Heavy Flavours 8, Southampton, UK, 1999 PROCEEDINGS The B-Physics Potential of LHCb, BTeV, ATLAS and CMS Neville Harnew Nuclear and Particle Physics Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK. Email:
[email protected] Abstract: The physics performance of the second generation B-physics experiments, LHCb, BTeV, ATLAS and CMS, is reviewed. The differences in detector philosophies, the CP-reach of the experi- ments, and the sensitivities to rare B decays are compared. 1. Introduction ∗∗∗ Im VudVub + VcdVcb + VtdVtb = 0 Prior to 2005, the first generation experiments η(1−λ2/2) to study CP-violation in the B system, BaBar, ∗ ub V α V | λ Belle, HERA-B, CDF and D0, will explore the /2) td 2 cb |V V cb parameters of the unitarity triangle. These pa- | | λ rameters, indicated in figure 1, will be deter- (1−λ γ mined with varying amounts of precision : β 0 Re ρ(1−λ2/2) 1 • The quantity sin(2β) will be well measured 0 in the \gold plated" Bd → J/ψKs channel, ∗∗ ∗ Im VtbVub + VtsVus + VtdVud = 0 perhaps to ∼0.03{0.05; η (1−λ 2 • The side opposite the angle γ will be known, λ /2) 0 ∗ | |V 0 ub V B B cb cb td assuming s s mixing is measured by CDF V V | | and D0; λ ηλ2 γ′ • The side opposite β will be measured from δγ Vts b → u Re decays, but with significant error |Vcb| 0 ρ due to theoretical uncertainty in hadronic (1−λ2/2+ρλ2) interactions; Figure 1: Two unitarity triangles shown in the com- • The quantity sin2(β + γ), i.e.