EDITION. THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, APRIL it, 1 SUNDAY 593-SIXTEEN PAGES. PAGES 13 to 16. Captain Barrett bu-st into on* of his locked tip in the 'tweendecks below—im- 1 given. great laugh*, for Which npillogiz'd by should have it much less thought face; he I si -.ed with the rest of them since half- had not Tom been the man the nor willitdo to paint it a s'rong tint saying that was thinking of Story G; s ihrs re- wlu.-h he a he last to emerge from the pestilential at- ferred to. some sailor, would clash with or react' uu Had heard uney ;It repeat, mosplieru da;, That of the .should s coloring. tha of li was not fit to nt break— for what!" . haye '. THE CITY OF artist Itwas very early discov- • found friends among the prisoners QUEBEC. ered however. I thoug'it my that a cold surface, though . While Urns I'd clench hands was quite in keeping with the looks of n its hue is "Then, sir," sternly, yellow, owing peculiar said the doctor, In the agony of my mind till the nails were few of the I thought to its lus'er does Convict trouble for It." driven into crew. had often that possess in a perceptible The not palms not ««£k' "we'll you the decree - of them. were the WRITTEN FOR THE MORNING CALL. the blue 'forecastle hands to shift clothes or yellow. "i\'iii-per,"said the subaltern, sidelong, But everything went alo.ig very quietly ; with the malefactors, they violet reaction of The most del- " to his brother officer. tables were knocked together aud "ickedcr-lookingconvtcls would make icate tints may be laid close beside it; Hit, schools than the bulk of only r \u0084, t* "Have you given the pr ze-fi-liter any sort held on deck in the inclostirc, tlat i-, a the prisoners. Ihero- Is only this one other cily the brought there in a little*cart drawn by a effect is to enhance their proper qual- Af2« apt) on ity. Moreover, gold of 'intment, doctor?" said Captain Suth- proportion of the schools— theio was not continent besides the storied and dog, his barefoot daughter lending the dog. clashes with no color; • .'.;-" foral', To be continued. restful boy. itis distinct from any pigment employed erland. . room and the convict classes alter- capital of the Mnntczumas some rise up and leap into the air like a 1 in "Xufyef. nated belwren the Copy right. by that has lingered more than a month, painting, and ought to be distinct from any- Ihave mv eve on him. His 'tweendecks and the 1893. W. Clark EosSBLI. sentiment and dry goods at St. Ann's thing immense strength will make him mnludeck. The doctor speedily found nut tradition hoove and having been sent there to write exactly what employed in the decoration of a wait' may useful. groceries. Mr. George Stewart, 'in which paintings are hung. Alas, that it He end a- my first captain.' Had be that Tom was one of the best educated of cnce the Isaw, and while Isaw many disappointed < stood near the madman, poor the prisoners, and set him help in teach- A VIOLET SPEAKS. rieior of a New York magazine, but out of the who came there for should be necessary to oinineiit on the «-x- the fellow to thousands --ecrable practice introducing would now be alive. Aaron is, perhap», ing tlm many wretches who knew not their now nn editor in ichcc, has explained to help 1 know that this old man, who bad not of ctrcaks and alphabet.. O passer by. draw near! apttearauces, lor splashes of gildinginto the designs the only man In the ship who could havo Put it rarely happened, ns I Ipoll a grave 1 grow; us that Tennyson! bud in contemplation stood on his feet, to all of wail- grasped have said, that Isaw my sort papers. aud held him." sweetheart; eitner That she who died was dear when death his along poem years must have had some of sudden .~--fj:*--'^x-r——••-—-'\u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-_. - He 1 nt t'.e cuddy rested work then talked of his schools; his head was work in when he was on 'lliryplained me to dhow. with the and miraculous help. ' ~ was full of the thing. Ilearned, through deck or he was below, or the schools broken scene laid in this romantic old is a very wealthy city. Her peo- ABOUT BALDNESS. up 1 l'.'u- k me as you go by— fortress that, blocks St. I Quebec --S^s^^— listen that ike admiralty instructions when might have found leisure to Iam her messenger: the Laurence.. pie, as well ns those of Canada generally, '"3 know They A fS^ provided for. the establishment of schools watch him. With her sweet Ir.-atii Isljh; the story well. Itis of the one-eyed are exceedingly well hied. are Maze of Doubt About Its Cause and - and religious teaching. 1 often speculated upon the histories of Inme her pulses stir. sailor hero of Copenhagen and the Nile. not nt all provincial. Imean provin- *•"•*** _. >^, _ Cure. many convicts, sense Boston is. After the doctor had made all his ar- the chose a face ana Through these my quivering Lord Nelson was only a lad when his war- cial in. the Hint You Philadelphia Record. rangements nothing mused .upon it; my conviction, nay leaves can meet a from in London, on this Monday, - She lain would nra. t yo:i— ship lay under the battlements of Quebec; man Quebec A correspondent writing from Alteon*, happened of any consequence that I my knowledge that Tom was as in- Sue whom the crave here aye, Paris or Koine who does not have Quebec \u25a0 but it seems the great was Pa., CHAPT,En XXVI-rCoxTixri:n]. "What will they do to the soldier who can recall for some time. We carried nocent as Iof the crime for wb'ch he was Of the dear life -ho knew. admiral a lover written nil over and upand down and across finds himself in a maze of doubt as to • being might long before his entanglements Lady gentleman; that the and The man had fallen overboard on the killed the man?" a strong northeast trade wind, nnd made me think there ••How glad Iwas np there!" with him. He Is simply a quiet cause cure for baldness-. He says "Do to him? Give him a strino to ne drove along by day by night be others as guiltless as' he; and this She whispers underground. Hamilton, and here in he fell des- is all; a Christian man who Is very willing that one authority has pre- weather side of the ship. The sailors as- wear nnd " Quebec very declared that on his arm when they net ashore." with foam^omi times liftingto tbecatbead ; sort of fancy or sympathy often raised a Have th y who lound mo fair perately inlove with the daughter of "mine to bo quiet end listen and learn some- mature baldness results from too close and sembled en the poop, rushed to the rail "Itwas a murder," passion of pity in me as I'd staring Some other fair one found;; thing as he goes about the world. Hodon't brutal Iexclaimed. there was scarcely need to handle a rope, so stand at " bos'," the master of the Golden Dog. How frequent hair-cropping. According to this when the man reeled, and stopped ; they '"You say that because yonr sympathies fresh steady a convict, striving to fetch his life--tory Has seem to think himself of any particular im- and was the trade wind with Its he who loved me best the name reminds us of "Pug" or authority the to death, as as they looking; the captain nre below. Duty's no murder. The man wool-w liitf clouds ing sheep out of his face, though for nil Iknew the deep our own portance to you or the world In general, hair bleeds just shouted stood scattei like down Learned love's lore r.-a'a "Poodlo Dog." and Yet you many do sugar maples, ; sped grating Iho wheel and obeyed orders ami very right orders they are. the sky, and the horizon blight and hard and man Iwatched mighthave been one of the tsfiico Iwas laid lo rest soou. the Golden and may meet him times and be sago am and grapevines to the abaft veiy Far Irom the world of uicu? Dog can there, calling Let me tell you, mv daisy, there's a very con- blue in the windy Cistaiice. a 1 caught worst scoundrels in the ship. of Quebec must have kept watch in his company for days before yon when exhaustively lapped. This theory is gazed astern to know if any At " possibly part Twenty siderable slice of hell stowed away under sight of Tom; the intervals were wide What affected me most was the guessing Nay !Surely he willcome above tho door of the inu where Lord find out What of the world he refilled by the fact that frequent shaving one saw anything of the man. descending to 1111- li, hatches in this ship, and ifit.wasn't for the nni I iever found an opportunity to that lots ifthem must have left wives and Todwell here at in-last; Nelson loved, generations before our comes from without the does t conduce to barrenness. After lost throats were bawling; some saw him; some gi'liies there'd be such a blaz i'nd make so as a mothers, children and dear ones behind. I In death's strange, silent home --pardonable vulgarity of a direct question. of hair from fever yon breath much syllable of love My fas;. city of the Golden Gale wis born. or other illness cropping said he had gone down like lead, some that for once wish Stepney were closer aboard to him. And this was very well; it was had heard the doctor say that not above one baud shall In.lllinn . But you catch a Boston man abroad keep- I*frequently resorted successfully as a •• The s'ory runs that the ardent young ing light a to he had been shot through tin? heart and than it Is." enough that he knew Iwas on board out of every 100 convicts ever returned home, Yet wood that be might know any of his under bushel! Ho means cf restoration. Per contra, it H i you me," so that utiles-, parents or the of H"iv I, lover resigned from his ship, threw his carries Boston on his back as a snail carries urged that there would be nothing to pick up. "11 mean to t»ll said I. "that and that we were able sometimes the wives the hard it to bide that women who seldom have their twenty soldiers in command of half a man to see each other. Inever attempted poor miserable felons followed them they 111 darkness hern below commission in tho teeth of his protesting Ids house. Ho is branded Boston ail over. hair cut close do often Meanwhile, the ship was sweeping swiftly to And my not become bald. A and a puppy keep 230 desperate, fear- write a second ; delivering would be as completely sundered from home miss ami Irani side f commanding officer, escaped to He is In a shell of Boston as completely as bat; -headed is n comparative rarity. snd smoothly onward, ridged seas can letter the risk of " shore and a woman and the less, crime-hardened ruffians under?" it was too grout, and Iwas resolved to run ties as though they hail been sentenced to Fain wou'U Isend, ny soul took shelter in an attic room of the Golden a snail is in a shell. Ho puts out horn the hair falls out," says a vegetarian, of the wind beat their plumes of thirty! That figure the gallows instead of to the hulks nnd To lie upon hi' now and then and takes a narrow, depre- because too trade "Two hundred and un risks lest me act that would add noth- breast Dog. Put he v. as followed, his place of con- much beef is eaten." To tins snow into sho werings of spray against the counts Butler as cue of the beauties, eh?" ing to Tom's happiness nor mine should be- transport. My eyes would moisten some- And breathe to him love's whola catory look at things for a minute or two, n beef-eater responds that "toomuch starchy laughing. tray thinking That li! leic uncoiifesscd!" cealment betrayed, and he was dragged tells you of something a good deal better in food, coppered bends of the heeling vessel. The said he "But Ianswer yes; mc and extinguish my hopes, nay, times in thus while Iwatched forced, is the root of the trouble." A shoe- twenty soldiers can backed a prisoner in seme hour of leisure, fancy- ' forth and back to the service of his Boston, and so serenely draws back his maker insisted spread ofcanvas was great; the studding- do ir, of course slay my chances of reaching with Ail.11 i:o:me, passer-by! that the baldness on the top by our machinery of barricades, man holes in ihe same ship. in:; a past for him. Once Isaw this: For Iwould bear bur breath— country. The fair girl remained faithful, littlehorns into his little shell and, soul nnd of his head wns the result of wearing bis sails were out besides; the would I"inlying v"'s — body, seamen and the rest of itnot to mention a moral in- Sometimes Ifeared my sex was dimly Two children belonging to the soldiers own slih lived and died a maiden, surviving tliegrent he is inhis Boston slim.l with Boston hat constantly during his indoor work. His have needed a clear deck to bring the ship fluence that counts more usefully than a suspected, had strayed Into the gangway alley and To him who flies from death. written all up and down nnd across. lie is belief was strengthened by but mainly my mind was at rest Louise Moclton harper's April. naval hero many years, and glorying to the the ixnerleiica to the wind, and the convicts still stood great gun leaded chock-a-block with scissors on that were playing there. Iobserved a convict, Chandler in for simply an Italicized Englishman, and he is of a man inIndiana, whose thumbscrews." score. " The persons Iwas afraid of end in his renown. She lies buried in entirely, serenely satisfied Inside his little hat hair under his massed, covered and overawed by the sight ami were the two ilitary men ana the German a middle-aged man, watching them. A Quebec, turned crn while the hair that the hit "1! those convicts had found a leader to- sudden spasm contorted his face, he jerked and he in the great city beyond the snail shell. did not cover original of the soldiers at the line of the break of steward; the Idea ofimv being a woman, I ITEMS OF INTEREST. sea. The Dog keeps retained its color. d.iv," said I,''they would have seized the sure, mind; down his hand ina snapping way ln some Golden still a watch To get back to the beginning let me re- In Denmark Ihe the poop, every man so grasping his musket ship." am never entered the doctor's above the door the old tavern. peat, unexplored world, wiseacres insist that had he entertained the least suspicion instant anguish of memory as though lie Lake of stone He mere is nn so fir staying out late at night or undue ex- as to be ready to take aim nt the word of he something him, Wrumia In Persia is said to contain is not much of a dog to look nt, artistically the concerned, lying He turned his head about in the gloom to was just the roan to settle it out cast from and turned his 22 percent uf salt. ;-.... as American man is posure to the moon makes the hair fall out. command. see if anybody was near,- head and moved a few pace*, then raised • speaking, but he Is always very bright, bitweon us Hiid the World's Fair. Of course This theory is in of hand by sending me down among This country more 9,000,000 men being legiided every a measure sustained by Tho time wild with confusion and "Seize ilia Ship he exclaimed, with a his cuff to his eye with a look round after- has that recurring birthday of Icare nothing for tho Canadian railroad, the method adopted by a Philadelphia was I" the soldiers' wives to be examined. And fitfor military duty. the devoted girl. Such, in brief terror; continued to shout as little snort of contempt. "With a file of yet when Ipeeped nt myself one ward to see if he was noticed. substance, more than that Ithink itis the best of (lie editor to arrest the approach of oaldness. the sailors splendidly in of evening meaning marriages performed is the story which Lord Tennyson proposed that pay my lie was the soldiers placed ready to fire the long cuddy mirrors, I'd at One Iwent forward, to Three thousand are roads reach this coast. I way advised to have his hair cut only they looked astern. Some of children wonder the breathe, every day laying hand upon order fitly so keep my out among the devils as fast as they could load! success of my masquerade. repeat gut upon thu forecastie to the air. all over the world. in to celebrate and hands free to reach during the waxing of tho moon. He yelling loudly with fright on the poop; I here recess, A Chinese the stately Saint Lawrence and- the sterling where I so want fol- were Itwas hot In the some women were bank note 500 years old is pre- will, and say to you if you lowed the advice and now proudly sports ait sharp, harsh cries resounded from the main seated round the booby hatch and the noise served in a Chinese museum. old Dominion of Canada. How much the to see a world that you have never yet unlimited topknot. deck where Isaw the doctor thrusting in of Hie children vexed the mood Iwas then The diamond larger half of the New World has lost we dreamed of take in the Pacific Ocean, the Unfeeling and libelous Orloff is believed to be re- may never great bays writers have in- among the convicts, while a few of the men in. It was toward the close of the second sponsible far sixty-seven murders. know. and sounds that knock at tli-i sisted tint baldness in mainly confined to dog datk; figures Now, Idon't like to take the responsi- Canada, men, whom he had appointed "captains" ap- watch and Isaw some on Railway extensions are to btiiit In doors of Alaska and look at for married thus seeking to create the In- the by that be bilityof advising any one, but Iwill say Canada is looking us. Let us learn from ference peared to be shoving and pushing and mar- forecastle and learned the voices Upper and Lower Egypt to a cost of about at that either their hair is .Killed oat Mr. Stiles, Mr. Balls and the sailmaker £6.250,000. that if Iwere going to the World's Pair her. Let us learn to boas wise, as indus- in the Course of some heated matrimonial shaling the prisoners so as to form them ; from California Iwould go through trious, were of tlieni therefore Hint 1 might be Tho population Canada. as useful in "the federation of the argument or that baldness is a providential into some sort of marching order for the private, meaning to breathe in solitude of Ireland in ISUI, ac the main hatch. cording to revised returns recently issued' descent of upon the forecastle later on, Iwent round was 4,081,248. Captain Sutherland came hastily forward to the lee side of the galley, the door of —-^ Thirty »-:^^_&_£HiW*»v_ J> poop in the tail of the procession of women been In the manufactures, agricultural and for- and the captain, the officers aid lull's he lugged for?" said the other buildings children estry at the World's Fair, and THE CITY the line of soldiers who stood In a posture man. will royal OF QUEBEC. instantly happen, also erect a pavilion ofelaborate to cover ihe convicts alone re- "Puzzlement. Iknew It'ud Iln carved woods. Canada Is a country of is, yellow mained on lhat deck. grew too confident and was ale up with which we know world" as she and the maple leaf dispensation that lessens the opportunity might he umbrella-shaped Medusa a almost nothing— boundless land of tre- willdrop Into our lap some happy autumn for one familiar method Istood in the recess along withFrank and pride. He be helping himself now. being. is curious possibilities. of feminine attack. theayters as yon It is practically all water, and when mendous There are those of like a ripe, red ai pie. Joaquin Miller. Time out of mind has been th« some of the soldiers' wives, waiting to see and dancili' kens often as who might a baldness what was going to happen beyoud the bar- like, lush to swim in, and quids for his left on the beach by the fall of the tide is us learn whole lot from Can- occasion of scoffing and jest. 'Mia fate of grow decomposed from a lingo lump of jelly ada in a practical way by taking a look at the Hebrew hoodlums who ricades. One of the convicts had been piece. But the callus fool must into her, besides the satisfaction oriel "Go up. stunned by maniac- lay greedy: lee takes too biga handful and now almost nothing In a marvelousiy short there is in see- HE HATED THE BEAST. Thou bahlhead!" Is historical. In our own killed or the and Space of time. ing something outside of ourselves. Ide- goes motionless as a log. The sentinel who had he's outward bound. But 12 bob a week spair times the scoffer often unpunished. THE FBIZE-FiaUTEK TTtAXKIXG THE FOR On west of teaching the average spread-eagle An Extraordinary Request Excited the When Henry Clews, shot tlie man trudged the forecastle with DOCTOR HIS SF.R VOX. and find himself! a covey withBob's tastes, the coast of Scotland there Is a thing any thu New York 100, ye, your gallus high- famous whirlpool Corryvreckham. American any about other country Curiosity of Country banker, « man of dignified bearing, * frequent looks In the direction of the main With three sentries in addition help! was figure mind and one of called a Boarder. who deck, prepared any to that I a very fine of a woman ; rig says sorry When the tide is low than his own. and yon cannot tell this born unhappily bald, asked the late as though at instant for With officers and crew ready to support liters lo out. But ho ho ain't and. a storm is raging anything to speak New York Be raid. lamented a a in none of the points which are admirable over. the scene is one of great grandeur, though blower — ofabout his own Mr.Travers what disguise he should call to level his piece afresh. The women the soldiers! But, hang me," said he, with equipment it's He never felt comfortable. His country too already ; "1 never look at that old cloclc on the assume incessantly, lv the of the best shaped of my piece was always a-scolding and threatening when the tide is fun the whirlpool disap- he knows much but In attending a masked ball, he was advised near mo jabbered and every a change of voice and peering close Into was Ilacking. to the few not afflicted with the big head mantelpiece," observed my friend Mrs. W., :'sugar-coat tongue wagged Murphy to sex Yet itis certain that mv to split if the swag worn't forthcoming; pears altogether. so tn his head and go as a pill." in defeuse of as my face catch a sight of me, "if Idon't impersonation perfect, Iventure to say cross the cunlinent by way as we sat in her parlor evening last they called the soldier. you're scry ship was and that ifI and, damn her. she stumped him after ail, The orange crop this one Ithas become so much the habit with the think the wasn't seized." except Hie three men Ihave named there Florida season will ofCanada if you conveniently can. Please week, it does call my mind an small paragraphers to "Gott verdomuishl" exclaimed Frank, "Iwish you didn't excuse tor split she did, but not afore she'd got probably be the largest ever known. "that not to insist that baldness the diabolical was not a man in the ship who, by looks tow, are The to do this either one way or the other, amusing indicates a hot liver and antic disposi- looking at the woman, "but it vhas murder murder. I'd shoot that sentry with my own or another cully lv unbeknown to Bob, trees now in blossom, aud are so fullof you will find that we, incident connected with my trip to an speech, caused me Ihe least anxiety. you take your Oath." bloom that should only and the Fourth part tion that sedate gentlemen who no longer to shoot a madman." hand for killing a poor, unhappy madman, However, provide against hair of them mature of July, don't own even one-half the the northern of this State last summer. ".Mind your one to the reasons "1heard Micky said the other, the trees would not bold the wear their hair have been practically out, own business!" cried of goaded Into insanity for all yon know by an of my being on board becoming known, Yolkins." fruit without verdant fields of this continent, and "1 was stopping," she went on, "in a off from the women angrily. "It's the duty of a unjust sentence. Itmight have "a-teiliiig BillFlanders that he squeezed in considerable propping and bracing. manage very quaint village only the entertaidment ifthe ballet- been Tom. should detection of mv sex bapnen unex- don't well what we have. little at the hotel in the But the Close of baldness soldier to obey orders, and the orders of a Suppose Tom's hear; broke nud Ins mind pectedly, a yarn with his old chum w hen they was The crucifix used by the Abbe Kdaeworth example,' you find agricultural Evsry evening remains un- any Isought out Will one evening and washing down. They For will place. unon retiring Iheard solved. There may be too much nitrogen; sentry are to shoot down convict who went: a soldier would shoot him!" a long scrubbed side by \u25a0t the execution of Louis XVIis reported colleges over Canada, an adjoining room. My gets tiio "D'ye had earnest chat with him. Iput it side. Micky says o'd chum's glad to dotted all from Que- voices iv Curiosity there may be too much starch; there may over barricade and- attempts to know you bias when you talk? I to liim thus: the be to be at present in the possession of the bec to San Juan. Ihavo addressed the naturally to listen, leave the ship. So there!" she cried spite- used to like your spirit, but love' is making going abroad. The shoro work took it out parish priest of St. prompted me Tho con- be too much moonlight. The' Record — "You are supposed to know me; that is gave Medard de Guisicre. lo farmer students in at least four of these versation was usually of a commonplace not to solve the doubt will fully Ibelieve she was Murphy's wife. a tigress of you. You make a fellow nay, you of him. but tho hulk satisfaction. whom Itwas presented by a dying parish- colleges', I a order, really undertake of its cor- was sentry he to are supposed to know that Iam The feeding was beef, soup, mutton, spuds, ioner, and learned lot in each one of but what attracted my atten- respondent. Too much of anything dis- "How tho to know was mad ? afraid." the sou a man your who enjoined him never to part with them. The colleges stand in the midst of strange request, Ifa soldier don't obey otd"rs But Ihad of who was a client of bread, porridge and treacle, 1lecollect the itas it tion was this nightly re- turbs the equilibrium of the system, ami he stands to not come to talk with him to do father. Suddenly lam discovered to be boiling. was a sacred relic. great Government farms. The farms are, pented : may be shot himself. So there!" that. Iwanted news and he had none, a If a man's sick ihey put him on I- a rule, years cut off the nourishment or overheat or giil. The captain sends for you. and you head, eggs, puddens, or short period, under iho West Saxon ns a self-sustaining. Four com- '"Now, .lovilla. put that infernal beast overnourish tho hair. If compelled pre- "Itvhas murder," said Frank, and, smit- and I had no ilea of scaring or challenged sheen's soft tea and kings England, Croydon plete course, end way to thigh, are in the presence of theductor. butter, along with brandy nud wine, which or was tho capital, a at the of which lime the out of the and cover him up.' It was scribe a remedy for baldness we might; ing his he cried: "She makes my disgusting the dear lad by causing What yon say?" ana London a mere provincial town. graduate is capable, practically and scien- voice, gruff, Ihough blood poll." him to fancy my sympathies will they serve out by the bounce. Is that Nor- a man's I fancied offend the hatters. To go without head- that "1hat's where it he. one wood, Ifit were now named afresh, tifically,to manage a likq big farm in the kindly. This peculiar request wns gear might supply "Ifyou call it murder again," said another were with the felons under hatches, when is7'said "Make sailors' fare strike my eyes if it ain't South would- wheatfields invaria- stimulate nature to her false step, mid ten to one if you're not go m! enough go be Wood,since itis south of Loudon broad new In the lar west of bly met with some such response as this; own original device and substitute. Women of the women, "I'llspeak to '.he sergeant Ihad a heart but for one man only in Ihe presently to into irons for!" hut, when it educated, religious, you. up to voir neck." "There's only one sailor man among wns christened, it lay to iho Canada. He is an re- "'Ol', Tom, shame upon you! What who do not steam their heads in air-tight and he shall talk to You're a low- whole world. Will was just the sort of lad He mused, 'em. north of Croydon, which fined And that is why Canada is say German fellow, aod us soldier's betray 1might scratched his head and staring Bob was a-snving," said the first sailor. was the more Im- farmer. would dear mother if she knew lisw contrivances usually retain their hair, ami wives are to me that net come to harm at me. Iwould not help him; portant place of Hie two. ;• raising better wheat and getting bigger you treated her present?' people not to be Insulted by the likes of you." or barm others; so, after laughing at 1 wished to "Who's he?" incountries where go unbailed bald- his test the quality of bis wits incuse he should Lagged In the sixteenth century a prices than we to-day, and why, Idare "The voice this lime was distinctly fem- ness is unknown. "So there!" cried the woman who had likening me to a tigress, I talked of Step- challenged "Didn'thear his name. for scut- there was cu- say, a years spilling be as Ihave said. After a bit, tling a vessel. Callus good job If rious enactment in England whereby street venture to that in few ahead inine, and rather shrill and complaining. spoken, the words at tho young ney and his father's house near the Tower, exclaimed the old rest of Americans will either go to Auld Acquaintance? a he : tried iton his ship. Everything's hawkers were forbidden to sell plums nnd the us "Invain 1 pondered over this seeming Should fellow. and in few minutes the pair of us were "I man witli apples keeping or running for office will mystery. Meanwhile sharp being happy old, kind, gentle should disown al! knowledge of you." wrong. Allthe work comes upon a few; for Hie reason that servants and ap- store or In vain Ifretted and guessed. New York Iterant. orders were de- in memories. "Thill's .ii," prentices set up K3 lawyers. appeared to be so kind even livered within the 1 my He grew a little inquisitive presently, said I. what's good goes below; what's slinking Is were unable to resist the sight of Tom and tem- "1 have just had the greatest surprise of barricade. took "I'd say you told me your namo Ihein, and were consequently tempted Now, Iwould not say, as Hon. Ben pered, mo. Well, 1could stand itno longer, my life," said William chance of being reprimanded from the poop however, and asked me some, questions. was sent forward. Well. 1 never shipped ex- to lately Oakland, mv -old friend re- way you Simon Marlow, and tbat your father was pecting to see Bob, and I'm game swap steal their employer's money in older Morgan said In Unit the so 1finallyresolved to ask him frankly for cently. "Inever thought that the sight ot and went a little along the alley, and "Have thought of what you mean t.i a to costly to average lawyers should you at client of my father' Ishould tell no lie places if they'll enjoy the delicacies. American all be an explanation. a remembered face would cause inch a saw all the convicts still massed, but in do when arrive ilobart Town?" owning consent Look what's wearing stripes, but 1 will say it is motion. They were descending the hatch, "Ishall be guided entirely by what is done by Irelieved the story, because you done for 'cm! Prayer meeting-, eddicntion '1bore is a lake in the State of Maryland infa- "'.Mr. Tom,' l said to him one morning, -shock to my constitution. time, see uncle was a client of the dad's. up Hie knocker, a doctor to physic near Chestertown; that mous that these innumerable sprigs of law- 'pray excuse my apparent rudeness and "Ihad au old tailor billIn London which but one at a for there was no room for with Tom," Ianswered. Well." to 'em! is known as Stilt yers enough to you more. body the you he went on. "l should tell them that now Ifa man growls he's spoke to as a man. Pond, because it ftas never been who have not sense do their curiosity, but won't tell me about that bad run so long that Ihad forgotten all The of fellow who had been "Shall settle In Tasmania?" you proved to a you ne known to own business should be licensed attend you your rOom you was by the prisoners. "Somewhere part world," be girl weren't ibe One ol the convicts complained to the doc- ruffled by the most violent to beast keep in and why about it. It was old aud bald and had gray stunned held four of In that of the young fellow I you storms. to mine. A person who has not sense up evening Tlie apart a convict, always took for. and Ishould tor of the cooking. The gent sniffed and Another peculiarity of this lake wish to have it covered'-* every hairs in its whiskers. doctor stood alone and withinIhe Isaid. "Once a convict. you is that enough education enough plant a you inciosure, looking proud call a liar and disown allknowledge of tasted, said the man wis right nnd wigged even during the recent cold or to hill before retire?" .- "As Iwas sipping my coffee in my room at the men as they 1know Tom and his heart. Ithis yon." weather there of potatoes has tho brass and audacity to gleam lighted swarmed slowly toward the main hatch, innocence could be established ar- the gallus cook. Let e'er a one of us lay aft was not a skim of ice ou its surface, and it "A of mirth up his counte- this morning word came up that Mr. Camp- on his "And in saying so you'd be strictly speak- is draw my willand settle (?) my estate. nance, 'So you've heard us a-talkin', bell tn filteringto their quarters. He was white, rival and liberty given to him. he'd not and what's n-gulug to happen ?" not known ever to have been frozen. would like see me if convenient. England— ing the truth, so far as Simon Marli we is The conversation was nt this point inter- Something handsome Ah, you begin to see we can lenrn some- neighbor,' he said. 'Well, It's just this a' "Campbell?" Isaid. "Itis my old col- but stern and collected. Sometimes he return home. He hates l'll awaits tho man who counUy, a spoke, pointing or moving concerned." said 1, rejoicing to find him so rupted by the second sailor beginning shall contrive magazine, thing from Canada, a great, way :' lege friend Campbell, whom Ihave nut seen his hand ns swear it. And Ihate home for his sake." ready. you'll to a self-feeding, elec- really my wife, though to insist on more He •\u25a0\u25a0you'll sell your house in Stepney, sup- "You'lldisown me— call me sneeze. He sneezed about twenty times tric arc lamp that shall unerringly stout-hearted land of which we know '"Jovill.l, she's an' she sels for months, who has come to ask me to gn order. seemed I a liar—you'll know nothing work less than of the lands beyond the Alps. In great by ma, which, beiween you n fearless figure, and though Idisliked him pose whatever about Willi n great roaring noise. Mr.Baits came and be cheaper than the wages of the men storn her out to have a drink or a dinner withhim. I "Yea, may me. That'll be the programme, Will, to the edge of the forecastle and cried down. now employed put these great "home-made" colleges you an* me an' that there gatepost, 1don't. So Dear boy I could not but admire him. There were I do that. There's much Imay you upon." to iv new carbon-. In- only plant sow 'long scores perhaps among those felons who do. Ishall be guided by w hat bofnlU Tom. should be called "Withered if there ain't a grampus jumped vention has overcome one difficulty learn not how to nnd and 'bout last Christinas the old woman "Irushed downstairs three at \u25a0 time, We stood discussing the some time, passed serious prepare soil, you learn to know soil by the give n clock. Itwasn't to look nt, open arms, would have made no more of felling and Ihave money enough to establish ourselves matter aboard!" The fit of sneezing and after another in electric lighting, and us much with and there in the office sat and then separated, but Iwas mightily glad lighted pipe hopeful the very touch, smell and tasto of it. How but it bad the nwfulest tick you ever the big. red whiskered face— ugh, how kicking out his brains than of dashing an Incomfort We shall want for nothing in the fellow Ills afresh and Iho thing about the commercial use of day well egg new to have bad this talk with nini. resumed their conversation. electricity is every many of us in California to have to heerd. Loud and solemn like it was an' it Iremenitaieu it! to the deck. our bom&" men that skilled man em- a waste a year see squatter "It's gallus queer," said the first speaker, ployed to sow field, whole of time made me that nervous Icouldn't get uo "My Uear Mr.B." he said, "Iam so glad idid not Tom, so iwent back to Hie "Mavbo 1 shall turn myself," in the business seems aspire to be money before we sleep <•' recess, and just then an apprentice said Will. "There's a big tiling XXVIII. "Hintthere should be only one sailor among an and some know whether "' nights. to see you! Ihave run over to lake soma struck to be done CHAPTER inventor. 898 itis hot or cold, adobe or alkali. Out upon "Now, Jovilla," says I, "you'll clothing, by you six pells. Ten minutes later every convict in wool. But give me New South 'em." The tracks great have to orders for and, . the way, Wales. SHE ll'.lll.Alls TWO SAILORS TAI.KINH. navigator perhaps," of the Atlantic liners our ignorance! And yet if there is one ag- put that tickin*beast— lalways calls it a surely can on very was below and the main deck was"clear. but Iwish they had sent Butler there. What's "One said the other. between the United Stales and Great college let me have a little that Chief, For many days we with very beauti- "Well, that may they Bnliaii ricultural on the coast Ihave not beast— out of the way or muzzle it or old account Now, couldn't you?" 1observed that when the guard came offtbe become of the Arab Iwonder? met be. Iwish was all are as accurately a, And every day grew Ship's captains my part— made out and followed as beard of it. But cereals, soil, these are not sii'thiu', or smash it with a hammer, I poop one of the soldiers passed through the does he lose all the money he invested lv fill weather and the sun for skippers and if tiny were built on laud, the . I'll gate hotter and hotter. The moon enlarged and I'm gallus glad winter track all;cattle, all kinds of creeping things, even will." So Jovilla she took it and wrapped Telephotography. quarterdeck Indouble the sentry at the her?" mates. wherever 1 hear a being some distance south of the summer dogs, to main hatch, and Iheard 'No," said I. became a fullmoon, and the prospect oi the skipper's lagged. But they're too leary, these are the books read from. it"up in her flannel petticoat. youth's Companion. another tell one of track, because of icebergs. Over these Don't.laugh. Itwould pay New Jersey drop the he went below to the bar- Here some seamen and lolled along- watery to 'But may 1never touch another of Every who is interested in photo- women as came roads the ocean greyhounds travel open and maintain such a college, if for if the thing one racks that he was to do duty second side of us; we could talk no more, so 1 the speed moderately cider cussed didn't tick louder graphs of outdoor scenes— and who is not?— as went at of fast railway nothing more than to save us from the terri- than ever. That kinder made me mad, an' sentry at the prlsun-door of the steerage a.'t. trains, the maximum by must otten have wished fur some satisfac- \u0084\u25a0\u25a0'.' ri ill'••'i'- ii attained the Amer- ble hydrophobia cases with which she fills 1 told her that ifIheered that ticklif agin obtaining pictures bulkhead. Allnext day the doctor was full of busi- ican liner Paris. being about twenty-three papers year year. No, they tory means of larger of 1heard him tell the captain the after have I'd"stop it for good. distant, unattainable objects than can be ness. at Hie miles an hour. no hydrophobia in Canada.. When they be- you neighbor, CHAPTER XXVII. breakfast table what the routine was to De; 'So see, Joviil.i fixes it got with an ordinary camera. past The supplies of winter vegetables re- gan to classify and cultivate the dog in these every night before she goes to bed so's it devised, SHE LISTENS TO A at half 8 prayers nnd a portion of the ceived in the colleges Ihey Such cameras have been but itis CONVERSATION. Scriptures were to be read to the prisoners East from Southern Califor- decided that the time had ar- kaln't make no noise. She just puts it in only quite recently that they have assumed Allthe time Iwas in the cuddy that day divisions, nia are much larger this season than In rived to put the average dog among the ex- the wnshtub, throws n \).i*fur robe over it, satisfactory iv some below, some above, as previous years, animals, average dogs, a fairly form. The desired re- while tbe captain and officers lunched I tho weather might permit; then schools and have assumed large tinct where all the shoves it in tlie closet an' shuts the door. sult is brought nbout by means of a pecul- kept my open, supposing, proportions. During January the world over, ought to be put. And It has' "'An' that, neighbor,' ears that the talk were to to formed, but this could not be Railway Southern observed mv rural iarly constructed lens, consisting of a would wholly concern the dreadful tragic California shipped to the East paid. Do you hear, my storekeeper, my acquaintance, 'is what mean by coveriu' negative done until the doctor had ascertained the 2,000,000 pounds lawyer, my " I positive lens in front and a lens Incident of the morning. Cut no man said ability of the prisoners to read —lie needed over mere of cabbages, snide office-hunter? It has up the beast.' of much shorter focal length in the rear. a word the subject. Perhaps they caulill and celery than In the paid! When a man In New York wants a on had time to put a book into each man's hand lo same This gives an Image several limes as Urge talked Itout before they came to the table, Every month last year, an increase of 100 per cent. healthy, useful dog of blood and breeding, an ordinary teat him. school would consist of These supplies gets college-bred dog. TALLER THAN THE EIFFEL. as that obtained with camera. or perhaps they would not speak of it pupils; came from California, where lie Itof Canada— a With such Instrument photographs of nine or ten schoolmasters would be Ihe industry is growing in the while on this line of travel, having an before me and the other two stewards. Iselected from the best educated ol the con- ratio of ihe And Sir Edward Watkins* Great Tower in birds and other animals which cannot bo was greatly disappointed. Iwanted to increasing demand. gone to Chicago through the marvelous approached closely can made, showing hear victs. School would be held morning plowed be that the sentry had exceeded his Instruc- afternoon; supper, Whilo hemlock, bark does not contain wheatfields of Canada/not yet In London Has the Foundation Laid. them their natural attitudes and ofa suf- and after at 4 o'clock, one-hundredth part, why not make your « "Chicago in tions and wns to be severely punished. It the doctor would regularly deliver a more than 8 per cent of tannic acid, and the ny Tribune. ficient size to exhibit their characteristic was horrible that a man should bo empow- lecture best oak morn than 18 per cent, it en down the Saint Lawrence, still through The foundations of Sir Watkins' on any subject likely to improve and en- has Europe, going Edward features. ered to shoot down a fellow-creature ai the lighten his hearers. £B^_HM demonstrated that the palmetto yields from Canada to if so far? True new Tower of London have been completed. Itis also suggested that this method of sentry shot down the poor 11 to 12 cent. Thus the forests you will miss that other big store town. telephotography prove mad actor. 1 You'll suppose he was a busy man. In- ,^^^Mo-l!=^Ili of the York, but what willyou They occupy four acres in a pleasure park will useful in as- had hoped that Captain Sutherland, whose IfHill South have an cxhtiustless supply of tan- New miss ifyou tronomy. deed he had a hundred .things to sec to. mighty surging of 120 acres between Willesden and Har- heart was a British sailor's, would ask the ning material. While oak and hemlock do? As for nature the St. Besides the schools, the lectures nnd the peeled a hundred rolled row. They consist immense in doctor and the officers whya sentry should Ike, arranged for, bark must he In a certain season, the Lawrence Is Hudsous into of blocks' of The- Cigarette Habit Germany. exercise had to be Jhe palmetto can year one. concrete. The of the ground be instructed to fire at a man for no worse washing of linen, airing of bedding, and SO be worked' nil the round. nature where London (jucea. crime than scniing the barricade Tanning, which has heretofore been a Historic and storm-stnlned nnd battle- the tower Is to be constructed sloping pleased to tblok that yet nnd forth. Then there was the hospital to visit, literally hangs, in is so Iam as there are climbing on to the bulwarks of the ship. punish, Northern Industry, can thus become equally torn old Quebec the air and uneven that while one of footings no >ioiis that smoking will become a pub- troublesome convicts to examine and from her gray granite battlements. To see set women, To killa man for so behaving might be all journal write up, and Iknow not native to the South. appears about five feet above lic vice with however it may very well In harbor, a a to what her with the white mists rising from the the surface where convict could besides. This, the first Monday of fine another Is seven feet below, a ba in private in this country, InGermany contrive to swim ashore; but A Steam-Hammer at Sea. river rolling,surging, sweeping about her third five feet has become so pronounced that what dream weather and freedom of irons, was spent by below nnd the fourth least twenty feet the habit of liberty could visit an unhappy in Louis feet, itIs not easy to associate her with the at at plication for separate smoking com- wretch him in planning the convict routine St. iilobe-Doniocrat. earth, she hangs high below the surface. an mid-ocean unless itwere the freedom that • a generally to in the heavens. The partments for women has been made to Ibe for the voyage. I collected from his A steam-hammer is tool re- great walls aro kept in perfect repair, the These foundations go down nearly twenty death provides? and why should a convict talk at prisoners garded as requiring a specially solid foun- feet, capable railway authorities. The reply was rather be table that the red-coaled sentinels, the galloplngorderlies, and should be of bearing any very shot for attempting suicide? Out of wjere very quiet, looking dation, so the announcement that one is in weight placed curious, yet much to the point: mercy might and forward the drums and the bugle call, the clanging that could be upon them. consequently, that his blood be upon tbe with interest to the work he uso on board a ship is calculated to arouse great gale goes — They between $25,000 "Women who smoke arc men; head of instead of on own? educational of the when the sun down have cost and 830,000. they smoke another his was cutting out lor them. He told Captain CAltiy. considerable Interest. The ship Defense of you you Some idea of the magnitude may go and with the other The cooi chatter of the officers upon light, 7.V HELLS'. hear and see a century of the pas', of the whole : Sutherland he had addressed them below the British navy, which is a kind of floating undertaking may gathered tho men." .-a-. frivolous topics filled me wrath; seriously and you smile at all this mimic show of war be from with I very on the .Sunday morning's dark blue night, with the moon shining bully. Ha! ha! They knows how to keep machine-shop, has recently been fitted with glad statement tint the Eiffel Tower, which wanted to hear them talk of the shooting of tragic business; Special nnd are lo see the thousands of swal- is to in fact, at lunch ho spoke higher In the heavens than ever Ihad seen to -Ind'aid, scrape and go as itoften Is." such a tool. construction was, of lows flying ivmud out of the mouths of the be so far surpassed in size by the English the madman. But nothing was said. No without shine, course, necessary to meet the requirements tower, strange out reserve. her and the stars in multitudes of "What's the covles made up of?" said the thousand mute and useless cannon that was made of 7000 tons of steel and reference was made to that threat- "I impressed," said lie, "by brilliants trembling in a very sheet of silver second speaker. of Its surroundings. The hammer I*of the iron, consisting ening stir which had been among was the mount the battlements of of 12,000 specially designed visible thoughtful looks of many of unhappy down to the vague obscure line of tho hori- "Iasked overhanging form, with two standards, in Quebec. pieces, together TWIN EVILS. the Bob Hint. 'All sorts.' says he. Indians on the streets and some attending fastened with 2,500,000 a> the convicts, like the passing of a sudden people when Ibade them accent the death zon, v.r-.s glorious and wonderful. Often 'One's a parson.'" Here both sailors which nre the pinned guides, and between University. rivets. " darkness over a waving fieldof grain. The trip placed, si-; the Laval The famous Ursuline truly Constipation of the poor miserable man Oarlh as an on those fine nights instead of going to laughed loudly. "A harbor missionary, these the is which weighs convent here hail some of its nuns carried The English tower is to be ISO feet higher Itcan be said that . doctor was very stern ; be ate little and awful warning—not in respect discipline, I'd creep to the forecastle lagged for fishing through pounds and has a maximum stroke of 17 ' is parent nil is talked Only ouce of bed on when the slit In the away and killedby savages; but after cen- than the French wonder, ana the latter can ths of evil. Headache seldom. did Icatch the not in respect of the penalty that at- nobody walked but the sentry and a mission-box." Both men laughed loudly inches. The hammer is fitted with both persevering be seen at a distance ol seventy-rive miles. complaint. least .illusion to that morning's bloody self-acting turies of Christian work the twin busi- taches to insubordination, but in regard to seaman on tho lookout; there Iwould ngnin. "You'llknow him, matey, by sing- and hand-valve gear, and has convent has carried women away from The English structure willalso bo on higher attention ought ness; Iwas coming upfront the pantry with overhang ling been designed tn work very quickly the Great glasses their soul's health." And then he occupied the headrail and gr.zu- down out the cove as carries his hands as or lavages, having gained more nuns from the ground. Ou the lop of the English tower to paid to this some when Iheard Captain Suther- ten minutes in repeating star-while spread though he wore long thread gloves. slowly, as desired. The anvil-block and observatory be land any: "By the by,bow is the that what ho hud said nt the foam as it Bob Indians than they lost during that first theie willbe an and rooms for matter, as itis certain man to the convicts. Lieutenant (IIImmo out with n soft boiling noise from "told mo to'twighim by Hint." base nre made tn in one massive casting of bitter year. The mother superior here scientific experiments,- which are likely to was knocked down?" great so as to cause as will to generate some light hemmed and tried to break through the the steady, shearing thrust of the cut- "Only one sen captain?" said the second weight, little vibra- you the of Montcalm, be of great value. "All again," answered the doctor. prosing, tion as possible In surrounding pints show head but itis ' awful sickness. Dr. lay dull but the doctor loved his own water. The sea was fullof fire, and many speaker. "Itmust he the next ship that's the of toothless now, some brutes In the uniform The plan provides. for a large landing- "lie like a corpse," said the captain. eloquence too well to lei. out, the ship, nnd a il-im-h armor-plate is fixed "stage Kennedy's He was doctor, . his compan- strange shapes of dim, greenish flameswept a-brlnglng of them Iallow." of British officers having borrowed it one that willaccommodate 20,000 people. David stunned." said the and ions off a single sentence that hoc. recol- past In the black as Ilooked. The Eight bells at this moment struck; underneath in a vertical position ns a foun- This landing-stage large .rite Remedy then Captain Barrett spoke, aud the sub- water were - night and taken tho teeth out as trophies will contain a ject was changed. lect. "Ibelieve," said he, "that there Is moonlight lay upon the sails and they rose tho boatswain sent tome thrilling message dation for the anvil-block. This is said to for their watchchnins. dancing-room and several shops and Pave that Las cuicd so somo good iiithat man Barney Aaron, after siirles, carvings marble, stars glit- through ship his pi be the first tool of the kind ever constructed pretty refreshment-bars 111 Iwent forward that night after dark as in the the with re: nnd unwill- ship. A sentiment Is shown here In the all round. Underneath any of these when my done, all. 1observe! that he was very attentive tered like jewels in the arches under (he ing thai the two speakers should know that on board shaft to Montcalm and Wolf. Surely "the willbe rooms for stores nnd other purposes, evils, will cure you. work was knowing it was at divine service yesterday." gem-like along listener, softly top Will's watch below, and wishinl for sails and winkled the black Ihad been a Iwent round Hon and the lamb shall lie down together," while at Hie there will be a number of Mrs. P. Kugg, of N. V".,thought a "Hut he is iintol your persuasion, sure- lines of the yards and danced like the mys- the (alley and made my way aft. Nectar in His. small rooms which might be as private Medusa. cbat Willi him. He lay smoking upon ly." said Captain for here tho one monument celebrates tho used there was no permanent cure until she a chest in his cabin, and Sutherland. tic fire of tt"- corposant beyona tbe trucks The reference to Tom in this conversation Detroit Free Press. twoopposing soldiers shot to death as they diniiig-iooms. an apprentice "He's of the persuasion of them all," an- swaylug the fragile points strange. Thcmen He wns nothing but a tramp, a modest, titsused this great medicine. In writing, swung overhead in a hammock, with to the of of mast- had struck meas undoubt- . lilight, and language is exhausted intrying swered the doctor. head. edly meant when they spoke of of retiring tramp, one of the nature's noble- to good general Framing the says : one leg dangling down. 1 could "The persuasion that Tom one say of each great on tho Pictures. up has the devil for Cii, it wns at such times as these that I the convicts as the only set captain among men kind, and when. In answer to his timid same shaft. Our general, Montgomery, Blackwood's Magazine. '"For years Ihad been troubled with Consti- not converse before that fellow there.' high priest, eh, Elllce?" said Captain Tom; who pation, "ltried many which only though nothing would have been thought longed for what happiness, Iwould the prisoners. How should that be know ? knock, a young matron opened the door, he fell in attempting to storm nlong a picture remedies Rave Barrett." . think, mine, was Quebec So soon as leaves the easel and temporary relief. Lost fallIbecame so diseased Ientered nnd sat down besld* Will, .to have his band in to be The doctor doubtless acquainted with the asked: with Benedi t Arnold, was witn Wolf when is Placed a wall, some a, J had That's so," said the doctor. "Barney standing here side, gazing "Might beg for n of on device becomes that ihad severe attack of Chills and Ci ie :I for it gone about that he knew me a man. at his up felons' antecedents, but he never talked and I cup hot water from lie led up toe heights to meet Montcalm oil necessary to separate to trv RK. RAVaD KE.M- was Aaron is Ishould bo proud and with at the lately questions. the table?" plain-; it from the surround- then determined through his lather having had mice for a thankful tn bring very him. moon-whitened can- answered The convicts then breakfast .\u25a0..-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 the .-nid die; but his memory is not ings or neighboring pictures. Perhaps -NEBY>B FAVORITE REMEDY-,wkirA over. Be was a bad vas, or watching the leaping made the among "You;might," began high here, from nut 1 Utter than client. lot at home.. This. ship might sea-fire had discovery them- she frigidly, when in favor for the same reason that none i- so effective as that of- fitting Itinto pave me pc-maumt relief, cot two nt hold all in sparks amidst the rushing on selves; thought he Interrupted: despised Jhave teen ingears. Ile saw me by the lightof the slush lamp the ho has tempted v froth either this I extraordinary. Tom Arnold is with us. a panel or other defined wall space, but this, wretches and ruined. hand! Ha had talked unco of my going might have calling the fel- "Would it be possible to spill a few drops very religious city. that sontily burnt against the buckhead Vet Iseemed to find no expression con- admitted his to Quebec is a A few of course, is iply possible when the wall is Mrs. Orp.hia Burdick of Otsego, N.V., of a voyage with him. Iln had talked, too, of lows whoshared his sleeping berth, to the ot coffee Into It?" '.'.'"'\u25a0•"'\u25a0 miles the Lawrence, st. near the dour, nodded, and filling his pipe trition in the fellow's face, a softening look, In down St. at Ann's, fashioned for the picture, or tho picture writes: lounged ' his carrylogme sen when we were 111 11 lied. prisoners who formed the mess he was In; "Itwould be, but—" you shown two pyramids crutches, " > afresh, lighted It and out. We as though he might not pmve no .'lnacces- Icould what] —" are - of especially painted for its position on the Beinga suffer fromsick e.: