6.0 Arts, Historic, & Cultural Resources
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6.0 Arts, Historic, & Cultural Resources 6.0 ARTS, HISTORIC, & CULTURAL RESOURCES MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION 6.1 6.1: Work with municipal, transit, and state agency partners to develop a county-based scenic byway system that provides interconnectivity of our arts, cultural, and historic assets through Film One Fest, Atlantic Highlands Source: Monmouth Arts the use of a multi-modal transportation network. Master Plan Goals, Principles, & Objectives (GPOs) Relating to 6.1 GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Purpose Provide a county-based network of physically interconnected historic, cultural, and arts assets modeled similarly to state and federal scenic byway programs that showcases our Growth Housing Planning Planning PRINCIPLES Farmland Economic Approach Vibrant & & Historic& Resiliency rich, various, and abundant cultural and historic resources, which supports tourism and Resources Recovery & Agricultural Sustainable Community Investments Investments Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation Coordination Communities Arts, Culture, Development Development Comprehensive increases the public’s interest about Monmouth County. Environmental A. B. = = = Monmouth County Departments & Organizations Involvement C. = Develop a county-based scenic byway program; identify byway assets and D. = = = potential byway locations; conduct outreach with partner agencies; E. = = Division of Planning facilitate meetings; coordinate documentation efforts; provide mapping and F. develop byway narratives. G. H. = Provide knowledge about historic resources; assist with outreach efforts; OBJECTIVES I. = Park System (MCPS) help identify connections to and between MCPS resources; provide J. documentation material for byway narratives and ecotourism programming. K. L. House reference and marketing materials; disseminate and distribute byway Library System M. maps and narratives to local libraries. N. Department of Assist in identifying byway locations; fabricate, install, and maintain byway Public Works and signs. Engineering Department of Graphically design byway logos; host online resources developed by the Implementation Strategy Public Information Division of Planning; disseminate marketing material and information; assist • The Division of Planning is to work with other county and Tourism in the development of marketing materials. departments and organizations to outline the extent of Natural Historical Identify byway assets; assist with outreach efforts; document historic and Planning Resources a byway program and determine viable byway routes. Services, Commission cultural resources. Outreach, & Open Space Coordination Division of Promote agribusiness tie-ins with scenic byway program; work with local • Coordinate project buy-in from other county Economic departments and project stakeholders to support Sustainable Farmland businesses in byway messaging. Places Development byway implementation such as finalizing byway routes, Preservation Support marketing and branding of arts and cultural attractions along Monmouth Arts designing byway logos, developing a scenic byway plan, Arts, Historic, & designated byway routes; support online resources. and fabricating, installing, and maintaining the signs. Cultural Resources Community Arts, Historic, Resiliency Master Plan & Cultural Resources Other Project Stakeholder Involvement • Develop individual byway committees comprised Recommendation Assist in identifying local byway assets and location; coordinate byway with 6.1 of representatives from county departments, host Municipalities local businesses and tourism efforts; provide assistance for sign installation Healthy communities, and stakeholders to help oversee long- Utilities and maintenance on local roads; offer byway marketing assistance. Communities term stewardship of the program. NJ Department of Assist in identifying sign locations and installation along state roadways if Community Transportation Transportation Development Agricultural & Mobility necessary. • Assist with the creation of maps and marketing & Housing (NJDOT) & Economic materials for hard copy and online publication. Development Use train stations as possible destinations or points of interest along the NJ TRANSIT byway; provide a transit link and regional marketing efforts for MoCo Strongest Associated attractions and events. Master Plan Elements 6 - 1 6.0 ARTS, HISTORIC, & CULTURAL RESOURCES MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION 6.2 6.2: Develop a geographic information system (GIS)-based, online mapping resource for the Monmouth County Park System’s Film One Fest, Atlantic Highlands Source: Monmouth Arts (MCPS) existing Monmouth County Historic Sites Inventory (HSI). Master Plan Goals, Principles, & Objectives (GPOs) Relating to 6.2 Purpose GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 Monmouth County’s HSI contains valuable information that is not currently accessible 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 to the public for mapping purposes. Georeferencing the historic sites for use with online mapping programs will assist with the development of scenic byways (Master Plan Recommendation 6.1). HSI mapping can be used to assist municipalities in the Growth Housing Planning Planning PRINCIPLES Farmland Economic Approach Vibrant & & Historic& Resiliency Resources Recovery & Agricultural Sustainable Community Investments Investments Preservation Preservation development of their local master plans as well as be used by the public to better Preservation Coordination Communities Arts, Culture, Development Development Comprehensive Environmental understand the breadth and scope of countywide historic offerings. A. = = = = B. = = Monmouth County Departments & Organizations Involvement C. = = = D. E. Division of The GIS Section will develop an online map interface for public use F. Planning that will incorporate information from the HSI. G. = H. OBJECTIVES I. Maintain geodatabases of historic sites; provide knowledge of J. MCPS historic resources; provide documentation materials; assist in K. developing an information dissemination protocol. L. M. Historical Assist in the development of the HSI update; maintain historic N. Commission reference materials. Other Project Stakeholder Involvement Implementation Strategy • The Division of Planning’s GIS Section to develop an Natural Municipalities Assist in identifying local historic sites assets and location. Planning Resources interactive online mapping program for public use. Services, Outreach, & Open Space Coordination New Jersey • The Division of Planning is to work directly with the Sustainable Farmland Historic Verify status of national and state historic sites, structures, and MCPS in developing accurate geodatabases of historic Places Preservation Preservation landmarks throughout Monmouth County. sites for use as part of the online mapping program. Arts, Historic, & Office (NJ HPO) Cultural Resources • The MCPS and the Division of Planning should Community Arts, Historic, Resiliency Master Plan & Cultural determine appropriate dissemination protocols as Recommendation Resources many historic sites are privately held. 6.2 Healthy Utilities Communities Community Transportation Development Agricultural & Mobility & Housing & Economic Development Strongest Associated Master Plan Elements 6 - 2 6.0 ARTS, HISTORIC, & CULTURAL RESOURCES MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION 6.3 6.3: Continue to provide technical and professional support as a member of the MoCo (Monmouth County) Partnership and expand the concept of the MoCo Arts Corridor to areas of western Film One Fest, Atlantic Highlands Source: Monmouth Arts Monmouth County. Purpose Master Plan Goals, Principles, & Objectives (GPOs) Relating to 6.3 The Division of Planning will continue to provide technical and professional support of the MoCo GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 Partnership’s mission. The MoCo Partnership includes government agencies, civic groups, artists, 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 businesses, educational institutions, tourism, and transportation organizations with a mission to make the county a cultural destination of choice. Building off the success of the MoCo Arts Corridor in eastern Monmouth, the Division will continue to increase awareness of the cultural and historic Growth Housing Planning Planning offerings in western Monmouth County for both visitors and residents alike. This effort is closely PRINCIPLES Farmland Economic Approach Vibrant & & Historic& Resiliency Resources Recovery & Agricultural Sustainable Community Investments Investments Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation Coordination Communities Arts, Culture, Development Development Comprehensive related to Master Plan Recommendation 6.1 and should be expanded beyond the arts to include Environmental historic sites and agritourism opportunities that reflect the rural heritage of western Monmouth. A. = = = = = B. = = Monmouth County Departments & Organizations Involvement C. = = = Continue to assist Monmouth Arts with grant applications, public outreach, D. = = = E. = = Division of Planning and awareness; encourage municipal participation in MoCo; provide F. = technical assistance as needed. G. = Fiscal agent for MoCo; maintain MoCo website and marketing presence in H. Monmouth Arts the Arts Corridor; apply for grants; coordinate grant efforts; facilitate OBJECTIVES I. = = partnership meetings; encourage new membership in MoCo. J. Division of Foster business engagement in MoCo activities; encourage MoCo artists to K. Economic participate in Made