PMSC Almanac 2009:Almanac 2008 16/3/09 14:11 Page 1 PIN MILL SAILING CLUB ALMANAC 2009 The Clubhouse Tel: Ipswich (01473) 780271 Pin Mill (During opening hours) Ipswich, IP9 1JP BAR OPENING TIMES May 1st – September 30th Wednesday evenings……………………………….Voluntary opening Friday evenings………….………………………….20.00 - 23.00 hrs Saturday midday………..…………………….……Voluntary opening Saturday evenings…………………………………..20.00 - 23.00 hrs Sunday midday…………………………………...…12.00 - 15.00 hrs Sunday evenings……………………………………20.00 - 22.30 hrs October 1st - April 30th Wednesday evenings…………………………… Voluntary opening Friday evenings……………….………………...….20.00 - 23.00 hrs Saturday evenings…………….………….……..….20.00 - 23.00 hrs Sunday midday…………………..………………. 12.00 - 15.00 hrs At other times the bar will be open to coincide with Sailing and Social events, staff permitting. See Club Circulars and notice boards for details. Individual key holders, who will be responsible for locking up afterwards, may open the Clubhouse at any time. Keys may be purchased by members, from the bar. CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS Household……………………………………..….£78.00 Individual………………………………………… £44.00 Individual under 21…………………………..…. .£20.00 Cadets (12-17 years)…………………………… £10.00 Hire of Club Premises The Club is available for Hire by Members and Sponsored Guests for meetings, Parties etc. Full details of the Rules,, Tariff and a Booking form can be obtained from the Secretary Romy Blackburn
[email protected] or by Telephone on 01473 780731 Every care has been taken in the compilation of information in this almanac: no responsibility will be accepted by the printers or the editor for any errors or omissions or for any mishaps arising from its use. All copyrights are acknowledged.