Florae Malesianae Praecursores LIII. II.

6. Urnularia, 7. Willughbeia, 8. Kopsia

F. Markgraf

Institut fur Systematische Botanik der Universitat, Ziirich


Hook. t. Hist. Stapf, 1c. (1901) 2711; Merr., En. Born. (1921) 497; Pichon, Mém. Mus.

Nat. Paris II, 24 (1948) 154; Bakh. f., Blumea 6 (1950) 385; Back. & Bakh. f., Fl. Java 2

(1965) 224.

Glabrous lianas with branched axillary tendrils. Leaves decussate, coriaceous or sub-

coriaceous, ovate, elliptic, or lanceolate. Inflorescences axillary, thyrsoid, slightly longer than the petioles of the subtending leaves, loose, with rather long slender branches.

Flowers Pedicels with or bracteoles. lobes orbicular small, pentamerous. 1 2 Calyx to

ovate, ciliate, without glands inside. Corolla urceolate, yellowish, tube inflated, globular,

constricted at the mouth but without mouth scales; lobes ovate or ovate-oblong, obtuse,

auriculate, as long as the tube, overlapping to the left, forming a cylindric bud much

narrower than the tube. Stamens inserted in the middle of the tube, anthers short-ovate.

Ovary superior, glabrous, conical, syncarpous, bicarpellate, unilocular, multiovulate.

Style short. Stigma head widened from the style into a narrow dish and crowned by two

Fruit short tips reaching up to the anthers. a globose yellow berry. Seeds ellipsoidal,

exalbuminous; embryo with large and thick cotyledons and a short radicle.

endemic in from the Distribution. 7 species, western Malesia, Malay Peninsula

to Borneo.

which Note. This genus is closely related to Willughbeia differs by a cylindric

corolla tube, by congested inflorescences not longer than the subtending petiole (except

in W. anomala), corresponding by fruits with a shorter stalk.

The tendrils are modified inflorescences as in Willughbeia, Clitandra (Africa), and Landolphia (Africa and South America).

Two of beccariana This genus was established by Stapf on 5 species. these, U. (Pierre)

Stapf and U. beccarii (Pierre) Markgr. (= U. oblongifolia Stapf), were formerly described of under Ancylocladus. Pierre even made the latter species the type a new section, Cyclo-

pholis, of Ancylocladus, which was acknowledged by Pichon, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. of Urnularia. Paris II, 24 (1948) 155, as a section This section was based by Pierre on leaf

the in nervation, petiole anatomy, and especially on presence ofmouth scales the corolla. of this third could confirm the Rendering account to myself character, I not it in type the the specimen in herbarium of late M. Pierre kindly lent me by the Museum National

It is Beccari Piante Bornensi which Pierre d'Histoire Naturelle. a duplum of n. 2272, on his flowers has carried out investigations. It presents only very young which, moreover, It Pierre time have become very hard by drying. must be appreciated how well at his has material. the (1898) analysed this refractory I had opportunity to observe again the flower the ofwhich had written 'corolle callosites on envelop Pierre ouverte avec squames ou

— succeeded of 2 5 devant chaque petale'. Moreover, I in soaking by means tinovetinesome 408 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

herbarium better developed flowers of the same numberkindly lent me by the of Florence these like and in analyzing too. Just Stapf, in none of all flowers investigated I could perceive such mouth scales. But as the globose-inflated corolla tube becomes strongly constricted the the of thicker there. this at mouth, mass tissue gets Immediately at level are inserted the 5 auriculate corolla lobes. By spreading them out, even with precaution,

the rise minute onecan not avoid to tug at mouth. Thus the impression may that a knob between the before each lobe. is neighboured to each gap lobes, i.e. seemingly two This Urnularia. may be observed in all species of But as already Pierre pointed out, they are free. behind these not One cannot go 'scales' with a needle, as is possible in the case of the real mouth scales of other Apocynaceae.

Pierre's scrutiny being known, I felt obliged to look for the origin of the uncertainty.

For this it useful that in his herbarium his sketches and exact notes are purpose proved added to the sheets. these that at first had taken the From it appeared Pierre specimen as Melodinus the scales characteristic a and was surprised to miss mouth for this genus: 'il la de la corolle les du Melodinus' and 'cette n'y a pas a gorge appendices particuliers plante de indique un Melodinus, mais en differe par le meristele ouverte et absence s qu am e s'.

This note is dated 'M.P. 6/98'. Under the date 'PIERRE M.P. 7/98', 'squami gemini' are mentioned and used for into are defining a new genus Dinopholis, changed Cyclopholis. There has 'corollae been added in a very minute handwriting: tubus c a 110 s u s v e I g e m i n a t i m squamosus'. An addition to the description cited first (of June, 1898) in the minute same handwriting remarks: 'le sommet du tube est pourvu devant chaque lobe de des callosités 2 a 4 appendices sessiles, a peine libre en haut, se présentant plutôt comme que comme des appendices\ Apparently, he was not sure about them. In an undated sketch, well. litho- however, they are accentuated rather They appear still more distinct in a of This graphed drawing by M. Delpuy 1902 which is foundin several herbaria. drawing contains other doubtful details too: the globose shape of the corolla tube, not mentioned by Pierre, is not recognizable and the inflorescences are wrongly condensed and given a and thick of stiff rachis reminding a Melodinus. Pichon, in a very small drawing in Mem.

Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 24 (1948) t. 3 f. 28, shows single minute teeth. Apparently, he also has not seen true mouth scales.

Mouth scales are in reality not present, as stated above, and hence the section Cyclo- pholis based on them cannot be maintained.


with ratio 1. Leaves broad-ovate rounded base, strongly coriaceous, glaucous below, length/width c.

—8 ovatifolia i£ (7 x 4J—5 cm), venation indistinct I. U.

1. Leaves less broad, length/width ratio 2—3, not glaucous below.

Leaves 2. with rounded base, not shining. Inflorescence with c. 20—30 flowers.

3. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic, short-acuminate. Inflorescences 4 —5 cm long, most of their branches

with 2 internodes.

4. Nerves bent forward, without intercalated veins; venation more discernable, consisting of fine

veins transverse to the midrib and oblique to the nerves. Inflorescences loose, their branches

thyrsoid with lower internodes of 7 —8 mm 2. U. beccariana

vein 4. Nerves spreading, almost transverse to the midrib,with one distinct intercalated parallel between almost Inflorescences their branches with lower internodes every pair. dense, cymose U. flavescens of 2—3 mm 3.

3. Leaves subcoriaceous, oblong, long-acuminate; nerves transverse to the midrib, with more than

one parallel intercalated vein between two nerves, without reticulation. Inflorescences loose,

their branches with only one internode 4. U. beccarii

2. Leaves with acute to cuneate base, shining above, Inflorescences with c. 12 flowers.

Leaves 1.8— without intercalated veins the 5. lanceolate, 5—8.5 x 3.5 cm, veins, oblique to nerves U. 5. lanceolata F. Markgraf: Apocynaceae II 409

Leaves $. lance-elliptic, with intercalated veins parallel to the nerves.

6. Leaves coriaceous, short-acuminate, 7—10 X 3 —4.5 cm; veins oblique to the nerves

6. U. rufescens

6. subchartaceous, 2 and intercalated Leaves long-acuminate, 5—9 x —4 cm; veins veins parallel U. to the nerves 7. javanica

1. Urnulariaovatifolia Hook. t. — Stapf, Ic. (1901) 2711 p. 3. Willughbeia ovatifolia

Merr., J. As. Soc. Mai. 1 (1923) 29.

BORNEO. . Haviland 2302, Kuching.

Urnularia beccariana — beccarianus 2. (Pierre) Stapf, I.e. f. I—6, p. I—2. Ancylocladus

Bull. — O. Ktze [Rev. Gen. I (1891) 412, nomen] exPierre, Soc. Linn. Paris II, 1 (1898) 98.

beccariana & Willughbeia K. Schum. in E. P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. Nachtr. 2 (1900) 55.

BORNEO. Beccari R. Sarawak. 3764, banks of Bintulu — Brunei. Sinclair 1031S, Sg. Belait. —

East. Kostermans Mt. — S h. NBFD 21354, Berau, Njapa. a b a Singh 48431, Sandakan, mile 45 Labuk

Rd.; Singh & Nordin NBFD 48484(a), Tawau Dist., mile 13 Apas Rd.

Urnularia flavescens I.e. f. 2. — 3. (Hook . f.) Stapf, 7, p. Willughbeia flavescens Dyer ex

Hook. Fl. Ind. — /, Brit. 3 (1882) 625. Ancylocladus flavescens O. Ktze, Rev. Gen. 1

(1891) 412. — Melodinus cymosus Ridl., J. Fed. Mai. St. Mus. 10 (1920) 146. Distribution. Malay Peninsula (Wellesley, Perak, Malacca, Singapore).

Urnularia beccarii — 4. (Pierre) Markgr., nov. comb. Ancylocladus beccarii Pierre, Bull.

Soc. Linn. Paris II, 1 (1898) 98. — Willughbeia beccarii K. Schum. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl.

Nachtr. — Hook. — Fam. 2 (1900) 55. U. oblongifolia Stapf, Ic. (1901) t. 2711 p. 2. Willugh- As. beia stapfii Merr., J. Soc. Mai. 1 (1923) 29.

SUMATRA. R. — P 1 b a Forbes Indragiri. Soepadmo 141, Pakanbaru, Tenajan a e m n g. 3232, Benting Teluk, Rawas R.

BORNEO. Sarawak. Beccari For. Res. 2272, Matang. — Sab ah. SAN 17467, Andalau

5. Urnularia lanceolata Markgr., nov. sp.

Frutex scandens glaber. Ramuli teretes lenticellosi. Folia coriacea, lanceolata, longiuscule

X laterales — mm acuminata, 5 —8,5 1,8—3,5 cm; nervi 10—14 paria, 4 5 inter se distantes, obli- angulo 30° ascendentes, rete tertiariumhorizontale, tenue, versus nervos secundarios

8 quum; petiolus crassiusculus, —10 mm. Inflorescentiae axillares, thyrsoideae, 3x2 cm,

pedunculus 1 cm longus 1 mm crassus, rachis binodis. Lobi calycis ovati, 1,2 mm longi. lobi Antherae Corollae tubus 3 mm longus, 2,5 X 1 mm. 0,7 mm. Ovarium conicum,

6 1,2 mm altum. Fructus globosus, cm. Semina ellipsoidea, applanata, 15 X 10 x 5 mm.

S BORNEO. a b a h. Mt. Kinabalu: Clemens 26209 A Tenompok, alt. 1500 m, 1-9-1931, fir.; 40106,

fl. Pentaran Penibukan Ridge, forest hill, alt. 1200 m, 17-9-1933, (holotype L); 40197, Basin, alt. 1350 m, alt. RSNB Mesilau 28-8-1933, A-'. MujinSAN33898,Jalan Lering, Sosopodon, 1350 m, 13-7-1963,fl.; 7043, alt. R., 1350 m, 1-5-1964, fr.

Urnularia rufescens 6. (Hook./!) Stapf ex Sp. Moore, J. of Bot. 63 (1925) Suppl. p. 67;

Hist. — Pichon, Mem. Mus. Nat. Paris II, 24 (1948) 155. Willughbeia rufescens Dyer ex

Fl. Ind. — Mai. Hook./, Br. 3 (1882) 626. Willughbeia flavescens var. rufescens Ridl., Fl.

Pen. 2 (1923) 325. Distribution. Malay Peninsula (Pattani, Wellesley, P. Penang, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Singapore). 410 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

Urnularia Hook. — 7- javanica (Bl.) Stapf, Ic. (1901) t. 2711 p. 2. Willughbeia javanica

Bl., Bijdr. (1826) 1024. — Ancylocladus javanicus O. Ktze, Rev. Gen. 1 (1891) 412.

Distribution. Java: 'Formerly locally in West Java' (Back. & Bakh. fl, Fl. Java

sheet L 2, 1965, 224). One in inscribed by Blume 'G. Seribu' (n. 881).

One Note. of the samples in L, collected by Blume, seems to represent a juvenile

form: leaves in inter- elongate, general 11 X 3.5 cm, up to 15 X 4 cm, nerves less close, veins veins the calated few, often bending down outward, oblique to nerves.


Pi. Corom. Roxb., 3 (1819) t. 280; Fl. Ind. 2 (1832) 57; Bl., Bijdr. (1826) 1023; DC.,

Prodr. Fl. Bat. 8 (1844) 321; Miq., Ind. 2 (1856) 389; B. & H., Gen. Pi. II, 2 (1876) 691; Hook, Fl. Ind. Handl. f., Br. 3 (1882) 623; Boerl., 2 (1891) 350; K. Schum. in E. & P.,

Pfl. 2 Bull. Nat. Fam. IV, (1895) 130; Boerl., Inst. Bot. Btzg 5 (1900) 4; Hallier, Jahrb.

Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Beih. (1900) & Fl. Mai. 17, 3 141; K. G.,Mat. Pen. (1907) 391; Ridl., Fl. Mai. Bakh. Pen. 2 (1923) 322; Pichon, Mem.Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 24 (1948) 153; fl.,

Blumea 6 Back. & Bakh. Fl. — Pi. (1950) 385; fl., Java 2 (1965) 223. Ancylocladus Wall., As. Rar. Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 3 (1832) 45; Pierre, II, 1 (1898) 94. with sub- Glabrous lianas branched axillary tendrils. Leaves decussate, coriaceous or

rather coriaceous, petiolate, not glandular, with straight nerves. Inflorescences axillary,

congested, short-peduncled or sessile, about as long as the petiole of the subtending leaf

(longer in W. anomala), thyrsoid, with I or 2 nodes and short branches. Flowers small,

Pedicels with pentamerous. 1 or 2 bracteoles. Calyx lobes ciliate, orbicular to ovate- Corolla white oblong, without glands inside. to yellowish, hypocrateriform, tube cylin-

drical, slightly inflated below or above the middle, without mouth scales, lobes over- the lapping to left, oblong, obtuse, auriculate, generally longer than the tube, forming an obtuse indexed. oblong, bud, not Stamens inserted in the inflated part, anthers oblong-

ovate, shortly apiculate, with rounded base. Ovary generally superior, glabrous, conical, short. head syncarpous, bicarpellate, unilocular, multiovulate. Style Stigma turbinate, with short two or long apical appendages, reaching the anthers. Fruit a large mostly

yellow berry with edible pulp. Seeds numerous, black, compressed-ellipsoidal, exal-

buminous, 1—2 cm long; embryo with thick cotyledons, at their base completely envel- the short oping very radicle.

Distribution. About 15 species, one in Ceylon, the others from Assam through

Thailand, Indochina, and the Malay Peninsula to Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Palawan. The stands Urnularia which differs Note. genus next to by a globose corolla tube, by loose, mostly slender inflorescences longer than the petiole of the subtending leaf,

therefore by fruits with a longer stalk. The modified tendrils are inflorescences like in Urnularia, Clitandra (Africa), and Landolphia (Africa and South America).

Low sterile have been observed of W. dulcis, angustifolia, and coriacea, bearing leaves with distant form elongate more nerves. Apparently, they represent a youth as suggested also by Mr. Burkill who collected them several times in Pahang.


Leaves I. glaucous below, broad-elliptic, with 6—8 pairs of rather strongly curved nerves, strongly coria-

1 ceous. Flowers large: corolla tube 12 mm long, lobes 20 X 7 mm ). Stigma head with long appendages. Fruit globose, 6 cm I. W. grandiflora

The are taken from flowers and from *) measurements fully developed ripe fruits. Buds, even if they

seem about still just to open, may grow remarkably! F. Markghaf: Apocynaceae II 411

I. Leaves not glaucous below, with 10—20 pairs of straight nerves. Flowers generally smaller. of leaves indistinct below also W. elmeri with slender Inflorescences 2. Venation the (see inflorescences).

about stout. Corolla lobes 10 mm long.

Leaves coriaceous 3. or subcoriaceous, opaque below; nerves 6—15 pairs, 5—15 mm distant, angle

shorter 6 — to midrib 60—70°. Corolla tube than the lobes, about mm long, lobes about 10 x 1.5 2

their bud obtuse. mm, fairly rounded base. 4. Leaves broad-elliptic, round-acuminate, with Inflorescences pubescent except corollas. Fruit W. the oblong, up to 12 x 5 cm 2. oblonga acuminate often 4. Leaves elliptic, acute or by straight borders, with roundly narrowed base,

somewhat fleshy. Inflorescences glabrous (except the ciliate calyx lobes). Fruit ellipsoid, or

about W. subglobose, or very slightly obovate, 9 x 3 cm 3. coriacea

3. Leaves moderately coriaceous, shining below; nerves 16—20 pairs, 4—6 mm distant, angle to

midrib 80—90°. Corolla tube longer than the lobes, about 13 mm, lobes 10 x 0.7 mm, their bud

Fruit W. tenuiflora acutish. pear-shaped, up to 15 X 12 cm 4.

2. Venation of the leaves distinct below (except in W. elmeri).

almost 5. Veins perpendicular to the nerves, meeting between every two of them in a narrow strip

Leaves with rounded base in than of network. (except W. anomala), longer 10 cm.

with 6. Leaves narrow, cuneatebase, finely papillose-velvety below. Inflorescences loose, longer than the petiole of the subtending leaf. Corolla tube 12 mm long. Stamens inserted in the

lower tenth of the corolla tube 10. W. anomala

6. Leaves with rounded base, smooth below. Inflorescences congested, not longer than the petiole

Stamens in of the subtendingleaf. Corolla tube 3.5—6.5 mm long. inserted at least the lower third of the corolla tube.

7. Leaves 14—25 x 7.5—11 cm, thick-coriaceous, glossy above. Inflorescences glabrous. Corolla tube lobes Stamens in the third of the corolla 3.5 mm long, 5 X 1.8 mm. upper Fruit W. tube. Ovary superior, 0.7 mm high. ellipsoid, 14 X 9.5 cm. . . 5. gigantea

7. Leaves 10—20 x 5—8 cm, less coriaceous, not or slightly shining above. Inflorescences lobes rusty-pubescent. Corolla tube 6.5 mm long, 4 x 1.5 mm. Stamens in the lower third

of corolla tube. its free mm Fruit cm the Ovary half-inferior, part 0.3 high. globose, 8 0

6. W. sarawacensis

the veins 5. Between nerves intercalated parallel to them and a tertiary network between them all.

than Leaves with a narrowed base, not or rarely longer 10 cm. Fruit globose, about 7 cm 0.

Leaves with and intercalated subchartaceous 8. oblong-elliptic, 12—15 nerves as many veins, or

subcoriaceous. Inflorescences stout. Pedicels 1 —2 mm long, 0.7 mm broad. Corolla lobes

broader than 1 mm 7. W. dulcis and intercalated Inflorescences slender. 8. Leaves elliptic, with 8—10 nerves as many veins. Pedicels

3 —4 mm long and 0.3 mm broad or less.

Leaves — with indistinct 9. subcoriaceous, elliptic, short-acuminate, 7 —10 x 3 4.5 cm, 8. W. elmeri nervation. Corolla tube 2 mm long, lobes 4.5 x 1 mm

9. Leaves subcoriaceous or coriaceous, either elliptic and 6—10 x 2.5—3.4 cm, or short-

nervation elliptic and 4—7 x 2.5—4 cm, or lanceolate and 4—7 x 1.5—2 cm; distinct

below. Corolla tube mm lobes x 0.8 mm W. 1.5 long, 2.5 .... 9. angustifolia

Fl. I. Willughbeia grandiflora Dyer ex Hook./, Br. Ind. 3 (1882) 625; Boerl., Handl.

2 (1899) 391; Ridl., Fl. Mai. Pen. 2 (1923) 322. — Ancylocladus glaucinus Pierre, Bull.

Soc. Linn. Paris II, 1 (1898) 98. — W. glaucina K. Sch. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. Nachtr.

2 (1900) 55.

MALAY PENINSULA. S 1 SFN Kuala — Malacca. e a n g o r. 34094, SungaiTinggi, Selangor. Maingay

KD — h Kadim & Nur — 104J (holotypeK). Jo o r e. 320, Endau, Kampong Hubong. Singapore.

Ridley s.n., P. Ubin, 1893. of holo in BORNEO. SARAWAK. Beccari PB 3333 (type Ancylocladus glaucinus; P); PB 3338, Marop; Sanusi S Dist. Naman For. Haviland 2301, Kuching; 3043, Bintulu; bin Tahir 9764, Sibu, Res.; S 12893, Kuala Dist. Bruit. — Brunei. Van Niel Belait. Binatang, Sg. Semulun, P. 3971,

2. ex Hook. Fl. Ind. Handl. Willughbeia oblonga Dyer /, Br. 3 (1882) 625; Boerl., 2

(1899) 391; Ridl., Fl. Mai. Pen. 2 (1923) 323.

MALAY PENINSULA. K d h. KEP SE. Bukit e a FRI13691, low slope of Perak, calcareous rock, sec. for.,

KEP FRI alt. Corner Bukit — Ulu Labis 450 m; 30299, Kemaman, Kajang. Selangor. 7999, Endau, 412 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

lowland for. — For. Res., undulating Malacca. Deny 399, Bukit Bruang; Goodenough 1396, Ayer

Panas; Maingay KD 1089 (holotype, K).

SUMATRA. Buwalda Indragiri. 6297 , Pangian.

coriacea 3. Willughbeia Wall. [Catal. (1829) n. 1620, nom. nud.) Pi. As. Rar. 3 (1832)

G. Gen. 8 Hook, Br. Ind. 45; Don, Syst. 4 (1837) 102; DC., Prodr. (1844) 321; f, FL 3 FL Ind. Fl. Mai. (1882) 623; Miq., Bat. 2(1856) 39i;Boerl„ Handl.2(i899) 391; Ridl., Pen.

— W. 2 (1923) 323. firma Bl., Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1850) 154, incl. var. oblongifolia;

Fl. Ind. Bat. Sum. Fl. Ind. Miq., 2 (1856) 391; (1861) 227, 551; Hook./!, Br. 3 (1882) 624;

Boerl., Handl. 2 (1899) 391; Bull. Inst. Bot. Btzg 5 (1900) 4, incl. var. platyphylla, obtusi- and Fl. folia, macrophylla ; Ridl., Mai. Pen. 2 (1923) 323; Back. & Bakh. /, Fl. Java 2

(1965) 224. — W. burbidgei Dyer, Kew Report (1880) 44. — Ancylocladus minutiflorus

Paris — — Pierre, Bull. Soc. Linn. II, 1 (1898) 95. Ancylocladus vriesianusPierre, I.e. 96. nodosus I.e. Ancylocladus Pierre, 96. — W. minutiflora (Pierre) K. Sch. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl.

Nachtr. — I.e. — nodosa Fam. 2 (1900) 55. W. vrieseana (Pierre) K. Sch., W. (Pierre) K. Sch., I.e.

SUMATRA. Korthals of W. — si Boeea 1042 (Type firma). Tapanoeli. Rahmat 11091, Toba. Talun na

Uli, near headwaters of Aek Mandosi. — West Coast. Ichlas 43, Pajakumbu, Mt. Sago, Djalan

alt. forest HB Puntjak, iooo m; Meijer 4664, near Bukit Tjempago, alt. 1000 m; Teijsmann 1168, Sidjung-

— East Coast. Huta forests red Rahmat djung. Krukoff 4329, Padang, on soil; si Boeea 1 0920, Asahan,

Aek Garunggang, E. of Dolok si Manuk Manuk. — Palembang.Grashoff 886, Banjuassin and Kubu

hambach alt. — Simaloer. Achmad — B area; 1335, Lematang Ulu, 150 m. 892; 1652, Tapah. a t o e

Is. unknown coll. — Kostermans G. — L i 17. Banka. & Anta 1343, Maras, alt. ioo m, granitic sand. n g- Arch. Pasir alt. g a Biinnemeijer6972, Pandjang, 100 m.

MALAY PENINSULA. Peninsular Thailand. Kerr — Perak. 7386, 7413, Pattani, Banang. & Nur Haniff 2396, Taiping Hill, alt. 300 m; King's coll. 10030, Ulu Bubong, alt. 90—150 m, mixed for.;

»h. 120—180 Waterfall alt. 10834, m, open jungle; Wray 3, Larut, Hill, 450 m; 39, upper Perak, Kenaing;

— i n i n s. 4176, Selama. D d g Curtis 1629, Pankor, G. Sunggal. — Kelantan. Gimlette s.n., Pâsir

Kuala Lebir. — SF Ulu — KEP Lalat, Pahang. 21933, s. Sat, Tembeling. Selangor. 94331,

Kemahan For. Res., Tanah Merah, sec. for.; 99030, Bt. Lagong, K.L., prim, for., hillside; KL 1383, Ulu

Langat, Bt. Tankol, K. Pansom, hill for. — Negri Sembilan. Malvins 2300, Rantan; Purseglove

P Qrt Dickson, near — Malacca. Curtis Bt. Sadanen, 4343 . coast. 3476, Ayer Panas; 3483; Derry 101; 120,

SF — alt. 270 m; 490, 1198; Maingay 1 048; Malvins 270; Ridley 399. — Johore. 32000, Sungei Kayu.

P. Curtis — Govern- Langkawi. s.n., -n-1901. P. Penan g. Curtis 1500, waterfall; s.n., -7-1900,

ment Hill, alt. 240 m; Ridley 847-, 9339, Penang Hill, alt. 150 m; s.n., Balik Pulau, -6-1898, fl. — Singa-

Burkill Mac Ritchie catchement Gamble Bt. pore. 3041, area; 2723, Changi; 4431; Henderson s.n., Timah Nur Chu Res.; Hullett 31 1; s.n., Chan Kang, -3-1894, fr.; Ridley 292, Bojuc; 2712, Janglin; 3594a, Tanjong

Gol; 4431; 9501, P. Ubu; s.n., Krangi, woodland, 7-1-1890, fl.; SF 40219-, SP 5, Rogie Rd. WEST. of JAVA. Adelbert 295, Banten, Snaghijang, N. Labuan, sec. for.; Rangkas Betung, Tjukakang

— 6 'In (L). Bakh. ƒ. in Blumea (1950) 385: recent time with certainty found only near Rangkas Betung and possibly also on Mt. Smeru.'

BORNEO. Beccari PB Lawas SARAWAK. 1530, Mattang (type ofAncylocladus nodosus, P); Burbidge s.n., of W. Chew Wee-lek alt. Haviland R., 1878 (type burbidgei, K); 1433, Santubong, foothills, 75 m; 989,

Lundu, Mt. near Hose Gading; 2168, Kuching; s.n., path to Matang; Haviland8c 989, Baram; 3492, Kuching;

Jacobs 5130, north slopes ofMt. Perissen (south ofKuching), alt. 1100—1200 m; Nooteboom & Chai 2185,

Batu Batu Kalabit Highlands, Apa Buli, alt. 1650 m; 2333, ditto, Lawi, alt. 1450 m; Purseglove 5422, Sungei

Tau, alt. 90 m; S 21383, Miri, base of Bt. Lambir, alt. 50 m; SF38326, Santubong; Treacher s.n., Lawas R.,

— Brunei. BRUN alt. — East and 8-10-1878. 3349, Ulu Senuko, Labu, 120 m. Northeast. Endert W. 4991, Kutei, near L. Puhus, alt. 100 m; Kostermans 10403, 10377, central Kutei, Belajan R. near

G. banks of S. Long Blek; 10653, ditto, near Tabang; 10595, ditto, Kelopok near Tabang; Winkler 3152,

Lawa. — S a b a h. Carr 27086, Mt. Kinabalu, below path to Ranau, alt. 1450 m; Clemens 26063, 26063 bis,

Mt. alt. alt. Kinabalu, Dallas, 900 m; 31026, ditto, Penibukan, 1200—1500 m; Evangelista 273, Kg. Kayo

Madang; Ramos 1755, 1758, near Sandakan; Ridley 9055, Bongaya; RSNB 4888, Mt. Kinabalu, Mesilau

R., alt. SAN Dist. Kuala alt. SAN A Dist. Lahad 1500 m; 17074, Temburong, Belalong, 200 m; 3500,

Datu, P. Keruing, Kretam Besar R., Kretam; A 4041, Dist. Tawau, Kalabakan, 30 miles NW. of Tawau,

alt. 70 m. F. Markgraf: II Apocynaceae 413

Wallich Note. (1832) made only mention of his W. coriacea, with too short a de- scription. G. Don (1837) DeCandolle (1844) could not do more. Thus Blume, when his from could different describing W. firma Sumatra (1850) not presume that it was not from W. coriacea. Miquel (1856) only followed Blume. Later authors always tried to maintain a difference. Only King & Gamble, Mat. Fl. Mai. Pen. (1907) 395, concede that the differences are unessential, such as distance and sharpness of the lateral nerves.

the I show Among rich material which had at my disposal these characters appeared to the numerous transitions, even in some numbers cited by these authors. I examined two extremes microscopically: below the nerves the parenchyma is in the one case thick- walled, forcing the epidermis to arch out broadly, in the other it is thin-walled and arched over less broadly by the epidermis. Correspondingly, the larger vascular strands are of the smaller The accompanied by 5 or 6 layers sclerenchyma, ones by 3. spongy exceed the These differences parenchyma may palissades 3 times, or only 1J time. appar- ently depend on the degree of fleshiness of the leaves which does not prove to be con- of the stant. Moreover, the areas two species are the same.

tenuiflora Fl. Br. Ind. Handl. 4. Willughbeia Dyer ex Hook. 3 (1882) 625; Boerl., 2 Hamb. Beih. Fl. Mai. (1899) 391; Hallier, Jahrb. Wiss. Anst. 17, 3 (1900) 144; Ridl., Pen.

— Bull. — 2 (1923) 325. Ancylocladus curtisianus Pierre, Soc. Linn. Paris II, 1 (1898) 97.

W. curtisiana (Pierre) K. Sch. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. Nachtr. 2 (1900) 55.

SUMATRA, van Romburgh 409. — East Coast. Rahmat si Toroes 4012, Si Mandi Angin. — Indra- i i. Vriese r Meijer Taluk region. — Benkoelen. de s.n Mandheleng. — Palembang. g 4214, .,

Buwalda forest of Muara and Kubu 7631, Semangus near Enim; Grashoff 859 , Banjuassin region; 1054, alt. Rawas, 100 m; Lambach s.n., Lematang Ulu, alt. 150 m.

MALAY SF Mai For. Res. — D i Curtis PENINSULA. K e d a h. 35192, Koh i n d n g s. s.n., -12-1902; KEP FRI K. Ridley 3075, Lumut. — Kelantan. 4505, Ulu Sg. Aring near Tapah. — Selangor.

CF 4992, 16443, Sungei Buloh For. Res.; SF 12739, Ulu Gombak, hill slopes. — Negri Sembilan.

— Bt. Holttum 9533, G. Tampin. Malacca. Curtis 3483; Derry 576, Bruang; Goodenough 100, 1785,

Ayer Panas; Maingay 1049 (type of W. tenuiflora, K); corporal Sam 678. —J ohore. Holttum SF 10965,

G. P. P — Beridong. — e n a n g. Curtis s.n., waterfall, 1890 (type ofAncylocladus curtisianus)). Singa-

Corner MacRitchie 4-4-1937; Reservoir Wood; 11333 Bt. pore. s.n., Reservoir, Ridley 4826, , Timah; SF 40214.

comb. — Leuconotis 5- Willughbeia gigantea (Boerl.) Markgraf, nou. gigantea Boerl., incl. and Bull. Inst. Bot. Btzg 5 (1900) 8, var. crassifolia var. ovalis.

SUMATRA. East Coast. Rahmat si Toroes 9313, Asahan, Aek Munte. — Indragiri. Soepadmo

R. 224, Pakanbaru, Tenjan — cultivated: Lorzing 8434, Sibolangit, alt. 450 m.

BORNEO. Sarawak. Beccari s.tt., Kuching. — BRUNEI. BRUN 2633, Ulu Lumut, Andalau For.

— West, Res., prim. for. on sandy clay. van Romburgh 7 («. v.), Simpolan Angin, beyond Petani; 34,

Kophiang; 33, Biang.

6. Willughbeia sarawacensis (Pierre) K. Sch. in E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. Nachtr. 2

— — Kew (1900) 55. [W. treacheri Dyer, Rep. (1880) 44, nomen] Ancylocladus sarawhaensis

Pierre, Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris II, 1 (1898) 96, sphalm. — W. sarawakensis Becc., For.

Borneo (1902) 603, orthogr. variant.

For. BORNEO. Sarawak. Beccari 3923, banks of R. Igau, Buah Tabu, (type); Sarawak Dept. S 29963,

Ulu river — S BS Batu for. — sine Vriese Anap, , bank. a b a h. J727, Lima, damp loc. de 132. PHILIPPINES. PNH Palawan. 12491, Aborlan, Mt. Graan, dense for.; 23063, Aborlan, Sagpangan.

Note. This seems to be the species cited by Boerlage and others as W. edulis Roxb. for Borneo. It is indeed related to that species which occurs in India (Assam, Upper and BLUMEA VOL. No. 414 XX, 2, 1972

Lower Burma) and in Upper Thailand. Furthermore, it is related to W. cochinchinensis

Pierre from Cambodja and Cochinchina. Regarding W. edulis in the Malay Peninsula

see also under 'Species exclusae and incertae'.

7. Willughbeia dulcis Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London II, 3 (1893) 3 r 9; Fl. Mai. Pen.

Siam. Diet. — 2 (1923) 325; Kerr, Fl. En. 2 (1939) 423; Burk., (1966) 2301. W. martabanica

auct. non Wall.: K. & G., Mat. Fl. Mai. Pen. (1907) 395.

MALAY PENINSULA. Thailand. Kerr — Peninsular 14217, Satun, Terutao; 14511, Songkhla. Kuala Perak. SF 34573, Sungei . — Pa hang. Burkill & Haniff 15745, 15776, Panjom near

Batu Praman Lipsi; 16058, Kuala Tembeling; 16990, Talam; 17624, Beserah; Ridley 1022, near Pekan;

Ulu Woods 1704, Fort Iskander; Yeob 3187, Rompin. — Malacca. Goodenough 1450, Bt. Sedanan;

— P. P Nur Waterfall. Garden. — h Malvins 1146. e n a n g. 6883, J o o r e. Teruya 215, Kota Tinggi,

Nam Heng Estate. — Singapore. Burkill s.ti., Tamping, 8-4-1916; SF 40240, Pasir Ris.

elmeri Calif. Publ. 8. Willughbeia Merr., Univ. Bot. 15 (1929) 253; Tsiang, Sunyat- senia Hist. Paris 2 (1934) 94; Pichon, Mem. Mus. Nat. II, 24 (1948) 153.

BORNEO. Sarawak. Lawas S Burbidge s.rt., R., 1878; 21822, Ulu Mayeng,Kakus, basalt hillside, alt. river 200 m, mixed Dipterocarp for. — Brunei. BRUN 447, Belalong R., Temburong, prim. for. on

— East. Endert W. Mt. bank, yellow sandy clay. 3854, Kutai, near Kemul, alt. 1200m, mountain ridge

— CF Kabili For. Elmer SAN Tawau, for. S a b a h. 4856, Res.; 21038 (type), 21486, Tawau; 24957,

For. Bt. Kalabakan Res.; 39803, entrance to Jalan Hujong Tanjong near Sepetur; 51234, Senilakan. Ulu

Menaman, NW. of Kuala Tonged; 51951, Lamag Dist., Abai Kinabetangan, prim, for., seasonal swamp.

comb. — Vahea 9- Willughbeia angustifolia (Miq.) Markgraf, nov. angustifolia Miq.,

Fl. Ind. — Handl. 2 Bat. 2 (1857) 394. W. apiculata Miq., Sum. (1861) 227, 551; Boerl., Hamb. Wiss. Anst. Beih. (n:899) 392; Bull. Inst. Bot. Btzg 5 (1900) 6; Hallier, Jahrb. 17, 3

(1900) 144; Posthumus, Leidsche Geol. Meded. 5 (1931) 503; Heyne, Nutt. Pi. ed. 2

— — Paris (1927) 1272. Ancylocladus minutiflorus Pierre, Bull. Soc. Linn. II, 1 (1898) 95.

in W. minutiflora (Pierre) K. Sch. E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. Nachtr. 2 (1900) 55; Merr.,

Born. (1921) 496.

var. angustifolia

SUMATRA. Tapanoeli. H.B. 990, Batang Barus. — West Coast. Beccari PS 938, Padang,

Priaman of Vahea H.B. ditto of W. Sungei Bulu; Diepenhorst 2088, (type angustifolia)I; 2140 , (type apiculata).

— — Lobok Lampong Districts. Bruinsma 16. B a nk a. Kostermans & Anta 129, 404, Bezar,

i P. granitic sand; Teijsmann s.n., Muntok. — B i 11 t o n. Riedel s.n., 1876; Teijsmann 11039, 11040,

Frandoes. — sine loc.: De Vriese s.n.

MALAY PENINSULA. W Kruai. — Kriau. — e 11 e s 1 e y. Ridley 9389, Perak. SFN 34573, Sungai Ulu FRI Pahang. Haniff & Nur 8090, G. Tahan; KEP 100103, Krau, prim, for., hillside; KEP 3662,

Aur For. r KEP Res., river banks. — Negri Sembilan. Burkill 1304, 3206, Tampin. — J o h o e.

—P. P Balik — FRI 7626, Tg. Penawar, coastal fringe for. e n a n g. Ridley s.n., Dulau,-6-1898. Singa-

pore. Ridley 3996, Changri Rd.; 6023, Changri; 6047, Sungei Quram; 6143, Chan Chu Kang. Beccari PB PB PB banks ofBintulu; Sarawak BORNEO. SARAWAK. 307, Kuching; 1972, Matang; 4030, For. Dept S 8637, Bintulu, Simijalau For. Res.; S 15778, Kuching, Semengoh For. Res., prim, lowland Dipterocarp for.; 5 29608, 3rd Div., Kapit, Sg. Mengiong Balleh, mixed Dipterocarp for., yellow sandy

clay. — Brunei. BRUN 440, Ulu Belalong, Temburong, prim, for., yellow sandy clay, tertiary sand-

stone Berakas For. Res., old for. flat alluvial land; Andalau For. Res., ridge; 843, sec. on peaty 10449, lowland Niel mouth of white Bêlait, for.; van 4050, Belait, near Lumut R., open belukar, sandy soil; 4274,

— Kostermans E. G. Séria, edge of swamp for. Northeast. 5832, Kutei, Sckrat, south of Sangkulirang,

alt. — S SAN for. 400—500 m, coral limestone rocks. a b a h. 24889, Sepilok, prim. on ridge.

var. gracllior Markgraf, nov. var.

Folia lanceolata, 4—7( —13) X 1,5—2(—3,5) cm.

B Kostermans SUMATRA. a n k a. 254, Lombok Bezar, granitic sand.

BORNEO. Sarawak. Nooteboom 2087, Kalabit Highlands, hills near Kg. Pa Lungan, alt. 1100 M. F. Markgraf: I! Apocynaceae 415

m disturbed prim. for. — East. Endert 3562, W. Kutei, near Mt. Kemul, mountain ridge, alt. 1200

S a a For. (type). — b h. SAN 15258, Sipitang, Sibubu R., Mengalong Res.; 24899, Sepilok, prim. for.

Kuala for. on ridge; 50985, Penyu, prim.

Note. The type of W. apiculata Miq. has the sunken stomata with tap-like structures around them as described by Hallier (p. 139) and undulated lateral epidermis walls. By

these characters it is possible to distinguish it from Melodinusorientalis.Bl. with whichithad been confounded because in the by Boerlage of a great resemblance leaves, but which has lateral walls slender and waved. shows that the the not A cross section taps are only the wall of the cells. older locally stronger thickenings in outer layers neighbouring In

leaves they seem to become equalized.

10. Willughbeia anomala Markgraf, no v. sp. Frutex alte scandens. Ramuli compressi. Folia subcoriacea, glabra, lanceolato-elliptico-

basi X subtus oblonga, apice rotundato-acuminata, cuneata, 9—12 3,5 cm, papilloso-

velutina. Nervi laterales 14—18 paria, distincti, paulo curvati, 5 —8 mm distantes, nervi

tertiarii secundariis transversi. Petiolus 1 cm longus, crassiusculus. Inflorescentiae laxae,

iteratim Pedunculus erectae, dichasiales, 4 cm longae, breviter puberulae, bracteatae.

mm lobi 5 —10 mm longus, pedicelli 3 longi. Calycis ovati, 1,2 mm longi, extus pubes- tubus centes. Corollae albae, odoratae, extus pubescens secus 5 lineas longitudinales, 12 mm basin longus, 1 mm latus, 1 mm supra paulo inflatus, in fauce pilosus, 7 by 2 mm. Stamina basin tubi 1 mm supra inserta, antherae 1,2 mm longae. Caput stigmatis sessile, 0,8 mm

longum. Ovarium glabrum, breviter cylindricum, 0,4 mm altum.

BORNEO. For. G. Brunei. Sarawak. Sarawak Dept S 12502, Matang, alt. 60 m, prim. for. —

Andalau For. disturbed low Ashton BRUN 600, Res., for. on deep yellow sands overlying tertiary clays,

S SAN Res. undulating hills. — a b a h. 17525, Sandakan Dist., Kuala Belait, Andalau For. (holotype,L).

Note. The loose inflorescence is quite uncommon in Willughbeia, differs, however,

from the slender inflorescence of Urnularia.


Willughbeia borneensis Merr., J. As. Soc. Mal. I (1923) 28 = Leuconotis anceps Jack. celebica Willughbeia Bl., Mus. Lugd. Bat. 1 (1850) 154. Type not found.

Willughbeia drupacea Blco, Fl. Filip. (1837) 132 = Ardisia squamulosa Presl (according

to Merr., En. Philip. 3, 1923, 264).

Willughbeia elliptifolia Quis. & Merr. = Melodinus elliptifolius (Quis. & Merr.)


edulis Pi. has been cited for the Willughbeia Roxb., Corom. 3 (1819) pi. 280, Malay

Peninsula, Dindings 1 Curtis 1629) by K. & G., Mat. Fl. Mai. Pen. (1907) 393, and by Fl. Mai. for Perak The cited Ridl., Pen. 2 (1923) 323, too ( Haniff & Nur 2396). specimens represent W. coriacea Wall., however.

luzoniensis = Melodinus Willughbeia Merr., Philip. J. Sc. 4(1909) Bot. 320 luzoniensis (Merr.) Pichon.

Willughbeia multilocularis Blco, Fl. Filip. (1837) 131 = Ardisia squamulosa Presl

(according to Merr., En. Philip. 3, 1923, 264).

Willughbeia novoguineensis Wernh., Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot II, 9 (1916) 108 = Melodinus

novoguineensis (Wernh.) Pichon.

8 Melodinusluzoniensis Willughbeia pauciflora Merr., Phil. J. Sc. (19x3) Bot. 387 = (Merr.) Pichon. 416 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

Willughbeia umbrosa Bl., Mus. Lugd. Bat. I (1850) 154 = Melodinus orientalis Bl. unilocularis 'Blco' Willughbeia ex Pichon, Mem. Mas. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 24 (1948)

153. Not found, not even a description.


of of this the nose-like ventral A unique peculiarity most species genus is appendage of f. is secluded from the the mericarp (see 2). It a cavity completely seed-bearing portion by

wall. It descends from the than half the of the fruit. Its a ventrally top to more length

whole towards the fromthe to utmost upper edge is open surrounding air, top its protruding The inner surface of this is covered thin-walled point. open appendage by a large-celled, which broad parenchyma, through run surprisingly vascular bundles consisting only of

tracheitis without fibres. They take their origin from the wall of the appendage, where less but include vessels. they are broad, some narrow ring Malesian have Two Indochinese and two Hainan species and the K. arborea a simple, in plum-shaped mericarp without this ventral nose. Nevertheless K. arborea the cavity is well. It lies enclosed in the halfof the ventral face of the without present as upper mericarp line that protruding. In younger fruits one may see there a narrow lateron becomes

broader, covering the cavity only as a thin exocarp which occasionally shows some holes.

look As rule The inflorescences may rather different according to their age. a they or

their branches begin as di- or trichasia and end in cincinnatemonochasia. These produce

flower after the other. Thus a inflorescence look rather short and one young may dense, of have whereas after several flowering periods the there may developed a long

with bracts crowned flower the sympodium empty by one at top. in reduction of The evolutionary trend within the genus apparently may be found a rich the inflorescence. Beginning by a loose, thyrsoid type, represented by K. arborea, the rich loose di- reduction goes through or trichasia, as in K. fruticosa, K. griffithii, K.

in which the cincinnate singapurensis, towards less rich dichasia, branches prevail over

forked K. then the parts (e.g. in K. lapidilecta, K. larutensis, macrophylla), to purely cin-

cinnate types, ending in the single cincinnus of K. mitrephora. It is remarkable that in K.

arborea the primitive character of the inflorescence is linked to the primitive character of the fruit.

inflorescence her- Unfortunately these steps of the are not always well discemable in barium specimens and in incompletely developed plants. But another character has

proved specifically constant enough and may be advantageous for determination work:

have lacks the different hairiness of the ovary, available even if the corollas dropped. It

certain in K. is in constancy to a degree only pauciflora), which rather variable other and Whereas the bulk of have short hairs respects too, in K. flavida. pauciflora specimens from have on the ovary, some 8 Bornean specimens, mainly Sandakan, longer hairs the however, short-haired found well. K. (see p. 422). In same regions, ovaries are as In flavida several New Guinea specimens have a glabrous ovary, whereas others show a few this very short hairs on its top. In both cases it seems not justifiedto found varieties on gradual character. all the and bear In species the leaftip and the tip of bracts sepals an orbicular or elliptic

ontheir dorsal face. this has been mentioned gland As yet only in some species descriptions for the but in fact it is characteristic for the whole calyx lobes, genus, though it may easily be overlooked in dried material. these treelets A minor character of undergrowth or shrubs are the very different sizes F. Markgrak Apocynaceae II 417

of the leaves otherwise well known in lianas. In too one find adult leaves half , Kopsia may or even less as long and broad as others of the same species. disc with the have rather Their The two scales alternating carpels a irregular nature. relation the character. length in to ovary is inconstant and does not aim a specific


of the inflorescence diameter. weak i. Leaves coriaceous. Joints stout, 1.5—3 mm in (In plants occasionally

more slender).

Branches of the inflorescence di- therefore often several flowers time. 2. or trichasial, open at a in Joints of the inflorescence 1.5—2 mm diameter.

3. Joints of the inflorescence branches longer than their bracts. Corolla lobes narrow, 4 —8 mm,

mostly 6 mm broad.

4. Inflorescence thyrsoid (a main axis with alternate or opposite cymose branches). Calyx lobes

1.6 acuminate, 2.5 by mm. Ovary glabrous. Mericarp ellipsoidal, without ventral appendage,

with nerves. 2 by 1 cm. Leaves large, 10—22 by 3.5 —8 cm, arcuate lateral 1. K. arborea

Inflorescence lobes —1.6 4. purely cymose. Calyx ovate, obtuse, 1.2 by 1.0 mm. Mericarp spindle-

shaped, with a nose-like ventral appendage (unknown in K. scortechinii and sleeseniana). Ovary

hairs. Leaves —6 with and with long white smaller, 9 —15 by 4 cm, straight lateral nerves parallel intercalated veins.

Leaves intercalated veins. Corolla 5. subcoriaceous; lateral nerves arcuate, without regular

K. lobes 12—18 mm. Ovary glabrous 2. scortechinii

Leaves with intercalated Corolla 5. coriaceous, lateral nerves straight, regularly parallel veins.

—8 lobes 20—25 by 4 mm. Ovary with long white hairs.

6. Leaves ovate-elliptic, gradually narrowed into the tip, sinuously narrowed at the base.

tube the throat Calyx lobes ovate. Corolla 25—35 mm, widened at itself.

3. K. griffithii

6. Leaves into oblong, suddenly rounded the tip, roundly narrowed at the base. Calyx

lobes suborbicular. Corolla tube 20—25 mm, widened 2 mm below the throat

4. K. sleeseniana

than their 3. Joints of the inflorescence branches shorter bracts. Corolla lobes up to 12 mm broad.

7. Young twigs glabrous. Leaves broad-elliptic, 14—27 by 7 —11 cm. Inflorescence glabrous, its without a common peduncle, branches long-peduncled (4—5 cm). Corolla tube 30—35 mm,

lobes ciliate. with short white hairs the K. 14—20 mm, Ovary on top 5. singapurensis

7. Young twigs pubescent. Leaves oblong-elliptic, 10—22 by 3.5—8 cm. Inflorescence pubescent,

—8 tube common peduncle 5—15 mm, branch peduncles 4 mm. Corolla 25—45 mm, lobes K. 20—30 mm, not ciliate. Ovary with long white hairs 6. fruticosa

Branches of the cincinnate 2. inflorescence (rarely one of them forked once), therefore only 1 or 2

flowers the time. of the inflorescence in diam. open at same Joints 2—3 mm 8. short branch bracts. Common peduncle (0—2 cm), peduncles o—2 mm. Joints shorter than their

Calyx lobes ovate, not longer than 2 mm. Inflorescence branches in diam. Corolla lobes tube 9. 2 mm obtuse, 8—12 mm broad, 2$—40 mm


10. Inflorescence glabrous; common peduncle 0—3 mm, one branch of the dichasium some-

times forked again. Corolla tube widened 2 mm below the throat.

11. Leaves 8—15(—20) by 3—4(—8) cm. Inflorescence 1 —3 subsessile cincinni, or one dichasium with subsessile cincinnate branches. Ovary with short (rarely longer) hairs

on the with an ventral top. Mericarp 2 cm long, obtuse, drooping appendage

7. K. pauciflora

11. Leaves 10—23(—28) by 4—8(—10) cm. Inflorescence a subsessile dichasium with

of sometimes cincinnate branches, one them forked again; branch peduncles up to with few short hairs the with 1 cm. Ovary glabrous or on top, Mericarp 3 cm long, ventral an acute, spreading appendage 8. K. flavida

10. Inflorescence pubescent; common peduncle 8—20 mm. Corolla tube widened 8—10 mm be- low the throat. Branches ofthe dichasium the always simple. Ovary with short hairs on top K. 9. macrophylla Inflorescence branches in sessile. Corolla lobes 9. 3 mm diam., acute, 1 —2 mm broad, tube 8— 15

mm. Ovary glabrous. 418 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

not i. corolla tube x — b. fruit Fig. 1. : a. fruit, quiteripe; (SF 31959, 1). K.flavida:

(Eyma 3171, x 1). — K. arborea: c. fruit (Koorders 39000, x 1). — K. dasyrachis: d. fruits (KEP 10435, X I);

—K. k. corolla tube (SANA 1866, x 1). pauciflora: e. fruit (SF 11992, x 1); m. part ofleaf (KEP35284, x ½). f. corolla 1. of leaf Bakhuizeti d. Brink and 1. K. fruticosa: fruit; j. tube; part (f. v. 3099; j Steiner 22835;

— K. KEP — K. f,j. x 1,l. x ½). macrophylla: g. fruit ( 15426, x 1). mitrephora:h. fruit (SAN 16118, x 1).

12. Lateral nerves oblique (6o° from the midrib) without intercalated veins. Inflorescence glabrous,

cincinni Common consisting ofone to several up to3 cm long, with joints of 1 mm only. peduncle

0—5 mm. Corolla tube 8—10 mm, lobes 12 by 1 mm 10. K. larutensis

12. Lateral nerves subhorizontal (70° from the midrib),with parallel intercalated veins. Inflorescence

pubescent, consisting of 2 sessile cincinni up to 10cm long, joints 2—3 mm long. Common

—20 mm. Corolla tube lobes 11 2 mm 11. K. peduncle 15 15 mm, by . . . . lapidilecta

8. —6 than Inflorescence hirsute; common peduncle 2 cm, branch peduncles 10—20 mm; joints longer

their bracts. Calyx lobes oblong, pubescent, 2—3 mm long. Corolla tube widened 7 mm below the

K. throat. Ovary densely short-haired on the top 12. dasyrachis chartaceous. the 1. Leaves Joints of inflorescence slender, 1 mm or less in diam., even if well developed.

in their Common 13. Joints ofthe inflorescence 0.5 mm diam.,longer than bracts. peduncle 5—25 mm,

branch peduncles 0.5—4 mm.

—6 14. Lateral nerves straight, 4 mm distant, with parallel intercalated veins. Corolla tube 12—14 widened mm, 2 mm below the throat, lobes 6 by 2 mm. Ovary glabrous. Adult inflorescence

K. pendulous, its joints 15—30 mm long 13. tenuis Lateral 14. nerves arcuate, 6—12 mm distant, without intercalated veins. Corolla tube 20—25 mm,

6—8 widened 13 mm below the throat, lobes 20—25 by mm. Ovary with long white hairs.

14. K. profunda

13. Joints of the inflorescence 1 mm in diam.,shorter than their bracts. Common peduncle o—5 mm, branches sessile.

Leaves —8 15. lance-elliptic, 2—4 cm broad, lateral nerves arcuate, 4 mm distant. Corolla tube

30—35 mm, widened 4—5 mm below the throat. Ovary with long white hairs

K. 15. mitrephora lateral distant. Corolla 15. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, 1—1.5 cm broad, nerves straight, 2—4 mm

tube 25 mm, widened 3 mm below the throat. Ovary with short, stiff, brown bristles

16. K. lancifolia


1st group. Ovary with long hairs.

1. Leaves coriaceous. (Inflorescence stout, loose). Corolla tube widened o—2 mm below the throat.

2. Leaves oblong, suddenly rounded into the tip. Calyx lobes suborbicular. Corolla tube 20—25 mm sleeseniana 4. K.

2. Leaves elliptic-ovate, gradually narrowed into the tip. Calyx lobes ovate. Corolla tube 25—45 mm.

3. Leaves 9—15 by 4—6 cm; lateral nerves rather straight, 4—8 mm distant, with parallelintercalated veins. Inflorescences glabrous.

4. Common peduncle 10—40 mm; joints of the inflorescence longer than the bracts. Corolla

—8 K. lobes 20—25 by 4 mm 3. griffithii F. Markgraf: Apocynaceae II 419

4. Common peduncle o—4 mm; joints of the inflorescence shorter than their bracts. Corolla

K. flora lobes 16—20 by 8—12 mm 7. pauci

3. Leaves 10—22by 3.5—8 cm; lateral nerves arcuate, 10—12mm distant, without intercalated veins.

Inflorescences 6. K. fruticosa (and young twigs) pubescent chartaceous. Corolla tube widened below the throat. 1. Leaves (Inflorescence slender). 4—13 mm

Leaves 5. without intercalated veins. Corolla tube 20—25 mm, widened 13 mm below the throat, lobes

20—25 by 6—8 mm 14. K. profunda Leaves veins. 5. with intercalated Corolla tube 30—35 mm, widened 4—5 mm below the throat, lobes

10—15 by 4.5—6 mm 15. K. mitrephora

2nd with short hairs. group. Ovary Leaves 6—8 1. Twigs narrowly winged. narrowly lanceolate, chartaceous, by 1 —1.5 cm. Corolla lobes the K. 12 by 4 mm, tube widened 3 mm below throat 16. lancifolia

1. Young twigs quadrangular. Leaves elliptic, considerably longer and broader, coriaceous. Corolla lobes

14—20 by 8—12 mm. tube widened than below throat. 2. Corolla more 2 mm the

3. Calyx lobes oblong-acuminate, 2—3 mm, hirsute (as the inflorescence). Corolla tube widened

7 mm below the throat 12. K. dasyrachis

the 3. Calyx lobes ovate, 2 mm, glabrous (as the inflorescence). Corolla tube widened 10 mm below

throat 9. K. macrophylla

2. Corolla tube widened 2 mm below the throat.

lobes 4. Leaves large-elliptic. Calyx oblong, up to 2.5 mm. Inflorescence peduncled

5. K. singapurensis

4. Leaves elliptic. Calyx lobes ovate, 1.2—2.0 mm. Inflorescence nearly sessile.

Leaves 5. 8—15(—20) by 3 —4(—8) cm. Appendage of the fruit drooping, obtuse

7. K. pauciflora

Leaves —28 Fruit 8. K. flavida 5. 12 by 4—10 cm. appendage spreading, acute

3rd group. Ovary glabrous. Leaves 1. subcoriaceous or chartaceous, 7 —14 by 3 —5 cm. Lateral without intercalated of 2. nerves arcuate, parallel veins. Joints the inflorescence 1 —1.5 mm in

1.6—2 diam.,few mm long. Calyx lobes ovate-oblong, by 1.1 mm. Corolla tube 20—25 mm, lobes

12—18 mm long 2. K. scortechinii

veins. in 2. Lateral nerves straight, with parallel intercalated Joints of the inflorescence 0.5 mm diam.,

adult lobes 0.8 6 15—30 mm long. Calyx broad-ovate, 1 by mm. Corolla tube 12—14 mm, lobes mm K. tenuis long 13.

1. Leaves coriaceous, 9—30 by 4 —10 cm. Joints of inflorescence stout, 2 mm. 3. Leaves with intercalated veins, suddenly rounded into the tip. Calyx lobes suborbicular. Corolla red

turning yellow, tube 15 mm, lobes n by 2 mm 11. K. lapidilecta

3. Leaves without intercalated veins, gradually narrowed. Calyx lobes ovate to oblong. Corolla white,

or white with red eye.

Nerves the 8—10 4. sharply prominent on lower leaf surface. Corolla tube mm, lobes 12 by 1 mm.

Cincinni often crowded 10. K. larutensis

Leaf Inflorescence loose. 4. nerves not sharply prominent. Corolla tube 20—30 mm.

5. Calyx lobes ovate, 1.2—2 mm. Corolla lobes 20 by 10 mm. Inflorescence short-peduncled.

Fruit with acute, spreading appendage 8. K. flavida

6 Inflorescence 5. Calyx lobes oblong, 2.5 mm. Corolla lobes 15 by mm. long-peduncled. Fruit

ellipsoid, without appendage 1. K. arborea


arborea I. Kopsia Bl., Cat. Gew. Btzg (1823) 13; Flora 8, 1 (1825) 110; Bijdr. (1826) G. Gard. Diet. Prodr. Flora 1030; Don, 4 (1838) 100; DC., 8 (1844) 352; Hassk., 28 (1845)

264; Bl., Rumphia 4 (1849) 28, t. 181; Filet, Pi. Bot. TuinMil. Hosp. Weltevr. (1855) 64; Fl. Ind. Hassk., Nat. Tijd. N. I. 10 (1856) 43; Miq., Bat. 2 (1857) 410; Hassk., Ned.

Kruidk. Arch. Med. Tuin 4 (1859) 10; Koord., Lands Pi. 11 (1894) 81; K. & V., Bijdr. 1

Atlas t. der Found. Fl. Mai. (1894) 95; Koord., 4 (1918) 634; Timmerman-van Sleesen,

Misc. Rec. 1 Back. & Bakh. Fl. — (1959) 9; f„ Java 2 (1965) 232. K. longiflora Merr., Govt. Lab. Bull. Sc. En. Philip. 29 (1905) 47; Philip. J. 1 (1906) Suppl. p. 117; Philip. 3

11 BLUMEA VOL. No. 420 XX, 2, 1972

— K. above left Fig. 2. Mericarp structure ofKopsia. arborea: a. longitudinal section, at the cavity; b. cross

near the left the the end ofthe seed chamber. — K. section top, at cavity, at right upper dasyrachis: c. longitu-

dinal section, at left the nose-like cavity. — K. singapurensis: d. ripe mericarp from outside. (All x 2).

— laxinervia (1923) 33°- K. Merr., Philip. J. Sc. 13 (1918) Bot. p. 55; En. Philip. 3 (1923)

— Rchb. & Zoll. Cat. Bog. (1866) 330. K. pruniformis f ex [T. &B., Hort. 125, now. nud.] Bekn. Fl. ed. fam. Blumea Bakh. f. [in Back., Java em. 7 (1948) 72, p. 28, now. ittval.] 6

Back. Bakh. Fl. — auct. Bl.: (1950) 391; & /, Java 2 (1965) 232. K. flavida non K. & V.,

Bijdr. 1 (1894) 96; Koord., Atlas 4 (1916) t. 633 f. ic; Merr., Philip. J. Sc.29 (1926) 412. —

b. Fig. 1 c; 2 a,

SUMATRA. Districts: Mt. Lampong Jacobs 8043, 8072 , Tanggamus.

Mt. West: incl. Blume of K. arborea — Central: JAVA. 19 collections, s.tt., Salak, type (L holo).

Mt. — East: Dist. Junghuhn s.n., Medinie, Ungarang. Koorders 119, Besuki, Djember; 23441, 23830, K. Pasuruan, of — Tangkil, Zuidergebergte; 29973, Puger; Zollinger3832, Rogodjampi, type pruniformis.

P. Panaitan: Borssum Mt. Putri. — N van Waalkes 260, north of mouth of Tjiharashas; 434, u s a

Kambangan: Koorders 27006.

LESSER ISLANDS. — Borssum SUNDA Bali: R. Maier 14, Brambang. Tanimbar Is.: Bisset 698 = van

Waalkes 4004, Yamdena, near Norkese, Ranarmoje R.

BORNEO. Sarawak: Beccari Clemens S Dist. s.n., Djanta an Tabu; 21211, upper Rejang R.; 16033,

Miri, G. Subis; S 17797, Rejang, Rapids. — Southeast: Korthals J.B., Mt. Sekumbang,

11-11-1836; Kostermans 7673, Peak of Balikpapan. F. Mahxgraf: Apocynaceae II 421

Luzon: BS K. — R PHILIPPINES. 9 collections, incl. 28232, Apayo Subprov., type of laxinervia. o m-

— L BS Cabalian. — B i b 1 o n: BS 31539', Elmer 12155. e y t e: 41498, 1 i r a n: PNH 21521, Mt. Suiro,

— C PNH — PNH north slope. e b u: 92180, Balamban. Sulu Is.: 38852.

1 see der Sleesen, I.e. CELEBES. S a e ij e r Is.: Timmerman-van MOLUCCAS. K a i Is.: Jaheri 8.

N. QUEENSLAND. Schodde 4170, Mossman Gorge, 3 miles SW ofMossman.

Cultivated. Penang Waterfall Garden ( Hattiff 3667, SF 31601); Singapore S 142; Hort. Bot. Bogor IV

A 52, X F 78, XV I IV 1.

scortechinii & Fl. Mai. Fl. Mai. 2. Kopsia K. G., Mat. Pen. (1907) 431; RidL, Pen. 2 Timmerman-van Misc. (1923) 337; der Sleesen, Found. Fl. Males. Rec. 1 (1959) 12.

MALAY PENINSULA. Perak: Scortechini 576; 1878, Bujong Melakka, type.

Fl. Mai. Fl. Mai. 3. Kopsia griffithiiK. & G., Mat. Pen. (1907) 432; Ridl., Pen. 2 (1923)

der Found. Fl. Males. — K. 337; Timmerman-van Sleesen, Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 12.

& Mai. griffithii var. paucinervia K. G., I.e.; Ridl., I.e.; Henderson, J. Br. R. As. Soc. 17

(1939) 56.

PENINSULA. — MALAY Perak: King's coll. 10707. Selangor: 29 collections. — Negri Se m-

i 1 Gemas. — K. — h & b a n: Burkill 6396, Malacca: Griffith s.n., type of griffithii. J o o r e: Lake SF Bt. Laut. Kelsall s.n., Sungei Hulu Sembrong, 30-10-1892; 37067, Tinjau

sleeseniana — Timmerman-van der 4. Kopsia Markgr., nov. sp. K. sp. Sleesen, Found. Males. Fl. Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 15.

Arbuscula vel frutex (?). Folia leviter coriacea, oblonga, basi sinuato-angustata, apice late in caudam rotundato-acuminata 8 —10 mm longam, subtus glandula apicali ornatam, lamina latérales n—13 X 4—5 cm, supra lucida; nervi distincti, subhorizontales, recti, inter principales 4—6 mm se distantes, ad 20 paria, nervis interstitialibus parallelis aucti,

nervo marginali tenui 0,5 mm intra marginem coniuncti; petiolus 2 —3 mm longus. fortis Inflorescentia (rachis et rami 1,5 mm crassi), glabra, cymosa, dichasialis, binodis, rami

Cincinnati. Pedunculus communis 1,5 cm longus, pedunculi secundarii 4 —6 mm longi.

articuli —6 mm dorsali Cincinnorum J mm longi. Bracteae ovatae, 1 longae, glandula infra apicem ornatae. Calycis lobi orbiculari-ovati, obtusi, 1,2—1,6 X 1,2 mm, ciliati.

Corollae tubus mm (albae?) 20—25 longus, 2 mm latus, intus longe pilosus, 2 mm infra ad ibi lobi faucem constrictum pilosum 3 mm ampliatus et staminifer; oblongi, glabri,

obtuse Antherae acuminati, 22 X 6 mm. oblongae, acutae, 2 mm longae; filamenta 0,8 mm dense disci longa. Ovarium pilis albis longis pilosum, 0,6 mm altum. Squamae ovari o

antheras aequilongae. Caput stigmatis cylindricum, paene attingens, apice breviter apicu- collo latum, basi pendulo cinctum, 1,2 mm longum. Stylus 25 mm longus. Fructus desunt.

Sarawak: Haviland BORNEO. 3046, Bintulu, Kalong, type (SING holo; iso in SAR).

Notes. In its shining, oblong, many-nerved leaves, loose inflorescences, rather and this narrow corolla lobes, long-haired ovary species approaches K. griffithii of the

Malay Peninsula. The latter differs mainly in its more lanceolate leaves, the more slender and the which inflorescences, longer corolla tube is not constricted in the throat.

This species is dedicated to Mrs. Timmerman-van der Sleesen, who, in collaboration with Dr. and Prof. Dr. C. worked P. W. Leenhouts G. G. J. van Steenis, out the first and of this in Miscellaneous convincing monograph genus, published 1959 as Record

1 of the Foundation Flora Malesiana.

Fl. Mai. 5. Kopsia singapurensis Ridl., Pen. 2 (1923) 336; Timmerman-van der Sleesen,

Found. Fl. Males. f. — Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) n, la, i. K. fruticosa var. albiflora auct. non K.

& Fl. Mai. — G.: K. & G., Mat. Pen. (1907) 431 pro specim. Fig. 1 a, i; 2 d. BLUMEA VOL. No. 422 XX, 2, 1972

— MALAY PENINSULA. P e r a k: Cantley s.n. Selangor: KEP 80992, G. Lesong F. R. — Johore:

— SF 13 collections. Singapore: Burkill 5977, Mandai Rd.; Cantley 3015-, Kiah 37714, Mandai Rd.:

Ridley 39, Cham Chu Rang.

M KEP Bot. Cultivated. Kepong plantation field 17 (Abdul Hamid 33832); Singapore Gard. (Furtado 236,

SF 34864).

fruticosa Prodr. 8 Fl. Ind. 6. Kopsia (Ker) A. DC., (1844) 352; Hook./, Br. 3 (1882) K. Mai.Pen. 639; Boerl., Handl. 2 (1899) 395; & G., Mat. Fl. (1907) 430; Merr., En. Born.

En. (1921) 500; Tsiang, Sunyatsenia 2 (1934) no; Craib, Fl. Siam. 2(1939) 437! Bakh./, Blumea 6 (1950) 390; Timmerman-vander Sleesen, Found. Fl. Males. Misc. Rec. 1 (1959)

£ Back. Bakh. Fl. — Cerbera Ker, 15, if, 1; & /, Java 2 (1965) 232. fruticosa Bot. Reg.

(1819) t. 391; Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1 (1825) 641; Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. Carey, 2 (1832) 526. —

K. vincaeflora Bl., Bijdr. (1826) 1030; G. Don, Gard. Diet. 4 (1838) 100; DC., Prodr. 8

(1844) 352; Hassk., Flora 28 (1845) 264; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 4 (1859) 11; Bakh./, Blumea

— Gard. Fl. 6 (1950) 391. Calpicarpum roxburghii G. Don, Diet. 4 (1838) 100; Miq., Ind.

— 1. Bat. 2 (1857) 412. Fig. 1 f, j, is D i s t r. This species widely cultivated as an ornamental shrub and may have escaped from that The first introduction cultivation, so its native country is not quite certain. came from of Lower Burma (Pegu) without taking account its growing wild or not. Bakhuizen the few / records it as indigenous in Sumatra. I saw only following specimens with

locality notes suggesting their growing wild:

MALAY PENINSULA. Malacca: lower of Sedan. — h Cockburn Ridley 3186, part G. J o o r e: KEP F. R. FRI 7332, Kluang

SUMATRA. East Coast. Lorzing 3300, Sibolangit. — Riouw Archipelago: Biinnemeijer 3962, P. Tudju, Ayer Suar.

Hook. Fl. Ind. & Fl. Mai. 7. Kopsia pauciflora /, Br. 3 (1882) 639; K. G., Mat. Pen. Fl. Mai. der Found. Fl. (1907) 431; Ridl., Pen. 2 (1923) 338; Timmerman-van Sleesen,

Males. Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 14. — K. parvifolia Merr., Philip. J. Sc. 29 (1926) 412; Timmer-

man-van der Sleesen, Found. Fl. Males Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 8. — K. caudata Merr., Un.

Cal. Publ. Bot. incl. — K. alba Gard. 15 (1929) 254, var. glabra. Ridl. ex Henderson, Fl. Mai. Bull. S. S. 5 (1930) 78; Craib, Siam. En. 2 (1939) 437; Henderson, J. Br. R. As.

Soc. 17 (1939) 56. — Fig. 1 e, m.

MALAY PENINSULA. Peninsular Thailand: Curtis 2937, Puket, Pang-nga (= Poongah); Kiah

SF 24285, Pattani, Bacho; Smitinand 6577, Kribi, Ao Luek. — Perak: Welkinson FMS(KEP) 30319,

Chenderoh dam. — Kelantan: Piah F. R., Kerengga Pk. near Foxworthy SF 11992, Sungai Keteh;

Limestone Haniff & Nur SF 10093, Kuala Krai; MS 578, Kpg. Gobek, Kerilla estate, Tamangan; Unesco

— Gua — Ulu Sembi- Exp. 529, Panjang, Ulu Kelantan. Trengganu: SF 33867, Brang. Negri

a n: Mt. K. P. T i 1 Alvins — Malacca: of — 1900. Maingay 1056, Ophir, type pauciflora. o m a n: of K. alba. Nur SF 18948; Ridley s.n. -8-1889, type W. M. A. S Brunei: BRUN BORNEO. Sarawak: Brooke 10159, 10164, 10185, Maputi.— 310,

R. Batu-Apoi-Sebatu watershed; BRUN 3101, Beleh Priok Puteh, Bt. Peradayan; S 5794, Bangar. — S b h: incl. Elmer ofK. caudata a a 17 collections, 20130, Myburgh Prov., type i; 20615 » Tawao, Elphinstone


of — Prov., type K. caudata var. glabra. Banguey I.: Castro & Melegrito 1456, type of K. parvifolia.

ofthe with also from Notes. The relationship present species K. fruticosa is apparent

if the inflorescences too a certain similarity in habit, especially are incomplete or young. has hairs the and K. fruticosa, however, long on ovary the inflorescences are pilose up to

the calyx; even the venation of the leaves is different: it runs across the nerves towards an

laterals. has irregular meeting zonebetween every two K. pauciflora short, rarely longer

hairs its drawn direction on the ovary and glabrous inflorescences, and venation is into a

oblique to the laterals, resulting in elongated meshes. F. Markgraf: Apocynaceae II 423

have Castro & The following specimens longer hairs on the ovary: Brooke S 10185, Elmer SAN A Valera 6723. Melegrito 1456, 20130, SAN 18818, 21623, 36179, 3232,

10 (1856) 8. Kopsia flavidaBl., Rumphia 4 (1849) 28; Hassk., Nat. Tijd. N. I. 441; Miq., Fl. Ind. der Found. Fl. Males. Misc. Rec. Bat. 2 (1857) 411; Timmerman-van Sleesen, 1

Atlas f. nee Merr., (1959) 10; non K. & V., Bijdr. 1 (1894) 96, neque Koord., 4 (1916) 633,

& arhorea — T. Philip. J. Sc. 29 (1926) 412, quae sunt K. Bl. Calpicarpum albiflorum B.,

— — K. & Handl. (1899) Nat. Tijd. N. I. 25 (1863) 402. albiflora (T. B.) Boerl., 2 395.

Laut. & K. Sch. in K. Sch. & Fl. (1901) 5°6, Kentrochrosia monocarpa Laut., Schutzgeb.

Bot. 61 (1927) — K. fruticosa t. 18; Markgr., Nova Guinea 14 (1926) 283; Jahrb. 195. Mat. Fl. Mai. Pen. excl. var. albiflora (T. & B.) K. & G., (1907) 431 pro basionymo, specim.

(see under K. singapurensis Ridl.). — K. grandiflora Merr., Philip. J. Sc. 20 (1922) 436; En.

— — K. Merr. & Philip. ]. Sc. (1928) Philip. 3 (1923) 330. triangularis Quis., 37 191.

Kentrochrosia triangularis (Merr. & Quis.) Merr. & Perry, Philip. J. Sc. 76 (1941) 21. — b. Fig. I

m a r: PNH PHILIPPINES. Luzon: BS 33691,Prov. Camarines, Paracale, type ofK. grandiflora.— S a

— Mindanao: Wenzel of K. 5823, Tagaslian Borongan. 2648 (type triangularis), 2706, Surigao.

— C MOLUCCAS. BUIU: de Vriese & Teijsmann s.n. er am: 7 collections. Romer Noord GUINEA. Batanta I.: Beccari — Southwest: NEW s.n., -7-1875. von 103, 141, R.;

E. bank ofMerau south of 1040, Noord R.; s.n., van Royen 4674, Merauke, R., Senajo; Versteeg Zippelius Brass Lower Sturt — Southeast: Dist.: d'Albertis R.; type ofK.flavida. Western s.n., Fly 8135, Fly R., 0 8° o' S E. — Northeast: Madang Dist.: I.; NGF 10416, Oriomo R.; NGF 35283, Fly R., 141 50' of Kentrochrosia Schlechter Lauterbach 2180, Oertzen Gebirge (= Mt. Herbert), NowuljaR., type monocarpa;

— Fullerborn 14166, between the Ramu R. and the coast. New Britain: NGF 21792, Harbour,

6° 6' S 150° 40' E.


Ind. R. As. 9. Kopsia macrophylla Hook, fl, Fl. Br. 3 (1882) 639; Ridl., J. Str. Br.

Fl. Mai. Fl. Mai. Pen. 2 (1923) Soc. 33 (1900) no; K. & G., Mat. Pen. (1907) 434; Ridl., Mai. As. Soc. Timmerman-van der 338; Henderson, J. Br. R. 17 (1939) 56; Sleesen,

f. — K. & Pen. Found. Fl. Males. Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 7, ig. K. ridleyana G., Mat. Fl. Mai.

Fl. Mai. — I (1907) 433; Ridl., Pen. 2 (1923) 338. Fig. g.

at Gua k: — Kelantan: Henderson SF Gua MALAY PENINSULA. P e r a King 4963. 19496, Panjang

SF Ulu — P n SF near — 16904, Dong Minik. Trengganu: 33892, Brang. a h a g: Burkill & Haniff Mus. Raub; Henderson SF 25044, Bt. Sedanen. — Negri Sembilan: Fed. Mai. St. 13039, Johol; Ernst Bt. Bt. — h Ridley 10093, Ontus, Perhentian; Thapier s.n., Tanga Seremban, 10-2-1903. J o o r e:

— K. 1074, between Perhentian Tinggi and G. Angsi. Singapore: Lobb s.n., type of macrophylla.

Fl. Mai. Pen. 10. Kopsia larutensis K. & G., Mat. Fl. Mai. Pen. (1907) 432; Ridl., 2 Males. der Found. Fl. Misc. Rec. I • (1923) 337; Timmerman-van Sleesen, (1959) 13

K MALAY PENINSULA. Peninsular Thailand: Kerr 18378, Puket, Tap-put. — e d a h: Nagas-

Ular. — Perak: incl. Larut, wamy 19, Kulim, Sungai 10 collections, Wray 2736, Sungei type.

Males. Misc. Rec. 11. Kopsia lapidilecta Timmerman-van der Sleesen, [Found. Fl. 1 f. (1959) 13, nom. inval.] Blumea 10 (i960) 137, 1.

Rd., near Sg. Mupar. MALAY PENINSULA. J o h o r e: Burkill 4230, off 32nd mile JohoreBahru-Mersing

BORNEO. Sarawak: Haviland 3042, Rejang, Kapit, Kalong, -3-1893. — Anambas Is.: Henderson

N. G. Datoh. — Natuna Is.: Steenis east G. 20395, Temaja, van 1384, 1385 (type), Bunguran, slope Ranai.

The has smaller leaves than the others. On behalf of Note. type (max. 15x7 cm) 424 BLUMEA VOL. XX, No. 2, 1972

their long and stout older cincinni, these latter have beencompared by someauthors with

K. dasyrachis. Contrary to this species, all specimens of K. lapidilecta have in common the

short joints of the cincinni, the peculiar colour of the corolla, the high widening of the corolla has tube, and the glabrous ovary. K. dasyrachis long joints, white, moreover corollas considerably larger with a tube widened 7 mm below the throat, and a pilose


Bull. 12. Kopsia dasyrachis Ridl., Kew (1934) 123; Timmerman-van der Sleesen,

Found. Fl. Males. Misc. Rec. 1 (1959) 8. — Fig. 1 d, k; 2 c.

BORNEO. Sab ah: 33 collections.

Leenh. der 13. & van Steenis [in Timmerman-van Sleesen, Found. Fl.

Males. Misc. Blumea f. Rec. I (1959) 11, notn. invai] 10 (i960) 13, 2.

BORNEO. Sarawak: incl. 6 collections, Ridley s.n., Mattang, type.

Note. In this species the difference betweenadult and young inflorescences alluded to in the is than in all is introduction more pronounced others: the young inflorescence and erect and its joints are short, e.g. 2 mm in Purseglove 4819 Paie S 13625. All other these characters of plants are in good agreement, however; leaves, nerves, the acute bracts and orbicular calyx lobes, and the corolla.

14. Kopsia profunda Markgr., nov. sp. vel arbuscula. Folia basi dorso Frutex chartacea, ovata, cuneata, apice caudata, in

caudae X laterales ad 6—12 mm dis—- glandulifera, 7 —17 2,5—5,5 cm; nervi 10 paria, tertiarium tantes, arcuati, rete lacunis elongatis conspicuum. Petiolus 3 —5 mm longus.

Inflorescentia tenera (1 mm diam.), cymosa, semel vel bis dichasialis, ramuli Cincinnati,

articuli bracteis longiores; pedunculus communis 1—2,5(—5) cm longus, pedunculi

Bracteae ramulorum 0,5 —1 cm longi. triangulares, 1 X 0,8 mm. Calycis lobi ovati, Corolla acuminati, 1,2—1,4 X 0,7 mm, ciliati, apice extus glandula ornati. alba, in fauce

lutea, tubus 20—25 mm longus, I mm diam., ampliatus et staminifer 13 mm infra

faucem constrictum, modice pilosum, lobi corollae 20—25 X 6—8 mm. Antherae 2 mm

fdamenta Ovarium albis indutum. longae, 0,6 mm longa. 0,7 mm altum, apice pilis longis

Squamae disci eo aequilongae vel longiores. Caput stigmatis cylindricum, rugulosum, breviter basi collo apiculatum, pendulo cinctum, 1,3 mm longum, antheras attingens.

Stylus brevis, 8 mm longus.

MALAY PENINSULA. SF 33892, Ulu Brang. — Trengganu: Corner SF 25936, Kemaman,Bt. Kajang;

Sinclair SF mile Belara F. 39917, 23d Trengganu-Besut Rd., proposed R., type (L holo).

Note. insertion of Remarkable by the very deep the stamens. This, together with the and the slender inflorescences, the long-haired ovary, thin, small, narrow leaves

with The latter differs staminal suggest a relationship K. mitrephora. by a insertion 4—5 mm

below the corolla throat, by joints of inflorescence shorter than the bracts, by less acu- minate calyx lobes, and by much smaller corollas. The other species with deep insertion

of the stamens (10 mm below the throat), K. macrophylla, has stout inflorescences, much

larger leaves with the nerves prominent below, and a short-haired ovary. It does not belong here.

15. Kopsia mitrephora Timmerman-van der Sleesen, [Found. Fl. Males. Misc. Rec. 1

— h. (1959) 7, nom. inval.] Blumea 10 (i960) 136. Fig. I F. Makkgraf: Apocynaceae II 425

BORNEO. Brunei: BRUN3101, Beleh Priok Puteh, Bt. Peradayan.— Sabah: SAN 16118, Dist.

Lahad Sabahan SAN Datu, Sungei to Sungei Dok, type (L holo); 20323, Gumantong.

lancifolia 16. Kopsia Markgr., nov. sp. Arbuscula ramulis alatis Folia quadrangularibus, anguste instructa. sessilia, chartacea,

anguste lanceolata, basi cuneata, decurrentia, apice caudata, Cauda infra glandula apicali latérales ornata, lamina 6—8 X I—1,5 cm; nervi 10—12 paria, recti, 2 —4 mm distantes,

nervus marginalis 0,5 mm intra marginem. Inflorescetitia cymosa, semel furcata (raro bis), communis articuli bracteis breviores. pedunculus 5 mm longus, ramuli Cincinnati, sessiles, lobi Bracteae ovato-acuminatae, 1,2 X 0,6 mm. Calycis ovati, 1,5—1,8 X 1,0 mm

tubus intus fauce ciliati, apice extus glandula ornati. Corolla alba, 2J mm longus, pilosus a ad staminifer infra faucem lobi usque io mm, ampliatus et 3 mm constrictum, pilosum,

12 X 4 mm (in alabastro). Antherae 2 mm longae, filamenta 0,6 mm longa. Ovarium

setulis breves. 0,7 mm altum, rigidulis, fuscis, brevibus indutum. Squamae disci Caput obtuse breviter basi collo stigmatis cylindricum, 1,2 mm longum, apice et apiculatum,

antherarum basin pendulo cinctum, attingens. Stylus 15 mm longus.

0 0 Sabah: Nooteboom N BORNEO. 1089, Mendulong, 4 56' 115 37' E, type (L holo).

This be related Note. species may to K. mitrephora, but that has terete twigs, at the

when much broader and its most bi-angular young, not four-winged, elliptic leaves,

corolla tube has the widened mm below the throat. part 4—5