PUBLISHED BY THE CRYONICS INSTITUTE ISSUE 04 | 2016 Cryonics insights and information for members and friends of the Cryonics Institute NEWSLETTER •
[email protected] • 1 (866) 288-2796 CI BULLETIN Forward Momentum, Elections and the 2016 AGM Center rather than at the facility. For complete details, please see the 2017 AGM article in this issue of CI Magazine. As you know, we elect our annual rotating slate of Directors at the AGM. Congratulations to all the sitting directors who were re-elected as well as our newest Director, Kevin Doyle (Canada.) Welcome aboard Kevin! For those who are interested in the specifics, the vote totals were as follows: Debbie Fleming - 105 votes, Marta Sandberg - 104 votes, Kevin Doyle - 103 votes, Alan Mole - 63 votes, Phillipe Vitu - 56 votes and John Strickland - 55 votes. Thanks go out to all our candidates and a special note of thanks and appreciation to outgoing Director John Strickland for his service to CI and to the Board. Thanks also to Phillipe Vitu for putting his hat in the ring and running for the Board. To the elected Directors, I’m looking forward to working with all of you to keep CI Dennis Kowalski - CI President moving forward with our many initiatives. Hello All, One of those initiatives has been improvements to our facility. I’m proud to announce that we have completed a major milestone I hope everyone had a happy holiday season and that we can all with the completed renovations of our facility’s front office area, file look forward to a prosperous and successful 2017.