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f-- H Vl- -I '.WVWTt'f - : B....1 ....i. n..affl X '. PP1 f TUE WEATHER t'r-- k Washington, Sept. 19. Fair tonight, probabfy followed by rain Friday; Si-- MIGHT ' gentle southerly winds. MxMlc TEMFKnATVRE AT EACfl IIOCTI I 8 0 IIP 111 12 I 1 2 3 4 i Bl and 5ie50er STOCK PRICES, uentndr &OSINO Iss" 58 I S9 161 173 174 I r f J THE EVENING TELEGRAPH ,jr, 4 VOL. V. NO. 5 Published Sally Exctpt Sunday. Subsctlrtlon Price! 0 a Tear by MalL CoOyrlght, 1D1K. by the Public ledger Company. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 Entered as Second-Cla- Matter at the Poetofflre at Philadelphia. Pa. Under the Act cl March 8, 1879. PRICE TWO CENTS-- 3l IF1 WORK OR QUIT, I NURSE FROM HERE' CZECHOSLOVAKS ', s $2000 Earnings Likely ALLIED AERIAL 0 ' FORCE h IS PIEZ ORDER to Be Taxed $10 a Year RETREAT winn iimumm kit - ON CASUALTY LIST; RESOURCES MAY OF BOLSHEVIKI imm it: liy the Associated Prcji FOR HOG ISLAND TEN MEN CAPTIVE Washington, Sept. 10. Retrograde Movement Under OUTPOST Kxtenslon of the proposed special BE CENTRALIZED LINE IN DRIVE; war tax of $10 a year on business Way on Both the Northern i SJ& or occupations so as to Include all and Southern Fronts 5" t Fleet Officer Bids Yard persons In Pneumonia Caused Death professions and trades j Representatives Now Co- - BULGARIANS IN FLIGHT?2sa Foremen "Get Rid of of Philadelphia Woman earning $2000 or moic nnnunlly, London, Sept. 19. was approved today by the House operating Toward Unity Bolshevik forces nre retreating on l 'iiVJ Absentees" Ways nnd Means Committee. both the northern southern fronts. IV; in France Aerial nnd - A to cover of Control to Mace- x-- " wmw redrafted clause this nccordlng to n Stockholm dispatch the Enemy Retreating in British Smash At-- . rM "fe : tux was ready when says Furious MUST FULL ,..s the House met Dally Mall. The Dispatch that a donia lit GIVE TIME 4 SOLDIERS WOUNDED to resume consideration of the war POOL OF ALL telegram had been recelxed In Stock Applies Torch tacks and Press MRS. EDWARD DIDDLE INTERESTS .rfi " ' levenue bill, with only relatively holm from Moscow stntlng that the; to Villages Named by Mayor Smith as a mem- - minor sections to bo disposed of Czecho-S-Iovak- s still hold the city of1 Ahead i 'No More Justified ,in Partial ber of the BoartJ of Recreation Another Is Reported to Bee before .t final vote. C 1 . T- - T which recently ouncinu!.... Tll: ui UK in JJIS- - Samara the Bolshcvlkl Tho committee, by vote, utnuiai to .Service Than Soldiers in Victim of Gas j divided claimed hae retaken. ENTENTE SMASH TAKE 8000 also decided to recommend suspen- U. S. Some A dispatch from Vladivostok an- CAPTIVES, Trenches, He' Says MAYOR t'zecho-Slova- NAMES Attack sion during tho war of tho 4 per Obstacles Appear nounces tho k forces have GAINS TWELVE MILES CAPTURE 40 GUNS MRS. BIDDLE ON cent tux and regulations on manu- captured Perm. facture of mixed flour. maim-faetur- o Tho same dispatch says the Go em- C ., irsi steps to DreaK up BiacKerism Flour Foes T Roll of Honor City ny CLINTON "w. C.ILHERT Leading More Strongholds g among shipyard workmen nt Hob Island NEW PLAY BODY of would be left to tho food inent of Samara has been transferred to Wrested Staff government were taken by tlic Emergency Fleet administration us requested by Ad. Corrfronifriit .'iriifno Public I.cdocr Ufa. In the of the same Stampede Serbs Pursue From Foe in .ij Contains Woman's Name Ccpyrtohtmif, by Pnh'.c Uiloer Co. name, 280 miles northeast and much Encircling If, Corporation today, when Charles rlez. minlstiator Hoover. Smith Chooses WnoliliiRlnii, 19. nearer the Siberian border. Day and Night of St. ripe president and general manager. Civic Club Head, Sept. Qucntin nn:n of disease Tho news fiom Paris D. the yard to "get and Social Rec- .M'fl'.n NKI.I.IE WARD. 228 North that John foremen rid Worker for J. Ryan is of absentees." Pxon street there with VILLAGES CAPTURED1 h reation Board worNnnn Winston Chin chill nnd 45 FRENCH STILL GAINING nmnlnirAit.. ,. In (hit -- 1.1...... the French nir KAISER'S NERVES "tari... ... ,.u u Ill kill; OIIIJJ nicl.,HCIf PRIVATE KRWIN '. OARRETT. 131 Went war nuthorltles Indicates pool 8ld .Air. .stRfTonl Btri"t. that a Plez this afternoon, "arc really Kdn-nrr- t Mrs. W. Piddle, widely known PRIVATE WII.t.IAM CALLAHAN. 231 1 of tho aviation resources of engaged In military' operation, arc South Carlisle the Allies French, Greeks and Serbians Poilus Pierce K a and in Foclal pres- street. A pool Teuton Position educational nnd work and PRIVATE VUI.I.IAM SMITH. 117 GREATER TAX will he tho next to he effected. BADLY SHAKEN ?& no more justified In working only part C. 23-Mi- ident Civic Xorth SKtr-thln- l street. Smash Through on le 35' (tlme than soldlerB In the trenches would of the Club, was appointed Since a large number of representa- at Contescourt, in a member of the PRIVATE EDWARD Y. SMITH, 117 tives ot f be Justified in taldng a holiday when- - Ponrd of Recreation ?sorth Sixty-thir- street. this Government went nbroad today by Mayor in July to organize Front . Picardy , ever they felt like it. Smith. HASHED Unwise to Go Beyond the what was called in Possible Retirement as Re- Mrs. Diddle takes the place on the PRIVATE JOHN JOSEPH Ml'RPIIY, advance the "great inteinllled muni- r "These men come to the yards under 1313 board made vacant by Miss Sophia South Tnlor street. tions executive," a number pools 77y the Atsocialed Pre By the Associated ,111 agreement to work forty-fou- r hours MISS1NO $8,000,000,000 Now Pro- of of sult of Breakdown, Hint- Press P.oss who, with Sept. 19. With tho a week, on a basis of eight hours a several other members PRIVATE JAMES PETER IIIOniNS. 310 war materials lias been effected. But riritlsh Forces in France. 'day of the board was forced to resign sev- .North Thlrty-etuht- h street. posed, He Declares it Is apparent that the big centtnl ed in London Rumor The Bulgarians nre In flight. In Mace- Sept. 19. for five days and four hours on PRIVATE WII.T.IAM II. 3012 ago re-- CONI.EY. burning stores vil- Field Saturdays. Those men who hereafter eral weeks by the Mayor for rilbert street. authority superior to these separate donia nnd ore and Marshal Halg's forces up to nppolnt-Kdwar- official . refusal ' to vote for the d PRIVATE Rl'SKEl.ti W. MII.T.ER. 8227 pools which tho Allies wished to create lages, nccotdlng to n Serbian midnight last night had captured refuse to put In full time will be cllm- - Master street. It. Gudehus, secretary to Sena- ENOUGH FOR PRESENT has not yet been set up. MAY BE GREAT RETREAT statement received here. of more than 8000 inated." PRISONERS IN GERMANY Lord Robert Germans and tor Varc, as supervisor play- Cecil to it The Allied troops now have ad- forty guns as Under the new man-pow- law, of school nrni.ER j. j. heney. .iois North referred tho other day in the result of their drive which Eleventh street. miles and of grounds. Washington, Sept. 19. a speech ns the greatest present need vanced moie than twelve yesterday on tho Cambral front. In was so drawn as to reach shipyard PRIVATE F. (I. WADI.K, 2039 Kenslne-to- n Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger of Allies. His speech their pt ogress Is so rnpld that they tho prisoners twenty-thre- e workers, every man exempted from Just what stand Mrs. Piddle will avenue. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo the suggested Conrloht, 191S. hv Xrw York Times Co. taken Ger- pris- - take regarding Gudehus Is a matter of PRIVATE ANTONIO HEI.ENIAK. 3233 today put that difficulties were being encoun- have not been able to count the man regiments- in eleven divisions t military duty because of employment Webb street the qiletus on fears that the The llnRiie, Sept 19 The grand were represented. conjecture. It was reported at City Hall nalton greater tered In forming such nn organization. oners nnd war material taken. New In the shipyards, will automatically lose PRIVATE 44!) must bear a tax than committee of tho Reichstag has been Several rg EDWARD VOELMLE. regiments thrown In by the Bulgari- thousand yards of the discharged that Robert Smith, one of the present Northeast Houleard. $8,000,000,000 for the fiscal to There Is reason to believe that these summoned for a meeting on Sept. 24. outpost line were In that classification when from jear with - British members of the board, would resign If PRIVATE KDWI.V OOODIIEART AN- carry difficulties have much to do with Lord ans have been forced to retreat hands this- morning In the yards and immediately become liable DERSON, 3330 North Potter street. on the war. Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger tho Vllleret tho Mayor appointed another wrann Reading's present trip to Europe. the others. sector, southwest of Lc Catelet. to the draft. PRIVATE RALPH ACOSTA, 1727 North In an olllclal announcement issued Copyright. 1918, hu .Vnr Vorl: Tfmes Co. to tho Tuenty-secon- il street. The Biilgailnns have been defeated Regulations down by board. as congressional leaders Difficulties Foreseen London, Sept 19. By laid Provost PRIVATE EDWARD S. OASTROCK. were flounder- completely nnd the Serbian troops are the Associated Press Mrs.