' THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLOlrJY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Publashed under the Authorlly of HISExcellency (he Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - ----- 2 VOL. LII-NO. 9 Price 50 Cents NAIROBI, IFlebruarvv 21.1950 Registered as a N~wsD~D~~at the G P 0 Publ~shedevery Tuesday COEirnNTS OFFICIAL GAZETE OPFlCCAL GAZETTGConid Govt Not~ceNo - PAGE General Not~ceNo 175-Appointments 109 curopean St ttlemei~t Board 375 176-The Reastration of Perqons Ordinance, 1947- Loss of Wa Bond Cebt~ficate 376 Cancellat~on of Appointment 109 Te~idelsfor Old Lorrre? 377 177-178-Bills for introtfuction lnto the Legslative Dlstrlct Council Elections 378 Counwl- Nairobi RI~,s, 1950 379 The Supplen~entary Appropr~ation (1948) Closure of Road, Valrobl 380 Ordinance, 1950 110 Excise Licc nces 382 The Guarantee (High Commlss~on Post? Nakulu C~a,sFin\ Order 383 and Telegraphc Loan) Ortlin3nce 1950 112 Probate dnd Adrn~n~sttation 385-400 179-The Trading nn Unwrought Precious Metals Company L quldat~on 401,402 Ordinance, 1931-Forfeiture of preclou\ Mombasd 5 reets Charge\ 403,404 metals . 114 AULLIO~of ~Aotor Launch 406 180-The Marridge O~dinance--Chu~chI~censed 114 Cu\tom? D partment Auctlon 414 181-The Bankruptcy Ord~nance-Cancellation of Nakuru Arr qrb of Rates 415 Appointment 114 The Bankru ,tcy Clrthnance 416-418 182--The Liquor Ordinance-Appointment 114 Trade Marl 419 183- 184--The Courts Ordinance-A 2pointments etc 1 14 The Cred~tto N'itrves (Control) Ordin?nce-Cert~ficates 420 185-The Employment Ord~nance-Appointments 114 The rransplrt L~censlng Oidlnance 42 1 186-The Water Ordmance-Appo~n~ment 114 Tendel s for Sleepers-E A R & H 422 187-Rutru Toansh~p Comm~ttee-/ippointment 114 The Reglstr+tion of Titles Ordinance 421 188-Kericho Townsh~pCommittee- Apporntrnent\ 114 Air Serv~ce L1ce11'1ng 424 189-Language Exammat Ions 115 The Land nd Agricultural B~nk 425 19&-Thomson s Falls Townsh~~~Comm~ttee- - Appointments SUPPLEMENT No 191-The Voluntarily Unemployed Person5 (Pro 9 P I950 vlslon of Em~>lovment), , Clrdlnance. 1949- roclan~at rotr~ Rules nnd Regzrlnt~ons Appo~ntment\ 115 Covt Notrct No - PAOE Pioclamat~onNo - 192-Tht Afr~catlGrown Cofiee (Amendment) Rules, 4-5-The D~seasesof An~malsOrd~nance 115 1950 75 6-The Suppresuon of Rables Ordliiance, 1932 116 193-Th( Education (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 1950 75 General Notices 116132 194-Hp Majesty s Forces Pens~ons and Gratuibes General Not~ceNo (~uic~t-anPersonnel) (Amendment) Regula- L~quor Llcenslng Courts 365 381,384,413 t~ons, 1950 76 Borded Warehouse Ltcencc 36f1 195-Tht Kil~ndini Harbour (Port Cold Store) The Water Ord~nance 367-369 405 (Amendment) Regulat~ons 1950 76 Transfer of Bus~nesses,etc 370,371,40741: 196 197--T~mbf I Control Pr~ceOrders 77 Land Reastration Court 372 PIoclamatio 1 No -- The Bank Ord~nance 37 1 7-The Diseases of An~mals Oldinance 78 East Afr~can Currencv Boaid 374 &--The Sugar Consutnpt~onTax Ordlnance 78 -- - - -- THOMASFFANCIS ~IINOGUE to be an AssistanL Laboul Officer, Eldoiet, vith effect from 1st November 1949 APPOINTMEN7 S MICHAELCOOK LO bB an Assistant Labour Officer, KISII, wth REVO OR VIC'IOR NORMANFORTESCUE, MA (CANTAB),to bl: effect fion 1st J lnuary, 1950 Act~ng Clerk to Leg~sl~ttlveCouncll with effect from 2lst PET~RERIC HEMSUORTH to be Statlstlcl3n, Labour Department, February 1950 wlth effett from 1st November 1949 JOHN FENTONSHIKI 4w, M R c v s , LO be Veterinary Researcll MISS GFR~RUDEJOYCE XUGG-GUNN to be Resldent Magstrate, Officer, Department of Veterinary Services, with effect f~onl Nairobl with cffect from 13th Februa~y, 1950 27th Augugt, 1949 JAMESPATIIC~ IZEFOY, Aststant Inspector of Pohce, to act HANSPET~R VINKFL-JENSEI~ to be a Veterinary Officer, Depart as Chlef Inspe-tx ot Police wlth eflect from 1st Febmary, ment of Veterinary Sertiices, nlth eRect from 26th Januarj, 1950 1950 THOMAS'G ~RREKT~~SKW~TH, M A (C4NTAB ), 10 act as C0mmIs- PETER WHITEHEADTHOROID, B sc (',OUTHAFRICA), to be I sioner tctr Soc~alWelfare with efiect from 15th February, Vetellnary Research Ofl~ce~Department of Vetellnary Sel- 1950 vlces, w~theffect from 15th January 1950 ROBERTJOHN ANDREW STUART HICKSON-MAHONEY to be DlstI'lc t C H THORNLEY, Officer, Voi Distric~, Coast Provlni e, with effect from 1 t Deputy Chzef Secretary February, 1950 WILLIAMFAIRLIE BUCHANAP*POLLQK MORRIS to be Dlstnc t Officer Meru Distnct. Central P~~jvince,with effect from 2nd February, 1950 GOVERNMEIT NOTICE NO 176 ROGER- - ANTHONY HOSKING to be Dlstric t Officer, Central Nyanza I Distrtct, Njanza Province, with ef ect from 4th Febiuarv I THE RE ~ISTRATIONOF PERSONS ORDINANCE, 1947 EDWIN CH~RLESEGGINS to be D~st~~ctOfficer and Person11 IN EXERClSE ot the powers thereunto enabling me, I hereby Asslstdnt to the Provlnc~al Comml~sioner,Nyanza Province, cancel the appolntinent of Mrs Mary de Nobilga as a Re~stra- with effect from 16th Jlnuary, 1950 tion Officer in theNalrob1 Distrlct wth effect from 6th BRUCEGRIHALI CLARLDto be an Csistant Labour Officer, Februin, 1950 Th~ka. wth effect iron1 17th December, 1949 I KENNETHDOUGLAS HARRAP to be an Assistant Labour Offiar, A T WISE, Thomson's Falls, with ~ffectfrom 1st February, 1950 1 Prrnclpal Registrar 11Q TH E OFFICIAL G AZETTE Ftbnlary 21, 1950 k G ovBpum ar N tyTlcB N o 177 n e G overnor ln Councll Nas approved of the follow m g B11l bem g lntroduced m to the Leglslatlve Counml M zx M w u œ , A ctlng Clerk to the Leglslattve Counctl. A BILL EN TIR ED A N O R D G A N CE T O A LLO W A N D CO N FIR M C ER TA IN E X PEN D IT UR E IN C U R R ED IN TH E FG A N G A L Y E A R 1948 W H ER EA S the expendlture of eleven m llllon, one 4 hundred and nlnetp seven thousand, slx hundred and Efty- three poundss ten shllllngs and tw enty-elght cents was neces- sarlly lncurred durlng the f'lnanclal Y ear 1948, on certaln servlces, of w hlch the sum ol elght m llllons two hundred and nlnety-seven thousand, nlne hundred and tw enty-three pounds No 2 of 1948 w as provlded by the 1948 A pproprlatlon O rdlnance, 1948 A N D W H ER EA S lt ls now- necessary to provlde a further sum of tw o m llllon elght hundred and nlnetym lne thousand seven hundred and thlrty pounds ten shllllngs and tw enty-elght cents IT 1S, TH ER EFO R E. E N A CT ED by the G overnor of the Colony of K enya. w tth the advtce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereofa as follow s Short tltlr 1. Thls O rdlnance m ay be clted as the Supplem entary A ppropnatlon (1948) Oldlnance 1950 #' surther 2. The expendlture durm g the Financlal Y ear 1948, to expendlture for the am ount of tw o m llllon, eight hundred and nlnety-nm e vtheea nr 1n9a4n8c lal thousand, seven hundred and thlrty pounds, ten shllllngs and J autbonzed # tw enty-elght cents, on the several servlces spemhed ln the Schedule to thls O rdlnance and not provlded for or not fully No 2 of 1948 provlded for by the 1948 A pproprlatlon O rdlnance, 1948, ls hereby allowed and conhrm ed SCH ED U LE H ead N o H ead x4nm lfnf f s cts 1 Th.e G overnor 3,668 3 66 IA The G overnor Extraordlrary 1,024 0 59 2 Judlclal D epartm ent 1,480 6 29 4 Central A dm lnlstratlon- secretarlat and Leglslatlve Councll 6,9* 5 A dlm m strahon 19,4% 7 C oast A gency 108 8& Educatton D epartm ent Extraordlnary 87,216 10 Labour D epartm ent 2,279 11A Lands, M lnes and Survep Extraordlnary 2,510 12 M llltary 5,309 13 M lscellaneous Servlces 459 13A M lscellaneous Servlces Extraordm ary 11,580 15 Pnntlng and Statlonery 14,629 15A Pnntm g and Statlonery Extraordlnary 88 16 Prlsons 42,643 16A Prlsons Extraordlnary 623 17 Publlc W orks D epartm ent 179,994 19 Publlc W orks Extraordlnary 323,705 20A R eglstrar of Co-operatw e Socletles Extra- ordm ary 466 8 32 22 Legal D epartm ent 46 1 44 22A Legal D epartm ent Extraoldlnary 542 1 1 00 23 Pollce 26,113 0 21 23A Pollce Extraordlnary 25,370 1 11 24 Reglstrar G eneral's D epartrnent 104 0 45 25 A ccountant G eneral's D epartm ent 5,731 8 85 25A A ccountant G eneral's D epartm ent Extra- oralnary 218 2 73 # Pebruary 11, 19% TIIB OFPIC l A.L G AZETTE 111 H ead N o lh ad A m ount k s ct,s 28 M lscellaneous Selvlces 24,225 3 72 28A M tscellaneous servlces Epktlaordlnal y 1,81 2,046 12 41 29A Penslons and G ratultles IE xtraordlnaly 700 19 94 30 Publlc D ebt :/8,746 19 21 32 Subventlons 2,531 17 74 32A Subventlons Extraordlnary 228 7 56 35A Forest D epartm ent Extraordânal y 202 17 42 37 Vetel lnary Servlces 1 0,778 17 77 39 G ovi rnm ent Chem lst s Departm ent 34 12 06 40 Local G overnm ent Contl lbutlons 48,182 16 31 40A Local G overnm ent Contrlbutlons Extl a- ordlnary 49,201 1 1 85 41 M edlcal D epartm ent lt 3,075 1 69 Part B Conl rlbutlons to the Cost ot H lgh Com - m zsslon Servlces 147,561 16 09 f 2,899,730 10 28 M EM O R A N D U M 01, O BJECTS A N D REA SO N S The oblf ct of thls BIll ls to legallze expendlturt lncurred durlng the ye al 1948.
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