Configurations of Masculinity in the Pittston Coal Strike
POLITICSKAREN BECKWITH & SOCIETY Gender Frames and Collective Action: Configurations of Masculinity in the Pittston Coal Strike KAREN BECKWITH This article develops the concept of gender frame for understanding major transfor- mations in the collective action repertoires of social movements. Focusing on the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) strike against the Pittston Coal Group (1989-90), the article discusses the UMWA’s traditional collective action repertoire and its innovation of nonviolent protest, widely employed during the strike. Inter- views with major activists and UMWA staff and officers illustrate how the UMWA employed a gender frame of mining masculinities to initiate the new nonviolent strike action. The article concludes by suggesting how collective action repertoires and framing are linked and encouraging future research on gender frames in social movements. “It is precisely the masculinity of mining as a task that gives gender its relevance.”1 Coal mining is one of the most male-predominant industries in the United States. The nature of the work—underground, dangerous, and physically demanding—has marked it as one of the most romantically “masculine” occupa- tions. The popular image of the coal miner is that of a man: brave, physically strong, militant, face blackened with coal dust, fiercely independent, anachronis- My work on comparative mining strikes owes much to my colleagues in political science, women’s studies, and labor studies. I have benefited from discussions with Sidney Tarrow, Lee Ann Banaszak, Chris Howell, Mary Fainsod Katzenstein, David Meyer, Eve Sandberg, Mary Margaret Fonow, Myra Young Armstead, Mary Collar, Eric Karolak, Greg Kaster, Paul Mishler, Ruth Needleman, and Ellen Todd.
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