"Best Local Scene in São Paulo" Realizado por : Cityseeker 7 Ubicaciones indicadas Vale do Anhangabaú Sqaure "The Heart Of Sao Paulo" Vale do Anhangabaú is a major hub of Sao Paulo. Before the proper formation of the city, Sao Paulo only consisted of the Monastery of São Bento, Pátio do Colégio and the Monastery of São Francisco. Through this triangle ran the river Anhangabaú, which was later developed into canals, no longer existing in its original state; Anhangabaú Valley, however, still by Marco Gomes exists as one of the most popular spots in Sao Paulo, where residential and commercial areas have been developed. +55 11 3736 0600 (Tourist Information) Off Avenido Vinte e Tres de Maio, Sao Paulo Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil "In the Heart of Culture" The Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil is located in the heart of the city at the corner of Quitanda street. The building was bought by the Bank of Brazil which has another cultural centre such as this is at Rio De Janeiro. Some elements of the original architecture of the building have been retained but the five storeyed building is registered with the by Dornicke Archaeological Heritage Protection and Tourism of São Paulo. The centre houses restaurants, auditoriums and classrooms. In areas such as literature, cinema, dance etc the cultural center holds programmes for the development of the people. +55 11 3113 3651 www.bb.com.br/portalbb/
[email protected] Rua Álvares Penteado 112, home22,128,10161,0,0,1,1.b Sao Paulo b Edifício Altino Arantes "Symbol Of The City" Edifício Altino Arantes, named in honor of the first president of the national bank, is also known as Edifício do Banespa.