Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org The Watertown - Oakville Weekly Timely' Coverage -Of News In The Fastest* Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 18, No. 867 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Yi Single Copy, It Cents July 16. 1964 Fund Transfer- Illegal Full Connector For Rt. 8 • Watertown "was treated to a. rare exhibition last week when: the Chairman of the Vfown Council voted not once, but Approved By Town Council twice on the same motion.... and to this point, at least, has •,gotten, away with it. The strange' situation came about when the Council, after Porter To Buckingham 1 Paladmo Named a tedious argument, moved to transfer $1,650 from the con- Section Would Cost tingent fund to' the School Building Committee to be used for repair of fire damage and'correction, of alleged fire haz- For Outstanding Under $200,000 ards at Swift Junior High School. The 'vote, with one Council- 'The Town Council voted M'ondajr man absent, showed four against the transfer and three in Young Men Booklet to recommend the complete re- construction of Echo » Lake Rd., favor, at which point Chairman. James E. Cipriano cast his Vincent O. Palladino, 433 Wood- bury 'Road... has been notified that starting at Porter St., to serve ballot in, favor creating a 4-4 tie. he has been nominated .as. an. out- as a connector to new Route I. standing young man of America Estimated cost' of the project if Mr. Cipriano then declared that in case of ties he,, as.and. will be 'written up in the forth- $523,640, according to -figures, Chairman,, is entitled, to another ballot and proceeded to cast coming 'edition, of "Outstanding prepared 'by Town Engineer Jade Young Men of America." This an- Reynolds. This includes $325,000 a second yea vote, supposedly carrying the motion 5-4. nual biographical 'compilation will for the section from Route 8 t» - 'The remaining Councilmen apparently didn't know the feature the' Tien Outstanding Young Buckingham. St.. .and $198,640 for Men of America., who were se- the second section from. Bucking- right or 'wrong of it, were too surprised at the action, or felt lected in, January. ham St. to Porter St. the .matter not important enough, because only one, Albert Mr. Palladino 'was selected as Earlier the Council tentatively the 'recipient, of 'the Distinguished had recommended Echo Lake 'Rd... Montambault, raised, any protest, declaring that such a sec- .Service Award for 1963 by the 'be reconstructed only from Route ond vote was in conflict .with Robert's Rules of Order,, by Watertown Junior Chamber of 8 to Buckingham. St., but agreed Commerce, .and. has been active to examine the possibility of push-, which the Council is supposed, to govern itself. Mr. Cipriano in many "Community affairs since ing through to Porter St. after in-' •moving to Watertown in 1958. dividual Councilmen reported re- mildly suggested that Mr. Montambault check. Mr. Roberts ceiving a. number of calls urging to see who was. right and "who was wrong and the Council, .In this year's publication, the that the entire road be recon- introductions are being written by structed. quickly passed'on to' other 'business. - President Lyndon B. Johnson and, U. S. Jaycee President Richard CAPT. THOMAS G. TRAVER,. The Echo 'Lake Rd. project is1 We fervently hope' that the School Building Committee Headlee. "The book, which honors son of Alfred M. Traver, Sr.., one of seven items which, were doesn't attempt' to' '.spend any of the $1,650 which allegedly young men between 21 .and 35 Park Rd., has completed a six- given final approval for recom- years of age 'will be' available to. month ordnance officer career mendation to the Planning .and. was transferred, because the • Chairman's second vote was, libraries and research groups. course at the Army Ordnance Zoning Commission for its. ap- without question, illegal. Mr. Palladino recently' was Center and School, Aberdeen proval, so that all the items may elected Qjrt-man of the Republi- Proving Ground, Md. 'The course be 'bought to. the public in a ref- We know, of no rules of parliamentary- procedure, includ- can Town. Committee. In ""addition, is designed to prepare officers erendum on a bond issue which ing Roberts', which... give the chairman of any group two he is Chairman of the Board, of for immediate performance of might reach $2,000,000. Directors of the Watertown Chap- command and staff duties in all Action on, one project, 'the pro- votes on the same matter. And' what is more important, the ter, American, Red... Cross; • Proj- areas of Army Ordnance. The posed, $328,900 reconstruction, of ect 'Co-chairman of the American 31 -year-old officer entered the French St.. was held in abeyance town's Charter sets forth in'black and, white that the chair- Field, Service; Past-President of Army in August., 1954.., and was for further study after 'three First: man, shall have only one ballot. the Watertown Jaycees; Treasur- fast, stationed at Fort Caimp- District Councilmen expressed er of Cub Scout Pack: 55; a mem- belt, Ky. He is a 1950 graduate fears that the 'Council, 'would, haw Chapter 3, Section 302, of the Charter says, in. part, in. ber of the LJtchfield 'County Sher- of Watertown High School and a difficult time selling the public reference to' the office of chairman,, that '"Such office shall iff's Association, - the National received his B.S. degree from a $2,000,000 bond issue if all the Sheriff's" Association,, the Water- the University of Connecticut in streets involved are in the .Second. not give nor deprive^ such chairman or vice-chairman of one town-Oakville Chamber of Com- 1954. (tLS. Army Photo I District. merce, the Baldwin-Judson PTA. Other projects 'receiving final • Vote on any-question." University of Connecticut Alumni, approval Monday were: Straits We agree with the four Councilmen who voted for the Association. , Alumni Association Miss Virbila 'Turnpike sewer and water facili- of Washington, and, Jefferson. Col- ties, $465,000. Storm, sewers on. transfer that funds should, be made available for the work lege and: the Watertown Library Belden St , Bit. Vernon Ave... Bam- required,, but we disagree wholeheartedly with the manner Association. Among Pageant ford Ave,.,,, Crestwood, St., Edge Other1 area residents who will Rd., Wilson, Dr.... Pullen Ave,.., • in which the vote was pushed through. And, we believe that be included, in 'the publication are i-Finalists Prospect St., Beach Rd., Sunset Richard C. Bozzuto, Watertown Ave., and Guernseytown Rd,. $55.- the four Councilmen, who voted against the transfer also feel Kathleen Virbila. Miss •Water- 828.50; Davis St.. from. Maple St., and State Senator James Tansley, town of 1964, placed among the the funds should" be provided. Their's was a disagreement Waterbury... to Straits Tpke.. $185,250; River- ten semi-finalists in the 1964 side St.. from, Henry St., to French with the source' from which the money should be taken. Miss Connecticut Pageant held at St.. $144,300; Falls Ave., "from, the; In his desire to provide'the money which had been request- Young Republican the Ezio Pinza Theatre in, Stam- railroad tracks to Sylvan 'Lake ford last weekend. Rd,., $185,250; .and Sunnyside Ave,., ed, .we feel Mr. Cipriano made an error in judgement, and Honora Bukowski, Hiss Wal- from Buckingham St. to Franklin, that his second ballot was not an, attempt to deliberately Club To Organize ingford, was named. Miss Con- Ave... $95,940',.. All of the figures. necticut, and, will compete in. thelisted include 10 per cent for en- flaunt the provisions of the Charter. • Next Tuesday Miss America Pageant In Atlantic gineering and, 201 per' cent, for con- We- ask, that at the earliest- opportunity he admit he erred A meeting to form a Young Re- City this September. Other win- tingencies. publican Club in Watertown will ners named in. "the Pageant were 'The total of the orojects ap- in his decision, that the motion stands as a tie, and, that the be held Tuesday, July 21, at 8 Carole .Ann. Gelish, Miss Water- proved Monday is $1,655,208. 'The' entire matter be reopened so it can be handled legally, per- p.m. at the Watertown, Library, bury, 1st runner up; Omega Lau- Council will meet again in spe- Republican Town 'Chairman Vin- rette Milbourne, Miss University cial, session next Monday evening' mitting the necessary work, at the school to be carried out. cent O. Palladino reported this of Hartford, 2nd runner up; Ar- at. 8 o'clock in the 'Town Hal An- week'... All registered Republicans lene Bouchard. Miss Southington.* nex to decide whether or 'not. are invited, by the chairman, to at-3rd runner up: and, Marilynne Mae French St. shdald be included in. tend. Holm, Miss Bridgeport. 4th run- its entirety or as a partial, project At the first of two pre-organiza- ner up. consisting of sidewalks in the Local Stouts Successfully tional meetings held 'recently,, Mr. Linda, Majorino, Miss 'Cheshire',, school areas, and, whether .any oth- Palladino and, 'GOP State Central was named Miss Congeniality.. er streets, particularly in the Committeeman Charles Allen ad- First District... should 'be. added. dressed a. gathering of 12' persons. While 'the Council, earlier had The group elected a slate1'of tem- Industrial Tract Complete Hike Of 59 Miles porary officers, as follows: Ray- (Continued' on 'Page 2) A week-long, HNnile hike which trail packs, which, with extra, mond F. Ventresa, chairman; Being Developed started from a point just north of clothing,,, rain gear, 'bed rolls, John L. Vail and John Traver, the Massachusetts State Line, and tents, 'Cooking equipment and food',,, vice-chairmen;' Alan.
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