Ludgvan Neighbourhood Plan Local Evidence Report January 2018 Introduction Neighbourhood planning policy and proposals need to be based on a proper understanding of the place they relate to, if it they are to be relevant, realistic and to address local issues effectively. It is important that our Neighbourhood Plan is based on robust information and analysis of the local area; this is called the evidence base. Unless policy is based on firm evidence and proper community engagement, then it is more likely to reflect the assumptions and prejudices of those writing it than to reflect the needs of the wider area and community. This Local Evidence Report presents a topic by topic picture in facts, local opinions and aspirations of what the Parish of Ludgvan is all about in 2017/18, so as to provide the ‘evidence’ on which to base the development of the Ludgvan Neighbourhood Plan. We have used a variety of authoritative sources and recent survey material to put this Report together. To keep it relevant and accessible we have summarised information. Should the reader want more information or background we have provided links wherever possible to the source document. Inevitably we have not found all the information we sought. You are invited to contribute additional material to our evidence base. If you have any additional recent and relevant facts or can provide authoritative opinion about land use-related matters in Ludgvan Parish, please get in touch with the Parish Clerk at:
[email protected] At the end of each topic section is a Key Messages box that includes messages discerned from evidence gathered and presented either in this report or the relevant Ludgvan Background Paper prepared by the NP Steering Group and available to view on the Ludgvan NP website1.