Parish Council

Monthly Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 8th February 2012


Public Participation Period; Presentation by Mr Matt Silver on Broadband Superfast

1. Apologies for absence;

2. Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Weds 11th Jan, the Accounts and Audit Committee Meeting on 19th Jan and the Planning Meeting held on 25th Jan 2012

3. Declarations of interest;

4. Police Matters; Monthly crime report; Other police matters;

5. Casual Vacancy Ludgvan parish Council; Co-option Interview Mr Graham Ronan

6. Clerk’s Report; (a) Parish Website Working Group. Progress; (b) Castle An Dynas Quarry Access Plan Options. (c) Allotments; Rent outstanding; (d) Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2012. Awaiting CC. (e) B3311 Cripplesease/ road. Excessive vehicle speeds recorded during speed visor trials. Awaiting Area Highways Manager. (f) Future of the Code of Conduct (g) Crowlas Cemetery Gates. Repairs.

7. Chairman’s Report; (a) Affordable Homes Ludgvan Leaze. (b) Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 5th June 2012 - Project.

8. Public Conveniences in , Ludgvan & Perrenuthnoe. – Ownership. Awaiting further information from CC. (Carry forward).

9. Proposed Shared use Pedestrian /Cycle route, Beach Road Ludgvan.Public consultation 29th Sept to 20th October. Awaiting result.

10. Accounts & Audit Committee Meeting 19th January Actions. The following items were recommended for resolution: (a) H & S Policy Statement & Risk Assessment version 9. (b) Zurich Insurance cover to be extended to include a new bus shelter opposite Morrisons Supermarket. Clerk to arrange when shelter constructed.

11. Heliport. S106 Agreement – Sainsburys.

12. Planning Future Cornwall Core Strategy Consultation.


13. Correspondence; (a) Letters Received; (i) Zurich Insurance – Long Term agreement. (ii) Leisure Activities in Cornwall. Now delivered by Carrick Leisure Ltd. (iii) Town Framework Allotments. (iv) Householder Planning Applications. (v) Bus shelter at White cross. (vi) Funding for Queens Jubilee Events. (vii) Call for Potential Housing Sites. (viii) Household Waste Recycling Centre (ix) Penzance Citizens Advice Bureau – request for funding contribution. (x).The Planning Inspectorate Wildlife & Countryside Act. Proofs of Evidence. (xi) West Cornwall Transport Interchange Planning Application. (xii) Data Protection & Privacy Policy (webmaster) (xiii) A new archive & record office for Cornwall (xiv) The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge

(b) Letters Sent; (i) Nil

14. Planning Matters; (i) – Planning Applications; (a) PA11/10635; The Annex Trencrom Lelant Downs . Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of annex as an unrestricted self contained dwelling. Mr I Paterson. (b) PA12/00281; Rospeath Garage Rospeath Lane Crowlas Penzance. Proposed construction of detached garage. Mr M Edwards.

(ii) Cornwall Council – Planning Decisions Advised to Council; (a) PA11/08105; Boswase Farm Baldhu Lane Penzance. Retention of polytunnel. Mr John Williams. Approved. (b) PA11/10112; Land adjacent to Trevine Blowing House Hill Ludgvan Penzance. Proposed temporary summer car parking for approximately 50 – 55 cars for tourists to the Scilly Isles. Mr N Quick. Approved. (c) PA11/10682; 1 Shoot Row Lower Quarter Ludgvan Penzance. Extension and conversion of garage to form additional accommodation. Mr Michael Broughton. Approved.

(iii) Other Planning Matters; Planning Enforcement Cases, Appeals, etc. (a) PA11/09753; Construction of Public Transport Interchange incorporating car parks adjacent to St Erth railway station. To be reported to Strategic Planning Committee for decision on 9th February 2012.

15. Receipts & Payments; (a) Receipts: (i) VAT Refund £917.11 (ii) Allotment rent £601.25 (iii) LMP footpath £182.80

(b) Payments to be Approved; (i) Oasis Child Care Centre. Room hire 11th January £20.00 (ii) Ludgvan Community Centre Storage Cabinet Rental January 2012, plus £10.00 room hire 21st January for allotment rent collection. Total £20.00 (iii) Mr L Edwards Clerk Salary February 2012 - £689.92 (iv) HM Revenue & Customs Feb PAYE Mr L Edwards £172.40. (v) HM Revenue & Customs NI Mr L Edwards Ers Feb £37.71

2 (vi) Car expenses Jan Mr L Edwards 152 miles @ 0.45p = £68.40 (vii) Petty Cash Jan Mr L Edwards £78.01. Breakdown; Telephone £5.40; Standing Charge £10.00; Stamps £29.52; Internet £14.99; Misc £nil; Stationery £18.10 (Including paper, envelopes, print carts, car park fee etc). (viii) SLCC Purchase of Revised Clerks Manual £47.00 (including £2 post & packing) (ix) S137 donation to Cornwall Blind Association £100.00 (See E840) (x) S137 donation to Cornwall Air Ambulance £100.00 (see E841) (xi) Mr S Rhodes St Paul’s Cemetery 4th quarterly maintenance payment £250.00 (xii) Mr S Rhodes Amenity Area 4th quarterly maintenance payment £162.50 (xiii) Mr S Rhodes Crowlas Cemetery 4th quarterly maintenance payment £350.00 (xiv) Mr S Rhodes Church Town Plot 4th quarterly maintenance payment £50.00 (xv) Mr J Clemence Repairs to Crowlas Cemetery Gate £87.00 (xvi) Celtic Engineering Ltd Annual service of Kawasaki brush cutter including vat £118.53 Emergency payment of £85 to Mr C Gilbert repair of water leak Church Hill allots

16 Comments from Cornwall Councillor Miss Irene Bailey;

17. Matters referred to clerk for investigation; (a) CALC Office – New contact details. (b) Traffic light inoperative - Crowlas.