* WWW.AMBOYGUARDIAN.COM * June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .1


Fireworks Spectacular THE Monday July 3, 2017 Amboy*Weekly Newspaper* Guardian • VOL. 7 NO. 11 • 732-896-4446 • P.O. BOX 127 • PERTH AMBOY • NJ • 08862 • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2017 • Asking for Answers A Tribute to the Legacy of 5/24/17 Council Meeting PERTH AMBOY - Resident Council President William "Before anything is done, Chev- Thomas Mundy Peterson Stanley Sierakowski had a Petrick asked the Business Ad- ron and other sites should be Original Thomas Mundy Peterson Medal question related to R-220-5/17 ministrator to provide the mitigated. I understand jobs are on Display Highlight of Afternoon 6/3/17 - Awarding a contract for Stop Council with copies of all inci- important, but partial cleanups Loss Insurance to Berkley. dent reports regarding the Puer- are not helping the City. Buck- Stanley Sierakowski ques- to Rican Festival (2016)and the eye will pollute the waters. tioned the Council to see if they Ferry Slip Music Events (2016) Parts of Elizabeth and Linden even heard about the insurance Balut said, "All festival inci- are still contaminated because company. "Our main insurance dents should be recorded." of the partial cleanup of Exx- carrier (Fairview) is very heav- He then went on to R-211- on." ily Democratic. For you (the Authorizing a release in the When it came to voting on Council) to get 5 identical bids matter of DeSantis Construc- agenda items, R-206-R-223 & is impossible. How is this con- tion vs. The City of Perth Am- R-225-R-228 were moved by Thomas Mundy Peterson's Medal *Photos by Paul W. Wang tract structured. There are no boy in an amount not to exceed Councilman Fernando Gonza- details." $44,406.90" lez and seconded by Council- Sierakowski then questioned He questioned: "What kind of man Jelmin Caba. On Resolu- R-214-5/17 Authorizing the ruling was for this money?" tion R-224, Councilman proper City Officials to execute R-224 - Awarding a profes- Fernando Gonzalez asked that a contract with Sheltered Hearts sional special services agree- it be voted on separately after a in the amount of $24,750. This ment to DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, discussion. He stated that he resolution was voided. This res- Cole & Giblen LLP for contin- would like to review this reso- olution was tabled by B.A. ued legal representations and lution "Because we may need to Adam Cruz because it needed previously assigned matters return money to the DeCotiis to be approved by HUD. which are still pending in Firm. I want to look at your bill- "The woman who requested amount not to exceed $115,000. ing." this money just wanted to reno- Balut reminded the Council, B.A. Adam Cruz responded, vate the house." "When the former Law Director "The amount awarded to the Sierakowski said, "It should (Arlene Quinones) was here, DeCotiis Firm was brought have been voided because the she said she was supporting the down to $150,000. There is Pastor Anne-Marie Jeffrey Mayor Wilda Diaz entity (Sheltered Hearts) want- Mayor's Ticket. Quinones had money owed to DeCotiis which with Dorothy Daniel ed a $24,750 grant regarding a her picture of some of the May- is $38,000 for a certain time CDBG grant." Department of ors campaign literature. frame." Housing and Urban Develop- $100,000 of campaign money is Law Director Peter King also ment. The woman who came uncounted for. Did you (any commented, "We need a back here AC couple of years ago to Council Members) accept any billing report." renovate the house and charge money from Fairview or Berk- Councilman Fernando Gonza- people $500 for the services ley Insurance? Your silence said lez responded to King, "If you provided. It was the right deci- you did. Almost a half million need to take over, some of the sion to void it." dollars in contracts were award- DeCotiis Cases, I need to see Sierakowski also advised the ed. A former contractor is sit- what they owe them." Council to void R-220. ting in jail right now. I got all During the last public portion, Resident and President of the campaign literature right Resident Stanley Sierakowski Perth Amboy Artworks Com- here." told the Council, "You made a mittee, Caroline Pozycki-Tor- Councilman Fernando Irizarry multimillion dollar mistake res was glad to report to the responded to Balut's comments when it comes to replacing Council that there was a quick about a person last name of Fer- lights in the City. You could John Dyke Melvina Knight resolve to the problem she was raioli who has made campaign save money if you use LED having with the change of date contributions to the Mayor's lights instead and you should with the kickoff to her Ferry ticket or whom she has support- have looked at any State Pro- Slip Museum Concert Series. ed. "That person (Ferraioli) is grams first." "The launch will be July 8 and I not related to the City Auditor Resident Ken Balut came up can use the City logo (on my and we know it! The complaint to speak, "All white collar jobs advertising material). I was also that you (Balut) are referring to got huge raises. The bridge reimbursed for the canceled was in 2013." might be a good PILOT but June event and perhaps the ap- Resident Vince Mackiel had a Fehrenbach would never have plication forms for any enter- question about R-218-5/17 re- you (the Council) out of the tainment events that take place garding the NJDEP Green loop. You have no clue what's can be revised with clarity. I'm Acres Program dealing with a going on in the City. When I happy to move on and I'm grate- major diversion of certain park was on the Council, I received ful for all the help; I received. lands in connection with the reports from Department Resident Ken Balut came up Buckeye Partners L.P. Pipeline Heads. You vote on contracts to speak about Communication Project for $855,000. with zero paperwork. There's Anna Daily AUL Student in the Play No. 10. Mackiel asked the Council, *Continued on Page 2 *More Photos on Page 19 Casting the Ballot for Liberty Summer Fun Insert Inside! 2. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017

If It’s Local - It’s Here! Answers *Continued From Page 1 $1.7 million and no paperwork. Deals are being made behind your backs. All the contacts were given to people up in North Jersey." Resident Jeremy Baratta came up to speak next. He spoke about the trouble of late he's had stemming from his appoint- ment on January 13, 2017 to the Historic Preservation Commis- sion. "On January 18, 2017 I received a letter to sign forms. I then received a letter stating that my term has been suspend- ed. Only the City Council can remove a Commissioner off the HPC. My being on the handi- capped parking committee does not make me ineligible to be on the HPC and I would like to be reinstated." He also mentioned 2 other HPC Members: Eleni Glykis and Anna Daily. "They should also be ineligible based on what was told to me regarding my suspension. Daily is on the Board of Trustees of the Library Board and Glykis is Library Di- rector." Law Director Peter King re- sponded, "All Members of the HPC must meet qualifications." Baratta responded, "I've heard about this for a month from Mr. King." Chair of the Historic Preserva- tion Commission Reinaldo Aviles came up to speak about Baratta's plight. "I have issues on how this was handled. I didn't know about this (Barat- ta's letter of suspension) until I saw Elaine Jasko (City Clerk) about a different matter and she told me. As the chair of the HPC, I should have been noti- fied first." Jose Amarante who is a mem- ber of the Zoning Board of Ad- justment stated that he had tak- en all of the required classes and was sworn in by a Clerk in the City Office but would like to get a signed copy of the oath. Resident Mark Achamizo was concerned about the large amount of drunk people on Smith Street between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. "Rector Street is a disaster (part of the street) and I don't drive a jalopy." During the Council Com- ments, Councilman Joel Pabon said, "I talked to the Mayor on how you can be unaware of what's going on in town. I road by the Patten School and it's crazy. Cars are double-parked when school is let out. We need to do something to alleviate traffic during that time. The cars even block people's driveways." Council President Bill Petrick then spoke, "There will be a traffic jam when the Seaman Street School is built by the fire- house/police station. It will be a dangerous situation just like at the Patten School. The BOE Ad- ministration Building would have been better suited there and Sayre Avenue for the school." June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .3 4. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 LOCAL PERSPECTIVE EDITORIAL THE COMMUNITY VOICE band perform. My brother, a This Was Not the Time Music retired Marine who had come to support my band, was in- Not Politics sulted. My guitarist, an Army My band, Mikell's Plot, per- veteran, was extremely angry. formed at the Perth Amboy We all chose not to complain Arts Festival in May. We were in the interest of not mixing happy to participate in this politics with music... that is community event and had a not what Mikell's Plot is about. great time. However, just as Introducing a candidate for we were setting up and about NJ Governor would have been to begin, politicians Frank fine. Using this venue to show Pallone, Wilma Diaz, and Phil disrespect for our President Murphy came up on stage and (especially with children pres- bashed the President of the ent) was not appropriate. United States. On behalf of my band, our A family fun day should not fans, and our community, I include such attacks on our thought this viewpoint needed nation's President. I saw at to be expressed. least 15 people walk away from the stage who had obvi- Sincerely, ously intended to hear our Michael O'Connor

again and realized it was not Correction Brad Pitt but Matt Damon, big Sorry, My Misteak difference. Memorial Day Weekend I wrote an op-ed, back in the Brad Pitt actually started the started off with the Perth Am- beginning of May, about a “Make it Right” foundation in boy Waterfront Arts Festival commercial I had seen while 2007, which builds eco-friend- which was held on the pictur- watching a special about the ly houses for Americans in esque Sadowski Parkway on water crises in Detroit and need, starting with the victims 5/27/17. While there, we ran Flint Michigan. of Hurricane Katrina. into people from out of town In the article I misidentified Sorry Brad. who said they heard about the Brad Pitt as the person star- Festival on Channel 12 News. ring in the commercial. Well I Joe Bayona They said that in their travels, recently saw the commercial they've seen the exit sign for Perth Amboy many times, but based decided to visit based on The Deep State dent Trump or the Russian the fun events spotlighted in fantasy show we've been hear- the news report. They as many At the Perth Amboy Water- This was bush-league play. & Mainstream ing about. It's about those peo- others were thrilled to see the front Arts Festival, the signs Some spectators came to ple in the so-called DEEP Blackhawk helicopter. and banners clearly said: "Art, watch the local bands who Media STATE trying to control our Although the skies were Food, Music." they follow perform told me Have you ever noticed what country and telling LIES and overcast and rain was threaten- In the print ad it also said, how upset they were when the main stream news media control the mainstream media ing, all the attendees that we "Outrageous Music." Of these those politicians got up on and newspapers we’re doing (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN) and saw were having a great time two words, we find the actions stage. One spectator had before the election in 2016? many others that were brain- as well as the vendors. of those politicians that went served in the military overseas They were trying to start a pro- washed by the DEEP STATE. As with a lot of festivals that on stage was "Outrageous. and was very disheartened, es- paganda war in America and The people from the DEEP happen around election years, Plus, this was Memorial Day pecially when they started ver- they still are trying it now. But STATE keep telling us they politicians would mingle with Weekend. As soon as I heard a bally bashing Trump of whom in six weeks, many Americans want to impeach Trump. Then the crowd along with their staff denouncement of the President he supported. He said, "I didn't will start seeing a heavy duty show us some evidence from a who distribute various politi- - whether you like Trump or come here for this." finger pointing contest at Cap- paper trail. So, let's wait and cal literature. That is expected. not, that was not the time nor Although the skies didn't itol Hill. You know the place see the outcome. But, what we don't like are the place for politics. open up with heavy rain, that were those politicians blame when politicians overstep their I took a deaf ear to anything moment on stage was a dark each other and nothing gets Orlando “Wildman” Perez boundaries and wear out their else that was said by them. I cloud and totally unnecessary. done. This is not about Presi- welcome. This is when they don't even remember if they We hope that venues like this use an event that is supposed mentioned our fallen men and are never used again for politi- to be non-political and turned women in the armed forces. cal purposes. into a personal campaign rally As fans of the game of base- One has to realize that people I don't care if they did it even ball, one can forgive a rookie need a breather from constant Our Dads & Grads for one minute. It was wrong when making a stupid mistake. political discourse. And this Issue is Coming up! and shameful. A veteran should know better. was one weekend we were looking forward to at least one Week of June 14, 2017 day to leave politics behind. That's what political rallies Deadline June 9, 2017 are for - not festivals. C.M. & K.M. Call for Our Published by Amboy Guardian LLC P. O. Box 127 • Perth Amboy • 08862 Special Advertising Rates (732) 896-4446 Email - [email protected] What Do You Think? (732) 261-2610 Email - [email protected] 732-896-4446 Carolyn Maxwell Send Us a Response! Publisher & Advertising Manager Katherine Massopust Paul W. Wang Lori Miskoff Layout & Asst. Writer Staff Photographer Website Manager Keep those Letters Coming! We Love to Hear From You! E-mail letters to the editor to amboyguardian@gmail. com or write to the paper at Letters to the Editor, The Amboy Guardian, P.O. Box 0127, Perth Amboy, NJ 08862- The Amboy Guardian will not be liable for advertising errors beyond the cost of the space of the copy. Notification must be made of errors in ads within one 0127. Letters must include your full name, address and daytime telephone number or cell phone number for week of publication. Pictures may be claimed up to 3 weeks after publication, or verification. First time letter-writers must be called for verification or your letter will not be published. If you are by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope with submission. a public official, please include your title. All letters are subject to editing or rejection. All submissions may be published or distributed by us in print, electronic or other forms. Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are Printed on 100% recycled paper those of the writers and do not represent or reflect the views of the Amboy Guardian. June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .5 HIV Support PERTH AMBOY — Raritan Community Calendar Bay Medical Center is spon- Perth Amboy soring an HIV support group MON. Jun. 12 City Council, Caucus, 4:30 p.m. City Hall, High St. meeting on Monday’s at 6 p.m. TUES. Jun. 13 Library Board of Trustees, 5 p.m. Where to Find Us . . . Anyone diagnosed with or car- Library, Jefferson St. ing for someone infected with WED. Jun. 14 City Council, Regular, 7 p.m. City Hall, High St. IN FORDS: HIV is welcome to attend. COLONIAL RESTAURANT...... 366 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. THURS. Jun. 15 Board of Education, 5:30 p.m. LIBERTY BAGEL CAFE...... 326 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. Meetings are held at the hos- PAHS Eagle Ave. PUBLIC LIBRARY...... 211 FORD AVE. pital’s Perth Amboy Division, South Amboy ROOSEVELT’S DELI ...... 684 KING GEORGE’S RD. SUPER DUPER DELI III ...... 650 KING GEORGE’S RD. New Brunswick Avenue. WED. May 31 Planning Board, 7 p.m. City Hall, N. Broadway IN HOPELAWN: To register or for more infor- KRAUSZER’S...... 683 FLORIDA GROVE RD. THURS. Jun. 1 SARA, 6:30 p.m. IN LAURENCE HARBOR: mation, call (732) 324-5022. City Hall, N. Broadway HOFFMAN’S DELI ...... 5 LAURENCE PKWY. WED. Jun. 14 City Council, Business, 6 p.m. IN MORGAN: City Hall, N. Broadway SOUTHPINE LIQUORS ...... 467 S. PINE AVE. Volunteer IN PARLIN: DAD’S ROYAL BAKERY...... 3290 WASHINGTON RD. IN PERTH AMBOY: Firefighters 1ST CONSTITUTION BANK ...... 145 FAYETTE ST. ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTER ...... 178 BARRACKS ST. ALAMEDA CENTER ...... 303 ELM ST. Needed AMBOY CHECK X-CHANGE ...... 321 MAPLE ST. PERTH AMBOY - The Perth Attend Public Meetings AMBOY EYE CARE ...... 94 SMITH ST. Amboy Fire Department: ANDERL & OAKLEY PC ...... 309 MAPLE ST. Have Your Voice Heard! ANITA’S CORNER ...... 664 BRACE AVE. Volunteer Division needs ASIAN CAFE...... 271 KING ST. members. Accepting men and THE BARGE ...... 201 FRONT ST. C-TOWN ...... 272 MAPLE ST. women ages 18 years or older. CEDENO’S PHARMACY ...... 400 STATE ST. Volunteers must be a Perth CITY HALL ...... 260 HIGH ST. COPA DE ORO ...... 306 SMITH ST. Amboy resident. For more in- DUNKIN DONUTS ...... 587 FAYETTE ST. formation please contact 732- EASTSIDE DRY CLEANERS ...... 87 SMITH ST. ELIZABETH CORNER ...... 175 HALL AVE. 442-3430. FAMILY FOOT CARE ...... 252 SMITH ST. FU LIN ...... 79 SMITH ST. HY TAVERN ...... 386 HIGH ST. Kearny INVESTOR’S BANK ...... 598 STATE ST. JANKOWSKI COMMUNITY CENTER ...... 1 OLIVE ST. Cottage Open JEWISH RENAISSANCE MEDICAL CENTER ...... 272A HOBART ST. KIM’S DRY CLEANERS ...... 73 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY - Come visit LAW OFFICES ...... 708 CARSON AVE. the historic home of Commo- LEE’S MARKET ...... 77 SMITH ST. LUDWIG’S PHARMACY ...... 75 BRACE AVE. dore Lawrence Kearny. The MITRUSKA CHIROPRACTIC ...... 788 CONVERY BLVD. Cottage is located at 63 Ca- PETRA BEST REALTY...... 329 SMITH ST. PETRICK’S FLOWERS ...... 710 PFEIFFER BLVD. talpa Ave, Perth Amboy, and is POLICE HEADQUARTERS ...... 365 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. open on Mondays and Thurs- PORTUGUESE MANOR ...... 310 ELM ST. PROVIDENT BANK ...... 339 STATE ST. days from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and PUBLIC LIBRARY ...... 196 JEFFERSON ST. PUERTO RICAN ASSOCIATION ...... 100 FIRST ST. the last Sunday of the month QUICK CHEK ...... 853 CONVERY BLVD. from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. by ap- QUICK STOP DELI ...... 814 AMBOY AVE. QUISQUEYA MARKET ...... 249 MADISON AVE. pointment. The Kearny Cot- QUISQUEYA LUNCHEONETTE ...... 259 MADISON AVE. tage needs your help. Anyone RARITAN BAY AREA Y.M.C.A...... 365 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. RARITAN BAY MEDICAL CENTER ...... 530 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. interested in joining the Kear- SANTANDER BANK ...... 365 CONVERY BLVD. SANTIBANA TRAVEL ...... 362 STATE ST. ny Cottage Historical Society SCIORTINO’S RESTAURANT ...... 473 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE. please contact 732-293-1090. SHOP-RITE ...... 365 CONVERY BLVD. SIPOS BAKERY ...... 365 SMITH ST. We are on the web! www.Ke- SUPERIOR DINER...... 464 SMITH ST. arnyCottage.org SUPREMO SUPERMARKET ...... 270 KING ST. TORRES MINI MARKET ...... 403 BRUCK AVE. TOWN DRUGS & SURGICAL ...... 238 SMITH ST. WELLS FARGO ...... 214 SMITH ST. Proprietary ZPA ...... 281 GRACE ST. IN SAYREVILLE: House Open BOROUGH HALL ...... 167 MAIN ST. PERTH AMBOY - The Pro- SENIOR CENTER ...... 423 MAIN ST. SUNNYSIDE RESTAURANT ...... 111 MAIN ST. prietary House, the last of- IN SEWAREN: ficial Royal Governor’s -resi PUBLIC LIBRARY ...... 546 WEST AVE. SEWAREN CORNER DELI ...... 514 WEST AVE. dence still standing in the IN SOUTH AMBOY: original 13 colonies, is open AMBOY NATIONAL BANK ...... 100 N. BROADWAY every Wednesday from 1:00 BROADWAY BAGELS ...... 105 S. BROADWAY BROADWAY DINER ...... 126 N. BROADWAY p.m. to 4:00 p.m., for tea and CITY HALL ...... 140 N. BROADWAY tours. Tea is served in our at- COMMUNITY CENTER ...... 200 O’LEARY BLVD. KRAUSZER’S ...... 200 N. BROADWAY mospheric candle-lit wine cel- KRAUSZER’S ...... 717 BORDENTOWN AVE. lar, and includes our delicious PUBLIC LIBRARY ...... 100 HOFFMAN PLAZA homemade desserts and assort- SCIORTINO’S HARBOR LIGHTS ...... 132 S. BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY MEDICAL CENTER...... 540 BORDENTOWN AVE. ed teas. A $10 donation, $5 for WELLS FARGO BANK...... 116 N. BROADWAY children under 12, covers both IN WOODBRIDGE: CITY HALL ...... 1 MAIN ST. the tea and a mansion. MAIN ST. FARM ...... 107 MAIN ST. Although the house is still in NEWS & TREATS ...... 99 MAIN ST. the process of being restored, REO DINER ...... 392 AMBOY AVE. ST. JOSEPH’S SENIORS RESIDENCE ...... 1 ST. JOSEPH’S TERR. some rooms have been newly decorated. Go back in time and learn about William Frank- Attention! Our Newspaper is available at lin and other residents of the Shop-Rite, Perth Amboy at the Courtesy Counter! house. It’s a perfect way to Deadline for Print Ads: spend a pleasant afternoon. Safety Announcement From Mayor Wilda Diaz The gift shop is also open. Regarding the Recent Incidents in NYC and NJ 7 p.m. Thursday Groups are welcome, al- We understand that some may be concerned by the recent incidents/ though reservations are re- threats in New York, Seaside, NJ and Elizabeth, NJ. At this time, it Office Hours: quired for groups over six has been reported that a suspect was taken into custody in Linden, people. The Proprietary House NJ. We are taking safety precautions in the City of Perth Amboy, Mon. - Wed. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. is located at 149 Kearny Ave., and I want to emphasize that it is important that IF YOU SEE Perth Amboy, NJ. Tel. 732- SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!! Thurs. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 826-5527 E-mail: info@pro- Report Suspicious Activity - Be Vigilant - STAY ALERT prietaryhouse.org. Follow us Do not think that any call or report is too small Fri. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on our website, www.thepro- Don’t allow the actions of a few dictate your quality of life prietaryhouse.org and or/Face- FOR ALL EMERGENCIES, DIAL: 9-1-1 book. FOR ALL NON-EMERGENCIES, DIAL: 732-442-4400 6. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 Healthcare Provider CPR Class PERTH AMBOY - Hacken- sack Meridian Health Raritan Bay Medical Center, is provid- ing an American Heart Asso- ciation Healthcare Provider CPR class Wednesday, June 7, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., at the Raritan Bay Area YMCA, 357 New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy, NJ. Participants will receive certification in CPR for adults, infants and children and learn about ventilation de- vices, automated external defi- ERALIDES E. CABRERA brillators and how to clear an obstructed airway in respon- Counselor At Law sive and unresponsive pa- Specializing In tients. Cost is $80 per person. Make checks payable to Rari- tan Bay Medical Center. Reg- • Immigration istration required, call • Bankruptcy 1-800-DOCTORS (1.800.362.8677). Offices Located At: 708 Carson Ave., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Ads Sell! Do you or someone you know have Phone: 732 - 826-5020; Fax: 732-826-6646 Old Photographs or Documents? 1201 E. Grand St., Unit 3A, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Call Carolyn The Kearny Cottage Historical Society is Phone: 908-351-0957; Fax: 908-351-0959 Looking for Old Photos and Documents of 732-896-4446 Perth Amboy, South Amboy, Woodbridge, Fords, etc. (Local Area) For an Archiving Project - Your Photos & Documents will be scanned into digital format & returned to you. WWW.AMBOYGUARDIAN.COM For more info please call 732-293-1090 June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .7 8. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 Summer at the Hook/ - www.nps.gov 732-872-5970 - fees for Gateway National Recre- sold at any unit of Gateway. You pass for nighttime fishing can be throughout the beach during the Sandy Hook / Highlands Histo- ation Area. But fees ARE charged must instead visit one of national purchased at the Ranger Station summer season. ry: Sandy Hook /Highlands His- for expanded amenities. That in- parks charging entrance fees or or Visitor Center. Surf fishing is The Gateway Museum Collec- tory: Originally discovered by the cludes beach parking to access visit the USGS store online. permitted at all beaches, except: tion - The Gateway National Rec- famous Sea Captain Henry Hud- beach centers. From Memorial Passes are available at: Sandy at oceanside beaches when life- reation Area museum collection son in the early 1600’s, Sandy Day weekend to Labor Day, an Hook Unit: Lighthouse Keepers guards are on duty, and;when sec- contains a great variety of objects Hook was a beautiful, 1,665 - expanded amenity fee for beach Quarters, 732-872-5970. (En- tions of the beach are closed to ranging from artillery shells to acre barrier peninsula within view parking is charged per vehicle trance station summers only.) and protect nesting shore birds (typi- sea shells. Aircraft to insects, this of the Manhattan skyline. Collection hours vary; Fees post- Staten Island Unit: Great Kills cally March to September).When collection contains something of Now, this picturesque 2,044 ed here are for 2017: Visitor Contact Station (Wednes- areas of the beach are closed due interest to everyone. The museum acre barrier beach peninsula lo- For most vehicles, beach park- day - Sunday), 718-987-6790; to safety concerns. Salt water holdings relate to the history of cated on the northern tip of the ing is $15 per day or $75 per sea- Miller Field Visitor Contact Sta- fishing in New Jersey requires a the park and include significant New Jersey shore offers a variety son. For oversized vehicles (more tion (Wednesday - Sunday), 718- permit from the state of New Jer- archival and historical collections of environmental, historical, and than 20 feet), charge is $30 per 351-6992. sey. Registration is free. The New related to the military, aviation recreational resources. Featur- day or $150 per season. Hours of How do I obtain an Interagency Jersey Saltwater Recreational and recreational stories and sites ing 7 miles of ocean beaches and collection are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pass?: AMERICA THE BEAU- Registry Program is part of an im- throughout the park. These hold- sand dunes, salt and freshwater Does Gateway offer any Dis- TIFUL PASS SERIES: As of proved data program to help pro- ings also include an archeological marshes, hiking and biking trails counts or Free Beach Park- January 1, 2007 the old Golden tect long-term sustainability of and a natural history collection. and 264 acres of maritime forest, ing? - Yes. Access Pass (Golden Eagle and Golden Access Passes recreational fishing. Annual pass- Archival holdings include pho- Sandy Hook is rich in ecological Access) and Senior Pass (Golden were replaced with a new series es for nighttime fishing can be tographs, architectural drawings, diversity. Historic sites include Age Passport) holders receive a of interagency passes called the purchased from the park. Unless manuals, maps, menus, news- the Sandy Hook Lighthouse, the 50% discount. Please note that the America the Beautiful - National otherwise stated below, payment papers and more. The history oldest surviving lighthouse in the America the Beautiful Pass hold- Parks and Federal Recreational is permitted by cash, credit, check objects in the collection include United States. Birding, hiking, ers do NOT receive a discount Lands Pass. All Golden Access or money order. Your Social Se- a wide variety of items such as wind surfing, fishing and explor- on expanded amenities fees such and Golden Age Passports will curity number is required on all uniforms, insignia, cups, plaques ing the park’s natural and cul- as beach parking. As of May 19, continue to be honored according checks. Due to changes in staff- and jewelry. Through the gener- tural resources are available year 2012, Active Military Members to the provisions of the pass. Only ing over the seasons, the times osity of the Sandy Hook Founda- round. who own an America the Beauti- paper Golden Age and Access and places to buy annual fishing tion, the April 1 - October 31: The park ful Annual Pass will receive free Passports may be exchanged free passes vary as well. For more in- has been able to purchase items is open from 5 a.m.- 10 p.m. dai- beach parking at Gateway where of charge for new plastic passes. formation, please e-mail us. Fish and add them to the museum col- ly, except by permit or as noted parking fees are charged. Active The America the Beautiful Pass Smart, Eat Smart is a guide for lection. Inquires about the Sandy below. Through the summer of duty military photo identifica- Series includes the Annual Pass, eating fish caught in New- Jer Hook portion of the Gateway 2015, there is a $15 charge per tion will be required at all times Senior Pass, Access Pass and Vol- sey coastal waters from the New NRA Museum Collection can be day for beach parking from Me- to verify ownership of the Annual unteer Pass and the free annual Jersey State Department of Envi- made by calling 732-872-5953 or morial Day weekend through La- Pass. Vehicle Hang Tag is to be pass for active military and their ronmental Protection, Division of emailing [email protected]. bor Day. Parking at Fort Hancock displayed at all times. (Hang tag dependent families, introduced in Fish and Wildlife. Please read this Due to ongo- is always free. Hangar B Closure: is issued with annual pass.) 2012. Please visit the USGS Store before eating what you catch. ing issues with the roof, Hangar November 1 - March 31: The website for more information or Non-motorized car B will be closed to the public, and park is open from 5 a.m. - 8 p.m. Camping Rates and Details: Boating - Effective immediately, rates are to purchase online. top boats can be launched from all public programs in the hangar daily, except by permit. All navi- as follows for all NEW reserva- Sandy Hook has Beach Area C and Horseshoe are cancelled, until further notice. gable marine waters within the Swimming - tions: $30.00 a night; $210.00 lifeguards on duty from 10 a.m. to Cove. Horseshoe Cove is popular We apologize for any inconve- park boundary are open 24 hours. a week; $15.00 a night with the 6 p.m. Memorial Day Weekend to with recreational boaters. Land- nience. Visitor centers and contact sta- Senior or Access Pass; $105.00 a Labor day at oceanside beaches. ing on beach with a motorized Sandy Hook Observation Deck tions - open every day EXCEPT week with the Senior or Access The guarded beaches are South boat is prohibited. The Sandy Hook Ob- Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Closure: Pass. Beach Areas C, D, E, Gunnison servation Deck is closed for safe- Day (Dec. 25) and New Year’s Windsurfing and Kite-board- No day use, you and North Beach. Area E and Windsurfing and kite-board- ty repairs. Day (Jan. 1). Sandy Hook Light- Length of Stay: ing - must camp overnight. 14 nights is North Beach closed to swimming ing is best on the bay across from house and Lighthouse Keepers Gateway Photo Contest Edi- the maximum number of nights Sandy Hook will begin to collect Beach Area C. For safety, please Please Quarters / Visitor Center tion: I found my park! - permitted. Size limits: Up to six fees & open the following beach only swim at guarded beaches go to www.nps.gov/gate to get the Lighthouse Tours: Offered first people may camp at a single site. areas for swimming: Area C, Area and wear life jackets when in full contest rules. Tell your story come, first served, from 1 p.m. Larger families and groups will D, and Area G (Gunnison). Area boats. by entering the contest. Contest to 4:30 p.m. Children must be at need to reserve multiple camp E and North Beach are temporar- The Miller Field Bike submissions are during month of least 48 inches tall to climb the Biking: sites. Sites are large enough for ily closed to public access. NPS Path and areas surrounding the July. This summer guide has one tower. A video in the adjacent one large tent or two small tents. reminds all of our visitors to only historic airplane hangar will be of the richest and most varied se- barn is always open. What to bring: Your own tents swim at lifeguarded beaches. The closed to all public access begin- lection of activities we have of- Lighthouse Keepers Quarters/ and sleeping bags. A pad under- southern portion of Gunnison ning Wednesday, May 10. The fered, A special focus this season Visitor Center: Open 9 a.m. to 5 neath your sleeping bag may Beach is clothing optional. For bike path will reopen in early is on introductory programs spe- p.m. daily. Rangers are available cushion you better for a better your safety, please only swim June. This area is closed while cifically designed for newbies. to answer questions, discuss the night’s sleep. Bring sunscreen at guarded beaches and follow the roof of the hangar is being re- The History natural and cultural resources of History House: and insect repellent as well. lifeguard instructions. Swim- moved. House at Sandy Hook remains the park and sell Senior/Access Alcohol, ming and alcohol don’t mix. To Sandy Hook is a prime closed due to construction. passes. Interpretive exhibits and a What NOT to bring: Birding - pets, and charcoal grills are NOT protect nesting shorebirds, pets spot for birding. Good viewing gift shop are available. The visi- Spermaceti Life Saving Sta- allowed at tent camping sites. are banned from ocean beaches locations include Plum Island, The Spermecati Life Saving tor center phone number is 732- tion: Glass containers are not allowed from March 15 through Labor the Spermaceti Cove boardwalk, Station is currently closed. You 872-5970. anywhere in the park. Day. Areas along the beach may the Horseshoe Cove Salt marsh, can find the Sandy Hook Visitor Group Tours of the Sandy Recreational Vehicles (RVs) at be closed to park visitors as well. North Pond or the fields at Fort Center at the Lighthouse Keep- Hook Lighthouse: Reservations There Open fires and metal detectors Hancock. The NJ Audubon So- ers Quarters, located beside the must be made prior to the group’s Floyd Bennett Field only: are presently nine RV camp sites are prohibited. Rip currents are ciety’s Sandy Hook Bird Ob- Sandy Hook Lighthouse visit to the lighthouse. Reserva- with another 11 planned for the powerful currents of water flow- servatory has the latest birding Open Saturdays tions must be made three weeks Battery Potter: near future. Water, sewer and ing away from shore. Before you information. They are located on and Sundays in the summer; 1 in advance of the requested tour electrical hookups are NOT avail- go to the beach, learn what you Officers’ Row in Building 20. p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Explore and date. Maximum group size is 35 able. Tents are not permitted in need to do to Break the Grip of Overnight tent camp- tour Sandy Hook’s oldest disap- participants. Email us to make a Camping: RV sites. Neither Fort Wadsworth the Rip!® ing is available at Sandy Hook. pearing gun battery, and the first reservation. Go to: http://www. nor Sandy Hook can accommo- - The Multi- Reservations are available at concrete disappearing gun battery nps.gov/gate/planyourvisit/san- Multi Use Trails date RVs. Use Pathway (MUP) is a five www.recreation.gov under ever built in America, completed dy-hook-hours.htm Showers: Showers are not avail- mile paved trail that starts at the “Camp Gateway.” in 1895. Can I bring my pet to Sandy able at Sandy Hook. At Fort Wad- park entrance and ends in Fort Picnics: The North Beach Obser- Mortar Battery: Saturdays and Hook? - Pets and their own- sworth, a cold-water shower is Hancock at the ferry dock in vation Deck has tables and a view Sundays, in the summer; 1:30 ers may visit bayside beaches available to campers during the front of the Chapel. It is shared of . Guardian p.m. - 4:30 p.m. The 1894 Sandy throughout the year. Pets can visit camping season. by hikers, bicyclists, and in-line Park has piicnic tables, shelters Hook Mortar Battery was Among oceanside beaches from Labor skaters. Hikers can also enjoy and grills. Grilling is only per- the first Endicott era (1890 - Day through mid-March only. Locations to obtain passes at Visitors may obtain the Old Dune Trail that begins at mitted at Guardian Park in Fort 1910) concrete gun batteries built Pets are not permitted on oceans- Gateway: Access or Senior Passes at: You the Sandy Hook Visitor Center Hancock. on Sandy Hook, as part of New ide beaches during the spring and must instead visit one of national and South Beach Dune Trail that Sandy Hook is York Harbor defense against en- summer because that is when the Food Trucks: parks charging entrance fees or winds to the north end of the trail embarking on a new path with emy attack from the sea. threatened piping plover builds visit the USGS store online. and continues to Atlantic Drive. mobile food trucks this summer. Horse- nests in those locations. Pets must Nike Missile Radar Site: the America the Refer to the park map for more Throughout this year’s beach shoe Cove, Parking Lot L; Tours always be on a leash. Please note: Beautiful annual interagency pass information. season different mobile food ven- are conducted on select weekends Beach Info: is sold only at parks with entrance Fishing - Fishing is permitted dors will be offering an array of from April to November. Guided Fees & Passes: Entrance fees? fees; Gateway does not charge an at all beaches except when life- food to visitors. Vendors will be No. Parking fees? Yes, in the entrance fee, so this pass is NOT guards are on duty. An annual located in various parking lots *Continued on Page 12 summer. There are no entrance June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .9 10. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .11 Historic Exhibits on Display @ Dowdell Library this Summer Press Release 6/5/17 June 26 from 6:30-8 pm To learn about upcoming li- SOUTH AMBOY - Check out Stop by and view historic Ti- brary programs, sign up for the historic exhibits on display at tanic memorabilia including a monthly eNewsletter at http:// the Dowdell Library this sum- passenger ticket, a cup and dowdell.org/newslettersignup. mer including Titanic memo- saucer set, a White Star Line html rabilia, Tea Cups, and Historic flag and an American newspa- The Dowdell Library’s Sum- Purses on display from Stacy per from April 21, 1912 about mer hours are Monday, Tues- Hicks Murray. the tragic sinking which will day, Thursday from 10 am to 8 Stop by this June, and view be on display July and August. pm, Wednesday and Friday some fine China cups, saucers Discover hundreds of years from 10 am to 5 pm. For more and tea pots of various designs of history through various his- information, please visit www. and origins. This exhibit will torical purses on display July dowdell.org, or contact the Li- help everyone get in the mood through September. Historical brary at 732-721-6060 or com- for the Adult Summer Tea Par- information regarding the [email protected]. ty taking place on Monday, purses will also be available.


Moonlight Music Series PERTH AMBOY - Perth Amboy Artworks is partnering with the Historic City of Perth Am- boy’s Ferry Slip Museum to present a Spring/Summer 2017 live music series at the Ferry Slip. Enjoy great live music, the moonrise over Raritan Bay and check out the Ferry Slip Museum. The free live music events are from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at 200 Front St, Perth Amboy. Dates include: Saturday July 8th - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Destitute NJ and I4 Saturday Aug. 5th -7 p.m. - 9 p.m. - San Simón and GMJ Groove Saturday July 8th - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. - Proper and Joseph Frame Saturday Oct. 7th - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. - Segunda Quimbamba and United States of Boogaloo

Kearny Cottage Historical Association Berry Festival Saturday, July 15th Flea Market - $10 per space (Bring Your Own Table) Civil War Re-enactors Black Powder Demonstration Berry Refreshments Available Rain Date July 22nd

Book Fair Fundraiser Press Release your purchase. Vouchers will PERTH AMBOY/EDISON - be available in-store or by con- The Friends of the Perth Am- tacting the Friends at friend- boy Free Public Library are sofperthamboylibrary@gmail. teaming up once again with com. If you cannot make it to Barnes & Noble of Menlo the store, visit BN.COM/ Park for a day of fundraising bookfairs on Saturday, June 17th from from June 17 to June 22 by en- 10am – 6pm. Story times for tering Bookfair ID 12153086 this event start at 11:30am and at checkout. will continue throughout the The Friends of the Perth Am- day. Student artwork from boy Library encourage the Perth Amboy High School will love of reading and indepen- be on display. Books from the dent learning, play a role in Perth Amboy Schools Sum- community involvement, mer Reading List will be avail- sponsor special programs, able for purchase. Stop by and raise funds for special proj- have a Friend gift wrap your ects, equipment and materials Father’s Day purchases. in excess of the general Li- A percentage of net sales will brary budget. go to the Friends of the Perth Barnes & Noble is located at Amboy Free Public Library. 419 Menlo Park Mall in Edi- You must present a valid book son. The Friends of the Perth fair voucher or mention par- Amboy Free Public Library is ticipation in the book fair at a registered 501(c)(3) non- the register prior to making profit organization. 12. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 Summer at the Hook/Jersey Shore -www.nps.gov 732-872-5970 overlook. ries of night hikes. This night's families. Contact the ALS at 732- Founders Day - 101st Birthday *Continued from Page 8 In Search of the Lighthouse one mile hike features bayside 291-0055 for information and of the National Park Service: tours of the Integrated Fire Con- Fort & Refugee Town on Sandy explorarion during the high sea- reservations. FEE. 8/25/17- 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sandy trol (IFC) will allow you to see Hook: 6/13/17 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. son for horseshoe crab sight- Battery Gunnison/New Peck Hook - Visitor Center/Lighthouse the inner workings of the facil- Sandy Hook - Fort Hancock Post ings. Don't forget to wear good Preserved: 7/19/17, 07/20/2017, Keeper's Quarters. Participate in ity where the supersonic nuclear Chapel. Richard Veit, professor sand walking shoes and bring 7/21/17, 7/22/17 12 noon to 6 various NPS themed games/ac- armed Nike Hercules missiles of History and Anthropology at bug repellent. Call 732-872-5970 p.m. Sandy Hook - Battery Gun- tivities trivia. Cake and refresh- were controlled and guided using Monmouth University, will pres- to make reservations. ♥ 1 mile. nison, Fort Hancock Historic ments will be served in the Visitor Cold War era computers and ra- ent a lecture on archaeological FREE. Post. Visitors are invited to stop Center. FREE. dars. While taking a guided tour research that took place on San- Going Bunkers: Battery Mills: by to chat and learn more about Shore Birds and Wild Edibles of this one-time TOP SECRET dy Hook. From 1692 to 1817, 6/25/17 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sandy restoration of Battery Gunnison/ - American Littoral Society: missile site, you will have the op- Sandy Hook was private prop- Hook - Spermaceti Cove Life- New Peck and the historic time 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Sandy Hook - portunity to meet and talk with erty of the Harstshormne family Saving Service Station (between period of July 1943 at Fort Han- Parking Lot M (North K Lot) some of the veterans who actu- of Middletown. Since 1764, the Lots D & E). Meet park staff at cock. FREE. Fort Hancock. Along the way we ally worked on the Cold War Era historic lighthouse on the Hook the old Visitor Center Parking Monmouth County Audubon will identify some of the Hook's Nike Air Defense System. FREE. has guarded the treacherous ap- Lot between Parking Lot D and Bird Walk: 7/20/17 6 p.m. - 8 edible plants that were an impor- proaches to New York Harbor. Lot E, then car caravan to Battery p.m. Sandy Hook - Parking Lot M tant food source for the early set- SPECIAL PARK & COOPER- During the American Revolu- Mills. Please wear comfortable (North K Lot). Bring binoculars, tlers and Native Americans that ATOR PROGRAMS: tion, Continental forces tried un- walking shoes, and bring a flash- insect repellent, and wear com- once inhabited this area. We will World Oceans Day: 6/8/17 from successfully to deny the British light and insect repellent. Call fortable shoes. ♥ 2 miles. FREE. have the chance to observe shore 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Jamaica Bay rd Wildlife Refuge “Our Oceans, control of the lighthouse. Brit- 732-872-5970 to make reserva- 33 Annual NPS All-Women birds feeding along the mud flats. Our Future” is the theme of World ish troops and partisans captured tions. FREE. Lifeguard Tournament: Sandy Bring binoculars, comfortable Oceans Day this year. Come learn Sandy Hook early in the war and Going Bunkers: Battery Lew- Hook - Parking Lot E Beach walking shoes and lots of sun- about our oceans and how they despite repeated raids by Conti- is:7/9/17, 7/23/17, 8/20/17 - 2 7/26/17 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fe- screen! Fee: $5 per person, free interact with the land at ecologi- nental forces, retained control of p.m. - 4 p.m. Sandy Hook - Harts- males will be representing beach for member families. Call the cally important areas like salt the sandy peninsula until the end horne Woods Park Rocky Point patrols from the East Coast and ALS at 732-291-0055 for more marshes. FREE of the conflict. Indeed, the British Entrance. Battery Lewis is the elsewhere. These women are out- information and to reserve. FEE. fortified the lighthouse and Loy- largest gun battery ever built in standing role models and encour- 8/20 American Littoral Soci- Fort Hancock Bike Tour: alists, many of African descent, New Jersey and one of only sev- age other women to become surf- Sandy Hook - Theater Parking ety Horseshoe Crab Walk: 06/09/2017 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. San- constructed a Refugee Town near eral built along the east coast to lifeguards in the future. Please Lot, Fort Hancock Historic Post. dy Hook - Lot B Beach Plaza. the light which served as a base defend against enemy warships call 1-800-678-7946 for more - 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Bring a Take an evening walk at Plum of operations for raiding parties during WWII. Bring flashlights, information about this event and helmet. Call 732-872-5970 to re- Island on Sandy Hook to look along the Jersey shore. Mon- insect repellent and drinking wa- becoming a lifeguard at Sandy serve. ♥ 3 miles FREE. for spawning horseshoe crabs. mouth University's 2016 archaeo- ter; wear comfortable walking Hook. FREE. Shore Birds and Wild Edibles Learn about an animal that has logical field school investigated shoes. For information on meet- Stars of Sandy Hook: 7/28/17 - American Littoral Society: survived virtually unchanged for the lighthouse property in an at- ing place call the Sandy Hook -8:30 p.m.- 11 p.m. Sandy Hook 8/26/17 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Sandy 450 years. Wear proper foot gear. tempt to identify the location of Visitor Center at 732-872-5970. - Lot E Beach Join a park rang- Hook - Parking Lot M (North Call the American Littoral Soci- the Lighthouse Fort and Refugee FREE. er and S.T.A.R. Astronomy to K Lot) Fort Hancock Along the ety at 732-291-0055 to make res- Town. Learn what was discov- Fort Hancock Bike Tour: 7/9 view the Delta Aquarids Meteor way we will identify some of the ervations. FREE. ered from the study. FREE. from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at Sandy Shower which can produce up to Hook's edible plants that were 6/15/17 Hook - Theater Parking Lot Fort 20 meteors per hour at its peak. an important food source for the Full Strawberry Moon Hike: Stars of Sandy Hook: 6/9/17 - 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Ja- Sandy Hook - Parking Lot E Hancock. Bring a bike helmet to Bring binoculars and/or tele- early settlers and Native Ameri- maica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Ex- Beach. The ringed planet will be wear. Call 732-872-5970 for res- scopes. FREE. cans that once inhabited this area. perience the park after dark and at its closest approach to Earth ervations. ♥ 3 miles FREE. Holly Forest Night Prowl: We will have the chance to ob- learn more about the nocturnal and its face will be fully illu- Night Hike - Full Buck Moon: 7/30/17 Sandy Hook - Lot E serve shore birds feeding along residents of the Jamaica Bay minated by the Sun. It will be 7/9/17 Sandy Hook - Lot E Beach Beach Center 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. the mud flats. Bring binoculars, Wildlife Refuge. An indoor pre- brighter than any other time of Plaza. At this time of year is when Family fun for everyone! ♥ 1 comfortable walking shoes and sentation will be followed by an the year. This is the best time to bucks begin to grow new antlers. mile. FREE. lots of sunscreen! Fee: $5 per outdoor hike. Call 718-318-4340 view and photograph Saturn and This night hike features night Fort Hancock Bike Tour, North person, free for member families. to reserve a spot. FREE. its moons. Optics will be pro- seining which is always an inter- of Officers Row: 8/5/17 Sandy Call the ALS at 732-291-0055 vided, however, bring telescopes esting adventure. Bring flashlight, Hook - Theater Parking Lot, Fort for more information and to re- Junior Ranger Horseshoe and binoculars if you have them. bug repellent and wear shoes you Hancock Historic Post. 5 p.m. - 7 serve. FEE. Crab: 6/10/17 - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Sandy Hook - Parking Lot B. Aid Dress for the weather. FREE. can get wet. Reservations re- p.m. Bring helmet with bike. Call Fort Hancock Bike Tour: in the survival of the horseshoe Summer Solstice Walk on San- quired, please call 732-872-5970. 732-872-5970 to make reserva- 8/27/17 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. crab by hands-on participation in dy Hook: 6/21/17 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. FREE. tions. ♥ 3 miles FREE. Sandy Hook - Theater Parking 'Horseshoe Crab Rehab." Horse- - Sandy Hook - American Lit- Marine Science Day Camp: Night Hike: 8/7/17 - Sandy Hook Lot, Fort Hancock Historic Post. shoe crabs annually visit Sandy toral Society Building 18, Fort Every Monday Weekly & Ev- - Lot E Beach Plaza 7 p.m. -8 :30 Bring helmet with bike. Call 732- Hook's shores during the full Hancock Historic Post. American ery Tuesday Weekly & Every p.m. This night's hike is the Rang- 872-5970 to make reservations. ♥ moon phases in May and June. Littoral Society naturalists will Wednesday Weekly & Every er's Choice Hike, so the question 3 miles. FREE. Wear shoes that can get wet. Res- identify coastal flora and fauna as Thursday Weekly & Every Fri- is: "Are you feeling adventurous? Sandy Hook Foundation End ervations required. Please call well as the history of Sandy hook. day Weekly from 7/10/2017 to Bring a flashlight, bug repellent of Summer Party back at the 732-872-5970. A special tour inside a gun battery 8/25/2017 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - San- and shoes you can get wt. Call Beach! - Save The Date! Friday may be included. Call the ALS dy Hook - NJ Sea Grant Con- 732-872-5970 to reserve. ♥ 1 mile September 8, 2017 North Beach Fort Hancock Bike Tour: 6/11/17, 7/1/17 - 10 a.m. - 12 at 732-291-0055 to make reserva- sortium, Bldg. 22 Fort Hancock Night Hike: 8/17/17 - 7:30 p.m. Pavilion. noon. Sandy Hook - Post Theater tions. ♥ 2 miles. FREE. Historic Post. The five weekday - 9 p.m. - Sandy Hook - Lot E NY Beach Ferry - Spend a day Parking Lot. Call 732-872-5970 Monmouth County Audubon camp is held at the New Jersey Beach Plaza. This night's hike is relaxing on the beach, swimming, to make reservations. Bring hel- Society Bird Walk: 6/22/17 6 Sea Grant Consortium Building the Ranger's Choice Hike, and sun tanning, bird watching, fish- met with bike. ♥ 3 miles. FREE. p.m.- 8 p.m. Sandy Hook - U.S. 22 and led by experienced NJS- the question is "Are you feeling ing (check with local laws), or Life-Saving Service Station Park- GC science educators for boys adventurous?" Bring a flashlight, sightseeing in Sandy Hook and Nurture Nature Retreat and Wild Walk: 6/11/17 - 9 a.m. - 1 ing Lot (between Lots D & E). and girls grades 3 through 9. For bug repellent and shoes you can Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. p.m. Jamaica Bay Wildlife Ref- Bring binoculars, insect repellent details including registration in- get wet. Call 732-872-5970 to re- Ferries will depart from Pier 11, uge. Learn to live more deeply, and wear comfortable shoes. ♥ 1 formation visit www.njseagrant. serve. ♥ 1 mile. FREE. www.newyorkbeachferry.com. more connected, and more in love mile. FREE. org/education/marine-science- Solar Eclipse Party: 8/21/17 - 1 SeaStreak Ferry - SeaStreak with nature, including human na- Family Friendly Campfire on day-camp or call 732-972-1300 p.m. -5 p.m. Sandy Hook - His- America, Inc. is a leader in revi- ture. Through One Earth Conser- the Beach: 6/23/17, 7/21/17 7:30 Ext.19. FEE. tory House No. 1, Fort Hancock talizing fast high-speed catama- vation's Nuture Nature Program, p.m. - 9:30 p.m., 8/18/17 - 7: 30 Sunset Seining: 7/12/17, 7/26/17, Historic Post. A solar eclipse hap- ran services in the New York met- which aims to inspire, motivate, p.m. - 9 p.m. Sandy Hook - Lot 8/9/17, 8/23/17 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. pens when the moon completely ropolitan area. Visit their website educate and support people to E Beach. Participants are encour- Sandy Hook - American Littoral blocks out the sun's outer atmo- at www.seastreak.com. take care of themselves, their or- aged to bring beach blankets or Society Building 18, Fort Han- sphere called the corona. This is Big Mohawk Party Boat - The ganizations and the biotic com- chairs, snacks, bug spray, family cock Historic Post. After a short a rare event - the last solar eclipse Big Mohawk NJ Party Boat, lo- munity as a whole. Registration and friends! NO ALCOHOL al- talk on the Society's front porch, visible in the continental United cated in the Jersey Shore town of is required: www.oneearthconser- lowed during the program. Par- you will drive over to Horseshoe States was 1979 and the next will Belmar, Services also provided vation.org ents must supervise their chil- Cove on Sandy Hook for a sein- take place in 2024. Rangers and are Private Charters and Burials dren. Call the Sandy Hook Visitor ing adventure. Participants are in- astronomers will share with visi- at Sea. www.njpartyboat.com NYC Harbor Tour: Every Sun- day Weekly from 5/28/17 to Center 732-872-5970 for more vited to help pull our 40-ft. seine tors how to safely enjoy the solar 9/3/17 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Fort Wad- information. FREE. net through the bay, and experi- eclipse. FREE. sworth. Join a ranger and learn Night Hike: 6/24/17 - 7 p.m. - ence the excitement of learning Bird Walk: 8/24/17 - 6 p.m.- 8 about the history of NYC at one 8:30 p.m. Sandy Hook - Lot C about the fish and othe ctitters p.m. Sandy Hook - Parking Lot M Have a Great of the most scenic and histori- Beach Plaza - Explore various caught. Wear clothes and shoes (K Lot north). Bring binoculars, Summer! cally significant vantage points parts of Sandy Hook's ecosystem you don't mind getting wet. Fee: insect repellent and wear com- of the city; the Fort Wadsworth and history with this summer's se- $5 per person, free for member fortable shoes. ♥ 2 miles. FREE. June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .13

St. Stan’s 2017 Carnival Factsheet Press Release The Carnival will feature SAYREVILLE - St. Stan’s games of chance with fabulous Annual Carnival will be held prizes for all ages. Some of the at the parish carnival grounds games – Las Vegas “Money” on Main St. & MacArthur Ave. Wheel for adults; nightly in Sayreville. Dates are Wed, 50/50s, our Super 50/50 and a Jun 21 & Thu, Jun 22 from special eight grade parent’s 6-10 pm and Fri, Jun 23 & Sat, fundraiser. Jun 24 from 5-11 pm. FOOD: Fabulous food tent, There will be at least 14 rides featuring a wide variety of for kiddies through adults. Polish-ethnic and American Pre-sale ride tickets and Super homemade foods, including a 50/50 raffle tickets will be sold mouth-watering seafood area; prior to the carnival at the fol- Spezzi’s Main Street Cafe; lowing locations: Sat, Jun 3 B&T’s Barbecue Ribs; Friday Behind Sayreville Boro Hall fish fry; scrumptious desserts 8-1pm, Sat, Jun 10 in front of and our beer garden, featuring St. Stan’s School at the Knights domestic and imported beers, of Columbus Flag Day Cere- along with wine. mony from 10-11:30 am; Fri, ENTERTAINMENT: Wed, Jun 16 in front of Sayreville Jun 21 – Thunder 106.3 FM Seafood & Deli, 141 Main St., Country Radio Station from from 4-7 pm; Sat Jun 17, 10 6-8 pm followed by Magic am-12 pm in front of St. Stan’s 98.3 Radio Station from 8-10 School; before Bingo at St. pm; Thu, Jun 22 – DJ Bob Stan’s School from 6-7:30 pm Cherney from 6-8 pm; 8 - band on Thu, Jun 1, 8 & 15; before to be announced. Fri, Jun 23 – Bingo at St. Stan’s School “Alumni Night”, East Bruns- from 12-1:30 pm on Sun, Jun wick School of Rock, live mu- 4, 11 & 18 and at the parish of- sic from 6-8 pm followed by fice (Mon-Fri, 9 am-3 pm and All in One, live music from Tue evenings, 6-9 pm). Tick- 8-11 p.m.; Sat, Jun 24 – Time ets are available in the church After Time, live music from lobby before and after all Sun 6-8 pm followed by The FOG, Masses. live music from 8-11 pm.

Ukrainian Cultural Festival PERTH AMBOY - The 5th Annual Ukrainian Cultural Festi- val will be held on Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. on the parish grounds of Assumption Catholic Church at 686 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ. The festival will feature church tours, entertainment, dance shows of tra- ditional Ukrainian dances at 2:00 and 4:00 pm, money and baskets raffles, vendors, traditional Ukrainian food/beer and delicious desserts. The live music band, “Anna Maria Enter- tainment” will play outdoors from 5-9 p.m. Admission to the festival is FREE. For more information, call 732-826-0767 or visit us atwww.assumptioncatholicchurch.net Flea Market Acts of the EDISON - Our Lady of Peace Church is having their Parish Apostles Flea Market on Saturday, June Bible Study 10th, 2017 from 8:00 a.m.– PERTH AMBOY - Monday, 2:00 p.m. at the OLP Parish June 12 at 7 p.m. or Wednes- Center, Franklin Ave & Am- day, June 14 at 10 a.m., St. Pe- boy Ave in Edison. **If you ter’s Episcopal Church 183 are interested in being a ven- Rector Street, Perth Amboy. dor, call or text Michael at More information call 732- 732-221-0976 or e-mail him at 826-1594. Free event. [email protected] 14. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation Vietnam Era Museum & Educational Center www.njvvmf.org (732) 335-0033 Calendar of Events

HOLMDEL - Tuesday, June 6, 2017 - 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Please join us for an excit- ing fundraising event at Hudson Farm Club in Andover NJ. Event details: registration: 8 a.m.; safety speech: 9 a.m.; cannon firing / shoot: 9:30 a.m.; lunch & awards: 1:30 p.m. Cost: $400 Fore more info, go to https://events.hudsonfarmnj.com/njvvmf/ Monday, June 26, 2017 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.- 23rd Annual Golf Outing, Eagle Oaks County Club, Farmingdale, NJ. Join us for another ex- citing Golf Outing at Eagle Oaks Golf & Country Club If you can’t join us a player, please consider supporting the event as a sponsor or silent auction donor. For more info, go to www.eagleoaks.com $475 Saturday, August 5, 2017 - 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. FREE guided tours are available the first Saturday of each month at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. All tours leave from the Museum lobby. Tours last about an hour and reservations are not required. If you choose to visit the Museum post tour, admission does apply. Saturday, September 2, 2017 - 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. FREE guided tours are available the first Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. All tours leave from the Museum lobby. Tours last about an hour and reservations are not required. If you choose to visit the Museum post tour, admission does apply. Friday, September 15, 2017 - 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. POW/MIA & Gold Star Mother Ceremony Sunday September 17, 2017 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rolling Thunder Ride for Freedom Sunday, September 24, 2017 - 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. - NJ Run for the Fallen. For more info go to: www.njrunforthefallen.org/ Saturday, October 7, 2017 - 11 a.m. -2 p.m. FREE guided tours Go to www.amboyguardian.com are available the first Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. All tours leave from the Museum lobby. Tours last about an hour and reservations are not required. If you choose to visit the for the Latest Breaking News Museum post tour, admission does apply

Perth Amboy Arts Waterfront Festival 5/27/17 Sadowski Parwkay *Photos by Katherine Massopust & Paul W. Wang June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .15 Movie Review: Wonder Woman - Two Views

By: Anton Massopust III who is pursued by Germans American Indian Smuggler of “Everyone has to fight their and almost drowns. Diana whom each goes to stop a Ger- own battles.” saves him. When she finds out man General who plans to use Wonder Woman finds her about the war to end all wars, a gas weapon that will make way onto the big screen again. she believes that one of their the war even worse and his If you remember her in “Bat- Legends has come true and cruel chemist, Dr. Poison. man vs. Superman: Dawn of that Ares, the god of war is still Wonder Woman believes that Justice,” she was probably the alive and threatening the one of them is Aries if she can most memorable part of that world. stop him the war will end. movie. Wonder Woman holds She believes Ares is making Finally, DC has a movie they her own and is now featured in mankind fight this terrible can be proud of. Forget about her own movie. War. At first, her mother Queen the mess that “Batman vs. Su- Diana is a princess who was Hippolyta forbids her to go, perman or “Suicide Squad” sculpted out of clay from her but eventually lets her go. Di- was. This new movie is great! mother and given Life by the ana takes armor the lasso of Wonder Woman has a long the World War II Nazis and hero action. It's visually inter- powerful god Zeus. Diana Truth and the god killing history as founding member of then as a spy in the modern esting, jumping from an island wants to be a warrior, but her sword which she believes is Justice League in the comics age fighting power mad con- to London during World War I mother doesn't want her to. the only thing that can stop and even a World War II group spirators and aliens. to a German Castle. It reminds Eventually she is trained as a Ares. Their adventure begins called All-Star Squadron. Can this new actress (Gal me of a Bond movie in many warrior by the General of the as they Journey to the front of There even was a time when Gadot) fight her way onto the respects, except this lead is Amazons who trains her to be the war and team up with a she was powerless and no one big screen and carry a whole Wonder Woman. Take the as the greatest warrior like no small group of people with dif- thought that was a good idea. movie by herself? You bet she whole family. Everyone will ordinary Amazon. During ferent nationalities including a Probably most audiences can! This movie offers just enjoy it she's still a wonder - World War One, Pilot Steve Turkish Actor, Irish Sniper know her from Lynda Carter enough character development that Wonder Woman! Trevor drops into their world with Shell Shock, and an television series first fighting and of course, plenty of super-

By: Katherine Massopust When United States Pilot sniper who suffers from Shell Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) Shock to find Ludendorff has come to the big screen. As crashes in the ocean near the (Danny Huston) and Dr. Poi- a fan of the Wonder Woman island, Diana rescues him. Di- son (Elena Anaya) who is de- TV Series in the 1970’s featur- ana chooses to go with Steve veloping a gas so strong that it ing Lynda Carter as the DC Trevor to London, England to even penetrates gasmasks. Comics Super Hero, I am find Ares, the god of war. It’s refreshing to see a wom- thrilled to see Wonder Woman Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nel- an hero that can take care of on the big screen. son) reluctantly agrees and Di- herself and not depend on any “Wonder Woman” is about ana leaves the island on a mis- man to give her orders or think the horrors of war. Set during sion to end war. In London for her. Wonder Woman does WWI (although in the DC they are helped by Trevor’s her own thing. She can fight Comic Wonder Woman’s ori- Secretary Etta Candy (Lucy better than any man and she gins are during WWII) Prin- Davis) and later by a ragtag knows it. She isn’t afraid to do cess Diana grows up on the team of a Turkish Actor Sa- what she believes is right. island Themyscira and is meer (Saïd Taghmaoui), an Full of action, Wonder Wom- trained to be the greatest war- American Indian: The Chief an is fun for kids of all ages rior among the Amazons by (Eugene Brave Rock) and and adults who were fan of the ics. Visually, the movie is gor- your list of movies. Antiope (Robin Wright). Charlie (Ewen Bremner) a show in the ‘70’s and the com- geous and a “must see” on

Come Sail Maternity Tour Aboard the and Family Tall Ship Health AJ Meerwald Information PERTH AMBOY - New Jer- Open House sey’s official Tall Ship will be PERTH AMBOY - Hacken- calling Perth Amboy home sack Meridian Health Raritan from June 12 – June 18 “Come Bay Medical Center, monthly aboard we will be expecting tour of Check out our Cribs: you!” Evening Sails: June 12 Maternity Tour and Family – June 18: 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Health information open house Ticket Prices: $45 adult/$40 se- will be held Wednesday, June nior/$22 child; Saturday Fami- 14, at 7:00 p.m. Newly ex- ly Sails: June 17 Morning: 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Ticket Prices: pectant parents are invited to $25 adult/$20 senior/$12 child tour and learn about the mater- June 18; Afternoon: 1:30 p.m.- nity unit’s modern comforts, 4 p.m. Ticket Price: $35 designed to provide a calm adult/$30 senior/$25 child. Fa- and relaxing birthing experi- ther’s Day Breakfast Sail: Sun- ence. Participants are asked to day June 18: 10 a.m. – 12:30 meet in the main lobby of Rar- p.m. Ticket Prices $50 itan Bay - Perth Amboy, 530 adult/$45 senior/$25 child. Lo- New Brunswick Ave. Regis- cation: Harborside Marina tration required, call Perth Amboy, 2608 Front 1-800-DOCTORS (1-800- Street. Private sails and char- 362-8677) and reference zip ters available! For information code 08861. and ticket sales: 856-785-2060 or bayshorecenter.org 16. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 Live Music PERTH AMBOY - Live Mu- South Amboy Plays in The Park sic every Saturday Night at 8 p.m. at Al Cibelli’s Night Music-in-the-Parks Summer Series Legally Blonde: Club, 1096 Convery Blvd., Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The Musical Perth Amboy. Dark Harvest All Concerts are FREE Wednesday, Jun. 21 - July 1st; Mikell's Plot - July Call 732-745-3936 for more info through 15th. Music in the downstairs Raritan Bay Waterfront Park , O’Leary Boulevard Saturday, Jul. 1 lounge. Must be 21 to en- South Amboy/Sayreville Beach Front No Sundays - 8:00 p.m. ter and drink. Extra parking *Concerts will take place rain or shine (see below) across the street. JUNE West Side Story 28 - The Cameos - New Jersey’s Favorite Oldies Group Wednesday, Jul. 12 JULY through 5 – The Tim Gillis Band -The Greatest in Country Music Saturday, Jul. 22 12 - The Serenaders Orchestra – Swing, Big Band & Ballroom No Sundays - 8:00 p.m. Favorites 19 - *NEW!* Everything Everly - The Guthrie Brothers Sing Cruise Nights The Best of The Everly Brothers 26 - The Jersey Polka Stars – Polka and Variety Music Mary Poppins on Broadway AUGUST Wednesday, Aug. 2 SOUTH AMBOY - Come join 2 – Irish Night featuring The Perry Brothers Irish Band through DJ Richie, The Flash and 9 – Sandy Sasso’s Swingin’ Big Band – Hits from the Big Band Saturday, Aug. 12 Crew for great cruise nights Era No Sundays - 8:00 p.m. the third Wednesday of every 16 - Zydeco-A-Go-Go - New Orleans style Rhythm & Blues, month from June to October 40’s Jazz & Swing from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Music 23 - Danny V’s 52nd Street Band – A tribute to Billy Joel TBA from the 50's to the 80's Tro- 30 – “The British Invasion Tribute” - More Than Just the Beatles Our 25th Annual Indoor phies will be awarded - Bring *In the case of inclement weather, you will be directed to the Children’s Musical the Family! For additional in- South Amboy Middle/High School Auditorium by Park Rang- Dates: TBA formation please contact car- ers. Shuttle bus service will be available every week courtesy at 1 p.m. & 4 p.m. [email protected] or of Middlesex County Area Transit. Adults: $3.00; Children 12 & under: $2.00 Mike Toth at mtoth1@opton- line.net or 908-930-3497. All Summer Performances Begin at 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by the City of 2017 Sandy Hook Beach Concerts No Performances on Sunday South Amboy. Wednesday Nights 6:00 P.M. Adults - $7.00, Senior Citizens 60+ - $5.00, Beach E FREE Children 12 & Under Free ______Shows play every night of the week at 8:30, except for Sundays. Tickets are sold on the day of performance only. No advance June 14 Brian Kirk & The Jirks sales. WE ACCEPT CASH ONLY at our box office for our sum- June 21 The BethAnne Clayton Band mer shows. Plays-in-the-Park is located 1 block south of the June 28 The Moroccan Sheepherders Menlo Park Mall off of Route 1, in Edison, N.J. The turn off is July 5 Tim McLoone & the Shirleys called Grandview Avenue. At the top of the short hill make your Book Sale WOODBRIDGE - The Robert July 12 The Pat Guadagno Band first right on to Pine Drive and the Park Rangers will guide you July 19 Motor City Revue to a parking spot. Fax:732-548-1484 • Phone: 732-548-2884. E. Lee CWRT and Research July 26 The British Invasion Years This program is funded in part by the Middlesex County Board Center will be having a book August 2 The Shots of Chosen Freeholders, the Middlesex County Cultural and Heri- sale on Saturday, July 1, 2017. August 9 Rip Tide (with special guests The Sam Sims tage Commission with assistance thru a grant provided by New Dozens of top quality books Band, 5:30 start) Jersey State Council on the Arts/Dept of State. will be priced to sell. Some August 16 Rain Date www.playsinthepark.com/ topics available will be person- alities, battles, medicine and Brought to you by the Sandy Hook Foundation weapons, just to name a few. The library is located in the WWW.SANDYHOOKFOUNDATION.ORG COUNTRY SUNDAYS In case of rain, decision to cancel Parker Press Park Mercatili Building on 94 Green made after 2 p.m. on day of concert 400 Rahway Ave., Woodbridge Street in Woodbridge. Enter through the side doors which Call 732-291-7733 for recording or check website SHOW TIME at 6:00 p.m. PARK OPENS 5:00 p.m. are off the driveway, and look Sign up on website to be notified before concerts FREE ADMISSION* for room 104. The sale will run *With a Donation of Non-Perishable Food Items for from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. “We Feed Woodbridge Food Banks” Looking forward to seeing you! July 2 - Tennessee River: Alabama Tribute Stop by, peruse, chat and while Sayreville Community Events July 9 - Western Centuries you're there, enjoy our light re- July 16 - Truck Stop Troubadours: Outlaw Country freshments. Kids Bingo (offered throughout the year) Ages: 5 & up July 23 - The Chapin Sisters: The Farmer & Adele Location: Mickey Sedlak Recreation Building Dolan Street July 30 - Radney Foster Frog Hollow Movies - June 17th 9 p.m. “Star Wars: Rouge One” rated PG-13 August 6 - ZBTB: Zac Brown Tribute July 15th 9 p.m. “ Sing” rated G th August 13 - The Gibson Brothers 5K Run & August 26 8:30 “Moana” rated G Location: Kennedy Park, Admission is Free August 20 - Yarn st August 27 - John Jorgenson: Bluegrass Band Health Walk Independence Day Celebration - July 1 Kennedy Park Press Release 6/3/16 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., Live Musical Entertainment from 7 p.m. Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 SOUTH AMBOY - Frog Hol- to 9:30 p.m. by "Beginnings" The Worlds Premier Chicago www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us low Swim and Tennis Club’s th Tribute Band Tribute" Activities all FREE from 4 p.m. to 8 40 annual 5K Run and p.m. include: Children’s Rides & Games, Food Court, Hot Health Walk will be held Sun- Dog eating contest and culminating the day’s events a spec- day, September 10th. Proceeds tacular Fireworks Display starts approximately 9:30 p.m. SECOND FRIDAY JAZZ will benefit the city of South Rain date: July 2nd Frank Pelzman Park, Avenel Amboy’s Fire and First Aid SHOW TIME at 7:30 p.m. Blast from the Past Classic Car Show & Concert - Sept. departments. There will be a th FREE ADMISSION* free youth Fun Run, awards, t- 16 5 p.m. Food court, Classic Cars & Motorcycles to view, *Please bring a box of or can of food to help us shirts, post race picnic, and all awards given in many categories. Call the Rec center to enter day swimming and tennis for at 732-390-7092/7096. Admission is free! restock our food pantries th June 9 - Michael Mwenso & The Shakes race participants. Entry fee is Sayreville Day - September 17 Kennedy Park 12 noon. - 4 July 14 - Stephane Wremble $20 + $3.25 Sign-up Fee. Reg- p.m. Sun., Register: Sayrevillerec.com. Community partici- August 11 - Duchess istration Ends September 8, pation children’s games, rides, foods from around the world, September 8 - Huntertones 2017 at 11:59 p.m. For more entertainment, craft vendors, and much, much, more. information or to download a Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 registration form, go to www. For more info call 732-390-7092 or 732-390-7096 www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us froghollowswim.com. June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .17

GOLDEN OLDIES MONDAY Mayor’s Summer Concert Series - 2017 Enjoy Great Music “Under the Stars” and “On the Lawn”at Woodbridge High School, 25 Samuel Lupo Pl, Woodbridge EVERY MONDAY NIGHT IN JULY & AUGUST Bring Out Your Lawn Chair or Blanket SHOW TIME at 7:30 p.m. FREE ADMISSION* *Please bring a box of or can of food to help us restock our food pantries June 26 - The Duprees Summer Concerts at PNC Bank Arts Center July 3 FIREWORKS DISPLAY ALVIN Exit 116, Garden State Pkwy, Holmdel, NJ 07733 WILLIAMS PARK SEWAREN MUSIC BY AM GOLD July 10 - Beginnings Chicago Tribute July 17 - Emil Stucchio & The Classics 732-203-2500 July 24 - New York BeeGees July 31 - Mahoney Bros Jukebox Heros August 7 - Shadows of the 60's Motown • Wed., June 7 – 7:30 p.m. – Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds August 14 - Capris & Larry Chance & The Earls • Fri., June 9 – 7 p.m. – Train • Thurs., June 15 – 7:30 p.m. – Steve Miller Band with Peter Frampton August 21 - Brit Pack Beatles Tribute • Fri., June 16 – 8 p.m. – Bryan Adams August 28 - The Infernos • Fri., June 23 – 7 p.m. – Third Eye Blind with Silversun Pickups Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 • Sun., June 25 – 7 p.m. – Sam Hunt • Sun., July 2 – 6 p.m. – Nickelback with Daughtry • Fri., July 7 – 7 p.m. – Zac Brown Band WOODBRIDGE WEDNESDAYS • Sat., July 8 – 7 p.m. – Zac Brown Band 2017 Summer Concert Series • Thurs., July 13 – 8 p.m. – The Moody Blues www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us • Fri., July 14 – 6:45 p.m. – Incubus with Jimmy Eat World • Sat., July 15 – 11 a.m. – Vans Warped Tour Enjoy Great Music “Under the Stars” and • Sun., July 16 – 7 p.m. – Luke Bryan “On the Lawn” • Thurs., July 20 – 7 p.m. – Chris Stapleton Bring Out Your Lawn Chair and Relax • Fri., July 21 – 7:30 p.m. – Straight No Chaser with Scott Bradlee’s With Live Music Every Wednesday Post Modern Jukebox SHOW TIME at 7:30 p.m. at Parker Press Park • Sat., July 22 – 7 p.m. – Foreigner with Cheap Trick and Jason Bonham’s Rahway Avenue at Main Street Led Zeppelin Experience FREE Parking at NJT Parking Lot • Sun., July 23 – 7:30 p.m. – Chicago with the Doobie Brothers FREE ADMISSION* • Tues., July 25 – 7:30 p.m. – Rod Stewart with Cyndi Lauper *Please bring a box of or can of food to help us • Thurs., July 27 – 5:30 p.m. – Korn with Stone Sour restock our food pantries • Fri., July 28 – 7 p.m. – 2017 Honda Civic Tour with One Republic, Fitz June 28 - New Breed Brass Band and the Tantrums and James Arthur (Opening Arlan Feiles) • Sun., August 13 – 3 p.m. – KidzBop Tour July 5 - Liz Vice (Opening Derek Gripper) • Thurs., August 17 – 7 p.m. – Florida Georgia Line July 12 - Amy Helm • Fri., August 18 – 8 p.m. – Goo Goo Dolls with Philip Phillips July 19 - John Fullbright • Sat., August 19 – 7 p.m. – John Mayer July 26 - Femina (Opening Gracie & Rachel) • Tues., August 22 – 7 p.m. – Styx with REO Speedwagon August 2 - Ari Hest-Chrissi Poland - • Mon., August 28 – 6:30 p.m. – Deep Purple with Alice Cooper and Matt Nakoa-The Honeydew Drops The Edgar Winter Band August 9 - Alsarah & The Nubatones • Tues., August 29 – 6:45 p.m. – Matchbox Twenty with Counting Crows (Opening: Shiloh Gold) • Tues., September 12 – 7 p.m. – Sublime with Rome and The Offspring August 16 - The Dustbowl Revival August 23 - Eilen Jewel Band August 30 - Harpeth Rising Raritan Bay Cruisers Car Show Arrest of The (Opening Honor Finnegan) WOODBRIDGE- Tuesdays from May 16th - Sept. 26th from September 6 - Iain Matthews & Lipbone Redding 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. at Pizza Hut, Rte. 9, Woodbridge (Wal-Mart Royal Governor Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 Parking Lot) Weather Permitting. Rock & Roll Music, Tro- & Outwater's phies, Kids Games, and Just Family Fun. For more info about Cruise Night Call 1-732-407-2396. LOCAL BAND THURSDAYS Militia Woodbridge Bands take the stage at Tanzman Park Encampment Across From Woodbridge Train Station PERTH AMBOY – The annual FREE Parking at NJT Parking Lot TUESDAY TRIBUTES re-enactment of the Arrest of Live Entertainment at Woodbridge High School, 25 Samuel Lupo Pl, Royal Governor William Featuring LOCAL Bands and Musicians Woodbridge Franklin and Outwater’s Mili- Enjoy Great Music “Under the Stars” and SHOW TIME at 7:30 p.m. tia Encampment will take place “On the Lawn” FREE ADMISSION* at the Proprietary House, 149 SHOW TIME at 7:30 p.m. *Please bring a box of or can of food to help us Kearny Ave., Perth Amboy on FREE ADMISSION* *With a Donation of Non-Perishable Food Items for restock our food pantries Sunday, June 11, 2017. The Governor’s Arrest Perfor- “We Feed Woodbridge Food Banks” June 27 - Radio Nashville mance: 1 p.m.; Militia En- July 11 - Riders on the Storm (Doors) June 29 - Saloonatoics campment Tours: 12 Noon to 4 July 18 - Eagle Mania (Eagles) July 6 - Good to Go p.m.; Militia Living History July 25 - British Invasion July 13 - Shaman Demonstrations: 2:30 p.m. & August 1 - Broken Arrow (Neil Young) July 20 - Smokehouse 3:30 p.m. Following the Gov- July 27 - Blame it on Richie August 8 - Back to the Garden (Woodstock) ernor’s Arrest Performance – August 15 - Glimmer Twins (Stones) August 3 - Seven Stone FREE Tours of the Museum – August 10 - Smoke & Mirrors August 22 - Green River (CCR) Light Refreshments – Gift August 29 - B-Street Band (Springsteen) August 17 - 9South Shop. For more information, August 24 - Brandywine Road Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 call 732-826-5527 or email: August 31 - Marty & the Martians or go to www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us [email protected] September 7 - Love Revolution FREE Admission. Inclement Weather Hotline 732-602-6045 18. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 Rescue of Fawn from Storm Drain Nets Peta Award for Woodbridge Police Baby Deer Stuck Inside Underground Pipe System is Uninjured and Returned to Woods Press Release 5/31/17 fully returned the animal to the WOODBRIDGE - A Compas- forest to find his or her moth- sionate Police Department er," says PETA Vice President Award is on its way from Colleen O'Brien. "PETA hopes PETA to the Woodbridge Po- this story will inspire others to lice Department after Officer come to the aid of animals in Tim Majek rescued a baby distress." deer from a storm drain on Last year, Officer Majek May 24. After responding to a helped rescue a buck who was call from a concerned neigh- caught in a soccer net and an- bor, he arrived on the scene other who was entangled in and found the fawn about 6 fence netting. PETA—whose feet down inside the drain. He motto reads, in part, that "ani- opened the grate, lowered mals are not ours to abuse in himself in, and managed to any way"—will send the carry the fawn to safety before Woodbridge Police Depart- returning the uninjured animal ment a framed certificate and a to the nearby woods. "This box of delicious vegan cook- brave and determined police Officer Tim Majek rescues a ies. fawn from a storm drain officer saved this tiny fawn For more information about *Photo Courtesy of the Wood- from a terrifying, life-threat- helping animals, please visit bridge Police Department ening predicament and care- PETA.org

YarnPlay Knit in Public (KIP) Edison AARP Day @ WPL! Ch. 3446 Press Release 5/25/17 EDISON - Edison AARP Carteret Library to Offer WOODBRIDGE - Share your time with other knitters! Please Chapter 3446 will meet on bring your chair and work in progress. Please note that if it rains Monday, June 19, 2017 at Museum Pass Program this event will be moved inside the Main Library. 11:30 am. The meeting will be World Wide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005 by Danielle held at The Pines Manor on Press Release 5/17/17 Landes. It began as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy Rte. 27 in Edison, and will CARTERET - The Carteret Free Public Library will offer all library each other’s company. Knitting is such a solitary act that it’s easy feature the annual installation card holders, in good standing, the opportunity to borrow passes pur- to knit alone somewhere and sink into your work without think- of officers for the coming year, chased by the Borough, to museums in and around the state. The availability of the passes will be on a first come, first serve basis. ing about all the other knitters out there. Neighbors could spend as well as a presentation of the “The program is a natural extension of the Library’s mission and all their lives never knowing that the other knits. This a specific "Community Service Award" day to get out of your house and go to a local event (with your will provide the opportunity for residents to experience art, history to a deserving member for and science,” said Mayor Daniel Reiman. “One of the benefits of knitting in tow) just for you and people like you. Who knows outstanding service to AARP living in Carteret is our access to major cities and the cultural attrac- you might even bump into your neighbor! Consider this a spark, and the community. Follow- tions that surround them. We wanted to ensure access was available to ignite a fire; getting all of the closeted knitters out into fresh ing the ceremonies, a deli buf- to all our residents.” air. fet will be served, along with a The program is launching with the eight museums and attractions For more information, please see:/http://www.wwkipday.com/ musical performance from in- listed below for this season and may grow or change contingent on yarnplay-knit-library/ strumentalist Bill Herring. demand. Upcoming Events: June 23: Participating museums: AARP Driver Safety Program Museum of Early Trades & Crafts, Madison, NJ (2 Passes) - For information, call Bob at The Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ (2 Passes) Ads Sell! Call Carolyn Montclair Art Museum, Monctlair, NJ (2 Passes) 732-885-1789. September 15: Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey (2 Passes) 732-896-4446 Li Grecis, Staten Island, NY - The Battleship New Jersey, Camden, NJ (1 Pass) For reservations, call Mary The Guggenheim, New York, NY (1 Pass) Ann at 732-287-3659. Octo- The American Museum of Natural History, New York City, NY (lim- ber 17: Lakeside Manor, Ha- ited supply of passes) Raffle zlet, NJ - For reservations, call Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, New Jersey ($3 discount on ad- PERTH AMBOY - Saint John Paul II Parish Raffle, 490 State Mary Ann at 732-287-3659. mission) St., Perth Amboy NJ; Tickets $20 Each. For additional information on (The card holders will have to sign an agreement that outlines their 1st Prize – 2017 Honda Civic the chapter or upcoming responsibilities to secure the passes) 2nd Prize – Flat Screen TV 65” – Donated by Toshiba events, visit our website at 3rd Prize – Laptop, 15” 8GB – Donated by Zevallos/Skrocki www.edisonaarp.org. Home for Funerals 4th Prize – Portable Electric Generator – Donated by United Yard Sale Poles Federal Credit Union SOUTH AMBOY – Sacred Heart Church on 531 Washington 5th Prize – Apple Watch – Donated by St. John Paul II Parish DVRT Seeks Ave. South Amboy is having a big yard sale in conjunction with “Señor de los Milagros” the South Amboy City-Wide Yard Sale on Saturday June 24, 6th Prize – Apple IPad, Air 2, 9.7 inch/16GB – Donated by Volunteers 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rain or Shine. Household and PERTH AMBOY – The Do- Julio’s Auto Repair kitchen items, lamps, framed pictures, purses, toys, baby items, 7th Prize - $300.00 Gift Card – Donated by Flynn & Sons mestic Violence Response books, CD's video games, sports equipment will be accepted. Funeral Home Team is looking for volun- Donations will be taken on the following days before and after 8th Prize – Snow Removal – Donated by Petra Best Realty teers. Open Registration Date: all Masses: June 3 & 4, June 10 & 11, June 17 & 18. Donations 9th Prize – Canon Digital Camera EF-S 18-55MM f/3.5-5.6 IS, Wednesday, June 14, 2017 can be dropped off at Memorial Hall. Clothing, shoes, bedding, - Donated by Quisqueya Restaurant from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more food, and furniture WILL NOT be accepted, Volunteers will be 10th Prize – X Box One 500GB – Donated by K&K Project information, contact: Detec- needed to set up, clean up, and man the tables. For more infor- TO BE DRAWN Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at Saint tive Liza Capo, Perth Amboy mation, call the Parish Office at 732-721-0040. Stephen’s School Auditorium. Police Department at: 732- No substitutions of the offered prizes may be made. No cash 324-3815 or DVRT Coordina- will be given in lieu of the prize. Must be 18 YRS. or older to tor Damaris Ramirez at 732- participate. Winner need not be present. Winner is responsible 500-5758 or Pastor Bernadette for all federal and state tax. All proceeds will benefit Saint John Lopez at 732-213-1537. Pick Send Your Events to: Paul II Parish. up an application at the Perth I.D. No. 387-1-39661; Amboy Police Department. [email protected] RL - 4091 June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .19 Amboy Spotlight: Chef Slavko's Harbor Walk Grill

By: Katherine Massopust weren’t too happy about it, but Lutina, a City that Mussolini PERTH AMBOY – The Am- I went anyway. The second built. It was all flat and a decent boy Guardian sat down with time I tried to cross the border, size. I then was transferred to Chef Slavko Petric to answer I went with someone (my the southern part of Italy in a some questions about himself friend, Sjaus.) We took the bus city called Capua, which was a and the Harbor Walk Grill. and got off 40 miles before the place where there were a large During World War II, Yugo- border. From there, we walked number of refugees. Back then, slavia (now known as Croatia) 3 days and nights with no food the French had the Foreign Le- was a fascist nation. Germany and a little water which was gion, which were paid soldiers. attacked the north and Italy at- from a brook or a stream. We If you were from Yugoslavia tacked the south. Yugoslavia saw a well on a farm and drank and had joined the Foreign Le- remained a communist nation the water. In Yugoslavia, when gion, you couldn’t go back to after WWII. you’re a farmer, you get a tax Yugoslavia. You had to go to “Under communist rule, there credit if you report someone. the refugee camps. A lot of was no freedom of travel. I left We saw a farmer and we knew people went to live in Austra- Chef Slavko in front of his Harbor Walk Grill at the Perth Amboy Croatia, a communist country within 10 minutes he had called lia.” Marina *Photo by Paul W. Wang when I was 18 years old (1964). the police. I climbed a tree and “I had two uncles in the Unit- The first time when I was try- saw the whole area. They (the ed States: Rado Petric (young- erything: clean, bus tables and Slavko answered, “I use fresh ing to escape, the border guards border guards) were waiting. er) and Miro Petric (older) who at the same time I learned how real crabmeat in my recipe.” caught me. They put me in The road was U shaped and had come to the United States to cook. Within 5 years, I be- When asked what young peo- prison where everything is you had to go across. We could during World War II. Miro was came a chef and then went on ple should expect when pursu- hard. The bed is chained to the see the mountains ahead of us a Merchant Marine and joined to another job in Windsor Bay, ing the culinary arts, Slavko’s wall. In the morning they wake which were cut up. This is a the army during WWII and was Berkeley Township, New Jer- advice was this: “If you decide you up and chain the bed up on neutral zone between the two stationed in the Philippines. sey.” to pursue a career in the food the wall. The bench which you countries. We came to an open Rado sponsored me into this “I later worked in the Old industry, it’s very demanding. sit on is made of marble. You field and said to ourselves, country. I came over in 1965.” Time Tavern in Toms River, You work all holidays and don’t know what it’s like when “What are we going to do Slavko explained, “My par- New Jersey. I heard they were weekends. You really have to 24 hours a day, everything is a now?” We saw them watching ents came to visit several times. looking for a chef at the Royal be motivated. If you want to hard surface. I stayed in prison us in the tower. We took a My father lived to be 92 and Yacht Club in Perth Amboy in get married, make sure your for 3 months. They transferred chance and ran for it. We ran my mother lived to be 86. My the late ‘90’s and worked there spouse understands the re- me from me from prison to like crazy and they didn’t see sister, Mileva came to the Unit- for 10 years. Mike Zylka, the quirements of the job.” prison until I was back in my us. We came to a stone wall ed States later and died from Director at the Yacht Club and Chef Slavko says of Amer- hometown, Zadar, Croatia. that was 3 feet tall. When we Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS).” Mike George who was in ica, “It’s the land of opportuni- They made me walk to the Po- went over the wall, we saw a Slavko was married in 1968 charge of the Marina asked me ty, a nation of immigrants who lice Station in chains which man who was speaking Italian. and has two daughters and a about the need of someone sell- have come here to make their made you look like you’re We had made it over the border son. “My oldest daughter is a ing food to the fishermen and life better.” some sort of criminal and all I into Italy. It was a small town CPA. My middle daughter is a people who were walking on did was try to cross the border. called Trieste. We went from Teacher and my son is in col- the Marina. So, they asked if I My mother found out I was in that spot to a refugee camp or lege and is presently teaching would put a food truck on the prison and she came in and campo profuso. Later we as well.” Marina.” yelled at them to let me go. walked to the refugee camp in “I learned to cook at the Swiss Slavko chose the menu at the Eventually they let me go be- San Saba.” Chalet in Ramsey (located off Harbor Walk Grill as the most cause I was young.” “We stayed in San Saba for a of Rte. 17 in Bergen County, requested and most convenient “I told my parents I wanted to few months and they shipped New Jersey). My cousin was a to make. When asked the secret cross the border again. They us to another refugee camp in chef there. I did a little of ev- of his famous crab cakes,

A Tribute to the Legacy of Thomas Mundy Peterson 6/3/17 St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Perth Amboy *Photos by Paul W. Wang

AUL Students performing a play Police Chief Roman McKeon Dorothy Daniel with Brian Taylor Students present at the event about Thomas Mundy Peterson

PERTH AMBOY - On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at St. Peter's Episcopal Church on Rector Street, there was a program in tribute to the Legacy of Thomas Mundy Peterson, the first Black Voter in the United States after the passing of the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The afternoon began with a welcome from MC Dorthy Carty-Daniel and Rev. Anne-Marie Jeffrey of St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Mayor Wilda Diaz, Congressman Frank Pallone and Senator Joe Vitale all gave remarks. John K. Dyke explained the importance of the many "Firsts" that Perth Amboy has the distinction of holding. Melvina Knight read the 13th & 15th Amendment. PAHPC Commissioner Anna Daily gave a brief biography of Thomas Mundy Peterson. The AUL Charter School performed a Play: Casting Ballot for Liberty: The Story of Civil Rights Pioneer Thomas Mundy Peterson. John K. Dyke and Matthew Telliho were given a citation from Congressman Frank Pallone for their work in preserving Perth Amboy's history including the documentaries available to the public free of charge. Present included the members of the Historical Association of Woodbridge of which Dorothy Daniel is a member. Also present were Perth Amboy City Historian Anton J. Massopust, some Perth Amboy Council Members and some PAHPC Commissioners and the Latin American Motorcycle Club The original authentic Thomas Mundy Peterson's Medal was on display on loan from Xavier University of New Orleans. A reproduction of the medal is being made and will be sent to Perth Amboy to be on permanent display. John K. Dyke (R) and Matt Denise Blanks, Descendant of TMP Telliho (L) receive a citation and AUL Student who portrayed TMP 20. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 K of C This Week in World War II A.C. Bus Trip Pet of the Week San Salvador 100th Anniversary 75 Years Ago Seniors PERTH AMBOY - The San Dinner By: Phil Kohn. Dedicated to the memory of his father, GM3 Salvador Seniors are sponsor- SOUTH AMBOY – On Sun- Walter Kohn, U.S. Navy Armed Guard, USNR, and all men ing a bus trip to Caesar’s Ca- day, June 25, 2017 Msgr. John and women who have answered the country’s call in time of sino in AC on Thursday, July 6, F. Brady Assembly 676 Fourth need. Phil can be contacted at [email protected]. 2017. Bus leaves 12 Noon from Degree Knights of Columbus In Washington, D.C., the U.S. on June 5 declares war against the Perth Amboy Knights of celebrate their 100th anniver- Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. The Japanese occupy Attu Columbus, High Street, Perth sary Sunday June 25 with a 12 Island, in the Aleutians off Alaska. In North Africa, the Brit- Amboy. Cost 30 pp. Receive Noon Mass at Sacred Heart ish Eighth Army under Gen. Neil Ritchie launches a major $30 back in slot dollars. For Church followed by dinner at 2 counter-attack against Rommel in “the Cauldron,” near Sidi more info call Joe at 732-826- p.m. at the Knights of Colum- Muftah. It fails, and the British suffer heavy tank losses. 0819. bus 308 Fourth St. South Am- On June 6, the Luftwaffe joins in the bombardment of Sev- boy. Cost of dinner is $30. Res- astopol. In North Africa, the British 150th Infantry Brigade Bus Trip ervation deadline is June 9, is overrun by Rommel’s troops at Sidi Muftah, Libya, with 2017. For more information, Holy Rosary Henry 4,000 soldiers taken prisoners. The British lose another 230 call Les at 732-721-0812. tanks trying to retake the area. Off Recife, Brazil, the Ger- Seniors man commerce raider Stier sinks the American liberty ship HOPELAWN - Holy Rosary th SS Stanvak Calcutta. In San Francisco, the Wartime Civil Seniors sponsoring a bus trip to 20 and Finale Control Administration reports that 99,770 U.S. West Coast Mount Airy Casino on Tues- Have a residents of Japanese ancestry have been moved to intern- day, June 20 2017. Includes a Drawing of ment camps inland. 3:30 PM show “The Music of Franklin D. Special Pet? Four divisions of the German 11th Army assault Sevasto- Mamma Mia,” lunch buffet, E-mail us your Pet pol from the north on June 7. In the Aleutians, the Japanese $10 slot play and bus. Cost is English Photos to Amboy- occupy the island of Kiska. In the Aegean Sea, British com- $70 a person. Bus leaves Scholarship mandos conduct a raid on an airfield on German-occupied Church parking lot at 10:00 Guardian@gmail. Press Release Crete. They destroy five planes, damage 29 others and set fire am. For more details please call SOUTH AMBOY - A $1000.00 com with Pet of the to numerous vehicles and significant quantities of supplies. Ronnie 732-442-5252 Scholarship will be awarded by Week in the Subject A Japanese submarine fires several shells into a residen- lottery to a South Amboy resi- line and explain why tial section of Sydney, Australia, on June 8, but only minor A.C. Bus Trip dent graduating in June 2017. damage results. Gen. Douglas MacArthur suggests to U.S. your pet is special. St. John Paul II Interested High School seniors Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Marshall that an offensive Please include Name can register for the drawing by be launched in the Pacific, with the targets being New Britain, Seniors and Phone# for veri- PERTH AMBOY – There is a mailing a copy of their accep- New Ireland and New Guinea. fication. On June 9, following the lavish state funeral of Reinhard Trip to the Resorts Casino in tance from an institute of high- Heydrich in Berlin, Adolf Hitler — infuriated by Heydrich’s Atlantic City. The next trip er learning, College, or Techni- death — orders reprisals. (Heydrich had been mortally will be held on Wed. Jun. 28, cal Institute to the address Alzheimer’s wounded in an assassination attempt by two Czech Army ser- 2017. Cost $30 pp.; $25 back below. Education geants on May 27.) German intelligence wrongly identifies in slot play. Bus will depart Please submit your accep- the Czech village of Lidice as complicit in hiding the two from behind St. Stephens tance letter by June 13,2017. The drawing will be held on Event assassins. The entire population of the village is gathered up. Church parking lot on Me- PERTH AMBOY- Hackensack June 15, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at Over 190 men and boys are executed by firing squads, while chanic Street at 9:45 a.m. Call Meridian Health Raritan Bay The Dowdell Library. All ap- 203 women and 105 children under 15 are deported to con- Bobbi to reserve a seat: 732- Medical Center is having an plicants are welcome to wit- centration camps. The village is burned to the ground, with 636-2867. Alzheimer’s education event ness the drawing. Past mem- remains of any buildings dynamited. All animals in the vil- Wednesday, June 14, 7:00 a.m. bers of the South Amboy Lions lage, including pets, are slaughtered. The site of the village A.C. Bus Trip to 9 p.m. at the Raritan Bay Club are also Invited to attend is eliminated by covering it with topsoil and planting it over Area YMCA, Room 16, 357 Fellowship Circle of the drawing. with crops. Roads and a stream are re-routed around the area. New Brunswick Ave., Perth the Hungarian Franklin D. English Scholar- The Nazis document everything on film. Two weeks later, the Amboy, NJ 08861. Learn the small Czech village of Ležáky, also accused of aiding the as- Reformed Church ship signs, symptoms, prevention, sassins, receives the same treatment. In all, it is estimated that PERTH AMBOY - Atlantic c/o Robert P. Pawlik treatment and caregiver re- over 1,300 people die in reprisals over the death of Reinhard City Bus Trip to the Tropicana 511 Augusta Street sources for Alzheimer. Regis- Heydrich. Casino on Sunday, June 11, South Amboy, NJ 08879 tration required, call In North Africa on June 10, after two weeks of fighting in 2017 1-800-DOCTORS. the defense of Bir Hakeim, Libya, the 1st Free French Bri- Sponsored by the Fellowship gade (which includes Foreign Legionnaires and a battalion Circle of the Hungarian Re- of infantry from French Polynesia) is finally overwhelmed formed Church, 331 Kirkland 2017 Historic Perth Amboy and retreats, freeing Rommel’s forces to turn the Gazala Line Place, Perth Amboy, NJ. Bus and move northward. The stubborn defense of the French, leaves the church at 12:00 Noon Calendars however, gives the British Eighth Army time to somewhat re- - 6 hour stay at Casino from group. In northwestern Bosnia, 37,000 German and Croatian when we arrive in AC. Cost: troops launch a campaign against approximately 3,000 anti- $30.00 per person ($25 slot Axis Yugoslav partisans. At the end of the two-month opera- play). Bagged lunch provided tion, 25,000 civilians and some 1,700 partisans are dead. Axis -To reserve a seat forces suffer 7,000 killed. call: 732-261-8726 While Soviet defenders at Sevastopol are fighting the Ger- man 11th Army, attacking from the north, a major attack on Book Sale the city is made on June 11 by the Romanian Mountain Corps PERTH AMBOY - Pick up a and the German 30th Army Corps. A vigorous Soviet defense book or two ($.50 for paper- successfully stops both attacks. In North Africa, the Germans backs/$1 for hard cover) …or break out of “the Cauldron” at Sidi Muftah, in Libya, and turn select a “bag of books” for a northward toward Tobruk, with the Allies in retreat before price of only $5. Presently due them. Two Allied convoys set out for Malta with desperately to lack of shelf space we are needed food, oil and ammunition — one from Gibraltar, the NOT accepting any donations other from Alexandria, Egypt. The strategy is that the Axis of books. forces would concentrate on the convoy they find first, there- Visit us at the Brighton Ave. Community Center located at by enabling the other to get through. 2017 Historic Perth Amboy Calendars are now available at the corner of Brighton Ave. the Barge Restaurant, 201 Front St., Perth Amboy 732-442- and Sadowski Pkwy. in Perth 3000 or at Fertigs Uniform Store, 195 New Brunswick Ave., Amboy. The schedule is as Perth Amboy 732-442-1079, Perth Amboy City Hall or Call follows: Saturdays June 10 & June 24. We will be there from Paul or Katherine at 732-293-1090. Back by popular demand 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (weather the Calendars feature old photographs from Perth Amboy. permitting). For more info, e- Sponsored by the Kearny Cottage Historical Association and www.amboyguardian.com mail us at friendsofpertham- the Friends of Perth Amboy Free Public Library. Calendars [email protected] Book are $10 Each. Dealers are welcome. !!!! June 7, 2017 * The Amboy Guardian .21 Novena to St. Rita Senior Scene O holy protectress of those who art in greatest need, thou who shineth as a star of hope in the midst of darkness, blessed Saint Rita, bright mirror of God’s grace, in patience and fortitude thou art a model of all the states in life. I unite my will with the will of Happenings God through the merits of my Savior Jesus Christ, and in particu- Perth Amboy lar through his patient wearing of the crown of thorns, which with TUES. Jun. 6 Market Square Seniors, 1 p.m., tender devotion thou didst daily contemplate. Through the merits Presbyterian Center, Market St. of the holy Virgin Mary and thine own graces and virtues, I ask • Good Shepherd Tuesday Seniors (HS) 12:30 p.m. thee to obtain my earnest petition, provided it be for the greater Msgr. Gambino Hall, Florida Grove Rd. glory of God and my own sanctification. Guide and purify my WED. Jun. 7 St. Stephen’s Seniors, 1 p.m., Cafeteria, State St. intention, O holy protectress and advocate, so that I may obtain • Good Shepherd Wednesday Seniors, 12:30 p.m., the pardon of all my sins and the grace to persevere daily, as thou Msgr. Gambino Hall , Florida Grove Rd. didst in walking with courage, generosity, and fidelity down the Free • Holy Trinity Seniors, 1 p.m., path of life. (Mention your request.) Saint Rita, advocate of the Church Hall, Lawrie & Johnstone St. impossible, pray for us. Saint Rita, advocate of the helpless, pray Perth Amboy THURS. Jun. 8 The Cathedral International Seniors, 9:30 a.m., for us. Family Life Center, Madison Ave. Recite the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be three times each. History DVD • Ukrainian Assumption Seniors, 12 Noon Reo Diner, Amboy Ave., Woodbridge K.M. & C.M. Press Release PERTH AMBOY - At the MON. Jun. 12 St. James Golden Girls, 10 a.m., May 27th Waterfront Arts Fellowship Hall, Commerce St. Festival, visit the 1683 Soci- TUES. Jun. 13 Market Square Seniors, 1 p.m., City Wide Ask the Rabbi Presbyterian Center, Market St. EDISON - Wednesdays, 12 ety table & get your FREE WED. Jun. 14 St. Stephen’s Seniors, 1 p.m., Cafeteria, State St. Yard Sale noon -1 p.m. at the Food Court Perth Amboy History DVD. • Good Shepherd Wednesday Seniors, 12:30 p.m., SOUTH AMBOY - All South in Menlo Park Mall (between Yes, it is free! This hour long Msgr. Gambino Hall , Florida Grove Rd. Amboy Residents can partici- Chik-fil-A and Panera) Have a documentary is entitled THURS. Jun. 15 The Cathedral International Seniors, 9:30 a.m., pate at no cost just by display- question? Have a seat! Bring "Perth Amboy: A Port of Family Life Center, Madison Ave. ing balloons at their home to your lunch and ask Rabbi Ari Slavery, A Port of Freedom," South Amboy alert shoppers! No Registra- Saks of Congregation Beth produced by John Kerry WED. Jun. 7 South Amboy Seniors, 12 Noon, tion Necessary! Please contact Mordecai ANY question you’d Dyke. And it is the first time Senior Center, S. Stevens Ave. [email protected] Or like about Judaism, life, spiritu- this new documentary is MON. Jun. 26 Sacred Heart Seniors, 12 Noon Jaclyn Kelly at 732-525-5965 ality...anything! First person to available on DVD. The 1683 Memorial Hall, Wash Ave. with any questions. Saturday, come will get a FREE drink Society is a Perth Amboy MON. Jul. 3 St. Mary’s Seniors, 12 Noon, June 24, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. from the rabbi. For more infor- nonprofit organization. Find Senior Center, S. Stevens Ave. to 4:00 p.m. mation please contact Rabbi out what they've done & Saks at [email protected] what they intend to do. Attn: If Your Club changes its Schedule due to the Holidays or if you have Community Events to Submit Mother’s Guild Please give us two weeks advanced notice! Answers Tricky Tray 732-896-4446 or 732-261-2610 PERTH AMBOY - Sunday, [email protected] From Puzzle June 18 doors open at 3 p.m. On Page 23 auction starts at 5 p.m. Admis- sion $5 per person, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 183 Rector Street, Perth Amboy. LOOKING BACK

Stories From Perth Amboy PERTH AMBOY - Stories From Perth Amboy by Katherine Massopust is available at the Barge Restaurant, 201 Front St., Perth Amboy or in Fertig’s Uniform Store, 195 New PERTH AMBOY - Waterfront 1920's Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy For more info call Katherine *Photo Courtesy of the Perth Amboy Free Public Library at 732-261-2610 or call the Barge at 732-442-3000 - or Fer- This photo was restored under a grant from the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission tig’s at 732-442-1079 - A Great Gift! Get it now along with to the Kearny Cottage Historical Association. Then & Now: Perth Amboy! 22. The Amboy Guardian * June 7, 2017 SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Carolyn @ 732-896-4446 Tell Our Advertisers New Plans for the Service Direc- YOU SAW IT IN tory Effective 1/1/16 Are Now in Effect. If You Offer a Service, the Place to Advertise is Here! Cater- ing, Auto Repair, Heating, Plumb- ing, Home Health Aides, Landscap- ing, Snow Removal, Dry Cleaning, Chauffeuring, Exterminators, Hall Rentals, Insurance, Delivering Ser- To Place Your Classified: vices, Hair Stylists, Photography, Counseling, WebSite Design, Com- First 10 Words .... $6.50 puter Repair etc. 5 Weeks for .... $30 Call For the Plan Which Will Best Each additional word over 10 words 30¢ Suit Your Needs. Discounted Rates for Prepaid Plans! 732-896-4446

Tel: Check out Our Website for Send check or money order (no cash), include your name and telephone, to: THE AMBOY GUARDIAN, Breaking News! P.O. Box 127 • PERTH AMBOY • NJ 08862 www.amboyguardian.com

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PERTH AMBOY - This property welcomes you with PERTH AMBOY - This new custom home built on SOUTH RIVER - Very nice 2 bedrooms, hardwood three bedrooms, 1 bathroom, formal dining room, big existing foundation, Granite counter, A/C, Shed, this is floors, huge kitchen, formal dining room, very clean backyard, Ceramic floors and much more.$179,000 house is being Built by a reputable local Builder, Garage, throughout, this property shows pride of ownership. Hardwood floors. A “must see.” $265,000 $219,000

PERTH AMBOY - Great opportunity to be your own EDISON - Close to all major highways, colleges and EDISON - Nicely remodeled unit! Close to all major boss. Ideal for a Day Care or Adult Care Center. Main highways, colleges and hospitals. Co-op. $49,900 Building had a Day Care Program. Second Building had hospitals. Co-op. $42,000 an Infant Day Care Program. Tenant is responsible for all due diligence. $10,000

PERTH AMBOY - Great investment with many possi- PERTH AMBOY - Great move-in condition buyer is re- bilities, former Beauty Salon and 3 bedroom apartment sponsible for C/O, Termite Cert. and all repairs. $138,000 on second level plus four car garages. in mint condition. PERTH AMBOY - This is a fully rented 3 family, sepa- $279,000 rated utilities, close to most major public transporta- tion and schools. Buyer is resp. for C/O and all repairs. $269,900