Future Energy Sources

Course No: M03-047

Credit: 3 PDH

Gilbert Gedeon, P.E.

Continuing Education and Development, Inc. 22 Stonewall Court Woodcliff Lake, NJ 076 77

P: (877) 322-5800 [email protected]

Four Years Later: An Interim Report on Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook August 2007

www.science.doe.gov Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook was published in November 2003. The original publication is available online, on the DOE Office of Science web site, under Scientific User Facilities at http://www.science.doe.gov/. 3 Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 5 11 11 21 26 32 33 )7 )8 )9 Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) UpgradeContinuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility 17 by the end of FY 2007 by the end of FY 2008 as published in November 2003 as published A Twenty-Year Outlook Twenty-Year A UltraScale Scientific Computing CapabilityLinac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)Genomics:GTL Bioenergy Research Centers Beam Facility (RIBF)Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) or Rare Isotope Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) Upgrade Center (NERSC) UpgradeNational Energy Research Scientific Computing Aberration Electron CorrectedTransmission (TEAM) Microscope 16 StationTarget Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Second 19 12 (NSST)Next-Step Spherical Torus Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) II 19 14 13 Super Neutrino Beam 18 Advanced Photon Source (APS) UpgradeeRHIC, eLIC, or the Electron Ion Collider (EIC)Fusion Energy ContingencyHigh-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Second Cold Source and Guide Hall 23 Integrated Beam-High Energy Density Physics Experiment (IB-HEDPX) 30 25 31 24 28 28 26 29 Facilities for the Future of Science: the Future for Facilities 3 Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) Joint 13 18 Double Beta Decay Underground Detector23 Advanced Light Source (ALS) Upgrade 23 27 Four Years Later: An Interim Report on Report Interim An Later: Years Four Priority: 1Priority: 2 Priority: Tie for ITER Priority: Tie for 7 The 12 GeV Priority: 12 Priorities Mid-Term Priority: 13Priority: Tie for 14 Experiment BTeV 2-4 MW Upgrade Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Priority: Tie for (ILC) International Linear Collider Priorities Far-Term Priority: Tie for 21 Light Source II (NSLS-II) National Synchrotron Priority: Tie for 22 21 26 20 Near-Term Priorities Near-Term The Twenty-Year Facilities Outlook—A Prioritized List Facilities The Twenty-Year ofStatus Outlook ( in 20-Year Facilities 6 About DOE’s Office of Science Office of Science Contacts Introduction Contents Status of Outlook ( in 20-Year Facilities Status of Outlook ( in 20-Year Facilities Facility Summaries 4 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 5 Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Twenty-Year Facilities Dr. Raymond L. Orbach Dr. Under Secretary for Science U.S. Department of Energy was the first long-range was the provides a summary update on the status of the facilities listed in the provides a summary update on the . In many cases, substantial progress has been made toward deployment. Some planned facilities have . In many cases, substantial progress .science.doe.gov) and the websites of the DOE National Laboratories. Interim Report www These facilities are among the world’s most powerful tools for scientific discovery. I hope the reader will share for scientific discovery. most powerful tools These facilities are among the world’s world. our excitement over the opportunities they provide our Nation and our The DOE Office of Science is the primary federal supporter of basic research in the physical sciences. The The DOE Office of Science is the primary federal supporter of basic the key to continued U.S. leadership in world-leading scientific facilities we create, maintain, and operate are scientific discoveries that physical and biological science research. This leadership, and the transformational the twenty-first century in the areas of both flow from it, are critical to meeting the challenges our Nation faces in security. global economic competitiveness and energy The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science 2003 publication (DOE) Office of of Energy The Department This Introduction are undergoing change, contemporary science and technology At the same time, careful not to adhere with inappropriate as always, and the Office has been respond to technological progress in rigidity to the 2003 snapshot, but to reordering and restructuring its priorities. The document has served as a roadmap, providing an overarching strategic served as a roadmap, providing an The document has DOE policy and funding vision to guide year-by-year framework and long-term the plan and progress has been made in implementing decisions. Significant the planned facilities. deploying many of for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Twenty-Year A of Science: for the Future a government lines ever issued by disciplinary plan prioritized across facilities Science publication The Office of in the world. agency anywhere science funding dimensions: scientific facilities, ranking them along two listed 28 proposed readiness. priority and technological Interested readers can find a wealth of additional information on particular facilities on our website Interested readers can find a wealth of additional information on particular ( Our purpose is to give our citizens, legislators, and stakeholder communities a relatively digestible summary of legislators, and stakeholder communities a relatively digestible summary Our purpose is to give our citizens, today—and a flavor for the continual careful effort of analysis, evaluation, where our Facilities Outlook stands goes into our facilities planning and decision-making. and internal and external review that In addition to updating the reader on the current status of the facilities and recalling the special contributions In addition to updating the reader on American economic competitiveness, the document provides and these facilities can make to science have decision-making. In cases where Department decisions about facilities background on the facilities and our decisions is provided. behind the Department’s changed, a summary of the rationale Outlook in light of One was terminated reoriented, some in a substantial way. been accelerated; a number have been facilities abroad. 6 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 enhancing ourwayoflife. scientific ideasandextraordinarytechnologicalinnovationthataresocriticaltogrowingtheU.S.economy and science agenciesoverthenexttwentyyears,willsustain—inbest American tradition—theflowofseminal Construction ofthesenewfacilitiesandupgradescurrentfacilities,integratedwiththeplansother U.S. ending September30,2008. conclusion ofthe2007fiscalyear, endingSeptember30,2007,andbytheconclusionof2008fiscalyear, The chartsonpages8and9showtheupdatedlistoffacilitiestheirprojectedstatus,respectively, bythe R&D, conceptualdesign,engineeringconstruction,andoperationstatusatthattime. The chartonthenextpagelists28facilitiesasoforiginalpublicationinNovember2003,including their R&D timeframeofthescientificopportunitiestheywouldaddress. (and color-codedred,blue,andgreen,respectively)overthefulltwenty-yearperiod,accordingtoanticipated In addition,thefacilitiesareroughlygroupedintonear-termpriorities,mid-termandfar-termpriorities was insufficient todiscriminateamongrelativepriority, arepresentedin“bands.” Some arenotedindividually;howeverothers,forwhichtheadviceofOfficeScienceprogramadvisorycommittees original publication. The 28facilitiesarelistedbypriorityonthefollowingpagesofthis ensure theU.S.retainsitsprimacyincriticalareasofscienceandtechnologywellintonextcentury. of 28prioritizednewscientificfacilitiesandupgradescurrentspanningthedisciplinesto In November2003,in operation oflarge-scaleresearchfacilities. The U.S.DepartmentofEnergyOfficeScienceleadstheworldinconception,design,construction,and The Twenty-Year FacilitiesOutlook—A PrioritizedList Facilities fortheFuture ofScience: A Twenty-Year Outlook, Interim Report , inthesameformatused DOE proposedaportfolio 7

Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook




as Engineering


Conceptual Conceptual R&D ) Nuclear Physics = Fusion Energy Sciences As of November 2003 November As of Status of Facilities in 20-Year Outlook in 20-Year Facilities of Status 75-100% 50-75% 25-50% > 0% complete > 0% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% HEP Mission Dark Energy Joint BES LinacBER Coherent Light Source Protein Production and Tags NPBER Accelerator Rare Isotope Characterization and Imaging NPASCR CEBAF Upgrade ESnet Upgrade ASCR NERSC Upgrade BES Transmission Electron Aberration Corrected Microscope BER Analysis/Modeling of Cellular Systems BES SNS 2-4 MW Upgrade BES SNS Second Target Station BER Proteome Whole Analysis NP/HEP Underground Detector Double Beta Decay FES Spherical Torus Next-Step NPBES RHIC II National Synchrotron Light Source Upgrade HEP Super Neutrino Beam BES Advanced Light Source Upgrade BES Advanced Photon Source Upgrade NPFES eRHIC Fusion Energy ContingencyBES HFIR Second Cold Source and Guide Hall FES Integrated Beam Experiment Advanced Scientific Computing Research FES

12 FES ITER ASCR UltraScale Scientific Computing Capability 7 3 1213 HEP BTeV HEP Linear Collider 23 21 18 14 Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for

Priority Program Facility

BESBER = Basic Energy Sciences = Biological and Environmental Research NP = HEP = High Energy Physics Programs: ASCR = Far-Term Mid-Term Near-Term

Status of Facilities in 20-Year Outlook ( Outlook 20-Year in Facilities of Status published in November 2003 in November published 8 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007

# changed duetoplanned facilityabroad * technological readiness change Far-Term Mid-Term Near-Term roiyPormFacility Program Priority of FY2007 Status ofFacilitiesin20-Year Outlook ( Tie for Tie Tie for Tie for Tie Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie 2HPBe Terminated 23 Collider Linear International # HEP BTeV HEP 13 12 21 18 14 3 7 2 ASCR UltraScale Scientific Computing Capability Computing Scientific UltraScale ITER ASCR FES 2 1 FES Cold SourceandGuideHall HFIRSecond BES Contingency Energy Fusion Ion Collider eRHIC,eLIC,orthe Electron FES NP SourceUpgrade AdvancedPhoton BES AdvancedLightSource Upgrade BES SuperNeutrinoBeam HEP RHIC II BES NP Next-Step SphericalTorus FES DoubleBetaDecayUnderground Detector NP/HEP BER Station SNSSecondTarget BES SNS2-4MWUpgrade BES BER Microscope Corrected ElectronAberration Transmission BES NERSCUpgrade ASCR Upgrade ESnet CEBAFUpgrade ASCR NP RIA) # (previously Facility RareIsotopeBeam BER NP BES Linac Coherent LightSource Coherent BER Linac BES JointDarkEnergy Mission HEP 75-100% 50-75% 25-50% >0% complete Status ofFacilitiesin20-YearOutlook National Synchrotron LightSourceUpgrade* National Synchrotron Analysis Whole Proteome Systems ofCellular Analysis/Modeling andImaging Characterization Protein Production andTags Protein Production Integrated Beam-High Energy Density Physics Experiment Integrated Beam-HighEnergyDensity Physics ) By theendofFY2007 ieeg Research Centers* Bioenergy Research Centers* Bioenergy ieeg Research Centers* Bioenergy Research Centers* Bioenergy


Conceptual by theend Design Engineering Design


Operation 9

Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook




Engineering Engineering

by the end the by Design

Conceptual Conceptual R&D Bioenergy Centers* Research Bioenergy Centers* Research BioenergyCenters* Research Bioenergy Centers* Research By the end of FY 2008 end of FY By the ) Protein Production and Tags Whole Proteome Analysis National Synchrotron Light Source Upgrade* Analysis/Modeling of Cellular Systems Characterization and Imaging Status of Facilities in 20-Year Outlook in 20-Year Facilities of Status 75-100% 50-75% 25-50% > 0% complete > 0% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% HEP Mission Joint Dark Energy BES LinacBER Coherent Light Source BES SNS 2-4 MW Upgrade BES SNS Second Target Station BER NP/HEP Underground Detector Double Beta Decay FESNP Spherical Torus Next-Step BES RHIC II HEP Super Neutrino Beam BES Advanced Light Source Upgrade BES Advanced Photon Source Upgrade NPeRHICor eLIC or Electron Ion Collider FESBES Fusion Energy Contingency HFIR Second Cold Source and Guide Hall FES Integrated Beam-High Energy Physics Density Experiment NPASCR CEBAF Upgrade ESnet Upgrade ASCR NERSC Upgrade BES Transmission Electron Aberration Corrected Microscope BER NPBER Rare Isotope Beam Facility (previously RIA) # 12 FES ASCR ITER UltraScale Scientific Computing Capability 7 3 1213 HEP BTeV HEP # International Linear Collider Terminated 23 21 18 14 Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for Tie for

of FY 2008 of Status of Facilities in 20-Year Outlook ( Outlook 20-Year in Facilities of Status

Priority Program Facility

Far-Term Mid-Term Near-Term * technological readiness change # changed due to planned facility abroad 10 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 11 will ement about 80 agreement The ITER device is based on the tokamak concept, in which a hot gas is confined in a torus-shaped vessel using a magnetic field. The gas is heated to over 100 million degrees and will produce 500 MW of fusion power. beginning of U.S. long-lead procurement of in-kind items. U.S. ITER

activities are managed by the U.S. ITER Project Office at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Working with ORNL activities are managed by the U.S. ITER Project Office at Oak Ridge National Laboratory River National Laboratory. currently are two partner institutions, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Savannah is expected to be ratified by all parties by the end of 2007. The U.S., as a non-host partner, The European Union, as the host, will provide 45.5 percent of the construction phase funding. contribution is $1.12 billion, participate in the construction phase at the level of 9.1 percent. The total value of the U.S. percent of it in in-kind goods and technology. Construction of ITER at the Cadarache site of Science will begin in FY 2008. The FY 2008 Budget Request for the DOE Office provides $160 million for ITER activities, including the On January 30, 2003, President Bush announced that the United States would join negotiations with the European Union, Japan, On January 30, 2003, President Bush announced that the United States would join negotiations or ITER. Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, and Russia to create the International the Republic of Korea and India) signed On November 21, 2006, representatives of the seven ITER Parties (now including China, facility of this scale. The the ITER agreement, the first-of-its-kind international collaboration to build a major scientific Atomic research center of the French established an ITER organization. It designated Cadarache, France, adjacent to the main The agre And it established funding shares by the participating Parties. Energy Commission, as the host site for construction. s U.S. and global energy demand rapidly expands over the next demand rapidly expands over s U.S. and global energy century, the search for new abundant and environmentally the search for new abundant and century, One of energy becomes ever more urgent. friendly sources of y y y y

Update: The United States signed the ITER agreement with six international partners in November signed the ITER agreement The United States Update: the U.S. scheduled to begin in FY 2008 in Cadarache, France, with 2006. Construction of ITER is percent share) during the construction providing $1.12 billion in funding and in-kind contributions (9.1 to ITER construction in FY phase. The preliminary schedule calls for completing the U.S. contribution 2014, with “first plasma” expected in FY 2016. If successful, ITER will be a major step forward in the effort to produce clean, safe, renewable, and commercially- If successful, ITER will be a major would dramatically Commercialization of fusion energy by the middle of this century. available fusion-generated energy provide a virtually on imported oil, cut global greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence America’s reduce sophisticated fusion experiment, and most technologically ITER will be the largest inexhaustible source of energy. scientific experiment in the world. and it is the first truly international large-scale Fusion is the energy that powers the sun and the stars. Fusion creates that powers the sun and the stars. Fusion is the energy and produces no abundantly available on earth energy from elements fuel in the process. The scientific greenhouse gases or spent nuclear in a sustained form and contain challenge here is to create fusion energy Celsius temperatures—on earth. it—with its 100 million degrees-plus substantial progress in containing Over the years, scientists have made fields. Now the United States fusion reactions using powerful magnetic Japan, the Russian Federation, has teamed with the European Union, to construct ITER, a large-scale China, South Korea, and India to demonstrate a sustained fusion experimental fusion reactor designed reaction in a power plant-like environment. the most powerful potential global energy solutions—if it proves feasible— potential global energy solutions—if the most powerful will be fusion. A

Near-Term Priorities Near-Term 1 Priority: ITER Facility Summaries Facility 12 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 point operations—ormathematicalcalculations—persecond.) are expectedtoreachapetaflop(1,000teraflops)bytheendof2008.(Ateraflopistrillionfloating supercomputing withitsEarthSimulator. DOEnowleadstheworldinciviliancomputing.Capabilities Laboratory (witha5.7teraflopIBMBlueGene/L).Japanformerlydominatedthefieldof civilian Laboratory (withan18.5teraflopCrayX1Eand119 teraflopCrayXT3)andat Argonne National and architectures.LeadershipComputingFacilitieshavebeenestablishedatOakRidgeNational the DOENationalLaboratorycomplex,partneringwithindustryindevelopmentofnewhardware Update: In2004,theOfficeofSciencebegantoadddramaticallysupercomputingcapabilities in of otherapplications. catalysts, andstudythecollapseofasupernova,amongscores analyze climatechangedata,revealchemicalmechanismsof understand combustionprocesses,modelfusionreactions, of Science’s high-speedcomputationalresourcesto the U.S.supercomputerindustry. ScientistsareusingtheOffice unprecedented processingcapabilities,andhelpingtobootstrap knowledge necessarytotakeadvantageofthese machines, nurturingthecomplexsoftwaredevelopment civilian supercomputingcapabilities,acquiringever-faster of Sciencehasbeenleadingthewayindevelopingnation’s development costsandshorteningtimetomarket.TheOffice complex systemsandproducts,substantiallyreducing of enablingU.S.industrytoperform“virtualprototyping” for U.S.economiccompetitiveness,itholdsoutthepromise experiment andtheory. Supercomputingalsohasimplications as anew“thirdpillar”ofscientificdiscovery, sidebywith in alaboratory. Someseecomputermodelingandsimulation T UltraScale ScientificComputingCapability Priority: 2 and simulateexperimentsthatcouldneverbeperformed most formidabletools,enablingresearcherstomodel he supercomputerisoneofscience’she newestand y y y y y y reviewed process opentoresearchersfromacademia, industry, government andnon-profitorganizations. Computational ImpactonTheory andExperiment Annually, 80percentofthe LeadershipComputingFacilityresourcesareallocatedthrough the in 2008. The LCFatORNLplanstoupgrade theCrayXT3to250teraflopsin2007andplansacquireapetaflop CrayBakersystem 250 and500teraflopsin2008. Current planscallforthe ANL LCFtoacquirea100teraflopIBMBlueGene/P in2007andafollow-onupgradetobetween The secondLCFwasestablishedat ANL in2006andhasa5.7teraflop IBMBlueGene/L. ORNL hasan18.5teraflopCrayX1Eanda119 teraflopCrayXT3. The firstLeadershipComputingFacility(LCF)wasestablishedusing CraycomputersatORNLin2004.CurrentlytheLCF Capability forScience. National Laboratory(ANL),andPacificNorthwest (PNNL)wasselectedtoprovideLeadershipComputing In 2004,followingapeer-reviewedproposalprocess,thepartnershipofOakRidgeNationalLaboratory(ORNL), Argonne (INCITE) program,whichisacompetitively selected,peerandreadiness computing datafromlarge-scaleclimatesimulations. Visualization capabilitiesilluminatehigh-performance Innovative andNovel Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 13 The Joint Dark Energy Mission’s space-based probe will The Joint Dark Energy Mission’s space-based study the accelerating . The Linac Coherent Light Source will be the world’s first opening new realms of scientific x-ray-free electron laser, research in chemical, materials, and biological sciences.

DOE continues to support R&D for both near-term and next-generation ground- and space-based dark energy concepts. DOE continues to support R&D for both near-term

The High Energy Physics Advisory Panel established a Dark Energy Task Force to provide advice to NASA, DOE, and the Force to provide advice to NASA, Task Panel established a Dark Energy Advisory The High Energy Physics in June 2006, recommended multiple methods for studying dark energy at National Science Foundation. Its report, released each stage.

ne of the major drivers of scientific progress today is our ability to image on ever smaller scales of space and time. This improved understanding of the y y

n 1998, two independent research teams stunned the research teams two independent n 1998, universe is discovery that the world with the scientific implied rate. Their discovery at an accelerating expanding

O behavior of matter at the nanoscale and in ultrafast time intervals provides scientists with an ability to manipulate matter to unprecedented degrees. The resulting breakthroughs will lead to revolutionary new materials with unprecedented combinations of properties—strength and weight, flexibility and resilience, American etc.—for a host of applications throughout the transportation, promoting progress in energy, economy, construction, electronics, and medicine, to name only a few fields. Some of the most important tools in the Office of Science complex—and some of the most promising we are in the process of deploying—are the advanced, high-intensity light sources used for probing matter at the sub-microscopic level. Priority: Tie for 3 Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)

Update: Several competing projects for probing the Update: Several competing projects have emerged since the formation dark energy universe’s and the development of JDEM between DOE and NASA for a space-based SuperNova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP) to measure of the specific JDEM proposal to jointly commission a agreed August 2006, DOE and NASA acceleration. In the rate of the universe’s the five by identifying the highest priority among of Sciences study to advise NASA Academy National on focus of which, including SNAP, (three Einstein” program “Beyond in NASA’s competing projects dark energy). I that is working “Dark Energy” of a mysterious the existence actually push the universe apart. Dark Energy against gravity to of our 70 percent of the energy budget accounts for about of Dark the discovery of the existence universe. Following and Space Aeronautics National DOE and the Energy, Joint Dark developed a concept for a Administration (NASA) probe The purpose would be to put a satellite Energy Mission. the rate of a more precise measurement of in space to achieve and thereby provide new data to help acceleration the universe’s The probing of Dark Energy mystery. solve the Dark Energy of the fundamental physical promises to deepen our understanding laws and the origins of our universe. Priority: Tie for 3 Tie Priority: (JDEM) Energy Mission Joint Dark 14 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 partner inthe HumanGenomeProject, haspioneeredmanyofthe majoradvancesanddeveloped manyofthe biotechnology mayholdthekeytomaking biofuelscost-effective. DOE,astheoriginatorof andlaterasamajor Fortunately, overthe past decades,wehavemadeenormousstridesin biotechnology. Manyscientistsbelieve have notyetbeensolved. processes fortheconversion ofcelluloseorplantfiberintofuel,inparticular, posestechnologicalchallengesthat in basicscience.Thedevelopmentofcommerciallyviable biofuels onanindustrialscalewillrequirebreakthroughs Developing trulycost-effectivemethodsforproducing burned). the carbondioxidethatisemittedwhenbiofuels are (plants thataregrownasbiofuelfeedstocksreabsorb they burnmorecleanlyandareessentiallycarbon-neutral major answertobothpollutionandgreenhousegases: affecting foodproduction.Inaddition,biofuelsoffera with ahomegrown,renewableenergysourcewithout third ofthecurrentU.S.demandfortransportationfuels cellulosic ethanol,couldreplaceperhapsasmucha promising. Biofuelsproducedfrombiomass,suchas A Genomics:GTL BioenergyResearchCenters Priority: Tiefor3 2009. began inFY2005.Thenextmajormilestone—toapprovestartofinitialoperations—isplannedfor Project EngineeringandDesignfundingfortheLCLSbeganinFY2003,construction Update: The LCLSisinconstructionattheStanford Linear Accelerator Center, asplannedin2003. to medicine,pharmaceuticals,electronics,materialsscience,nanotechnology, andfieldsnotyetinvented. lead tocomparablerevelationsabouttheworldatnanoscaleandbelow, withcountlesspotentialapplications A centuryago,x-raysastonishedhumanitybygivinghumanbeingsaglimpseinsidetheirownbodies.LCLScan observe chemicalreactionsatthemolecularlevelinrealtime. deliver x-raysatsuchshortwave-lengthsandonabrieftimescaleastoenablescientistsforthefirst at theStanford Linear Accelerator Center, willbetheworld’s firstfreeelectronlaser. Itwillhavetheabilityto Of theselightsources,theLinacCoherentLightSourcedeservesspecialmention.TheLCLS,underconstruction y y y imported oil,biofuelsrankamongthemost nation’s dependence onfossilfuelsand mong themajoroptionsforreducingour time. TheLCLSprojectisacollaborationofthreeNationalLaboratoriesanduniversities. properties ofmaterialsonthenanoscale,andimagingnon-crystallinebiologicalatatomicresolutiononemolecule understanding andfollowingchemicalreactionsbiologicalprocessesinrealtime,imagingstructural These characteristicswillenablefrontierscienceinareasthatincludediscoveringandprobingnewstatesofmatter, orders ofmagnitudegreaterthanthatcurrentsynchrotronlightsources. pulse andhighdegreeofspatialcoherenceintheLCLSbeamwillmakeitspeakbrightnessx-rayrangeroughlyten brightness (intensity);spatialcoherence(laser-likebeamquality);andultrashortpulses(230femtosecondsorless).Thesho The LCLSwillhavex-rayemissionpropertiesthatvastlyexceedcurrentsynchrotronsourcesinthreeareas—peak The LCLSwillbetheworld’sfirstx-rayfreeelectronlaserwhenitbecomesoperational.

biomass intosugarswillbekeytotheirfermentationbiofuels. breakthroughs toefficientlydeconstructcelluloseandotherplant cellulose, themostabundantpolymeronEarth.Research Molecular machinesinplantcellwallssynthesizingstrandsof a rt Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 15 d research Review of the . The NRC review praised the GTL program, recommending that the . The NRC review praised the GTL program, to form partnerships or consortia to create and operate a center. The Department announced that it would provide $250 million The to form partnerships or consortia to create and operate a center. in funding over five years ($25 million per year per center). 2008 Budget Request to FY with the submission of the President’s Proposals were due on February 1, 2007. In February, thereby providing Research Center, Congress, the Department indicated that it would support the creation of a third Bioenergy a total of $375 million in funding over five years ($25 million per year per center). and selection of the three DOE Bionergy Research Centers was announced in Applications were evaluated by peer review, Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, led by the DOE’s They include the DOE BioEnergy Science Center, June 2007. led by the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin, in Center, the DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Tennessee; Joint BioEnergy Institute, led by close collaboration with Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan; and the DOE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. DOE’s goals. of Science in Advanced Energy Initiative, the Office announcement of his In response to the NRC report and President Bush’s Announcement for the creation and operation of two Bioenergy Research August 2006 issued a new Funding Opportunity renewable energy Centers to pursue the development of cost-effective cellulosic ethanol and other new biologically-based, invited to compete and encourage sources. Universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms were Department and the nation give “high priority” to GTL systems biology research. The panel, however, suggested a however, The panel, systems biology research. to GTL Department and the nation give “high priority” a succession of facilities organized around function, the NRC review reorientation of the facilities plan. Rather than institute would incorporate, under a single roof, many or all of the technological recommended four research institutes. Each in a “vertically integrated” fashion as needed to achieve the institute’s capabilities planned for the original four facilities The Genomics:GTL program in the Office of Science’s Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program supports The Genomics:GTL program in the Office of and plants with a mission focus on breakthroughs in basic science needed to advanced systems biology research on microbes production, carbon sequestration, and environmental remediation. create new technologies for cost-effective bioenergy a detailed roadmap to develop and deploy four major scientific facilities for GTL. program set forth August 2005, the GTL In function, with one each for production and characterization of proteins and These four facilities were to be organized by of molecular complexes, whole-proteome analysis, and analysis and modeling of molecular tags, characterization and imaging cellular systems. Academies issued Research Council (NRC) of the National In February 2006, a committee of the National Department of Energy’s Genomics:GTL Program y y y y y y UPDATE: DOE issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement in August 2006, for two Bioenergy August 2006, for in Announcement a Funding Opportunity DOE issued UPDATE: Year Fiscal the President’s five years. Under at $25 million each for Centers, to be funded Research three and an additional be awarded was expanded to the number of Centers to 2008 Budget Request, a major The plan for the Bioenergy Research Centers represents $25 million per year was provided. energy plan for the Genomics:GTL program, with a new focus on reorientation of the original facilities of achieving mission-relevant scientific results in the bioenergy and a new emphasis on the urgency field. Today the Genomics:GTL program is preparing to deploy three new Bioenergy Research Centers. Each will Bioenergy is preparing to deploy three new program the Genomics:GTL Today biotech research on in the urgent pursuit of cutting-edge scientific team working together support a multidisciplinary biofuel conversion and breakthroughs for cost-effective aimed at achieving the necessary microbes and plants including cellulosic ethanol and and bioenergy, explore a range of options for biofuel The centers will production. other forms of biofuel. new tools of the biotech revolution: high-throughput genome sequencing, high-intensity light sources for the imaging for light sources high-intensity sequencing, genome high-throughput revolution: biotech tools of the new the at biology understanding for instruments state-of-the-art of other a variety and scales, at molecular of life heir to the Human program, as the Genomics:GTL of Science’s The Office levels. and molecular system, cellular, biotech world for innovative probing the microbial discoveries, to pursue these Project, has continued Genome clean-up. and environmental carbon capture, in energy, missions to the Department’s solutions 16 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 around 2011. siting oftheRIBFinFY 2008andplanstobeginProjectEngineering andDesignonthefacility the capabilitiesavailableinternationally. The Departmentwillissueasolicitationfor designand provide theUnitedStates withworld-leadingcapabilitiesfor rare isotoperesearch, complementing a RareIsotopeBeamFacilityatapproximately halfthecostofRIA.TheplannedRIBFwould implementing theRare Isotope Accelerator (estimatedcostof$1.1billion)and proposes toconstruct for HeavyIonResearch(GSI)inDarmstadt, Germany),theDepartmentreviseditsplansfor capabilities emergingabroad (theFacilityfor andIonResearch (FAIR) attheInstitute Update: Inresponsetobudgetconstraints,and toavoidduplicationofnewisotoperesearch Rare Isotope Accelerator. isotope researchthathavebeendevelopedinothercountries,theOfficehasmodifieditsoriginalplanfor a isotope beamsfornuclearphysicsresearch.Inbalancingprioritiesandtakingintoaccountfacilities rare Since earlyinthisdecade,theOfficeofSciencehasbeenplanningtodeployamajornewfacilityusing rare produce haveadvancedapplicationsinmaterialsscienceandmedicine. stockpile stewardship.Rareisotopebeamsalsohavepotentiallywideuseinotherfields:theisotopes they heavier elements.Rareisotopestudieswilldeepenourunderstandingofthenaturematter, andcontributeto exist onearth,butsomearebelievedtoariseinexplodingsupernovaeandplayapartthesynthesisof the and neutrons—thatnormallysurviveforonlyasmallfractionofsecond.Theserareisotopesdonotnaturally elements—those withanunusualimbalanceofprotons beam producesrareorexoticformsoftheheavier astrophysics andnuclearstructure. A rareisotope promise tovastlyexpandourunderstandingofnuclear astrophysical processesonearth,inthelaboratory, and beams giveusthepowertostudytheseextraordinary processes inexplodingsupernovae.Rareisotope iron arebelievedtobesynthesizedbycomplex 26) aremanufacturedinstars.Elementsheavierthan Bang. Elementsupthroughiron(atomicnumber= atomic numbers1and2),wereproducedbytheBig The lightestelements,hydrogenandhelium(with listed afterironinthePeriodic Table) cometoexist. F Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA)orRareIsotopeBeamFacility(RIBF) Priority: Tiefor3 processes bywhichtheheavierelements(those matter, we knowcomparativelylittleaboutthe or alltheadvancesinourunderstandingof y • • The threeDOEBioenergyResearchCentersareexpectedtobeginworkin2008andbefullyoperationalby2009. crops. in geographicallydistinctareasandwillusedifferentplantsbothforlaboratoryresearchimprovingfeedstock national laboratories,atleastonenonprofitorganization,andarangeofprivatecompanies. All threeCentersarelocated The Centerswillbringtogetherdiverseteamsofresearchersfrom18thenation’sleadinguniversities,sevenDOE fields. discovering new structures ofnuclei,withimportant applicationstomaterialsscience, stockpilestewardship,andother mysteries ofastrophysics(howthe heavierelementsareproducedwithinstarsandsupernovaeexplosions) and Rare isotoperesearchremainsan importantpriorityfornuclearphysics,withgreatpromiseboth illuminating critical stars andexhibitunusualproperties. Nuclei withalargeproton-to-neutronasymmetryareproducedin Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 17

ne he The 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade includes the construction of a new The 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade includes the construction consists of experimental hall (Hall D). The Hall D subproject photon beam building a new large acceptance detector for mesons,” experiments that will search for so-called “exotic but so far not predicted by the theory of the strong interaction information seen. Finding such particles would provide important particles. on how are confined to form subatomic times that of 38 proposed 12 GeV Upgrade will double CEBAF’s beam energy from the current operating value of 6 GeV to 12 GeV to provide proposed 12 GeV Upgrade will double CEBAF’s beam energy from the current operating the upgrade will enable scientists to address o much more precise data on the structure of and neutrons. Specifically, of the great mysteries of modern physics—the mechanism that “confines” quarks together. The CEBAF at Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory is a world-leading facility for studies of the structure of matter. T National Laboratory is a world-leading facility for studies of the quark structure of matter. Thomas Jefferson The CEBAF at Accelerator R&D activities on rare isotope beam capabilities over the past several years have led to significant advances that advances led to significant have several years over the past beam capabilities rare isotope activities on R&D Accelerator Beam Facility. Isotope for a Rare design cost-effective a more made possible and performance machine have optimized Council (NRC) to define the National Research a study by Foundation commissioned and the National Science In 2006, DOE Rare Isotope Science The NRC created a rare isotope beams. U.S. facility for agenda for a next-generation the science to existing RIBF would be “complementary” that the DOE-planned the committee concluded In its report, Advisory Committee. States. priority” for the United and should be a “high international efforts and planned of the scientific “reach” to establish a task force to perform an evaluation Advisory Committee was charged The Nuclear Science option(s) and 2007 identified the preferred technical Force Report submitted in FY Task The for the RIBF. and technical options funding level. U.S. facility could be constructed at the reduced found that a world-class with a focus on optimizing machine performance, R&D activities on rare isotope beam capabilities DOE continues to support and optimizing costs. reducing technical risks, y understanding the sub-microscopic world of understanding core of the nuclear physics, much about the very espite the enormous progress we have made in espite the enormous progress we y y y y Update: Project Engineering and Design for the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade were initiated in FY 2006, and Update: Project Engineering and Design for the 12 GeV CEBAF baseline in FY 2007. Construction the project team is preparing to establish the project performance could start in FY 2009 with project completion in 2015. The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF) National Thomas Jefferson Facility at Accelerator The Continuous Electron Beam these fundamental questions. The facility is the most powerful facility in the world for probing for answers to The 12 GeV upgrade will double the currently operates at an energy of about 6 giga-electron volts (GeV). first glimpse into the very heart of the nucleon, This will give scientists a history-making capabilities of CEBAF. It may also provide the definitive providing the first three-dimensional images of the quarks within a nucleon. evidence to explain the strong interaction. the force of gravity. But much about how the strong But much the force of gravity. question of how matter interaction works—and the related an enigma. is held together at the most basic level—remains (1) How are the quarks There are three puzzles in particular: that they can never be confined inside the nucleon so provide only a small separated? (2) Why do the quarks provide only a miniscule component of fraction of the total spin of the nucleon? and (3) Why do the three quarks the mass? atom—the “nucleon,” or the protons and the neutrons that atom—the “nucleon,” or the protons In the a mystery. make up the atomic nucleus—remains and the neutron 1960s, it was discovered that the of matter but were each were not the most basic particles particles that are called composed, in turn, of three subatomic by the strongest quarks. These quarks are held in confinement so-called strong of the fundamental forces of nature—the some 10 interaction—a force with a strength Priority: Tie for 7 Priority: Tie for Upgrade Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) Electron Beam The 12 GeV Continuous D 18 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 between 160and400gbps capabilityonitsbackbone. southern route.Bytheendofdecade,partnership withInternet2couldenableESnettodeliver Internet serviceaswellaScienceDataNetwork with20gbpsonitsnorthernrouteand10 LHC atCERNinSwitzerland.In2008,ESnet planstodelivera10gigabitpersecond(gbps)core the ESnetbackbonetoaddresscriticalrequirements suchasdistributionofexperimentaldatafromthe National Laboratory, FermiNational Accelerator Laboratory, andBrookhaven NationalLaboratoryto provide 10to50timestheprevious sitebandwidths(dependingontheparticular site)connecting Argonne Update: TheESnetupgradeisinprogressand on schedule.ESnetiscompletinganewarchitectureto investments throughoutthecomplex. materials science,andchemistry. ItleveragesDOE energy physicstosystemsbiology, toclimatescience, collaboration inahostofdifferentfieldsrangingfromhigh scientific researchisincreasinglyteam-driven,ESnetfacilitates among scientistsworkingindiverselocations.Inanerawhen and effectivecollaborationexchangeofinformation and aroundtheworld,enablingunprecedentedlyseamless with massivebandwidth,linkingresearchersacrossthenation by theEnergySciencesNetwork,aDOE-creatednetwork collaboration onaninternationalscalewillbemadepossible research attheirhomeinstitutions.Thismiracleofvirtual of U.S.scientiststoparticipatefullyanddirectlyinLHC produced bydetectorsatthefacility. This willenablehundreds have immediateaccesstothevastamountsofdatabeing laboratories anduniversitiesacrosstheUnitedStateswill in Switzerland,comesonline, American scientistsin W Energy SciencesNetwork(ESnet)Upgrade Priority: Tiefor7 y y y y y y European CenterforNuclearResearch(CERN) particle acceleratorbeingconstructedatthe hen theLargeHardronCollider(LHC),new effective machinesnotonlyforthe12GeVUpgrade,butalsootherfutureDOEaccelerators. innovative advancesinthedevelopmentofnext-generationSRFacceleratorcavitiesthatwillenablemorecompactandcost- TJNAF isaworld-leaderinSuperconductingRadio-Frequency(SRF)technology. TJNAF acceleratorphysicistshavemade three-dimensional imagesoftheinternalstructurenucleon,amajorcomponentplannedupgradescientificprogram. Recent experimentalresultsfromCEBAFsupporttheapplicabilityofnewlydevelopedanalyticaltechniquesthatcouldproduce of confinement,auniquephenomenontheStrongInteraction,onefourfundamentalforcesnature. impressive coherentframeworkofresearchdirectedtowardsonethetopfrontierscontemporaryscience:exploration A 2005DOEpeerreviewofthescienceportfolioprojectconcludedthatproposedprogramrepresentedan as oneofitshighestprioritiesin2002Long-RangePlan. Energy’s andNationalScience Foundation’s NuclearScience Advisory Committee,whichrecommendedthe12GeVUpgrade The scientificprogramandtechnicalconceptofthe12GeVUpgradehavebeenthoroughlyreviewedbyDepartment The planforthe overall upgradewassuccessfully reviewedinFebruary2006,and wasapprovedtoproceed. piping vastquantities ofdatafromtheLHCtoU.S. scientists foranalysis. then, MANshavealsobeencompleted intheChicagoareaandLongIsland,New York. These MANswillplayacriticalrolein bandwidth connectivity, guaranteed bandwidthservices,andhighlyreliablenetworkconnectivity forDOElaboratories.Since In 2004and2005,thefirstMetropolitan Area Network(MAN) wasinstalledintheSanFranciscoBayareatoachievehigh- and geographiclocation. research facilitiesandcomputingresources,independentoftime collaborators worldwidetomakeeffectiveuseofuniqueDOE Energy laboratory, university, andindustryscientists network infrastructurethatenablesthousandsofDepartment The ESnetprovidesahigh-speedandreliablecommunications Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 19 o high (INCITE) . Innovative and Novel Computational program grant. Plasma wave density and particle momentum a distribution for a plasma wakefield accelerator, project which could reduce the size of accelerators from kilometers to meters, making these tools more accessible for industrial and medical applications The results are based on simulations run on NERSC at LBNL through a 2006 Office of Science Impact on Theory and Experiment DOE Greenbook: Needs and Directions in High Performance , which outlined the computational needs of future programs in the Office of Science.

NERSC continues to provide high-end capacity computing to the entire NERSC continues to provide high-end capacity 2005, NERSC users In community. of Science research DOE Office papers that were based wholly reported the publication of more than 1,200 or partly on work done at NERSC. and responsive science-driven A programmatic review of NERSC in May 2005 found that “NERSC is a strong, productive, by providing users with access t center that possesses the potential to significantly and positively impact scientific progress In FY 2007 and beyond, ESnet will take advantage of its partnership with Internet2, which was announced in August 2006, to August 2006, in was announced which with Internet2, its partnership of will take advantage ESnet and beyond, 2007 In FY U.S. science. for infrastructure optical network generation the next implement helps advance research the nation, ESnet collaborations across large-scale scientific bandwidth and supporting By increasing as climate change, genetics, but also in such areas and chemistry, as high energy physics basic science fields not only in such and national security. nanotechnology, energy, renewable of their science.” performance computing systems, services, and analytics beneficial to the support and advancement In June 2005, the NERSC Users Group published their report, Computing for the Office of Science

the high-end computing facility with the largest scientific user base facility with the largest scientific the high-end computing within the DOE complex. ERSC at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is Berkeley National Laboratory ERSC at Lawrence y y y y y lectron microscopes were among scientists’ first tools for probing matter at the nanoscale. Yet as nanoscience Yet first tools for probing matter at the nanoscale. lectron microscopes were among scientists’ has advanced, the performance requirements for electron microscopes have become ever more demanding. has advanced, the performance requirements for electron microscopes requires overcoming inherent aberrations in Achieving ever more precise resolution on ever smaller scales

E turn requires dramatic breakthroughs in the operations of these devices that undermine performance. This in the reach of any single university or electron optics, mechanics, and electronics—breakthroughs that are beyond laboratory. Priority: Tie for 7 Aberration Corrected Microscope (TEAM) Electron Transmission Update: NERSC capabilities continue their rapid growth. In 2004, Update: NERSC capabilities continue at NERSC was the 10 teraflop the primary computing resource high users at NERSC, two mid-range support To 3+. IBM Power a 3 teraflop Opteron cluster and performance computing systems, acquired in 2005 and 2006. Under an 8 teraflop IBM Power 5, were Inc. awarded Cray, NERSC proposals, for the NERSC-5 request a 100 teraflop Cray Hood system a $52 million contract to deliver in January 2007. As the premiere computational science facility, NERSC plays a major science facility, As the premiere computational the properties of of discoveries—from predicting role in a wide range a surprising mechanism for experimental nanostructures, to finding As previously puzzling observations. supernova explosions that explains works with scientists to steadily expand NERSC a partner in discovery, the capabilities of scientific computation. N Priority: Tie for 7 Priority: Tie for Center (NERSC) Upgrade Research Scientific Computing National Energy 20 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 Update: The proposed BTeV experimentatFermilabwasterminatedinearly2005. B BTeV Experiment Priority: 12 fabrication ofthefinalinstrumentcompletedinFY2009. on schedule,withaninitialinstrumentavailabletousersinFY2008and Laboratory forthematerialsandnanosciencecommunitieswillproceed corrected electronmicroscopeatLawrenceBerkeleyNational approved PerformanceBaseline,andfabricationofanaberration- Update: TheTEAMprojectisproceedingasplanned.hasan of harvestingenergy. efficient automobilestostronger, moreenergy-efficient buildings,andnewways nanoscience tohelpscientistsdesignnewmaterialsforeverythingfrommore The TEAMmicroscopewillhavemultipleapplicationstomaterialsscienceand at theUniversityofIllinoisUrbana-Champaign. National Laboratory, andtheFrederickSeitzMaterialsResearchLaboratory Argonne NationalLaboratory, BrookhavenNational Laboratory, OakRidge at LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory, theteamincludesresearchersfrom of electronmicroscopewiththecapabilitysub-nanometerresolution.Based Five nationallaboratorieshaveteamedtogethertodevelopanewgeneration and anti-matterintheuniverse. Laboratory tostudywhatisknownasChargeParityviolation,relatingtheimbalancebetweenmatter TeV wasaproject to buildanewdetectorusethe acceleratoratFermiNational Accelerator y y y y y the terminationofproposedBTeV detectorinearly2005. BTeV intheDepartment’s plannedprogram. This hadtheeffect ofdelayingthecompletiondatebeyondFY 2010,leadingto Linear Accelerator (SLAC)B-Factory, aswellU.S.participationintheLargeHadronCollider(LHC), precludedincluding The pressofhigherpriorities,suchasoperationsparticlephysics userfacilitiesattheFermilab Tevatron andtheStanfor would notcontinuetosupportBTeV. not bestretchedoutbeyondtheendofFY2010.Ifforanyreason (budgetortechnical),thisschedulecouldnotbemet,P5 competitive withasimilarexperimentbeingconstructedinEuropecalled theLHC-b,completiondateofexperimentcould In September2004,P5reiteratedthatBTeV wouldbeascientificallyvaluableexperiment butthat,inordertoremain Advisory Panel’sParticlePhysicsProjectPrioritizationPanel(P5). In 2004,independentreviewswereconductedofBTeV, includinganevaluationofthephysicsplanbyHighEnergyPhysics electron microscopes,providingscientistswithaworld-leadingtoolformaterialsscienceandnanotechnologyresearch. aspects arealsoimportantinstrumentationdevelopments.TheywillgreatlyexpandthecapabilitiesofTEAMoverexisting improvements insamplemanipulation,in-situcapabilities,signal-to-noiseratio,mechanicalandelectricalstability, andothe The TEAMinstrumentisexpectedtoattainspatialresolutionof0.05nm.Beyondsheerresolution,andplanned 2006 alongwiththeapprovalforstartoffabrication. Mission NeedfortheTEAMprojectwasapprovedinJune2004,andperformancebaselineestablishedNovember resolution near0.05microns. understanding ofmaterialsbyachieving developing amuchmorefundamental electron microscopescapableof of anewgenerationintermediate-voltage boundary inSrTi03.TEAMwillbethefirst Atomic structureofaSigma13grain r d Mid-Term Priorities Interim Report 2007 Priority: 13 International Linear Collider (ILC) ccording to modern physics and cosmology, the universe began in a very dense, extremely high energy state with the Big Bang. The nature of the particles of matter and their interactions at this early moment A dictated the character of our present universe. By colliding very high energy particles, particle accelerators provide a window into the sub-nuclear world, thereby serving as a “telescope looking backward in time” to the time of the Big Bang. The higher the energy of the particle collisions, the farther back in time scientists can “see.”

Over the past fifty years, particle physicists have produced a far-reaching theory called the “” that seems to describe the behavior of matter down to the level of tiny quarks and explains how all particles acquire mass through an as yet unobserved particle, the Higgs Boson. Yet the Standard Model has fundamental shortcomings, and physicists expect that it is only an approximation to a deeper theory. New particles, new forces of nature, or hidden dimensions of space and time are expected. Discovering the Higgs, or whatever new ingredients Nature has chosen, will dramatically improve our understanding of the building blocks of the universe, help explain the beginnings

of the universe, and illuminate the nature of space, time, and matter. Facilities for the Future of Science: Science: of Future the for Facilities ATwenty-Year Outlook

A schematic layout of the International Linear Collider.

Update: The Department of Energy continues to support R&D toward the development of this next- generation electron-positron accelerator, to extend the scientific reach beyond the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) presently under construction at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). A decision regarding the Department’s path forward on the ILC awaits completion of further R&D, especially on the high-energy Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) technology that would form the core technology of this proposed accelerator. Evaluation of the science potential of the ILC will require an analysis of early results at the LHC, expected in 2010-2011.

y In April 2006, a National Research Council committee issued a report on the future of elementary in the United States (Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time), recommending substantial U.S. investments in R&D for the ILC to lay the groundwork for a possible decision to host the ILC at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States.

y In February 2007, the Global Design Effort (GDE), an international team conducting the R&D and conceptual design for the accelerator, issued a Reference Design Report for the ILC. 21 22 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 project in2012. approval forthepreliminarybaselinerangeinmid-FY2007,leadingtopossiblecompletionof PUP of thisworld-leadingneutron beamfacilityatOakRidgeNationalLaboratory, ison schedule toobtain Update: TheSNSPowerUpgradeProject(PUP),promisingtodoubletheprotonbeampowercapability completed inJune2006. Planning isalreadyunderwayforafollow-onupgradeofthepowerSNS,constructionwhich was science andnanoscience. counterparts inthiscrucialcapabilityofmodernmaterials industry asubstantialleadovertheirinternational competitiveness. TheSNSwillgiveU.S.scientistsand only forscience,butalsoU.S.economic pulsed neutronsource,SNShasimportantimplicationsnot and industrialdevelopment. As theworld’s mostpowerful pulsed neutronbeamsintheworldforscientificresearch Ridge NationalLaboratorywillprovidethemostintense transportation. TheSpallationNeutronSourceatOak as pharmaceuticals,foodprocessing,electronics,and across theentireU.S.industrialbase,inindustriesasdiverse It hasbeenusedtocreatemajorimprovementsinproducts N Spallation NeutronSource(SNS)2-4MWUpgrade Priority: Tiefor14 y y y y y y eutron scatteringresearchisoneofthemost predict, andimprovethepropertiesofmaterials. powerful toolsthatscientistshavetounderstand, development ofanewgenerationparticleacceleratorsforscience,medicine,andindustry. The DepartmentcontinuestosupportR&DonSRFtechnologybecauseofitsapplicabilitynotonlyILC,butalsothe required energylevelswouldtakefromthreetofiveyears. Following theissuanceofthisReferenceDesignReport,GDEindicatedthatdeterminingSRFtechnologyfeasibilityat foreseeable future. makes thecaseforproceedingwithpowerupgradeevenmore compellingtosecureU.S.leadershipinthisfieldforthe Progress onbuildingneutronsourcefacilitiesinJapan(J-PARC), China(CSNS),andEurope(ISISSecond Target Station) Upgrade Projectisevengreaterthanoriginallyplanned. originally anticipated.Thismeansthattheopportunitytotakeadvantage oftheadvancedperformanceprovidedbyPower With workunderwayontwentyofthetwenty-fourinstrumentstations atSNS,instrumentbuild-uphasadvancedfasterthan through directfundingofresearchatU.S.universities,laboratories, andindustrialpartners. Additional R&Deffortsarebeingconductedthroughcollaboration with internationalpartnersinJapanandEurope,aswell mercury targetandfrontendsystems,areunderway. RecentR&Dresultshavebeenpromising. The conceptualdesignforPUPwasreviewedinMay2006.R&Deffortsonthetwotechnicalchallengesproject, additional “cryomodules,”suchastheoneabove. researchers whocanusethefacility. The linactunnelissizedfor nine station, andassociatedsuiteofinstruments,doublingthenumber The SNSUpgradewillsupportasecondneutronbeam,target Priority: Tie for 14 Interim Report 2007 Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Second Target Station lanning is underway to update the technical concept for the SNS Second Target Station (STS2), taking Pinto account the new higher-power capabilities that will be available with the completion of the Power Upgrade Project.

The second target station at the SNS will provide a long wavelength neutron source optimized for the study of large structures such as polymers and biological materials, including cell walls and membranes.

Update: The goal is to produce a report by Fall 2007 that documents these activities and conclusions in a manner that can be used to support a request for approval of Mission Need in FY 2008. Three workshops were held in 2006-2007 to follow a logical The SNS Second Target Station is designed for the study of progression from STS2 scoping to neutronics to large structures such as polymers, as well as biological materials including cell walls and membranes. instrumentation.

y The first was a scoping workshop to define the most appropriate general focus for the STS2. The workshop took into account

the priorities of the National Nanotechnology Initiative and the expected design of target stations at other facilities, including Science: of Future the for Facilities ATwenty-Year Outlook proposals for the European Spallation Source and the ISIS Second Target Station at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the U.K.

y The second workshop involved target station experts and was aimed at defining an appropriate concept for the target- moderator arrangement as a basis for further study by the SNS neutronics group. This workshop provided good guidance for appropriate target station configuration.

y The third, an instrumentation workshop, developed a concept for a suite of neutron beam instruments appropriately matched to source performance. This preliminary instrument suite will be further evaluated to show what kind of scientific performance could be offered by each of the instruments.

y The demand for cold neutron beams at STS1 has exceeded expectations. There are only three unallocated instrument positions remaining, with four requests for these currently in the pipeline. Hence, there is a strong incentive to proceed with STS2 as rapidly as is practical.

Priority: Tie for 18 Double Beta Decay Underground Detector ne of the most significant developments in nuclear and particle physics in the last several years is convincing evidence from a Onumber of experiments that neutrinos have mass and transform from one type into another type: they oscillate between neutrino states. These experiments, however, only establish the difference in the masses of different types of neutrinos, and not each of their absolute masses. If the neutrino is its own antiparticle, then the best determination of the mass is expected to come from a measurement of neutrino-less double beta decay. Artist’s conception of one particular neutrino-less double beta decay experiment—the Majorana. 23 24 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 be oneoftheproposedfacilities. expected inlate2007. A Next-Step Spherical Torus-style devicecould five years. An initialreport from FESAConresearch prioritiesis research prioritiesandneededfacilitiesforthenexttwentytotwenty- The FusionEnergySciences Advisory Committee (FESAC)willevaluate a sphericaltorus,asopposedtotokamak,containfusionreaction. scoping studiesfor anew, low-aspect-ratioexperimentaldevice,using Update: PrincetonPlasmaPhysicsLaboratoryiscarryingoutdesign effective inthelongrun. that analternativedesign,theso-calledsphericaltorus,mightbemorecost- This isthedesignthatwillbeusedforITER.Buttherearesomeindications so-called tokamakdesign,whichproducesadoughnut-shapedmagneticfield. degrees Celsius.Themainapproachthatscientistshavepursuedtodateisthe T Next-Step SphericalTorus (NSST) Priority: Tiefor18 in thenextdecade. will soonbegintotakedata.Thisprototypesetthepathforpossiblefabricationofalargerexperiment future largeinternationaleffort. A miniature prototype oftheEXO experimentisnowcompletedand while R&DcontinuesfortheMajoranaexperimenttoprovideinputintoatechnologychoice involvement intheItalianCUOREexperimentisproposedtoinitiatefabricationactivitiesFY2008, Observatory forRareEvents(CUORE),Majorana,andtheEnrichedXenon(EXO).U.S. for threecandidateexperiments,eachbasedonadifferenttechnology:theCryogenicUnderground Double BetaDecayProject.UniversityandlaboratoryresearchershavebeenengagedinR&Dactivities Update: InNovember2005,theDepartmentofEnergyapprovedMissionNeedforNeutrino-less contain aburningplasmawhosetemperaturecanexceed100million for electricityproductionliesindevelopingthemeanstosustainand he keytoharnessingabundant,environmentallyfriendlyfusionenergy y y y y American PhysicalSociety2004report, Mounting nextgenerationneutrino-lessdoublebetadecayexperimentswasidentifiedasoneofthetopscientificpriorities providing theU.S.withuniqueworldwide capabilitytodevelopcomponentsforademonstrationfusion powerplant. A successfulresearchprogramonthisdevicecouldleadtotheconstructionofareduced-cost Component Test Facility, spherical torusexperiments. as NSST, becausetherewillbelittleroomforasolenoidsufficient togenerateneededplasmacurrentin futurelarger-scale generating toroidalcurrentinaplasmaworkswelllargerfacilities. Thisresultisimportantforfuturefusionexperimen Recent resultsfromtheNationalSpherical Torus Experiment(NSTX) demonstratethatusingCoaxialHelicityInjection(CHI)for mentioned aboveaspriorities. that theagenciespursuemultipledoublebetadecayexperimentswithaphasedapproachandidentifiedthree concerning theU.S.neutrinophysicsprogram,includingneutrino-lessnucleardoublebetadecay. The NuSAGrecommended requested thattheiradvisorypanelsestablishaNeutrinoScientific Assessment Group(NuSAG)toprovidetheagenciesadvice The DOEOfficesofNuclearPhysicsandHighEnergytheNationalScienceFoundationDivision TheNeutrinoMatrix . sustaining fusionreaction. performance ofthesphericaltorusinaself- Drawing oftheNSST, whichwilltestthe ts such the

Priority: Tie for 18 Interim Report 2007 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) II esearchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider are pushing R the frontiers of human knowledge by using a powerful particle accelerator to recreate conditions as they existed in the universe just microseconds after the Big Bang. In a headline-making development, RHIC has identified a new and entirely unexpected form of matter, a “perfect liquid” composed of quarks and gluons, the tiny components that make up the core of atoms. Work at RHIC will provide scientists with a deeper fundamental understanding of nuclear matter and its interactions. A three-dimensional view of the electron cooler and part of the RHIC RHIC accelerates two beams of gold nuclei to high tunnel. Electron cooling is a method to reduce the beam size in ion storage rings. “Cold” electrons are used to cool the “hot” ion beam. energies and brings them into head-on collisions inside The result of cooling is a smaller beam size, a higher particle density, state-of-the-art detectors designed to observe the and therefore higher luminosity. particles that emerge. The collision disintegrates the nuclei and momentarily produces the unimaginably hot and dense matter called the quark-gluon plasma.

Update: RHIC II would provide a tenfold increase in beam luminosity at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Science: of Future the for Facilities ATwenty-Year Outlook Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. RHIC has been making headlines with its discoveries about the strange nature of matter in the very early universe. R&D activities continue with a focus on demonstrating the technical feasibility of increasing beam luminosity through “electron cooling” of RHIC’s high energy ion beams. The pace of R&D is such that the RHIC II project will be in a position to start construction within the next five years.

y At RHIC, the conditions of the early universe were recreated in heavy ion collisions. Researchers have discovered a new state of hot, dense matter that behaves like a “perfect liquid,” rather than a fiery gas of quarks and gluons that had been predicted. The RHIC II upgrade could provide further insights into this strange newly discovered state of matter.

y Advanced computer simulations of the proposed electron cooling process and R&D activities of technical options, coupled with advances in beam cooling techniques, have led to a refinement of the RHIC II project design, including technical choices that have reduced technical risks and made the design more cost-effective.

y Modest upgrades to the two major detectors at RHIC, STAR, and PHENIX, have been ongoing for several years. They are not only important for ongoing research at RHIC, but also essential for preparing the detectors for the RHIC II science portfolio as well.

25 26 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 be acuriousasymmetry builtintonature. Thisasymmetryiscalled ChargeParity(CP)violation. Oneofthemost matter (rather thananti-matter)asfar theeye(orotherinstruments wehaveavailable) can see,sotheremust mutually annihilatedoneanother toproducenothingbutenergy. Butouruniverseexists,andseemstoconsist of T Super NeutrinoBeam Priority: Tiefor21 the facilityaroundFY2014. and DesignwillbeinitiatedinFY2007,constructioncouldbegin2009,withcommissioning of Light SourceII(NSLSII)projectattheBrookhavenNationalLaboratory(BNL).ProjectEngineering August 2005.TheDepartmenthasapprovedCriticalDecision(CD-1)fortheNationalSynchrotron decided toacceleratetheproject toaNear-Term Priority. MissionNeedfor NSLS-IIwasapproved in panel ofaccelerator reviewed experts itstechnicaldesign. As aresult ofverypositivereviews, DOE proposal in2004;thewaspeerreviewedbyscientificleadersfieldworldwide, anda a lowerscoreonthe“readiness-to-proceed”criterion.TheNSLS-IIprojectteamsubmitted revised a perfectscore inthe“scientificmerit”criterion butplacedamongthe“Far-Term Priorities,” basedon Update: Inthe2003 an energyresolutionof0.1millielectronvolt(1 10,000 timesthebrightnessandnanometer-scaleresolution a majorupgradeovertheNSLS’s currentcapabilities, delivering NSLS hasacceleratedscientificprogress.NSLS-IIwillprovide converters—these areonlyahandfuloftheareasinwhich research towardreducingpollutionbyimprovingcatalytic of morepowerfulmicrochipsandefficientharddrives, development ofavaccineforHIV and AIDS, thedevelopment for breastcancerandosteoarthritis,stepstowardpossibleeventual staggering arrayoffields.Progresstowardnewdetectionmethods use theNSLSeachyear. The NSLShasaideddiscoveryina researchers fromuniversities,nationallaboratories,andindustry scientists tostudymatterattheatomicscale.Over2,300 T National SynchrotronLightSourceII(NSLS-II) Priority: Tiefor21 Far-Term Priorities high-intensity lightsourcesintheDOEcomplexthatenable Brookhaven NationalLaboratoryisoneofseveral of matterandanti-matterwould havebeencreatedattheBigBang,andtheseequal quantitiesshouldhave Modern physicspuzzlesover asimilarproblem.IfNatureobeyedthelawsof symmetry, equalquantities he philosopherMartinHeidegger onceposedthequestion,“Whyaretherebeings atallratherthannothing?” he NationalSynchrotronLightSourceat y y extreme conditions. characterization ofmaterials,withpowerfulapplicationstobiotechnology, nanotechnology, andthestudyofmaterialsunder nanometer spatialresolutionwithhighbrightness,coherence,and beam stability, enabling routinenanometer-scale transformational, openingnewregimesofscientificdiscoveryandinvestigation. Itwillbethefirstlightsourcethatcombin NSLS-II wouldbethebeststorage-ring-basedsynchrotronlightsource intheworld.Moreimportantly, NSLS-IIwouldbe provide advancedinsertiondevices,optics,detectors,robotics,andaninitialsuiteofscientificinstruments. synchrotron lightsource,highlyoptimizedtodeliverultra-highbrightnessandfluxexceptionalbeamstability. Itwoulda The NSLS-IIprojectwillsetanewstandardforstorage-ring-basedlightsources.isproposedas Facilities fortheFutureofScience: A Twenty-Year Outlook o k) . and willaccommodatemanynewtypesofexperiments. synchrotrons, whichwillbebrighter, morestable,easiertouse, Artist’s drawingoftheNSLS-II,firstnext-generation , NSLS-IIwasgiven es lso Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 27 ial The Super Neutrino Beam will allow more The Super Neutrino Beam of neutrino properties by comprehensive studies beam with producing an intense, well-controlled per second than are 10 times more neutrinos facility—to detectors available from any existing of miles distant. Results hundreds or thousands for our will have profound implications understanding of the fundamental properties of matter and the evolution of the early universe. The ALS Upgrade will make the facility applicable to an ALS Upgrade will make the facility applicable The even broader range of forefront research areas to help solve our Nation’s critical energy needs. from a first round

The October 2006 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) roadmap for the future of particle physics recommended a The October 2006 Particle Physics Project Prioritization will first pursue measurements of the neutrino mixing angle and then study phased program in neutrino physics. This program the hierarchy of neutrino masses. out with new experiments at reactors, the existing accelerator-based neutrino The first phase of the program can be carried facility under construction in Japan. Results from these experiments will provide cruc experimental facilities, and the J-PARC information to help further define a megawatt-class super neutrino beam to study CP violation in the neutrino sector. super neutrino beam to study CP information to help further define a megawatt-class a focus on technical demonstration of prototype accelerating components R&D activities continue at a modest level with the International Linear Collider design. compatible with the accelerating structures of y y y he Advanced Light Source at the Lawrence Berkeley he National Laboratory is one of the world’s brightest sources National Laboratory is one of the world’s first of ultraviolet and soft x-ray beams—and the world’s is large enough, then incremental upgrades to the existing then incremental upgrades to the is large enough,

Update: The Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee currently is engaged in a study of Grand Advisory Committee currently The Basic Energy Sciences Update: An supported by the Basic Energy Sciences program. Challenge Science that spans all of the research and the tools required to access those outcome of this study will be the delineation of research frontiers frontiers. third-generation synchrotron light source in its energy range. The ALS produces light in the x-ray region of the electromagnetic ALS The spectrum that is one billion times brighter than the sun. offers unprecedented opportunities for state-of-the art research in physics, and the environmental chemistry, materials science, biology, sciences. Ongoing research topics include the electronic structure x-ray ozone photochemistry, crystallography, protein of matter, About 2,000 microscopy of biological samples, and optics testing. researchers make use of this facility each year. Priority: Tie for 23 Upgrade Advanced Light Source (ALS) T of experiments that are about to begin fabrication. The value of are about to begin fabrication. of experiments that type of facility angle will determine the the neutrino mixing Parity (CP) study questions of Charge required to effectively mixing If the value of the neutrino sector. violation in the neutrino angle Main Injector such as the Neutrinos at neutrino beam facilities be an attractive option. If the (NuMI) at (FNAL) may then a super neutrino beam neutrino mixing angle is too small, the questions of CP violation in could be insufficient to address the neutrino sector. Update: The Neutrino Scientific Assessment Group (NuSAG), Group Assessment Scientific The Neutrino Update: Advisory will Panel, High Energy Physics a subpanel of the beam as more case for a super neutrino reexamine the physics the neutrino mixing angle becomes known about promising areas for studying CP violation lies in the oscillation of in the oscillation lies CP violation for studying areas promising oscillation this to detect a facility to create our ability but neutrinos, do not angle that we the neutrino mixing on a value called depends . know yet 28 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 eLIC, thetwo alternativeconcepts for theEIC. the fieldofNuclearPhysics, currentlyunderdeliberation,willincludeconsideration ofbotheRHICand of quarksandgluonsin the nucleus. The Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s newfive-year planfor could providebreakthrough insightsintoQuantumChromodynamics(QCD), whichstudiesthebehavior involve collisionsbetween protons or ions, ontheonehand,andelectrons, onthe other. These collisions Accelerator Facility(CEBAF)at Thomas JeffersonNational Accelerator Facility. Bothconceptswould Electron LightIonCollider(eLIC),whichwould beanupgradetotheContinuousElectronBeam Collider (RHIC)attheBrookhaven NationalLaboratory, analternativeconceptionhasemergedfor an Update: Sincethedevelopmentofconcept for eRHICasanupgradetotheRelativisticHeavyIon higher energies. N eRHIC, eLIC,ortheElectronIonCollider(EIC) Priority: Tiefor23 tools requiredtoaccessthosefrontiers. Energy Sciencesprogram. An outcomeofthisstudywillbethedelineationresearch frontiers andthe is engagedinastudyofGrandChallengeSciencethatspansalltheresearchsupportedby Basic Update: The BasicEnergySciences Advisory Committee currently using itannually. user facility, with3,200 scientistsfromacademia,industry, andgovernment Advanced PhotonSourcehasthelargestuserbaseofanyDOEscientific and fundamentalknowledgeofthematerialsthatmakeupourworld.The already havehadfar-reaching impactonourtechnology, economy, health, measured inbillionthsofameter, tonamejustafewexamples. These studies of newpharmaceuticals,andpioneernanotechnologieswhosescaleis the evolutionofcombustionenginesandmicrocircuits,aidindevelopment and functionofmaterials.Knowledgegainedfromthisresearchcanimpact T Advanced PhotonSource(APS)Upgrade Priority: Tiefor23 Hemisphere. Thesex-raysallowscientiststostudythestructure Laboratory isthebrightestx-raylightsourcein Western y he Advanced PhotonSourceat Argonne National y y the coreofatom.Penetratingmysterynucleon willrequirebombardingthenucleonatever level—the mysteriousinteractionsofquarksandgluons thatconstitutethenucleons(protonorneutron)at uclear physicsseeksadeeperunderstandingofthe forcesthatholdmattertogetheratthemostbasic considered. The futureupgradepathsand/orareplacementfacilityforthe ALS atLawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratoryarebeing upgrade inthenextdecade. accelerator technologyisrequired.Withsufficient R&Dinthecomingyears,itcould bepossibletodesignandbuildan APS demonstrated atlowerenergy, butresearchanddevelopmentofimprovedelectrongunssuperconductinglinear One optionbeingconsideredtoupgradethe APS isthroughanenergy-recoverylinac(ERL). The ERL hasbeen that areimportantforstudyingcomplexsystemsandcorrelatedphenomenainatoms,molecules,solids. electronic andatomicstructurewithultrahighspectralresolutionstructuraldynamicsonanultrafasttimescale,capabili vacuum-ultraviolet tosoftx-raywavelengthrange.Suchafacilitywouldpermitthedirectquantitativemeasurementsof One optionisanext-generationlightsourcebasedonseeded,high-repetition-ratefreeelectronlaserfacility, operatingi important fornanoscienceresearch. scientists tostudyverysmallsamplecrystals— brilliance andpowerofthefacilitytoenable The APS Upgradewillgreatlyenhancethe ties n the Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 29 R = 1.2m a = 0.8m Schematic layout of the electron ERL linac ring and the ion ring for eLIC. The Component Test Facility will qualify materials Test The Component and components for use in fusion demos. Schematic layout of the electron ERL linac ring and Schematic layout of the option of eRHIC. the ion ring, the “linac-ring” , there has , there Facilities for the Year Outlook Year - A system study to develop the key parameters of the facility was started in FY 2007. as well as the 2009. Further work will depend on the outcome of the study, The system study is expected to be completed in FY Committee to determine the “research gaps” in the Advisory results from the recent charge given to the Fusion Energy Sciences program and how they should be filled to propel the U.S to scientific leadership. These proposed facilities would be designed for unprecedented studies for unprecedented be designed facilities would proposed These of and the role the nucleon gluons in of the the polarization of both scientific topics of these gluons in the nuclei. Understanding quarks and QCD in extreme the understanding of consequences for will have direct at RHIC. insight to recent discoveries bring fundamental conditions and at the Brookhaven National of the eRHIC facility The concept of an RHIC, with the addition is based on the existing Laboratory to provide electron-proton and electron-ion intense electron beam, collisions. to on the CEBAF accelerator being upgraded The eLIC concept relies electron storage ring and the addition of a new 12 GeV to feed a new complex to provide electron-ion collisions. proton and light ion beam is of either option, electron cooling of ions achieve stated luminosities To is required by some of the technical essential, and proton cooling R&D activities conducted over the past options under consideration. an innovative electron several years, including the development of to demonstrate the beam cooling system at RHIC, are expected beams by a factor of feasibility of increasing the luminosity of the colliding 10 to 30. centers and national R&D efforts are expected to continue at university of the proposed project laboratories to demonstrate technical feasibility with the highest scientific and to develop the most cost-effective design reach. y y y y y y y be to develop the test power plant components and be to develop the test power plant the process materials that will be needed to complete he objective of the Fusion Energy Contingency would he objective of the Fusion Energy Contingency been no R&D or design performed to develop further If built, this facility would the details of this facility. complement the research program to be conducted at ITER. Update: Since the 2003 publication of Update: Since the 2003 publication Priority: Tie for 23 Fusion Energy Contingency T energy resource of making fusion energy a viable commercial by mid-century. Twenty A Future of Science: 30 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 With ananticipatedfive-yearproject,thiswould makethefacilitiesavailableinfuture. port. Thegoalistoperformconceptualstudiesand planningnecessarytosupportaHB-2projectstart. complete conceptualevaluationsandplanning forasecondGuideHallmakinguseoftheHB-2beam at HIFROakRidgeNationalLaboratory(ORNL), atwo-tothree-yeareffortwillbeneeded Update: FollowingthecommissioningoffirstcoldsourceandGuideHallusingHB-4beam port to accommodateagrowingcommunityofresearchers. world’s mostpowerfulsourcesofsteady-stateneutron beams.PlansareunderwaytoexpandHFIR’s capabilities source of N High-Flux IsotopeReactor(HFIR)SecondColdSourceandGuideHall Priority: Tiefor23 replace currentinstrumentsandbelocatedatthefollowingpositionsinabovediagram:HB-2A,HB-2B,HB-2C,HB-2D. This diagramshowsthepresentlayoutofinstrumentsatHFIR. A secondcoldsourceandGuideHallattheHB-2beamlinewould the 1950s. Along withhostingtheSpallationNeutronSource,soontobeworld’s mostpowerful and improvingthepropertiesofmaterials,wasdevelopedatOakRidgeNationalLaboratory(ORNL)in eutron-scattering research,oneofthemostpowerfultechniquesthatscientistshavetodayforunderstanding y y y pulsed for aBerylliumreflector change. technical systems andinfrastructurewhichwill allowthereactortooperateuntil 2040withonlyonemajorshutdown in202 Guide Hallinstruments.Inaddition, HFIRisroughlyhalffinishedwithitslifeextensionprogram,which involvesupdatingk The focusintheshorttermatHFIR istheoperationofHB-4coldsourceandinstallationcommissioning ofaddition instrument stationsintheGuideHall andpotentiallyspecializedfacilitiesbeyondtheGuideHall. The HB-2beamlineislargeenough tosupportfivelargeneutronbeamsthatcouldtranslateasmany asnineneutron than thebeststeady-statecoldneutronbeamsinworld. beam line.Thissecondcoldsourcecouldprovideneutronbeams atsamplelocationsnearlyanorderofmagnitudebetter team ispreparedtoaddresstheheatfluxandbackgroundissues presented bybuildingasecondcoldsourceattheHB-2 Withthecompletionandsuccessfultestingoffirstcoldsource and GuideHallusingtheHB-4beamlineatHFIR,ORNL neutronbeams,ORNL hasbeenhomesince1966totheHigh-FluxIsotopeReactor, oneofthe ey al 1 Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 31 An IB-HEDPX capability for integrated acceleration An IB-HEDPX capability on high current, space-charge- compression and focusing be unique—notdominated beams would in any available the world. existing accelerator in

Two National Academy of Sciences reports identified high energy density physics (HEDP) as a compelling emerging science for of Sciences reports identified high energy density physics (HEDP) as a compelling Academy National Two roadmap for a National developed a science-driven Force on HEDP Task the Nation. In 2004, a community-based National Dense Matter driven in Warm Areas” identified in the roadmap includes research One of the fifteen “Thrust Initiative in HEDP. by heavy ion beams. ion beams in Warm Dense Matter research include compression of the beam, The fundamental requirements for using heavy These critical scientific issues for developing IB-HEDPX have been resolved. focusing of the beam, and high repetition rates. have created a new Administration Sciences program and the National Nuclear Security of Science Fusion Energy The Office Plasmas to advance this and related research. In addition, there is a broad joint program in High Energy Density Laboratory with which U.S. scientists coordinate activities. international community engaged in this research,

igh energy density physics is the study of matter under is the study of matter density physics igh energy y y y conditions of extremely high temperature and densities temperature and of extremely high conditions to from astrophysics areas ranging and encompasses

Update: Mission Need for the IB-HEDPX (formerly called Need for the IB-HEDPX (formerly Update: Mission an Beam Experiment, or IBX), the Integrated for experiment using heavy ion beams intermediate-scale (a midway state between Matter Dense Warm on research by the plasmas), was approved solid matter and planned Small-scale experiments are Department in 2005. basis part of R&D to provide a scientific in 2008-2009 as the new facility. for laboratory plasma physics. laboratory H Priority: Tie for 23 Tie Priority: (IB-HEDPX) Physics Experiment Energy Density Beam-High Integrated 32 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook Interim Report 2007 supports theNationalScience Bowl To attractandencouragestudentstochooseaneducation inthesciencesandengineering,Office ofSciencealso of globalenergyandenvironmental challenges. to helpimprovestudents’knowledgeofscienceandmathematics andtheirunderstanding The Office ofSciencealsoreachesoutto America’s youthingradesK-12andtheirteachers research atmorethan300colleges,universities,andinstitutes nationwide. researchers earlyintheircareers. About athirdofitsresearchfundinggoestosupport The OfficeofScienceisaprincipalsupportergraduate studentsandpostdoctoral from universities,nationallaboratories,privateindustry, andotherfederalscienceagencies. sequencing facilities.Eachyearthesefacilitiesareused bymorethan21,500researchers scattering facilities,supercomputers,high-speedcomputer networks,andgenome include particleandnuclearphysicsaccelerators,synchrotronlightsources,neutron most advancedR&Duserfacilities,locatedatnationallaboratoriesanduniversities.These The Office ofScienceoverseestheconstructionandoperationsomeNation’s Physics Laboratory, andStanford Linear Accelerator Center. Laboratory, FermiNational Accelerator Laboratory, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, PrincetonPlasma Laboratory, andPacificNorthwestNationalLaboratory. The otherfivearesingle-programnationallaboratories: Ames Energy Physics,andNuclearPhysics.Inaddition,theOfficeofSciencesponsorsarangescienceeducation Computing Research,BasicEnergySciences,BiologicalandEnvironmentalFusionHigh The Office ofSciencemanagesthisresearchportfoliothroughsixinterdisciplinaryprogramoffices: Advanced Scientific and scienceeducation. parts ofU.S.researchinclimatechange,geophysics,genomics,lifesciences, funder ofmaterialsandchemicalsciences,itsupportsuniquevital In addition,theOffice ofScienceistheFederalGovernment’s largest single sciences, biologicalandenvironmentalcomputationalscience. The OfficeofSciencesponsorsfundamentalresearchprogramsinbasicenergy programs inhigh-energyphysics,nuclearandfusionenergysciences. oversees—and istheprincipalfederalfundingagencyof—theNation’s research than 40percentoftotalfundingforthisvitalareanationalimportance.It of basicresearchinthephysicalsciencesUnitedStates,providingmore The U.S.DepartmentofEnergy’s Office ofScienceisthesinglelargest supporter About DOE’s OfficeofScience high schoollevel, itinvolvesmorethan12,000 students,andatthemiddle schoollevel,morethan 5,000students. branches ofscience. Eachyear, DOE’s NationalScienceBowl Accelerator Facility Thomas JeffersonNational ® , aneducationalcompetition forhighschoolandmiddlestudentsinvolvingall National Laboratory, LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory, OakRidgeNational Five aremulti-programfacilities: Argonne NationalLaboratory, Brookhaven research systemofitskindintheworld. laboratory system,createdoverahalf-centuryago,isthemostcomprehensive called the“crownjewels”ofournationalresearchinfrastructure.The The OfficeofSciencealsomanages10world-classlaboratories,whichoftenare priorities, andtodeterminetheverybestscientificproposalssupport. committees todevelopgeneraldirectionsforresearchinvestments,identify The OfficeofSciencemakesextensiveusepeerreviewandFederaladvisory initiatives throughits Workforce Developmentfor Teachers andScientistsprogram. ® attractsmore than 17,000studentsnationwide. At the Relativistic HeavyIonCollider Brookhaven NationalLaboratory’s Northwest NationalLaboratory Microbiologists atthePacific Interim Report 2007 Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook 33

@science.doe.gov elwood . Jerry Elwood Biological and Environmental Research Dr. Acting Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-3251 Fax: 301-903-5051 jerry Nuclear Physics Dr. Dennis Kovar Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-3613 Fax: 301-903-3833 [email protected] Dr. George Malosh Chief Operating Officer Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585 Washington, Phone: 202-586-5440 Fax: 202-586-4120 [email protected]

Dr. Jeffrey Salmon Associate Under Secretary for Science U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy SW 1000 Independence Avenue, DC 20585 Washington, Phone: 202-586-8305 Fax: 202-586-8766 [email protected]

Program Offices Office of Science Office of Science http://www.science.doe.gov/ http://www.science.doe.gov/

Dr. Dennis Kovar Acting Principal Deputy Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585 Washington, Phone: 202-586-5434 Fax: 202-586-4120 [email protected] [email protected] for Development Workforce Teachers and Scientists Valdez Mr. William Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585 Phone: 202-586-6549 Fax: 202-586-7719 [email protected] Dr. Patricia Dehmer Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-3081 Fax: 301-903-6594 [email protected] High Energy Physics Dr. Robin Staffin Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-3624 Fax: 301-903-2597 Basic Energy Sciences

Office of the Under Secretary for Science Science Secretary for of the Under Office

Dr. Raymond L. Orbach Dr. Raymond Under SecretaryScience for U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy SW 1000 Independence Avenue, DC 20585 Washington, Phone: 202-586-0505 Fax: 202-586-8766 [email protected] [email protected] c

Dr. Patricia Dehmer Acting Principal Deputy Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585 Washington, Phone: 202-586-5434 Fax: 202-586-4120 [email protected] Fusion Energy Sciences Fonck Dr. Raymond Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-4941 Fax: 301-903-8584 raymond.fon Advanced Scientific Computing Research Dr. Michael Strayer Associate Director Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW DC 20585-1290 Washington, Phone: 301-903-7486 Fax: 301-903-4846 [email protected]

Office of Science Contacts www.science.doe.gov