London Assembly (Plenary)

11 December 2020


Report No: 4 Subject: Policing Report of: Executive Director of Secretariat

Armistice Day 2020 Question No: 2020/4243 Peter Whittle What has been the outcome of the Metropolitan Police’s review into the security failure at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on Armistice Day (11 November 2020), when activists from Extinction Rebellion hijacked the event?

Keeping Londoners safe during the pandemic Question No: 2020/4238 How have you had to work differently to keep Londoners safe during the pandemic, and what are the biggest challenges you face as we move into next year?

Policing Action Plan Question No: 2020/4245 Siân Berry What difference will your new action plan for transparency, accountability and trust in policing make and how will you measure its impact?

Londoners’ Safety Question No: 2020/4244 Steve O’Connell Have Londoners been safer in this Mayoral term?

Questions not asked during Mayor’s Question time will be given a written response by 16 December 2020.


UCL Research on Support for Live Facial Recognition Technology Question No: 2020/4231 UCL’s JDI Institute for Global City Policing recently published a detailed survey looking at policing during the COVID-19 pandemic which showed, among other things, that the use of Live Facial Recognition technology was opposed by 55% of those surveyed. In light of this will you reconsider your support for the Met using this technology?

Long-Term Future of Wimbledon Police Station Question No: 2020/4232 Caroline Pidgeon I understand that Wimbledon Police Station’s future has been secured for at least the next 2-3 years given the Merton/Wandsworth rapid response unit is moving there. However, can you provide any further update on long-term plans for the station?

The Met’s Estate Strategy (1) Question No: 2020/4233 Caroline Pidgeon Appreciating that the pressures of COVID-19 and the uncertainty surrounding the number of additional officers the Met will receive from the Government’s officer uplift, please provide an update on when the Met expects to complete its revised Estate Strategy?

The Met’s Estate Strategy (2) Question No: 2020/4234 Caroline Pidgeon Will MOPAC be working with the Met on how they dispose of any properties identified as no longer required in the Estate Strategy, particularly in looking at making sure the Met works with local authorities to ensure that not only maximum price is considered, but that for certain sites supplementary planning documents are worked up to ensure redevelopment of sites requires either community-based uses or developments with acceptable levels of affordable housing, regardless of their size?

Sistah Space (1) Question No: 2020/4235 Caroline Pidgeon Hackney-based Sistah Space is the only specialist domestic violence charity for Afro- Caribbean women in the entire country. The recent agreement reached between Hackney Council and Sistah Space only gives them access to their current premises until 17 January 2020. Given the 300% growth in demand Sistah Space has seen since the start of COVID- 19 and the fact that they receive funding for their specialist and vital services through MOPAC, can you please outline how both you and the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime will be supporting them in their search for new premises?

Sistah Space (2) Question No: 2020/4236 Caroline Pidgeon Sistah Space submitted a petition to you several weeks ago and are yet to receive a reply. Can you please outline when you will be replying to their petition?

New Forms of Technology and Domestic Abuse Question No: 2020/4237 Caroline Pidgeon Can you please outline detail on the work MOPAC is doing to look at the role new forms of technology can play in domestic abuse, and how this can be tackled going forward?

Dispersal Orders and Public Space Protection Orders Question No: 2020/4239 Andrew Dismore Please set out by borough how many Dispersal Orders and Public Space Protection Orders have been made so far this year?

Borough and BCU commanders Question No: 2020/4240 Andrew Dismore For Barnet and Camden BCU and after merger for the relevant BCUs, and excluding holidays and short sickness absence, for the last 6 years please list the names and dates of their periods in charge of substantive, acting and temporary Borough and BCU commanders.

Locking parks at night Question No: 2020/4241 Andrew Dismore Barnet Council have taken the decision not to lock some parks at night due to COVID, which have already led to several instances of ASB in the night. Do you agree that in order to keep ASB down, these parks should be locked, and will you ask Barnet’s police commander to write to Barnet Council to ask them to lock the parks?

Grenfell Question No: 2020/4242 Andrew Dismore Please give an update on the police investigation into the Grenfell fire.