December 2016 Från Svenska Teknik&Designföretagen
ENA REPORT RAPPORT FROM FRÅN THE SWEDISH FEDERATION SVENSKAOF CONSULTINGEN RAPPORT TEKNIK&DESIGNFÖRETAGEN ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS DECEMBER 2016 FRÅN SVENSKA TEKNIK&DESIGNFÖRETAGEN SECTORBRANSCH ÖVERSIKTENREVIEW En svensk, nordisk och internationell kartläggning av EnA Swedish,Arkitekt-, svensk, nordiskNordic teknikkonsult- och och internationelland International kartläggning Survey of av arkitekt-,Theindustrikonsultbranschen Consulting teknikkonsult- Engineering och andindustrikonsultbranschen Architectural Groups 1 KEY FIGURES 2015: SEK 81 The sector had a turnover of SEK 81 billion, foreign billion subsidiaries included. SEK 65 The sector had a turnover in Sweden of SEK 65 billion. billion 70 000 The sector employed 70 000 personnel, personnel foreign subsidiaries included. 55 000 The sector employed 55 000 personnel in Sweden. personnel 11100 The sector consisted of some 11100 companies in Sweden. companies SEK 1158 k The turnover per employee was in total SEK 1158 000, foreign subsidiaries included SEK 1186 k The turnover per employee in Sweden was SEK 1186 000 5.8 The average profit margin was 5.8 % % 6.0 The average operating margin was 6.0 % % THE SECTOR CONTENTS REVIEW The Sector Review has been published by the Foreword by Magnus Höij, Swedish Federation of Consulting Engineers Association’s Managing Director 4 and Architects (STD-företagen) since 1995. It is a compilation of the architectural, engineer- Five current trends 4 ing consultancy and industrial consultancy Introduction, Lena Hagman, sectors in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Chief economist Almega 6 Europe. The Review presents ranking lists of the largest corporate groups on the respec- tive markets, interesting key business ratios, THE SWEDISH MARKET 8 news about structural transactions and in- Sector development 2015 and 2016 8 formation on the development and economy within the sector over the past year.
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