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Universitymgimo Education For a Global FuturE UNIVERSITYMGIMO moscow statE institutE oF intErnational rElations intErnational rElations arEa studiEs Economics lEGal STUDIEs Political sciEncE manaGEmEnt Journalism Public rElations EnvironmEntal manaGEmEnt tradE, markEtinG and rEtail businEss statE and Public administration UNIVERSITYMGIMO FROM GLORY TO SUCCESS Nowadays MGIMO is a dynamic university, characterized by a strong international identity, spirit of innovation and global goals. Over its 70-year history, it went from a ‘‘diplomatic school‘‘ to a worldwide recognized university that is able to meet the most ambitious educational and research challenges. Its renomme is supported by Nhigh positions in university and think tanks rankings. Even the Guinness Book of World Records acknowledged MGIMO for the most languages taught – 53 actual languages. Every academic year sees more than 6,000 students with nearly 1,000 of them coming from abroad to study in MGIMO. The range of academic disciplines is constantly expanding as new departments and programs are launched each year. With the experience we have gained, we are always developing – successfully enhancing our cooperation with leading universities around the world. Our alumni community comprises more than 45,000 graduates with brilliant careers in both public and private sectors. anatoly torkunov Rector of MGIMO University Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences MGIMO Graduate 1972 MGIMO UNIVERSITY WHY MGIMO? TEN REASONS FOR MGIMO russia’s PrEmiEr univErsitY trulY intERNATIONAL GLOBAL rECOGnition widE COURSE sElEction OUTSTANDING ACADEmic ACCEss WORLD rENOWNEd rEsEarcH INNOVATIVE EDUCATION ACADEmic EXcEllEncE WORLDWIDE nETWORKING GrEAT social liFE MGIMO is Russia’s most prestigious educa- double-degree programs, offered in partner- tional institution for young people with inter- ship with a wide range of universities from national interests. For international students, 57 countries, or seek a place in one of more MGIMO is that and more: a modern, welcom- than thirty MA programs taught in Russian. Ming, and intellectually stimulating place to study in Russia’s greatest city. Throughout its history, MGIMO is continu- ing to remake itself. In the last five years, the MGIMO’s diverse student body of 6,000 is university has formed numerous new part- drawn from the top ranks of Russian students nerships with leading institutions around and from partner universities around the the world. MGIMO was the first in Russia to world. MGIMO offers a broad range of courses fully integrate into the Bologna process and at undergraduate and graduate levels—from to introduce the ECTS system, spelling out international law, political science, and eco- strict standards for European educational nomics, to journalism, business management, institutions. The University is also committed and energy policy. International undergradu- to fostering an ever-evolving student body, ates can pursue intellectually challenging and curriculum, and campus life that continues exciting coursework alongside their Russian to reflect its reputation as Russia’s most peers. Students seeking a Master degree can advanced place for understanding foreign apply for one of MGIMO’s groundbreaking affairs. 4 5 MGIMO UNIVERSITY WHY MGIMO? russia’s PrEmiEr trulY univErsitY intERNATIONAL MGIMO is Russia’s best known and most Russia’s most global university, MGIMO has 1prestigious humanities institution. It is 2been a Russian home for students from world class in every sense of the term – around the world for nearly 60 years, pro- renowned for its excellence, independent, viding more than 6,000 international grad- coeducational, and publicly endowed. Two uates the education to flourish as lea ders MGIMO campuses comprise numerous ac- in the private and public sector glo bally. ademic departments, divisions, and award In addition, MGIMO has close ties with the programs, as well as interdisciplina ry world’s leading educational centers, across centers and scientific work programs ex- Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. tending beyond traditional departmental MGIMO prides itself on a global focus and boundaries. MGIMO is a home for global students. 6 TEN REASONS FOR MGIMO GLOBAL rECOGnition MGIMO University was one of the first Russian universities to join the European Universities Association, and is a signatory to the Bologna 3accords. MGIMO provides tuition for Bachelor and Master degree pro- grams recognized around the world, with students gaining qualifica- tions which are the keys to employment and academic opportunities internationally. MGIMO Honorary Doctorates have been bestowed on the globally eminent. widE COURSE sElEction MGIMO offers the widest range of educational programs and specializations available in a university of its type anywhere. When it comes to providing 4students with a context for understanding the contemporary world – be it through diplomacy, public administration, business, economics, law and jour- nalism, not to mention the 53 languages it teaches – MGIMO is unique. OUTSTANDING ACADEmic ACCEss MGIMO incorporates the best aspects of a classical university with those of a research center. This approach provides students with close access to 5more than 1200 professors and faculty members, including 20 full mem- bers and members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a further 113 with senior doctorate degree and 400 Ph.D. MGIMO’s academia always takes pride in its students. WORLD rENOWNEd rEsEarcH With an outstanding reputation and academic status MGIMO consistently 6ranks highly in university ratings. «2015 Global Go To Think Tank» report issued by University of Pennsylvania represented MGIMO among world- wide research leaders, e.g. № 30 in Think Tanks with the Most Signifi- cant Impact on Public Policy and № 12 in Top Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe. Its research is extended globally through collaborations with leading research institutes in Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe, and around the world. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MGIMO is an esteemed policy think-tank and forum for debate and analy- sis of international developments and current affairs, with its contributions to global analysis highly sought after. 7 WHY MGIMO? TEN REASONS FOR MGIMO INNOVATIVE EDUCATION 7Since its inception MGIMO's vision and philos- ophy has merged traditional academic rigor with intellectual innovation. Today MGIMO is entering the next stage of reforms, the most important features of which include both toughening competition with the best Russian universities for promising applicants, profes- sors, and research projects, and the rivalry with foreign universities. MGIMO is developing a new business-focused educational system reflecting contemporary scientific and educa- tional trends with new management practices WORLDWIDE and technologies. nETWORKING 9MGIMO community is traditionally welcom- ing to foreign students. The University is fully integrated into the international educational system, constantly expanding its partnership ACADEmic network. Today MGIMO is successfully coope- EXcEllEncE rating with more than 170 universities and 8The University is renowned for its academic institutions from more than 50 countries. To excellence, meaning the brightest of Russia’s our numerous foreign students who each year future leaders are studying there now, with an come to study in MGIMO we are able to offer increasing number of their counterparts from programs that are full-time taught in English. abroad. Each year Russia’s best high school The students may also choose from a wide graduates compete for enrollment. At some range of dual-degree programs thus gaining programs – especially economics, law, and in- two diplomas in their fields of study. ternational relations – the contest reaches up to 50 applicants per student’s position. MGIMO graduates community represents presidents, prime ministers, a few UN Sec- GrEAT retary-General deputies, the UNESCO Secre- social liFE tary-General, the OSCE Chairman, 2 EU Com- MGIMO offers its students the broadest op- 10portunities for creative self-accomplishment. missioners, over 900 Russian and foreign ambassadors, 10 ministers of foreign affairs, Various student organizations fill the calen- over 30 fellows of the Russian and foreign dar with additional social and sport events. academics of science. Of course, MGIMO is in Moscow, one of the world’s great cities, with an array of cultural and historical treasures, vibrant culture and dazzling lifestyle events. It offers easy access to the diversity and energy of contemporary Russia, and its epic cultural heritage. MGIMO is a wonderful life experience for interna- tional students. 9 MGIMO UNIVERSITY MGIMO HISTORY MGIMO, which in Russian stands for Mos- cow State Institute of International Rela- tions, was founded on 14th of October M1944 when the USSR Council for People’s Commissars reorganized the recently cre- ated School of International Relations of the Moscow State University into an independent institute. Initially called the Institute of International Relations its first 200 students were veterans who had survived the ordeals of the Second World War and were determined to build interna- tional peace and stability. From the outset From the outset MGIMO was intended to become a unique academic research and MGIMO was education center. It quickly became Rus- sia’s leading diplomatic training institu- intended to tion, with MGIMO academics making a major contribution across the fields of become a unique
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