Philip Isbell - Corporate Manager Growth & Sustainable Planning Babergh District Council Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2BX Website: Mr Craig Western Please ask for: Gemma Pannell Wincer Kievenaar Architects Ltd Your reference: 2 Market Place Our reference: DC/18/02734 Hadleigh E-mail:
[email protected] IP7 5DN Date: 21st August 2018 United Kingdom Dear Sir/Madam DISCHARGE OF CONDITION(S) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 Proposal: Discharge of Conditions Application for B/13/01384 - Condition 5 (Levels) and Condition 9 (Materials) Location: Shotley Marina Ltd, King Edward Vii Drive, Shotley, Ipswich Suffolk IP9 1QJ Babergh District Council hereby gives notice that the details submitted in pursuance to the conditions referred to above have been determined as summarised below in relation to each relevant condition together with any appropriate comments, limitations or advice. APPROVED CONDITION(S): 5. No development shall be commenced in relation to the erection of the building hereby approved until the precise existing site levels, proposed site levels, proposed slab levels and finished floor levels have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of safeguarding the character and amenity of the area as supported by Policy CN01 of the Babergh Local Plan 2006 LPA Decision: Details as specified drawing nos 4733-20-10, 4733-20-11, 4733-30 - 10and 7481-SE13 received on 15th June have been considered by this Authority and are acceptable. This condition has been satisfied subject to implementation in accordance with the wording of the above condition.