Claremont j newsletteri

Spring 2012 t Issue no. 6

A Year of Mormon Studies in this issue in the Classroom Our Pioneering Adventure in Mormon Scholarship by Patrick Q. Mason page 2 Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies i k n my highly biased view, the past and the school. Claremont is truly “The Mormon Brand” year has been an unqualified a congenial home for our one- I page 3 success for the Mormon Studies of-a-kind endeavor, still the only program at Claremont Graduate graduate-level program in Mormon k University. By virtually any measure Studies in the world. Media and the “Mormon the program is moving onward and Everything we do begins and Moment” page 4 upward, building on the strong ends with the students—that, along foundation laid by Richard and with the pursuit of knowledge, is k Claudia Bushman and Armand what higher education is all about. Giving a History to Well- Mauss, as well as all the students, in We have tremendous students in the Behaved Mormon Women previous years. School of Religion at CGU, and I I am especially grateful for the have been stimulated by the learning page 6 hard work and dedication of our experiences we have shared in the Mormon Studies Council, which classroom this year. I taught two one short semester. But we covered a has not only given me support and Mormon-themed courses in 2011- lot of ground, and it was a valuable sound advice but has been active in 2012: “Approaching ” experience for this up-and-coming fundraising. Now that the Howard in the fall, and “Gendering generation of scholars to see how W. Hunter Chair Mormonism” in the they stand on the shoulders of their has been funded, “Claremont is truly a spring. The fall course predecessors, as well as mapping our priorities have was an introduction out where they can make their own turned to raising congenial home for our to some of the most contributions as they write research money for student one-of-a-kind endeavor, significant academic papers and ultimately their theses fellowships so that still the only graduate- books and scholars and dissertations. we can continue level program in Mormon of Mormonism, and Given the sensitivity of some of to attract the best is a course I will the topics we would be covering, and brightest Studies in the world.” regularly teach to I must admit approaching my and help finance orient students to “Gendering Mormonism” class an otherwise extremely expensive some of the “classics” in the field. in the spring a bit apprehensively. graduate education. I am also Of course, with the unparalleled The material covered in the course tremendously gratified by the pace of scholarship on Mormonism is of central importance to any unqualified support the Mormon these days, it’s impossible to keep full understanding of Mormon Studies program has received from up, let alone introduce students to theology or practice, historical and the leadership of the university everything they “need to read” in contemporary, but I didn’t know

[see Classroom, 3]

Page 1 http://religion.cgu.edU t Http:// Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t spring 2012 Our Pioneering Adventure in Mormon Scholarship by Steve Bradford Chair of the Mormon Studies Council

am honored to stand on the through which it is taught in homes, of our generous donors, Claremont’s Ishoulders of some true giants Church services, and Church- Mormon Studies Program is rapidly of the Mormon in sponsored religious institutes at garnering the requisite prestige, – including my pioneering University and credibility, and visibility to ensure predecessors who have served elsewhere throughout the world. its enduring staying power and a as chair of the Mormon Studies Elder Holland also observed, bright future ahead, including in the Council at Claremont Graduate however, that President Hunter following ways: University – Blair Hoyt, Joe Bentley recognized the simultaneous Prestige and Randy Huff. After living in need for respected academic Pasadena for almost 25 years, I am centers that could foster greater With the hiring of Dr. Patrick likewise pleased to be more closely worldwide understanding of the Q. Mason (Ph.D., University of associated with the legendary Church through Notre Dame; B.A., lawyer and former president of our the language of Brigham Young Pasadena area Mormon community, scholarship and “I’m pleased to report University) as the Howard W. Hunter, who went on that, if the Church’s that President Hunter’s second Howard W. to became the 14th worldwide first California prophetic vision articulated Hunter Chair of president of The Church of “were alive by Elder Holland is now Mormon Studies and Christ of Latter-day Saints. today, he would Associate In his 2007 message endorsing be expressing his coming to fruition.” of Religion, we have the creation of the Howard W. deepest gratitude for secured a dynamic Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies the vision that is linking his name, young scholar and educator who, in at Claremont Graduate University, and that of the Church he loved, his first year at Claremont, is already Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the with such a distinguished institution attracting as students some of the Apostles of as Claremont.” most promising minds interested The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- As we fast-forward five years in the study of Mormonism. An day Saints recalled that as President from 2007, I’m pleased to report eloquent spokesperson, a prolific Hunter considered the ways in that President Hunter’s prophetic writer, and an effective teacher, which the Church could be better vision articulated by Elder Holland Patrick is establishing a name that understood, he appreciated first is now coming to fruition. As we is well known among the media and foremost the language of faith previously described below to a few and others looking for informed perspectives on Mormonism. Credibility Subscribe to this newsletter k When National Public Radio, the Get the Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter in your email inbox by subscribing History Channel, the Washington online. Visit Post, the Huffington Post, and a host of other national news and provide your name and email address on the home page to be entered into our outlets need reliable information news and events system. You will receive the newsletter as a PDF file each semester. about Mormonism, they call us. Please direct any questions to [email protected]. Increasingly, the Mormon Studies Program at Claremont is becoming [see Pioneering Adventure, 5] Page 2 t Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t Spring 2012

Classroom, continued from page 1 how our class conversations would critique, knowing that they wouldn’t blood. It can be easy to belittle or go. Any fears I had were immediately be labeled “anti-Mormon.” Many of demonize the imagined other, but allayed. As I hope will often be the them were particularly taken with becomes harder to do so when we case, we had more non-LDS than the idea of a Heavenly Mother. Our start to get to know them personally. LDS students in the class. This helps conversations were rich, nuanced, It was this consistent recognition fulfill one of the primary goals analytical, and faithful to the of the profound humanity of our of the Mormon Studies program, complexity and messiness of human subjects that imbued the class with which is to train future scholars experience (Mormon and otherwise). a sense of deep engagement rather and teachers of religion to be able to We spent so much time discussing than the superficiality of most talk about Mormonism intelligently and arguing and joking and yelling of our public and private (and, and honestly, based on a solid that more often than not we reached unfortunately, too often academic) foundation in the requisite primary the three-hour mark without discussions about religion. All of and secondary sources, and with having covered all our assigned the students, I think, came away empathy toward the lived religious reading material; one of the students recognizing the power of analyzing experience of millions of people exclaimed in frustration, “This needs Mormonism through a gendered worldwide. to be a six-hour class!” lens. I, for one, came away a better What I appreciated most was One of the primary goals of the scholar and a more committed and the open and welcoming climate class was to put Mormonism and compassionate advocate of gender for rigorous and frank discussion gender studies in conversation with equality. In short, it was precisely that developed in the class, which I one another, allowing each one what we hope to achieve in the attribute to the scholarly seriousness to critique and enrich the other. graduate classroom, and particularly and personal graciousness of the Along these lines, I thought one in Mormon Studies. students. Committed Latter-day particularly important comment In the upcoming year I will Saint students were able to talk came in an ethnographic paper teach courses on “Mormonism and about both the deep meaning they written by a (non-LDS) student Politics” (for obvious reasons) and a find in their chosen faith tradition, after visiting a three-hour Sunday basic introduction to Mormonism, but also the very real challenges meeting block (a class requirement which a number of our non-LDS they live with as they encounter for all the students). These are real students have asked for. I fully various gender issues in the Church. people, she noted—real women and expect our experiences to be just Non-LDS students, who ranged men! It’s amazing what happens as rich as this past year—though from believing members of other when our analysis leaves the I promise, despite the temptation traditions to ardent secularists, felt abstractions of the ivory tower and otherwise, to keep the classes to free to ask any question or make any becomes connected to flesh and “only” three hours. t

“The Mormon Brand” Huntsman School of Business, by Elizabeth J. Mott provided the keynote address President, Claremont Mormon Studies Student Association on “The Mormon Brand” at the conference on Friday, April 12. A his has been a busy and year was conducted with this event graduate of Harvard Business School Tproductive year for the in mind. “Laying Up Treasure: himself, Anderson spoke of his Claremont Mormon Studies Student in the Marketplace” was personal associations with Mormon Association. Since 2012 was our a success, in spite of the rain and men who have become prominent year to host the biennial graduate- flooded streets. in the business world, including student-organized Mormon Studies Douglas Anderson, the president conference, much of our work this of State University’s Jon M. [see Mormon Brand, 6] t Http:// Page 3 Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t spring 2012

The Media, the “Mormon Moment,” and CGU Mormon Studies by Bryan Cottle as the Howard W. Hunter Chair Vice-President, Claremont Mormon Studies Student Association of Mormon Studies which in turn has brought much attention and hroughout the past school year interview Mason in order obtain recognition to Mormon Studies at Tit has been near impossible an academically sound approach to CGU. to read, listen, or watch the news Mormonism. From September 2011 The second way that media without hearing something about to the middle of June 2012, Mason attention has helped spotlight Mormonism. The floodgates of has been interviewed and featured Mormon Studies at CGU is that media attention burst open once almost 30 times by various media in the heat of this “Mormon again as Pastor Robert Jeffress outlets. He has been quoted in the moment” chose to denounced Mitt Romney’s Washington Post, New York Times, write a featured story about CGU’s Mormonism as a cult. What followed Los Angeles Times, the Arkansas incorporation of Mormon Studies. was a media snowball effect. Soon Democrat-Gazette, the Huffington The author, Rachel Brutsch, began the topic of discussion advanced past Post, The Tennessean, and the Salt by describing that years before this evangelical Christians’ perception Lake Tribune, just to name a few. “Mormon moment” Claremont of Mormonism to include issues Many were lengthy interviews incorporated classes teaching their such as, proxy baptisms performed conducted over radio or through religion students about Mormonism in behalf of Holocaust victims, podcasts. Radio shows aired in Los (“California graduate university blacks and the , and other Angeles, Wisconsin, Detroit, New takes academic approach to controversial topics. In response, Orleans, Cape Town, South Africa, Mormonism,” February 15, 2012). the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- and even a spot on National Public Highlighting the school’s approach day Saints stepped up to defend Radio’s All Things Considered. of using scholarly language while their beliefs. They did so through Topics covered in these news respecting the language of faith, the editorials, written by director of stories were just as captivating as the article discussed the importance of a Public Affairs Michael Otterson, as various outlets that chose to conduct scholarly perspective of Mormonism well as releasing one of their most the interviews. Topics included; at a time when many people were popular Mormon ads featuring The the theological reasons evangelical actively asking questions about the Killers front man Brandon Flowers. Christians brand Mormonism as a faith in both a political and cultural This media push and pull, classified cult, what a Mormon president of context. As CGU School of Religion as the “Mormon moment,” has done the United States could mean for Dean Tammi Schneider told the more than turn attention toward American Mormons, in what ways Deseret News, the university had the Mormon Church. It has turned could Romney use Mormonism to “unbelievable foresight to get this attention toward Mormon Studies at his advantage in the presidential in place before the election,” and Claremont Graduate University. election, how the Latter-day that the school’s program could Mormon Studies at Claremont Saint Church deals with national provide, “authoritative sources Graduate University has been growth, why anti-Mormonism about Mormons that are academic, highlighted in two ways, both of has remained so prevalent in scholarly, knowledgeable, not which can be attributed to this American society, and the central offensive toward Mormons but have media frenzy. The first of these importance of proxy ordinances in a clean secular stamp on them to has been through Patrick Mason, Mormon theology. In each of these help navigate what is going to be a the Howard W. Hunter Chair interviews not only were important very complicated year.” of Mormon Studies. In the past topics of Mormonism discussed, Indeed, as Americans have year media outlets flocked to but they introduced Patrick Mason embraced “The

[see Media, 5] Page 4 t Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t Spring 2012

Pioneering Adventure, continued from page 2 the academic resource for journalists million goal. Our and most outstanding Mormon and thought-leaders from across current endowment is now sufficient studies class ever (nine students) the spectrum of American media. to perpetually fund the annual for the 2012–13 academic year. Current events suggest that the salary and benefits of the Howard With further support from an high level of media attention to W. Hunter Chair and Professor expanding number of generous Mormonism will not be going away of Mormon Studies. And due to a donors, we have the opportunity to anytime soon. Given its singular unique agreement with Claremont capitalize on the growing interest position as the only graduate Graduate University, we are assured of outstanding students throughout program in the world dedicated that whoever holds this Chair will be the world, provide them with to Mormon studies, Claremont is a respectful friend of the Church and financial support competitive uniquely poised to be a leader in the endowment that bears President with other elite universities, and informing public discourse and Hunter’s name. As our endowment continue our innovative efforts creating understanding through grows with the added generosity of to share the Mormon experience reliable information. our pioneering donors, we will be around the world. Just one example able to fully fund crucial fellowships is the Mormon Women’s Oral Visibility to continue attracting the best History Project, which collects and Our Spring 2011 newsletter (www. graduate students and extend our catalogues at Claremont the stories worldwide outreach efforts. of a broad spectrum of rank-and-file newsletter) listed 43 essays, articles, Mormon women and makes them A Bright Future and presentations produced by 11 accessible worldwide to interested Claremont students and faculty Thanks to an excellent reputation students, scholars and the media. members at conferences and for established over the last few years We are thrilled at how this publication across the country. And by Richard and Claudia Bushman, pioneering adventure in Mormon we’re still gathering momentum. and by the hard work of Professor scholarship at Claremont Graduate This isn’t scholarship for a narrow Mason, we saw a sharp increase in University is now bearing fruit academic audience—this is the number of applicants to our in honor of President Hunter and scholarship for the world. Mormon studies program this the Church he loved, just as it was year, both in overall numbers and envisioned by Elder Holland five Staying Power in the impressive backgrounds of years ago. We are indebted to the Thanks to the pioneering the candidate pool. And we are talented scholars and generous generosity of many visionary very pleased to announce that donors who are making it all donors, we are halfway to our $6 we have just admitted the largest happen. t

Media, continued from page 4 musical and watched with open Deseret News’ story about Mormon their various careers, we can only eyes the potential of Mitt Romney Studies at CGU, we can see how this hope that this attention on CGU becoming the first Mormon “Mormon moment” has not only Mormon Studies as well as the president of the United States, focused national attention on The increasing academic understanding trustworthy academic sources Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day of Mormonism will continue well need to be available in sorting out Saints, but that it has also directed into the future. For if there was what has become a diverse range of attention to Mormon Studies ever a time when an academic thoughts and opinions regarding here at our very own Claremont understanding of Mormonism was Mormonism. Through the many Graduate University. As many of needed by in mainstream interviews of Patrick Mason and CGU’s religion students embark on universities that time is now. t t Http:// Page 5 Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t spring 2012

Mormon Brand, continued from page 3 U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Business, explained a concept he is Mason for advising us, Bryan Cottle Romney. Integrity was the theme pioneering, called “social tithing.” for handling conference publicity as of his remarks. In identifying what Woodworth works to extend the CMSSA vice president, Lisa Clayton is unique about Mormon business Mormon concept of financial tithing for taking care of the catering, leaders he personally knows, to social and intellectual capital. Rachel Hunt Steenblik for serving as Anderson said that they are not For instance, he donates a portion treasurer, Tom Evans for organizing unlike other rational economic of his time and expertise every the logistics, and David Golding for actors, but that their moral year to train disadvantaged people his technological expertise. convictions and the cooperative around the world who would not I have no doubt Bryan Cottle orientation of their Mormon pioneer be able to afford consulting fees. He and Rachel Hunt Steenblik will do a heritage provide constant reminders suggested that instead of investing tremendous job as president and vice not to lie or exploit for personal all our surplus in stocks, we invest president of CMSSA this coming financial gain. “Inspiration serves as at least some of it in job creation. year. We will have many new circuit-breaker and shock absorber Roy Christensen, Chairman of the students joining us here in sunny to the pace of the market,” he said. Board of the Ensign Group, Inc., and California, which is very exciting to Other highlights included the James Wilkinson, President/CEO of me. My hat is off to the LDS Council international development panel and Pamco Machine Works, spoke to the and to Patrick Mason for their a Saturday lunch plenary session, question of how being a Latter-day phenomenal and tireless efforts at “Lessons from LDS Business Leaders Saint has informed their professional making CGU the place for Mormon in Southern California.” Cindy work in the public sphere. Studies. Packard showed us in concrete The presentations will be made Next year’s Mormon Studies ways the work that her and her available on Vimeo, and will conference has already been husband’s non-profit “Care for Life” be accessible via the Claremont decided. We will have the privilege has done in Mozambique; Warner Mormon Studies Web site: www. of honoring the career of our own Woodworth, a social entrepreneur I Armand Mauss. t from the BYU Marriott School of want to personally thank Patrick

Giving a History to Well-Behaved Mormon Women by Elizabeth J. Mott President, Claremont Mormon Studies Student Association

ulitzer-prize winning historian midwife, and now, polygamous Victorian England and America PLaurel Thatcher Ulrich, who nineteenth-century Mormon were characterized by their visited CGU on March 22, has women. In an evening lecture in sentimentality, Ulrich said. The famously said, “Well-behaved Albrecht Auditorium, she provided Mormon practice of plural marriage women seldom make history.” Ulrich a preview of her forthcoming book seemed to inherently challenge has spent her career giving a history on the subject of “Sentimentality Victorian America’s openly to obscure women—first to pious and Plurality in Nineteenth-Century emotional display of empathetic Puritans, then a colonial American Mormonism.” familial relationships. Historians

Page 6 t Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter t Spring 2012

Claremont Mormon Studies Newsletter have argued that Mormonism’s dismay, Ulrich said that she sensed plurality was an intentional, something stirring among young A joint publication of the religious push-back against women now, “almost like we’re Howard W. Hunter Chair of sentimentality, that Mormon plural starting over again.” Mormon Studies marriage was hierarchical in nature, In an effort to remedy this and evidence of a stoic religious possible disconnect between second- Latter-day Saint Council devotion. However, based on her wave feminism and the current on Mormon Studies one, scholars in Mormon Studies careful examination of numerous Claremont Mormon Studies documents and artifacts, Ulrich and Women’s Studies in Religion at Student Association is now questioning whether this CGU are carrying forward Claudia explanation of nineteenth-century Bushman’s oral history project. In k Mormon plurality is a fully accurate fact, I believe CGU is the place to one. In fact, she said, she has found a be for those who want to research Howard W. Hunter Chair surprising amount and write about of Mormon Studies of sentimentality “In fact, I believe CGU is the history and Patrick Mason within Mormonism life experiences of the place to be for those of this era. Mormon women. k Ulrich also who want to research and Claudia Bushman and visited Patrick write about the history Caroline Kline are co- LDS Council on Mormon Studies Mason’s class, and life experiences of editing a forthcoming President “Gendering book of essays on Steve Bradford Mormonism.” Mormon women.” this oral history She quipped that collection, which k she was visiting more as an artifact will be published by Kofford Books. herself of second-wave Mormon Lisa Clayton is spearheading Claremont Mormon Studies feminism—the day’s topic—than as the continuing effort to record, Student Association a historian of colonial women. We transcribe, and archive additional President received a behind-the-scenes look at Mormon women’s oral histories, and Elizabeth Mott the making of the so-called “Pink the School of Religion is expanding Vice-President Issue” of Dialogue (1971). While it the project to include Jewish, may seem like “pretty innocuous Muslim, Catholic, and Protestant Bryan Cottle stuff” now, she said, their writing women. Within a few years, graduate k about housework, careers, and birth students at CGU will be able to do control among Mormon women was comparative work on wave-making quite a radical move in the context and well-behaved women across of the time. With both joy and various religious traditions. t

Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies 831 N. Dartmouth Ave. Claremont, CA 91711 t Http:// Page 7 Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies 831 N. Dartmouth Ave. Claremont, CA 91711