Sañcetanika Sutta the Discourse on the Intentional1 [How Karma Is Destroyed] (Aguttara Nikya 10.206/5:292-297) Translated & Annotated by Piya Tan ©2003
Living Word of the Buddha SD vol 3 no 9 A 10.206 The Discourse on the Intentional Sañcetanika Sutta The Discourse on the Intentional1 [How karma is destroyed] (Aguttara Nikya 10.206/5:292-297) Translated & annotated by Piya Tan ©2003 1 Related suttas The Sañcetanika Sutta is about karma and its fruition. I have rendered it in keeping with the teach- ings of the (Kamma) Nidna Sutta (A 3.3/1:134-136),2 a seminal discourse on the roots of karma, and of the Loa,phala Sutta (A 3.99/ 1:249-253). The latter sutta opens with its theme: Bhikshus, for one who says thus: ‘Whatever karma a person does, he would experience3 that karma in the same way,’4 there is no living of the holy life, no opportunity for the right ending of suffering. But, bhikshus, for one who says thus: ‘Whatever karma that a person does, he would feel its result that should be felt,’5 there is the living of the holy life, the opportunity for the right ending of suffering. (A 3.99.1/1:249) Furthermore, in the Sleyyaka Sutta (M 41/1:285-291), §§7-10, 11-14 closely parallel §§1-6, 7b-11 of the Sañcetanika Sutta respectively. The Visuddhi,magga defines the three kinds of karma in terms of fruition time [§1a] but adds a fourth, non-effective karma (ahosi kamma) (Vism 19.14 /601). 2 Key terms and concepts 2.1 TYPES OF KARMA. The Sañcetanika Sutta (A 10.206)6 and the (Karaja,kāya) Brahma,vihāra Sutta (A 10.208) open by stating that the results of intentional deeds will inevitably have to be experienc- ed, with an early translation by Bhikkhus Nyanaponika and Bodhi, thus: I declare, bhikshus, that actions willed, performed and accumulated will not become extinct as long as their results have not been experienced, be it in this life, in the next life or in subsequent future lives.
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