i iii © Crown copyright 2013 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or email:
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[email protected]. ISBN: 978-0-10-888270-8 Printed in the UK for the Stationery Office Limited on behalf of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland. 04/13 Cover and text printed on 100% recycled paper ii The Scottish Law Commission was set up by section 2 of the Law Commissions Act 19651 for the purpose of promoting the reform of the law of Scotland. The Commissioners are: The Honourable Lady Clark of Calton, Chairman Laura J Dunlop, QC Patrick Layden, QC TD Professor Hector L MacQueen Dr Andrew J M Steven. The Chief Executive of the Commission is Malcolm McMillan. Its offices are at 140 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR. Tel: 0131 668 2131 Fax: 0131 662 4900 Email:
[email protected] Or via our website at http://www.scotlawcom.gov.uk/contact-us NOTES 1. For those wishing further copies of this paper it may be downloaded from our website or purchased from TSO (http://www.tsoshop.co.uk/). 2. Please note that all hyperlinks in this document were checked for accuracy at the time of final draft.