80B bus time schedule & line map

80B - Sandwich View In Website Mode

The 80B bus line Dover - Sandwich has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Kingsdown: 3:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 80B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 80B bus arriving.

Direction: Kingsdown 80B bus Time Schedule 29 stops Kingsdown Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:45 PM Playground, Tower Hamlets Tuesday 3:45 PM Ladywell, Dover 1-2 Park Place, Dover Wednesday 3:45 PM

Park Avenue, Dover Thursday 3:45 PM Friday 3:45 PM Dover Castle, Dover Saturday Not Operational Burgoyne Heights, Dover

The Duke Of York's School, Guston

The Swingate Inn, Guston 80B bus Info Direction: Kingsdown West Cliffe Church, St Margaret's at Cliffe Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 46 min The Red Lion, St Margaret's at Cliffe Line Summary: Playground, Tower Hamlets, Ladywell, Dover, Park Avenue, Dover, Dover Castle, Milleld, St. Margaret'S At Cliffe Dover, Burgoyne Heights, Dover, The Duke Of York's School, Guston, The Swingate Inn, Guston, West The Hope Inn, St Margaret's at Cliffe Cliffe Church, St Margaret's at Cliffe, The Red Lion, St Margaret's at Cliffe, The Hope Inn, St Margaret's at Bay Hill, St Margaret's at Cliffe Cliffe, Bay Hill, St Margaret's at Cliffe, The Hope Inn, Bay Hill, St. Margaret'S At Cliffe Civil Parish St Margaret's at Cliffe, The Red Lion, St Margaret's at Cliffe, Nelson Park, St Margaret's at Cliffe, Oxney The Hope Inn, St Margaret's at Cliffe Bottom, , Queen's Rise, Ringwould, The Five Bells, Ringwould, Ripple Turning, , The Red Lion, St Margaret's at Cliffe Downlands, Walmer, Thompson's Bell, Walmer, Knoll Place, Walmer, Liverpool Road, Walmer, Walmer Nelson Park, St Margaret's at Cliffe Castle, Walmer, Hawkshill Road, Kingsdown, Cecil Station Road, St. Margaret'S At Cliffe Civil Parish Road, Kingsdown, Courtlands, Kingsdown, Jarvist Place, Kingsdown, Primary School, Kingsdown, Oxney Bottom, Ringwould Osborne Road, Kingsdown

Queen's Rise, Ringwould

The Five Bells, Ringwould

Ripple Turning, Walmer Downlands, Walmer

Thompson's Bell, Walmer 331 Dover Road, Walmer Civil Parish

Knoll Place, Walmer

Liverpool Road, Walmer

Walmer Castle, Walmer

Hawkshill Road, Kingsdown

Cecil Road, Kingsdown

Courtlands, Kingsdown Cliffe Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish

Jarvist Place, Kingsdown Jarvist Place, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish

Primary School, Kingsdown Glen Road, Ringwould With Kingsdown Civil Parish

Osborne Road, Kingsdown 80B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved