Miss Watertown Pageant Finals Saturday at Swift

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Miss Watertown Pageant Finals Saturday at Swift Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely' Coverage Of New$ In The' Fastest" Growing .Community In Utchfield County Vol. 16, No. 802 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Yi Single Copy, 10 Cents April IS, 1963 (bcUtoriai- Miss Watertown Pageant Teachers And Their Salaries • Watertown residents 'became spectators this week to what is tfpund to 'become a real donneybrook 'between the Board Finals Saturday At Swift of Education and, the Watertown Education, Association, over the question of teachers'* salaries. ' 10 Girls Compete The Board, has made what we feel is more than a generous - For RiffayTo Enter ' offer.. .The teachers'' negotiating1 committee has termed the AFS Selects Huoppi Family j>ff§r unacceptable and is sticking1 with their highly -un- " State Contest "' " reasonable demand. Negotiations were "broken off last week --A little .of the magic of Mis* To Host Exchange Student America comes to Watertowtt —.by'the teachers — and the two groups are at an impasse. Selection of a Watertown family delight over 'their selection, and this .weekend as ..the 'Watertown We compliment the Board, and particularly Michael, Ver- to host the first foreign, exchange Mrs. Huoppi was quoted as say- Jaycees 'present" the first JUiW student, under the American Field ing, "My husband and my chil- Watertown • Scholarship Pagea*. hovai, chairman of the Personnel Relations Committee,, on Service - program has been .an- dren, especially Barbara, as well 'The performance itself tabtt their stand. We sincerely hope'they stick with it and, that nounced by Mrs.' Nicholas Masi as myself are' in, a state of. ex- place" Saturday" night, but 'the ac- our teachers can be. made to "realize that they are but one .and" Mrs: Thomas • Carmichael, Co- cited anticipation and look for- tivities are already underway. Chairladies for the ""Home and. ward with great, excitement to: the Last night a. briefing sessuM small "part of a large and ..expensive municipal corporation Student Family adjustment" divi- arrival of our .guest." 'The Huop- with • the" ten. contestants was held. sion of 'the,, local. AFS Chapter. pis can be .assured -'that "the citi- The entrants, ''were instructed !•• which has dozens of problems as. important, or more, so, than The family selected is Mr. and zens of , the Watertown-OakviUe gaining' the Pageant rules an* providing a .'high salaried Utopia for schoolmasters and Mrs. Osmo Huoppi of 336 French, community are ""also .anxiously regulations and given the detailed St., Watertown. The Huoppis have looking forward to' this event, plans, for the activities which cdfe inarms. •' been residents of Watertown for most particularly the high school minate about '11. o'clock Saturday When, negotiations on, a new wage scale" for teachers were 14 years. 'They have two children, population who ha#e worked so on, 'the stage of the' Gordon Smrm a son. Richard,.9, and a daughter,. 'diligently in conjunction with lo- J union High School Auditorium 'launched, some time ago, the "W..E.A,. committee asked a Barbara, 1.6. Mr. Huoppi is em- cal AFS' chapter officials. when the first Miss, Watertown, it, - package totaling $122,000. They were told this was out of ployed -as an eyelet toolmaker a'f . The " Hiioppis were selected crowned. - Hostesses 'we're a* Cold Forming Manufacturing Co. from a number of area families signed to .assist 'the young ladi«* the question" and since have .reduced: their demands to a still in Thomaston. 'The only informa- 'that made application to 'the local throughout, the Pageant. Under ttft unrealistic $72,850. The Board's committee originally wanted, tion, available to date regarding AFS. They were selected 'by the chairmanship of 'the Jaycee Wive**' the' exchange student is that she local. Home and Family Selection 'President Mrs. Mary' Jane Strfe* to' stay within the cost of normal yearly increments, which will be a .girl of approximately the* committee and" were further ap- bel, 'the' hostesses ' are' " Mr*. would have amounted to from $24,000 to $25,000. In discus- same age as Mr. Huoppi's daugh- proved by the New York Headquar- Charles Grader, 'Mrs,.- 'Thomas ter . Barbara, and 'wi.ll attend the ters office of the AFS. AFS Stu- Lockwood., Mrs,. Evan Quarto*, sions with the full Board, it was agreed to offer a package senior year at; Watertown 'High dents live with one family during Mrs...' Norman. Stephen, Mrs, M> amounting to ,140,000', with, several suggestions as how it during' the 1963-64 school year. vin Turner, and. Mrs.. John O'Doft- was to be split up./Last Wednesday the Board .again upped The Huoppfs expressed, great (Continued, on Page 13) neii. 'The final, meeting of the' entii* its offer to gjQSOQL ^ n Miss Watertown. Committee -is This latter*'''bcM»t"wasT'"ma(le 'over" the "objections* slated for tonight. ' All - .Pageant Volunteers Canvass Sunday plans 'will be reviewed, to assure Vernovai. When it was flatly rejected by the 'teachers, who they .are' progressing properly. then, proceeded to' break off negotiations, the Board, count- Tomorrow night there' will t» a Pageant rehearsal with the cod* ered by "withdrawing the additional $6,300, and, there the For 1963 Cancer Crusade testants and the .full Jaycee pr»» matter stands. Mrs. Leonard B. Lockwood, of our most vital public educa- duction crew. Following' a ru» Chairman of the House-to-house tion activities:. through of 'the overall productiM, One offer.made by the Board would have boosted, the min- compaign for the 1963 Watertown Attorney .Collins, observed 'that individual 'talent rehearsal. wH Cancer 'Crusade announced to-day cancer is. the second, leading cause imum starting salaries in the three categories from. '$4,600, that more than 60 volunteers 'will of death in the United States and $4,950 and $5,300 to $4,900, $5,200 and $6,600 and the max- be' out: .in force this Sunday,. .April that an 'estimated 280,000 'per- (Continued on Page' 13) 21 to complete 'the house-to-house sons 'will, 'die of" the disease in, imums from $7,400, $7,750 and $3,100 to the same $7,400 for .portion of the drive. .1963—one every two minutes. those with" bachelor's degrees, $7,900 and $8,200. Calling' this phase of the cam- 'The chairman, urged • all people Watertown To Host The teachers'* demand calls for starting salaries of $5,000, paign, "the backbone of our over- in the Watertown-Oakville area to 1 all effort," 'town,, chairman At- join 'with Americans throughout $5,400 and $5,800 and maxfmums of $7,600, $8,000 .and. $8,400. torney David Collins added, ""This -the nation during April, "in doing 32nd District is our opportunity to carry the 'their full share in, helping to Our teachers contend that their 'morale 'has never been, American Cancer Society mes- stamp out cancer." "lower. Perhaps this is so —• but the same contention, is made sage door-todoor and neighbor-to- Mrs. .Lockwood also announced Republican Meefinf every year when salaries come under discussion.. neighbor. In addition, to being a Watertown, 'will he .host, to' 'm big fund-raising push, it is one ('Continued, on Page 13) 32nd District Republican meeting 'They contend that a year ago they were given only a $100' on Thursday, April 25, at 7:» p.m., at 'the Swift; Junior High across the 'board increase. Actually the increases' last year School, according to an announce* ranged, as high as $500; with, only a very few now at the ment received from, -Charles *. First Congregational Church Allen, Chairman of the local Re* maximum receiving just $100. publican.,Town Committee. Two years ago teachers were given very substantial in- _ ...Republican, Town CommitWft Chairmen of all towns in the 32ni, creases which made the local, salary scale one of the best in Canvass To Start Next Sunday senatorial district, will be at thw the area, and placed it above the state average. Last year's meeting, in, addition to various increase 'maintained, the scale at an, attractive level and what At, 11 .o'clock Sunday Morning in state party .dignitaries 'who haw* 'the First 'Congregational 'Church, Chamber Of been invited. 'The names of stall is 'being offered this year again will make the scale equal, the Rev. George E. Gflchrist will dignitaries expected to attend will, commission, 'the'' workers for the be' announced.. to or 'better than most in the area. general canvass'"of the Advance- Commerce Week,. Unfortunately, for as,,, teachers like to compare their wage ment Program, in 'which, the church " 'The purpose of the meeting 1m is engaged'.. The church has estab- Proclaimed to pnwi.de a. clearing house for scale with that of the "'Gold Coast*""' towns. Watertown is in lished a. goal of 5117,000 lor 'the ideas and. methods employed, ty program. Town, Council' Chairman James the various District Town, Com- no position to 'Compete with these communities and we E. Cipriano has issued, a. procla- Following the Commissioning mittees. This is the' third, meetnJl shouldn't let ourselves 'be forced into a position of 'having mation 'designating the week of to be held 'this year: .and. according Service, 'the following men will April 22-27 as Chamber of Com- call on, 'the members and friends to 'Mr, Allen, the meetings thus to' do so. " merce Week in, Watertown. far have 'been well attended aril of the' church. Under' Section Watertown's newly organized • • Our teachers also Ike to compare their salaries with those Chairmen,, Wallace Howe, Division. have proved quite valuable in. aid* •Chamber of Commerce,, 'will launch ing the town, committees to better paid to professional people in industry. Mot "knowing the "A" chairman Roger Bryson will its 'first membership 'drive 'that, have Harold Crepon, John 'Barker, serve party members and elec* source of their figures,, we cannot 'contest them.
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