Hypotonia and Lethargy in a Two-Day-Old Male Infant Adrienne H
Hypotonia and Lethargy in a Two-Day-Old Male Infant Adrienne H. Long, MD, PhD,a,b Jennifer G. Fiore, MD,a,b Riaz Gillani, MD,a,b Laurie M. Douglass, MD,c Alan M. Fujii, MD,d Jodi D. Hoffman, MDe A 2-day old term male infant was found to be hypotonic and minimally abstract reactive during routine nursing care in the newborn nursery. At 40 hours of life, he was hypoglycemic and had intermittent desaturations to 70%. His mother had an unremarkable pregnancy and spontaneous vaginal delivery. The mother’s prenatal serology results were negative for infectious risk factors. Apgar scores were 9 at 1 and 5 minutes of life. On day 1 of life, he fed, stooled, and voided well. Our expert panel discusses the differential diagnosis of hypotonia in a neonate, offers diagnostic and management recommendations, and discusses the final diagnosis. DRS LONG, FIORE, AND GILLANI, birth weight was 3.4 kg (56th PEDIATRIC RESIDENTS percentile), length was 52 cm (87th aDepartment of Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, d e percentile), and head circumference Boston, Massachusetts; and Neonatology Section, Medical A 2-day old male infant born at Genetics Section, cDivision of Child Neurology, and 38 weeks and 4 days was found to be was 33 cm (12th percentile). His bDepartment of Pediatrics, Boston Medical Center, Boston, limp and minimally reactive during physical examination at birth was Massachusetts routine care in the newborn nursery. normal for gestational age, with Drs Long, Fiore, and Gillani conceptualized, drafted, Just 5 hours before, he had an appropriate neurologic, cardiac, and and edited the manuscript; Drs Douglass, Fujii, and appropriate neurologic status when respiratory components.
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