Full Connector for Rt. 8 Approved by Town Council
Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org The Watertown - Oakville Weekly Timely' Coverage -Of News In The Fastest* Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 18, No. 867 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Yi Single Copy, It Cents July 16. 1964 Fund Transfer- Illegal Full Connector For Rt. 8 • Watertown "was treated to a. rare exhibition last week when: the Chairman of the Vfown Council voted not once, but Approved By Town Council twice on the same motion.... and to this point, at least, has •,gotten, away with it. The strange' situation came about when the Council, after Porter To Buckingham 1 Paladmo Named a tedious argument, moved to transfer $1,650 from the con- Section Would Cost tingent fund to' the School Building Committee to be used for repair of fire damage and'correction, of alleged fire haz- For Outstanding Under $200,000 ards at Swift Junior High School. The 'vote, with one Council- 'The Town Council voted M'ondajr man absent, showed four against the transfer and three in Young Men Booklet to recommend the complete re- construction of Echo » Lake Rd., favor, at which point Chairman. James E. Cipriano cast his Vincent O. Palladino, 433 Wood- bury 'Road... has been notified that starting at Porter St., to serve ballot in, favor creating a 4-4 tie. he has been nominated .as. an. out- as a connector to new Route I. standing young man of America Estimated cost' of the project if Mr. Cipriano then declared that in case of ties he,, as.and. will be 'written up in the forth- $523,640, according to -figures, Chairman,, is entitled, to another ballot and proceeded to cast coming 'edition, of "Outstanding prepared 'by Town Engineer Jade Young Men of America." This an- Reynolds.
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