanglewood performance of. the advanced study of music." will Mucaifs Nocturne' "for Four Or-' be' heard in five performances this Come on /n/ Get my /ow, /dw prices on chestras, K. 286'. The . perform- week. 'The' 'Tanglewood: Choir, un- ance of 'this" work will require der the direction of faculty and the use of an intricate closed cir- .student conductors, will .give' its ' cult, television and| -' communica- first concert of the season, an tions system since 'the three or- Monday. July 20, Erich, Leinsdorf chestras not on the stage will 'be will conduct 'the Berkshire .Music .TIRES BEST SUITED - widely spread about the huge Mu- Center Orchestra on 'Thursday sic Shed. Continuing his observ- evening. July 23. ' The program ' ance of 'the 100th anniversary of ' the birth of Richard Strauss. Mr. Leinsdorf will conduct the philo- _ TOYOU * sophical poem "Also, speech Za- LOUIS J. LANEVILLE, Jr. V rathustra" which -will be followed by the Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. Contractor & Builder IS by' Brahms. For this perform- ,32 WILDER COURT 1 WATERTOWN DRIVING - ance .. Mr. Leinsdorf has' invited: '.Van Cliburn to tie soloist. All re- 274-1744 l ••. served seats for this concert' have Now/ 3 Great Mob// Tires" to choose from/ SALEM Spring And Summer Fabrics Reduced 20 to 50% ¥/ O MOYGASHEL LINEN, Prints and Solids $2.25 Yard MOBIL Reg. $2.98' PREMIER* 1 .. : • NEW •LfEMlte MADRAS ...... $ .89 Yard CUSHION* MOBIL TIRE- .. ' ' - ... • Reg. $1.39 . TIRE TIRE 'SAIL CLOTH, Prints- and Solids ' $ '.If Yard Premium quality wim,- New this year. A wider 11-3 . . . • • j Reg. t.m 'out premium price.- shoulder—a new im- looking for. 'a 'bar- HOMESPUN SOLIDS $1.19 Yard This new 6-rib tire proved design. Tested gain? Then remember, features extra-wide, and proved safer— wir will ma be winder- Reg. $1.59 extra-deep 'tread. Pro- longer lasting. Will spldl This all-new Drip Dry Cottons & Synthetics $.69 to $1.98 Yard - videsvpto2S%"ma» outlast original equip- design Nylon Cord •wearing, material than Reg. $.89 to $2.98 ment tires because of ."lire oilers, you, owe original equipment 4-ply Nylon Cord— mileage, more 'safety, tire*. Flaj'—'4-ply PBD Rubber. more comfort than any %ion, .Cowl.—'FID other tire in town," at VILLAGE FABRICS Rubber. . With Lmg-Miiamgo a comparable pricel Main Street - Woodbury With Long-Mileage Open Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

THE! FINEST..,,..,. THE FRESHEST IMPtOHTMin Bo* of OHM pwt anr MoW 'Tkw fMtpn#BO (P*tf

S prow. PBD tire need men tonger-«* 'yjmtef Mtmffk •% • r - tmvamm_iaA wa,, greater mistanco 'to endana


" MWUHTUB •tilml blwoutj, oitt. THE Impact breaks, •it. (puncturs, gbm» will .i • idJ'U:ttnefft illowiirtce on ne* . m nihiMwat &m*ge ticeottA) tin ,.ised. , on wltlMl tro*d d*pt» ASSORTS* CHOOOIAIJES- Mb. $140 - 2 Ib. $3,15 for Uw lift ot tts ofigtaiti tonadL renultin•--mii mnmttmmt plet, Mobil ARMAHD-S IKE OEPARTMEHT ost K^fftce iJUrug Store 131 DAVIS STREET — 274^2535 — OAKVI LLE -" ' rvffici?) mate "1-p*iieotia«.: Station -Open DaHy ? «-m. to 7 pymw Open Sundays 8 a.m. to 1 (Next To The Town Hall'} iH IWUAI -ANO SAVE!.