VOL. XXV No. 10 October 2013 Rs. 20.00

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) shakes hands with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh during a welcome ceremony for Singh before their talks in Beijing, capital of , Oct. 23, 2013. Mr. Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the State Council Chinese Ambassador to India Mr. Wei Wei and the Union Information Office of China, was in the Ceremony of Minister for New and Renewable Energy of India Presenting Books by China to the University of Mumbai Dr. Farooq Abdullah were on the Ceremony of the on Sept. 17, 2013. sixty-fourth Chinese National Day held in New Delhi on Sept, 29, 2013.

Chinese Ambassador to India Mr. Wei Wei was celebrating Indian friends were watching the “Beautiful China China’s National Day with some friends of India-China Exhibition” held in New Delhi by the Chinese Embassy in Friendship Association in New Delhi on Sept, 26, 2013. India and China National Tourism on Sept. 28, 2013.

Artists were performing at the cultural evening named as China won the Best Destination Award on the 9th China-India Cultural Extravaganza 2013 which was Hospitality India and Explore the World Annual organised by Chinese Embassy and India China International Awards Ceremony which was held in New Economic and Cultural Council in New Delhi on Sept. 28, Delhi on Oct, 11, 2013. 2013. CONTENTS


1. Chinese President Says World Needs China-India Common Development 4 2. Chinese Premier Holds Talks with Indian PM 6 3. Chinese Premier Hails Singh's Visit as "Landmark" Event 6 4. Chinese Premier Minister says: China and India are Capable of Managing Border Disputes 7 5. Chinese Premier: Talks with Indian PM "Fruitful" 8 6. Chinese Top Legislator Meets with Indian Prime Minister 9 7. China, India to Expedite Talks on Industrial Zones 10 8. China, India to Continue Efforts on Boundary Question, Promote Defense Exchanges 10 9. India-China Ties a "Strategic Vision": Indian PM 11 10. Message by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Wei Wei on the Occasion of the 64th National Day of China 13 11. Let’s Join Hands to Create a New Era of Asia 14


1. Chinese President Arrives in Bali Island for APEC Meeting 16 2. China Committed to Regional Peace, Development 17 3. Chinese President says APEC Should Play Leading Role in Maintaining Open World Economy 19 4. China to Join Russia in Maintaining Security in Asia-Pacific 21 5. Chinese President Arrives in Jakarta for State Visit 22 6. Chinese President Meets Indonesian Counterpart on Ties 23 7. Chinese President Xi’s Indonesia Visit Lifts Bilateral Ties and Charts Future Cooperation 24 8. China, Malaysia Agree to Lift Ties to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership 27 9. Chinese President Xi’s Visit Ushers in New Era in China-Malaysia Ties 29 10. Chinese President Xi’s Joint Written Interview with Media from Indonesia and Malaysia 32


1. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Raises Seven-Pronged Proposal on Promoting China-ASEAN Cooperation 38 2. ASEAN, China Vow to Maintain Peace, Stability in South China Sea 40 3. Chinese Premier Raises Four-Point Proposal on Promoting “10+3” Cooperation 41 4. Chinese Premier Pledges Enhancing China, U.S. Communication and Coordination 42 5. China, Brunei Agree to Further Boost Strategic Cooperation 43 6. Chinese Premier Makes Four-Point Proposal to Upgrade Ties with Thailand 45 7. China, Thailand Translate “Familial Affection” into Concrete Cooperation 47 8. China, Vietnam Agree to Deepen Partnership along Three Tracks 49 9. Chinese Premier Li Raises Four-point Proposal on Upgrading China-Vietnam Business Cooperation 51 10. Chinese Premier Li Gives Joint Written Interview To Media from ASEAN Countries 52


1. China Builds Pilot Free Trade Zone to Further Open Up 57 2. Internet Empowers China 59 3. Leveling the Playing Field 61 4. Farewell to Shantytowns 64


1. Development and Progress of 68 2. Panchen Lama Concludes Religious Activities in Tibet 69 3. Tibetan Language Software Changes Life of Tibetans 70 4. Chinese Social Network Promotes Tibetan Culture 71 5. Tibet’s First Western Restaurant Makes National Day International 72 6. Looking for the White-Lipped Deer 73 CCTV News Channel Now Available in India 77 Reader’s Opinion 78

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 3 China-India Relations


Chinese President Says World Needs China-India Common Development

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping said the world needs the common development of China and India, in a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here on Wednesday. Xi said Singh is an old friend of the Chinese people and he has made important contributions to the development of China-India relations. He praised Singh as a senior politician who started economic reform in the 1990s and helped Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd R) and his wife Peng Liyuan (R) India to make remarkable pose for photo with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (2nd L) progress. and his wife Gursharan Kaur after their meeting in Beijing, capital of The president recalled his last China, Oct. 23, 2013. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) meeting with Singh in Durban, South Africa, during which they achieve common development and said he reached an important consensus on bilateral believes the world needs the common relations. development of the two nations. China and India have a long history of As one of the most important bilateral ancient civilizations and are the two largest relationships in the world, China-India ties do developing countries in the world, said Xi, not only benefit the two peoples, but have a noting that the two account for more than one profound impact on the development of Asia third of the world’s people. and the world, said the president. The China-India relations have gone far Currently, bilateral relations have beyond the bilateral level and are taking on a maintained comprehensive and rapid global and strategic significance, said Xi. development and have entered an ascending He agreed with Singh that there is enough period, he said, adding that China had always space in the world for India and China to

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viewed India as a strategic partner and on defense as well as combating terrorism. rejoices in India’s achievements. Xi also suggested the two sides expand He said China hopes to work with India on communication and dialogue, along with the common development featuring peace and revitalization of oriental civilization. cooperation, increasing strategic mutual trust Xi asked Singh to extend his greetings to along with the international trend. Indian President Pranab Mukherjee and The two sides should strengthen President of the Indian National Congress cooperation on international and regional Party Sonia Gandhi. issues as well as within the framework of Singh echoed Xi saying he will convey his multilateral mechanisms, so as to safeguard greetings to Mukherjee and Gandhi. He said common interests and push for the the relationship with China is a “high establishment of international relations priority” in India’s foreign policy. f e a t u r i n g e q u a l i t y , m u t u a l t r u s t , Singh said India and China share a deep inclusiveness, mutual learning, cooperation traditional friendship and broad common and win-win, he said. interests, and have huge potential for The two sides should deepen pragmatic cooperation. cooperation and push forward bilateral Their enhanced cooperation has great relations along with the demands of domestic significance to both countries, Asia and the development, he said. world, he said. The top priority of both countries is the India is ready to work with China to further economy and improving people’s lives, he strengthen strategic communication and said, suggesting the two sides deepen people-to-people exchanges, enhance defense cooperation in infrastructure construction, cooperation, properly handle differences information technology, telecommunication, through friendly negotiations, and reinforce investment and industrial parks. coordination in international and regional China’s western development campaign affairs, so as to jointly cope with challenges and and India’s “Look East” policy should be advance bilateral ties, said Singh. combined to achieve mutual benefit and win- He congratulated China for its great win results, he added. achievements, noting that the China Dream The president called on the two sides to and the India Dream are closely related. properly manage and control their differences India and China will be an unstoppable and push forward the bilateral ties along with force in promoting world peace and the rejuvenation course of both countries. development by working together, said the Both China and India need a good prime minister. international and surrounding environment, Before the meeting, Chinese Premier Li he said, calling on the two sides to Keqiang held talks with Singh on Wednesday accommodate each other’s concerns, properly morning. The two prime ministers also deal with issues concerning borders and witnessed the signing of nine documents after trans-border rivers, and enhance cooperation the talks.

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 5 China-India Relations

Chinese Premier Holds Talks with Indian PM

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held talks with visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Great Hall of the People on Wednesday morning. During the talks, the two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and other issues of common interest. This is the second time this year that the heads of government of the two countries have met following Li’s visit to India in May. It is the first time since 1954 that a Chinese premier and his Indian counterpart Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) holds a welcome ceremony for have met in each other’s country in Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before their talks in the same year. Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 23, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) Singh arrived in Beijing on Tuesday night for a three-day Zhang Dejiang will also meet with Singh. official visit to China. The Indian prime minister will deliver a Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet speech at the Party School of the Central with the Indian prime minister. Top legislator Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Chinese Premier Hails Singh's Visit as "Landmark" Event

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Chinese visit each other in the same year,” Li said Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday hailed during talks with Singh. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Li said the Indian government and people visit to China as a “landmark” event in have effectively responded to the recent bilateral relations, which will inject new powerful tropical cyclone in the country’s impetus to ties between the two countries. east, which caused deaths and property “This is another high-level visit between losses. He expressed condolences and China and India after my visit to India in May, sympathy to the families of the victims and and it is the first time since 1954 that the those affected. Chinese premier and Indian prime minister Li also thanked India for successfully

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rescuing 17 Chinese ship crew members near waters off India’s eastern coastline earlier this month. Singh recalled his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Durban in March on the sidelines of a BRICS summit and Li’s visit to India in May. Singh said Li’s visit to India in his maiden trip shows the importance that the new Chinese leadership attaches to its ties with India. Singh arrived in Beijing on Tuesday night for a three-day Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) holds a welcome ceremony for Indian official visit to China. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before their talks in Beijing, President Xi and top legislator capital of China, Oct. 23, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) Zhang Dejiang will also meet with Singh separately. speech at the Party School of the Central The Indian prime minister will deliver a Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Chinese Premier Minister says: China and India are Capable of Managing Border Disputes

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Chinese strengthening cooperation on trans-border Premier Li Keqiang said on Wednesday that rivers, and they agreed to cooperate through Chinese and Indian governments are capable an existing mechanism between experts in the of managing border disputes and he hopes the two countries. disputes will not affect overall bilateral Li urged the two countries’ special relations. representatives on border issues to maintain Addressing a press briefing together with communication and discuss a fair and visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan reasonable solution acceptable for both sides. Singh after their meeting, Li said they both Li also emphasized that the two sides believe the two countries have more common should faithfully implement relevant interests than disagreements and the people agreements and jointly safeguard peace and and governments of the two countries have tranquility in border areas. the ability to manage border disputes. China and India are among the biggest After the meeting, China and India signed developing countries and are the most a memorandum of understanding on dynamic emerging markets, Li said, adding

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that China-India ties enjoy great development more efforts for world peace, development potential and the bilateral relationship is one and cooperation, adding that the two sides of the most important in the 21st century. will further increase political trust, promote Li said that China is willing to work with pragmatic cooperation and strengthen India to benefit 2.5 billion people and make cultural exchanges.

Chinese Premier: Talks with Indian PM "Fruitful”

B e i j i n g , O c t . 2 3 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Wednesday that he and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had in- depth talks on enhancing m u t u a l t r u s t a n d cooperation, reaching fruitful results. Li made the remarks to the press together with Singh after holding talks and attending the signing ceremony of a set of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R fear) and his Indian counterpart Manmohan d o c u m e n t s o n Singh attend a joint press conference in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 23, 2013. (Xinhua/Ding Lin) Wednesday morning in the Great Hall of the People. agreed to hold a joint counter-terrorism He said the two countries agreed to exercise in southwest China, and to launch a maintain the momentum of regular contacts dialogue of maritime cooperation at an early and exchange of high-level visits. date. The two sides will issue a joint statement On economic and trade cooperation, the on the future development of the China-India two sides agreed to make full use of the strategic and cooperative partnership later on mechanism on strategic and economic Wednesday, the premier added. dialogue so as to advance cooperation on They also signed an agreement on border trade and investment together. defense cooperation, which would be China would like to enhance cooperation conducive to the peace and stability of border with India on infrastructure construction, areas, according to Li. including railways, so as to push forward the He also mentioned that China and India development of the BCIM (Bangladesh,

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China, India and Myanmar) Economic the second time that Li and Singh have met Corridor, he said. since the former’s visit to India in May. The leaders also discussed the It is the first time since 1954 that a Chinese construction of a Chinese industrial park in premier and an Indian prime minister have India so as to ease the trade imbalance exchanged visits within the same calendar between the two countries. year. Regarding cultural and people-to-people “Both leaders fully recognized the exchange, Li said China and India will make important roles of China and India in the 2014 a Year of Friendly Exchange. They will world and agreed that China-India relations also discuss with Myanmar ways of are one of the most important bilateral ties in commemorating the 60th anniversary of the the world,” said Luo Zhaohui, director- Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence general of the Asian Department of the (known in India as the Panchsheel Treaty). Foreign Ministry of China, after attending the In addition, the two leaders witnessed the closed-door talks. signing of an agreement on three sister cities. The population of China and India, two Li described this as “a new breakthrough major emerging countries and populous in the bilateral friendly exchange,” and a countries, accounts for a third of the world’s move that “will surely promote local and population, he noted, telling journalists, “The people-to-people cooperation between the prosperity of China and India will be the two countries.” prosperity of a third of the world’s Singh arrived in Beijing on Tuesday night population.” for a three-day official visit to China. This is

Chinese Top Legislator Meets with Indian Prime Minister Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Chinese top legislator Zhang Dejiang met with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday and they agreed to strengthen ties between the two countries. Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), said during the meeting that China and India were close neighbors, enjoying a history of friendly contact. “The two countries have enhanced communication and achieved cooperative results in various fields,” Zhang said, adding Zhang Dejiang (R), chairman of the Standing that beneficial cooperation and friendly Committee of China’s National People’s Congress contacts between the two populous nations (NPC), meets with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. benefitted the two peoples and brought peace 23, 2013 . (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

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and stability to the world and the region. peoples. Noting that the NPC has positive channels Singh said bilateral relationship was of communication and cooperation with Lok maturing and noted that the two countries Sabha (the lower house of Indian Parliament), were partners rather than rivals. Zhang said the NPC is willing to promote the He said close communication between the China-India strategic cooperative partnership two countries’ legislative bodies had greatly through its communication with Lok Sabha advanced bilateral ties and the two sides and advance pragmatic cooperation, should increase exchanges to build a brighter strengthening the friendship between the future.

China, India to Expedite Talks on Industrial Zones

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — China and The leaders expected the Strategic India agreed to expedite talks on Economic Dialogue scheduled for establishment of industrial zones, according November/December 2013 to work out to a joint statement issued here Wednesday. specific projects and initiatives in areas that The industrial zones aims to provide have already been broadly agreed upon, said platforms of cluster type development for the joint statement. enterprises of the two countries, according to “The Joint Economic Group will continue the joint statement, issued on the sidelines of to expand the bilateral economic cooperation talks between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and promote a balanced growth of bilateral and his visiting Indian counterpart trade. Its Working Groups will expeditiously Manmohan Singh. discharge the mandate given to them in The statement, also named A Vision for pursuit of those objectives,” the statement Future Development of China-India Strategic noted. and Cooperative Partnership, said the two The two sides agreed to look into the leaders recognized that China and India are prospects of a bilateral Regional Trade poised to enter a new stage of economic Arrangement (RTA). They will also review engagement based on pragmatic cooperation the state of the negotiation on the Regional and mutually advantageous policies and Comprehensive Economic Partnership practices. (RCEP), according to the statement.

China, India to Continue Efforts on Boundary Question, Promote Defense Exchanges

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — China and framework for the settlement of the border India will continue their efforts to explore a issue, according to a joint statement issued

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here Wednesday. two countries signed a Border Defense The Joint Statement - A Vision for Future Cooperation Agreement, according to the Development of China-India Strategic and statement. Cooperative Partnership, was issued amid The agreement will will strengthen Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s maintenance of stability on the border, it said. official visit to China. The two countries will also further Special Representatives, who have been promote cooperation on defense exchanges charged with exploring a framework of and military exercises, as they will hold a settlement of the China-India boundary counter-terrorism exercise in November 2013. question, were encouraged by the two leaders Defense exchanges and military exercises to continue their efforts in that direction, the are important in building greater trust and statement said. confidence, the statement said, adding that Peace and tranquility on the China-India the holding of the counter-terrorism exercise border was recognized as an important underlines the shared desire of both guarantor for the development and continued G o v e r n m e n t s t o e n h a n c e m u t u a l growth of bilateral relations, it added. understanding. Building on previous agreements signed Exchanges and visits agreed upon by the in 1993, 1996 and 2005 that recognize the Defence Ministers of the two countries in July principle of mutual and equal security, the 2013 will be implemented step by step, it said.

India-China Ties a "Strategic Vision": Indian PM

Beijing, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) — Indian Prime “First and foremost, we agreed that the Minister Manmohan Singh said in Beijing on prosperity and progress of 2.5 billion Indian Wednesday that India and China have and Chinese people will be a major factor of resolved to realize the full prominence of their Asian resurgence and global prosperity and partnership and maintain friendly relations. stability,” Singh said. “This will be our strategic vision,” Singh Second, he said, he and Li agreed that said at a press briefing together with Chinese peace and tranquility in the two countries’ Premier Li Keqiang after their talks in the border areas must remain the foundation for morning. the growth of the India-China relationship Singh said he and Premier Li have even as they move negotiations toward a fair, concluded a very productive round of talks reasonable and mutually acceptable and reached a important understanding on a settlement to the India-China boundary number of matters. question. Singh described this as “our

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 11 China-India Relations strategic benchmark.” working with wider stakeholders,” Singh Third, Singh said, they agreed that the said. relationships pursued by India and China To boost mutual understanding, both with other countries must not become a sides have decided to encourage provincial source of concern for each other. This will be a and sub-regional exchanges, institutionalize a strategic reassurance, according to the prime high-level media forum, continue rooting minister. exchanges for the next five years and celebrate He suggested to premier Li the need to 2014, the 60th anniversary of the enhance mutual trust, expand common announcement the Five Principles of Peaceful interest and deepen mutual understanding. Coexistence as the Year of India-China To build mutual trust, both sides have Friendly Exchanges. agreed to enhance transparency and He conveyed to Li India’s commitment to strengthen strategic communications at all visa simplification to facilitate Chinese levels, including on the shared neighborhood. nationals traveling to India and expressed Singh proposed expanding cooperation on hope that China will also facilitate such transborder rivers, and encouraging and exchanges, while expressing appreciation for institutionalizing greater exchanges between China’s cooperation in the establishment of the two countries’ armed forces. Nalanda University. He said the agreement on border defence They also had candid and constructive cooperation added to the existing instruments discussion on regional and global issues to ensure peace, stability and predictability on of importance to India and China, Singh the borders. said, describing this as one of the According to Singh, Li was “receptive” to promising developments in the bilateral his concern about the unsustainable trade relationship. imbalance between the two countries and The agreement and MOUs signed on both agreed to explore ways to bridge this Wednesday covering joint work in the areas of gap. defence, road transport, transborder rivers, India is taking forward the suggestion cultural exchanges, Nalanda University and raised by Li in New Delhi for a Chinese sister-city linkages show impressive scope, he industrial park to act as a magnet for Chinese added. investment in india, Singh said, adding that India and China are two ancient they are also exploring the possibility of the civilizations and account for 2.5 billion people Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) on this earth. “When India and China shake Economic Corridor connecting the two hands, the world notices,” the prime minister countries via the southern Silk Road. said, adding, “I believe that my visit to China “We are determined to inject new has put our relations on a path of stable and dynamism to our economic relations by fast growth.”

12 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA China-India Relations

Message by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Wei Wei on the Occasion of the 64th National Day of China

On October 1, 2013, The Economic Times complete the building of a moderately Published the Message from Chinese prosperous society in all respects by the 100th Ambassador to India Mr. Wei Wei on its anniversary of the Communist Party of China Chinese National Day Special edition. The in 2021 and to turn China into a socialist whole article is as follows: modern country that is strong, prosperous, It is a great pleasure and privilege to have democratic, culturally advanced and you joining us in celebrating the sixty-fourth harmonious by the 100th anniversary of the anniversary of the founding of the People’s People’s Republic of China in 2049. Republic of China. China will unswervingly follow the path This year has been extraordinary in terms of peaceful development to materialize the of China’s development. Faced with various “Chinese Dream” and will continue to pursue tough challenges both home and abroad, the an independent foreign policy of peace and Chinese Government, under the guidance of the strategy of opening-up for mutual benefits the new central leadership, has sized up the and win-win results. We will continue to situation and remained cool-minded. A host follow the policy of building an amicable, of policies and measures have been secure and prosperous neighborly introduced and efforts have been made to environment, live in harmony with other unswervingly promote the economic countries, and carry out win-win cooperation restructuring for more economic progress to make new contribution to the world peace while ensuring stability. For the first six and prosperity. months this year, China’s GDP registered a Dear Friends, growth of 7.6%. The reforms have started to show positive effects. China and India both boast time-honored Looking forward, we see a number of history and splendid culture, and have had a difficulties and challenges ahead. But we also long tradition of friendly relationship. Over see strong vitality and enormous potentials of the past 63 years since the establishment of socio-economic development in China, the diplomatic ties between China and India, our long-term upward trajectory of which hasn’t relations have made great progress. The two changed. We have the confidence and ability countries have established the Strategic and to deepen reform, keep the economy on the Cooperative Partnership for Peace and track of healthy and sustainable growth, Prosperity, and cooperation has been foster more development and market unfolding in an all-round manner which has opportunities, and continue to contribute to brought about significant yields. The the recovery and growth of the world foundation and bonds of China-India ties has economy. been strengthened as understanding and The “Chinese Dream” was put forward by friendship between our peoples greatly President Xi Jinping and the “Two Centenary deepened. Goals” were set at the 18th National Congress 2013 is a busy and fruitful year for China- of the Communist Party of China, namely, to India relations. We are happy to see

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 13 China-India Relations

intensified high-level interactions which civilizations, two biggest developing remain a salient feature of bilateral relations. countries and large emerging markets, are During the 5th BRICS Summit in Durban and natural strategic partners. China attaches the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, President great importance to the Strategic and Xi Jinping had fruitful meetings and Cooperative Partnership with India. We are communications with Prime Minister committed to seeking and expanding Manmohan Singh. Premier Li Keqiang made strategic consensus, deepening bilateral India the first stop of his first overseas visit as relations, enhancing mutually beneficial China’s Premier, shaking hands with the cooperation while properly handling Indian leaders across the Himalayas. We are differences. As stressed by the leaders of both expecting the visit to China by the Indian countries, the significance and influence of leaders later this year. Indian External Affairs China-India cooperation transcends bilateral Minister Salman Khurshid, Defence Minister dimensions. China and India joining hands is A. K. Antony, National Security Advisor not only a blessing for the two peoples, but Shivshankar Menon paid successful visits also a good fortune for Asia and the world at respectively to China this year. Mutual trust large. and cooperation have been greatly enhanced To conclude, I would like to take this through these high-level exchanges. Bilateral opportunity to express heart-felt thanks to the economic cooperation enjoys steady Indian friends who care about and support development. We jointly initiated the China-India relations for a long time. Let’s development of BCIM Economic Corridor join hands to make great efforts to open up a during the visit of Premier Li Keqiang in May, new chapter in the bilateral relations. deepened functional cooperation in May China and India enjoy prosperity and investment, trade and infrastructure, and progress! enhanced military, educational, cultural, May China-India relations enjoy healthy media and provincial-level exchanges. and steady development! China and India, as two ancient

Let's Join Hands to Create a New Era of Asia

On October 1, 2013, The Indian Express and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Finacial Express published the “Chinese Party, has undergone enormous changes. Dream” Special Edition on the occasion of Especially since the reform and opening up, 64th National Day of People’s Republic of China has been enjoying sustained and rapid China. Chinese Ambassador Wei Wei economic development. Its comprehensive delivered a message on the Special Edition. national strength and international influence The full text is as follows: are significantly enhanced. The people’s 64 years ago today, a new China, who had living standard has remarkably improved. stood vicissitudes with unswerving spirit was Unprecedented vigor and creativity of the founded. Over the past 64 years, China, under whole society are spurted. On the occasion of

14 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA China-India Relations

64th anniversary of the founding of the environment which is inseparable from People’s Republic of China, I would like to mutual support and harmonious coexistence extend, on behalf of all the staff of the Chinese with their neighbors. China adheres to the Embassy in India, warm greetings and best policy of friendship and partnership with the wishes to all our compatriots in India, and neighboring countries and is willing to work express heartfelt thanks to Indian friends who hand in hand with India to make Asia the long care about China and support China- anchor of the world peace. China, India and India Friendship. other Asian countries should combine each After the 18th National Congress of the others’ dreams together, continue to deepen Communist Party of China, the new our exchanges and cooperation and weave generation of the collective leadership with closer ties of common interests so as to enable General Secretary Xi Jinping as its core, put Asia to carry more global weight in the 21st forward the “Chinese Dream”, aimed at century. achieving the great rejuvenation of the China and India are neighbors. We Chinese nation, which coheres the efforts, unswervingly adhere to the path of peaceful wisdom and strength of the 1.3 billion development. We also sincerely hope that Chinese people. It is our common vision and India will make continuous progress on the diligent pursuit for the national prosperity, path towards peace, development and revitalization and personal happiness. The prosperity. China has all along regarded “Chinese Dream” will bring benefits not only China-India relation as one of the most to the Chinese people, but also to the whole important bilateral ties. We hope to develop a world as well. China is ready to make new long-term stable and healthy, friendly and contributions together with the international cooperative relation with India. As long as we community to the noble cause of peace and treat each other with sincerity, we believe that development for mankind by promoting even there is competition between us it will lasting peace, common prosperity and a b e c o m e a n i m p e t u s f o r c o m m o n harmonious world. development. As long as we treat each other Asia, on the whole, as the world’s most with kindness, even there are differences, it rapidly growing region, has now maintained will not do harm to our overall friendly peace and stability while sustaining economic bilateral relation. It is understandable to have growth. Both China and India, the two differences between neighboring countries, members of the Asia big family, are facing the but the key is that we should put friendly same historical tasks, such as driving bilateral relation, regional stability and economic development, improving people’s overall development at the first place, and livelihood and deepening reforms. China’s resort to a peaceful solution through dialogue 2020 goal is to build a moderately prosperous and consultation. Before resolving the society, while India’s Vision 2020 is aimed at differences, we should seek common ground making India a developed country by 2020 and reserve the differences and coexist which could be called the “Indian Dream.” peacefully. While actively developing The realization of both the “Chinese Dream” cooperation of mutual benefits, we may make and the “Indian Dream” requires a peaceful endeavours to create conditions for the and stable periphery and external solution of the differences. As Premier Li

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 15 President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

Keqiang said during his visit to India earlier cooperation with India and other neighboring this year that China and India coexist in countries in such fields as trade, finance, harmony is a fortune for Asia and a blessing to energy and interconnection. We hope that the world. At the present, the world economy China’s own development will better benefit is still facing risks and challenges. The the neighboring countries, ensuring their recovery basis remains weak. As the people to enjoy the real benefits of common representatives of the Asian emerging development. We would like to share the economies, China and India need to forge “Chinese dream”. I am also of the firm belief consensus and pull together with joint that as long as China and India and other cooperation to foster new highlights of Asian countries work together and march cooperation in Asia and to create a new engine forward along the paths suited to our own of the world economy. national conditions, we will be able to realize China is continuing its efforts for the our respective dreams and the dream of a new “Chinese Dream”. Meanwhile, we will be Era of Asia. sincerely committed to the continuous


Chinese President Arrives in Bali Island for APEC Meeting

Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 5 ( X i n h u a ) — C h i n e s e President Xi Jinping on Saturday afternoon arrived in the Indonesian resort island of Bali to attend the 21st informal economic leaders’ meeting of the Asia- Pacific Economic Co- operation (APEC). I t w a s X i ’ s f i r s t attendance at the APEC meeting which was held from Oct. 7 to Oct. 8, since he Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan wave upon their assumed presidency in arrival in Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 5, 2013. Xi on Saturday afternoon arrived March. Xi arrived in Bali in Bali to attend the 21st informal economic leaders’ meeting of the Asia- after wrapping up his state Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

16 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

visits to Indonesia and Malaysia. economic integration in the Asia-Pacific During his stay on Bali island, Xi also region. meet with many other leaders and APEC, a premier economic forum in the representatives attended the meeting. Asia-Pacific region established in 1989, has This year’s APEC gathering, themed been committed to dismantling barriers and “Resilient Asia-Pacific, Engine of Global bottlenecks that interfere with business while Growth,” highlights such topics as achieving nurturing closer economic ties. sustainable growth with equity, promoting The organization has grown to encompass inter-connectivity in the region, and attaining 21 members across the Asia-Pacific region, the Bogor Goals, a timeline for achieving free accounting for approximately 55 percent of and open trade and investment in the Asia- global GDP and 44 percent of world trade, Pacific. according to data provided on its official The meeting comes against the backdrop website. of unevenness of global economic growth, As the highest-level meeting of the APEC, potential uprise of trade and investment the informal economic leaders’ meeting has protectionism, the stalled Doha round trade been held annually since its first convention in negotiations, and strong efforts to boost Seattle, the United States in November 1993.

China Committed to Regional Peace, Development

Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Monday that China is committed to promoting regional peace and development, and building a cross- Pacific cooperation framework. Xi made the remarks while addressing an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit on the Indonesian resort island of Bali. “China will firmly uphold regional peace and stability, and help cement the foundation for a win-win situation in the Asia-Pacific,” said the Chinese leader. He hoped that all regional members could work together to build a harmonious Asia- Pacific of “enduring peace” and “common Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at the APEC prosperity.” CEO Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Ye) Xi said his country will also work to boost regional development and prosperity, and area, adding that with its growing domestic expand opportunities of mutual benefit in the demand, China will offer foreign investors

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 17 President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

more chances for cooperation. open development, promote innovation- For many Asia-Pacific economies, China is d r i v e n d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d p u r s u e their biggest trading partner, top export interconnected growth, said Xi. market and a major source of investment. Last The Chinese leader said all members year, China has contributed more than 50 should maintain a multilateral trading system percent to Asia’s overall economic growth. that is free, open and non-discriminatory, and Meanwhile, by the end of 2012, China has oppose all forms of protectionism. attracted some 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars of While pointing out that it is too costly to foreign direct investment, and signed 12 free base growth on excessive resources trade agreements with 20 countries and consumption and environmental pollution, regions, with six still under negotiations. Xi also told the summit that China, in the coming five years, will import over 10 trillion dollars of goods and invest more than 500 billion dollars abroad, suggesting even more profitable opportunities for cooperating with China. Beijing will also commit itself to building a “cross-Pacific regional cooperation frame- work” that can bring benefits to all parties, said Xi. “ W e s h o u l d e n h a n c e c o o r d i n a t i o n o n m a c r o - economic policies and among Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd L) and his wife Peng Liyuan (1st L) regional free trade arrange- pose for a photo with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang ments, and deepen regional Yudhoyono (2nd R) and his wife before a dinner hosted for the leaders i n t e g r a t i o n ” f o r c l o s e r and their spouses at the 21st APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in partnership across the Pacific Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2013. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng) and long-term development within the area, he urged. Xi said green and low-carbon development Speaking of what the Asia-Pacific’s future should be pursued. should look like, Xi said the regional He also noted that many of the regional economies should build a region that seeks members, especially the emerging and common development. developing economies, need huge financial He called on the developed economies to support to develop their infrastructure, which provide stronger support and assistance to is key to maintaining economic growth and the developing markets. < In the future, the promoting connectivity and integration. Asia-Pacific should also stay committed to To do that, Xi suggested an Asian

18 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

infrastructure investment bank be established “Resilient Asia-Pacific, Engine of Global so as to “fuel the sustained and steady growth Growth,” highlights such topics as achieving of the Asian economy.” sustainable growth with equity, promoting Also in his speech, the Chinese president inter-connectivity in the region, and attaining described the industrial and business the Bogor Goals, a timeline for achieving free communities a “major force” for economic and open trade and investment in the Asia- and trade development, as well as “an Pacific. integral part in APEC cooperation.” APEC, a premier economic forum in the He added that enterprises from other Asia-Pacific region established in 1989, has APEC members are welcome to invest in been committed to dismantling barriers and China, and be a part of China’s endeavors of bottlenecks that interfere with business while reforms and opening-up. nurturing closer economic ties. After wrapping up his state visits to The organization has grown to encompass Indonesia and Malaysia, the Chinese 21 members across the Asia-Pacific region, President arrived in Bali on Saturday accounting for approximately 55 percent of afternoon to attend the APEC meeting, his global gross domestic product (GDP) and 44 first appearance at the summit since taking percent of world trade, according to data over the presidency in March. provided on its official website. During his stay on Bali island, Xi has met As the highest-level meeting of the APEC, with a series of world leaders and the informal economic leaders’ meeting has representatives attending the meeting. been held annually since its first convention in This year’s APEC gathering, themed Seattle, the United States in November 1993.

Chinese President says APEC Should Play Leading Role in Maintaining Open World Economy

Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese advancing an open world economy, and in President Xi Jinping said here on Monday that making sure that the Asia-Pacific continues to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation serve as an engine for global economic (APEC) should play a leading role in recovery,” Xi said in a keynote speech at the maintaining and advancing an open world APEC economic leaders’ meeting. economy. APEC leaders kicked off a two-day Noting that the world economy is still gathering on Monday in the Indonesian resort confronted with daunting challenges before island of Bali, with sustainable growth and achieving full recovery and sound growth, Xi regional cooperation high on the agenda. said APEC must face them head-on with In his speech, Xi put forward a three-point courage and resolve. proposal for APEC. APEC “should play a leading and First, APEC member economies should coordinating role in maintaining and work together for the common development

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of the Asia-Pacific through increased macro- challenges, Xi said. economic policy coordination, Xi said. He noted that world economic With the economies of APEC members fluctuations have brought challenges to the c l o s e l y i n t e r t w i n e d i n e c o n o m i c financial market, capital flow and exchange globalization, they must amplify the positive rate stability in the Asia-Pacific, exposing the e f f e c t s o f m a c r o - e c o n o m i c p o l i c y region to more economic and financial risks. coordination while preventing or reducing “We must prevent risks from piling up the negative spillover, and pursue win-win and causing major economic and financial cooperation in an open and inclusive spirit, he turbulence in the Asia-Pacific,” Xi said, while said. expressing confidence about the future of the The Chinese president said major reserve region. currency issuers should implement Third, APEC members should take a long- responsible macro-economic policies, act term perspective, promote profound cautiously in adjusting their policies and economic restructuring and give stronger increase communication and coordination impetus to the sustained development of the with other economies. Asia-Pacific, Xi said. “APEC should play a similar role in “Asia-Pacific economies should accelerate promoting an open environment for readjustment of their respective economic development in the Asia-Pacific, featuring structure and deepen the integration of the policy coordination, interconnected growth industrial chain and the value chain so that and converging interests,” Xi said. the Asia-Pacific will take the lead globally in Second, APEC members should maintain forming new industrial clusters for growth economic and financial stability in the Asia- and continue to serve as an important engine Pacific through factual assessment of the for the world economy,” he said. situation and cool-headed response to the

Chinese President Xi Jinping (8th L, front) and his wife Peng Liyuan (7th L, front) pose for a group photo with the leaders and their spouses at the 21st APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting before a dinner hosted by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife in Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2013. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

20 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

China to Join Russia in Maintaining Security in Asia-Pacific

Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) — Chinese good job in preparing major activities like the President Xi Jinping said here Monday that regular meetings between the two nations’ China would like to work with Russia to premiers and the closing ceremony of the guarantee security and stability in the Asia- Chinese Tourism Year in Russia. Pacific region. While meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sideline of an Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Xi said China and Russia share a wide range of common interests in the region. Xi said China is willing to join Russia in enhancing their coordination so as to maintain regional security and stability, and promote prosperity. It was the fifth meeting between the presidents of the two countries since the beginning of this year, which, according to the Chinese president, has shown the Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) meets with Russian President distinctiveness of the bilateral Vladimir Putin in Bali, Indonesia, Oct. 7, 2013. (Xinhua/Zhang Duo) ties. The Chinese leader also Putin, for his part, said Russia-China hailed 2013 as a fruitful year for the China- relations enjoy a sound momentum with Russia relations, noting that a host of frequent leadership visits, ever growing trade accomplishments have been achieved in such cooperation, as well as cultural and inter- areas as practical cooperation, people-to- military exchanges. people and cultural exchanges, as well as in Both sides also have maintained effective handling international affairs. coordination on major international and He urged the two sides to optimize regional issues, he added. bilateral trade structure, promote cooperation Noting that Russia-China relations enjoy in energy, resources and high-tech, and to broad prospects, Putin said he is ready to continue with their close communication and maintain friendship and close exchanges with coordination on international issues. Xi to further practical cooperation in various Xi also called on the two countries to do a fields, including energy and infrastructure.

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Also during their talks, the two leaders 70th anniversary for the victory of the World agreed to hold activities to commemorate the Anti-Fascist War in 2015.

Chinese President Arrives in Jakarta for State Visit

Jakarta, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Wednesday for a state visit to Indonesia, the first leg of his maiden trip to Southeast A s i a s i n c e h e a s s u m e d presidency in March. Stressing that China and Indonesia are both major developing countries, Xi said closer strategic cooperation between the two countries serves the fundamental interests of both nations and their peoples. It also conforms to the Chinese President Xi Jinping is welcomed upon his arrival in Jakarta, historical trend of developing capital of Indonesia, Oct. 2, 2013. Xi Jinping arrived in Jakarta for a countries gaining strength state visit to Indonesia on Wednesday. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) through unity, and helps promote peace, stability and prosperity in the to promote bilateral ties and relations region and the world, said the Chinese between China and the Association of president. Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as “I look forward to in-depth discussions China’s peaceful development. with President (Susilo Bambang) Yudhoyono The Indonesian people anticipated Xi’s and other Indonesian leaders on bilateral ties, visit to their country and his attendance of the and international and regional issues of 21st informal economic leaders’ meeting of shared interest, so as to map out future the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation cooperation between China and Indonesia (APEC) to be held in Bali Island of Indonesia, and promote common development of our said Yudhoyono at a meeting with Chinese two countries,” Xi added. State Councilor Yang Jiechi on Sept. 19. During his stay in Indonesia, Xi met with The Indonesian president said he is Yudhoyono, Vice President Boediono and looking forward to in-depth exchanges of parliamentary leaders. He also attended a views with Xi on bilateral ties and key luncheon with the business community. international and regional issues to cement Xi delivered a speech to Indonesian friendship, promote cooperation and advance lawmakers and elaborated on China’s vision the Indonesia-China strategic partnership.

22 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

Indonesia is the first Southeast Asian country Xi visits since he became president, r e f l e c t i n g t h e c o u n t r y ’ s important role in China’s diplomacy with neighboring countries. Bilateral relations have seen r a p i d g r o w t h w i t h n e w achievements in friendly c o o p e r a t i o n s i n c e t h e establishment of the China- Indonesia strategic partnership in 2005, said Chinese ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao in an interview with Xinhua. Chinese President Xi Jinping is welcomed by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, With bilateral trade reaching Oct. 2, 2013. Xi Jinping arrived in Jakarta for a state visit to Indonesia 66.2 billion U.S. dollars last year, on Wednesday. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng) four times that of 2005, China has become Indonesia’s second science, technology, education, culture, largest trade partner. Bilateral trade in the people-to-people exchanges, defense and first half of 2013 hit 33.84 billion dollars, up 4.6 security, maritime affairs and aerospace. percent from the same period of last year. After the Indonesia trip, Xi paid a state visit For three consecutive years, Indonesia has to Malaysia. been China’s largest market for project The Chinese president later returned to contracting in Southeast Asia. Indonesia for the APEC meeting which was The two countries scored positive from Oct. 7 to Oct. 8. achievements in cooperation in the areas of

Chinese President Meets Indonesian Counterpart on Ties

Jakarta, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) — Chinese trip to Southeast Asia since he assumed President Xi Jinping and his Indonesian presidency in March. counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met After their talks, the two countries will here Wednesday on bilateral ties, relations issue a major political document, while the between China and the Association of two leaders will witness the signing of a series Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other of cooperative deals between governmental major regional and international issues. departments and enterprises of the two Xi arrived here earlier in the day for a state countries. The two leaders will also hold a visit to Indonesia, the first leg of his maiden joint press conference.

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Cooperation between the two countries has been steadily e n h a n c e d s i n c e t h e establishment of the China- Indonesia strategic partnership in 2005. W i t h b i l a t e r a l t r a d e reaching 66.22 billion U.S. dollars last year, four times that of 2005, China has become Indonesia’s second biggest trade partner. Bilateral trade in the first half of 2013 hit 33.84 billion dollars, up 4.6 percent from the same period of last year. Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and his Indonesian counterpart Susilo For three successive years, Bambang Yudhoyono meet the press after their meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia has been China’s capital of Indonesia, Oct. 2, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Ye) largest market for project contracting in Southeast Asia. The two countries have also made Malaysia and later return to Indonesia for the remarkable progress in cooperation in such 21st informal economic leaders’ meeting of fields as science and technology, education, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation culture, people-to-people exchanges, defense, (APEC) in the resort island of Bali from Oct. 7 maritime affairs and aerospace. to Oct. 8. The Chinese president will also visit

Chinese President Xi’s Indonesia Visit Lifts Bilateral Ties and Charts Future Cooperation

Jakarta, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) — Chinese He also called for joint efforts to build a President Xi Jinping on Thursday wrapped more closely-knit community of common up a two-day state visit to Indonesia that saw destiny between China and the Association of the two countries lift their ties to a Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). comprehensive strategic partnership. Indonesia is the first Southeast Asian During his stay in Indonesia, Xi proposed country Xi has visited since he assumed to establish an Asian infrastructure presidency in March, which reflects the investment bank so as to promote regional country’s important role in China’s interconnectivity and economic integration. diplomacy with neighboring countries.

24 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Xi and his Indonesian counterpart, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, held talks Wednesday and agreed to lift bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Noting that profound and complicated changes are taking place in global and regional landscapes, Xi pointed out that it is an inevitable choice for the two countries to further strengthen their strategic cooperation. China regards Indonesia as a priority in its diplomacy with neighboring countries, and stands ready to comprehensively deepen Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech to bilateral cooperation so as to realize common Indonesian lawmakers at the House of development for the benefit of both peoples, Representatives of Indonesia in Jakarta, capital Xi said. of Indonesia, Oct. 3, 2013. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng) The two countries vowed to boost cooperation in such areas as infrastructure intergovernmental fishery cooperation construction, manufacturing, agriculture, mechanism, and launch negotiations on investment and financing, so as to create new fishing arrangements. growth points and increase bilateral trade to They also pledged to establish an 80 billion U.S. dollars by 2015. aerospace cooperation mechanism, and carry They agreed to encourage the active out cooperation in such fields as space participation of Chinese enterprises in the tracking and control, and satellite launch and construction of Indonesia’s six major application. economic corridors, and support the building In addition, the two countries agreed to of a joint comprehensive industrial park in the strengthen security communication and Southeast Asian country. coordination through defense consultations The two countries also promised to and navy dialogues, and thus deepen China- strengthen cooperation in the fields of oil, Indonesia and China-ASEAN security natural gas and new energy, so as to forge a cooperation. long-term and reliable energy cooperation They also vowed to beef up exchanges and partnership. cooperation in fighting cross-border crimes To deepen fiscal and financial and terrorism and in disaster prevention and cooperation, they vowed to extend a 100- relief. billion-RMB (about 16.3 billion dollars) In a joint statement titled “Future bilateral currency swap agreement with the Direction of China-Indonesia Comprehensive prospect of further expanding its scale. Strategic Partnership,” the two sides agreed Meanwhile, the two sides agreed to that it is the common responsibility of the enhance maritime cooperation, establish an countries in the region to maintain peace and

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stability in the South China Sea. The document urged China, Indonesia and other ASEAN countries to work together to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), enhance mutual trust, promote cooperation, and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. The two sides also agreed to work towards the eventual adoption of a code of conduct in the South China Sea in line with the principles and spirit of the DOC. CHINA-ASEAN COMMUNITY OF COMMON DESTINY As the first foreign head of state to deliver a speech in the House of Representatives of Indonesia, Xi not only expounded on bilateral Chinese President Xi Jinping (R, front) meets ties, but called for the building of a China- with Indonesia's Speaker of the House of ASEAN community of common destiny. Representatives Marzuki Alie (L, front) in China, he said, is willing to work with Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, Oct. 3, 2013. (Xinhua/Wang Ye) Indonesia and other ASEAN countries to ensure that China and ASEAN are good neighbors, friends and partners. For the purpose of building a more closely-knit China-ASEAN community of common destiny, Xi proposed that the two sides cement trust and develop good- neighborliness. China and ASEAN countries, he suggested, should also work for win-win cooperation, stand together and assist each other, enhance mutual understanding and friendship to increase the social support for bilateral ties, and stick to openness and inclusiveness. Beijing is prepared to elevate the level of the China-ASEAN free trade area and aims to expand two-way trade to one trillion dollars by 2020, said the Chinese president. Chinese President Xi Jinping (R, front) meets with Chairman of Indonesia's People's Consultative China is committed to promoting Assembly Sidarto Danusubroto (2nd L) in Jakarta, interconnectivity with ASEAN countries, and capital of Indonesia, Oct. 3, 2013. (Xinhua/Ma is willing to help improve infrastructure Zhancheng)

26 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

interconnectivity among developing overall interests of bilateral ties and regional countries in the region, including ASEAN stability, he said. members, he added. Moreover, Xi emphasized that China is With regard to differences and disputes fully committed to the path of peaceful between China and some Southeast Asian development. nations on territorial sovereignty and A s t r o n g e r C h i n a w i l l p r e s e n t maritime rights in the South China Sea, Xi development opportunities, rather than pose stressed that peaceful solutions should be threats, to Asia and the world, said Xi, adding sought. that China “will continue to share Differences and disputes should be opportunities for economic and social properly handled through equal-footed development with ASEAN, Asia and the dialogue and friendly consultation in the world.”

China, Malaysia Agree to Lift Ties to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 4 (Xinhua) — Chinese importance of China-Malaysia ties. President Xi Jinping and Malaysian Prime “China highly values its relationship with Minister Najib Razak agreed on Friday to Malaysia, which is taking the lead in China’s upgrade bilateral ties to a comprehensive relations with ASEAN members,” Xi said, strategic partnership. During their talks, the two leaders spoke highly of the achievements made in cooperation between the two countries and ex- changed views on ad- vancing bilateral ties under the new circumstances. They both agreed to lift bilateral ties to a com- p r e h e n s i v e s t r a t e g i c partnership. Noting that Malaysia is the first country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd L) and his wife Peng Liyuan (1st L) attend forge diplomatic ties with a banquet hosted by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (2nd R) and his China, Xi stressed the wife Rosmah Mansor (1st R) at their residence in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, Oct. 3, 2013. (Xinhua/Zhang Duo)

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urging the two sides to enhance strategic Fourth, China and Malaysia must make cooperation to make their relationship a fine full use of the defense and security example in the region. consultation mechanism, increase exchanges To that end, Xi put forward a five-point between the two militaries, deepen law- proposal. enforcement cooperation, and join hands in First, leaders of the two countries should combating terrorism and trans-border crimes. keep the good tradition of frequent mutual Fifth, China and Malaysia should expand visits, increase communication on major sub-national cooperation and people-to- issues and strengthen top-level design of people exchanges, said Xi, urging the two bilateral relations, said Xi. sides to work out plans for celebrating the The two countries should also enhance 40th anniversary of the establishment of party-to-party exchanges and share diplomatic ties in 2014, which has been experience on governance and policy- designated as the “China-Malaysia making. Friendship Year.” Second, the two sides should expand On regional cooperation, Xi called on economic and trade cooperation in line with China and ASEAN members to deepen their respective development strategies, cooperation, push forward regional economic aiming for 160 billion U.S. dollars in bilateral integration and create favorable conditions trade by 2017. for development. China has been Malaysia’s biggest trading For his part, Najib said his country hopes partner for the last four years, while Malaysia to enhance the comprehensive strategic has been China’s largest in the 10-member partnership with China. ASEAN for five years in a row. “China is a trustworthy friend of Two-way trade soared to a record high of Malaysia,” he said. “Our bilateral relations 94.8 billion dollars last year, while trade in the enjoy vast prospects.” first seven months of 2013 jumped 14.9 The Malaysian prime minister said his percent to 59.72 billion dollars. country is ready to maintain communications The Qinzhou Industrial Park in China and with China at all levels, expand two-way the Kuantan Industrial Park in Malaysia, trade, promote mutual investment, and noted Xi, should be built as flagship projects welcome Chinese enterprises in its of investment cooperation between the two infrastructure construction. countries. It is also ready to deepen cooperation with Beijing encourages Chinese enterprises to China in military, technology, law- participate in the development of northern enforcement, education, tourism and culture Malaysia and the high-speed railway and increase people-to-people exchanges. construction linking Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia supports China’s proposal of Singapore, which will promote regional inter- building an Asian infrastructure investment connectivity, said Xi. bank and will consider participation in it, said Third, the two sides should tighten Najib. cooperation in telecommunication, remote Malaysia also stands ready to advance the sensing satellite and biological technology, development of ASEAN-China relations and said Xi. promote peace, stability and prosperity in the

28 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

region, he said. state visit to Malaysia, the second leg of his After the meeting, the two leaders maiden trip to Southeast Asia since taking witnessed the signing of several cooperation office in March. agreements and jointly met the press. From Malaysia, the Chinese president will “China supports ASEAN’s leading status travel to the Indonesian resort island of Bali in East Asia cooperation, and is happy to see for the 21st informal economic leaders’ Malaysia play a bigger role in the region,” Xi meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic told reporters. Cooperation. Xi arrived here Thursday evening for a

Chinese President Xi's Visit Ushers in New Era in China-Malaysia Ties

Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 5 (Xinhua) — Chinese expectation. It’s a miracle that so many President Xi Jinping left here Saturday after achievements have been made within such a concluding his first state visit to Malaysia, short period of time,” said Tan Khai Hee, which helps usher in a new era in China- secretary general of Malaysia-China Malaysia relations. Friendship Association. During his stay in Malaysia, Xi met Supreme Head of State Abdul Halim UPGRADE OF BILATERAL TIES Mu’adzam Shah and Prime Minister Najib During their talks on Friday, Xi and Najib Razak, and attended a China- Malaysia economic summit. He also witnessed the signing of a series of cooperation agreements. Both sides agreed to upgrade bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership, and make efforts to expand annual bilateral trade to 160 billion U.S. dollars by 2017. The first Chinese university outside China, Xiamen University Malaysia Campus, will also be set up in the Southeast Asian country. The visit by President Xi marks another great leap forward of bilateral relationship between Malaysia and China. Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd L) meets with Malaysian “In fact, the achievements of Supreme Head of State Abdul Halim (2nd R) in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, Oct. 4, 2013. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) the visit are well beyond my

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agreed to upgrade bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership. “ C h i n a h i g h l y v a l u e s i t s relationship with Malaysia, which is taking the lead in China’s relations with ASEAN members,” Xi said, urging the two sides to enhance strategic cooperation to make their relationship a fine example in the region. ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which consists of Malaysia and nine other Southeast Asian countries. Xi sa i d t he up g r a de t o a comprehensive strategic partnership Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) shakes hands with will draw a more “beautiful” blueprint Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in Kuala Lumpur, for bilateral ties. capital of Malaysia, Oct. 4, 2013. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng) For his part, Najib said his country hopes to enhance the comprehensive partner for the last four years, while Malaysia strategic partnership with China. has been China’s largest in the 10-member “China is a trustworthy friend of ASEAN for five years in a row. Malaysia,” he said. “Our bilateral relations Two-way trade soared to a record high of enjoy vast prospects.” 94.8 billion dollars last year, while trade in the The single most significant achievement first seven months of 2013 jumped 14.9 of Xi’s visit is of course the upgrade of the percent to 59.72 billion dollars. bilateral relationship to comprehensive The Qinzhou Industrial Park in China and strategic partnership, which China only the Kuantan Industrial Park in Malaysia, accords to its most valued neighbors and noted Xi, should be built as flagship projects friends, said political analyst Oh Ei Sun, a of investment cooperation between the two former political secretary to Najib. countries. While the economic collaboration will Beijing encourages Chinese enterprises to continue to prosper in gigantic leaps, the participate in the development of northern comprehensive nature of the relationship will Malaysia and the high-speed railway see more technological, cultural and construction linking Kuala Lumpur and educational exchanges, which are crucial for Singapore, which will promote regional inter- the ever closer relationship between the two connectivity, said Xi. countries, he said in an interview with Xinhua. When addressing more than 1,000 WIN-WIN COOPERATION business people and officials at the China- Malaysia Economic Summit on Friday, Xi China has been Malaysia’s biggest trading proposed that the two countries boost

30 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

bilateral trade and investment, deepen development, carry forward the all-in-the- cooperation in the sectors of finance, same-boat spirit of unity and cooperation, agriculture and fishery, and jointly improve and jointly safeguard the long-term stability regional cooperation. and development in Asia. The Chinese president and the Malaysian “China supports ASEAN’s leading status prime minister witnessed the signing of the in East Asia cooperation, and is happy to see five-year program for economic and trade Malaysia play a bigger role in the region,” Xi cooperation, which emphasizes the sharing of said. knowledge, technological resources and Najib said Malaysia also stands ready to investment in the service of sustainable advance the development of ASEAN-China economic development and maps out relations and promote peace, stability and mutually beneficial initiatives. prosperity in the region. The two leaders have set an ambitious “Whether on bilateral trade relations or target that by the end of the fifth year of this international efforts to build a more program, bilateral trade between China and sustainable global economy, we are strongest Malaysia will hit 160 billion dollars. when we work together,” Najib said. The program covers many areas of In an interview with Xinhua prior to Xi’s cooperation, including agriculture, energy visit, the Malaysian leader said that as a and mineral resources, information and founding member of ASEAN, Malaysia telecommunication, manufacturing, stands ready to contribute to stronger China- infrastructure, engineering, tourism, logistics ASEAN ties. and retailing. “Not only is China a dialogue partner with Pheng Yin Huah, president of the ASEAN, but it’s also an integral part of the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia, East Asia summit,” he said. said the program shows that China values its “Because of that, the relationship between relations with Malaysia and President Xi China and ASEAN is very important and wants more Chinese businessmen to invest in continues to grow particularly in terms of Malaysia. trade and China’s involvement in major “I believe that Malaysia and China will infrastructure projects in the whole region,” have more exchanges in politics, business and he added. education,” he added. While in Indonesia, the first leg of Xi’s maiden Southeast Asia tour since he assumed REGIONAL COOPERATION presidency in March, Xi said China and During his visit to Malaysia, Xi called for ASEAN countries should work for win-win further cooperation between Asian countries. cooperation, stand together and assist each Although Asia remains the most dynamic other, enhance mutual understanding and and promising region in the world, Asian friendship to increase social support for countries still face the arduous tasks of bilateral ties, and stick to openness and developing economy and improving people’s inclusiveness. livelihood amid lingering impact of the Differences and disputes should be international financial crisis, Xi said. properly handled through equal-footed He called on Asian countries to focus on dialogue and friendly consultation for the

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overall interests of bilateral ties and regional Saturday for the 21st informal economic stability, he said. leaders’ meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Xi arrived here Thursday and left the city Cooperation to be held in Bali, Indonesia.

President Xi's Joint Written Interview with Media from Indonesia and Malaysia

Beijing, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) — Chinese this country, which was called one of the four President Xi Jinping gave a joint written “little tigers” in Asia. interview to media from Indonesia and Since the end of the 20th century, Malaysia on bilateral relations, the 21st Indonesia has worked hard to tide over the leaders’ meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic impact of the Asian financial crisis and the Cooperation (APEC), economic development international economic and financial crisis, prospect of Asia-Pacific region, China’s and has turned itself into a remarkable economic situation, and the relationship emerging market economy with political between China and the Association of stability, economic growth, social progress Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), before his and ethnic harmony. state visits to these two countries, and It has been 63 years since China and attendance to the APEC leaders’ meeting. Indonesia established diplomatic relations. The media include Indonesia’s Jakarta Bilateral ties have traversed an extraordinary Post and Kompas, Malaysia’s Utusan course. Since the start of the 21st century, Malaysia, Sin Chew Jit Poh, and New Straits particularly since the establishment of Times. strategic partnership between the two Following is the full text of the interview: countries in 2005, our dialogue and 1. We have noticed that Indonesia is the cooperation across the board have embarked first stop of your first visit to Southeast Asia as on a new journey of comprehensive and rapid China’s President. What are your development. Between 2005 and 2012, the two expectations for the visit? The national countries put in place multi-tiered and multi- football teams of China and Indonesia will field cooperation mechanisms including vice compete in the 2015 Asian Cup Qualification prime ministerial dialogue, defense in Jakarta in mid October. I heard that you are consultation and maritime cooperation. a football fan. What is your forecast of the Bilateral trade volume reached US$66.2 result of the match? billion, four times that of 2005. China’s direct Indonesia is a beautiful country known as investment in Indonesia increased 10 times to the “Emerald of the Equator”. Indonesian US$2 billion. And personnel exchanges folksongs such as “Ayo Mama” and “Sing between the two countries rose three times to Sing So” are very popular in China. I was in 1.33 million person-times. The two sides also Indonesia some twenty years ago, and was worked closely on regional and international deeply impressed by the dynamic growth of affairs and effectively safeguarded the

32 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

common interests of the developing US$94.8 billion. Malaysia is expected to countries. become the third Asian country, following Both China and Indonesia are major Japan and the ROK, with a bilateral trade developing countries in the region, and their volume with China topping US$100 billion. strategic cooperation carries a great The opening of the China-Malaysia Qinzhou significance and boasts a broad prospect. The Industrial Park and the Malaysia-China purpose of my state visit to Indonesia is to Kuantan Industrial Park made history in the carry forward our traditional friendship and mutual establishment of state-level industrial plan for our cooperation. I look forward to an parks between China and ASEAN countries. in-depth exchange of views with President Financial cooperation between the two Susilo on ways to advance our friendship and countries has registered fast growth. We have cooperation on all fronts and bring China- signed a bilateral currency swap agreement Indonesia relations to a new high. worth RMB180 billion which helped put our Talking about football, it is a team sport business cooperation on a solid footing. that calls for good coordination. Important as People-to-people exchanges continued to individual skills are, team work holds the key expand with annual personnel exchanges to the result of the match. That’s exceeding two million person- one of the reasons why I like Both China and times for three year running and football. The charm of the game Indonesia are major the number of exchange also lies in its unpredictability as developing countries students topping 15,000. the situation on the ground may in the region, and Cooperation between China change every minute it goes. I their strategic and Malaysia has brought hope that the national teams of cooperation carries a benefits to both sides. China and Indonesia will present great significance At present, both China and an enjoyable, friendly and and boasts a broad Malaysia are working hard to spectacular match. I also hope prospect. improve the people’s living that the two teams will make it to standards and achieve national the World Cup finals in the not- development. China is ready to so-distant future. work together with Malaysia so as to create a 2. Both China and Malaysia have put in better future for both sides. I look forward to place a new government this year. How do in-depth exchange of views with Malaysian you see the current China-Malaysia relations leaders on ways to promote all-directional and what are your expectations for the future cooperation and build a stable framework for course of this relationship? long-term and sound growth of our bilateral China-Malaysia relations have come a relations. I am convinced that with our joint long way in recent years and are well on track efforts, China-Malaysia strategic cooperation to an all-round, steady and results-oriented will grow from strength to strength and bring expansion. China has been Malaysia’s largest greater benefit to the two peoples. trading partner for four consecutive years, 3. The 21st APEC Economic Leaders’ and Malaysia China’s largest trading partner Meeting will be held on October 7-8 in Bali, in ASEAN for five years running. In 2012, Indonesia. What do you expect from this two-way trade reached a historical high of meeting? China will host the APEC meeting

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next year, and could you share with us integration, and plan for the long-term China’s ideas on hosting that event? development of and win-win cooperation in The world economy has entered a period the region; strengthening macro economic of deep readjustment with all regions facing policy coordination by APEC members, opportunities and challenges in the course of information sharing and exchanges among development. The Asia-Pacific region, which regional free trade arrangements and has played a leading role in promoting global coordination in regional economic economic recovery, remains the world’s most integration; advancing transformation and dynamic and most promising region. APEC, growth by intensifying innovation-led the most influential economic cooperation development, seeking growth from organization in the region, which attracts the transformation and facilitating trans- highest level of participation and covers the formation through growth so as to inject widest range of areas of cooperation, has greater vigor and vitality to the region’s played an important role in advancing development; continuing to promote all- exchanges, cooperation and economic directional infrastructure and connectivity integration in the Asia-Pacific region. development by addressing the salient China hopes that the 21st APEC Economic problems, promoting regional and Leaders’ Meeting to be held in Bali, Indonesia subregional cooperation through connecti- will focus on the region’s leading role in vity and shaping an economic pattern global economic recovery while endeavoring conducive to Asia-Pacific integration. to achieve three objectives. First, to shore up China is ready to maintain close international community’s confidence in the communication with all parties to ensure the development of the Asia Pacific. Second, to success of the 2013 and 2014 APEC Economic give greater play to APEC’s leading and Leaders’ Meetings and make greater coordinating role and upgrade the standing of contribution to the development and APEC. Third, to facilitate more positive prosperity of the Asia Pacific. results at the meeting in supporting the 4. Recently, with the occurrence of multilateral trading regime, coordinating fluctuations in the financial markets of some regional free-trade arrangements and emerging economies in the Asia Pacific, promoting connectivity and infrastructure uncertainties in economic growth have been development in the region. on the rise. At the same time, China will host the 22nd The recent financial the Chinese economy has APEC Economic Leaders’ fluctuations in some slowed down. These have led Meeting in 2014. We expect to emerging economies in to rising concerns on the part of use the occasion to do the this region are largely the international community following: encouraging APEC caused by external about the economic outlook in economies to build closer factors, which have the Asia Pacific and economic partnerships in an open, affected market downturn in China. What is inclusive and win-win spirit, expectations and led to your view on this? promote a greater leadership withdrawal of T h e r e c e n t f i n a n c i a l role for APEC, promote greater international capital. fluctuations in some emerging progress in Asia-Pacific economies in this region are

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largely caused by external factors, which have growth tomorrow that is sounder, more affected market expectations and led to sustainable and of even higher quality. withdrawal of international capital. We call Comparatively speaking, China’s growth on major developed economies to adopt is not slow. It is perhaps among the fastest in responsible macro economic policies so as to the Asia Pacific and even the world. The avoid negative spillover effects. At the same Chinese government has full confidence in time, emerging market economies also need achieving a sustained and sound economic to enhance risk preparedness and resistance development. A Chinese economy that is on capabilities. It is important to stress here, track of sustained and sound growth will however, that the shared desire of the Asia- inject fresh impetus to global economic Pacific region for peace, stability and recovery and make greater contribution to the development has remained unchanged; that common development and prosperity of the the historical trend of a rising Asia Pacific in Asia Pacific. the world both politically and economically 5. Economic integration in the Asia Pacific has not changed; and that the driver and is gaining momentum, as evidenced by the potential dynamism for a mushrooming regional sustained and rapidly ) free trade agreements growing Asia-Pacific Comparatively speaking, such as the Trans-Pacific economy has not changed. China’s growth is not slow. Partnership Agreement We have reasons to It is perhaps among the (TPP) and the Regional believe that the Asia- fastest in the Asia Pacific C o m p r e h e n s i v e Pacific region has a bright Economic Partnership f u t u r e . A l l A P E C and even the world. The (RCEP). What is your members should work Chinese government has view on Asia-Pacific steadily to ensure that the full confidence in achieving economic integration? region will continue What role can APEC playing its leading role in a sustained and sound play? a full recovery and economic development. ) Asia-Pacific economic healthy growth of the integration has presented world economy. a beautiful vision of In the first half of this year, C h i n a ’ s h i g h l yin tegrated regional economy and economy registered a year-on-year growth of in-depth expansion of Asia-Pacific 7.6%, slightly lower than previous months. cooperation. This is the mission shared by all The Chinese government has, of its own APEC members and a grand goal for the accord, introduced measures of readjustment. future development of the Asia-Pacific We made a determined decision to stabilize region. growth, readjust the structure and deepen Free trade arrangements are mush- reform. No longer taking GDP as the sole rooming in the region, which is a positive sign measurement of success, we are focusing for the in-depth development of regional more on the quality and efficiency of growth. integration. We should expand market The measures of readjustment and openness and deepen regional economic transformation today are aimed at achieving a integration through development of such

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regional free trade arrangements. decade saw mutual respect, equality, good- As a Chinese saying goes, “the ocean is neighborliness, friendship and mutually vast because it admits hundreds of rivers”. beneficial cooperation as the defining features China has always actively supported and of relations between the two sides. Indeed the participated in the process of Asia-Pacific relationship has already gone beyond the economic integration, always upholding an bilateral scope and, as the bedrock for a open attitude to any mechanism or prosperous and stable East Asia, taken on arrangement that is conducive to the process. important regional and global significance. At the same time, we believe that in Pursuing a foreign policy of fostering developing FTAs, the parties should cherish friendship and partnership with its the principles of openness, inclusiveness and neighbors, China is committed to bringing transparency and, in particular, demonstrate more benefits to the surrounding areas with flexibility for economies at different its own development. We will unswervingly development stages, so as to offer more take ASEAN as a priority in our options for integration. neighborhood diplomacy, deepen strategic As the top-level, broadest and most partnership with ASEAN, and work with i n f l u e n t i a l e c o n o m i c c o o p e r a t i o n ASEAN to safeguard peace and stability in organization in the Asia Pacific, APEC should this region, including in the South China Sea. play a leading and coordinating role in As for the differences and disputes between promoting information sharing, transparency countries, China has always stood for their and openness among the various free trade proper resolution through friendly arrangements so that they could learn from negotiations and dialogue, and will work one another, promoting, reinforcing, and unremittingly to this end. China will continue complementing one another to create to support ASEAN’ s development, its favorable conditions for the eventual community building and its centrality in East economic integration in the Asia Pacific. Asia cooperation. 6. This year marks the 10th anniversary of As emerging markets in Asia, China and the establishment of China-ASEAN strategic ASEAN are linked together by common partnership. Over the past decade, relations destiny. Moreover, we hold out much hope between the two sides have come a long way. for sustained economic growth in the region There is great interest in their future and the world as a whole. As developing development direction, including ways to economies, both China and ASEAN face a top handle the South China Sea issue. How do task of growing the economy and improving you see the prospect of China-ASEAN people’s livelihood. Our cooperation is aimed relations in the next ten years? not only at creating broad horizon and China and ASEAN countries are linked by inexhaustible business opportunities for the same mountains and rivers and live ourselves, but also at making greater alongside each other like members in one big contribution to world prosperity and stability. family. The friendly exchanges between the China-ASEAN relations have a two sides date back to a long time ago. This tremendous growth potential and prospect of year marks the 10th anniversary of the China- expansion. I suggest that the two sides work ASEAN strategic partnership. The past on the following in the immediate future:

36 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA President Xi Jinping Attends APEC Summit

First, maintain high-level exchanges, enhance harmony without uniformity. China has strategic communication and promote pursued a foreign policy of developing mutual trust. Second, elevate the level of friendship and partnership with its China-ASEAN Free Trade Area by opening neighbors, which has contributed up our markets still wider to each other and significantly to Asia’s stability and prosperity. a d v a n c i n g t r a d e a n d i n v e s t m e n t In today’s world, economic globalization and liberalization and facilitation. Third, promote regional economic integration are gaining connectivity, establish an investment and momentum and Asia has become an financing platform for infrastructure important engine driving world economic development in Asia and resolve the growth. Maintaining stability and bottleneck in this area. Fourth, give greater development in Asia serves the interests of all role to the China-ASEAN Maritime Asian countries, China included, and China’s Cooperation Fund and carry out results- destiny has long been closely connected with oriented maritime cooperation. Fifth, deepen those of other Asian countries. defence and security cooperation, improve The Chinese people are striving to realize the mechanism for meetings between defence the Chinese dream of achieving the great ministers of China and ASEAN countries, and renewal of the Chinese nation. Our goal is to actively promote exchanges and cooperation complete the building of a moderately between the law enforcement and security prosperous society in all respects by the authorities, so as to jointly safeguard peace centennial of the Communist Party of China and tranquility in this region. Sixth, step up and to turn China into a modern socialist people-to-people exchanges at various levels, country that is prosperous, strong, especially those involving ordinary people in democratic, culturally advanced and the interest of strengthening mutual harmonious by the centennial of the People’s understanding and friendship, so as to Republic of China. To attain this goal, we need cement the popular and society-wide support a peaceful and stable neighboring for China-ASEAN friendly and good- environment. neighborly relations. Seventh, step up For us, pursuing the path of peaceful coordination in international and regional development is an inexorable choice to ensure affairs, work jointly to safeguard the rights the fundamental and long-term interests of and interests of developing countries and the Chinese nation. China is firm in sticking to promote democracy in international relations. the path of peaceful development and will 7. ASEAN countries share the hope that never waver in its choice. China will stick to the path of peaceful The Chinese dream has much in common development and that the Chinese dream and with the dreams of ASEAN countries, as they the dreams of other countries for better life are all about achieving national development and national development will reinforce each and prosperity and people’s well-being and other. What’s your comment? happiness. Exploiting our respective The Chinese nation, over the past advantages and tapping our potential for win- millennia, has formed such values as win results, China and ASEAN countries can universal love, non-aggression, amity with go hand in hand and help each other on the neighbors, peace being most precious and path toward our shared aspirations.

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Raises Seven-Pronged Proposal on Promoting China-ASEAN Cooperation

Bandar Seri Begawan, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) — forward, he said. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang put forward a Second, the two sides need to beef up seven-point proposal on further broadening security exchanges and cooperation, he said, and deepening cooperation between his adding that they should not only improve the country and the Association of Southeast China-ASEAN defense ministers’ meeting Asian Nations (ASEAN). mechanism but strengthen cooperation in The China-ASEAN relations have grown such non-traditional areas as disaster to maturity and the bilateral cooperation has prevention and relief, cyber-security and joint got on the fast track, Li said at the 16th China- law enforcement. ASEAN leaders’ meeting in the Bruneian capital. He pointed out that the basis for advancing cooperation is to strengthen strategic trust and consolidate good-neighborliness, and the key to deepening cooperation is to focus on economic development and expand mutual benefit. China and the 10-member bloc should seize opportunities and push forward their broad, deep, high-level and all- dimensional cooperation, said the Chinese premier, who also raised Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (front) attends the 16th China-ASEAN a seven-pronged proposal on the leaders' meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Oct. 9, 2013. framework of bilateral co- (Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng) operation in the coming 10 years. First, the two sides should discuss the Third, the two sides should launch signing of a treaty on good-neighborliness, negotiations on upgrading their free trade friendship and cooperation to provide legal area and strive to bring bilateral trade to 1 and institutional safeguards for bilateral trillion U.S. dollars by 2020 so as to allow strategic cooperation to move further ASEAN countries to benefit more from

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regional integration and China’s economic up exchanges in culture, technology, growth, he added. environmental protection and other areas so Fourth, China and ASEAN need to speed as to consolidate the foundation for bilateral up the construction of inter-connectivity friendly cooperation, added the Chinese infrastructure, he proposed, calling for premier. concerted efforts to set up an Asian These proposals, said Li, is a policy infrastructure investment bank as a platform declaration of a new generation of Chinese for financing intra-ASEAN and regional inter- leadership on the development of China- ASEAN relations over the next 10 years. China will continue to work with ASEAN to cement strategic mutual trust, deepen all-dimensional c o o p e r a t i o n , a c h i e v e common development and open a new chapter in bilateral ties, added the premier. Li noted that since China and ASEAN established a strategic partnership 10 years ago, they have seen their The 16th China-ASEAN leaders' meeting is held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Oct. 9, 2013. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attended the meeting political mutual trust here on Wednesday. (Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng) deepening steadily, practical cooperation advancing connectivity projects. rapidly and people-to-people Fifth, the two sides should cooperate to exchanges expanding consistently. enhance regional financial cooperation and In addition, the two sides helped each immunity to risks, he said, suggesting that other to deal with the international financial they broaden the scale and scope of their crisis and fight against major natural currency swap arrangement and make better disasters, he said, pointing out that the record use of the China-ASEAN Inter-Bank has demonstrated that advancing China- Association. ASEAN cooperation accords with the Sixth, the two sides should promote interests of both sides. maritime cooperation, joining hands to build China, he said, is willing to be ASEAN’s a 21st-century maritime Silk Road and giving permanent partner and friend and carry out priority to such areas as maritime economy, genuine cooperation with the bloc to bring m a r i t i m e i n t e r - c o n n e c t i v i t y a n d more benefits to Asia and the world at large. environmental protection, he said. Seventh, China and ASEAN need to rev ASEAN leaders spoke highly of China’s

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adherence to good-neighborliness, During the meeting, the two sides released commitment to assisting its neighbors a joint statement to mark the 10th anniversary through self-development, and contribution of the establishment of the China-ASEAN to regional prosperity and stability. strategic partnership. Lauding Li’s suggestions, they said the Li arrived here earlier in the day to attend bloc values its ties with China, cherishes the the ongoing series of East Asian leaders’ achievements in bilateral cooperation, and is meetings and visit the country, the first leg of willing to chart the future course of China- his first Southeast Asia tour since assuming ASEAN relations in line with the spirit of premiership in March. mutual trust and mutual benefit.

ASEAN, China Vow to Maintain Peace, Stability in South China Sea

Bandar Seri Begawan, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) — principles of international law, including the ASEAN and China reaffirmed here on 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law Wednesday the importance of maintaining of the Sea, without resorting to the threat or peace, stability and use of force, while maritime security in the e x e r c i s i n g s e l f - S o u t h C h i n a S e a , r e s t r a i n t i n t h e pledging to ensure a full c o n d u c t o f and effective imple- activities.” m e n t a t i o n o f t h e The statement Declaration on the said ASEAN looked Conduct of Parties in f o r w a r d t o the South China Sea intensifying official (DOC). consultations with In the Chairman’s C h i n a o n t h e Statement of the 23rd development of the ASEAN Summit issued Code of Conduct in h e r e W e d n e s d a y , the South China Sea A S E A N s a i d “ W e (COC) with a view to reaffirmed the collect- its early conclusion. ive commitments under Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (3rd R), Brunei Sultan Chinese Premier the DOC to ensuring the Hassanal Bolkiah (1st R) and Thai Prime Minister Li Keqiang said resolution of disputes Yingluck Shinawatra (2nd R) attend a cake-cutting Wednesday at the ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of China- by peaceful means in 16th ASEAN- China a c c o r d a n c e w i t h ASEAN strategic partnership before the 16th China- ASEAN leaders' meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan, Summit here that universally recognized Brunei, Oct. 9, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) “We must not let the

40 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA China to Further Friendly Relations with Neighboring Countries

Beijing, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) — Chinese neighboring countries to realize the President Xi Jinping has said here that “centenary goals” set by the 18th CPC China would strive for a sound National Congress in November 2012: a neighboring environment for its own moderately prosperous society by 2021 development and seek common and a prosperous, strong, democratic, development with neighboring culturally advanced, harmonious and countries. modern socialist country by 2049. At a conference in the capital on CPC leadership in previous diplomatic work, Xi stressed the generations attached high importance to necessity of good diplomatic work in diplomacy with neighboring countries,

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA raising important issues and guiding China’s neighborhood, full of vigor policy, opening up a generally sound and vitality, boasts obvious advantages environment, laying the foundation for and potentials in development. The diplomatic work, Xi said at the region is stable on the whole, and most of conference held on Oct. 24 and 25. the neighboring countries have a All members of the Standing friendly and mutually beneficial Committee of the CPC Central relationship with China, Xi said. Committee’s Political Bureau attended In diplomacy, one must understand the conference. the trend of the time, devise strategy and On the basis of ensuring continuity plan carefully, Xi said. and stability in China’s foreign policy, The strategic goal of China’s the CPC Central Committee actively diplomacy with neighboring countries is plans and manages China’s diplomacy, to serve the cause of national and carried out a series of major rejuvenation, for which China must diplomatic activities after the 18th CPC consolidate its friendly relations with National Conference, with particular neighboring countries and make the best attention to neighboring countries. use of the strategic opportunities China With respect to geography, the now has, according to Xi. environment and intertwined relations, We must strive to make our Xi said the neighboring region has major neighbors more friendly in politics, strategic significance. Dealing with economically more closely tied to us, neighboring countries “should have a and we must have deeper security three-dimensional, multi-element cooperation and closer people-to-people perspective, beyond time and space”. ties, Xi said. In reviewing China’s situation, Xi He emphasized that the basic tenet of said there had been lots of changes in diplomacy with neighbors is to treat relations between China and its them as friends and partners, to make neighbors. “Our economic and trade them feel safe and to help them develop. links are closer, with unprecedented Friendship, suggested Xi, is the interactive exchanges,” he said. consistent principle of China’s “The situation requires us to keep diplomacy with its neighbors and pace with the times and be more active in sincerity is the way to cultivate more blueprinting diplomatic strategy and friends and partners. Cooperation with undertaking diplomatic work,” he said. neighbors should be based on mutual

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA benefit and create a close network of advantages in economy, trade, common interests. technology, and finance; and actively Only through better integration of taking part in regional economic China’s interests with neighbors’ can cooperation, Xi said.h He said China they benefit from China’s development should work with its neighbors to hasten and China benefit from theirs, Xi said. interconnectivity and establish a Silk Underlining the importance of Road economic belt and a maritime silk tolerance, Xi stressed that the Asia and road for the 21st century. China should Pacific region is big enough for all accelerate establishment of free trade countries to develop, and that countries zones, with neighbors as the foundation in the region must promote regional stone, expand trade and investment and cooperation in an opener mind and with create a new pattern of regional greater enthusiasm. economic integration. China itself must embrace and He said China should continuously practice these idea so that they will expand regional financial cooperation become the shared belief and norms of by playing an active role in establishing conduct for the whole region, said Xi. an Asian investment bank for Xi stressed that the Party must deal infrastructure construction and with issues strategically by making improving the regional financial safety improvements to planning and network. operational capability, maintaining that He urged accelerating opening up of great efforts need to be made to border areas and deepening reciprocal safeguard peace and stability in the cooperation between Chinese border region. areas and neighboring countries. “The path of peaceful development is Xi said efforts shall be made to the Party’s strategic choice, in line the promote regional security cooperation, times and the fundamental interests of noting “security cooperation is the the country. A major purpose of this common need of all.” diplomacy is peace and stability in the A new outlook on security, featuring region,” Xi said. mutual trust, reciprocity, equality and Great efforts must be made towards coordination, should be adhered to, Xi win-win reciprocity, accurately said, reiterating China’s push for identifying convergence points for c o m p r e h e n s i v e , c o m m o n a n d cooperation; making use of China’s cooperative security.

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA China should advance security while the international objective cooperation with neighboring countries, favorable external conditions for actively participate in regional and sub- China’s reform, development and regional security cooperation, and stability, safeguarding national enhance cooperation mechanisms and s o v e r e i g n t y , s e c u r i t y a n d strategic mutual trust. development, safeguarding world Xi also called for public diplomacy peace and stability and promoting and people-to-people exchanges common development. between China and neighbors for the “We should seek common ground l o n g - t e r m d e v e l o p m e n t o f and converging interests, stick to the relationships. Diplomatic relations rely sound value of justice and benefit, have on the bond between the peoples, he principles to act upon, cherish said. People-to-people exchange should friendship and righteousness, and offer involve tourism, technology, education more assistance to developing countries and sub-national cooperation, among within our capacity,” Xi said. others, to make many different kinds of “We should make arrangements to friends. coordinater diplomatic work, and give “We should clearly present our full play to various departments to policies to the outside world, tell China’s achieve greater progress,” he said. story in an acceptable way, speak out so Xi said diplomatic work is arduous that we are heard, and interpret the and formidable, but called on comrades Chinese dream from the perspective of undertaking diplomatic work to the aspiration of all people in all enhance their senses of responsibility countries for a better life and regional and urgency, and engage in disciplined prosperity, and let the sense of common diplomacy with dedication and destiny take root with our neighbors. innovation. Policy and strategy are the lifeline of Chairing the conference, Premier Li the party along with its diplomatic work, Keqiang said the event was of great Xi said. significance in implementing the spirit He urged keeping in mind both the of the 18th National Congress of the CPC domestic and international situations, and making best use of an important noting the domestic focus is on the period of strategic opportunity in centenary goals and the “China Dream” China’s development.

October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA Chinese Premier Attends East Asia Leaders Meetings

question of the South China Sea affect the The Chinese premier said the DOC, as an overall China-ASEAN relations.” important political agreement reached “We all agree that disputes in the South between China and ASEAN countries, China Sea should be addressed through constitutes the cornerstone for peace and consultation and negotiation between parties stability in the South China Sea. directly concerned. China and ASEAN He said China will continue to have countries should work together to maintain consultations with ASEAN countries on peace and stability in the South China Sea and formulating the COC under the framework of jointly foster a favorable and more enabling implementing the DOC, and will work with environment for peaceful settlement of the ASEAN countries to advance the formulation disputes. Pending a settlement, parties to the process of the COC in an active and prudent dispute should work actively for joint manner under the principle of consensus development,” said Li. building.

Chinese Premier Raises Four-Point Proposal on Promoting "10+3" Cooperation

Bandar Seri Begawan, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) — first commit themselves to maintaining Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday put regional peace and stability and handling forward a four-pronged proposal on further sensitive issues in the area in a proper manner, deepening cooperation within a regional framework commonly known as “10+3”. The 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), together with China, Japan and South Korea, constitute an important pillar of East Asian cooperation, Li said at the 16th “10+3” leaders’ meeting in the Bruneian capital. As the world economic recovery remains difficult and fragile, and the Asian economic growth is still shadowed by uncertainty, the 13 nations carry a historic mission on their Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (4th R)poses for a group photo with other shoulders, he added. leaders at the 16th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) In order to boost “10+3” Plus Three Summit (APT) in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Oct. 10, cooperation, the parties should 2013. (Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng)

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he suggested. financial crisis, Li said “10+3” cooperation has The Chinese premier urged the 13 played a contributive role in promoting countries to seize and take full advantage of regional economic stability and global the historic opportunities for East Asian economic growth. development and jointly safeguard the peace Practice has demonstrated that “10+3” and stability in the region. cooperation is the main vehicle and main Second, the nations should cooperate to theater for East Asian cooperation, he said, speed up East Asian economic integration urging all parties concerned to join hands to and try to conclude the Regional keep regional cooperation on the path of Comprehensive Economic Partnership healthy development. negotiations by 2015, he said. China, he said, is ready to work closely Third, they need to advance the with other parties to open a new chapter in construction of a regional financial safe net East Asian cooperation. and promote regional financial stability and Other participants in the meeting spoke economic development, Li said, calling for highly of the achievements the “10+3” joint efforts to expand cooperation under the mechanism has made over the years, and Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization agreed that further promoting regional peace, mechanism and build Asia’s own monetary friendship and cooperation is an important stabilization system, credit system, and safeguard for the development of all countries investment and financing system. in the region. Fourth, the 13 countries should cooperate Faced with a grave external economic more closely in such areas as food security environment, they suggested, countries in the and people-to-people exchanges, he said, region should bring into full play the role of adding that China stands ready to work with the “10+3” framework as the main vehicle for other countries to facilitate the building of East Asian cooperation and join hands to various think tanks and the deepening of promote regional stability and prosperity. understanding and sympathy among the Li arrived here Wednesday for a series of nations in the region. East Asian leaders’ meetings and an official Noting that the mechanism was born in visit to Brunei. The trip, his first to Southeast the throes of the Asian financial crisis and has Asia as premier, will also take him to Thailand now weathered the storm of the international and Vietnam.

Chinese Premier Pledges Enhancing China, U.S. Communication, Coordination

Bandar Seri Begawan, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) — jointly promote the steady growth of world Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said here economy and safeguard world peace. Wednesday that his country stands ready to Li made the remarks when meeting with strengthen strategic communication and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the coordination with the United States, and sidelines of the 16th leaders’ meeting between

42 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA Chinese Premier Attends East Asia Leaders Meetings

China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Li noted that the heads of state of the two countries have reached important consensus on building a new model of major-country relations, which is conducive to pushing forward health and stable development of the bilateral relations. China and the United States share broad common interests, and their economies are complementary to a Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with U.S. Secretary of large extent, he said, while State John Kerry in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Oct. 9, 2013. expressing Beijing’s concern about (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) Washington’s debt-ceiling problem. Li said that China hopes to see the U.S. relax its restrictions on China-bound high- with China, jointly cope with challenges, and tech exports. constantly enrich the content of the new For his part, Kerry said the United States model of major-country relations between the welcomes the rise of China and regards China two countries. as an important cooperation partner. Li arrived here earlier Wednesday for the Kerry said that President Barack Obama first leg of his first Southeast Asia tour since pays high attention to lifting bilateral assuming premiership in March. The trip also relations. includes official visits to Brunei, Thailand and He said his country is willing to boost Vietnam. strategic communication and cooperation

China, Brunei Agree to Further Boost Strategic Cooperation

Bandar Seri Begawan, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) — The Chinese government pays high Chinese Premier Li Keqiang left here Friday attention to the development of bilateral after wrapping up a productive official visit to relations, Li said in his talks with Bruneian the Southeast Asian country of Brunei. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah shortly before his During Li’s stay, the two sides reached a departure. broad consensus on further advancing their The premier proposed that the two sides relations and enriching bilateral cooperation carry out closer high-level exchanges and beef so as to lift their strategic cooperative up coordination on bilateral and major relationship to higher levels. international affairs.

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Moreover, he urged the two countries to consultations at all levels on foreign policy, promote practical cooperation in such areas as politics and trade, and pledged to further infrastructure construction, agriculture and enhance bilateral cooperation in such areas as fishery and bring forth a rapid growth of two- trade, energy, infrastructure, agriculture, way trade. culture and defense. Particularly, he added, the two sides need Brunei, said the statement, appreciates to push forward energy cooperation, and China’s initiatives to upgrade the China- encourage their enterprises to conduct joint exploration and exploitation of maritime oil and gas resources for mutual benefit. The premier also called for closer people-to-people exchanges between the two nations so as to enhance mutual understanding and pass on the bilateral friendship from generation to generation. Noting that Brunei holds the rotating chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, Li praised Brunei’s role in ensuring the healthy and steady development of China-ASEAN relations. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) holds talks with Bruneian Sultan For his part, Hassanal hailed the Hassanal Bolkiah in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Oct. 11, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) fruitful cooperation between Brunei and China in various fields and China’s contribution to regional peace, ASEAN free trade area, establish an Asian stability and prosperity, saying China is an infrastructure investment bank, and launch a important cooperation partner of his country. host of projects with support from the China- Brunei, he said, is willing to work with ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund. China to intensify strategic communication, The two sides welcomed the recent broaden win-win cooperation and promote signing of a deal between China National bilateral relations to higher levels. Offshore Oil Corporation and Brunei Hassanal also expressed Brunei’s National Petroleum Company Sendirian readiness to boost energy and maritime Berhad on establishing a joint venture on oil cooperation with China for common field services. development, and its commitment to further In addition, they pledged to encourage promoting ASEAN-China relations. their officials to study other aspects of joint In a joint statement released after the talks, exploration and exploitation of maritime oil the two sides agreed to maintain frequent and gas resources by relevant enterprises of exchanges and strengthen bilateral the two countries in line with the principles of

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mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. its growing involvement in supporting Meanwhile, they underscored the economic development at the sub-regional importance of resolving territorial and level. jurisdictional disputes in the South China Sea Meanwhile, the two sides reiterated their through peaceful dialogue and consultations commitment to intensifying consultations on by sovereign states directly concerned. subjects of common interest in such regional They reiterated their commitment to the and international frameworks as the Asia- full and effective implementation of the Pacific Economic Cooperation, the UN and Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the World Trade Organization. the South China Sea, stressing that Li arrived here Wednesday for the first leg consultations on a code of conduct should be of his maiden Southeast Asia tour as China’s pushed forward in a gradual and step-by-step premier, which would also take him to manner and on the basis of consensus. Thailand and Vietnam. The document also conveyed Hassanal’s While in Brunei, he attended a series of high appreciation of China’s role as a East Asian leaders’ meetings, where he development partner of the East ASEAN reaffirmed China’s commitment to and Growth Area, a sub-regional economic expounded its policy on promoting regional cooperation initiative grouping Brunei, cooperation and development. Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, and

Chinese Premier Makes Four-Point Proposal to Upgrade Ties with Thailand

Bangkok, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Friday made a four-pronged proposal to lift China-Thailand relations to a higher stage in a speech delivered at the Thai parliament. Stressing the “familial affection” between the two sides, Li urged both nations to jointly plan for the future, deepen pragmatic cooperation, speed up inter-connectivity construction and enhance people-to- people exchange. Among the proposals, he called for keeping the frequent exchange of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech at the Thai high-level visits between the two parliament in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 11, 2013. (Xinhua/Liu Jiansheng)

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sides. could become a highlight in China-Thailand The two nations should not only cooperation, as China has advanced implement the agreed-upon joint projects but capacities of building high-speed railways also make long-term strategic overall and rich management experience in this area. planning, Li said. It would facilitate logistics and boost To that end, he said the two sides will issue economic development for Thailand to a joint press communique about the long-term promote infrastructure construction such as vision of the development of bilateral ties to railways, the Chinese premier said, adding provide a roadmap for future cooperation. that the two countries have huge potential in The Chinese side is also willing to advance cooperation on railway construction. bilateral cooperation in transport, water During his stay in Thailand, Li and his conservancy, energy and education in Thai counterpart Yingluck Shinawatra will accordance with Thailand’s national attend an exhibition on China’s high-speed development strategic planning, Li said. railways, hoping to conduct practical On economy and trade ties, Li urged the cooperation with Thailand at an earlier date. two sides to implement the Joint Action Plan Moreover, the two countries would on China-Thailand Strategic Cooperation, vigorously carry out cooperation on and strive to meet the goal of increasing the electricity, power grid, and renewable energy, two-way trade volume to 100 billion U.S. and push forward water conservancy dollars by 2015 at an earlier date. construction projects, the Chinese premier Thailand abounds with agricultural said. products such as rice, the Chinese premier On cultural exchanges, he said China is said, adding that his country will support ready to hold talks with Thailand over visa Chinese enterprises to import 1 million tons of exemption for regular passport holders. rice from Thailand in the next five years. Thailand is the first country within the Li said rubber is an important commodity Association of Southeast Asian Nations to in China-Thailand trade, and Beijing would start such talks with China, and the talks will consider importing more rubber from facilitate the people-to-people exchanges of Bangkok as well, adding that the Chinese side the two countries, Li said. would build a special mechanism to boost The Chinese premier called on both sides bilateral cooperation on agricultural trade. to give full play to the Confucius Institute and With frequent people-to-people facilitate the establishment of Thailand’s exchanges and closer economic ties between cultural centers in China. the two countries, China will consider the China would also help Thailand to establishment of RMB clearing banks in improve its professional education by the Thailand and encourage enterprises of the joint running of schools and short-term two countries to settle bilateral trade in their training, Li said, adding that both sides would national currencies, according to him. promote practical cooperation in such areas as Li also proposed to strengthen practical technology, maritime affairs, and cooperation on railway projects and enhance environmental protection. cultural exchanges with Thailand. In the speech, the Chinese premier hailed He said cooperation on railway projects the achievements in bilateral ties since the two

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nations established diplomatic relations in relationship has exceeded the bilateral level 1975, including deepened political mutual and played a guiding role in the development trust, strengthened trade ties and closer of China’s relations with the 10-member people-to-people exchanges. Association of Southeast Asian Nations With two-way trade reaching 70 billion (ASEAN) as a whole. U.S. dollars last year, China has become China is ready to work with Thailand to Thailand’s largest export market and number strengthen coordination on regional and one source country of foreign tourists. About multilateral cooperation, and to keep close 3 million people travel between the two communication and collaboration on regional countries last year. and global issues, Li said. For China, Thailand is a major trade He also assured Thai lawmakers that partner in the ASEAN region and a major China is capable of meeting this year’s source country of agricultural imports, as well economic and social development goals, and as the largest source country of rubber of maintaining sustainable and healthy imports. economic growth in the coming years, which Among ASEAN nations, Thailand was the would provide more opportunities for first to sign a joint declaration on cooperation Thailand and other Southeast Asian nations. plan for the 21st century with China, the first Li said the China-Thailand cooperation to advance strategic cooperation with China, has entered a fast track and the bilateral and the first to realize zero tariff on vegetables friendship has been ingrained in the hearts of and fruits with China. the two peoples. Thailand is also the first ASEAN nation to H e b e l i e v e d t h a t t h e t w o - w a y host a Chinese cultural center and to hold comprehensive and mutually-beneficial regular defense consultations with China. It cooperation will attain greater achievements will soon have more consulates in China than and the traditional amity between two nations any other country in the world. will be cemented by new bond. He said in recent years the China-Thailand

China, Thailand Translate "Familial Affection" into Concrete Cooperation

Bangkok, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) — Visiting Asian Nations (ASEAN), Li said during a Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has reached wide meeting here with his Thai counterpart consensus with Thai leaders on further Yingluck Shinawatra. deepening bilateral ties based on the “familial The Chinese government attaches great affection” between the two countries. importance to the development of bilateral China-Thailand ties have played an ties with Thailand, he said, adding that his exemplary and leading role in China’s country stands ready to expand high-level relations with the Association of Southeast exchange of visits and pursue closer relations with the Southeast Asian country.

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Beijing is also China is now the ready to work with largest trading part- Bangkok to implement ner of Thailand, with the Joint Action Plan bilateral trade reach- on China-Thailand ing nearly 70 billion Strategic Cooperation U.S. dollars last year and a memorandum of and targeting 100 understanding on billion dollars by s u s t a i n a b l e 2015. development so as to T h a i l a n d i s benefit the peoples of C h i n a ’ s s e c o n d both countries. largest trading part- T h e C h i n e s e ner in the 10-member premier called for full ASEAN, and serves play of the mechanism a s t h e c o u n t r y of an economic and c o o r d i n a t o r f o r t r a d e c o m m i t t e e C h i n a - A S E A N b e t w e e n t h e t w o relations. countries, and closer Tao Wenzhao, a Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R front), accompanied cooperation in such by his Thai counterpart Yingluck Shinawatra, visits research fellow at the areas as economy, the site of the Royal Flora International Chinese Academy of trade, investment, Horticultural Exposition in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Social Sciences, said agricultural trade and Oct. 12, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) C h i n a ’ s e v e r - p r o c e s s i n g , a n d expanding economic electricity. strength is a strong backing for building China is also willing to actively participate regional integration, adding that China’s fast in the construction of high-speed railways in economic growth will continue contributing Thailand and promote regional inter- to regional economy. connectivity. During Li’s visit to Thailand, the two In order to deepen financial cooperation, countries agreed, in a joint document issued Li encouraged the enterprises of the two on Friday, that their relations have entered a countries to settle bilateral trade in RMB, and n e w s t a g e s i n c e t h e y f o r g e d t h e explore the increase in the size of bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative currency swap, saying that China will partnership in 2012. consider the establishment of RMB clearing China and Thailand have agreed on a banks in Thailand. multi-pronged proposal to advance bilateral Meanwhile, he called for closer people-to- practical cooperation in various fields, in people exchanges, start of talks on visa order to benefit the two peoples and make exemption for regular passport holders and contributions to peace, stability and strengthened cooperation in culture and prosperity of the region and the world at education so as to promote the friendship large. between the peoples of the two countries. Regarding the South China Sea issue, the

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two countries hold that disputes should be China and Thailand, asking both countries to peacefully resolved by sovereign countries jointly plan for the future, deepen practical directly concerned through friendly cooperation, speed up inter-connectivity consultation and negotiation based on construction and enhance people-to-people international law. exchanges. Pending the final settlement, all relevant China would use its investment and high- parties should shelve disputes and seek joint speed railway technology to help Thailand development of the sea. build hi-tech facilities that would China will work more closely with consequently contribute to regional inter- Thailand to effectively implement the connectivity. Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the In his visit to a Chinese language-teaching South China Sea, and boost consultations on a school in Chiang Mai, Li called for more code of conduct in the South China Sea based C h i n e s e e d u c a t i o n r e s o u r c e s a n d on the principle of consensus-building, so as opportunities to Thai students. to make it a sea of peace, friendship and While in Thailand, Li also met the Thai cooperation. royal family in Bangkok and the site of the Ruan Zongze, vice president of the China Royal Flora International Horticultural Institute of International Studies, said the Exposition in Chiang Mai. South China Sea issue would not be an Later Friday, the Chinese premier left obstacle to the development of relations Thailand for an official visit to Vietnam, the between China and ASEAN countries. third and last leg of his maiden trip to During his stay here, Li frequently Southeast Asia since he took office in March. stressed the “familial affection” between

China, Vietnam Agree to Deepen Partnership Along Three Tracks

Hanoi, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese The three-track approach is an important Premier Li Keqiang and his Vietnamese breakthrough for the future development of counterpart, Nguyen Tan Dung, agreed on bilateral ties, Li said, stressing that the Sunday to further deepen the partnership establishment of a maritime cooperation work between their two countries simultaneously group is a positive signal of the two countries’ along three tracks of maritime, onshore and readiness to solve their disputes through financial cooperation. cooperation. During their talks, the two sides E x p o u n d i n g o n C h i n a ’ s b a s i c committed themselves to setting up in parallel considerations about the three areas of three joint work groups respectively in charge cooperation, Li said the creation of the of the three areas and setting them in motion maritime work group is aimed at advancing within the year so as to push forward bilateral China-Vietnam joint development at sea. cooperation for the benefit of both sides. He urged the two sides to pursue

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substantive progress in their joint development in waters out of the mouth of the Beibu Bay, a semi-enclosed sea whose delimitation remains under negotiation between China and Vietnam, and accumulate e x p e r i e n c e f o r b r o a d e r maritime cooperation. The two neighbors, the premier reiterated, should stick to the path of friendly consultation and negotiation in the process of resolving their disputes. Visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L, back) and his Vietnamese As regards to onshore counterpart Nguyen Tan Dung witness the signing of a series of cooperation, the two sides need bilateral cooperation documents after their talks in Hanoi, Vietnam, to improve strategic planning Oct. 13, 2013. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing) with the establishment of a work group on infrastructure development and prosperity. cooperation, Li said, while calling for The two sides should steer their relations concerted efforts to promote practical forward in the right direction and adhere to cooperation in such areas as inter- the path of win-win cooperation, he said, connectivity, trade and investment. adding that they should also have an On the financial front, Li said, the joint innovative mind in addressing their South work group on financial cooperation should China Sea dispute, which is now the only lead the two sides to the signing of a bilateral thorny historic leftover in bilateral relations. currency swap deal and a local currency For his part, Dung welcomed Li’s official settlement agreement, so as to help safeguard visit, and conveyed his country’s gratitude for the economic development and financial China’s long-running, enormous and stability of both countries and the region at valuable support for Vietnam. large. Expressing his full agreement with Li’s Meanwhile, China is ready to work with proposals on further developing bilateral ties, Vietnam to consolidate the public support for the Vietnamese prime minister said his bilateral relations through more people-to- country attaches great importance to its people exchanges and closer cultural and relations with China. educational cooperation, he added. Vietnam, he added, is ready to work with Calling China and Vietnam friendly China to further enhance high-level contact, neighbors, Li pointed out that a healthy deepen political mutual trust and advance steady development of bilateral ties is not maritime, onshore and financial cooperation only in line with the interests of both peoples so as to achieve positive results at an early but also conducive to regional peace, date.

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Meanwhile, Vietnam will join hands The prime minister also expressed with China to strengthen communication Vietnam’s willingness to play a positive role and coordination on global and regional in promoting the relations between the issues, properly handle their differences, Association of Southeast Asian Nations and push for closer Vietnam-China (ASEAN) and China. friendship and more fruitful bilateral Following their talks, the two leaders cooperation, he said. witnessed the signing of a series of bilateral cooperation documents.

Chinese Premier Li Raises Four-point Proposal on Upgrading China-Vietnam Business Cooperation

Hanoi, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday laid out a four-pronged proposal on further deepening business cooperation between his country and Vietnam. The rapidly growing economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam boasts great potential, and their common interests far outweigh their differences, Li said at a luncheon attended by Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and representatives of the two Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at a luncheon attended by countries’ business communities. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and He urged the two countries to representatives of the two countries’ business communities, in i n t e g r a t e t h e i r de v e l op me n t Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 15, 2013. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) strategies and accelerate the expansion of their economic and trade Li said the consensus on the three-track cooperation with a market-oriented, approach heralds a better business enterprise-centered approach. environment for the enterprises of both First, the two sides need to advance their countries, and will boost investor confidence overall cooperation, Li said, adding that he and infuse new vigor into China-Vietnam and his Vietnamese counterpart have agreed cooperation. on forming three work groups to Second, the two countries should promote simultaneously advance maritime, onshore trade facilitation, set in motion a related joint and financial cooperation. work group within the year, and strive to raise

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bilateral trade to 100 billion U.S. dollars by that negotiations are set to begin on 2017, proposed the premier. upgrading the China-ASEAN free trade area. Noting that trade growth requires robust On China’s economic performance, the financial support, he said China stands ready premier said that, with the Chinese economy to work with Vietnam to expand the scale of growing steadily on the basis of stability, bilateral currency swap and local currency China is fully able to achieve this year’s major settlement so as to help advance the socioeconomic development targets. liberalization and facilitation of bilateral trade China will stick firmly to the path of and investment. economic reform, and China’s development Third, Li called on the two countries to will provide Vietnam and the region at large boost mutual investment, saying that his with a huge market and a multitude of country assigns priority to transportation, development opportunities, Li added. communications, energy and other For his part, Dung noted that economic interconnectivity-building projects, and trade cooperation is an important pillar in encourages Chinese enterprises to invest in the edifice of bilateral friendship and that the Vietnam, and welcomes investment by two sides benefit from each other’s Vietnamese businesses. development. Fourth, China and Vietnam need to The latest consensus between the two deepen cooperation under the framework of sides will further consolidate the foundation the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for future expansion of bilateral cooperation (ASEAN), said the premier. in various fields, he said, adding that Vietnam He said that at the series of East Asian is willing to create a more favorable leaders’ meetings last week, he made a seven- environment for Chinese enterprises to invest pronged proposal on the framework of China- in the country. ASEAN cooperation in the next decade, and

Chinese Premier Li Gives Joint Written Interview to Media from ASEAN Countries

Beijing, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) — Chinese partnership. How do you evaluate the Premier Li Keqiang gave a joint written achievements of this relationship over the interview to media from countries of the past decade? What tangible benefits has this Association of Southeast Asian Nations relationship brought to the two sides? (ASEAN) ahead of his official visit to Brunei, Answer: This year is indeed worthy of Thailand and Vietnam as well as his celebration for China and ASEAN. Ten years attendance to the East Asia leaders’ meetings. ago, China took the lead in acceding to the Following is the full text of the interview: Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Question: This year marks the 10th Asia (TAC) and established the strategic anniversary of China-ASEAN strategic partnership for peace and prosperity with

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ASEAN. It was also the first time for China to SARS epidemic and earthquakes. establish a global strategic partnership with The China-ASEAN strategic partnership an organization of nations within this region, has made such good progress as it serves the which highlights the importance of ASEAN fundamental interests of both sides and on China’s diplomatic agenda. Against the complies with the trend of the times for peace, backdrop of evolving international situation development and cooperation in the region. and growing world economy amid As long as we stay on the right course, and adjustments over the past decade, China and uphold the principles of mutual respect, ASEAN have seized the opportunities, equality, good-neighborliness and mutual advanced with the trend of peace and benefit, as long as we continue to work development, and opened a “golden decade” together to maintain regional peace and of cooperation. stability, and deepen regional cooperation to Over the past decade, China and ASEAN drive economic development and improve have stayed committed to strategic dialogue, people’s livelihood, the China-ASEAN enhanced political mutual trust, and strategic partnership is bound to make even strengthened mutual understanding and further progress and bring greater benefits to support in many important international and our region and people of various countries. regional affairs. Over the past decade, China Question: China-ASEAN relations have and ASEAN have advanced practical experienced a “golden decade”. What do you cooperation and set up the world’s largest free think are the focus and growth areas for this trade area among developing countries. relationship in the future? China is now ASEAN’s biggest trading Answer: Reviewing past development partner and ASEAN China’s third largest and looking into the future, we can see that trading partner. Last year, two-way trade China-ASEAN relationship now stands at a exceeded US$400 billion, five times that of ten new historical starting point. We need to build years ago; mutual investment totaled over on the achievements of the “golden decade”, US$100 billion, three times that of ten years explore new strategic breakthroughs, and ago. Over the past decade, China and ASEAN jointly build a closer China-ASEAN have increased people-to-people and cultural community of common destiny. To this end, exchanges. Exchange of visits reached 15 we will propose a framework for wide- million last year, four times that of ten years ranging, deep and high-level cooperation ago. China has become ASEAN’s second between China and ASEAN in the next largest source of tourists, and over 1,000 decade so as to take our cooperation to a new flights shuttle between the two sides every height and bring more benefits to people in week. Over the past decade, China and this region. ASEAN have stood side by side in times of To achieve the goals under this framework adversity. On the basis of successfully fending of cooperation, I believe we need to focus our off the Asian financial crisis, the two sides efforts in the following areas: properly responded to the international First, we need to remain committed to financial crisis, and helped each other in building good-neighborly relations. China is tackling such major natural disasters and ready to actively discuss with ASEAN epidemics as the Indian Ocean tsunamis, the countries the signing of a treaty on good-

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neighborliness, friendship and cooperation to exchanges. The two sides should jointly consolidate the political foundation for our formulate the China-ASEAN Cultural strategic mutual trust. Cooperation Action Plan to facilitate Second, we need to strengthen exchange exchanges in culture and education, and and cooperation in the security field. We need between youth, think tanks and the media. to improve the mechanism of ASEAN-China In a few days, I will attend the East Asia defense ministers’ meeting and deepen Leaders’ meetings in Brunei. It will be my first cooperation in disaster prevention and relief, visit to ASEAN countries as the Chinese cyber security, combating transnational Premier. I look forward to exchanging views crimes, joint law enforcement and other non- with leaders of other participating countries traditional security fields. on issues of common interest and, in Third, we need to build an “upgraded particular, to hearing their views on the version” of the China-ASEAN FTA. We need above-mentioned seven proposals. Together, to take concrete steps in trade in goods, trade we will build new consensus on elevating the in services, investment cooperation and other China-ASEAN strategic partnership. areas to promote trade and investment Question: As China enjoys sustained and liberalization and facilitation and achieve the rapid growth and gains in national strength, goal of one trillion US dollars of two-way China’s neighbors have naturally shown trade by 2020. doubts and concerns about whether China Fourth, we need to push forward will seek hegemony once it gets strong. What connectivity and step up the linkage between is the foreign policy of the new Chinese “software” and “hardware”. China proposes government towards China’s neighbors? And to establish an Asian infrastructure what is your view on deepening East Asia investment bank and meet, on a priority basis, cooperation? some ASEAN countries’ need for financial Answer: It is understandable that such support in infrastructure building. questions are raised. In the history of Fifth, we need to strengthen financial international relations, there are quite a few cooperation to jointly guard against new stories of big powers vying for hegemony. We risks. We need to increase the size and scope therefore understand the concerns of our of bilateral currency swap, expand the pilot neighbors, for, after all, China is, in all program of settling cross-border trade with measures, a major country in Asia. local currencies and enhance cooperation on However, time has changed. In the 21st the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization. century, the trend toward peace and Sixth, we need to build a maritime development has gained momentum. China cooperation partnership, intensify practical has developed in such a peaceful cooperation on marine economy, especially environment and is heading toward national fishery, and in other areas such as maritime renewal in a peaceful way. We have no reason connectivity, marine environment protection to change our path of peaceful development. and scientific research, and maritime search China’s cultural values uphold the principle and rescue, and work together to build the of “not doing to others what you don’t want Maritime Silk Road of the 21st century. others to do to you”. Like many other Asian Seventh, we need to boost cultural countries, China suffered deeply from the

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colonial rule and invasion of Western powers. centrality, consensus building and Since the founding of New China, China has accommodating the comfort level of all firmly adhered to the policy of opposing parties, which have proved to be effective, hegemonism and power politics. The Chinese and promoting a regional cooperation model nation has no such tradition as seeking with East Asian features. There are multiple hegemony or expansion. And in the past regional cooperation frameworks and several thousand years, the Chinese nation mechanisms in East Asia. This meets the has developed such philosophy as treating reality of diversity in the region. China your neighbors amicably, valuing peace actively supports and participates in above anything else and cherishing harmony cooperation under these mechanisms, and is in diversity. They constitute the historical committed to building a mutually foundation for China’s policy of building complementary, open and inclusive friendship and partnership with its cooperation environment. neighbors. China will in no way follow the old Question: How do you see the impact of pattern of “seeking hegemony after becoming the South China Sea question on China- strong”. ASEAN relations? As a member of the big Asian family, Answer: On the question of the South China’s destiny is closely linked with those of China Sea, China and ASEAN countries have other Asian countries. China needs a peaceful had many in-depth discussions and reached and stable neighboring environment for consensus. As long as we stay committed to development. We will always work for good this consensus and act in accordance with neighborly relations and mutually beneficial mutually-agreed principles, the South China cooperation with our neighbors, and will Sea region will stay peaceful and stable. p r o p e r l y m a n a g e d i f f e r e n c e s a n d The core of the South China Sea question is disagreements with them. ASEAN is a the disputes over the sovereignty of some priority on China’s diplomatic agenda islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands and regarding the neighborhood. We will firmly the delimitation disputes over some waters in support ASEAN in growing stronger and the South China Sea. It is a difficult question playing a leading role in East Asia built over years, involving the bilateral cooperation. East Asia cooperation has differences between China and some ASEAN brought tangible benefits to the region. No countries. The Chinese government is firmly matter how the situation may change, a committed to the path of peaceful peaceful and stable environment in East Asia development, and is unshakable in its resolve must be maintained and our efforts will focus to uphold national sovereignty and territorial on development and on improving people’s integrity. This is why China has persistently lives. At present, we need to concentrate on sought dialogue with relevant countries and tackling the underlying impact of the global ASEAN to explore effective ways for financial crisis and maintain the momentum upholding regional stability. The Declaration of sustained development. As for the on the Conduct of Parties in the South China direction of East Asia cooperation, China calls Sea (DOC), signed among China and ASEAN for adhering to the “East Asia cooperation countries in 2002 is a fundamental document spirit”, upholding the principles of ASEAN for maintaining peace and stability in the

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South China Sea. The DOC has established a has drawn high attention of other countries. series of important principles, including: Could you brief us on China’s current settling relevant disputes by peaceful means; economic situation and its impact on ASEAN pending the settlement of disputes, the parties and other East Asian countries? concerned undertake to exercise restraint and Answer: World economic recovery now refrain from carrying out activities that could faces difficulties and there are also many complicate or escalate disputes; and uncertainties in the Asian economy. In the conducting practical cooperation. These face of the complex international and principles reflect the wisdom of Asian domestic situation and downward economic countries in handling complicated problems pressure, the Chinese government has stood and represent the biggest common interests of its ground and responded in a calm way. We all countries. These hard-won principles have have maintained stability in and innovated on provided indispensable conditions for the our macroeconomic policies. On the one robust cooperation and economic prosperity hand, we have refrained from expanding in this region. The DOC should be observed fiscal deficit, and neither eased nor tightened and upheld in real earnest. China and ASEAN monetary policy. On the other hand, we have countries should stick to dialogue and taken a series of creative policy measures to cooperation and effectively safeguard peace boost reform, energize the market, adjust the and stability in the South China Sea. economic structure, and have seized every China is always firm in upholding peace opportunity to transform and upgrade the and security. This meets its own need of economy. These measures are in line with the development and serves the interests of East goal of maintaining steady growth and have Asia. We are deeply aware that without a effectively kept the economy on an even keel. secure environment, economic development In the first six months of this year, China’s and prosperity would be out of the question. GDP grew by 7.6%, and employment rate and The South China Sea is an important overall prices were both stable. Since July, international shipping lane. As a big trading major economic indicators have rebounded, nation, China depends heavily on the the real economy has been dynamic and unimpeded access and safety of international market confidence has increased. The Chinese sea lanes, and also shoulders responsibilities economy now enjoys a strong momentum of in this regard. Therefore, China places high steady growth. importance on the freedom of navigation in China’s development is closely linked to the South China Sea and cares deeply about that of the world. Over the past 30 years, the ensuring the safety of navigation there. The Chinese economy has benefited a great deal truth is, the territorial disputes in the South from opening up. China’s rapid growth has China Sea have not affected the international also contributed much to East Asia and the shipping lane. China will continue to actively world. In the future, with parallel advocate and participate in regional maritime advancement of industrialization, IT cooperation, including maritime security application, a new type of urbanization and cooperation, and uphold peace and modern agriculture, China stands a good tranquility in this region. chance of sustained and sound growth, and Question: China’s economic development will continue to release reform dividends,

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market potential and innovative vitality. It is opportunities and make greater contribution projected that in the next five years, China’s to the development of ASEAN, other East import will reach US$10 trillion, its outbound Asian countries and the world. We hope other investment will top US$500 billion and its countries will all play an active part in this overseas visits will exceed 400 million. China process and create greater conditions and a hopes to share with ASEAN and other East better environment for our cooperation. Asian countries such tremendous business


China Builds Pilot Free Trade Zone to Further Open Up

by Miao Miao (China Features)

China’s State Council has approved the establishment of a pilot free trade zone in Shanghai, according to a Ministry of Commerce statement. The general development plan is to be decided in mid-September and the zone will be formally set up by the end of September. C o v e r i n g 2 8 . 7 8 s q u a r e kilometers, The Shanghai free trade zone will be built on the basis of e x i s t i n g b o n d e d z o n e s — Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics An inauguration ceremony is held for the operation of the China Park, Yangshan Free Trade Port (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone at the Waigaoqiao Bonded Area A r e a a n d P u d o n g A i r p o r t in Shanghai, east China, Sept. 29, 2013 (Xinhua/Chen Fei) Comprehensive Free Trade Zone. The zone will be the first of its adapting to global economic and trade kind on the Chinese mainland. It will take development and imposing a more proactive about three years to build to meet opening-up strategy, said the statement, international standards. adding it will help explore a new path for The pilot zone is a crucial move in China’s opening up, speed up transformation

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of government functions and promote Meanwhile, a State Council plan to economic restructuring. suspend some laws governing foreign The zone will also help foster China’s investment in the Shanghai pilot free trade global competitiveness and serve as a new zone will break new ground in China’s platform for the nation’s cooperation with investment management mechanism and other countries, and contribute to efforts in boost foreign capital inflow, said analysts. building “an upgraded version of China’s The aim is to cancel superfluous economy,” said the statement. administrative procedures and make it easier Besides, China will adopt a “negative list” for foreign firms to set up in the zone. The plan approach in the foreign investment conflicts with some existing laws so the idea management in the zone, and innovate the was mooted to simply suspend the country’s opening-up mode, said the problematic regulations. statement. “The free trade zone is not a special zone Zhu Jianfang, chief economist at Citic or new area. Its significance lies not in striving Securities, said the “negative list” approach, for preferential policies but in establishing a which the zone will adopt, showed a thinking new system in line with international of power delegation. standards and realizing highly efficient “We can no longer rely on preferential management in sectors like investment and policies to improve business and the trade,” said Zhou Zhenhua, director of the investment environment. Rather, we should S h a n g h a i M u n i c i p a l G o v e r n m e n t attract investment with highly efficient and Development Research Center. transparent administrative services,” said China has rapidly grown into a global Zhang Youwen, an economic researcher at the manufacturing power with its entry into the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. World Trade Organization, but the country In the free trade zone, the reforms remains relatively backward in service featuring power delegation will be deepened, industries like financing, shipping, and financial, business, cultural, education and medical services, which faced many restrictions before, are expected to enjoy more development opportunities, analysts said. E x p e r i m e n t s i n t h e financial sector will be the most important part, such as the marketization of interest rates and exchange rate, and offshore finance, said Xu Quan, deputy head of the Shanghai Municipal Office of Finance Service. A view of Shanghai Bund (file photo/)

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commerce, trade and culture, compared with planning to set up a free trade port in its developed nations, experts said. Dongjiang bonded port. Shanghai is leading the country in service Aside from Tianjing, other cities, such as industry development and the further Guangzhou, Shenzhen, , Xiamen, opening up of the sector is the best choice for Qingdao, and Zhoushan, were also planning the city, according to Chen Bo, an economic to apply for the establishment of free trade and trade expert at Shanghai University of zones. Finance and Economics. As for this momentum, experts suggest As Shanghai was announced to build that the set up of any other free trade zone China’s first free trade zone, more Chinese should follow scientific planning and rational cities are planning to pilot free trade zone so as overall arrangement, other than advancing to enjoy the policy dividends. too quickly. Northern China’s port city Tianjin is

Internet Empowers China

by Gui Tao, Wang Ruoyao, Mao Pengfei (China Features)

In 1987, the first e-mail from China read: card.” “Across the Great Wall we can reach every WeChat, owned by Chinese Internet giant corner in the world”. A quarter of a century Tencent, came into market two years ago. later, the Internet is reshaping every corner of With 400 million users, it is pioneering new China. roads in China’s lucrative e-commerce POWERING THE ECONOMY market. “Internet-related consumption of At the China Internet Conference in Beijing in August, visitors queued at the vending machines. One young man wanting a bottle of water scanned a QR code with WeChat, a messaging app on his cell phone. At a beep, he punched in his bank ID number and the purchase was completed in seconds. “It bridges online payment and offline consumption,” he said, “When all the shopping malls provide this payment by scanning, I won’t need my wallet or even a credit

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information products and services together Internet Society of China. “It will be with e-commerce are becoming the two ubiquitous in a few years. It will revolutionize biggest drivers of China’s economic growth all industries, and catalyze China’s economic and restructuring,” says Liang Chunxiao, vice rebalancing and industrial upgrade.” president of the country’s leading online FIGHTING CORRUPTION trading platform company, Alibaba Group. He predicts that online retail revenues will China’s netizens have formed a powerful account for more than 16 percent of China’s force that serves as an informal watchdog that total social sales in 2020 when the total e- digs, spots and exposes officials in their commerce value will exceed 28.8 trillion yuan words, misconduct and suspicious behavior. (4.7 trillion U.S. dollars). “E-commerce will boost related sectors such as logistics and raw materials, and help release the consumption potential in many remote areas,” Liang says. China’s Internet economy will account for 6.9 percent of its GDP in 2016, up from 5.5 percent in 2010, according to a research report by the Boston Consulting Group last year. Guidelines from the State Council, China’s Cabinet, released in August said Internet-related consumption of information products and Their power as an anti-corruption force services is expected to reach 2.4 trillion yuan was demonstrated when was (392 billion U.S. dollars) in 2015, rising by removed from his post as Vice Minister of the more than 30 percent a year. National Development and Reform China’s Internet users reached 590 million Commission in May and put under judicial in the first half of this year, and 80 percent use investigation in August. their smartphones to go online. More Many believe Liu’s sacking was a result of businesses are recognizing the online efforts by Luo Changping, a deputy editor of potential of China’s huge consumer market. Caijing magazine, to expose Liu’s alleged Home appliance retailer Suning, footwear wrongdoing on the Internet in December.\ manufacturing Xtep and commercial real The 58-year-old official was one of a series estate developer Insite Space, businesses that of officials brought down by Internet once seemed unlikely to make an impact on whistleblowing. In November, Lei Zhengfu the digital world, all participated in the was dismissed as Party chief of the Internet Conference. southwestern Chongqing City’s Beibei The impact of Internet industry has just after independent investigative begun, says GaoXinmin, vice president of the journalist Zhu Ruifeng revealed he was

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involved in a sex scandal. complaint letters, pay petition visits or dial The landmark downfall of Liu suggests hotlines to report corruption and other the ruling party welcomes netizens to join the misconduct by officials. However, the anti-corruption campaign in a rational, legal Internet has empowered them to fight way and encourages them to report corruption and to shine a light on official wrongdoing under their real names, says wrongdoing. Zhou Shuzhen, a politics professor at Renmin These exposures have triggered University of China. investigations by media and disciplinary From April 19, major news and authorities into possible corruption or other commercial portals provided links on their wrongful behavior by officials. homepages to official tip-off websites of the Liu Hongyi, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline National School of Administration branch of Inspection (CCDI) and the Party’s the Communist Party of China, says the organization department, as well as the public has always been concerned about Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the corruption, and the Internet gives them a Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of channel to release what they find. Land and Resources. “Easy access to public opinion has served Daily page views of the five websites more as an additional pair of fists for the than tripled and the number of reports they government to crack down on corruption, received almost doubled, according to leaving corrupt officials nowhere to hide,” statistics issued by the State Internet says Liu. Information Office. “Like living in a fish tank, he or she is Chinese people traditionally write being watched all the time.”

Leveling the Playing Field

by Li Li

Sitting the once-a-year National College students. The report concluded that at least 74 Entrance Exam and getting a high score are of China’s 112 national key universities and believed to be the only path to attend colleges have listed discriminating prestigious universities in China. However, a requirements in their admission policies. The recent study shows that being male increases study confined its data collection to the chances due to discriminatory enrollment information on official websites of these practices. universities and colleges and reports by major In August, the Media Monitor for Women media organizations. Network, a Beijing-based non-governmental A Long Struggle organization for protecting women’s rights, released a report on gender discrimination in The sexual bias in college admission was college recruitment of undergraduate widely reported for the first time in 2005.

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Peking University, one of the best information on which majors from which internationally ranked universities in China, universities had been authorized to set a was reported to impose high score standards gender ratio in admission and on what basis. on female candidates when recruiting for The MOE responded to them a month majors of less popular foreign languages, such later, saying that “some majors in a small as Vietnamese, Korean and number of universities are Thai. In that year, the allowed to maintain a university announced in gender ratio when admitting J u l y t h a t i t s l o w e s t students out of the concerns admission score for science for national interests and students from Beijing was their special needs.” The 619 for males and 636 for reply stressed that these females. In response to universities must clearly list waves of criticism, Liu such a gender-balance Shuxiong, then Associate concern in their enrollment Dean of the School of plans. Foreign Languages of On August 30, 2012, four Peking University, argued women shaved their heads that the school needed to b a l d i n G u a n g z h o u , maintain a sex ratio among A high school graduate and her mother Guangdong Province, in its students, of whom more a t t e n d a c o l l e g e a d m i s s i o n p r o t e s t a g a i n s t t h e than 70 percent were female. consultation fair in Zhengzhou, ambiguous response of the Liu, also a professor of Henan Province. MOE. They also demanded Hindi, said that he was knowing the “special needs” teaching a class of 15 students, with only two in their petition. males. On October 15, 2012, the MOE wrote a In 2006, the Ministry of Education (MOE) letter in response to a women’s legal aid imposed a ban on setting sex ratios during organization based in Beijing and divided the college recruitment without its authorization. majors alleged to have special needs into three However, several newspapers reported in categories, those concerning special vocations July 2012 that in the early decision stage of with gender ratio requirements, such as admission, some universities accepted male majors of national defense and public and female students separately to maintain a security; those unsuitable for women out of gender ratio, resulting in a skewed health concerns, such as majors of sailing and playground for girls. Administrators of some mining; and those with limited educational universities even told the media that such an resources and gender-balanced demands in admission policy was to limit the number of the labor market, such as majors of less female students. popular foreign languages and broadcast On July 9, 2012, Lu Pin, chief of the Media journalism. Monitor for Women Network, and lawyer The Chinese People’s Public Security Wang Yizhi respectively sent an application University admitted a total of 1,840 students to the MOE, demanding the disclosure of for undergraduate studies in 2012, only 214 or

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11.63 percent were female. University advised females to “exercise Rong Weiyi, a professor at the university, caution” when applying for its geotechnical said that this can be partly attributed to and tunnel engineering major. misconceptions that female police officers are Qinghai University said in its enrollment less courageous than their male colleagues. plan that exploration geophysics, survey and She admitted that in reality female officers do mapping as well as geology majors would face limits when performing certain tasks. limit female students below 10 percent of their In January, Sun Xiaobin, a senior MOE new recruits. China University of Political official from the Department of Policies and Science and Law and Zhongnan University of Regulations, said in an interview that the Economics and Law both announced to limit ministry would further limit the gender their female recruits for majors related to requirement against women in college public security to no more than 15 percent of recruitment. the total. In May, the MOE issued regulations on While women in general are at a college recruitment for 2013, saying that only disadvantaged position in being accepted by some special institutions and majors universities, male students looking to become concerning military, national defense and a nurse also face a slim chance. At least seven public security are allowed to exercise an universities clearly stated in their enrollment enrollment gender ratio. plans that their nursing major prefers female After the college recruitment for 2013 candidates. started in early July, Beijing Language and For a long time in the 20th century, male Culture University, Renmin University of dominance was clear among recipients of China and Beijing Foreign Studies University, higher education in China due to the fact that all canceled their gender ratio in recruiting poorer families usually only sent their sons to students for majors of less popular foreign school. However, with the increase in languages, which resulted in the admission of government financial aid programs and even fewer males. For example, Renmin overall improvement of people’s living University of China recruited 14 students for standards, such a trend has changed. In the majors of less popular foreign languages in decade between 1995 and 2004, the Beijing this year and only three were male. proportion of female college students rose No Quick Change from 35.4 percent to 45.7 percent. In the enrollment plans announced by In 2007, among newly recruited students universities this year, Dalian Maritime for undergraduate studies, the number of University and Wuhan University of females for the first time surpassed that of Technology both required applicants to their males, accounting for 52.9 percent of major of maritime navigation to be male. enrollment. Since then, the proportion of Beihang University and Nanjing University of female freshmen has been steadily climbing. Aeronautics and Astronautics limited the By contrast, according to results of the sixth studies of aviator to only men. University national population census conducted in and China University of Mining and 2011, males accounted for 51.27 percent of Technology described their mining major as China’s total population. Some experts said “suitable for male applicants.” Chang’an that an important reason that higher

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education favors women than men is that girls Guo Jianmei, Director of a Beijing-based perform better in the score-oriented legal aid organization for women, told the education system in China. Legal Weekly newspaper that although five Yan Lieshan, a famous news commentator lawyers of her organization are willing to in Guangzhou, even once wrote that offer free service to women in anti- universities setting a sex ratio during discrimination lawsuits, they don’t have enrollment should not be regarded as many clients. discriminating against women at all as the She said that due to the influence of an current National College Entrance Exam puts anti-lawsuit culture, very few Chinese people a lot emphasis on mechanical memory, which would like to defend their rights by taking leaves males at a natural disadvantage. Yan their concerns to court. added that giving males preferential Guo said that she was not confident of treatment during enrollment was only fair winning such cases even if there were and necessary. plaintiffs. “As a victory in these cases would Lu from the Media Monitor for Women bring an upheaval to China’s education Network said that she disagreed with people a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s y s t e m , c o n c e r n e d like Yan. “If women are naturally better at the government departments would exert studies of certain disciplines and men are pressure to thwart investigation and better at others, why universities mostly limit prosecution procedures,” she noted. the number of female students in majors Xiong Bingqi, Deputy Director of the 21st traditionally with more female candidates,” Century Education Research Institute in she argued. Beijing, told Legal Weekly that education L u s a i d t h a t a l t h o u g h g e n d e r authorities should more clearly explain to the discrimination in college enrollment affects a public why certain majors need to impose a large number of female students with high gender ratio in training professionals. scores at the National College Entrance Exam, “As for majors of less popular foreign very few of them are willing to condemn such languages, instead of imposing a sex ratio unfair practice in public. during enrollment, universities should “These young women accepted such a inform potential applicants of gender- change of their fate silently and switched to selective labor market demands beforehand other majors or universities. Their parents and allow them to make decisions also advised them to stay out of trouble,” Lu themselves,” he suggested. said. Farewell to Shantytowns

by Wang Hairong

Although aging, Huo Qingguo is very launched by the Beijing Municipal content with her life, which was dramatically Government. changed by a shantytown renovation project Not long ago, Huo moved into a new

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a p a r t m e n t i n S h i m e n y i n g Residential Community in Mentougou District, Beijing’s western suburb. Her new home is four times the size of the old bungalow in which Huo’s family had lived for more than two d e c a d e s . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e community has many public facilities close by, including a supermarket, a kindergarten and a primary school. Residents have also formed groups that meet regularly to engage in singing, dancing, fashion shows and other Huo Weiguo, a former shantytown resident in Beijing's forms of entertainment and Mentougou District, cleans her new home socializing. “I don’t want anything more than this. I caused by abandoned coalmines. Pang’s just want to cherish life,” Huo said. family worried about their safety constantly. Mentougou was once one of the five The renovation project was started in largest hard coal production areas in China. Mentougou during 2009 and aimed to build The district had many coal and limestone apartment buildings with a total area of 2 mines ranging from small to large. Since 2004, million square meters within three years. the district government has shut down 270 Shantytown residents would be moved away coal mines and many other polluting from the wasteland around abandoned mines enterprises such as cement production plants and into new residential quarters. By the end in the region. of 2012, 8,500 apartments had been given to After the mines were closed up, many relocated families. dilapidated houses built in the 1950s and 60s Huo’s bungalow was torn down. As still stood there, among which was Huo’s tiny compensation, her family was offered an bungalow of only 20 square meters. About apartment of about 60 square meters and 85,000 miners and farmers from 31,000 90,000 yuan ($14,754). Huo chose to decline households were living in an area of waste the cash compensation for an additional 20 from coal mining spanning 7 square km in square meters of living space. Mentougou. Huge Benefits Due to land subsidence, the area was hazardous and not suitable for living. Pang Shantytown renovation projects have Chengzhu, a retired coalminer, used to reside boosted the confidence of low-income there. He said that walls in his room cracked residents, and enabled them to live a more because of slow sinking land there, which was dignified life, said Qi Ji, Vice Minister of

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Housing and Urban-Rural Development. shantytowns on industrial, mining, forest and Previously, shantytown resident land reclamation sites across the country conversations with one another were often should be renovated within the next five about negative topics, such as leaks in the years, and these plans are expected to benefit roof, but nowadays—after moving into new 10 million households. homes—they are so happy that they are In the next five years, Beijing is to invest inviting all their friends to visit, Qi added. 500 billion yuan ($81.49 billion) in renovating Shantytown renovation pertains to both 527 shantytowns in downtown areas, people’s livelihood and development, said according to the Beijing Municipal Committee Premier Li Keqiang during a tour of Beiliang of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. shantytown area in Baotou City, north This is expected to benefit 700,000 residents in China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 230,000 households. in February. Renovation of about 90 of these Li said that shantytown renovation is able shantytowns will start this year, said Ye to significantly boost domestic demand while Xiangzhong, an official with the Beijing shrinking the income gap. Cities should not Housing Guaranteeing Office. have high-rise apartment complexes on one Overcoming Obstacles side and shantytowns on the other. “If this disparity is not eliminated, the quality of Although shantytown renovation is a urbanization will be compromised,” he positive thing, the process is very added. complicated, Qi said. Renovation projects In addition, shantytown renovation can involve the relocation and compensation of also have an environmental benefit. Premier shantytown residents. The process also tends Li said that the effort is eaffective in lowering to see disputes between real estate developers coal consumption and in turn reduce pollution, as shantytown residents often burn coal for cooking and heating. In recent years, shantytown r e n o v a t i o n p r o j e c t s h a v e fundamentally changed living c o n d i t i o n s a m o n g t e n s o f thousands of people from more than 12 million households all over the country. Li called on local governments to launch additional shantytown renovation projects. At an executive meeting of the State Council, China’s cabinet, on Residents in Shimenying Residential Community in Beijing's June 26, it was decided that more Mentougou District gather to play traditional music.

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and local residents. Financial institutions were called upon to Some residents are reluctant to move provide more loans to such projects. because they do not want to be relocated to Similarly, the government has encouraged somewhere faraway or because they are not private investment in shantytown renovation satisfied with the compensation. Some even projects. Eligible companies are allowed to demand additional benefits unrelated to issue corporate debentures or medium-term housing. notes for such projects. Companies that invest Qi said that resident needs should be in government-initiated shantytown satisfied so long as they are reasonable. He renovation can have the investment deducted also pledged that there will be continued from their taxable income. efforts to keep the demolition process open In the next five years, a total of 500 billion and fair, and allow residents to learn about ($82 billion) will be invested in renovating and participate in the entire process. shantytowns in Beijing—including To prevent disputes, the Beijing Municipal government investment, bank loans and Government stipulated that a renovation funds raised from other sources, according to project will only be launched with the consent the Beijing Housing Guarantee Office. It also of at least 90 percent of involved residents. said that these projects will produce land Vice Mayor Chen Gang said that the city available for commercial property has produced uniform compensationHeavy trafficdevelopment, clogs Beijing and's proceedsEast Third from Ring sellingRoad. such standards and procedures. While the city will land will be used to finance shanty patiently explain policies and timely solve renovation. disputes, Chen said that for the small number With land in Beijing’s center being such a of “nail households,” those that refuse to scarce resource, it is getting more and more relocate and ask for exorbitantly high expensive. On September 4, a plot near compensation, the authority will expropriate Beijing’s East Third Ring Road was sold for their housing according to law. more than 73,000 yuan ($11,928) per square Chen said that the city will try its best to meter of the proposed construction during a settle residents in or near their previous land auction. communities, while those residents who must “The future property sale price is be relocated to other areas to reduce estimated at 150,000 yuan (24,510) per square population density will be placed in areas meter,” Zhang Dawei, Director of Centaline with convenient rail transit systems as well as Property’s research center, told Xinhua News good education and medical facilities. Agency. Another key issue facing renovation Shantytown renovation projects will projects is funding. At the State Council eventually be financed primarily by land executive meeting on June 26, the Central sales, said Beijing-based weekly business Government decided to increase financial publication The Economic Observer, citing an support for shantytown renovation projects anonymous investment and financing in the next five years, and local governments a d v i s o r o f t h e B e i j i n g M u n i c i p a l are required to meet the new standards. Government.

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Development and Progress of Tibet

Beijing, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) — The Chinese digit growth for 10 consecutive years, government on Tuesday issued a white paper reaching 5,719 yuan (944 U.S. dollars) in 2012. on west China’s , The per capita disposable income of urban detailing its comprehensive development and dwellers in the region was 18,028 yuan. rapid progress over the past 60-plus years. Also, the gross regional product of the “The development and progress in area rocketed from 129 million yuan in 1951 to modern Tibet results from the innate logic of 70.1 billion last year, marking an annual its social and historical environment, and has growth of 8.5 percent on average. its roots in China’s progress in a larger From 1952 to 2012, the central government context,” says the white paper, released by the appropriated 454.34 billion yuan to Tibet as Information Office of the State Council under financial subsidies, taking up 96 percent of the the title “Development and Progress of accumulated fiscal expenditures of the local Tibet.” government since it was founded. Describing the region prior to the 1950s Meanwhile, under a “pairing-up” support “as dark and backward as medieval Europe,” program launched by the central government the white paper notes in the foreword that in 1994, various provinces, municipalities, Tibet was a society of feudal serfdom under central government departments and major theocratic rule, a society characterized by a state-owned enterprises have provided combination of political and religious powers. personnel, materials, financial and According to the white paper, after a series technological support to Tibet. of key historical stages including peaceful In addition to economic progress, the liberation, democratic reform, the central government pays great attention to establishment of the autonomous region and protecting the Tibetan language and ensuring the reform and opening-up drive, the Tibetan local religious activities. people have gained freedom, equality and By the end of 2012, there were 282,914 dignity, and are fully enjoying the fruits of primary school pupils and 177,981 middle modern civilization. school students receiving bilingual education With six chapters, the white paper — with Tibetan as the principal language — elaborates Tibet’s development over the past accounting for 96.88 percent and 90.63 percent six decades in the fields of economy, people’s of the total respectively in Tibet, it says. livelihoods, political systems, cultural “Traditional religious activities such as preservation, religious freedom and scripture learning and debate, degree environmental protection, among others. promotion, initiation into monkhood or Figures from the white paper show that nunhood, abhisheka (empowerment the per capita net income of farmers and ceremony) and self-cultivation are held on a herdsmen in Tibet had maintained double- regular basis,” it says.

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So far, more than 40 incarnated living progress so far has proved that its local people Buddhas have been confirmed through and the people of the rest of the world have traditional religious rituals and historical equal rights to enjoy the achievements of conventions. modern civilization, to improve the quality of “However, a handful of people just turn a life and to choose their own way of life. blind eye to the facts, and attack and deny “The profound and unprecedented Tibet’s development path and modernization changes in Tibet over the past 60 years have drive that people of all ethnic groups strive been consequently realized through the for,” the white paper reads in the concluding establishment and progress of the political, remarks, noting the separatist activities of the economic, social and cultural systems of the 14th Dalai Lama and his clique in exile. nation as a whole,” the white paper says. The white paper says that there are others “At present, people of all ethnic groups in who distort the past and present of Tibet due Tibet and in the rest of the country are making to their ideological bias or out of combined efforts in fighting for the great consideration for their self interests, and they renewal of the Chinese nation... in the course created a “Shangri-La” myth, wishing to keep of this, the Tibet Autonomous Region will Tibet in a backward primitive state forever. have a better future,” it added. According to the white paper, Tibet’s

Panchen Lama Concludes Religious Activities in Tibet

Xigaze, Tibet, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) — The 11th Panchen L a m a , B a i n q e n E r d i n i Qoigyijabu, concluded his religious activities in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region on Monday, said sources with the regional government. The 23-year-old Panchen Lama, one of the two most revered living Buddhas in T i b e t a n B u d d h i s m , h a s performed religious rituals, including sutra interpretations The 11th Panchen Lama, Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu (R, front), is and giving blessings, for warmly sent off by monks in Xigaze, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, on Oct. 14, 2013. The 11th Panchen Lama thousands of Tibetan Buddhists concluded his religious activities in Tibet and returned to Beijing at several monasteries in the on Monday. (Xinhua/Chogo) region since August 27.

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The Panchen Lama lived in seclusion at on social and religious issues. the Zhaxi Lhunbo Lamasery in Xigaze The 11th Panchen Lama was born in Prefecture, the traditional residence of February 1990 in , in northern reincarnated Panchen Lamas, from Sept. 12 to Tibet’s Prefecture. Oct. 7. He was chosen as the reincarnation of the As a member of the Standing Committee 10th Panchen Lama in November 1995 after a of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative lot-drawing ceremony among three Conference National Committee, China’s top candidates in the Jokhang Temple in . political advisory body, the Panchen Lama The Panchen Lama, a spiritual leader of also held discussions with members of Tibetan Buddhism, also serves as vice Tibetan religious circles and visited local president of the Buddhist Association of farmers and schools to gather their opinions China.

Tibetan Language Software Changes Life of Tibetans by Karen Lin

Oct. 14 (China Tibet Online) — Lahm, a Tibetan people use the Gangjie Tibetan input Tibetan student of Tibet University, bought method in their mobile phones. her parents a mobile phone equipped with Besides, since some Tibetan people were Tibetan language software. illiterates who could only speak Tibetan “My parents can send messages to me in language, Tibet University has been Tibetan language when they miss me,” said developing the Tibetan speech recognition Lahm delightedly. system. Nowadays, mobile phones installed with “People who cannot write the Tibetan Tibetan language software were widespread words can pronounce the text by means of the in the markets, which met the demands of speech recognition system and send voice most Tibetan people. messages,” said Ngodrup. “My parents don’t know Chinese , With the development of Tibetan and the mobile phone with Tibetan input software, many ancient documents and books method brings them great convenience,” in Tibetan language have gotten well Lahm added. protected on account of the digitization Ngodrup, vice president of Tibet technology. University, said Gangjie Tibetan input In the Sera Monastery of Lhasa, over ten method researched by Tibetan Information working staffs who have rich Tibetan Technology Research Center of Tibet knowledge have carried out the digital University has greatly enhanced the acquisition of the ancient handwritten books popularity of mobile phones among Tibetan of Tibetan Buddhism which were in danger of people. Statistics show that more than 70% dying out.

70 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA Tibet Today

Gyacai Qiangba, a monk of Sera the Tibetan, Chinese and English trilingual Monastery, said, “We are gratified that the intelligent teaching system to arouse technology and Tibetan language software students’ interest in learning Tibetan help keep the damaged Buddhism books.” language. At present, the Tibetan Information By virtue of informatization, Tibetan Technology Research Center of Tibet language is preserved and developed in a University is seeking cooperation with inland better way. scientific and technical companies to research

Chinese Social Network Promotes Tibetan Culture

Lhasa, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — Logging into a companies and individuals to interact with Tibetan-English bilingual language learning their followers. account on Wechat is a daily routine for Yang Shengdimeiju founder, Lop Chamdoi, 33, Xin, a junior English major from University of hopes the application will give more people Tibet. the opportunity to learn the Tibetan language “Please type number 94 to get the content in the mobile Internet era. of today’s course,” it reads on Shengdimeiju Chamdoi, an English-major graduate (Beautiful sentences on the holy land), a from Shaanxi Normal University, has set up a language learning application on the popular private Tibetan-English language training mobile messaging service. center in the regional capital of Lhasa. He Three audio messages on how to express launched the Shengdimeiju application in bad people or bad things in Tibetan and April. English, with a length of 59, 57 and 49 seconds Besides Shengdimeiju, a number of official respectively, then appear on Yang’s cell accounts on Wechat, featuring Tibetan phone. language learning, tourism and news have “Shengdimeiju is a wonderful application. become new channels for people to better I can learn Tibetan and English at the same understand the plateau region. time,” said Yang. Sina Weibo, a twitter-like microblogging “If I have a question, I can simply type it on service with more than 500 million users, is the phone and a teacher will answer it soon,” another major Chinese online platform he said. promoting Tibetan culture. The WhatsApp-like Wechat, operated by Tibet Online, a government-run website, China’s largest Internet company Tencent, has a presence on both Wechat and Weibo. It had 490 million users by the end of June since has 758,331 followers on Sina Weibo as of its launch in early 2011, according to a Tuesday, providing information on Tibetan Ministry of Industry and Information buddhism, tourism, literature, festivals, Technology report. plateau diseases and even a list of bars. “Official accounts” is a special Wechat Tang Xiaoshuang, a sophomore tourist feature that can be used by institutions,

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from South China University of Technology, County, spent 3,000 yuan (486 U.S. dollars) did not think he could access the Internet in buying a HTC smartphone at a China Telecom Tibet before he went there to travel. service center in Lhasa. “From to Lhasa and Ngari, I A member of staff downloaded Wechat share my photos on the way with my friends for him. through Wechat and Weibo,” said Tang. “My old cellphone could not download Tibet, with a population of more than such applications,” said Jigme. “I made some three million, had 1.76 million Internet users money selling caterpillar fungus this year and and 2.26 million mobile phone users by the I’d like to share my life moments with my end of May, according to the regional friends as they do.” communication management bureau. Digging and selling the fungus, a rare Among the mobile phone users, many plant native to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and have smartphones who can easily access the believed to be a medicinal cure-all, can be a Internet. lucrative trade. Gunsang Jigme, a herdsman from Biru

Tibet's First Western Restaurant Makes National Day International

Lhasa, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) — How does it feel Although Dunya first opened in 1999, to grab a bite of traditional Western food hungry folk of all nationalities have had more during China’s National Day holiday in reason to rush there lately as this is a Tibet? Foreign visitors and local Tibetans may watershed year for the business. Its Dutch have different answers. owner, Rene Schrama, is considering going “The steak served here tastes just like back to the Netherlands and giving more home,” said U.S. visitor Gabe Miller after responsibility to local staff in running the eating at Dunya, Lhasa’s first Western restaurant. restaurant. The word Dunya means “the world” in a Meanwhile, 32-year-old local Tibetan dozen languages such as Arabic, Turkish, diner Sonam Tashi said of his experience, “It’s Hindi, Malay and Uzbek, and the restaurant our mother country’s birthday — the unique itself is run by Schrama as well as people from combination of Western cuisine and China’s China and the United States — a truly patriotic flavor makes me feel very special.” international team. Their comments point to the increasing “Besides traditional Western dishes, we international influences upon Tibet and how have also introduced Nepalese and Indian these play out around National Day in a lively food,” Schrama explained, while also coming-together of cultures, especially in recommending Dunya’s signature “yak meat places like Dunya, just a few minutes’ walk burger” and “fried yak meat momo” to his from the and Jokhang Temple. guests.

72 October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA Tibet Today

“In addition to more guests from Western Dunya will continue to witness the changes countries, we are happy to serve an increasing that happen to the people of this city.” number of local Tibetans. We offer discounts “Dunya has grown up as the city has on some dishes for National Day, and all the developed — welcoming friends from all over seats have been booked up during the Golden the world and hitting the recommendation list Week of the National Day holiday,” added the of travel guidebooks,” according to Tsewang, Dutchman, who also runs a hotel and a travel a Tibetan lady who has been working in the agency in Lhasa with his wife. restaurant for over a decade. Food and guests are not the only blends of “I was born in a remote village and have culture that take place in Dunya, as no one never learned how to read and write, but could overlook its unique interior decoration people here are all good teachers,” said featuring both Tibetan painted scrolls and Tsewang, who now speaks fluent English. Western murals. Mr. and Mrs. Schrama already return to Mr. and Mrs. Schrama have lived in Tibet their home country every winter as it is the for 14 years, and their initial desire to create a tourist off-season in Tibet, and they leave the place that was both Tibetan and “home” has restaurant to Tsewang. been realized. It is an apt time for them to plan “No one would like to close Dunya — a return home as their kids are old enough to even in winter, and they place their full trust attend school. in me,” she said. However, they promise “the balcony of

Looking for the White-Lipped Deer

Text & Photo by Mao Shiping

The white-lipped deer lives on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As a creature of strength and cunning, it is both mighty and meek. Also known as “Shawa Quxa” by Tibetan people, the white-lipped deer has a large body, similar to a red deer or sambar. As a unique species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it has white fur around its lips and on its jaw, hence the name. In October of 2011, I was assigned to work in a remote place, a village of the Sog County in Northeast Tibet. The local villagers told me that there were a lot of “Sha” (local Tibetans collective word for deer) in their summer pasture. Driven by my curiosity to figure out

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the truth and years experience in wild life guided us to Ganyogu where the white- protection, I set out to look for the white- lipped deer are likely to be moving around, lipped deer. Finally the journey proved to be a intending to find the animal and take some chance for me to get more experience of the pictures. Going forward along the rugged white-lipped deer at a short distance. mountain path, we heard a brisk tweet at a In Northeast Tibet, Sog is a county with short distance. We looked over and found a the richest forest resources in the area of few birds foraging in the woods. Continuing Nagqu. It is an important habitat for many to climb along the path, Lhapu was suddenly nationally protected animals, such as the excited: “Look ahead, we’ll get there soon!¡± white-lipped deer, alpine musk deer, forest We were tired then, yet, Lhapu’s words, like musk deer, river deer, snow leopard, brown bear, macaque, blue sheep, and goa. The white-lipped deer are mainly found around the villages of Shicham, Jamda and Gamu in the south. The adult female white-lipped deer stays apart from the male. They mate only in autumn from the end of September to the end of October. As the mating season is coming, the male and female deer will unite in the mating flock and move from a warm habitat to the wintering place. Autumn is also the time that people are most likely to see the white- lipped deer. To find the deer mostly alone, I an energy drink, refreshed us and we began to carefully chose the days to start looking for concentrate our minds to look around. Then, Lhapu said: “Look, there’s some on the east slope.” Upon these words, I took out my telescope to look around and immediately found a few white-lipped deer grazing where he pointed. The males and females were together. Disturbed by our voices the white- lipped deer (very alert by nature) started to scatter and run away. The males ran up the mountain, and the females ran down. They looked back from time to time as they ran. When assured it was safe, they gathered together again, grazing at ease. I took the time them. for some pictures of this precious mountain On my first journey to look for the white- species, living in a cold, high altitude area. lipped deer, Lhapu, a villager who knows the Though the photos are not clear because the local terrain well, accompanied me. Lhapu distance is too great, the white-lipped deer

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still impressed me a lot with the image of the eyes on the male white-lipped deer. As it males’ strong figures, the females’ easy discovered us, it lifted its head howling, and demeanor and the fawns’ cute naivety. This in this way, it passed the message to its time, from a remote place, we successfully companions nearby that there were two recorded nine white-lipped deer, including “uninvited guests”, and played the role as a two males, six females and a fawn. leader. Finding us out of sight, it went on Influenced by me, Comrade Dawa leading the females and fawns in grazing. We Samdrup (who came to the station in the also found three to five females in a group and village with us) also wanted to see the white- the playful fawns raised their heads to look at lipped deer. A week later, on a fine morning, I us. This journey looking for the white-lipped set out to look for the animal once again. Having learned of the local terrain and the way to Ganyogu, I decided not to bother a villager to take us there. The path was as long and hard as before, but we were in a different mood this time. Humming Tibetan pop songs, we chatted about the things we had seen, heard and felt after we entered the forest zone. Unconsciously, we came to the place near where wild animals drink water, referred to as “the Valley of Life” by the local people. The valley was covered by mist and we couldn’t see far, but we were able to hear some brisk tweeting. Sometimes, we could sense that deer made it possible for me to observe the animals were moving around. Most water in deer at a short distance. In the woods, no more the brook in the valley had frozen. “The than one kilometer from Ganyogu, we Valley of Life” was only a mountain away recorded a total of 39 white-lipped deer (four from our destination, so we hastened our males, and the others females or fawns). steps towards Ganyogu. Having crossed a The male white-lipped deer produce large snow covered valley, we saw some local antlers in abundance. The antler is a rare houses built for the convenience of herder in material used for Chinese medicine, so the summer. At this moment, on vacant ground male deer became the target of illegal hunters. about 200 meters away from us, we found two Now, in Tibet, there has not a farm able to adult female white-lipped deer. We hurried to raise and breed the white-lipped deer by take a few photos and moved forward. human labor. Almost all the antler used in Suddenly, from a villager’s house, 30 meters Tibetan medicine is acquired by illegal away, two deer ran out and another seven or hunting. Generally, the hunters take the eight moved in the nearby woods. Holding opportunity to “bury a trap” along the route our breath, we lay quietly in a ditch, recording where the animals often frequent. Bigger what we saw in various ways. We kept our antler can be also become art objects,

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stimulating more deer hunting activities. woods. Now, hunting has become the greatest threat On the way back, we recalled our delight to the survival of white-lipped deer. Also, the in the wild animals, and in the meanwhile we growing expanse of human activity is another realized that wild animals are necessary to reason that the number of white-lipped deer nature. If there were no wild animals in the decreases. The deer live mainly in pastoral forests and mountains, the earth would lose areas. However, in order to develop animal all vitality, and the ecosystem will be husbandry, the local people expand their incomplete. We, as human beings, shall not range of production little by little, so the be selfish enough to deprive them of their habitat where the white-lipped deer can move right to survival; on the contrary, we should around continually lessens. The smaller help and protect them, follow Nature’s law habitat influences the animal’s grazing a lot and maintain biological diversity in the and causes food shortages, directly leading to environment. Now, I remember George a drop in the number of the white-lipped deer. Shell, a famous American biologist and What most makes us feel helpless is that the writer, has said in his work, Good Ochotona local villagers build houses in their summer Alpina, “Cherish nature and you’ll be pasture, the place where the white-lipped rewarded but to harm nature is to harm your deer are active, for the convenience of herding own life.” and working in summer. Human activity Tips: All year around, the white-lipped interferes with the white-lipped deer’s deer live in the mountainous woods and lifecycle and limits their sphere of activity. marshy highland grassland at an altitude of Nonetheless, we are grateful that since long 3500 to 5100 meters, especially the belt along ago, the local villagers have adhered to a the timberline where they are most likely to be customary ban on killing, thus making it moving around. The males have antlers, and possible for the species to survive and the females none. Their bare noses and lips are multiply in the area. Now, the white-lipped always surrounded by white fur, and there deer has been listed as a Nationally Preserved are bright spots on their buttocks. The white- Animal, Level 1, and an Endangered Wild lipped deer graze mainly on the grass and Animal. Though the deer is protected from sedge, yet due to different habitats they may hunting, some criminals driven by profits are vary their diet. They prefer to live in groups, still bold enough to risk prosecution in except during the breeding season when the desperation. Killings happen now and then. males move around separately from the Local villagers told us of a recent case: in females. Usually, the animal comes out at September some outsiders came and hunted dawn and dusk, and rests or ruminates in illegally. As the village committee got the hidden places at most times of the day. In news, they immediately organized the forest warm months, they inhabit areas of high protection team to search for the criminals all altitude. As the temperature drops after around the mountain, yet they only found an September, they will migrate to lower iron wire trap set in the forest. The hunters altitudes. had run away under the cover of the thick

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October 2013 NEWS FROM CHINA 77 Reader’s Opinion

Reader's Opinion

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A Beautiful Autumn Scenery in China

Published, Printed and Edited by Mme. Xie Liyan on behalf of the Press Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, 50-D, Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. Tel: 26881249, Fax: 26882024 Printed at A.K. Printers, S-217, Bank Street, Munirka, New Delhi-110067, Ph: 9818114996 Chinese Embassy Website: http://in.china-embassy.org E-mail: [email protected] Website of Foreign Ministry of China: www.mfa.gov.cn E-mail:[email protected] www.fmprc.gov.cn

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