' THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLOlrJY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Publashed under the Authorlly of HISExcellency (he Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya ------2 VOL. LII-NO. 9 Price 50 Cents NAIROBI, IFlebruarvv 21.1950 Registered as a N~wsD~D~~at the G P 0 Publ~shedevery Tuesday

COEirnNTS OFFICIAL GAZETE OPFlCCAL GAZETTGConid Govt Not~ceNo - PAGE General Not~ceNo 175-Appointments 109 curopean St ttlemei~t Board 375 176-The Reastration of Perqons Ordinance, 1947- Loss of Wa Bond Cebt~ficate 376 Cancellat~on of Appointment 109 Te~idelsfor Old Lorrre? 377 177-178-Bills for introtfuction lnto the Legslative Dlstrlct Council Elections 378 Counwl- Nairobi RI~,s, 1950 379 The Supplen~entary Appropr~ation (1948) Closure of Road, Valrobl 380 Ordinance, 1950 110 Excise Licc nces 382 The Guarantee (High Commlss~on Post? Nakulu C~a,sFin\ Order 383 and Telegraphc Loan) Ortlin3nce 1950 112 Probate dnd Adrn~n~sttation 385-400 179-The Trading nn Unwrought Precious Metals Company L quldat~on 401,402 Ordinance, 1931-Forfeiture of preclou\ Mombasd 5 reets Charge\ 403,404 metals . 114 AULLIO~of ~Aotor Launch 406 180-The Marridge O~dinance--Chu~chI~censed 114 Cu\tom? D partment Auctlon 414 181-The Bankruptcy Ord~nance-Cancellation of Nakuru Arr qrb of Rates 415 Appointment 114 The Bankru ,tcy Clrthnance 416-418 182--The Liquor Ordinance-Appointment 114 Trade Marl 419 183- 184--The Courts Ordinance-A 2pointments etc 1 14 The Cred~tto N'itrves (Control) Ordin?nce-Cert~ficates 420 185-The Employment Ord~nance-Appointments 114 The rransplrt L~censlng Oidlnance 42 1 186-The Water Ordmance-Appo~n~ment 114 Tendel s for Sleepers-E A R & H 422 187-Rutru Toansh~p Comm~ttee-/ippointment 114 The Reglstr+tion of Titles Ordinance 421 188-Kericho Townsh~pCommittee- Apporntrnent\ 114 Air Serv~ce L1ce11'1ng 424 189-Language Exammat Ions 115 The Land nd Agricultural B~nk 425 19&-Thomson s Falls Townsh~~~Comm~ttee- - Appointments SUPPLEMENT No 191-The Voluntarily Unemployed Person5 (Pro 9 P I950 vlslon of Em~>lovment), , Clrdlnance. 1949- roclan~at rotr~ Rules nnd Regzrlnt~ons Appo~ntment\ 115 Covt Notrct No - PAOE Pioclamat~onNo - 192-Tht Afr~catlGrown Cofiee (Amendment) Rules, 4-5-The D~seasesof An~malsOrd~nance 115 1950 75 6-The Suppresuon of Rables Ordliiance, 1932 116 193-Th( Education (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 1950 75 General Notices 116132 194-Hp Majesty s Forces Pens~ons and Gratuibes General Not~ceNo (~uic~t-anPersonnel) (Amendment) Regula- L~quor Llcenslng Courts 365 381,384,413 t~ons, 1950 76 Borded Warehouse Ltcencc 36f1 195-Tht Kil~ndini Harbour (Port Cold Store) The Water Ord~nance 367-369 405 (Amendment) Regulat~ons 1950 76 Transfer of Bus~nesses,etc 370,371,40741: 196 197--T~mbf I Control Pr~ceOrders 77 Land Reastration Court 372 PIoclamatio 1 No -- The Bank Ord~nance 37 1 7-The Diseases of An~mals Oldinance 78 East Afr~can Currencv Boaid 374 &--The Sugar Consutnpt~onTax Ordlnance 78 ------

THOMASFFANCIS ~IINOGUE to be an AssistanL Laboul Officer, Eldoiet, vith effect from 1st APPOINTMEN7 S MICHAELCOOK LO bB an Assistant Labour Officer, KISII, wth REVO OR VIC'IOR NORMANFORTESCUE, MA (CANTAB),to bl: effect fion 1st J lnuary, 1950 Act~ng Clerk to Leg~sl~ttlveCouncll with effect from 2lst PET~RERIC HEMSUORTH to be Statlstlcl3n, Labour Department, February 1950 wlth effett from 1st November 1949 JOHN FENTONSHIKI 4w, M R c v s , LO be Veterinary Researcll MISS GFR~RUDEJOYCE XUGG-GUNN to be Resldent Magstrate, Officer, Department of Veterinary Services, with effect f~onl Nairobl with cffect from 13th Februa~y, 1950 27th Augugt, 1949 JAMESPATIIC~ IZEFOY, Aststant Inspector of Pohce, to act HANSPET~R VINKFL-JENSEI~ to be a Veterinary Officer, Depart as Chlef Inspe-tx ot Police wlth eflect from 1st Febmary, ment of Veterinary Sertiices, nlth eRect from 26th Januarj, 1950 1950 THOMAS'G ~RREKT~~SKW~TH, M A (C4NTAB ), 10 act as C0mmIs- PETER WHITEHEADTHOROID, B sc (',OUTHAFRICA), to be I sioner tctr Soc~alWelfare with efiect from 15th February, Vetellnary Research Ofl~ce~Department of Vetellnary Sel- 1950 vlces, w~theffect from 15th ROBERTJOHN ANDREW STUART HICKSON-MAHONEY to be DlstI'lc t C H THORNLEY, Officer, Voi Distric~, Coast Provlni e, with effect from 1 t Deputy Chzef Secretary February, 1950 WILLIAMFAIRLIE BUCHANAP*POLLQK MORRIS to be Dlstnc t Officer Meru Distnct. Central P~~jvince,with effect from 2nd February, 1950 GOVERNMEIT NOTICE NO 176 ROGER- - ANTHONY HOSKING to be Dlstric t Officer, Central Nyanza I Distrtct, Njanza Province, with ef ect from 4th Febiuarv I THE RE ~ISTRATIONOF PERSONS ORDINANCE, 1947

EDWIN CH~RLESEGGINS to be D~st~~ctOfficer and Person11 IN EXERClSE ot the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby Asslstdnt to the Provlnc~al Comml~sioner,Nyanza Province, cancel the appolntinent of Mrs Mary de Nobilga as a Re~stra- with effect from 16th Jlnuary, 1950 tion Officer in theNalrob1 Distrlct wth effect from 6th BRUCEGRIHALI CLARLDto be an Csistant Labour Officer, Februin, 1950 Th~ka. wth effect iron1 17th December, 1949 I KENNETHDOUGLAS HARRAP to be an Assistant Labour Offiar, A T WISE, Thomson's Falls, with ~ffectfrom 1st February, 1950 1 Prrnclpal Registrar 11Q TH E OFFICIAL G AZETTE Ftbnlary 21, 1950 k

G ovBpum ar N tyTlcB N o 177

n e G overnor ln Councll Nas approved of the follow m g B11l bem g lntroduced m to the Leglslatlve Counml M zx M w u œ , A ctlng Clerk to the Leglslattve Counctl.


W H ER EA S the expendlture of eleven m llllon, one 4 hundred and nlnetp seven thousand, slx hundred and Efty- three poundss ten shllllngs and tw enty-elght cents was neces- sarlly lncurred durlng the f'lnanclal Y ear 1948, on certaln servlces, of w hlch the sum ol elght m llllons two hundred and nlnety-seven thousand, nlne hundred and tw enty-three pounds No 2 of 1948 w as provlded by the 1948 A pproprlatlon O rdlnance, 1948 A N D W H ER EA S lt ls now- necessary to provlde a further sum of tw o m llllon elght hundred and nlnetym lne thousand seven hundred and thlrty pounds ten shllllngs and tw enty-elght cents IT 1S, TH ER EFO R E. E N A CT ED by the G overnor of the Colony of K enya. w tth the advtce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereofa as follow s Short tltlr 1. Thls O rdlnance m ay be clted as the Supplem entary A ppropnatlon (1948) Oldlnance 1950 #' surther 2. The expendlture durm g the Financlal Y ear 1948, to expendlture for the am ount of tw o m llllon, eight hundred and nlnety-nm e vtheea nr 1n9a4n8c lal thousand, seven hundred and thlrty pounds, ten shllllngs and J

autbonzed # tw enty-elght cents, on the several servlces spemhed ln the Schedule to thls O rdlnance and not provlded for or not fully No 2 of 1948 provlded for by the 1948 A pproprlatlon O rdlnance, 1948, ls hereby allowed and conhrm ed SCH ED U LE H ead N o H ead x4nm lfnf f s cts 1 Th.e G overnor 3,668 3 66 IA The G overnor Extraordlrary 1,024 0 59 2 Judlclal D epartm ent 1,480 6 29 4 Central A dm lnlstratlon- secretarlat and Leglslatlve Councll 6,9* 5 A dlm m strahon 19,4% 7 C oast A gency 108 8& Educatton D epartm ent Extraordlnary 87,216 10 Labour D epartm ent 2,279 11A Lands, M lnes and Survep Extraordlnary 2,510 12 M llltary 5,309 13 M lscellaneous Servlces 459 13A M lscellaneous Servlces Extraordm ary 11,580 15 Pnntlng and Statlonery 14,629 15A Pnntm g and Statlonery Extraordlnary 88 16 Prlsons 42,643 16A Prlsons Extraordlnary 623 17 Publlc W orks D epartm ent 179,994 19 Publlc W orks Extraordlnary 323,705 20A R eglstrar of Co-operatw e Socletles Extra- ordm ary 466 8 32 22 Legal D epartm ent 46 1 44 22A Legal D epartm ent Extraoldlnary 542 1 1 00 23 Pollce 26,113 0 21 23A Pollce Extraordlnary 25,370 1 11 24 Reglstrar G eneral's D epartrnent 104 0 45 25 A ccountant G eneral's D epartm ent 5,731 8 85 25A A ccountant G eneral's D epartm ent Extra- oralnary 218 2 73

# Pebruary 11, 19% TIIB OFPIC l A.L G AZETTE 111

H ead N o lh ad A m ount k s ct,s 28 M lscellaneous Selvlces 24,225 3 72 28A M tscellaneous servlces Epktlaordlnal y 1,81 2,046 12 41 29A Penslons and G ratultles IE xtraordlnaly 700 19 94 30 Publlc D ebt :/8,746 19 21 32 Subventlons 2,531 17 74 32A Subventlons Extraordlnary 228 7 56 35A Forest D epartm ent Extraordânal y 202 17 42 37 Vetel lnary Servlces 1 0,778 17 77 39 G ovi rnm ent Chem lst s Departm ent 34 12 06 40 Local G overnm ent Contl lbutlons 48,182 16 31 40A Local G overnm ent Contrlbutlons Extl a- ordlnary 49,201 1 1 85 41 M edlcal D epartm ent lt 3,075 1 69 Part B Conl rlbutlons to the Cost ot H lgh Com - m zsslon Servlces 147,561 16 09

f 2,899,730 10 28

M EM O R A N D U M 01, O BJECTS A N D REA SO N S The oblf ct of thls BIll ls to legallze expendlturt lncurred durlng the ye al 1948. ln excess ot that authorlzed under the 1948 A pproprlatlon Ordlnance, 1 948 (No 2 of 1948)

N alrobl, K K O 'CO N N O R, glll February, 1950 ,4 ttoj ney G eneral


* 112 YHE OFFICtAL GAZETIY Vebruary 21, 1950

G OVBRNMENT N oTlcB N o 178 The G overnor m Councll has approved of the followlng Btll bem g lntroduced lnto the Leglslatlve Councll A LEX M W ILK IE, A ctlng Clerk to the Leglxlc/lve Councll A R RA N G E M EN 'I O F SECTION S SECTION SECTION l- short tltle and com mencement s- provlslon for paym ent Of m oney due to

2- - lnterpretatlon Stockholders 3 G -certltlcate by Crown Agents -- Guarantee of loan g-- c ertam ordlnances m ay properly be tl- sum s charged on general l evenues dlsallowed A BILL EN TITLED A N OR D IN AN CE TO GU AR AM 'EE A LO AN OF FOU R M ILLION FW E H U N D R ED TH O U SA N D PO U N D S + STERLG G TO BE RM SED By TIIE EAST AFR ICA H IGH COM M B SION FOR CER TA IN PU R PO SE S O F TH E E A ST A FR ICA N PO ST S A N D TELEG M PH S D EPA R T M EN T, TO FA CILITA TE T H E N ESTM EN T O F TR U ST A N D O TH ER FUN DS IN THE U N ITED K IN GDO M IN IIIGH C O M M ISSIO N SEC U R ITID ISSU ED FO R TH E PU R . PIM ES OF SUCH LOA N AND FOR OTHER M A T TER S R ELA IM G T H ER ETO A N D C O N . N ECTED TIIER EW IT H . W HEREA S the East A frlca H lgh Comm lsslon (1n thls Ordlnance referred to as the H lgh Com m lsslon) by an A ct en- tltled the Loan (Posts and Telegraphs) Act, 1950. m ade ln accordance m th the provlslons of sectlon 28 (l) (JJ of the East A frlca (H1gh Com m lsslon) Older m Councll, 1947, ls authorlzed to ralse, etthet at one tlm e or by tnstalm ents, a loan of four m llhon lhze hundred thotlsand pounds sterllng for cer- tam purposes of the E ast A fllcan Posts and Telegraphs D epartm ent set out m the Schedule to such A ct A N D W H E RE A S the prlnclpal of and the m terest on such loan ls by s+ h A ct charged upon and payable out of the Posts and Telegraphs Fund m alntalned for the East A fncan Posts and Telegraphs D epaltm ent under the provlslons of sectlon 41 of the sald O rdel ln Councll A N D W H ER EA S lt ls expedlent that the paym ent of the prlnclpal of and the lnterest on such loan should be guaranteed out of the general revenues and other funds of the Colony and that any sum s necessary for fultilllng such guarantee should be charged on such general revenues and other funds EN A C TE D by the G overnor of the C olony of K enya, wlth the advlce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereof, as follow s -

Short tltlc 1. Thls Ordlnance m ay be clted as the Guarantee (H 1gh and com - Com m lsslon Posts and Telegraphs Loan) Ordlnance, 1950, and A m encem ent shall com e m to operatlon on such date as the G overnor m aya by notlce ln the G azette, appolnt

lnterpretatlon 2. ln thls O rdlnance, unless the context otherwlse J fcqulres- ççl-hgh Com m lsston (Posts and Telegraphs Loan) seclzrt- tles'' m eans a1l securltles created or lssued by the H lgh Com - m lsslon for the purpose of ralslng a loan of four m llllon live hundred thousand poullds sterllng authorlzed by the L oan /p (Posts and Telegraphs) A ct, 1950 to whlch for the tlm e belng the C olonlal Stock A cts, 1877 to 1948, apply and whieh are for the tlm e belng reglstered ln the U nlted K lngdom ln accord- ance wlth the provlslons of those A ctsa 'çhnal Judgm ent, decrees rule or order'' m eans ln case of JJ appeal the Nnal Judgm ent, decree, rule or order of the ultlm ate court hearm g the appeal . 1950 I'l1E OFPIC IAL GAZBW I! 113

3. Paym ent of the p lcclpal of and lr terest on any loan Guarantee of loan ralsed by the H lgh Com m lsslon under the au horlly of the L oan (Posts and Telegraphs) Act, I 950, to the ex ent to whtch such prlnclpal and lnterest are not pald out of t le Posts and Tele- 5 graphs Fund m alntalned f(x the East Sufrlcan Posts and Telegraphs D epartm ent under the provlslolts of sectlon 41 of the East Akfnca (H 1gh Com m lsslon) Order 1 '1 Cotm cll, 1947, ls hereby guaranteed out of the general reve aues and funds of tke Colony 10 Provlded that paym ents ln respect of the am ount of the prlnclpal cf the loan guarantt ed under thls f lrdm ance shall not ln the aggregate exceed foul m llllon seven hundl ed and flfty thousand pounds sterllng 4. A ny sum requlred Ior fulhlllng ary gual antee under sums charged 7J thls O rdlnance shall be cha rged upon antl pald out of the On general revenues general revenues and other funds of the C oloay, and the (Jovernor shall approprlate out of the ger eral revenues and funds of tlle Colony and rem lt to the C row a A gents any such sum , and any sum recelved by way of repsym ent of any sum 20 so pald shall form part of the general reven zes 5. W henever by the hnal Judgm ent, dt cree, rule or order, fPronslon of any cottrt of com petent Jurl sdlctlon ln tha U nlted K lngdom oof r mpoanyemy endtue JL ny sum ()f m oney ls adludged or declarell to be payable m tho stock- olders respect of any of the H lgh Com m lsslon (Posts and Telegraphs 2J Loan) seclzntles, then that sum s lf not forthwlth pald by the H lgh C om m lsslon, shall forthwlth be pald b f the G overnor out of the funds of the Colony ln the hands of the Crow n A gents wlthout ftlrther approprlatlon than thls O rdlnalx e 6. 11z order to enable every such p: ym ent to be duly Certlficate J0 m ade by crown a a certlfcate under the hand of the Crow n A gentass specl- Agents fylng the sllm s so pald under order of any ccurt, Ehall be slzë cl- ent authollty to the A udltol G eneral, or other oë cer havm g the audltlng of thelr accoumts, for passlng such sum w lthout further appropnatlon 3J 7. 11 at any tlm e hereafter an O rdlnaltce ls Dassed w hlch certaln appears to H 1s M alesty ,s G overnm ent m the U nlt- ed K lngdom mOardy mparonpcesrly to alter ally of the provlslons asectlng the H lgh Com m lsslon be dlsallowed fposts and Telegraphs Loall) secuntles to the lnlury of the holder thereof , or to lnvolve a departure from the onglnal 40 contract ln regard to those secttntles, th tt O rdlnance m ay properly be dlsallowed

M EM OM N D U M OF OBJECTS A N EI R EA SON S The E àst A fnca H lgh Com m lsslon PrOPOS$ S to ralse a loan Of f4,500,000 ëor the purposes of ïhe East A frlcan Posts and Telegraphs D epartm ent ln ordzr that the stock m ay have the statu : of lrustee secuzltzes lt ls necesslry that paym ent of the prlnclpal ansl lnterest on the loan sllould be guaranteed by leglslatlon not only of t kle H lgh Com m lsslon, out also of the three H lgh Com m lsslon terrltorlt s Thls Blll wl1l accordlngly elfect the guarar tee so far as K enya as concerned lt ls understood that slm llar leglslat on w ll1 be m troduced tn T anganp ka aad Uganda lt wlll be noted that the provlso to sectlon 3 lm lts paym ents under the guaranl ee to a m axlm um sum of four m 1lll(,n se&en hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterllng, that ls to say, t Mo hlzndred and flfty thousand pouads m ore tàan the loan to be ra1 ed 7 h1s 1s necessary tn case lt Chould be declded to ralse the loan at a dlscouht lt ls not posslble to state whether any and lf so what addltlonal expendzture of publlc m oneys wtll be mvolved lf the provtszons of thls BIII becom e law

N alrobl, 1: K O V ON N OR , February 1 7th, 1950 A ttorney G enertll 114 'I'xIE OFFICIA.L GAZBTTE February 21, 1950 $

GoveRxMex'r N o'ncs N o 179 GoveltN> Nr NoT1cE No 184 THE TRADIN G IN U N W ROU GH T PRECIOU S M ETM S TH E COU RTS ORD IN AN CE ORD IN AN CE, 1933 Aa olxTwfsxT FoRpsl'rums oi? U xw aoucl.rr Pu clous M s-rwt.s IN SXERCISE of the powers confelred upon the G overnor In the Subordtnate Court oj the Actlng Restdent M aglstrate by sectlon 6 of the Courts Ordmance, 1931, the Governor's K ttale D eputy has been pleased to appom t wlth ellkct from the 1st N OTICE ls hereby glvon that approxlmately 12 5 gram s of day Of January, 1950- unwrouw t gold was on 7th September, 1949, semed at Kltale M ICHCL CK KE and has s nce been declared to be folfelted by reason of un- to bo a M apstlate ot the Thlld Class wlt.h powers to hold a lawful possesslon by Llyona s/o Shemu subordlnate Court of the Thlrd Class m thm the hmlts of the A ny person clalm lng any tltle to the sald unw rought preclous C olony and Protectolato ot K enya zn respect of m atters only metal must prove Ius tltle to the satlsfactlon of the Court anslng out of the Employment of Seaants Ordmance (Ordm- m thm three mortths from the date of tlus notlce lf no such ance No 11 of 1938), the Resldent Natlve Labourers Ordlnance clalm ls proved the sald unwrought premous m etal m ll become (Oldlnance No XXX of 1937 ) ,and the Repstlatlon of Persons the absoluto property of the Government and be dlsposed of Ordlnance, 1947 tordlnance No X XM II of 1947) and any accorthngly am endm ents to the sald O rdm ances, and to exerclse m respect of the sald Ordm ances all the powers of a M aglstzato of the Kttale, P J DE BROM HEAD , Thlrd Class, save only that he shall not have the power to 13th February, 195: Flrst Class M agtsttat : try otïenoes agam st any of the provlslons of the sazd Ordm anc By com m and of the G overnor s D eputy G N alrobz K K O CON NOR , oveltxMeNr NOTICB No 180 14th Fe b ruary, 195: u ember jor Jww and Ordet TI.tE M ARRIAGE ORDm AN CE (Chapter 167 oj the Revlsed S#J/;t7?, sectlon 6) GOVERNMBNT N OTICE N O 185 O D rH B IN TERPRECATION AN D GEN ERAL CLAU SES Tc EM PLOYM ENT ORD INA NCB, 1938 ORDm AN CE Aw olNrwfsNTs (Chapte' 1 0/ the Revlsed Z'f/m tz?l sectlon 13) IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sectton GOVSRNMSNT N oerlcE No 380 ()F 1924 2 of the Employm ent Ordm ance, 1938, I hereby appom t Chlef IN EXERCISE of tho powers thereunto enabhng m e, 1 W llson M autl of South M uglrango Locatlon and Cluef N ehemla hereby hcence tNo underm entloned church to be a place fo1 W arloba of M ohuru Locatlon to be approved authontles for the celebratzon of m arnages - the purposes of sectlons 27 to 30 (e) of the sald Ordmance m shopsbourne Chapel, m shopsbourne, N alrobl I lwreby catlct,l the appomtments respeçttvely of Actm g Chlef Sub-headm an M ogere, South M uglrango Locatlon, and N alrobl, H V AN D ERSON , of Chlef Ochah Tondoche, M ohuru Locatlon 16th Ftbruary, 1950 Regutlar General t# M arrtageï Nalrobl, E M H YD B CLARK E, 27th January, 1950 Labou' C'tm nluwfoaer

GovBltNr xr N oTlcE N o 181 IIFa4F 4154 GOVBRNMBNT N OTICB No 186 TH E BANK RUPTCY ORDINAN CE CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMBNT O1? DEPUTY OFFICIAL RBCEIVER W ATER ORDINAN CB, 1929 IN BXERCISE of the powel s conferred upon hlm by sectmn A IYOINTMBNT To D ISTRICT W ATBR BOARD 71 of the Bankruptcy Ordmance, 1930 (No 32 of 1930), and IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon h1m by sectlon all other powers thereunto enablm g hlm , tllo G overnor haS beetz 19 of the W ater Ordmantx, 1929, and by sub-rule (2) of rule pleased to cancel the appolntm ent of- 162 of the W ater Ordlnance (General) Rules, 1935, and al1 BHAILALBHAI PRABHUDAS PATBL othtr powers thm eunto enablm g htm , the G overnor has, on the advlce of the W ater Boald, been pleased to m ako the undez- as a D eputy Oh clal Recelver contalned m G overnment N otlce m entloned appolntment to the N orthern U aso Nylro Dlstrlct N o 1120 dated the 1st day of N ovembm , 1949 W atel Board - By Com m and of the G overnor M r C Bathurst N onuan klce M 1 F R H Shaw G overnm ent N otlge N o 187 dated the 16th day of February, x a1u5tohb jiubruary, 1950 M K K o'coNNolt 1948, ls horeby varled açcordm gly embe, y('r zcw and drdei By Com mand of t*e G overnot Nallobl, F W CAVENDISH-BENTINCK , J 3th Febluary, 1950 M elnber yt?r Agrlcltlture and GovERxMBNr N oTlcs N o 182 N atural Resources THE LIQUOR ORDINANCE G ovsltNMBxr N on cs N o 187 Tl- s N zol. LIQUOR Llcrexsm G Cotm'r IN LX ERCISE of thc powers conferred upon tho G overnor RU IRU TOW N SH IP COM M ITI'EE by sectlon 11 of the Lzquol Ordlnance, 1934, and all other powers theleunto enabhng, the G overnor's D eputy has beea AIYOINTMBNT pleased to appolnt- IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabhng m e, 1 heleby appomt the tollowmg member of yhe Y ownshlp Com- The Executzve Osicel Trans N zola D lstnct Councll, m lttee ot Rulru fol tho yeal 1950 - d to bo a m tmber ot ttke Llquor Llcensm g Court of the Trans N zma Lloenslng A rca for the year 1950 D 0 BRUMAGB EsQ G twernm ent N otlce N o 70 of 1950 ls varzed acvordm gly Nyerl, E H W INDLEY, 13th bgbrualy, 1950 Provtllctal Ctlrrl/??ldll/zIt,r, Nyerl By Com mand of the G overnor's D eputy x all6rtolhb jiubruary, 195: C DH THORNLEY, GovEltxMEyr N ol'lcs N o 188 eputy C&e/ Seoetaty KERICH O TOW N SH IP COM M ITTEB, 1950 M N N MO D IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabhng m *, 1 Govsltxr yr N o'rlcs N o 183 hereby appolnt the followmg to be m em bers of tlw Townshlp THB COURTX ORDINANCB Commlttee of Kendw for tla yeat 195Q - Tlm Dlstnct Comm lssloner (chatrmanj, ltBvocztTzoN oF APPOINTMENT M r H O Thomas, W KLIAM M un xxo TURNER, Esq , havm g tendered ltts M r E W Flelder, reslgnatzon from the oflke of M aglstlate to the Governor , M r S Pletersm a, and the Governor havm g accepted such reslgnatlon, G overn- M r F G H anulton, m ent N otlce N o 1141 dated the 20tb day of D ecem ber, 1946, M r W L M acpheison, ls hereby revoked m th elect from the 31st day of January, M r M otlbhal M Patel, 1950 M r S N orda N azrobl K K O 'CON N OR, Kasum u, K L H UN TER , 15th kebruary, 195: M ember Ior Zcw and Orde? 13th February, 1950 Provuïctal Colrllnlr lsuer. N p za February 21, 1950 TI'IE OFFICIAL GM E'I'T : 115

ILA.N 1011 11 VI77j PROCLAMATICN No 4 GOVBRNMBNT NoTlcE N o 189 LAN GU AGI EX AM INATION S TH E D ISEASES OF AN IM A LS ORD IN AN CE TH F. followm g results ale notlfied for general m form atlon PRœ LAMATION PRELIMINAR: Oit?.L Sw AHILI EXAMINATION By H ts Excellency S1r Phlllp Euen M ltchell: Pass K rtldht G rand Cross of the M ost D lstm gm shed G E Ayton, A dmlnlstlatzon L S 01 der of Samt M mhael and Samf George, upon A G C H unt, A gncultule whom has been conferred the D ecoratlon of the D J W Foottlt, A gnculture M llltary Cross, G overnor and Com mander-m - A W ardrop, Educatlon Clllef of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya H R H esketh, Educatloll IN EX ER 'JISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sectzon f.y H J Parker, Publlc W orks 4 of the D! seases cf Anlmals Ordlnance (Chapter 157 of the R S W INSER, Secretary, Revlsed Edl lon), I do heleby declare- Languages .B'tzfr/# qa) the are zs deqcllbed m Schedule 1, Schedule lI, Schedule II1 al d Schedule IV hereto to be çsznfected areas'' ln respec of tize dlseases respectlvely lndzcated at the head G OVERNMBNT N olqcE N o 1% of su( h Schedules , and TH OM SON 'S FALLS TOW NSH CP COM M ITTEE (bj that t ze portlons of the Proclamatmns sm clfed m APaOINTMENTS Sçhed zle V hereto be revoked IN EX ERCISE ot tho powers thereunto enablm g m e, I hereby Glven unf ler m f' hand atld the Publzc Seal of the Colony appom t the followlng persons to be Itwm bers of the Thom - at N alrobl titls 8t11 day of Febrtzary, 1950 son s Falls fownshlp Com mltte,e for the year, 1950 - The Dlstnct Com mlssloner Latklpa (chalrman), GOD SAVB THE K IN G M alor-General W A (zrowther, M alor-General E, B H awklns, Scllsout,s I- EAST COAST FBN'ER M ajor H B Sharpe, M r S M Shah, .I- O 4786 a Ad 34,10/2, The M anager, M wmga Bstates, M welga, M r G H Patel, N orth 4yelz D lstnct Dr W Lom D L M ORGAN , SCHEDIJLB II- RINDERPEST N akuru Prç vlnctal Com mtsstoller L O 3734, St A klstm 's Cathohc M lsslon, (8ox 423, N alrobl. lgtlz kebruary, 1950 R lt Valley N-clvl?sctp Nanobl D zstnct N lem ps Lo atlon aknd K lsokon Controlled Grnnng * e.a, of Barm go Reservc, the D lstnct Com m lssloner, P O K abam et, tyoveltxMsN'r N OTICB N O 191 Banngo Dlsm ct 'lhe M wea Grazm g Area, the D lstnct Cornm lssloner, Bmbu, THII VOLU N TA RIL F U NEM PI O YED PERSON S Em bu (Xstrlcl (PROVISION OF EM PLOYM ENT) ORDINAN CE, 1949 Cluef Phlll! p's Locatlon, Chura Dlvlslon, th@ Dlstnct Com - AIaN INTMBNTS m lsslon r, Kxlm bu, K lam bu D lstlact IN EXERCISE of tho powers conferLed upon m e by sectlon 4 of the Voluntarlly Unemployed Persolls (Provlslon of Employ Scaœ utz III- N Ew CASTI,B D ISBASB ment) Ordlnance, 1949, after consultatlon wlth the locaL autholltles concelned, I do hereby apgolnt the persons nam ecl The Coast Provtnct , the Provm clal Comm lssloner, Coast Pro- ln column 2 ot the Schedule hereto to be m em bers of thi vm ce, ) dom bqtsa Labour Receptlon Com m lttees nam ed ln colunm 1 thereof to have Junsdlctlon wlthln the areas na 'ned m colunm 3 thereo L SCHSDULE IV- TRYPANOSOMIASIS and In respect of the colnm unltles n tmed m coltxm n 4 L O 5233 m d 2678, Colonel R T Sttm yforth, Klora Fnrm P O L tke S()la1, N akuru D lstnct x mrobl ç H TH ORN LEY , D eputy Chlej Secretary 18th èebruary, 195: Scc oufœ V- M VOCATTONS ScHwnuLs Proclnm abon N o 19 dated the 25th day of M ay, 1944 L O 2 5, M rs G G rlm loy, P O 01 K alou, N alvasha Dls- qiolutnn 1 Colums 2 Lzolutnn 3 q?olurnn 4 trld, to x an mfected are,a (east coast fever) Proclam atlc rl N o 19 dated the 28th day of M ay, 1947

N agobl A The Dlstrlct Com m ls- èlatrobl Afrlcan L O 1:9 3 , M zs J W llllam s) K aratl, N atvasha, N awasha slon *r , N mrobl Declared Dlstllct, o b., o xtn m feded area (east coast fever) (Chatrman) Two Area perm anent m em bers Proclam ahc n N o 25 dated the 13th day of August, 1947 M r Edward M wangl M r Genesm s Om arl L O 3 777 /23 M lss M Collyer, P O 01 Kalou, Nawasha and the followlng Dlstnd, o be àn mfected area (east coast fever) m embers, cf whom Proclnmatlf n N o :'1 dated tlzc 12th day of M ay, 1948 two shap attend every m eetm g - L O 3 777 artd 6564, E R Nowblggmg, Esq , P O G tlml, M r Kham usl M asudl Nalvasha Dlstrlct, to bo an mfeded area (east coast ftver) M tla M r Laban W Akula Proclam atlt n N o d 8 dared the 3rd day of October, 1949 M r Citrlstopher L O f 08/ 3/:1, D M organ, Bsq , P O Lumbwa, Kencho M w aura Dlstllct, to bo an lnfeded area (tlypanosomlasls) M r n uzta K am umu M r N lkodem o Oduol Proclam atll n N o 49 dated the 3rd day of October, 1949 M r M ttrelthl W am - bugu L O 4 47/ 59, M rs P G Thorne, U tlhty Poultry Farm, P O Rongal, Nakulu Dlstnct, to be an lnfected area (baclllary N alrobl B The D lstrlct Com m ls- lçalrobl A sman and whlte dh rrhoeu) , sloner, N alrobl D eclared Arab L O 777/2$:4, M rs Sparrow, P O Gllgll, Nalvasha Dls- tchmrmanl Area M r Chunllal K.1r- trlct, to be an m fected area (east coast fever) , param o 8 E L O )777/ 113 , B J Van W yk, Esq , P O 01 Kalou, M r G K Islm m Nalvashc Dlstrlct, to be an mfected area (east coast fever) , M r Shanttlal Anant- A 1l U tsln Cqshu W ards, the Dlstnct Comm lssloner, P O kum ar Pandlt M r Parvln Sm gh Eldoret, Uasm Gtshu Dlstnct, to be an mfected area (foot- Selmu and-mou h dlseaqe) M r Som clhtnd N arshl Proclam att m N o 67 dated tho 6th day of Decembor, 1949 Shall Locatl )n M bm nl, the D lstnçt Com mlsslonerj M achakos, N alrobl C The Dlstrld Comm ls- Nalrobl A11 othçrs M achakf ls Dlstnct, to be an mfected area (rmderpest) sloner, N alrobl D eclared tchalrmanl Area Proclam at! An N o 13 dated the 20th day of D ecem ber, 1949 M r J R M axwdl L O 6 360, ltckym ond H ook, Esq , P O N anyukl, N anyukt M r R S Alexander Dlstnct, to be an mfected are.a (rmderpest) , M r C B Blencowo M r A J M lllar Sim ba -Em alt Grazlng Area, tlle D lstnct Com m lssloner, M rs B M Rayner .* M achak' 3s, M a clzakos Dlstrlct, to be an mfected area (rmder- pest) 116 THE OFFICIAL GA ZE'IV E February 21, 1950

PROCLAMATION No G ENERAL N oTlcE No lû THE DISEASES OF AN IM ALS ORD IN AN CE H IS M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E LOU RT O F KENV A PROCLAM KTION NOTICF ls hereby glven that the followlng Sesslona f)f 9lls By Hls Excellency Slr Phlllp Euen M ltchell, M alesty s Suprem e C ourt of K enya wlll be held at tllt plqces Knlght Grand Cross of the M ost D zstlngmshed set out hereunder - L S Order of Salnt M lchael and Samt Geol ge, upon whom has been conferred the D ecoratlon of the SUBREME COIJRT CRIMINA.I SessloNs AT ELDORBT 27-2-50 M lhtary Croqs, G overnor and Comm ander-m Cr C No 243 /49 Rex vl Chepkattan Klmwetlch Chlef of the Colony and Protectom te of K enya Cr C No 244/49 Rcx vl Nloroge wa Karurua IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sectlon Cr C No 246/49 Rex v,v Kamonkan s/o Angatamol, Lomon 4 of the Dlseases of Ammals Oldmance (Chapter 157 of the pn s/o Angatamol, Tukumon s/o M gatamol, Revzsed Edltlon), l do hereby declare- M erur s/o Angatamol, and Nakuglt s/o Anga (c) the areas descnbed ln Schedule I Schedule 11 and Schedule tam ol IlI hereto to be ççlnfected areas'' zn respect of the dlseases Cr C No 247/49 Rex vl Fatuma blntl Nae respectlvely m dlcated at the head of such Schedules , and Cr C No 248/49 Rex v.ç Klpkemel Arap Chebel Cr C No 265/49 Rex v, Abenyal s/o Llmamcd (b4 that the portlons of the Proclamatlons specllled ln Cr C No 274/49 Rex v,ç M uslto Arap Sltlenel Schedule IV hereto be revoked Cr C No 10/50 Rex v: K lslpata s/o Gulm G wen tm der my hand and the Pubhc Seal of the Colonv Cr C No 13/50 Rex vl Endogoh s/o Tetem at N alrobl thls 8th day of February, 1950 Cr C No 14/50 Rex vl Khaemba s/o Nabuswa C A No 28 /49 All Noor v: M ohamed bm Ramb G0D SAVE TH E KIN G Cr C No 29/ 50 Rex v: Kokoyo Kllmchlr Cr C No 30/50 Re.4 vl Klsang Arap Klblwot SCHEDULE I--FOOT-AND-M OW H D ISEASE Cr C No 40/50 Rex vJ (1) M akabap s/o Nabubol, L O 3724/3, Kapkoya Farm and Kapklmolwa Tea Estate Ltd , (2) Nabaya s/o W amala, (3) W angoda s/o M achlbl Sotlk Dlstrlct and (4) Ktsa s/ o N abaya Sub dm sTon of L O 3947 B R M aeKenzle, Esq , O1' Punyata, Cr C No 41/50 R4x #.ç Shlkundl M balzrwa P O N akul u N akuru D lstnct For heallng on 6 3-50 fa Cham bers at 9 30 a m SCHBDULE II- RAZIES C C No 3/49 George Vennlng Ltd v, P J N Pnnsloo The M arsabzt Adnunlstlatlve Dlstrlct of tht N orthern Fron C C No 14/49 Pretty Bros v: H M cl-ean, Snr tler Provlnce, the D lsurlct C om m lssloner, M arsablt C C No 17/49 Hassanah and Co vw J H Jacobs C C No 30/49 R S Klrk VJ C G Joubet SCHEDIJLE III- RINDBU BST C C No 43/48 O'Shea and Sons, Ltd v: Captaln J Prlnsloo Lo sehold Jtrea lslolo, the Illstllct C onarnlssloner, Islolo, lsjolo C C No 47/49 George Vennlng, Lt dw v: T Thoresen Illstrlct C C No 51/48 Hughes and Co , Ltd vl C J J Van Scl% oul,s IV - REVX ATIONS R ensburg Ploclam atlon N o 38 dated the 20th day of N ovem ber, 1946 C C No 8/49 O T Van der M erwe v,ç Henry M cLean. Jnr C C No 9/49 Turbo Farmers' Store vx Dr M C W etllerell L O 1251, M alor E C B Elllot, P O N aro M onz, N an and G H C W etherell yukl Dlstrlct, to be an lnfected area (east coast fever) C C No 22/49 Elam D'n v? R J Gopal Proclam atlon N o 17 dated the 15th day of M ay, 1947 C C No 13/48 Hassanalz and Co v? J L Knobel L O 5172, Cohmm ander L H ook, P O N anyukl, N anyukl In Court jor âccplzlg proof ex parte cf 12 noon Dystrlct, to be an mfected area (east coast fever) C C No 65/49 W A Shaw v'# Ollver Bnan M asters North Ploclam atlon N o 52 dated the 13th day of N ovem bel , 1947 z1.f 2 15 p m M otton L O 5176 Captaln H M C Topham , P O N aro M oru, C C No 21/49 Hassanah and Co v.ç M unslu Ram Sud N tnytzkl Dlstllct, to be an lnfected area (east coast fevel) A t 3 p m D C No 10/49 E M M old p.ç H T Asord and C G Ploclam atlon N o 5 dated the 18th day of Februal'y, 1948 M ord L O 3366 and 6306, A G Seton, Esq , P O N aro M oru, For hearm g (;a 7-3-50 Nanyuk! Dlstllct, to be an Infected area (east coast fever) In Court jol àec/lng at 9 30 a m Proclam atlon N o 19 dated the. 14th day of Apnl, 1948 D C No 9/49 C E O Anscll v.ç A G Falrless and J A L O 7147, G eneral D 'Arcy, P O N aro M oru, N anyukl Fazrless Dlstnct, to be an lnfected area (east coast fever) z4 l 1 1 a m Proclam atlon N o 49 dated the 3rd day ot October, 1949 C C N o 49 / 49 J L Coulthard v.ç H ls Grace the Duke of M anchester L O 5232/R: 3777/58 /R, 6594, 423/R, 426/11. and 421/3, N alvasha Lands, Ltd , N alvasha, N alvasha Dlstnct, to be an For heanng on 8-3-50 In Court jor hearlng at 9 30 a m lnfected area (contagtous bovlne pleuro-pneumoma) C C No 33/49 Turner, Balker and Hatfield, Ltd vs M alor Proclam atlon N o 56 dated the 30th day of October, 1949 K Gebble L O 4634, M aranla Farm , P O Ttmau, N anyukl Dlstnct, For heanng ()n 9-3-50 to be an lnfccted area (rlnderpest) In Court Ior hearmg at 9 30 a ln Proulam atlon N o 67 dattd tllo 6+ day of D ecem bery 1949 C C No 55/49 Dasonda Smgh v.ç T L Hugltes L O 373, 374, 375 and 376, G Colvlle, EXI , P O For hearmg on 10-3-50 Nalvasha, Nalvasba Dlstnct, to be an lnfected area (rmder- ln Cottrt Ior heartng at 9 30 a ?7d pest) , C C No 79/49 W T M orns >â A1h Kassam L O 1756 and 1757 K O Sands, Esq , P O Sultan ,1 t 2 15 p ln Hamud, M aohakos Dlstrlct, to be an lnlected ar/a (rmder- C C No 45/49 Hughes, Ltd v.î S Lakham , tradtng as pest) çtEldoret Posho M l11'' For heartng olt 13-3 50 ln Court jor heaîtng at 9 30 a m PROCLNMXTION N o 6 C A N o 28/49 M Noor vs M ohamed bm Ralab At l 15 p m RH E SU PPRBSSION OF RA BIES ORDIN AN CE, 1932 C C No 2/49 Gordhandas Sundelll and Sons vl L H PROCLAMATION Enderby By H ls Excellency S1r Phlllp Euen M ltchel 1, For heanng on 14-3-50 Knlght Grand Cross of the M ost D lstm gm shed In Court for hearlng at 9 30 a m L S Order of Salnt M lchael and Samt George, upon C C No 64/49 Hlgltland Provlslon Store v,ç T Thoresen whom has been conferred the D ecoratlon of the Ajter above M llltary Cross G overnor and Com m ander-ln- C C No 75/49 Hassanah and Co v.ç I P H Van Tonder C hlef of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya z4/ 2 15 p lzl IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sectlon C C No 52/49 Erasto Nyongo M utlnda p.ç Samson M achana 2 of the Suppresslon of Rables Ordlnancc, 1932, I do hereby H lka declare- SUI>IISME Cotm'r CRIMINAL SBSSIONS AT NAIROBI, 62-50 th: area descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto to bo a proclatm ed dlstnct under the provlslons of the sald O rdm ance Cr C No 272/49 Rex vs Kalama s/o Klmwana Cr C No 3/50 Rex v.ç M akau s/o M umusl G lven under m y hand and the Pubhc Seal of the Colony at Cr C No 4/50 Rex y.ç Kloko s/o Ngomo Nalrobl thls 8th day of February, 1950 Cr C No 5/ 50 Rex v.ç M wema s/o M ulwa Cr C No 9/50 Rex v.ç M arunge Kamunywa and Kamalln G OD SAVE TH E K ING K agtzru SCHEDUI.B Cr C No 19/50 Rex vs Kznyungu s/o W ambua

The M arsablt A dnum stratlve Dlstnct of the N orthern * D F SIIA YLOR , R eu strar Frontler Provm ce supreme Cx rl ot Aeayl

' # February 21, 1950 TH E OFF IC IA L G A ZE'IN E 117

G ENSRAI N on cB N o 359 D utfes '- lhstrlct lYelfare Oëcel s work m the A fncan areas , they wl11 t e exyet ted to undertako m uch safarz work, to VACAN CIES IN KEN YA CCOVERN M EN T becom e prc liclent ln the vernacular of the dlstnct to whlch thev are pl sted, and to acqujle a knowledge of trlbal 1aw Clerk G, ade f f' orest L lcptzrfale?'t and custom to enable them to asslst departmental oë cers m APPLICATION S are lnvtted for the post of G lade I Clerk puttlng thel plan', lnto ellect D utles conslst of explalnlng to ln the Forest D epartm ent they shoultë be sent to the Secre- the Afllcan com m artlty Govel nm ent and Local A frlcan Councll tary, Eul opean Clvll Servll e Advlsory Board, P O Box 621, pollcy by .n' eans ()f lectures, dlscusslon, wntten m atenal, film s N alrobl, so as to reach lurn not latel than 18th M arch, 1950 and film st rlps OlEcel s wolk In collaboratlon wlth depart- m ental oflick ls on such sublects as soll eroslon, group farrmng, A ppllcants ln Governm ela em ploy shfm ld submtt thelr appll- catlons through the head of thelr df partm ent A pphcatlons health m eaçures v() opelatlves, etc n elr m alor task ls to from candldates not ln G overnm ent servlce should be subm ltted teach self-htlp among the com munlty wlth whom they work on the form of apphcatlon for employment m th the Govern- and so lm y tove tht standald of work, health and educqtlon m ent of K enya, coples of whlth can bo obtalned from the of the wholl com rntlnlty, b0th m alo and female Secretarlat of the terrltory ln whlch he apphcant lesldes ' Gtade 11 (0 e'llalej Eutopean CIc? & ,4gl tcultulal DeJ7c?f??l&l/ The salaly scale of the post ls :580 b.r f 20 to f 680 by f20 to APPLICA I'ION '. are lnvlted for the post of a G radô 11 f720 wlth an elclency bar at f 680 per annum Condltlons of (Fem ale) Eu opcan C lerk ln the Agrlcultural Department , they servlce as as follows - should be s nt to the D lrectol of Agnculture, P O Box 338, (c) Appolntment on probatlon fo1 two years before admlsslon N alrobl, so as to lkaach hlm not later than 30th M arch 1950 to the perm anent and penstonable establlshm ent Appllcants ln Go: ernm ent em ploy should subm lt thelr appll- (bj Elghteen days' local leave per annum, and vacatlon leave catlons thrc ugn tht head of thelr departm ent Apphcatlons at the rate of 41. days for çach completed m onth of resldentlal from cm dlc ates not In G overnm ent servlce should be sub- selwlce after 48 m onths' tour for oë cers under 40, and at the m ltted on he forra of apphcatlon for appo ntm ent to the rate ol 51 days for each completed morth of resldentlal servlce Governm ent servlce, coples of whlch can be obtalned from after 40 m onths' tour for oflicers ove 40 the Secretall tt of 1 hz terrltory ln whlch the appllcant resldos The salar scale of the post ts f 250 wlule under the age (w) Free passages to the Unlted Klngdom for the oëcer (and of 20 years , therecufter f295 by E15 to f 370 (E B ) by E15 hls m fe lf he ls marrled) after completltln of a tour of servlue, to E460 , (zol 'lm encing salary accordlng to expenence A n allow- and return passages lf returnlng for urther servlce , ln the ance of f 60 per ac nlam ls payable to a candldate who possosses case of a m arrled othcer wllh dependent chlldren under 21 pas- senlor shol t Aand and typewntlng celtlficates Condltlons of sages for hlm self and hls lam lly alo provlded up to the cost servlce as fo tlow s - of three adult passages or the actual cost of the passages whlchever ls the less (t?) Appoln tm ent on probahon f or two years before admls- slon to the I'erm anent and penslonable establlshm ent (#) W hen ln occupatlon of Governmellt quartel s 10 per cent (b) Elghtee 1 day ,' local leave per annum and vacatlon leave of salary ls charged as rent lf the quarters are furnlshed and at the rate t f 4.1. (Iays for each completed month of resldentlal 7.1. per cent of salal y lf they are unfurr lshed , when an oëcm serwce after 48 m txnths' tour for oë cers under 40, and at the occuples prlvate quarters he m ay clalm ln allowance up to the rate of 5.1. ( Iays ftlr each completed m onth of resldentlal ser am ount by whloh tlAe rent exceeds 10 per cent of hjs salary vlce after 40 m ontlzs for oë ocrs over 40 lf the qualters are furm shetl and up to the am ount by whlch (c) Free p tssages to the Unlted Klngdom after completlon the rent exceeds 7-t per o nt of hls salary lf they are un- furnlshed of a tour of servlc'x and return passage lf returm ng for further servlce (e) Free medlcal treatmvnt by the Gcvernment M edlcal Scr- (#) W hen n occlzpatlon of G overnment quarters 10 per cent Vlce for the oë cer hls wlfv and unmarrle,d chlldren under 21 of salary ls charged as rent lf tbe quarters are furnlshed #and Qualllicatlons roqulred for the post ar( experlence m Govern- 7 ' pe1 cent af salar ( lf they are unfurm shed , when an oK cer * m ent departm ents knowledp of fillng ar d lndex system s, ablllty occum es prn ate quarters she may clalm an allowance up to the to control subordln lte stqff and the ablhty to opcrate a large am ount by vhlch the lent exceeds 10 per cent of her salaly reglstry lf the quartk rs are turnlshed and up to the am ount by whlch the lent ex( eeds r.l pel ccnt of her salary lf they are un- furnlsbed Dtshtct W cljule tp//lct ls J'rtlvincrdzl Adinlnlstratlon (e) Free n tedlcal tl eatment by the Govermnent M edlcal APPLICATION S are lavl ed for two posts of D lstrlct W el- Servlce fare Omcers , they should be sent to tlze Secretary, European Qualltkatlc ns letlulred for the post are a good knowkdge Clvll Servlce A dvlsory Board, P O Box 621, N alrobl, so as of shorthanc and tlplng and genelal oflice routlne to reach hun not latzr than t8th M arch, 1950 Apphcants m GoA elnm ent em ploy shculd subm lt thetr applt Grade 11 M ale) f uropean Clerk azlgrrclf//lfrtz/ D epartm el't catlons through the head of thelr deparLm ent Appllcatlons A PPLICA ION S are lnvlted for the post of a G rado 11 flom candldates not ln G overnm ent servlce should be submlttcd (M ale) Euro lean (Dlrk ln the Agncultural Department , they On the form of appllcatlon for em ploylnent wlth the G overn should be sk nt to tlle Dlrector of Agnculture P O Box 338, m ent of K enya coples of whlch can be obtalned from the N all obl, so ts to q e 1ch h1m not later than 15th M arch, 1950 Secretarlat of the terrltory ln whlch t%e appllcant resldes Apphcants ln Gchvernm ent employ should subm lt thelr appll- The salary scale of the post Is :570 7y f 20 to f 690 by f25 uatlons throu gh the head of thelr departm ent A ppllcatlons from candldates nï lt In G overnm ent servlce should be subm ltted on to f 840 by f 30 to f 960 Condltlons of servlce are as follows - the form of qppht atlon for appolntm ent to the G overnm ent (aj Appolntment on prob ttlon for two years before admls- servlce, coplk s of kvlllch can be obtalned from the Secretarm t slon to the perm anent and penslonablz establlshm ent of the terrltc ry ln Svlllch the appllcant resldes (bj Elghteen days' local leave per annam and vacatlon leave R he salary scale ot tho post ls f250 whlle undel the age of at the rato of 4:1. days for each complett d month of resldentaal 20 years , th zreafter f295 by f22 l0s to f 407 10s (E B ) by senuce after 48 months tour for oflicerï. under 40, and at the f22 10s to f '65 per annum Condlt ons of sezvlce as follows - rate of 51 days for each colnpleted month of resldentlal servlce (a4 Appolnl ment on probatlon fol two years beforo admls- afte) 40 m onths tour for olhcers over 40 slon to the lerm allent and penslonable establlshm ent (c) Froe passages to the U nlted KlngdtAm for the oëcer (and (b4 Elghteell days' local leave per annum and vacatlon leave ius wlfe lf ho ls marrled) afler completlcn of a tour of servlce, at the rate o 41. da) s for each completed month of resldentlal and return passages If 1 eturnlng for f urther servlce , ln the selvlce after 48 m tmths' tour for oflicers under 40, and at the caso of a m arned oë cer hvlth deoendf nt chlldren under 21, rato of 5.1- dc ys fo1 each completed month of resldentlal servloe passagees for hlm self and hls famlly are Ilrovlded up to the cost aftel 40 m or ths for ofllcers over 40 of three adult passages or tbe aotual cost of the passages (t3 Fiee pa ysagos to the Unlted Km gdom for the offker (and w hlcheve.r ls the less hls wlfe lf h ls marrled) after completlon of a tour of servzce and rcturn p lssageq lf l eturnlng for further servlce , ln the case (ff) when In occupatlon of Governmont quarters 10 per cent of salary ls charged as rent lf the. qui ters are furnlshed and of a m arrled officel N1th dependent chlldren under 21, passages for hlm self a ad h1s famlly are provlded up to the cost of three 7.1. per cent of salaly lf the : are unfurnlshed , when an olcer adult passlgt s or th( actual cost of p lssages w hlchever ls the occuplcs prl: ate quarters he m ay clalm ctn allowance up to the amount by whlch the rent exoeeds 10 per cent of h1s salary less lf the quarters are furnlshed and up to thw am ount by whlt.h (J) W hen 1 & occthpatlon ol Govcrnment quarters 10 per cent tlle rent exceeds 71 per ct nt of h1s valary lf they are un- of salary ls zhalged as rent lf the quarters are furm shed, and furm shed 7.1. per cent Df sala r) lf they are unfurnlshed , when an oKcor occuples pn ato qaarters he m ay clm m an allowance up to (c) Free medlcal treatment by the Govlrnment medlcml servlce thc am ount by w1A1( h the rent exceeds 10 per cent of hls for the om cer, hls wlfe and unm arlled chlldren under 21 salpry lf the quartt 1 q al e furnlshcd, and up to the am ount by whlk,h the rf nt extet ds 71 per cent of hls salary lf they are Qualthcatlons .-Age 21-30 yeal s Preferably umverslt,y gradu- ate, but essentlal to have obtalned London M atnculatlon unfurnlshed standard Preference wl1l be glven to caniEhdatcs havlng a know- (e) Free m dlcal treatment by the Govermnent M edlcal Ser- ledge of East A tnca and the Swahlll lallguage or a vernaculal vlce for the opicer l'lls wlfe and unm arrled chlldren tm der 21 atld to tllose who have undtrtakt,n cou ses of study ln soclal Qualz catlc ns requlred for the post are a good knowledgo of anthropology and klndred s4xences accountancy :nd gl neral oëce routlne 1 18 ITIE OFFICM L G A ZE'IV E February 21, 1950 < G BNBRAL N oTlc'B N o 360 GENERAL N oTlcE N o 362 M A KERERE COLLEGE, U G AND A M EDlc= ScuooL VACAN CY IN TAN G ANY IK A TER RITORY APPLICATION S are m vlted for the headshlp of tht D epa'rt bettlelnent Of/zce? t. Pï t), tnclal .4l?nlnlq?tf?flt')ll Tanganylka m ent of Preventlve M edlclne ln the M edlcal Sohool at M akerere T'el? ltoî) College, whlch ls belng developed as the Unlverslty College of APPLICATION S ale lnvlted to1 vacancles whlch extst ln East Afnca Tanganylka Telntoly for Settlem ent O ë cers The posts, whlch Salary, accordlng to experlence and quallticatlons, not exceed are penslonable, carly a salaly scale of :630 by f20 to f 690 lng :1,700, less rent oj not m ore than 10 per cent of salary by k25 to f 840 by f 30 to :960 a year N orm al overseas tel'm s for partly furnlshed accom m odatlon Supelannuatlon on of servlce w lth a rental deductlon of 10 pel cent of salary F S S U basls Hom e Ieave wlth passages pald every second vhele quarters are provlded Appolntment wtll be on probatlon long vacatlon for tw o years m the first m stance Further lnform atlon obtalnable from the Reglstrar, M akerere Candldate.s of less than 35 yeals ot age pleferled They should College, P O Box 262, Kam pala, U ganda, to whom appllcatlons have good plactlcal expel lence of A tl lcan agncultule and a (slx copes) m th names of three leferees should be sent not w orklng lcnowledge of K lswahlll D utles entall work ln sleepm g later than 31st M arch, 1950 slckness zones prlm allly m resettlem ent of natw e populatlons Condltlons ale alduous and often very lonely and candldates muqt be used to rough lt and fend largely for them selves GENERAL N oTlcB No Q61 Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Secretary, Sem or VACA NCIES IN U GAN D A PROTECTORATE Selvlco A dvlsory Board, c I o The Secretarlat, D ar ea Salaam , to arnve not latel than 15th M arcll , 1950, and should contaln Topographel DéwTf//rz?ezl/ oj Geologtcal s'u;'l e) partluulars of age, quahtkatlons and expenence Cop es of APPLICATION S are lnvlted from servlng European oëcerq testtm om als Rbould be forwarded wtth apphcattons Sen m g and others for appolntinent to the vacant post of Topographer G oNernment olficmls should apply through thelr heads of depart- D epartment of Geologhcal Survey, U ganda ment forwardlng aq up-to-date Pelsonal Record Form (P/2) The post ls penslonable and the successful appllcant w11l be AII other appllcants should subm lt thelr applloatlons m wnt- requlred to serve on a perlod of probatlon The successful lng together wlth a completed apphcatton form whlch passage of a language exam lnatlon w1ll be a condltlon ante can be obtamed on request from the Secretarlat of tho terntory cedent to confrmatlon In whlch they are resldlng A1l appllcatlons should be accom - The salary scale ls f 550 by f20 to f 690 by f25 to f 840 by panled by such form s duly com pleted ln duphcate f 30 to f 960 per annum and the lnltlal entry polnt wlll be deter nuned after conslderatlon of quallficatlons, experlence and ser vlce, m cludlng war servlce The dutles of the post lnclude topographlcal m applng ln con nexlon wlth m m el al deposlts, lndustnal developm ent, watel gupplles, and areas of general geologlcal lm portance A pploved GBNERAL N o'rlcE N o 363 tralnlng or expenence ln sul vey w olk ls cssentlal Appllcatlons should be addressed to the Cluef Secretary Entebbe for recelpt not later than 15th M arch, 1950 Appllca VACAN CIES IN ZANZIBAR PROTECTORATE tlons from oï cers already serwng ln U ganda should bc ElII OJIdl/J Ellgllleer-hfechalllc addressed through the head of departm ent concerned Form m of apphcatlon for candldates llvm g ln K enya and Tanga APPLICATION S ale lnvzted for the vacancy of European nyika Tm rltory m ay be obtam ed from tbe Chld Stcrttants of Englneer-M echanlc, D m elopm ent Authonty, Zanzlbar, on con- the reespectlve G overnm ents tract for one. tour of servlce from 24 to 36 m onths Salaly In the scale of f 725 by f 35 to f 900 per annum accord- Asslstant Reglstt ar o! Co-operatlve Soclettes 1ng to quallfiçatlons and expenence, less 10 per cent rent lf APPLICATION S are m vlted from servlng European oflkerq furnlshed quarters plovlded and others for appolntment to the vacant post of Asslstanl Vacatlon leave qt late of five days per m onth of com pleted Repstrar of Co operatlve Socletles servlce The post ls penslonable after a perlod of plobatlon, and thk successful passage of a language exam lnatlon ls a condltlon Gratulty at rate of 13i pel ccnt of total emoluments recmved antecedent to conhrm atlon on com pletlon of contract The salary scale ls f585 , :585 f655 by f 35 to :760 , f 830 b) Local leave, flee m edlcal attentlon, etc , as for estabhshed f 35 to f 1,005 by f45 to f 1,140 per annum the m ltlal ently ol cers polnt wtll be determlned after consldoratlon of quallficatlons, exptrleace and Servlce m dudm g w ar Sel-vlc,e DIf f tes fïlld quahflcatlolls Tho dutzes ot the post Involve the general organlzatlon and M alntenance ot tractors, Land Rovels, powm dustlng supervlslon of co-operatlve socletles and tlle audm ng of then m achlnes, chaln saws employed on sudden death dlsease of accounts , a thorough know ledge of accountlng ls essentlal .dh cloves eradlcatlon m easules ln Pem ba lsland conslderable am ount of safan w11l be entalled necessltatlng solourns at rest houses and cam ps W eldlng and tu1 m ng requlred K nowledge of K lswahlll Appllcatlons should be addressed to the Chlef Secretary, advantageous Entebbe, for lecelpt not latel than 15th M arch, 1950 Appllca Appllcatlons statlng full paltluulal s and references should tlons from ofhcers already servlng ln U ganda should be be fol warded to Oflicel 1/c Clove Contlol Development addressed through the head of departm ent concerned Form s of Authorlty, Zanzlbar lor recelpt not l'lter than 31st M arch 1950 appllcatm ns for candldate& resldent m Kenya and Tanganylka Terrltory m ay be obtalned from the Chlef Secletanes of the respectlve Governm ents Eul opeun f'le/J OMce? f. loj e (7t/n/rtl? APPLICATION S are lnvlted fol the vacancy of European Asslstant Establlshment OF cer 'd APPLICATION S al e lnvlted from servlng European oëcer : Fleld Olhcer, D evelopm ent Authorlty, Zanzlbar, on contract fo1 and others for appolntm ent to the vacant post of A sslstant one toul of servlce from 24 to 36 m onths Establlshment Oëcer, Secretarlat, Entebbe Salaly yn tbe scale of f 725 by f 35 to f 900 pe1 annum accord- The salary scale ls f 550 by f 20 to f 690 by f25 to f840 by Ing to quahficatlons alzd experlence, less 10 per cent rent If f 30 to :930 per annum , and the lnltlal salaly m ll be determ lned fulnlshed qualters pt o vlded after consideratlon of quahfkatlons expenence and servlce, Vacatlon leave at the rate of five days per m onth of com pleted m cludlng w ar servlce sel vlce Tho post ls pensyonable and tht successful candldate wlll be requlred to serve on a penod of probatlon , lt wlll be necessary Gratalty qt l ate ol 13A pel cent of total em olum ents recelved for lum to pass a language exam lnatlon as a condltlon ante on com pletion ol contract cedent to con:rm atton Local leave, flee medlcal attentton etc as tol establtshed Candldates should, tf posslble, possess a good knowledge of oflicerx Protectorate orders and laws and be convel sant wlth Colonlal Regulatlons ln regard to staff matters , otherwlse they should Dutles atld quallfcatlons show a speclfic aptltude fo1 eqtqbllshm ent m atters and a capaclty Supervlslon of operatlons ln Pem ba Island ln connexlon wlth for appllcatlon to detall felklng and dlsinfectlng by power dustlng of clove trees O ected A pphcatlons should be addressed to the C hlef Secretary, by sudden death dlsease Entebbe, for recelpt not later than 15th M arch, 1950 Apphca- Mons flom oflk ers already servm g m U ganda should be Experlence of handllng East dfllcan labour and good know- addressed through tho head of departm ent concerned Form s ledge of Klswaltlh of apphcatlon for candldates hvlng ln K enya and Tanganpka A ppllcatlons statlng full partlculars and 1 eferences should Tenltoly m Ay be obtalned from the Chlef Secretarles of the be forwal ded to Oflicer 1 fc Clove Control, D evelopm ent respecttve Governments Authonty, Zanzlbal , fol 1 ecejpt not later than 31st M arch, 1950

'; + February 21, 1950 Tl'tE O FFIC IA L G A ZETT IS 119

GBNBRAL N oTlcE N o 364 G- M r N o rl(7B No 368 VA CAN CY iN EAST A FRICA H l(3H COM M ISSION Tl'llw W A TER ORD m AN CE Clelk G?c#g f East X/rrcc?, Posts and Teleglaphs Departnlel't D ltzzluçt7ylef Rtver, K o Ic/lo D utttct A PPLICATION S are Invll ed for the vacant post of Clerk, APPLICA lON bf the K enya Tea Co , Ltd , K encho, for G rade 1, ln the Radlo Brant h a watel rlgh to cortstluct a dam on the Dlonsoylet River for Quallficatlons requlred are good all-zound clellcal expemence the conserva 1on os Eood water on L R N o 5467 and a knowledge of accoulltlng, pteferably ln a G overnm ent Plans m ay be seen at the Pubhc W orks Departm ent H ead departm ent Ofhce, N alrc bl and at the ollice of the Lako Vlctona Dlstnct The salaly scale ls f 580 b) f20 to f 68(1 (E B ) by f20 to :720, W atel Boalt (South), c/ o Nyanza Dlstlzct Councll, Kerlcho and the quccesstul appllcant w1l1 enter the scale approprlate Oblectlons statlng specé c grounds therefor should be fle.d to h1s age, qualtficatlons alld experlence The usual term s of ln duphcate wlth tlAe W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, H lgh Com m lsslon serwce apply wlthln 30 dc ys from the date of gubhcatlon of tlus notlce and Apphcatlons, addlessed to the Stad Oë cer, P O Box 251, a copy servf d on the underslgned N alrobl, should be forwarded so as to rt ach hlm not later than ALBERT DALE, Secretary, 7th M arch, 1950, and shouàd give detalls of expenence, quah- Zlw jttlly authortzed agent, ficatlons, etc , together wlth coples of tcstlm om als K encho Storen Ferl#er (Europeanb, East zf/r/cal!Posts and Telegtaphs D epartm ent GFNBRAL N c TlcB 1h1() 369 V PLICA TION S are m vlted for the post of Stores Venfier (European) m the Posts and Telegraphs Department The salary TH E W ATER ORD INAN CB scale ls :670 by f20 to f690 by f25 to :715 (E B ) by f25 to A wol. tobos R lver K ltale D lstrlct :840 per annum A PPLICA H O N by M 1 A Boy of Endebess for a w atel D ubttes - To undertake wystem atlc sf ctlonal verltkatlon of rtght from the K wolttobos Rlver on L R N o 5768 for net Post Ol ce stores throughout thc three terntones, checklng quantltles o 2,600, 2,000 and 1,500 gallons per day of norm al of sectlons of stores and ( om parm g the checklng wlfh ledger flow fo1 th( purpoqe of dom estlc, nunor lrngatlon and lndus- balances, the preparatlon of dlscrepancA, reports and m ve-stlga- trlal uses re wpectlvely tlon of any dlscrepancles found Plans m a ? be yei n at the Publlo W orks Departm ent H ead Qualtfctm ons - A knowledlge of a1l t) pes of stores, m cludlng Oflice, N alr nbl, alld at the oë ce of the W ater BalhF, Pubhc bulldm g, a knowledge of :tores accountlng dutles and stores W orks D ep zl tm en t, Eldoret procedule and an experlencf. of m easunag ttm ber, stones, sand, etc Oblectlon statllag speclf c grounds therefol should be sled ln dupllcatt wlth the W ater Board, P O 3ox 662, N alrobl, Prefelence wll1 be glven to qn unrrlarlled candldate as V wlthin 30 d tys frtlm the date of publlcatlon of thls notlc,e and m ll be requlred to tlavet extenslvely throughout the three a copy serN ed on the underslgned terrltm les fhe usllal cond ltlons of Crovernment servlce m 1l apply A BOY, Appllcant Appllcatlons should be addressed to the Chlef Accounu nt, P O Endebess P O Box 251, N alroba and sllould p ve detalls of age, expenence, qualï catlons and natlonallly so as to reach hlrn not later ttlan 15th M arch, 1950 GBNBRAL N )TIcE 1ç4) 370 TH E F kAU DU LENT TM N SFER OF BU SINESSES GBNBRAL N OTICE N O 365 ORD IN AN CE, 1930 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of retall trade heretofore ( arned on by H alderalh Ramll under the nam o or NORTHERN PROVINCE LIQUOR LICEN SING COURT style of A lldull Jbovlmon Store on Plof N o 206, Sectlon Iy NOTICE Is ht) eby glven that the next m eetlng of tht Eastlelgh, è falrobl, has, as from the 1st day of January, 1950 N orthel n Provlnce Lzquor Llcenslng Cdlurt w11l be held at th( been transf, rred to Janm ohamed Allbhal, m erchant. of N alrobl oflice of lhe Dlstrlct Conlmlssloner, J slolo, on M onday, 8tl'L aforsald M ay, 1950, at 10 a m A 11 appllcatlonq for new lzcences antl confirm atlon of trans The addr ss of tlze transfelol ls P O Box 238, Eldoret fers or prov4monal llcenc'es must reach the Dystllct Com m ls The addr zss of tNe tlansferee ls P O Box 1602, N atrobl sloner's Oë ce, lslolo on cr befol e 25th M llch, 1950 togethel The natu e of th( buslness ls retall trade wlth Sh 10 stam p fee olt 4 ach appllcatlon The tran feree w111 carry on the smd busm ess at the % m e place unde) the salne firm nam e or style of içA bdull Prowuon Isl1o 5ltoIl. Februaly, 1950 NS I ELLIS, Chaltlnalt StO1'Y ' oI t bern Provlacti D quot The tans eree l s not assunung nor does ho m tend to assume Ltcenslng Ctprf? / any llablht y' lnctLrl ed by the transferor m h1s sald busmess up to and Includzng the sald 1st day of Janualy, 1950 GENERAL N oTlcs No 366 H M DERALLI M M JI, Transferor BON DED W AREH OU SE LICEN CI ISSU ED FOR TH E N allobl, JAN M OHA M ED M JBH M , S'EAR 1950 10th Pet ruary, 1950 Transjeree W alehoube N o - 14 Pttvate or gerle? al - Genelal GSNBRAL b o'ncB No 371 Nam e - lkenya Bonded W arehouse Com pany, M om basz W here sttuated - v asco d A G am a Street, M om basa, neat I'HE f RAU D IJLENT TRAN SFER OF BU SINESSES the O1d Port ORD IN ANCE, 1930 PURSU/ N T to the above Ordlnance, notjce ls hereby pven R W H BA RN ETT, that the bt slness of a carrler and transporter herdofore carrled M om basa, A cttng Jlegl/lztz/ Comm lsslone on by M a na Nlzrz undel the 5rm nam o or style of G lthtlm u 15th February, 1950 o! C'rfsftpm.& Kenyt? M all Bus Servlç o between G lthumu and N atrobl wa Fort H all and 3 hlka ln the Colony of Kenyal has, as from the 15G GBNERAL N oTlce N o 367 day of N c vem ber, 1949, been sold and transferred to M athow Km la s/o M uth àga of Fort Hall aforesald who wtll carry on rHE W ATER ORDINAN CE the sald b Jsm esq at Fort H all under tho sam o firm nam e or style of G lthum tl M all Bus Servlce I'eleswo u S JA eî N JZJJZ?Z kk D rl'p 11- / Natne : nd tuldress oj frlzz,/e?o? - M alna Nlere Glthumu, APPLICATION by M r W H P de la H ey, I s o , M B E A C C Chlel M wanp , D lstrlct Fort H all of Tlm au loI a M ater rlgllt from the Teleswanl Rlvel on L ï' No 7690 for net quantltles of 350 alld 1,500 gallons per day Nalne T?1# tuldress // ttansjeree .-M qthew Kuna s/ o of nolm al flow fo1 the purposo ot d lmestlc and m lnor lrlqgxt- M uthc ga, Lotatlon N o 3, Chlef M wangl, Dtstnct Fol t tlon uses 1 espectl: ely H all Plans m ay be seen at the Pubhc W orks D epartm ent H ea d AII deb s due 1 o and owmg by the transferol up to and Ofiice N alrobl atld at tlte ofhce of the W ater Ballls, Publlc lncludlng the 15th day of N ovem ber, 1949, m ll be recelved W olks D epartm ent, N anyukl and pald by the transfel or The transfereo does not assum e nor does lo lntend to assum e any hablhty whatsoever m curred Oblectlons Ktatlng specjtk glounds therefor should be filt d ln the salt l busuless by the transferor ln duplloate :$,1th the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alroihl, wlthln 30 days from th( dat: of gubhcatlon of thls notld..e M ATHEW KURIA s/o M UTH AGA, and a copy servfzd on the underslgned Transferee M AINA NJERE, Trynsleror W H P DB LA H E1 , Appltcant, N alrobl, cl o P O Timcu Kenlc 15th N , lvem bt r, 1949 * 120 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZEW E February 21, 1950

GENCRAL N OTIO N o 372 G BNBRR N oTlce No 374 LAN D REG ISTR ATION COURT EAST A FR ICAN CU RREN CY BOAM Under the Land Fzffe.ç Ordtnance W hapter 143 oj the RE%,lâ'tW PAYM EN T of the value of the followlng m utllated our- Edltlon t# the ficwl t# Kenya) rency notes hgs been clmmed by the persons named Any other TA KB N OTICE that apphcatlon has been m ade to tlu y person wlshlng to subm lt a clalm ln respect of any of theese Court by Savli Lalll of M om basa m the K enyà Protectoratt notes should com m mucate at once wlth the Currency Oë cer, for the lssue to htm of two certlscates to replace tho ongmal Entobbe - certlficates of ownershlp Nos 8 12 and 873 m zespect of Plots No oj note - Bl45 58867, for Sh 5 N os 77 and 78 of Sectlon III s tuate m M ombasa Island lssuecl Name and address t# clatnlant - M r S B Klzza, Kampala m the nam e of Ibrahlm lee Gullam hussmn and K asslm ah, chll dren of A bdulla b1n Ibrahlmlee of M om basa, whlch are reported N o oj no'te - XI2 52013, for Sh 5 to have been lost Tho Actmg Recorder of Tltles ln exerclse Nanle J/J# addren oj clalmant - M r Juma Smema, M aslndl of the powers conferred upon hlm by sectlon 42 of tho sald No // note - Xl 1 36277, for Sh 5 O rdm ance wl1l lssue such celté cates unless vahd oblectlon lq Name and address oj clatmant - The M anagtr, Standard Battk lodged m wntlng wlthln 90 days from tho date of the publlca of South M nca, Ltd K ampala tlon of thls notlce No t7/ note - E/ 10 21899, for Sh 20 Name and address o! clatmant - M r Y S Kltonga, Jlnp M om basa, A W YN N JON ES, No 0/ note - W / 8 28676, for Sh 10 13th February, 1950 Actkng Recorder oj D tles Name and address ol clœmant - M r A1l Godl, Anm Nos t7/ notes - V 19 92065, W /3 27512,f0r Sh 5 each Name and address 0/ clatmant - M r 1% W. .alabyekl, M ubende Nos (# notes - BI87 02308, for Sh 5 , W /7 62700, X /4 53346, W /6 9454 2 ,W / 8 76691, for Sh 10 each GBNBRAL N OTICE No 373 N am e and cff.#reio - M r Yoslya M atovu, M ubende Nos 0/ notes - BI 56 42611, C/ 14 23309, W / 3 35932, for THE BAN K ORD IN AN CE Sh 5 each (No 10 ol 1910) Name and address 0/ clatmant - M r Yowana Tamusange, IN ACCORD A NCE wlth the provlslons of sectlon 11 ol M ubende the Bank Ordm ance, 1910? notlce ls hereby gwen that the fo1 lowm g m oneys held by the K enya branches of the N atlonal A os 0/ notes - B/85 33229, B / 85 33230, 8/85 33231 8/85 33232, 8/85 3323 5 , 8/85 33236, 8/85 33238, Bank of Indla, Llm lted, have rem alned unclalmed for a penod N8/85 3324 % 8/85 33233, 8. /85 3323 $ for Sh4 5 each of 10 years or m ore - alne tw1 address f# clatmant - sgt t.i Nkaaa, Arua N AIROBI BRANCH No o/ note - V / 8 93935! for Sh 5 Name 471# address ()/ claunant - M r M ohamedallt Karlm , A mount K ltgum N am e and A ddren Sh cts Allan, Jobn W arden, 25th Fuslhers, Chlrom o 1,508 18 Nos JJ notes - V l5 29431, for Sh 10 , C/ 16 170 8, Bowes-scott, Harvey George R odney, N alrobl 699 04 8/56 84246, 8/56 84033, B/31 07181, 8/56 84031, 8/56 84034, 8/56 7333 , 504 00 8. 8/33 743 zloa B/ 16 45186 Elllott, W P (unknown) B/ 56 841941 8/56 84022, B /79 4979 9, X / 5 56142, V ncent Frederlck Guest, Talford Street, Park Lane . . . 407 62 X /7 58485, 8/57 78437, 8/65 9684 7, for sh 5 each London, W 1 Nalne and addres t# clatmant - M r Abtasah Nslhkomawa, Hansley, J H (unknown) 1,855 28 Kam pala M acdonald, Capt John V (unknown) 413 16 N alrobl Transport Tradlng Co partners, John Bpstem , R S Todd, H Todd, H Boyd 915 52 Pltt, Capt John H arford (deceased) (unknown) 615 32 Shaw , G eorge Edward, A sslstant Surgeon, I S M D , Nalrobl 370 36 G ENBRAL N oTlcB N o 375 Taylor, W alter V arshall (unknown) * 5 00 W tlhams, John Thomas, c/o E A Pohce, Uasln Glshu 360 00 EUROPEAN SETTLEM EN T BOARD The followmg fixed deposlt recelpts wero outstandlng m our TlIE REGISTRATION OF DOCUMFN S ORDIN*NCE books as at 31st D ecember, 1946 - N OTICE ls hereby glven of the reglstratlon, under the abo&e Flxed deposlt reremt No 53 /69 dated 6th November, 1915, Ordlnance of the followm g agreem ents to lease In all cases favounng D S Shaw for R s 1,000 for sIx months at 3 per the lessor ls the Comrm ssloner for European Settlem ent for cent per annum (now Sh 2,000) and on behalf of the G overnm ent of the Colony and Protec- Flxed deposlt recelpt No 54/ 52 dated 7th July, 1916, torate of Kcnya, the lessee ln each case belng shown ln the favounng D S Shaw for Rs 2,000 for six months at 31. per hrst colam n to the Schedule hereto, an approxlm ate deescnptlon cent per annum (now Sh 4,000) of the land asected ln each case and a reference to the tltle n xe,d deposlt recmpt No 57/527 dated 18th November, 191 9, thereof belng shown ln the second colum n, the term of years favounng G E Shaw for Rs 1,500 for 12 m onths at 5 per cent belng shown ln the thlrd colum n and the repstry ln whlch each per annum (now Sh 3,000) agreem ent has been reglstered and the date of reglstratlon bem g shown ln the fourth colum n to the sald Schedule M OM BASA BRANCH A m ount SCHEDULB N am e and A ddîess Sh cts Saymon, A P (unknown) 560 00 Descrlptlon of M acdonald, Nlgel Douglas (unknown) 306 74 Lessee land and reference Term Reglstry and date Cholmby, M rs M ary Anne (unknown) 800 00 to tltle Adm lnpstrator of estate of late E A M ay, E R M ay, c/o C T Sandzford, Nalrobl 393 84 Anthony 2,500 acres N 48 years Nalrobl Volume B (BS) Gartlner, Lleut K J Rattray (dezm sed) ('ln*nown) 465 00 Austm of Tmderet from Follo 21b/1 on M en, W C (unknown) 812 50 Forest Reservl 1-3-47 26-1-50 W tlson, Lleut Kennet Bam (xlnknown) 886 12 Kmth Ernest 1,718 acres S 48 years Follo 206/1 on Storey, Capt A (lznkmown) 1,263 72 Cham bers of K ltale from 24-1-54 GIII and W heelock, hqm dator of W hltlock, Klng 11-4-48 W llham 700 açres South 48 years Foho 208/1 on and Co , N alrobz 1,010 24 Joseph W est of N a- from 2* 1-50 The followm g sxe.d deposlt recelpt was outstandlng m our Lucklng kuru 25-* 49 books as at 31st D ecember, 1946 - Ernest 3,726 acres North 48 years Follo 214/1 on Oberholzer W est of Ru- from 2* 1-50 F'lxed deposlt recelpt N o 71/7 dated 8th M arch, 1933, favour- m urutl 2-4-47 mg M rs M adge F Robertson, c/o Standard Bank of South Rlchard John 1,679 acres Sou- 48 years Follo 212/1 on M nca, Llm lted, London, for Sh 10,00û plus m terest for s1x Bum pus th W est of from 26-1-50 months at 21. per cent (Sh 125) Elburgon 2-4-47 Nlgel 2.050 acres N 48 years Follo 216/1 on N AKURU BRANCH K nowles uf Eldoret from 2* 1-50 Taylor 1-9-47 Am ount John Ander- 1,397 acres East 48 m ars Follo 218/1 on N am e cntf A ddress ,$W cts son of K ltalo from 28-1-50 M une, R , Londlanl 817 50 15-11-48 Bellram Tarachand, N akuru 378 92 Joseph Bentley & Son, QeA sslgned E state'' N akuru 471 66 STUA RT G ILLEW , P B N OBLE, M anaw , N alrobl, Commtsstoner p r Natîonal Bank @/ Indta Ltd , Nœrobl 16th Fobzuary, 1950 European settlement February 21, 1950 TH E O FFIC IA L G A ZETTI! 121

GENERAL N OTICB N 0 376 GBNSRAL N o rlcE N o 380 TH E W AR LOAN ORD IN AN CE, 1940 AIU NICIPA L COU NCIL OF N M R OBI LOSS OF BOND CERTIFICA'FE G osults OF Roto IN PURSUANCF of thf provlslon of regulatlon 17 (2) of N OTICE s hert by glven that m pursuance of powers oon- the W ar Loan Regulatlons, 1940, notlle ls hereby glven that ferred upon lt by sectlon 45 Part V , of the M um clpalltles 2.1. per cezzt East Afzlcan A#ar Bonds Certlticate No 547 for Ordlnance, 928, thv M um cm al Councl of N alrobz lntends, on fJ00, Senes t$A '', 1952/54 Loan, lssuetl ln the name of M rs and alter b' onday, the 27th day of M al ch, 1950, to close to Brenda Hllda Qulggln, has been lost : nd that lt ls proposed the use of 1 he publl c a1l that length of publlc road known as after the expllatlolt of 30 days from the date of thls notlt,e Aerodrom e Road and extendlng flom W hltehouse Road fo a to Jssue a dupllcate of sllcll certlfcate dlstance of pprox/m ately 400 feet nol thw ards fl om Jts Jund lon Nau obl, H J W EBSTER , wlth Buckle f Road provlded that no obleiltlon to the plo- 14th Idebrualv, 1950 Akcoulltant G t-/ie/zf? posed closul e of tho sald load on the part of any person ol persons lnte ested ls upheld A plan d scllpt vf of the above propesal m ay be lnsgected G BNERAL No'rlcE No 377 durlng oflke hours ot the omce of the undelslgned TRAN S N ZOIA D ISTRICT COU N CIL N alrobl, JOH N RISEBOROUG H ,

SALS oF 0L0 LORRIES A>D ROI-LBR 14th Febraaly, 1$50 Ttlw?; Cleîk TBN D ERS are lnvlted ftlr the purcllase of two Ford three ton lorrles and one cast 11 on roller, N/elght approxlmately 21 tons G BNERAL Nc TlcE èlch 38l The lolnes were purcha ed ln 1942 and 1944 and are stlll m operatlon and can be seen by appolntm ent wlth the Road > YANP A. LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Supervlsor, Dlstrlct Councll hgorlce oF M BBIING- K ISUMU The roller ls at present on M r Llonel D avles' farm N OTICE ts hervb q glven tbat the next meeting of the Nyanza Tenders should reach Clnuncll Oflke by 15th M arch, 1950 Llquor L1c nslng Court w111 be held at the oë ce of the D lstnct C onlm lsqlcm zr, K lstlm u, on M onday, the 8th M ay, 1950, The hlghest ol any otNer tender kv1l1 not necessanly bt at 10 a m accepted A ll appllc àtlons for new llcences and conhrm atlon of transfers M L 'VERNON , Executtve OF cer or pl ovlslor al llu nces m ust reach the Dlstrfct Com nussloner's fY lfnc/f Omo s P O Box 104 Kttale Oflice, P O Box 47, Klsum u, on or before 25th M arch, 1950, together w ltl't Sh 10 stam p fee on each appllcatlon GENBRAL N OTICE N o 378 Every ap lhcatlon should be subm ltted m the form set out NA KU RU DISTRICT ( OU NCII ln the Flrst Schellule to the Llquor Ordmance (Forms) Rules, M NUM ELBCTION, 1950 1939 (Govel nment Notlce No 666 of the 29th Augusta 1939) NO'l ICE ls hel eby glvun ln tm m s of sectlon 26 of th( Klsumu, F W G OOD BOD Y , Cllalrm an Local Government (Dlstnct Counmls) Orthnance, 1928, thalr 1 1th Februal) 19 50 N yanza Z lguc)r L tcenstng Court under sectlon 21 (1) of such Oldmance an electloq wlll be llelcL on W ednesday, 1st M arch 1950, to fitl vacancles that w111 bk caused by retlrem ent of t ilo underm entloned m em bers of th4 G BNBRAL N( lTlcs :ç() R82 Dlstnct Councll of N akuru on 30th A 1)rl1, 1950 - Com m ander A B Goord, Raw ne F ard , N O-I ICE Lleut -colonel .1 W r Lanco, Elbllrgon and U pper Rosgal LICLN CI h, lsstled under the Exclso Du11e% Oldlnance, 1935 W ard , for tho yeaq 1950 -- C J Curtls, Esq , Lowel M olo W ard , M rs D lhckfold, Lorldm nt W ard Llcence Dtscrlp- w amo W here N olm natlons fol candldates for the above vatancles wlll bd N o 1 lon - Sltuated recew ed by m o at the opkes ot the l-llstrlct Councll, N akuru, betwexn the hours of 10 o clock ln the forenoon and 1 o'clocl 2 St gar M lwanl Sugar M llls (Kenya), Ltd M lwanl ln the afternoon on W ednesday, 1st M arch, 1950 3 Sk gar Sukari Llm lted Rulru Each candldate shall bv proposed and seconded and shall 4 St gar M uhoronl Sugar Co , Ltd M uhoron, be supported by not less than three persons other than thl- 5 Sk gar K enya Sugar Llm lted Ram lsl proposer and secoader 7 3ea M abroukle Tea & Cofl-ee Etates, Llm uru Ltd The proposer, secondm and supportels shall be persons whosf. 10 3 ea K apkorech Llm lted K erlcho nam es appear on the DlstrLct Councll's N otels lo11 for the warfl 1 1 rl ea K apkorech Llm lted, Jamll Estate Ktrlcho for whlch tho candldate seeks electlon 12 3 ea Kenya Tea Co > Ltd , Kerenga Kerlcho Evelyk nom lnatlon paper shall be ln the form prescrlbed 11à Factory 13 1 ea K enya Tea Co , Ltd , K jm ugu Ktrlcho the Dlstnct Counull ElectLon Rules, ) 929 (Form 3), and thw Factory slgnature of the proposer and secondt r must be wltnessed b v 3 ea A frlcan H lghlands Pzrduco Co K encho a m aglstrates Justlce of the peace f:)1 notary publlc Sud'i Ltd , Chom ogonday Estate form s m ay be obtalned from the underm entloned 18 7 ea K enya Tea Co , Ltd K erlcho Every nonunatlon papei subscnbed as aforesatd shall bu 19 7 ea yt B M cD onelol Esq Llm uru 20 7 ea Buret Tea Co , Ltd K erlcho dellvered to me by the caadldate or by h1s proposer, seconder 23 ez ea Sotlk Tea Co , Ltd Sotlk or by reglstel ed post, at the tlm e aad place herem notlliel l 24 7 ea N andl Tea Estates K apsabet and any nom lnatlon papel not so delqvered wl1l be relected 25 mj ea Afrlcan H lghlands Produce Co , K erlcho A ny candldates elected on 1st M arch, 1950, shall t.ake thelr Ltd , Saosa Factory, M arlnyn seats on the N akuru D lstnct Councll as from 1st M ay, 195(i, Estate 28 T ea K afsugu Llm lted K erlcho and w111 sez've for a perlod of three years 29 R ea ldag Forest Llm lted K encho Nakuru, C C W ILK S, 34 T ea <$K '' Tea Estates Ltd , K jbwarl K apsabet 13t1: February, 1950 Retul lung Of/fce, Estato 35 7 ea K erltor Llm lted Sotlk 38 7 ea N golna Tea Estates, Ltd Sotlk Gsxslut, N oTIcB N O 379 39 7 ea Afrlcan H lglands Produce Co , Kerlcho Ltd , K ltum be E%tate M UN ICIPA L COUN CIL f)F NA IROBI 40 Tc bacco Charles Perklns, Esq K ltale 1950 RATIIS 41 Tc bacco C C anteunlu s Esq A thl 43 7 ea lvalm osl Tea Estates Ltd K alm osl PU RSU AN 1- to the provlslons of sectlon 18 of the Local 45 7 ea W G D aw son, K lm oro Bstate Sotlk Government (Ratlng) Ordlnance, 1928 notloe ls hereby mve a that the M un cppal Councll of N azrobl has lmposed the follou - lng rates m respect of thf year 1950, v1z - R W BARNE'I'T, M om basa, 4ctlng R eu onal C, om m In loner (1) an orlgmal late of ! per cent , and 14th Feb uary, 1950 (2) an addttlonal rate of 21 pel cent on the ummprove'.l oj Cuïtolns, Xeaztz value of land as allpeanng m the M unlclpal Valuatlo a Roll, 1949 The above rates shall b# com e due and payable at the Town G BNERAL N 3TICE No 383 H all, N alrobl, on the 15th day of June, 1950 N A KU RU D ISTRICT COUN CIL Under sectlon 19 (3) of the above lnentloned Ordlnanco the M um clpal Counctl ls em pdawered to clzarge and collect m tereq t Glu ss FIRLS ORDINANCE on arrear assessm ent rates at a rate llot exceekhng 1 per ceerlLt l 1- IS ht reby l'tctlfied that the perlod of the order as pub- pcr m onth Tlus lntorest w1ll be payàble as from 16th Junf , llshed on 4th Aiovem bcr, 1949, has been extended to 31st 1950 M arch, 19 0 N alrobl, JOH N RISEBOR OU G H , N akuru, C C W JI-K S, 14th February, 1950 T/wa Clerk 13th Feb uary, 1950 Clerk-supetm sor 122 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEW E February 21, 1950 1.. GBNERAL N OTICB N o 384 GBNERAL N oTlcz N o 389 NAIROBI LIQUOR LICENSING COU RT PRO BATB AN D AD M IN ISTM TION SesclxL M EETING PuBLIC TRUSTFE s CAIJSE N o 75 oF 1949 D U LY authotlzetl by the Provlnclal Com nllssloner Centl à1 tlle ???t?f/t?? oj .Fh/fltfl Haïsan lpla Sltlelllan deceased late Provlnce N yel 1, ) speclql m eetlng or the N alrob) 'Llquol ol M altndl tn the Ptotectorate 0/ Kenya Llcenslng Coul t w lll be held lt tht. ofht,e of the D lstnct TA KE N OTICE that all persons havlng any clalm s agalnst Com mlss onel , N alT obi, at 1 1 a m on lhul sday 13th Aprll, the estate of the above-nam cd Fundl H assan bln Sulemanz who 1950 to vonstdel the followm g appliwatlons - dled at W atam u, M ahndl aforesald, on the 20th day of June, ' G elletal R etall f-/tyldtp? L lcence 1909, are reqm red to prove such clalm s before m e the under- M essrs Slnger Restaulants Ltd M anslon H ouse, Ellot slgned on ol before the 21st day of Aprtl, 1950, after whlch Stleet, c/o M essls Kapian and Stlatton, advocates, P O date the clatm s so proved m ll be pald and the estate dlstlt- Box 1 l 1 N allobl buteed accordm g to law

W tne M tepc/?t?sl/-$ alla G F ocels .L/t./f/tp? Llcenceb N atlobl, H AN D ERSON , M essrs Hassanall Provlsloa Store Plot 209/ 1635/ 3 Falrvlew 13th February, 1950 Publlc Trustee Road, c/o M essrs M adan and Shal), advocates, P O Box 944 F Nalrobl M essrs N ew Grocers, Plot No 2489/ 50 Desàl Road, N ïlrobl P O Box 2409, N alrobl M r M ulll Ramll Dattanl, Plot No 163/ 1 Ngara/swamp Road, P O Box 1803, N atrobt G ENBRAL N oTlcs N o 390 M r Kaltar Slngh s/o Sobha Slngh Plot No 209, 492/2 R lvel R oad, c/ o M eqsls D N and R N K hanna, advo IN H lS M AJESFY 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K ENYA cates, Box 1 197 > N allobl A T N AIROBI PR O BAT E A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION N alrobl C F ATK IN S, Chatrlllan CAUSE N o 40 oF 1950 16th February 1950 N attobl f.ltglltp? L ïcenslng C t7l/? t Notlce oj appllcatlon for tt#/lllrlluç/?tzlltp?J o! estate o! Gll/lln Racltel Bel aewFfc/clza jarmel P O N),e? ; Statton ;a the Colony oj Aerlyc deceased GBNERM- NOTICE N o 385 -1 Ali.E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls PROBA TE AN D A D M IN ISTRATION Court by Alexandm Tennent M acklntosh Berney-n ckhny farm er, P O N yem Statlon aforesald, the fathel of the deceased, PUBLIC Tlœ slu 's CAUSE N o 12 OF 1950 foz the adm lnlstatlon lntestate of the estate of Gllhan Rachel In f/ltd nïatto o/ Ernest Stlwfp (1 Spt azg Taylor deceased ?cft Berney-Ftckhn late of N yert Statlon aforesald who dled at oj Nalrobl l?7 the C't7?t),?J oj X'e/lyc N all ob1 In the sald Colony on the 23rd day of July, 1949, TAK E N OTICE that all persons havlng any clalm g agalnst lntestate, thls C ourt m ll proceed to lssue the sam e unless the estate of the above-nam ed Erneht Howard Spragg Taylor, cause be shown to the contl ary and appearance ln thls respect who dled at N allobl aforesald on the 19th day of N ovem bel , entereg on or befol e the 7th day of M arch, 1950 1949, are lequlred to prove such clalm s before m e the under- slgned on or before the 21st day of Aprll, 1950, aftel whlch N alrobl, J R ROSS, D eputy Registrar. dato tho clalm s so proved wlll be pald and the estate dlstn- 17th February, 1950 H M i&l/pre/ne Coul t 5/ K enya buted accordm g to 1aw N atrobl, H V AN D ERSON , 14th February, 1950 Pubhc Trustee G ENBM L NoTlcE No 391 G BNBRAL N oT1cE N o 386 IN H IS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT O I? KEN YA A T NA IROBI PROBATB AN D A D M INISTM TION PROBM E AN D AD M IN ISTRATION AGENCY CAusB No 2 olp 1950 Itl the mattel t# Bwana W'cz?lwlll)?? :1?1 K hallllb lékct?tkld'd CAIJSB N o 37 oF 1950 IMAKE N OTICE that all persons havtng any clalm s agam st Notlce oj appllcatton /o? admtnlstratton t# estate t# Som Datt the estate of the above-named Bwana W am wm yl bIn K hnm ts, Kalta s) o Amar Natlt Kalia clvtl servant General Post deceased, who dled at M om basa on the 24th day of Decem ber Omce Nakrobt I?; the Colony oj Kenya deceased 1949, are lequlred to prove such clalm s betore me the undel- TAK E N OTICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade m thls slgned on ol before the 21sf day of Aprll, 1950, after whlk,h Court by Pusbpa W atl w/ o Som Datt Kaha of Nalrobl afore- date the clalm s so ploved wl1l be pald and the emstate dlstnbutcd sald, th: wldow of the deceased, for the adm mlstratlon m testate according to lao of the estato of Som Datt Kalla s/o Amar Nath Kalla, late of N atrobt afotesatd, who dted at G urdaspur, East Punpb, M om basa, A C BECTOR , lndla, on the 23rd day of , mtestatea tlns Court 13th Febluarv, 1950 A cltl'g Ageltt oj //;é' Ptlbllc Trustee wll1 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered oa or before the 7th day of M arch, 1950 GENBRAL NOTICE NO 387 N alrobl, J R RO SS, D eputy R eglstrar, PR OBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION 16th February 1950 H M Sltprente Court t# Kenya M sxcv CAUSB No 16 otp 1950 In the matter (7/ Saltm bln Rashldl deceased TAKE N OTICE that all persons havlng any clatm w agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed Sallm bln Rashldl, deceased, who dled at R lwl, Dlgo, on the 29th day of October, 1949, GENFRAL N OTICE N o 392 + are requlred to prove such clalm s before m e the underslmzed on or before the 21st day of A p1 1l, 1950, after whlch date IN H IS M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OP KEN YA the clatm s so proved wlll be pald and the estate dzstrlbuted AT N AIROBI accordm g to law PRO BATE AN D AD M IN ISTM TION CAUSE N o 38 OF 1950 M om basa, A C BECTOR, 13th Feblual'y, 1960 Actlllg .,d.gtv// oj the /'/lll/'fc Trllstee Notlce oj appltcahon /tx admlnlstratton o! estate oj Sydney I,ewl.s Spnnger, late 0/ Karen Jn K enya Colony deceased TA K E NOTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made m thls GENBRAL NoTlcls No 382 Court by K enneth Roy Spnnger and Ronald Stanley Spnnger engkneer c/o Kenya Kyamte, M tlto Andet near M ombasa PROBA FE AN D A D M IN ISTRA I-IO N and sub-manager, c/o Beales and Co , L1d , Nmrobl, the frst and thlrd sons of the deceased l espectlvely, fol the admlnlstra- PUBLIC TRUSTI!E s CAUSE N o 75 OF 1949 tlon wlth wlll annexed of the estate of Sydney Lem s Sprlnger 1ik the pltzf/e? oj FIf Ildl Hassan /71/7 Sult ??lt7p? deceased of Karen who dlecl at N alrobl ln Kenya on the 21st day of TAKE N OTICE that on or after the 8th day of M alch 1950 Septem ber, 1949, thls Court w1ll proceed to lssue the sam o I llntend to apply to Hls M alesty's Supleme Court of Kenya at unless cause be shown to the oontrary and appearance ln thjs Nalrobl for letters of adminlstlatlon (lntestate) to the estate of respect entered on or before the 7th day of M arch, 1950 the abovo-nam ed Fundl H assan bm Sulem an, late of M ahndl zn the Protectoiate of K enya who dled at W atamu, M allndl N alrobl, J R ROSS, D eputy Reglstrar aforesald, on the 20th day ol June., 1909 16th February, 1950 H M sklpreine Court 0/ Kenya N alrobl, H A NDER SON , N ote - The w1ll above nam ed ls now deposlted and om n 13th Februaly, 1950 Publlç Trustee to m speo on at tlle Court, February 21, 1950 TH B O FFIE 1AL G A ZE'IV P 123

GBNBRAL N oTlcs N o 393 G BNSRAL NcrlcB N o 397 IN H 1S M A JESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT OF KBN YA IN H IS WM ESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF K EN YA A T N A IR O BI A r M OM BASA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY PROBATE AN l7 A D M IN ISTRATION l ROBM E AN D AD M IN ISTRATION CAIJSE N o 36 olr 1950 G IJSE N o 57 OF 1946 Nottc e oj u@p/lcrl/lc,?l jo# probate ol the wlll 0/ Albert Edwal d B low ers llr/l/l/njr contlactoï Iate of JC'tzl?t/!7l K enya Colony .l?J the e tate t,/ Salnktel .N't7@â'o?J Bal tltolemex deceased deceased TAK E N DTIC; tbat M r D D D oslu, advocate for the TA KE N OTICE that aplnllcatlon haNlng been m ade ln thls wldow of 1 he ako ze-nam ed deceased has requested m e to Court by John Leonard Btowelp, bullctel and Arthur Albult have the ac eount filed by the admln'ltrator passed, and that W llllam Blowers, m erchant, both of c/ o Geo Blowers, Ltd , thls Court h a.s tixed the 7th day of M arch, 1950, at 2 15 o'clock bm ldlng contl actors Nalrobl aforesald, for probate of the m I1 ln the afte, noon for passlng account after whlch date no of Albert Edward Blowerq , late of N alrobl aforesald, who oblectlons M 1!l be beard thereto dled at N alrobl on the 18th day of Jaquary, 1950, tlus Ceouzt wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless zause be shown to the R A CAMPBELL contrary and appearance jn thls respeot entered on ol before M om basa, A ctlng D lstrlct R eu strat the 7th day of M a1 ch, 1952 14th Febl Iary, 1 9j0 H M skfp? eme Court oj Kenya N atrobl. J R RO SS, D eputy Reglstrar, 14th February, 1950 H M Supreme Colf? t 0/ Kenya N ote - '.lYe wl1l above ramed ls ncw deposited and open to m spectlon at the Court GENERAL Nf Tlcs NCI 398 G BNERAL N o'rlcB No 394 IN H IS M A JPSTY S SU PREM B COU RT OF KEN YA / T M OIWBASA D ISTRICT REGISTRY IN Tl'lB COURT OF TH E D ISR RICT D ELEG ATE 4ROB YFE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION A F N YERI PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION CAUSE N O 7 OF 1950 CAUSE N o 1 oF 1:50 Nottce oj < ppllcauon /tz? letterz oj cff?nla/â-/rc/lt?a ïntestate ()/ Notlce t# avpllcatloll /t?? probate t# tlïj' wtll // M autice Klng the estate oj AzfM Inyt X/lz7/lJJlf bln Arfl/y/lg/la/ne Sllll J.':l late late oj Nyerl, deceased oj M ton çwe Af ollïbasa M aïnland Xenyc Protectorate TA KE N OTICE that appllcatzon haxqng been m ade m tlus deccased Court by H llda Sulllvan of N yerl for probate of the wlll of TAK E N DTICI that apphcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls M aurlce Klng, late of Nyen 'who dled tt Nyerl, Kenya Colon p Court by N' ushehztm e bm K hatlbu of M ombasa, K enya Protec- on the 17th day of D tceer:a ber , 1949, thls Court m ll procced torate 1o1 lettel s ot adm inlstratlon lntestate ()1 the estate of to lssue the sam e unless cm se be shoAvn to the contrary and M wm yl K l atlbu bln M usheham e Shlrazl late of M tongwe appearanee m thls respect i ntered on cr before the 7th day of aforesald, v ho dld d at M tongwe 1n. the ylar 1945, thls Coult M arch, 1950 wlll proceel to zysue the sam e unless cause be shown be to N yerl, zt C HA RRISON , the contrar) and a ppearance ln thls respect entel ed on ol before 7th February, 1950 Tblstrlct D elegate Nyer; the 7th da) of NEatch, 1950 N ote .--f'he wl1l above Izamed lq n4lw depostted and opel: R A CA M PDELL, to lnspectlon at the C ourl M ombasa, A ctkng D lstrtct R eglstrar 16th Feb ualy, 1950 .& M kskfprelzle Court oj Kenya GINBRAL N oTIcE N o 395 IN H lS M AJESTY 'S SUPREM E COU RT OI? KEN YA AT M OM BASA DISTRIG REGISTRY PROBATE AN D AD M IN ) STRATION G BNBRAL N DTICE NO 399 CAIJSE N o 52 o? 1949 IN THE f IISRRIIC f D ELEG ATEAS COU RT A f EI D OREI J?1 the ?llt/ffe, o) //zt2 eb-tate oj Bandolt #/lt7??// ileceask # lab (7/ klolllbasa PRO 3A I E AN D A DM IN ISTRATfON PURSUAN T to an orde) of H 1s M alesty's Supzçm e Couz't at Cpttlss N o 4 oF 1950 M om basa dated 21st January, 1950, whereby the probab wltn the wl11 annexed to the, estate of tlAe above nam ed deceased Re Pascoql Jtp/la Rodrlgues deceased was granted to ( 1) Pyal ah Bandah çtnd (2) M ohamed 7 ak t N o/lce oj appllctltton /tp? #? obate oj //le wlll oj the estate oj Bandall, two of the exeeutol s nam ed I11 thet w lll of the batll the late fzt-/-çctptz/ Joltl' Rodrlgues oj .&'?rJ/c ll1 //lt Cololt% deceaqed oj .&17,1 r Take notlce that all persons havm: any clalm s agalnst thu TAK E IIOTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls estate of the above-nam ed deceased, who dled at M om basa o A Court by Josepln Paul Rangel of K ltale for plobate of the the 5th day of July, 1949, are reqm red to lodge and plove wlll of the estate cf tht late Pascoal John Rodllgues of K ltale, such ulalm s wlth the undetslgned on or before the 15th day cf K enya Co ony, vho died at Kltale on the 4th day of July, M arch, 1950, aftel whlch date the clalm s whlch have been sa 1949, thls Court wl1l proceed to lssue the same unless causo proved w1ll be pald qnd the estate dlstnbutcd accordlng ta be shown t a the contraly and appearance ln thls respect entered Iaw on or bd c re the 29th day of June, 1950 U K 17OSH I & D OSH I, M ombasa, Adt'ocales J@r th3 above-named execulorb 1 lth February, 1950 1' O Box 725, M om bastl H OW ARD C) ELPH IN STON E, D lsttlct Delegate, Dlstrtcts t>/ Uasln Glshu T/c?z.ç N zoka N andt Elgeyo and M arakwet GBNBRAL N oTlcB N o 396 Nb/e - 1 ho wl tl above nam ed ls now deposlted and open to IN TH F. D ISTRICT DE LEGATE'S COU RT AT ELDORE F lnspectlon at the Court PROBATE AN D AD M Ib ISTRATION CAUsI' N o 3 oF 1950 Re D ennls James Leonsrd deceased Notlce 0/ appllcatlon /t7? probate 0/ the wtll // tlte estate t# G BNERAL IIOTICB N o 400 the late Dennls James Eeonard o! Kttale Trans Nzota DJ> /?lc/, K enya Colony ES IW TE 0F' THE LATE D YSON GARSIDE -1 A KE N OTICE that apphcatlon llavm g been m ade m tllls TAKE COTIt E that a1l persons havm g any clalm s agalnst Court by D orothea G ertrude Leonal d, Phlhp Francls Jam bs or owm g m ont ys to the above-nam ed D yson G arslde of Leonald of K ltale and M lchael M allnoe Veasey Leonard 17f Sanderstea 1 ln the County of Surrey, England, whose address Nyasaland for probate of the wlll ()f the eostate of the lata In Kenya durlng h1s temporary stay was c/o Barclays Bank D ennls James Leonard d7f Kltale, Buenya Colony, who dlf.,d (D C & 4 ) ), N alrobl, and who dled at Nalrobl aforesald on at Tr ns Nzola on the 22nd day af Septem ber, 1949, t? ls fhe 2nd d ty of Aprll, 1949, are lequlred to prove such clalm s Court wlll proceed to lsbue tho sam e unlessl cause be shov n to m e th: tm derstgned or to pay to m e the am ount due as to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered ()n the case l-my bi on or before tize 15th day of M arch, 1950, or before the 28th day of Februal'y 1950 after whlc il datt the clalm s so proved m 11 bo pald and the HOW ARD Cr ELPH IN STONE, estate dls' rlbutetj accordm g to 1aw Dtstrtct Delegate Dlstrtcts oj Uastn GJ.çâf/ D ans N zota N tm tf, Ffgezo and M tzru/cwd t ARTHU R LLEMX LLYN W IN TER, N ote - The wlll above nam ed ls now deposlted and oprr ztfftz? acy oj fhc executors named lll the wlll to lnspectlon at the Court /' O Box 1303, Natrob; 124 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZEW E Pebruary 21, 1950

GENERAL N oerlcE N o 40l G ENERAL N OTICB No 4(W DAPHNE SEAGER (M OM BASA), LIM ITED M U N ICIPAL BOARD OF M OM BASA M EM BSRS' V OLUNTARY LIQIJIDATION THE Towxsm e (PRIVATS STREETS) ORDINANCB, 1924 N O TIC E ts hereby glven that a speclal general m eetlng of the com pany called for the purpose and held at the oë ces N O I-ICE ls herepy glven that the M unlulpal Board of M om of M essls E L Relf and Com pany, chartered accountants basa at 1ts m eeting held on the 7th Febm ary, 195û, passed a M om basa, on 6th Februaly, 1950, lt % as resolved that th4 resolutlon ln the followlng turm s - com pany, havlng dlsposed of 1ts assets and goodw lll 7 be w ountl W hereas the road between Kltumbo Road and Shamakam e up voluntarlly and that Erlc Lewis Relf , 17 c A. , of P O Box Road servlng Plots N os 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 249, M om basa, be and ls heleby appolnted llquldator of the 133, 134, 135 136, 137 138 ctnd 139 Sectlon XX1, ls not con- com pany structed to the sattsfactton of tlus Board J RU SSELL, And wheleas notlce has been served ln accordance m th the D lrecto' pro&lslons of sectlon 8 (2) of thc Townshlp Prlvate Streets Ordlnance, 1924, upon the owners of premlses asected by the Boald s proposal to construct such road G EXERAL N OTICB N o 4û2 dnd whereas oblectlons have been recejved and such oblec- tlons have been consldered DAPHNE SEAGER (M OM BASA), LIM ITED N OTICE ls hcreby p ven that the above company havlng N ow therefore ln exerklse of the powers conferred upon local A resolved to wlnd up voltzntarlly and that E rlc Lewls R elf, 12 c A authontles by the sald O rdlnance lt ls hereby resolved - havlng been appom ted llquldator, all clatm s agalnst the sald (ab That the folloM lng works be carrled out m the sald road company up to the 31st January 1950, should be filed wlth herelnbefore leferled to to draln, level and construct a the llquldator folthwlth and thal a1l outstandlng debts due t'arrlageway and footpaths ln accordance wlth the plans to the comppny should be pald to the sald llquldator and specltkattons prepared by the M ummpal Engmeer (b4 -1 hat the expenses lncurred by the Board ln executlng M om basa E L RELF, F c & , the sald works be appol tloned am ong the prem lses front- 6th Febl ualy, 1950 L lqukdatol 1ng upon the sald road accordlng to the respectlve frontages thereof , regal d belng had to the greater or lesser degree of beneht to be derlved by any prem lses G ENBRAL N o'rlcE N o 403 fl om the w ork ' N otlce lv also glven that the M unlcm al Board of M om basa M U N ICIPA L BOARD O F M OM BA SA bas m ade the followlng Rpportlonm ent of the cost of execut- THII Fowxsllle (PRIVATE STREETS) ORDINANCB, 1924 1ng the street wolks above leferred to - N OTICE ls hereby glven that the M unlclpal Board of M om - basa at 1ts m eetmg heid on tho 7th February, 1950, passed a N am e Sectlon Plot A pportlon- resolutlon ln tht. followlng term s - N o N o m en; W hereas the I oad between M vlta Road and Treasury Squale servlng Plots N os 32 33 34 35, 36, 37 38, 40 41, 42 Slt cfs 43, 44 45 46 47 ynd 48 Sectlon X'XV ls not constructed Sebastlo Franclses Dlas X XI 132 1,552 78 to the satlsfactlon ot tlals Boald and wllereas notlce has becn Alllbhal M eghl l , 131 3 106 29 Javer Karm all Akbarall Javer qerved m Accordanck wlth thc ploglslons ol sectlon 8 (2) of the Karm all and others 1 30 3,106 29 fbwnshlp Prlvate Stleet Oldlnance 1924, upon the owners Iehanglr Behram lee A ustln 129 3, 106 29 of prem lses aflkcted by the Boal d s pl orosal to construct such M rs A ssum ptlna Sebastlana * 1 oad Sequelra 128 3 106 29 And whereas IlA (lblcctlon has been 1 euelved and has been Bhagat R am , H usan C hand and others 127 3,106 29 consldgrtd Harlevan N athalal 126 1,567 23 NoB theleforu ln cxelclsc of the powels conferred upon A bubaker A llm oham ed and Ayub local authorltles by the sald Ordlnnnce lt ls hereby resolved - A llm oham ed 139 1,552 78 Zakarla M ohamed H asha m JA bu- (aj That the followlng works be callled out ln the sald road baker and A yub A llm oham ed 138 3,106 29 herelnbefore refelred to to dlaln, lfevel and construct A bdulla A llm oham ed and A hm ed a carnqgeway and footpaths m accordance wlth the plans Allm oham ed 137 3,106 29 and specllicatlons prepaled by the M um clpal Englneer Zakarla A llm oham ed, M oham ed (14 That the expenses lncul l ed by the Board ln executlng H asham and others 136 3,106 29 the sald works be appoltloned am ong the prem lses front- C hlm anlal G anpatram Pandya 135 3 1(j6 29 1ng upon the sald 1 oad accordlng to the respectlve Jenabat d/o Esmall Allbhal 134 3 106 29 frontages thereof, regard belng had to the greater or Shah M eghll Jktha 133 1,671 97 i lesser tleglte of beneiit to be denved by any prem lses Slt 37,407 66 from the wolk N otlce Is also glven that the M un,clpal Boatd of M om basa has m ade the followlng apportlonm ent of the cost of executm g the street works above referred to M om basa, E G TID Y N ame Sectlon Plot Apportlon- 14th February, 1950 vowlt trve//- N o N o m ent Sh cts K assam ah Fazel X XV 40 2,746 98 The O ld East Afrlcan Tradlng Co , Ltd 38 3,121 56 Trustees of thc Jagannath Trust 37 3,31 1 98 B Pandya 36 3,059 13 G ENERAL No'rlcs No 405 B Pandya 35 3,246 42 M otllal M egll M alde 34 5,481 47 Custodjan of Enemy Property IH E W ATER ORD INAN CE Nalrobl--tusugara Co , Ltd ) 33 3 522. 39 Bandalj K anll and M oosa A hbhal K atul ert .RlT el N yc? l .D I5'/?;c/ Sachedlna as Trustees 4,302 14 Hatimall s/o W allbhal and Akber APPLICATION by Captaln R F M orlce, R N (Retd ) ot al1 s/o M ohamedah 48 3 121 56 N yen for a watel rlgbt from thc K aturerl Rlver on t, O N o A bdulla K anll, M oham ed Sachc- 1 783 for net quantltles of 5,000 and 10,800 gallons per day of dlnaK alya m Bandall K anll and norm al flow ftar the purpose of dom estlc and general lrnga M oham ed Takl A bdulla K anll tlon uses resptub: e1y and ln addltlon a further 161,500 gallons as Trustees 476 ) 5 ,qgtj 4: per day from flood flow for general llngatlon Pardhan Ladhak and Abdulla Plans m ay be seen at the Publ c W orks D epaltment H ead Office N alrobl and at the ollice ol the W ater Balllff, Publyc Hassan Gangll 454 y 5 ,qqtj 4c W orks D epartm ent, N ycn M eghjl M ullt 43 4.058 03 K J Propertles, Ltd 42 3,121 56 Oblectlons qtatm g speclfic grounds therefor should be filed Abdulhuseln Gulamhuseln & Co ,, 41 2,029 04 ln dtzpllcatc wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrob3, w lthm 30 days from the date of pubhcatlon of tius notlce and Sh 53,089 06 a copy served on the underslgned

M om basa, G TID Y 14th February, 1950 z'/w,z èlerk RJ , or- MBooxl u22c, Ek yAepnp lslctanuton Fobruary 21, 195û TH E OFFIC lA L GA ZE'IRY 125

G:NBRAL N OTICE N O 406 GENBRAL No icE N o 410 KAI E BY PU BLIC A U CTION TH E PR XUD U LBN T TM N SFER OF BU SINESSES TEN DER S are m vlted forthe purchase of the Kenya G overn- ORD INA NCE, 1930 m ent m otor launch N gusa at present ancholed off Klsum u PURSUAB T to the above Ordlnance notlce ls hereby glven pler that the bus ness ()t sand contractor and suppller carlled on Speclfcatlons of the N gltva are 44 ft long, two dlesel by H archaraa Slngll H anspal s / o Sawan Sm gh under the engtnes, cabm for uwo, em losed wheelhouse, accom m odatlon nam e or styl of Sllanspal and Com pany ' at N alrobl on Plot for çrew of tbree or four fozward also galleyj wash basln, lava- N o 59 N ga a R oacr and at A thl Rw er, has been sold and tory, sm all cockplt >copper sheeted transfelred aq from tne 1st day of February, 1950, to A lexander Anthony Joh 1 D anvers The launch m ay be Inspicted on the mornm g of Tuesday, 28tn February, 1950 1 or at other tlm es t)y speclal arrangem ent The addreqy of tl ansferor ls P O Box 1035, Nalrobl Tenders should be ln a sealed enveîope addlessed to the The addre s of t, ansferee zs P O Box 211, N alrobl, who Provlnclal Com nusnoner, ltzsum u, anll m arked çç-fknd:rs - wH1 carry o 1 the s àld busm ess at the sam e address and m N guva' the sam e p1a e and under the sam e name and style The closm g date for the recelpt of tenders ls Tuesday, 14th The transfçree dceq not assum e and Js not mtended to assum e M arch, 1950 the llabllltles m cuzrcd by the transferor In the sald busm ess up to and 1 Acludlng the 31st day of January, 1950, and the K L H UN TER , same wl1l bl pald ctnd dlscharged by the transferor Kasum u Pl tn lnctal C om m lsnoner, 13th kebruary, 195: N yanza Prom nce H S H AN SPA L, Transjeror N alrobl, A A D AN VERS, -10th Janua 1, 19% Transjel ee GENBRAL N oTlce N o 407 N OTICE 19 hereby glven that the partnershlp subslstm g GBNERAL N o rlcs N o 411 between the underslgned Sadu Slngh * / o Basant Slngh and Ranllt Kaur w/o Sher Slngh, carrpng cpn buslness of charcoal N OTICI. OF D ISSOLU TION OF PA RTN ERSH IP and furnlture m akers on Plot N o 29, Sectlon 111, Eastlelgh, N OTICE l > hereby glven that the partnershlp lleretofore sub- N alrobl, under the nam e and stlle of m yat and Com pany, slstlng betwe n An:lr b1n A hm ed and M oham ed b1n Abubaker, has, as from the 12th day of Decem ber, 1949, been dls- carrpng on lusm eqs m partnershlp at Zom be m the K ltul Dls- solked by m utual consent so far as lt ctnncel'ns the sald R anllt tnct under tlte filzn nam e or style of ççA rtur Ahm ed and Com - Kaur w/o Sher Slngh, who rettred tllerefrom as from the pany'', has t een dlssolved by m utual consent as from the 15th sald 12th day of D ecem ber, 1949 day of Janu lry, 1951) # by the retlrem ent thereflom of the sald Al1 debts due to and owlng by the sald late fkrm wtll be A m lr b1n A lm ed reoelved and pald by the ( ontm ulng partner, who wlll carry And take fm thvr notlce that all debts due to and owm g on the busm ess at the sam z place and under the sam e nam e by the sal4 firm #111 be recezved and pald by the sald con- and stylc of m yat and Com pany tlnum g part'ler M oham ed bln A bubaker # w ho w 111 contlnue to carry on the satd buslness on Plot N o 3, Zom be aforesald, SADH U SIN G H , under the sa Ile style or firm C ontlltulng Jm rfnt?? Nalrobl, R AN JIT K AU R , AM IR BlN AH M ED , 14th D ecember, 1949 R ettrm g pcrpe r R etlnng partner M OHAM ED BIN A BU BAKER , N alrobl, C onttnutng partner 31st Janu lry, 14)50 GBNBRAL NOTICE N o 408 N OTICE zs hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub- GBNERAL N o rlcB N o 412 ststlng between Kartar Slngh s/ o Khazan Slngh Vlrdl, Chanan Smgh s/o Khnznn Slngh Vlrdl and Am zr Slngh s/o Vlr Slngh N OTICE ës hereb) glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub V rdl, calry ng on busm ess of bulldt rs and furm ture and slstlng betwe n (1) G ovlnd Gopal, (2) Kalyan Naran, (3) Shamjl cushlon makers on Plot No 2747/3 Parlc Road, Nalrobl, under Nalan and (4) Biplmll Khlmjl, carrylng on buslness at Farm tho nam e or style of Vlrdt and Com pany, has, as from tlze 8th No 3855/43 at W aa m partnershlp ln the firm name or style day of February, 1950, been dlssolved by mutual consent so of çtW aa Qt arrylng Company'', has been dlssolved by mutual far as lt concerns the sald Amar Slngh s/o V1r Smgh Vlrdl, consent of t'4e aforesald persons as from 10th February, 1950, who has retlred from the sald firm as from the sald 8th day by retlrem er t theretrom of tho aforesald Sham ll N aran and of February, 1950 Bhlm ll K hln J1 A11 debts due to and owlng by the sald late tirm m ll be The sazd 1: uslness as from 10th February, 1950, wlll be carrled recovered and pald by the remalnlng partners K artar Sm gh on by the àforesald Govm d G opal and K alyan N aran, thc s Jo Khazan Smgh V rdl and Chanan Slngh s/o Khazan Smgh contm ulng p zrtners, under the sam e firm nam e or style and at V lrdl, w ho w lll contm ue to carry on tlAe sald buslness at tilo the sam e p1a e qnm e place and under the pam e nam e ànd style of V lrdz and A 11 debts Awm g to and by the sald busm ess m 11 be recelved Com pany and pald by th* Ikforesald contlnum g parm ers K AR; AR SIN GH W RD I, SH AM JI N A RAN , CH AN AN SIN GH , BH IM JI KH IM JI, Contmutng partners R etlrîng partners N alroh , A bfY t SIN G H , Go v I N D G O P AL. 15th February, 1950 R ettrm g partnel M om basa, KALYAN NARAR , 14th Febr lary, 1950 Contlnutng pcr/rlo â

G BNERAL N on cs No 409 GBNERAL N o rlcE N o 413 THE FRAU DU LEN T FRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES N> KURU LIQUOR LICENSING COURT ORD IN AN CE, 19 10 N OTICE 1 > herelAy glven that the next m eetlng of the N akuru N OTICE ls hereby glven 1 hat the buslnes of transport calned Lm uor Llcer slng C ourt w1l1 be held at the om ce of the D lstnc: on by m dhu Slngh s/o Basant Smgh under the name and Com mlssloner, N al uru, on M onday, 8th M ay, 1950, at 10 a m style of Rlyat and Com pany has, as from the 15th day of All applltatlons fo1 new llcences and confrm atlons of December, 1949, been sold to Rattan Smgh s/o Basant Slngh transfers or provlstonal llcences m ust reach the D lstnct Com - who m ll carry on the sald buslness aq sole proprletor under m lssloner's llflice, N akuru, on or before 25th M arch, 1950, the sam e nam e or style of m yat and ( om pany together wltl Sh 10 stam p fee on each apphcatlon Tho address of the transferor ls P (lh Box 792 N alrobl The address of the tranqferee ls P O Box 792, N alrobl N akuru, R D F RYLAN D , Cluurm an The transfere,e does not assum e and ls not lntended to assum e 16th Febrl ary, 19% N ctlf?I/ Ltquor Ltcenslng C'oup/ the hablhtles m curred by the transfel or and a11 debts due to and owlng by thc sald transferor shall be recelved and pald by the satd transferor up to and lncludilng the sald 15th day GENERAL N c TlcE N t) 303 of D ecember, 1949 TAKE N IZ,TICE tNat 1, Jam es Trevor Tem pler of the Forest SAD H U SIN G H , D epartm ent, M ombasa, am not and wtll not be responslble for Tranderor anv debts m urred by m y wlfe M argaret Frances Tem pler and N agobl RAH AN SIN G H , that any pe son or persons gm ng her credlt on the strength I()tlz kebruary, 1950 Transjeree of her m am ad stalu : does so at hIs or thelr own nsk 116 I*1IE OFFICIAL GAZETTE February à1, 19% #

G ENERXL N oTlœ No 414

EAST A FRICA N CUSTO M S AN D EXCISE DEPARTM ENT A ucnoN SAI.E N OTICE ls hereby glven that tlze underm entaoned goods kvtll bo sold by publlc auctlon at the K m g's W arehouse, K lllndlnl on 6TH M ARCH, 1950, at 9 a m , lf not cleared beforo that date The proceeds of unclmmed goods wlll be applw d as follows - Flrstly ,ln the payment of expenses of the sale , secondly, ln the paym ent of duty , thlrdly, ln the paym ent ol warehouso rent and chargos , fourthly, m th. e paynw nt of the frmght lf any, due upon the goods tf wntten notlco of such ftmght shall have boon glven to tlw Collc tor The balance, lf any, shall be pald lnto general rovenue, but m ay be refundçd to the pelsons entltled thereto If clalmed withln slx m onths of the datg of sale CUSTOM H OUSE, M OMBASA, R W H BARN ETT 31st Janualy, 1950 Actlng Regtonal Commtsstoner of Customs, Aee/lzw Lls'r or U NENTERED CARGO LYING IN THE K ING s W AREHOUSE OYER THREE M ONTHS DUE FOR SALE ON 6TH M ARCH, 1950 W E K N o and Shlp's N am e From D ate M arks and N os Descrlptlon of Goods D ate of A rnval 327 7-11-49 V F -K F A U K 12-10-49 M /S DESAI BROS C/N 14617 1 parcel contalmng samples of R lantern globes 329 11-11-49 M atlana 14-7-49 T & W I M OM BASA -/2657 1 case samples of glassware N IL 1 bundle rooling felt N IL 2 drum s palnt N IL 1 bag bolts and nuts N IL 2 cases hlnges N IL 1 case razors NlL 1 case bench vlce N lL 4 pleces lron N lL 1 packago valves NIL 1 bundle N IL 300 tlns boot plolsh 331 14-11.-49 V P -K F B Japan 19-10-49 C/N 35921 M /S M EGHJI RANCHOD & BRO S P (7 BOX 384 M OM BA SA 1 parcel sam ples of dyed cloths C/N 35924 M /S A FRICAN TRAD IN G CO P O BOX 304 M OM BA SA 1 palcel sam ples of cotton textlle and shlrts C/N 35927 M /S IM PEX LIM ITED P O BOX 768 M OM BA SA l palcel sample ol canvas shoes penclls and shoe laces C/N 35939 C/N 35923 M /S SU LTAN A G EN CIES LT D P O B OX 171) M OM BASA 2 palcds contalnlng sa m p les ot cotton hoslery and shlrts 332 14-11-49 Atlantlan South 31-7-49 ARL IK N AK U RU V1A M OM BASA 1 carton hfebuoy soap A R L BTS K A M PA LA V IA M O M - BA SA 1 carton llfebuoy soap N IL 1 carton corn flakes 332 14-11-49 Atlantlan N orth 31-7-49 N 1L 3 cartons glass tum blers B B EA PL 5701 & C o M 'BA RA K I VIA M OM BASA -/248 1 bag bolts and nuts U SL 4458 K LA 1 bag em pty bottles N lL 1 bag em pty bottles N IL 1 carton cono m m g 5 em pty bottles E F 29292 P S 1 carton corn flakes N IL 1 carton hfobuoy tollet soap IH M (torn) OM BASA 10 kegs dstem per A S & SON S N A1ltOBl VlA M OM - BASA 1 k*g sanltary tluld M M & Co LTD J IN JA 1 bag bolts and nuts 333 15-11-49 M ellskerk South 27-9-49 N IL 1 paper bag contalnlng 22 tm s IICOVISIOnS 334 15-11-49 Clan Alm ne U K M RS FORD D UN N K AITBT K A P- SABET K EN YA 1 crate welghlng m achlne N IL 1 carton glass tum blers N IL 110 karals 11 RED BOTH ENDS OR N/N N AIROBI VIA M O M BA SA 1 bundle channel 2 bundles angles G B N N R 2728 NA IRO BI V1A M OM BA SA 2 A cem ent m pes 325 15-11-49 layal l %outh 6-8-49 G LTD N AIROBI VIA M OM BA SA 1 çase sundry sam ples SA M PLB M N B N AIROBI VIA M OM BASA -/4 l case samples os earthenware K D RAW AL & C0 P O BOX 183 l M O M BASA 1 carton of samples of eartlzen- W are M /S SHAH PREM CHAND NATHU & CO P O BOX 197 M O M BASA 1 parcel sam ples of cotton plece goods 332 14-11-49 Atlantlan North 31-7-49 N ltz 1 bag washlng soap N 1L 2 cases soap 337 15-11-49 Robln Gray U S A 26-9-49 N lL 2 paçkds starter arm ature assem - b1y 338 15-11-49 Tabora South 29 9-49 A R B D AR ES SALAA M O R N lL - /1 or NIL 1 case cartrldges M R BBN N W BLLS BU LAW AYO M OM BA SA 2 trunks personal etrects 339 22-11-49 VP-KFB Aslnara 26-10-49 ASM IO/25 M R CARIN I C/O STER- LIN G ASTALD I M OM BASA 1 parcel extract of tom atoes 340 22-11-49 VP-KFB Japan 26-10-49 C'/N 54173 M /S AFRICAN TRADING CO P O BOX 304 M OM BA SA 1 pam el sam ples of cotton tex- tall - -:s

< Febnzary 21, 1950 TH E OFFICIAL GM ET'IT 1â1

Lls'r oF UNBm R:D Cu co L= NO IN 'nIE K1No's W m HousB ovelt 'I'HREB M ov xs Duz? I oR Sm oN 6TH M ARCH, Lgsfb- contd W B K N o and Shlp's N am e From D ate M arks and Nos Descrlptlon of Goods D ate of A rrlval

341 22-11-49 Ruys Hon ; Kong 13-9-49 M /S A H N URM OIIANED & C0 I rl D P Box 22z M O M BASA l orth 7-9-49 R I & CO N AIROBI 4 bales cotton plece goods 20..3 M OM BASA -/25 $5 24 C 8 or NIL 8 bales cotton pleco goods A r '053 M OM BA SA / or N IEL 1 bale cotton plece goods 20 33 A 1 bale cotton plece goods T A 2053 M OM BASA -ê 2 7 2 bales cotton m eco goods 20.,3 CO -/2 - 1 bale cotton mece goods T /053 M OM BASA -/ 5 1 bale cotton mece goods VIRCHAND & CO M OM BASA -/42 1 bale cotton mece goods K P H 2557 2 N A IR O Bl Vlyt M O M - J3A SA . 1 1 bales cotton plece goods S K J' M OM BASA -/4 or N1 L 1 bale cotton plece goods 1 bale cotton m ece goods N l L 5 cotton underwears N IL 3 cotton sport shlrts N IL 2 palrs khangas 354 29-1 1-49 VP-KHA 30-10-49 C/1V 1513 14 M RS S A TAYHAM 4-'/0 M ANOR H OTI L M OM BASA 1 parcd weanng appard 355 29-11-49 Tayarl South 12-10-49 Tf hM C/O COLI ECTC'R OF 4ZIJSTO M S M O M B &SA C)F TO M DA R ES SALAA M A IW ANZA N IL (M 9787/88 2 tartons smwlng thlead 356 29-11-49 G orusalom me Genoa 1 7-10-49 M R AN TON IO M AG LIOTR 1 or M R M AGLIOW IANTC NIOC/OLION CRAN SPORT M OA IBASA 3 trunks personal elrects 358 29-1 1-49 M ulbera North 9-9-49 J G BKS & co -/1238/: 0 3 cases bnlllantlne K I-TD 9059 M OM BJ.SA 1 bundlo corrugated lron sheets K (zS 9509 M OM BAS t 4 bundles cornzgated lron sheets x lta 1 bundle corrugated lron sheets A )58 C L NAIROBI WOM IIASA 1 drum lockheed qmd VA P IETY 593 M f 'M BA SA O R 1<. XLIDA S P O BC'X 59 r M OM - 132tSA 9 kegs karals 358 29-11-49 M ulbera Aëorth 9-9.-49 NIL 1 drum lockheed qmd NIL 1 case padlocks N I L 1 case lronware Nlta 24 combs z 2 tm s G lucolm , 3 m otor car fan belts , 2 tlns nulk 2 tms Hetnz sou m 3 tm1 prowslon, 4 cakos Palm olwo soap , 2 tms vegetablo soup , 2 tlns salmon , 1 tea kettl 0, 1 axe head : 1 1ot hds , 11 wlro brushes , 22 brushe,s , 29 tms sardm es , 6 bars Ltfebuoy soa p , 1 Iot paper hds , 1 B O BELG padlock (wlthout key) IM OR N 1! 1 bag bolts and nuts 357 29-11-49 Obra èlorth 28-7-49 B 3 M O M BASA VIA AD EN M ADE lr'hl OCCUPIBD JAI AN 1 caso contalnmg 1 kettle , 1 plate 1 m ug s 1 spoon 36û 29-11-49 Aronda South 6-10-49 G C L NAIROBI 3 cases empty bottles 362 29-11-49 M adula Soutb 30-10-49 S KA M PALA OR N l) 1 cask borlc powder V V M C 895 M OM BJ SA O1t N lL 1 bundle contam m g 23 karms 362 29-11-49 M adura South 30-10-49 N1L 1 case lronware N IL 1 bag nalls 363 29-11-49 Nukerk èlorth 22-8-49 M O M BA SA B K S 96 16 1 case essentlal o1l N 1L 1 case contalnlng 41 tlns m llk N1 L (dented) 14 bottles beer 128 THE OFFICIAL G AZETTE February 21, 1950 ç.

Lls'r oF UNENTERBS Cu Go LYING IN THE K lxG's W AREHOUS: ovsR THREE M ONTHS DUE FOR SALE ON 6TH M ARCH, 3950- Contd W /E K No and Shlp's N am e From Date M arks and N os - Descnptlon of G oods Date of Arrlval 364 5-17 ..49 Clan Buchanan U K 15-8-49 H M 07718/49 VIA M OM BASA - /914/5 2 rolls llnoleum S NAIROBI VIA M OM BASA -/1 1 case varnlsh N IL 4 grey qannel pants , 1 shlrt , 10 underwear , 4 pleces klkols , 2 pleces cotton plece goods 39 yards , 3 pleces art sllk 87 yards , 2 pleces cotton plece goods 31. yard s '1 S/H motor car tyre , 1 S/H lorry tube , 2 S/H coats , 1 scrubblng brush , 1 bottle m llk stout , 1 bottle bee r ,4 tm s sardlne s, 1 tln Iloor polls h ,1 t1n black pepper , 2 tm s m llk , 1 p c lron , 10 bundles knlttlng wool , 1 hook, 2 Jem bes 'R 304 14-10-49 Carpentarla N orth 7-6-49 N IL 1 plece grey Cannel 6 yards 262 /-9-49 Tanahord 17-6-49 N IL 1 case wooden doors N IL 10 bundles w all-boards NlL 33wall-boards (broken) 281 19-9-49 M odasa U K 22-6-49 N 1L 1 bundle bed parts 321 2* 10-49 Sandown Castle N orth 25-7-49 A C H M S N AIROBI M O M BA SA - /178 1 case dental goods 29-285-749 Kemlworth Castle U K j 12-4-49 E & CO NAIROBI 1 carton vlnegar

D s'r oF UNCLAIMED G OODS LYING IN THE KING'S W AREHOUSE OVER THREE M ONTHS DUE FOR SALE ON 6TH M ARCH, 1950 W E K N o and Shm 's N am e From D ato M arks and N os D escrlptlon of G oods Date of Arrwal 10244 14-+ .49 C P S 14-11-49 NlL 1 blue shlrt, 2 tles (second hand ), 2 zlpps , 2x50 packets W lld W oodblne clgarettes , 1 bottle beer abandoned 10247 K ampala Indla 17-11-49 P R Shah 1 lot blddlos approx 900 abandoned 10248 K am pala lndla 17-11-49 M r M F PEREIRA 1 bottle Goa Ilquor abandoned 10250 K am pala lndla 17-11-49 N IL 3 bottles G oa llquor abandoned K 84/49 Kampala Indla 17-11-49 M R M ASCARE l chlld's trlcyd/ K am pala Indla 17-11-49 M R BARRETTA OR N IL - 1 wooden case personal eflkcts K am pala Indla 17-11-49 N lL 2 em pty tlns K 84-49 K ampala lndla 17-11-49 N IL 1 bundle broom s K 85/49 Karanla South 18-11-49 N lL 1 mllk can 10160 Islpmgo South 24-11-49 M ISS I E BOW M AN zoochesterfiold clgarettes . 1 lb St Bruno tobacco abandoned 10 161 Khandalla lndla 30-11.-49 A H Patel 350 blddles approx abandoned 10/162 Khandalla lndla 30-11.-49 M R M T PATEL 3 cakesapprox 6 lb manufactured tobacco K 90/49 Khandalla Indla 30-11-49 N lL 3 tms, empty K 90/49 Khandalla Indla 30-11.-49 N IL 1 bag personal elects 10163 Aronda South 6-12.-49 M R K V OU LTON 13 rounds am m unltlon abandoned K 92 D unnottar Castle U K 4-12-49 Capt J K Brown 1 bundle lronlng board

Lls'r or CONFISCATEO G ooos Lym o rx KING'S W AltsllousE Dtœ eoR SALE oN 6TH M ARCH: 1950 W E K I N o and Shlp's N am e From D ate M arks and N os Descrlptlon of Goods Date of Arnval

10166 C P S 22-12-49 S N K 115 49 K 11 case no 67 49 9.). yards whlt: sharkskln materlal 10167 C P S 22-12-49 S N K 1 16 1949 K LI case no 68 49 420 Chesterfidd clgarettes 10168 C P S 28-12-49 S N K 117 1949 Ref D R 2177 4 27 12 49 60 sm all bottles of perfume 24 medlum slze bottles ol perfum e. 6 yards art sllk plece goèds , 21 lb of sweet- m ea t ,2 sm all chm a teapots 2 rubber balls , 2 klkols , I dozen wntlng bboks , 1 knlfe , 100 clgarettes , 7 yards cotton plece goods , 2 packets of sweets , 1 plece khanga , 1 dozen tablets of tollet soap 10 cartons contalnlng 11; bottles of perfum e 1:169 C P S 31-12-49 Selzed S N K 118 1949 19x25 tlns State Express 555 clgarettes Nllkerk France S N K 2 31 1 50 STAN DAR D BAN K O F S A FRICA 1 case ash trays 10173 C P S 14-1-50 C R 75/49 2 gunny bags , small glass tum bler C R 127-49 2 cakes Palm ollve soap C R 55-30 4 packets beads C R 165-49 2 hm ges and a num ber of nalls C R 156-49 8 tobacco pmes and 1 tobacco plpe bow l wlthout stem C R 142-49 8 yards cotton m ece goods 10173 - C P S 14-1-50 C R 132-49 1 1ot bolts and nuts C R 144...49 1 second-hand coat Pebruary 21, 1950 *LI18 OFFICIA L GAZETTI i29

SIJPZU MENTARY uls'r oF CONIISCAT:D G'ocm s LYN G IN K lhG's W ARSMO: sE Dt,9 Fcm SALE ON 6TH M ARLIG 1950 W /E K N o and Shlp's N am d F rom D ate M arks and Sos D escrlptlon of G oods Date of Arrwa 1

9356 935T and 9358 Talrea IrEdla 13-1 1-48 Sel 'ed S N K 101 1948 5 bronze pots stud sets approx 2 gross , 4 dozen hesslan bags 54 Indlan caps , 1 palr leathel cham pal s , 6 palrs cotton sock s y8 bed sheets 10 pleces cotton pleco goods 100 yards 25 cotton and art stlk sarees , 12 pleces pettlcoats 5 shukas em broldered , 83 cotton sarees , 20 palrs dhotls 19 palrs lvorv bangles , 2 brass qower vase s , 1 set G erm an sllverware (mugs and tray) , 2 brass food m lncers 1 betel- nut servlng set , 57 saree borders SEIZ ED S N K 10l 1f 48 37 palrs anklets (sllverware) , 12 key holders (sllverware) . 21 skelns cotton and sll&er thread m lxed tape 60 tolas clotb + ornaments sllver thread mlx- ture

Llsr or LElzr LIJGGAGE ARTICI Es LYING IN KING'S W ?CREHOUSE OVER Tw ) YFAItS DUE :OR SALE 6TH M ARCH, 1950 W /E K N o and Shlp's N am : From Date M arks and Sos Descrlptlon D ate of A rm val 7785 Talrea Iadla 16-2-48 M I J R Abercrom blr l gun case contalnlng one D/B rllle N o 4480 and 25 rounds am m unltlon

GBNERAL N oTlcs N o 415 IN THE RESIDEN T M AG I'W RATE'S COURT OF NAK URU IN Tlv M AH ER OF SUMMONSES FOR ARREAR > OF RATES The M lflifclpc! Boald (,'/ Nakltt 1/ vlatntls To M rs E C. de sk'lzzc M erwtm ll s/;/ttcc Tamboh , f'arl/?tp//cl?l Velll 'e/7f?/?gll Pel oshall , .Rf!#/?z? K lshatt c??# H allpal Alla Cowaslt M bdy Naser M ablee and Sons, ,4 X Cardoza, xg/vEwf/e Alogo l D Souza Da*) alal ,î lo >5,v21 atld Chllmlal s /0 Hemchand #c# ndailts - W H EREAS sum m onse,s have t'een lssued ln the abokrv Court whereof yartlculars of plalnt are set out ln the Schedule hereto And whereas by an order dateu 23l d D coember, 1949, the Court on beln ; satlslled that personal sorvlce of the sald sum - m onses was not practxablt dlspençed wlth such personal servlce and m ade an ordt 1 for substltuted servlce to be elected, lnter Jnf? ln mannor hçreln contam f d N ow therefore takt, notlce tha: you the defendants al t. requlred wlthm 14 days of the date of lnsel-tlon of thls notlce, lncluslve of the day of such lnsertlon, to cause an appearance to bc entered ol you at the above mentloned Court and that ln default of your so dalng the pla ntl/ m ay proceed m th the actlons and udgm knl m ay be glven agalnst you ln your absence S4 IICEDUI-E

Plalnt N o Defendallt Property Perlod of Arrears Costs Arrears Clalm ed Sh cts Sh cts 538 of 1949 M rs E C de Souza Plots Nos 4 and 5, Sectlc n 3 1941 to 1949 102 19 64 00 539 of 1949 M erwanle Bhlkala Taraboll Plot N o 12, Sectlon 3 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00 540 of 1949 Purshottam Vebl Plot No 6, Sectlon 4 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00 541 of 1949 Jehanglr Plroshan Plot N o 3, Sectlon 4 1941 to 1949. 92 53 62 00 542 of 1949 Radha K l lshen and Harlpal Plot N o 2 Sectm n 4 1S'41 to 1949 92 53 62 00 543 of 1949 Alla Cowasll M ody Plot N o 10, Sectlon 3 1941 to 1949 92 37 62 00 544 of 1949 N aser M awlee & Sons Plot N o zcsectlon 3 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00 545 of 1949 A X Cardoza Plot N o 16, Sectloll 4 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00 546 of 1949 Sllvestre D togo I D 'Souza Plot N o 11, Sectlon 4 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00 547 of 1949 Dayalal s/o Slvll and Clmnllal s/o H emch m d Plot No 7, Sectlon 4 1941 to 1949 92 53 62 00

CRESSW ELL HARRIS & M ANN 6th February, 1950 .'1 #1 ocale: fot l/?e platnttF P O Box 51 Nakuru 13û 1H E OPFICIAL GA ZETIY , 1950 A G BNBRAL NoTlcE No 416 GBNERAL NoTlcE N o 420 TIIE BAN K RU FTCY ORDINAN CE CREDIT TO NATIVES (CONTROQ ORDINANCE N o'rlcs oF D IVIDCND CERTIFICATES of exem ptlon under the CJ edlf to N atwes D ebtors' cc/ne.ç - l-lasham Jam al, Vall Jamal, A hm ed Jam al, tcontrol) Ordlnance, 1948 have been granted to the followlng - Ebralum Jam al, tradlng as Hasham Jamal and Co , A o - 19 m solvents A?tz/??e - Thlaka N guta Addresses .- hlom basa and K lsumu Addl e5ç --.c/0 Klhumbwlnl, P O Box 81 Tblka D eso I#f/(z?7 - lmport, expolt and gcneral m e1 chants D esc' ?zJ??c,?? - rlanspolter Coul t - H M Suprem û Court ot K enya M om basà D l/t ()/ , ( t;15??f?/,t>n - 19th Ianu'tl y 1950 No oj pllc/tc/ - 18 of 1926 N o - 20 4nkoultt per f - 32 cents Ftlnt ol fnal o? otherwlse - Fourth and ânal N allle - D M C M uthem ba ..1 ddl f -$.5 .-K abz te W hen payable - 1st M alch 1950 W here pavable --ofliclal Reeelvel s O:lce lnland Revenuc Dtlft. C?J l e%Is(' J/If?I1 - 25th 1 llAuat %' :950 Bm ldm g, P O Box 366, M om basa Nau ob1 , 11 AN DERSON , M om basa, A C BECTO R, 14th lleblualy R eglstral G enelal 15th. February, 1.950 Acflflg Agcltt (# the Ohlclal Rcct'tl et

G ENCRAL N oTlce N o 417 G ENERAI- N olicE N O TH E TR A N SPO R T LIC EN SIN G O R D IN A N CE , 1937 TH E BAN K RU PTC Y O R D IN A N CE + RBCEIVING ORDER &N D D ebtor s uclnç - K azl Esm all Gulam M ohalyudln, fo1 m erly T H E. V EH ICLES LIC EN SIN G REG U LA I ION S 1938 a paltner ln thc film of $ K azl and Co ' Address - P O Box 128, Nalrobi IT 1* notlfled fol gencral lnf orm àtloll ttlat the tlnde! D escllptlolt - M urchant m entloned appllcatlons ïol llcences have been lncluded fo3 Date 0/ #/!?!,g petttlokt - 14th February, 1950 consldelatlon at thu boal d m ectlng to bc held at M unlt-lpal Cou' t - H M Suprem e Cctzrt, N alrobl H all, N aku! u, on llllday 10th M alch, 1950, at 10 a m No oj lnattet - 3 of 1950 A ny oblectlons to these appllcatlons m ay be subm ltted to Date oj ordet - 14th Febnzary, 1950 the Transport Llcenslng Boald fl om to day untll three days W hether debtol s or credttors' pctltton - Debtor's prlor to the date of the m eetlng A copy of each oblectlon m ust be sent to the appllcant N alrobl, H V AN DERSON , 17th Februaly, 1950 Ojïickal Receive? ROAD SBRvlcis LlcsNcs TLB 9987- Parm al Bros , Subukm , P O Box 192, Nakuru R oute Subukla-N akuru v1a Solal Road O ne bus G BNBRAL N oTlce N o 418 t$B ' CARRIBRS LICBNCB THB BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE RscslvlN:r O RIAER TLB 2267- South K lnangop Dalry P O South K lnangop R outo N alVvaeshhlcal-eK mH a 6n3g7o3p and 25 m lles radm s of * D ebtol s p?fzplic - M aganlal R am jl, tladlng under the nam e K lnangop and style of çG ulabchand Brothers ' 4ddtess .-r ulzar Street East, N alrobl D oo /.p/It7?z - M erchant N allobl E SIN CLAIR, Secreto y , Dote t# Iilll,g pcflfltp?, - 14th February 195: 17th Febl ualy 1950 T/cplspo? f LkcensfIzg Sotzrd Coul t - H M Suprem e Court, N alrobl N o t# lnatteî -..4 of 1950 Date t# ol der - 14th Fobruary, 1950 ,# hcthel debtot s (7/ clealtols pehtton '- rhebtol s G ENER&L NorlcE N o 422 N alrobl, H V AN DERSON , 17th Februal'y 1 950 Omctal Rcccl: el EAST A FRICAN RAILW AYS AN D H ARBOU RS W NDERS FOR H ARDV OOD SLEEPERS TENDERS are lnvlted fol the supply of the undermentloned quantltles of hardwood sleepers - GENSRAL Non cs No 419 Slze Quanttttes THE TRAD E M ARKS ORD IN AN CE, 1930 Type 1 --6 ft by 9 m by 41. ln 2,400 Type 2 - 7 ft by 10 ln by 5 ln 2,950 A ez>LIc&TIoN No 4275 Type 3 - 8 ft by 10 m by 5 ln 2,100 Tvpe 4 - 9 ft by 10 m by 5 ln 1,750 Type 5 - 10 ft by 10 ln by 5 In 1,* 0 L/iP Type 6 - 11 ft by 10 m by 5 m 1,650 Total 12,450

< v Full detatls of sptcttkatlon, tender form anll speclm en con- r >.: #,$'''*)) . ,- > tract agreem ent m ay be obtalned on apgllcatlon to the Oë ces - )' >):.)> ,?> .) of the Stoles Supellntendent, East Afrlcan Rallways and Har - ? ' / '? nu .) l j? / ,??, t ? ' ' ' bours, P O Box 40, N au ob1 - > $ ) ) .p - The A dm lnlstratlon reserv'es the rlght to make part uot) M a1 tracts at the prlces tendered and tenderors m ay quote for a portlon of the stated requlrem ents lt unable to terlder for the total quantlty asked for These sleepers are leqmled at tht. eaahest posslble date and tenderers m ust gjve paltlculars as to the rate of dellvery per m onth that can be m am talned TAK E N OTICB that an apphcatlon fo1 tho reglstratlon of Sealed tendel s ln accol dance wlth the abovc condltlons the trade m ark shewn abovo ln Class 1 ln respect of alkalles clearly m arked çs-l-enders for H ardwood Sleeptrs'' m ust bù for use ln m anufactures, has been lodged by M agadl Soda addressed and (hspatched to The Chalrm an, Tcndel Board Com pany, Llm lted, of Im penal Chem lcal H ouse, M lllbank, East Afnoan Ratlways and Harbours P 0 Box 570 Nalrobl, laondon, S W 1, England, m anufactulers and m trchants, whose so as to reach the addresseù not lqter than 12 noon on 3 1st address for strvlce m the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atkmson, M arch, 1950 Am slte, Chtlds-ck rke and O 'D onovan, advocates, of P O Tenders not so addressed, dlspatched and cndolstd alv hablc Box 2#, M om basa to be relede,d and m at:y caso tendt.! s recot: t.d after the statctl The sald trade m ark w1l1 be rep stered after the explratlon tlm e and date wl11 not be consldcred of 90 days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recvlved The low%t or any ttndtr wlll not nectssanly bc accemted x a1t4rtohb jkebnzary, 1950 RH V ANDBRSON, N alroh A DA LTO N , egutrar // Trade M crk' 17th iubruary 195: Generat M l//frsrt? February 21, 1950 TH E OFFICLG GA ZE'IV E 131

GENBRAL NoTlcB N o 423 GBNERAL No: (cE Na 425 TH E REG ISTRATION O F TITLES ORDINAN CE THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK (AM ENDM END (Clumter 142 o! the Revlsed Edlt, on, sectton 69) ORD IN AN CES, 1934 AND 1936 N on m cm ox W H ER EA S Jum a A bdurehm an, K hanus b1n Om ar, K llam ls N OTICE 1 : hereby glven that the Board of the Land and b1n A bdulehm an, All b n Shelkh, Sald bm A bdurehm an and Agrlcultural llank of Kenya has approved a tem porary advance Tlsht blntl K ham ls, a1l of K lsaunl, as adm lnlstrators of the In term s of sectlon 3 of the Land and A grlcultural Bank estate of Khamls bla K lguhT, deceased, are repstered as pro- (Amendment) Ordlrtaace 1934, as amended by Ordlnance XIV pnetors of Plot N o 124 of Sectlon 1, K lçaunl, M alnland N orth, of 1936, as lnder - by vlrtue of a certshcate of ownershlp So 2953 reglstered ln the Coast Reglstry as No C R 1754/ 1, and whereas suëclent N am e clil address - rhom as M lller Logan and Esm e M ary evldence has been adduced to show that ttle certficate of owner- Logan, l'.ampz ya-M oto shlp relatm g to the sald plece of lan; has been destroyed dd m ount --' 350 by fire, notlce zs hereby glven that after the explratlon of 90 N alrobl T L HATELY , days from the date hereof l shall lssuf a provlslonal certlf- 17th Febru ary, l 9f0 Seo etary cate provlded that no oblectlons have been rtcelved m thln that pemod G BNERAL N c rlcB N () 297

M om basa, N W YN N JON ES ' 16th February, 1950 Reustrar o/ nties W ARNIN G N OTICE $tVA ,ELINE '--KR> A REGISTSRBD TRADE M ARK NOTICE s hen by glven that the word VASBLINE ls the reglstered tra Je m ark of the Chesebrough M anufacturlng Com - pany, ConsoTldated jof New Y ork, U S A , and ls used to dls- tlngulsh petr Aleum Jully and other preparatlons m anufactlzred by that com pany no person has the nght to use the trade G ENSRAL N o4 IcE N o 424 m ark VASEL NE wl th reference to any goods whlch are not manufactured by the Chesebrough M anufactunng Company THE AIR SERVICES (LIC ENSING) IKEGULATIONS, 1946 And notloe ls fu1 ther glven that legal proceedmgs wl11 lm me- dlately be taken agalnst any person, 11r.111 or corporatlon w ho NGTICE 0F A PPLICATION FOR A I-ICFNCE TO OPERATB AlR SERVICI S sellq or offel s fol sale as V ASBLINE goods w hlch are not the PU RSU ANT to the plovlslons of regulatlons 21 and 22 of pl oduct of C Aesebrough M anufacturlng Com pany, Consolldated the Alr Transport (Llcenqlng) Regulatlons, 1946, notlce ls heleby A -K IN SON , A IN SLIE, CH ILD S-CLA RKE AN D glven that lndlan Ocean Alrways, Llm lted of P O Box 372, O'DON OVAN , N ayrobl, K enya has applled to the East A fllcan A lr Transport Advocaten koz Chtsebrough M anufacturtng Co Consoltdated A uthollty for a llcence to olnelate the fcllow lng alr selvlces P 0 Box 29 M ombasa (tk) Scheduled a1r servlce M ombasa-seychelles, M ombasa- M aurltlus, onûee weekly (:) Charter and aerlal work ln Indlalz Ocean for a penod GBNBRAL N o- lcE N o 31 1 of five years H ythe (lp ng-boats are to be used IN H IS M AJESTY $: COU RT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN It ls further notlhed that any represd ntatlons or obleectlons AFRICA wlth regal d to thls appllcatlo'a m ust be m ade to the East Afncan N o'rlcB OF SBssloNs A lr Transport Authol lty at the ollice oï the D lrector of Czvll Avlatlon (P O Box 601), d3verseas T1 ànsport House, Sadler NOTICE s heleby glven that the next ordlnary sesslon Street, N alrobl not later tlqan 26th M z rch, 1950 Every such of H 1s M ale aty s Court of Appeal for Easterrt Afnca wlll be representatlon or obTectlon shall be nlade ln wlltlng shall held at K am pala com mencm g on the 12th day of Apnl 1950, state the speclfic grounds on w hlch lt zs based and shall speclfy at 10 a m qnl condltlons whlch lt m ay be demld d should be attached -1 o ensure appeals belng set down fol hearlng at tius sesslon to the llcence lf gl anted A copy of evt ry such representatlon m em oranda of appk als should be fkled wlth the R egstrar, or objectlon bhall be sent by the pe1 son m aklng the sam e H1s M alesty > Court of Appeal for Eastern Afrlca, N alrobl, to the appllcant of the llce Ace at the sam e tlm e as lt ls sent and the D e auty R.( p strars at M om basa, K am pala, D ar es to the Authorlty Salaam Zan lbar lnd, A den on or before 12th M arch, 1950 D F SH AYLOR , Regutrar, Nauobl, STA4DEY W D COLLS, Nalrobl, H M Court // Appeal /or 15th f'ebluqly, 1930 Dllectoi oj C'/1 l zfw//lon East ad/?lcc 7th Februa ry, 19 ,0 Eastern Ajrlca

GENERAL N o'rlcE N o IM have prevlou s1y subrnltted appllcatlons, m ust be subm ltted to the underslgred befole noon on 3rd M arch, 1950 TH E CROW N L YN DS ORIDINAN CE Plans of tl e areas m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Omce of M IBNArION OF LAND * the Survey r epartnlent, G overnm ent Road, N alrobl, ol m ay be A PPLIC A TION S have been recelved and others are lnvlted obtalned on I'aymertt of Sh 4, post free fol the dlrect alienatlon of blocks of lantl noted m the Schedule hereunder, and thls lntlm atltln ls publlshed for pubhc m form a- tlon E R COU SIN S, A ny oblectlons to the alnpllcatlons (,r any counter clalm s N alrobl, Spectal Cozlirnlyawtiael and for conslderatlon by person , lnterested, lncludlng persons who 19th Janua y, 19:0 Acttng C'tp?nmlxultprle? oj .Lc??#.ç

S( HEDULB Present rate per annum R ate per p*r acre ln accordance L R No Locallty Area Approlk Acre App !l( ant wlth the Crown Lands Ordlnance Acres Outspan L R 4589 Old 'lhom son's 200 To be assess- J H M llton 20 cents untll the Falls Rd ed 31-12-60 then revlsable L R 185 6/ R Nalvash k 3,452 - ,, Portlon of L R 222 R ulru 13 H J C ourtney ,, 132 THE OFIV IAL GAZETT'E Pebruary 21, 19$0

' PU BLICA M ON S O N SALE AT G OV ERN M EN T PRIN TIN G A N D STA H ON ERY D EPA RTM EN T Sh cts Annual Trade Repolt of K enya and U ganda, 1948 (lncluslve of postage) 20 (X) B lue Boo k , 1 946 20 00 Flnanclal Report and Statem ent for the Year 1947 10 00 Fatma of Bntlsh Eastmn anG Central Afnca (pubhsbed by East Afnca Hlgh Comm sslon) (postage 10 cents extra) 50 Kenya Colony Annual Report, 1947 (postage 20 cents extra) 3 ($0 Labour D epartment Annual R eport, 1948 2 50 Local N atlve Counml Revenue and Expendlture, 1949 5 00 M edlcal D epartm ent Annual Report, 1947 5 00 U mversal D eclaratlon of H um an R lgbts by U N O lpostage 10 cents extras (1 20 M onthly Trade and Rm enue Reports for the m onths of January to M ay, lncluslve leachl (postage 10 cents extra) 1 œ Report on N atlve Afmrs. 1946-1947 5 00 Report of the Board of the Land and A gncultural Bank of K enya, 1948 2 00 Report of the Contmlssloner for Local G overnm ent, 1947 5 00 Report of the Taxatlon Enqulry Comm lttee, K enya, 1947 7 50 Report on Transport m the Sotlk-Kencho D lstrlct (postage 1: cents extra) 00 Report on the Potentlalltles of Fnm G rowlng ln Kenya K Rev'ew of Kenya Flqhenes, 193* 1945, by H ugh Copley 00 Revlew of Kenya Flsherles, 194* 1947, by 'H ugh Copley 2 00 Report of the D epartm ent of A grlculture, 1947 10 00 Report of the D evelopm ent and Reconstructlon Authonty covenng the year 1948 2 50 Report of the Przsons Departm ent, 1948 2 50 Report of the Pohce D epartm ent, 1948 2 00 Report of tlw Repstl'a: G eneral's D epartm ent, 1948 2 (10 Report of the Colonlal Audlt Departm en t , 1948 2 50 Report of tlle EducatTon Departm ent, 1947 1 50 Report of the Veterlnary D epartm ent, 1947 5 00 Report of the Posts and Telegraphs Departm ent, 1947 1 50 Report of the Technlcal Instltute Commlttee (postage 20 cents extra) 2 (X1 Rex rt of the Select Com m àttee on Indlan Educatlon (postage 20 cents extra) 2 00 Report of the Afncar Educatlon Com mlttee by I'-zier (postage 20 cettts extra) 5 00 Report of the Upper Tana m ver Irngatlon Prolect (postage 20 cents ext a) 5 00 n e A granan Problem lr K enya N ote by Slr Pluhp M ltchell, G c M G , M c ? Governor of Kenya 2 50 The Llgul'u and the Land, by N Humphrey (postage 15 cents exf'rnl 1 00 n e Consohdate,d Edltlor Clvtl Procedure Ordm ance, 1948 2 (X1 Tlm Cm l Procedure (Revlsed) Rules, 1948 (postage 70 cents extra) 25 00 The D lgest and G ulde to the Cnm lnal Law of K enya (postage 40 cents extra) 1û ()0 The Penal Code and The Cnnunal Procedure Code (1948) (postage 50 cents extra) 25 (X) The Defence (Pnce Contzol) Regulatzon s , 1945 lamended up to 31st Augtlst, 1949) (postage 20 cents extra) 1 00 The Geologlcal Report N o 15 (Northern Kenya) (postage 20 cents extra) 00 The Geologlcal Report No 16 (Sotlk Dlstrlct) (postage 20 cents extra) 4 00 The M lnlng Laws of Kenya (postage 20 cents extra) 3 00 'lMvathf' $ the M ohammedan Law of Inhentance (postage 50 oents extl a) 4 ()0 Report of the Development and Reconstructlon A uthorlty for the penod of 1st July to 30th September, 1949 (thlrd guarter) 1 00 The Ieaw Reports of K enya, 1946 15 00 The Law Reports of K enya, 1947 25 00 The Court of Appeal Law Reports Tor Eastern A fnca, 1946 . 27 50 The Court of Appeal Law Reports for Eastern M nca, 1947 20 (X) The Leglslatwe Councp Debates, 1948-49 frhlrd Sesslon), 22nd November, 1948, to 27th January, 1949 35 (#) The Lepslatlve Councll Debates, 1949 (n rst Sesslon), 10th to 19th M ay, 1949 10 (y) Rates of Subscrlptlon to the OK cm l Gazette- 12 months (mcludmg postage) 25 (#) 6 months (Includmg postage) 13 (f 3 months (lncludlng postage) 7 50 Rate of Subscnptlon to the East Afncan Agncul- tural Journal, per volume 5 (x) Rate of Subscnptlon to the East M nca Hlgh Commls- slon Oë el%1 G azette. for 12 m onths 5 œ