f-- H Vl- -I '.WVWTt'f - : B....1 ....i. n..affl X '. PP1 f TUE WEATHER t'r-- k Washington, Sept. 19. Fair tonight, probabfy followed by rain Friday; Si-- MIGHT ' gentle southerly winds. MxMlc TEMFKnATVRE AT EACfl IIOCTI I 8 0 IIP 111 12 I 1 2 3 4 i Bl and 5ie50er STOCK PRICES, uentndr &OSINO Iss" 58 I S9 161 173 174 I r f J THE EVENING TELEGRAPH ,jr, 4 VOL. V. NO. 5 Published Sally Exctpt Sunday. Subsctlrtlon Price! 0 a Tear by MalL CoOyrlght, 1D1K. by the Public ledger Company. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918 Entered as Second-Cla- Matter at the Poetofflre at Philadelphia. Pa. Under the Act cl March 8, 1879. PRICE TWO CENTS-- 3l IF1 WORK OR QUIT, I NURSE FROM HERE' CZECHOSLOVAKS ', s $2000 Earnings Likely ALLIED AERIAL 0 ' FORCE h IS PIEZ ORDER to Be Taxed $10 a Year RETREAT winn iimumm kit - ON CASUALTY LIST; RESOURCES MAY OF BOLSHEVIKI imm it: liy the Associated Prcji FOR HOG ISLAND TEN MEN CAPTIVE Washington, Sept. 10. Retrograde Movement Under OUTPOST Kxtenslon of the proposed special BE CENTRALIZED LINE IN DRIVE; war tax of $10 a year on business Way on Both the Northern i SJ& or occupations so as to Include all and Southern Fronts 5" t Fleet Officer Bids Yard persons In Pneumonia Caused Death professions and trades j Representatives Now Co- - BULGARIANS IN FLIGHT?2sa Foremen "Get Rid of of Philadelphia Woman earning $2000 or moic nnnunlly, London, Sept. 19. was approved today by the House operating Toward Unity Bolshevik forces nre retreating on l 'iiVJ Absentees" Ways nnd Means Committee. both the northern southern fronts. IV; in Aerial nnd - A to cover of Control to Mace- x-- " wmw redrafted clause this nccordlng to n Stockholm dispatch the Enemy Retreating in British Smash At-- . rM "fe : tux was ready when says Furious MUST FULL ,..s the House met Dally Mall. The Dispatch that a donia lit GIVE TIME 4 SOLDIERS WOUNDED to resume consideration of the war POOL OF ALL telegram had been recelxed In Stock Applies Torch tacks and Press MRS. EDWARD DIDDLE INTERESTS .rfi " ' levenue bill, with only relatively holm from Moscow stntlng that the; to Villages Named by Mayor Smith as a mem- - minor sections to bo disposed of Czecho-S-Iovak- s still hold the city of1 Ahead i 'No More Justified ,in Partial ber of the BoartJ of Recreation Another Is Reported to Bee before .t final vote. C 1 . T- - T which recently ouncinu!.... Tll: ui UK in JJIS- - Samara the Bolshcvlkl Tho committee, by vote, utnuiai to .Service Than Soldiers in Victim of Gas j divided claimed hae retaken. ENTENTE SMASH TAKE 8000 also decided to recommend suspen- Tavor.by U. S. Some A dispatch from Vladivostok an- CAPTIVES, Trenches, He' Says MAYOR t'zecho-Slova- NAMES Attack sion during tho war of tho 4 per Obstacles Appear nounces tho k forces have GAINS TWELVE MILES CAPTURE 40 GUNS MRS. BIDDLE ON cent tux and regulations on manu- captured Perm. facture of mixed flour. maim-faetur- o Tho same dispatch says the Go em- C ., irsi steps to DreaK up BiacKerism Flour Foes T Roll of Honor City ny CLINTON "w. C.ILHERT Leading More Strongholds g among shipyard workmen nt Hob Island NEW PLAY BODY of would be left to tho food inent of Samara has been transferred to Wrested Staff government were taken by tlic Emergency Fleet administration us requested by Ad. Corrfronifriit .'iriifno Public I.cdocr Ufa. In the of the same Stampede Serbs Pursue From Foe in .ij Contains Woman's Name Ccpyrtohtmif, by Pnh'.c Uiloer Co. name, 280 miles northeast and much Encircling If, Corporation today, when Charles rlez. minlstiator Hoover. Smith Chooses WnoliliiRlnii, 19. nearer the Siberian border. Day and Night of St. ripe president and general manager. Civic Club Head, Sept. Qucntin nn:n of disease Tho news fiom Paris D. the yard to "get and Social Rec- .M'fl'.n NKI.I.IE WARD. 228 North that John foremen rid Worker for J. Ryan is of absentees." Pxon street there with VILLAGES CAPTURED1 h reation Board worNnnn Winston Chin chill nnd 45 FRENCH STILL GAINING nmnlnirAit.. ,. In (hit -- 1.1...... the French nir KAISER'S NERVES "tari...... ,.u u Ill kill; OIIIJJ nicl.,HCIf PRIVATE KRWIN '. OARRETT. 131 Went war nuthorltles Indicates pool 8ld .Air. .stRfTonl Btri"t. that a Plez this afternoon, "arc really Kdn-nrr- t Mrs. W. Piddle, widely known PRIVATE WII.t.IAM CALLAHAN. 231 1 of tho aviation resources of engaged In military' operation, arc South Carlisle the Allies French, Greeks and Serbians Poilus Pierce K a and in Foclal pres- street. A pool Teuton Position educational nnd work and PRIVATE VUI.I.IAM SMITH. 117 GREATER TAX will he tho next to he effected. BADLY SHAKEN ?& no more justified In working only part C. 23-Mi- ident Civic Xorth SKtr-thln- l street. Smash Through on le 35' (tlme than soldlerB In the trenches would of the Club, was appointed Since a large number of representa- at , in a member of the PRIVATE EDWARD Y. SMITH, 117 tives ot f be Justified in taldng a holiday when- - Ponrd of Recreation ?sorth Sixty-thir- street. this Government went nbroad today by Mayor in July to organize Front . Picardy , ever they felt like it. Smith. HASHED Unwise to Go Beyond the what was called in Possible Retirement as Re- Mrs. Diddle takes the place on the PRIVATE JOHN JOSEPH Ml'RPIIY, advance the "great inteinllled muni- r "These men come to the yards under 1313 board made vacant by Miss Sophia South Tnlor street. tions executive," a number pools 77y the Atsocialed Pre By the Associated ,111 agreement to work forty-fou- r hours MISS1NO $8,000,000,000 Now Pro- of of sult of Breakdown, Hint- Press P.oss who, with Sept. 19. With tho a week, on a basis of eight hours a several other members PRIVATE JAMES PETER IIIOniNS. 310 war materials lias been effected. But riritlsh Forces in France. 'day of the board was forced to resign sev- .North Thlrty-etuht- h street. posed, He Declares it Is apparent that the big centtnl ed in London Rumor The Bulgarians nre In flight. In Mace- Sept. 19. for five days and four hours on PRIVATE WII.T.IAM II. 3012 ago re-- CONI.EY. burning stores vil- Field Saturdays. Those men who hereafter eral weeks by the Mayor for rilbert street. authority superior to these separate donia nnd ore and Marshal Halg's forces up to nppolnt-Kdwar- official . refusal ' to vote for the d PRIVATE Rl'SKEl.ti W. MII.T.ER. 8227 pools which tho Allies wished to create lages, nccotdlng to n Serbian midnight last night had captured refuse to put In full time will be cllm- - Master street. It. Gudehus, secretary to Sena- ENOUGH FOR PRESENT has not yet been set up. MAY BE GREAT RETREAT statement received here. of more than 8000 inated." PRISONERS IN GERMANY Lord Robert Germans and tor Varc, as supervisor play- Cecil to it The Allied troops now have ad- forty guns as Under the new man-pow- law, of school nrni.ER j. j. heney. .iois North referred tho other day in the result of their drive which Eleventh street. miles and of grounds. Washington, Sept. 19. a speech ns the greatest present need vanced moie than twelve yesterday on tho Cambral front. In was so drawn as to reach shipyard PRIVATE F. (I. WADI.K, 2039 Kenslne-to- n Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger of Allies. His speech their pt ogress Is so rnpld that they tho prisoners twenty-thre- e workers, every man exempted from Just what stand Mrs. Piddle will avenue. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo the suggested Conrloht, 191S. hv Xrw York Times Co. taken Ger- pris- - take regarding Gudehus Is a matter of PRIVATE ANTONIO HEI.ENIAK. 3233 today put that difficulties were being encoun- have not been able to count the man regiments- in eleven divisions t military duty because of employment Webb street the qiletus on fears that the The llnRiie, Sept 19 The grand were represented. conjecture. It was reported at City Hall nalton greater tered In forming such nn organization. oners nnd war material taken. New In the shipyards, will automatically lose PRIVATE 44!) must bear a tax than committee of tho Reichstag has been Several rg EDWARD VOELMLE. regiments thrown In by the Bulgari- thousand yards of the discharged that Robert Smith, one of the present Northeast Houleard. $8,000,000,000 for the fiscal to There Is reason to believe that these summoned for a meeting on Sept. 24. outpost line were In that classification when from jear with - British members of the board, would resign If PRIVATE KDWI.V OOODIIEART AN- carry difficulties have much to do with Lord ans have been forced to retreat hands this- morning In the yards and immediately become liable DERSON, 3330 North Potter street. on the war. Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger tho Vllleret tho Mayor appointed another wrann Reading's present trip to Europe. the others. sector, southwest of Lc Catelet. to the draft. PRIVATE RALPH ACOSTA, 1727 North In an olllclal announcement issued Copyright. 1918, hu .Vnr Vorl: Tfmes Co. to tho Tuenty-secon- il street. The Biilgailnns have been defeated Regulations down by board. as congressional leaders Difficulties Foreseen London, Sept 19. By laid Provost PRIVATE EDWARD S. OASTROCK. were flounder- completely nnd the Serbian troops are the Associated Press Mrs. Piddle Is associated with the 2010 ing in The view the Austrian new peace Marshal General Crowder also will pre- SenUva street. confusion as to how best to meet That there should be difficulties was that day night. London, Sept. 19. Playgrounds and Reel cation Association PRIVATE JOHN II. note was Issued under urgent pressure pursuing them and vent Buch men, after November 1, frorii DOMINICK, 1403 the added J7.000, 000,000 demand perfectly obvious. They were foiesecn The - of South Ninth street. thl of conditions within the Central Em The Serbian nnd French troops have British have made further prog- '. ship-- , America, Public Charities Associa- week in out- obtaining employment In other TRIVATB HAJII'EL fiEONNOTTI. 028 by the War Department, McAdoo administration circles from the pires Is supported by all Information towns of Topolets, less In their drive into the Hlndenburg tion of Pennsylvania, American Cllc Carpenter street. declared, taken the yards. The same regulations prescribe "It would bo unwise to go set. The project of sending repre that leaks acro.ss the frontiers. Re- Reshlshta, Melynltsa, Vlto. lino in the St. Quentln region, aimed Association, State Charities Arbitration PRIVATE JAMES II. fiREEI.Y. Jr. 702 further In taxation nt tho present time." sponsible opinion In country has '" the number of days a shipyard worker uiiiuii Birei. sentatives abroad to form tho great this llshta and Raslmbey. They have also i inu encirclement or that town, ac- - and Peace Society of Pennsylvania, "Conditions which might develop in always protested against any undue 1. T.'iirtUInt iromon may be absent from his work In a FROM NE.RIIY POINTS the International pool was debated a long it. it.. IK nf commS to...th ChlM future," he ndded, "will determine hopes being founded on economic ln!E" i"S L 7, ,en enr'deai: ottlcM .statement Issued Labor Association and sccral PRIVATE E. KELAFOS. tho question the '"m, toaay month. of ItUerslde. of further Increases In tax- time beforo any one was sent, and stress in Germany and Austria, and the ing vrtth operations on the Macedonian by Field Marshal Halg. In a other organizations. N. J., killed. ation. For the present fiscal year It Mr. Plez expressed the opinion today September 19, when the names of this country's rep British public has been urged to re- front has been Issued by the French continued advance north of Pontruet If shipyard were put on 1918 Is our plan to nsk for $8,000,000,000 In f. that, all labor resentatives beenmo known It was evi-de- member the extraordinary power of the War Office from Paris: they icached the outpost positions would In taxes." of a' piece rate basis, it be an FOG JARS EARLY TRAFFIC The foregoing Is policy German race to adapt themselves to a "Despite Important N list compiled that tho American looked by tho enemy the Hlndenburg line. centive to sustained errort nnu greater from the official casually aicAaoos announcement gave great toward the sepa- much lower scale of ll ing. and the hope- hastily brought forward I records rather formation of stub- Tho . ' production. and from unofficial reports relief In congressional circles. Leaders nn nttempt who defended his new positions Australians renewed their at. Gloucester Ferry Service Sus- received were rate pools than tho creation of one lessness of at revolution by Allied by relatives and friends all at sea as to how the extra single old women, In bornly, the offensive of the armies tacks and carried the Hlndenburg out The fleet corporation, he said, favored of men $7,000,000,000 was to bo authority over all the materials 'men, nnd children these successfully on tho 17th. All piece some pended and Trolleys Bump overseas. raised. ito of war means of days of machine guns. continued posts. Many prisoners ' H a rate scale, but of the unions puzzling had the problem become that and transporting objectives fixed for the day were reached. nnd a number Dense fog Phila- In few , Itf represented in the yards would not that spread over the benator Simmons, chairman Sen them. Secretary Baker's lato trip But the last days rumors have developed on a front of nbout at machine suns were taken by them. now on a delphia morning, of the suggests more taken on new complexion. They are Attacks X It. Skilled workmen district early this The complete list of rasunltlen an ate Finance Committee ; Senator Martin, that the Idea of a intl a thirty-fiv- e kilometers nnd progress wad The town of Lemplre was captured,?Ji viIam rain haMtu Tin dnpljirpd. nftwn nrit traces noon, today mate combination among the Allies Is unconfirmed, but they point tn some of which llnrcred until nounced by the War Department chairman of the Senate Appropriations made to a depth of fifteen kilometers at ns was Gauche wood. (Lemplre is ftrar t3$KBttilKI7.ti l'.J5 nn hour. stopped Delaware river tratllc, and was la printed on page 11, committee, and Itcpresentatlve Shirley, gaining force. sensational happening behind the scenes certain points. ' . miles direetlv west nt T. f. "''These men, Instead of demanding the cause of several collisions in tho chairman of the House Appropriations, wui ine implications ot such a com- In Germany. The Kaiser's recent speech "Serbian troops, operating with French ., wages, earn more by stick- to Krupp proves over- "W higher; can - 'sTrecr.$."4Th6f6'govcred a wide area, The first Philadelphia woman with the Committee, had planned to have a heart- - bination as Lord Robert Cecil appar the workmen how nnd Greek detachments took after a German Kirc Heavy ' ,'Jf.- .. Ing t6,tho Job and Increasing produc--jj- ri talk McAdoo ently nad in mind are too vast for any wrought ho is. nnd certain passages In lt ;- 46. villages. Including and was densest from 1 o'clock until American army In with about It. So violent assault- Germans i& Bald. Franco to die in the one to say yet lntcr-AUIe- d were, ine started tlon,"ho shortly the Secretary's announcement clarifies .hat an unity censored aH they ns the German Zovlk nnd Stravlna and the heights of T5iV' Hr. Flez salu last Friday's record- - before 7. service of her country Is named today the situation so far as extra taxation or command over materials or war, press has complained, hardly read like Polehlc'ite and Bechlchte north of the a ucitvj uumuarameni on tne nortnera try , i Itfiiii trine !( I no rrlorl PArnTiarn r CI. Several thousand workers at Hog In tho official casualty list Issued by Is concerned. But Congress wants to food and shipping Is to be expected. This that of a sane man. There may con- - River Orodeshnitza and the villago of part of the battlefront Kniithwe.t k - & Hie unity jmcvui u.uiu-- i uir inj jhiu, m Island and other shlpyatds in the dis- the War Department. know, nevertheless, whether the depart country naturally is slowest to accede sequently be some ground for the story 'Gradeshnltza, which was stubbornly de-th- at Cambral, between Gouzcaucourt arid fog-lm- - conclusive evidence that "all Is not well" trict were late because of the ments can spend nil the vast sums pro- such a unity of command, because this he is suffering from a severe fended by the enemy who had orders to Arras-Cambr- " She is Miss Nelllo J. Ward, 228 the rtoad (a distance of and that tne men can dp better work i I'edeu transportation service. North posed. To this end. Representative J country has most to surrender Into the nervous breakdown. hold It at any cost. In tho center they they doing. , Oloucester ferry boats discontinued at Paxon street. West Philadelphia. Hampton Mooro will or re- on hill Is twelvo miles). The fire was of ex- than have been o'clock, no Pneu offer an amend control otners. The material Another rumor has It that the Kaiser, progressed the which situated u. . .i,. and boats ran for more treme uwfc:,. "v ...-- ft"" f a...'jM.uaJ mail Ilvn linllrn monla caused her death July 14. ment to the revenue bill for creation ot sources are for the most part hers. The foreseeing the utter ruin of his house. near Kozlak, advanced northeast of intensity. u throughout the country similarly affected Two ciowded trolley cars collided a congressional committee on war ex supply )f shipping will, before the end Is contemplating one of those dramatic Kozlnk and took a foothold on the hills The enemy followed his bombard ' Four moro Philadelphia soldiers are penditures. by the slackciv workmen wjll be ready rear-o- n In the fog nt Gyrmantown and This same plan caused of the war or soon thereafter, be largely moves so characteristic of his tempera of Kuchkov. To the cast they crossed ment by strong willing listed as wounded, and three are miss great dissension last session nnd was nnd occupied the massif of a Infantry attack on and to in a campaign Hunting Park avenues, and several pas- hers. ment. One of his most renowned prede-- I the Perez wide lagging mem- sengers Ing, according to today's reports. rejected upon demand of President The booty captured was con-th- e a front northward from the vicin for the elimination of the were cut by flying glass and The Shipping Question cessors. it Is remembered, Charles V, In'Topolcs. bers of the for:e was the assertion of bruised. All were badly shaken up. Wilson. It probably will be beaten century, slderable. More than fifty cannon, of ity of Trescault (three miles north of confirmation of the death of three It sixteenth left the world for a Mr. Plez. Peter Peterson, 2768 North Hcmberger but discussion of Is to be made the The shipping question which has arisen monastery; and if he really may be1 "'"' twenty were heavy pieces, fell Gouzeacourt). He was completely re- others who were killed In action has opportunity for asking some pointed a f Labor leaders agree that slackerlsm street, was taken to St. Luke's Hospital between this country and Kngland Illus- thinking of some spectacular act of re- - h"d";.l.Ih "'I'; pulsed nil points great received. questions of Administration leaders con. one '1 at with loss to Is In vogue at the island. Men seeking with a dislocated ankle, und he may been trates of the difficulties In the way nunclatlon, It Is remarked here, the Oilers I" nuinininh unwioiiihij!"S" ..ic the guards and the Third and Thirty-- twenty-on- o cernlng the country's war finance policy. dominated completely to evade military service are gaining have internal Injuries. Ho Is Ten I'niiaueipmans are reported of forming nn Interallied executive Allies would easily provide n suitable Allied uvlalors seventh divisions. " employment In some minor capacity, years old. McAdoo probably will announce tho which in Its Important effect upon the over tho enemy and greatly aided In the prisoners. amount of the fourth Liberty Loan this place of retreat, which the Lutheran by attacking enemy troops. Teuton Losses Heavy using the yard as a hiding place, and are future, Is a big step toward forming the Church might find It difficult to offer. battle i to perfoim any Two army casualty lists and one of week. Final determination of the league of everyone "unabje decent work for may bo Congress nations, which talks He was likewise driven off with. 'Kfl was CHAPItjWAiNTS DEATH SHOCK public amount mado before about, no one Impos- May Foreennt Ureal Itetrent their'pay," it stated. the marines made today contain disposes of the pending bill to extend but creates. It Is URGES U. S. MAKE WAR heavy casualties shortly afterward f4" In all 272 names. Twenty-fiv- e Pennsyl exemptions on Liberty sible to see this Interallied control of Setting aside these reports, however, tax Bonds. materials and shipping lasting EX-BAL- Wife Murderer Says He Is Sane officials today specu- during another view of the Austrian note, north of Mouevres (west of Cambral) L vanlans are Included In the records Treasury were ON BULGARS AND TURKS DENY PLAYERS for be- the war. and then suddenly stopping. widely nccepted In London, is It Some German parties & and Eager for Electric Chair day. Tho list lating on the probability of there that that succeeded the made public In tho ing this fiscal This is in the minds of the elements was issued to prepare the German peo- at points in entering the British ENJOY SHIPYARD FAVOR New Sept. 10 (Dy I. N. S.). four loans jear. York, morning newspapers Is mado up of 142 It was hinted that the size of the In Kngland called the Liverpool school, ple for a great retreat. That would Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger trenches were entirely disposed of by "I wnnt to go to the electric chair," counter-attack- s. names, army coming loan might approach $7,000,000, who are demanding the return of some rfiake It out to be Inspired hv the mill-tnr- y Covurloht. 1118. by New York Times Co. Charles K. Chapln, former city editor and tho and marine lists British ships to foreign now at Hog Island resent assertions say- 000. This, however, was not officially trade that chiefs. They, It Is contended, sec 19. en- In opening their drive yesterday the Fans of the Evening World, Is quoted as published In the afternoon newspapers tho greatest danger from tho I'arU. Sept. Perhaps tho most that some of the ballplayers now work-- ing bv Assistant District Attorney Mr-Ge- e, discussed by high Treasury officials. Germans that they must relinquish Belgium In thusiastic man In Paris today over the British and French advanced on a nging tnere and playing on the island during a conference at the arraign- contain 130 names. But unless the German Government is passed, what, they ask, Is going to order to shorten the lino on account of successful attnek of the French and twenty-tvvo-mll- e front, pierced the got Jobs shipyard on charge happen after tho war? What will be- troops Bulgarians Hlndenburg line two points nine their at the with ment of the editor today a of Two army officers whose homes ore In Is crushed before the predicted time their destroyed divisions; and they wish Serbian on the In at and the deliberate intention of evading the murdprlng his wife. must certainly prepare Itself come of our foreign trade then, when to prepare the German people for this Macedonia Is Mllenko Vesnltch. Serbian captured thirteen villages and" other city have battle-fro- nt the draft. They also deny the baseball men "I am perfectly sane," the editor Is this returned from the In America has the Immense supply of minister to Paris. strong positions. have soft Jobs and big pay. said to added. "I don't want any to take care of four loans fourteen practical acknowledgement of military Is the successful beginning of hae to act as Instructors at Camp Dlx, months, it was stated semiofficially. shipping she Is now building set free "This "That's foolish talk." Bald Johnny Cas. sanity commission appointed. I want to from carrying troops and war ma- failure. an offensive by the French army and By the Associated Press ?K tie Castle Is manager pay the price." They are Lieutenant John F. No-Ia- Small amounts of bond3 of the fourth Moreover, with characteristic mis- troops of my own country against FT this afternoon. NJ. terial, to enter Into competition with us the Sept. 19. of the ball team at Hog island, where ' Chapln's counsel entered a formal plea tho first American officer loan will be In tho hands of tho district understanding of the psychology of their the enemy In Dohropolje," he said, at Paris, French troops last V' of apt guilty for hts client ar- to enter on opening day tho for foreign trade? Serbian legntlon this morning. ntenL coniinuea nrogress in iiva . he has other duties also. Formerly he at the y committees the of enemies, the Germans still believe they the "It ineir ja was an outnemer tor tne rmiiies. .More raignment. The court announced that it Chateau-Thierr- when tho Germans loan. The Bureau of Hngravlng and is tho last finishing touch to the evi- region of St. Quentln and penetrated Viil days In change Important to Iloth Natlona could dutach France from her Allies by to prove we recently he managed teams In the Middle would allow ten which to were beaten back at the Marne, and Printing Is ready to begin turning out of tho occupied terri- dence needed that ut last the German positions at Contescourt, the plea and remanded the editor to the This would be a question for an the return French have unity ot front as well aa unity of Quentln. W West.. Henry Brown, finished bonds within an hour after a somo Alsace-Lorrain- e three miles southwest of St. , "You take Hans Lobert. and 'Big Tombs. Captain P. Jr., of Chest executive to deal with. It Is tory and concessions about command Til was nnnounced by At- decision on the terms Is reached. ; and for this reason they Is only one thing left to bu &J Chief Bender, for Instance." Castle It tho District nut Hill, who was wounded In action. a question of ltal importance to the "There By the Associated Press "They're bolter-u- p foremen, and torney's oltlce that any effort on the :.t said. part or cuapin or his to Lieutenant Nolan, who was formerly successful prosecution of the war and Continued on Tage Two, Column Mi Continued on I'UEe 1'lve. Column Three there are no better men In their line on mends have a to Kmplre and the United With the French Army in Picardy, Island." Lobert played third for the a lunacy commission appointed for him, member of the Public Ledger reportorlal HOUSE DEFEATS MOORE'S the British the I war. Sept, 19. The troops of FhlllleH while, went to wouio. oe opposea Dy tne aistrict at States after the The United States the French for a and later torney. stafT. arrived at his home. In German-tow- n army Debeney pur.- - the Giants. Bender, the Indian, played COTTON TAX MEASURElnot only needs the British uhlps now, under General who ? with the Athletics, where he reached tho yesterday on a short furlough. lent to her for carrying her men over, sued the Germans from the region of It been officially Montdldler have, after a few days of t" pinnacle of his diamond fame, and aft Captain Brown Is already n Camp 19. to but has Intimated that Id erward ne was on me payroll. Washington, Sept. The House she wants and expects to have 1,000,000 comparative Inactivity, successfully re- on ballplay BREWERY SLUSH Dlx. In France he was promoted from day derented ny a vote ot 100 to 28 tne sumed their attacks In the region of Caatle went to cite other Moore cotton tax amendment to tho tons more of them In order to get her B ers who, he says, have made good as the ranks of first lieutenant to WOMAN CONFESSES STARTING NUNNERY FIRE St. Quentln in conjunction with the Is Young, that of reenun bill providing a tax of $3 a bale eighty divisions neros the water. shlpworkers. There former FUND PUT UNDER captain for bravery in action, for which on cotton used In certain textiles. Mooro England's shipping Is pressing for the British. Detroit 'second baseman, now a bolter- - guerre. spite of the long pursuit Is he received the croIx de warned he would orrer later anotner return of some of tho shipping now lent In from up foreman. There Joe O'Rourke, During the week putting a tax of $3 a bale MONTREAL, Sept. 10. The disastrous Giey Nunnery fire the Avre to tho Somme with almost who-- played with the St. .Louis Nation- PROBE OF SENATE ended September 13, amendment on the plea that tho future of the em- Department announces, on every bale of cotton sold. sixty-fiv- e constant fighting since August S, Gen- als and managed Pacific boast teams. the War 884 sick was pire Is Imperiled. An International ex- of Februavy 14 Inst, in which babies were burned to know Another amendment disapproved whole eral Debcney's men are pressing the "Don't tell me that lad doesn't on or itepreseniative wopn, or inaiana, ecutive might solve the difficulty death, was purposely caused by a female orderly of the institu- as xhlpworker," Castle Investigation Ordered of Charges Continued race Two, Column Flie that "Kngland, you lond the ships enemy with the same vigor with which bjs business' a to specifically exempt traveling sales- by saying, they began offensive In Picardy. i napped. "Ho served twelvo years at men $100 brokers' tax. Mr. now feu the duration of tho war and tion, Berthe Courtmnnche. who is said to have periodical attacks, the if Following Attack on Bris- from the The French nave aavancea close to Cramp's before he became a profes GERMAN TROOPS DESPONDENT Wood contended the tax would work a America you lend to Kngland ships of five mania. She confessed to the crime when accused by some ship- - great hardship upon thousands of trav- war, so , less than two miles from the Blonatf ballplayer, and he's bane's Newspaper for a certain period after the iveslprn TT.ri. me 1" eling salesmen. Members of the com- not sacrifice her commer- detectives, who todny arrested her at the nunnery, where she outskirts of St. Ouentln. worker. Believe - that she shall Hprmnna thek' Letters on Prisoners Reveal mittee said- todav thev had been assured step we compell- tVir nro flcViMntr tna nn 'NAhd there are others. Take Buckles, cial future by the are was employed. The woman signed confession. 1 . a .. .1. P that treasury regulations In administer still her fTItnJi.nt.ii.llliuciiuui t ..lie aim ctcijA.a.p ,u.uI..a1 vi. uta formerly of the Kansas City team, and By the Associated Press Weakening of Morale ing law would meet tne situation. ing her now to take.'1 rati York Americans. When he the way out of the present ground is ueing uispuicu siouuy Dy tne 'i3" of 'the New Waalilnitmi, Sept, 10, By the Associated Press Some such enemy. Apparently the Germans i" la not a pitcher he Is a riveter. "And dispute Is sure to be found, for It Is aret. '.$l ap. Investigation of the recent charge Army on MISTOOK MAN FOR HUSBAND country is willing sky, as a riveter he's real, that boy," With the Amerlean the I.or understood that this II on wi-s- t Rt- - Otipnttn ralne Front, Sept. 10. Fear lest the Kngland's foreign In at nf amttfe plauded Castle. of Allen Property Custodian Palmer that to guaranteo trade of FrancUly, east of and north Swlgler, formerly a pitcher at Penn, Is a group of brewers bought a Washing' Americans would advance and over- Woman Charged Desertion and for a certain number of years alter the r.9 now the Island, and a mighty complaint any raiding by American Tnnn dentist at ton newspaper to the publicity whelm them, bitter at bad war from General Debeney's troops have been. V .K1 good, dentist, too, says uasue. naipn further food and general despondency at the Then Discovered Lrror shipping. SAILORS TO AID FIGHT AGAINST INFLUENZA Interests of brewers was to obliged to attack it piecemeal and to WW if Hauls, who shone on the diamond for authorized prospects of the war are the keynotes Forethought of Municipal Court De But does the thing stop there? by bounds, slipping or written Dy uerman sol- prevented the Is apparent advance little j&i. the Pittsburgh Federals, is a derrick day by tho Senate. Arthur Brisbane. letters heme tective Greaves arrest of From this illustration It ls who assigned to l'hiladelpnia K Ersklne Mayer, who pitched the owner diers and found on their persons when an Innocent man on the charge of wife In All sailors have been iwe iiiat.iiiiic-k.ui- i ciiliuaijciliciivs ficrtj fji 'foreman. and editor of the Washington were that nn International executive order - rl: v, thev cantured. desertion. It developed In court today. authority during to hospital sent to ana mere ana sometimes maicing iron- eM Tt Y't, .rniiiicn 10 many viuiuiy, mm wchi iu Times, announced yesterday that he certain American division which In explain- to act with the war. study work weie iccalled today and oouer-u- p A Greaves revealed the case tal attacks. Everywhere the Frenchiws jsj .rutsDurgn. is anomer oi me bought the Times with money lent by took more than Its quota of prisoners ing why he had not served a must also have authority for a number naval hospitals to aid in the fight against Spanish intlucusy. hpen obliged to foreman. a urewer. warrant years the war. bnvn flcht thpir has made ari exhaustive examination of sworn out by Mrs. Mary Pullinger. ot after or through obstacles iie-tK- II K there's a man for you," A resolution ordering and round that tne around that '' '"Now ei' the Inquiry by these letters morale, Mrs. I'uuinger, wanting in Wyoming v war would rfK?vy ca claimed Castle. "He's had a technical the Judiciary- - Committee or n even of the men in the Tenth German avenuo n few nights ago. saw a man fore this have been Regiment conceded to be the best op- - thought her missing ONLY TWO MINES IDLE garded as Impregnable. The GerraM.'j .r senooi. training, ana is a smpworKer irom .was Introduced by Senator Jones, she husband. She : up. yet losing the Americans Is decidedly low, Immediately swore out a infantry here is supported by artillery,";;-:- the ground And they talk about of New Mexico, and was adopted by the rf It can be Judged from private letters warrant. ,rm players J Greaves decided to Investigate before which puts down heavy barrages lim lacker ball down here .Foolish Senate with little debate. It sets forth never Intended for American consump- serving It. He ascertained Men at These Are Expected Back waves tell you." allegations the brewers exact- first that the front of the advancing IM n Ulk, I that have tion. In question was named Dilltngs-wort- h. BAKU, IS RAID CAPTIVES FINED U.X rs man Tomorrow TURKS TAKE REPORT 33 maintains a harassing Are against i ilCaatle desires the receive ed pledges from candidates, "Including Instead of Pullinger, and that rear and the lines of communication? "" swollen salaries. "Aa foreman, they start Congressmen and United States Sena- he had been living with his wife for By the Associated Press S4A." TUNGSTEN POOL FORMED Progress under these conditions In at aViniit hn Raid. "ThAr.. tors"; that to Influence public opinion several years. Mrs. Pullinger took a Efept. 19. Bre9t Treaty Left City in Pos- Striking Painters Were Gambling r ti. A.1 .1... ai - look." ana decided PottiTllle, Tn., With the essarily Is slow, but the Allied Hi 4 .rienea iur u. sum mey Buyn.. mens uan the brewing Interests have subsidized the "closer Dilllnesworth exception of the Blackwood colliery, of Rooms, Inter-Allie- wasn't Pullinger; session of Russians at Union Police Allege are none the less sureiy advancing ' Wavers ride to work In automobiles. Sure press; that In order to suppress hostile d Munitions Council at the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, and Bt. Quentln ' they do. Didn't they run automobiles expressions of opinion they Buck Run, an Individual colliery, Associated Press Thirty-thre- e men were fined ft and ward the outskirts of "have set In Paris Reaches Agreement the In By the kthe south and west as well as -- they quit baseball7" operation an extensive system boy- all the mines the anthracite region costs at the Kleventh and Winter streets 'vMfcnre of BUSINESS MEN FflR ARMY working this morning. Is ex- rarla, Sept. 19. Turkish troops have cotting of American mer- By the Associated Press were It police station today as the manufacturers! pected that the men will return to work taken Baku, according to a Basel dis- result of a lie chants, railroads and. other Interests," Washington, Sept. 10. An interna- two collieries tomorrow morn- raid on the Painters' Local Union, H2 METEOROLOGICAL political 'organization War Department Asks Employers ex these patch quoting a tolegram from Con- TRIOfET and that a has tional agreement for the pooling of all ing stantinople under date of September 17. North Kleventh street, last night. The MANG1N CLOSING IN ' i .S'i to carry pur- tungsten among the Blackwood had been working For a change there'll be rain, been erected out their available United to Aitl The It Is pointed out by the Temps that the men are alleged to have been gambling. Allies, reached through steadily throughout tho week until this Brest-Lltovs- CHEMIN-DESDA- m coming on poses. States and the To obtain men who treaty of k left Baku to the ON And it's Friday. Inter-AUIe- d Munitions Council have demonstrate morning. Three others were discharged upon It is alleged that the brewers were the at ability In commercial life Russians, but that this does not prevent the Though It gives me a pain, Paris, was announced today by Chair- their for work continuing their ad. plea that, although they were In allied to suborga"nzatlons, such as Baruch, of the war Industries in tne array, me war department has the Turks from the change German-America- n man vance...... wv.-- For a ther&ll be rain. the Alliance, the Us terms will be made public appealed to manufacturers and business Five U. S. Planes Fall to Return report Constantinople :oom, they were not gambling. .l ,,, board. Is finally men to submit names of their employes This from t r Cfentle Kinds mag ordain National Association of Commerce If the arrangement approved by Washington, Sept. 19. Five American would seem to Indicate that the British According to police, the men arrested With the French Army In Fn Labor, and the Manufacturers' Wilson. with such qualifications who come In In re- 19. Mangln's v' avioi xoaag s a ary aag. and and President planes are missing as a result, of an have suffered a reverse the Baku are painters who recently went on Sept. General army Dealers' Association, and "have Tungsten Is produced largely In Col- the early qraft classifications. was reported on August a ' change paid some comes The general staff plans to nlaee attack by a, superior German force dur- gion. It It strike' for a wage Increase of from tackea along tne rront northvaat s ItFpf a there'll be rain sums of money to orado, but from South Amer- -' th British forces had entered Baku, laice citizens of the Sweden and other European men In positions similar to those ing a bombing expedition in, Lorraine, that seventy eighty Solssons yesterday and capturtd. Sf IPs' cotilng on Friday? United States 'to advocate, cause ca and which having reached that city from their base to cents' an hour. Several ColombeS cm' tnd their Distribution of the aunnlv tney now in civil uie, xpereoy increasing General Pershing reported tn.hls com- way of Persia. No fighting tn nunurea aoiiars ana ganv farm the nlataait 'V7.Y .' . , Including some )n,th Government era-- ,.,! by efficiency night by by the consiaerame r IIM.I' I wilt be directed jh war thr of the various branches nr munique, received last the war Baku region has been reported re- fling paraphernalia were confiscated BancyfanrJui,oMtti .. . . -( -- th-- . the - .a.-'',i.- ....' JB ft ,.,. ntiarlanBt. t . l - raid. - - . ".?,.?. "Jl ag s-- , - - '...'. jst...!iiiaaiu . y. Rbnro.t. - cently,, ; ti r ' s ' . XTTivT 7'A?:x. """le i ,' ''. n". f-'r- . rH. TfiSfe S , ,. . ., . . ., - , ' . H "i, w mi " -- 2- " -- V.S-, J - r a. - . .ft .rasLJHrv,. a .w ?? , 1 j. . . ,:b -. 'p., , . . .ff. 3rV r &, ?u.'v. . v - r Zt, '.tikffiiuSQ&tttfc - W .Vi S2l