I i (4 42 AGENDA ITEM NO...... -


Committee: General Purposes

Subject: Scottish Construction Law disputes

Conference Organiser: IBC UK Conferences

Venue: Edinburgh

Conference Fee: f295 + VAT

Date(s) : 19 November 1996

Recommendation: That no attendance at this Conference be authorised. 1

Lindy Patterson Dr Bernard Rimmer Fraser McMillan Partner (; 1 I0I’ll I 44 17 m7gc7’ - Seriioi. .5olicitor BIRD SEMPLE ( 7 2s !’I i it?(J 1 I DUNDAS & WILSON CS SLOUGH ESTATES PLC

Alastair Morrison l’tl rt7 1 r I’ Brandon Nolan DUNDAS & WILSON CS i)L i ;’t7~~~~* McGRIGOR DONALD * The Hon. Lord Dervaird

( ,I,\&;,. .I_-L . . . . ’ I,,<.’. SCOTTISH COUNCIL FOR Vincent Connor IKTERNATIONAL .4R R ITRATI OX 09.00 Registration and coffee t has been two years since Sir Michael 0 9.30 C h a i r'nian 's 1 n t ro d u ct i on Latham produced his report Chairman: lan Stanncrs FRICS ACI Arb. is a Senior Partner at \\'lLI

3 3.00 Drinks followed by lunch

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