CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E379 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E379 HON April 13, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E379 Nicole Janka and Alexis Janka; and 2 great- Prickett, Kindra Pridey, Caroline Priebe, Re- Rechtenbaugh, Candace Rechtenbaugh, grandchildren, Cora Brock and Ryleigh becca Prill, Lisa Prindiville, Tami Prins, Tracy Narcy Recker, Carolyn Rector, Kristi Rector, Fritz. Prins, Krysta Prior, Ericka Privitt, Douglas Kathleen Red Dog, Denise Red Horse, Caitlin A memorial service will be held at a later Probst, Amanda Proefrock, Michele Profeta, date. Memorial donations may be made to Red Leaf, Lea Red Leaf, Tasheena Red Wing, the Center for Strategic & International Larry Prokop, Jessica Prouty, Shannon Rachel Reddick, Sophie Reddig, Marcia Studies (CSIS), Prouty, Evelyn Provell, Carole Provencial, Rederth, Twila Reding, Ashley Reding, Car- grams/support or the Cal Ripken Sr Founda- Danielle Prudich, Rachelle Pruis, Susan men Redlin, Thomas Redlin, Destiny Redlin, tion Prunty, Hannah Pruss, Linda Pudenz, Allan Laura Redman, Traci Redmond. nate. Pudwill, Alexandra Pudwill, Lisa Puetz, Jennifer Redmond, Jordon Redmond, Funeral arrangements have been entrusted Lyudmila Pugach, Charles Pugsley, Erick Marcia Reed, Roxanne Reed, Debra Reed, to Martin Funeral Home & Crematory, Stu- Pugsley, Lexi Pugsley, Isabella Pulaski, Abigail Reed, Cassie Reed, Lisa Reed, art Chapel. Tammie Pulling, Heather Pullins, Tiffany Kassandra Reed, Shannon Reed, Brittany f Pullins, Karen Pullman. Reed, Miranda Reed, Donna Reed, Julie Paula Pulse, Jolene Pulse, Erin Pulse, Reeder, Angela Reeg, Jessica Reese, Lori MACI LESH Bonnie Punt, Joshua Punt, Jodi Purdy, Darcy Reetz, Tina Reeves, Junnette Refugia, Jacey Purdy, Kjerstin Purintun, Lannese Purtell, Regan, Carol Regier, Ashley Regimbal, Madi- HON. ED PERLMUTTER Margie Puthoff, Judy Putnam, Nicole Putnam, son Regnerus, Tracy Regnier, Miranda OF COLORADO Dianna Puttmann, Jennifer Putzke, Michal Regnier, Alan Regynski, Char Rehak, Sara IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Putzke, Jennifer Puumala, Patricia Pyburn, Rehder-Wright, Althea Rehfeldt, Katherine Ronald Pyburn, Jennifer Pynduss, Hannah Rehfeldt, Corey Rehfeldt, Taylor Rehfeldt, Lisa Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Pyrlik, Donna Quade, Kari Quail, Shayla Quail, Reich, Alexis Reich, Allie Reichelt, Makenzie Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Stacy Quam, Andrea Quam, Eric Quanbeck, Reichelt, Sheri Reichert, Cindy Reichling, Han- today to recognize and applaud Maci Lesh for Renee Quanbeck, Lori Quanbeck, Marie nah Reichling, Thomas Reid, Cora Reid, receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Quaschnick, Kevin Queen, Sandra Quenette, Amber Reid, Taniece Reid, Casey Reid, Deon Ambassadors for Youth award. Janice Questad, Flordelisa Quidilla, Michael Reid-Davy, Rochelle Reider, Randal Reider, Maci Lesh is a student at Oberon Middle Quinlivan, Emma Quinn, Melissa Quinn, Emily Roslyn Reid-Gordon, Kay Reidt, Kristin Reif, School and received this award because her Quissell, Lisa Raabe, Scott Raabe, Sara Vickie Reiff, Deanna Reiff, Danielle Reiff, Mat- determination and hard work have allowed her Raabe, Melinda Raak, Nancy Raba, Joni thew Reiff, Rachel Reiff, Joni Reiffenberger, to overcome adversities. Rabenberg, Aubrey Rabenberg, Kenda Kristin Reiffenberger, Paige Reikofski, Michelle The dedication demonstrated by Maci Lesh Ractliffe, Jana Rademacher, Claire Raders, Reil, June Reiling, Karla Reilly, Jill Reimann, is exemplary of the type of achievement that Kathryn Radigan, Summer Radke, Krista Jenny Reimer, Karen Reimnitz, Maynard can be attained with hard work and persever- Radke, Natasha Radtke, Miranda Radway, Reimnitz, Marvene Reinbold, Amanda ance. It is essential students at all levels strive Katherine Raecke, Jason Raether, Cristian Reinders, Tressa Reindl, Jennifer Reiner, to make the most of their education and de- Raether, Heidi Raftevold, Anne Raga, Nola Carrie Reiner, Sarah Reinert, Darci Reinesch, velop a work ethic which will guide them for Ragan, Lynnette Ragatz, Shayna Ragatz, Sandra Reinesch, Amber Reinesch, Justin the rest of their lives. Keirsta Ragels, Daniel Rager, Linda Rager, Reinfeld, Clayton Reinhard, Stephani I extend my deepest congratulations to Maci Carol Ragle, Danielle Ragnone, Melissa Reinhardt, Carl Reinhardt, Arn Reinitz, Amber Lesh for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge Ragon, Sheila Rahja, Cheryl Rahm-McGrath, Reints, Rachel Reints, Jaime Reis, Meggan Service Ambassador for Youth award. I have Allie Rahn, Rebecca Rakowicz, Sr Mary Reisch, Sue Reisch, Patricia Reisdorfer, Joan no doubt she will exhibit the same dedication Rakowski, Sally Anne Rall, Judy Rall, Reisdorfer, Kylee Reisdorfer, Amy Reiser, and character in all of her future accomplish- McChyne Rall, Joey Rallis, Misty Rallis, Ann Nancy Reishus, Nancy Reiss, Tessa Reister, Gabrielle Reitan, Carly Reiter, Victoria Reiter, ments. Rames, Jessica Ramey, Karina Ramirez, Jenifer Reitsma, Crystal Reitsma, Tiffany Mayra Ramirez, Melanie Ramiscal, Sarah f Reitsma, Gwen Reker. Raml, Jaclyn Raml, Karen Raml, Sally Ramos, RECOGNIZING THE FRONTLINE Mitchell Relf, Danielle Reller, Melanie Amy Ramos, Jennifer Ramos, Jessica Ramse, Remily, Theresa Remily, Ann Remington, HEALTHCARE WORKERS OF Marcella Ramsey, Cendy Ramsey, Andrea SOUTH DAKOTA Marie Remmers, Tamara Rempfer, Alyssa Ramsey. Remund, Roberta Renli, Amy Renmoe, Linda Chastin Ramstad, Kelsey Ramstad, Ryan Renner, Meghan Renner, Alexander Renner, HON. DUSTY JOHNSON Rand, Desiree Rand, Eunice Randall, Re- Annette Rentschler, Kristen Rentschler, Betsy OF SOUTH DAKOTA becca Randall, Laurel Randall, Kristine Ran- Rentschler, Robyn Rentschler, Joan Renz, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dall, Jeannie Randall, Robin Randall, Dustin Susan Renz, Debbie Resen-Fox, Lisa Randall, Daren Randall, Amanda Randall, Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Resmen, Kelli Ressl, Julia Ressl, Cheryl Kaitlyn Randall, Matthew Randall, Kelsey Ran- Retterath, Kari Rettig, Wilma Returns From Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. Madam dall, Heidi Randolph, Nolan Randolph, Scout, Douglas Retzer, Erin Retzer, Miranda Speaker, I rise today to recognize, celebrate, Danielle Ranek, Samantha Rang, Danielle Retzer, Lavonne Reuer, Courtney Reuman, and honor the frontline healthcare workers of Rangel, Tina Rank, Rebecca Rankin, Lisa Gloria Reurink, Laura Reurink, Lynne Reuter, the great state of South Dakota. Raph, Rebecca Rapp, Antonia Rarrat, Destine Kelsey Reuter, Elisha Revell, Mary Revels, Some of these South Dakota heroes are: Raschke, Brenda Rasmussen, Darla Ras- Elizabeth Rew, Sharon Rex, Haleigh Rexroth, Deborah Potter, Lonna Potter, Megan Potter, mussen, Anne Rasmussen, Theresa Ras- Tanya Reyelts, Jena Reyes, Edward James Sarah Pottratz, Marcia Potts, Shayla Potts, mussen, Marla Rasmussen, Sharon Ras- Reyes, Brigitte Reynhout, William Reynolds, Trevor Potts, Amber Potts, Pamela Poulisse, mussen, Hayley Rasmussen, Kate Ras- Beth Reynolds, Melissa Reynolds, Samantha Kylee Pourier, Karen Powell, Debra Powell, mussen, Sarah Rathbun, Danielle Rathjen, Reynolds, Alex Reynolds, Leah Rezac, Leigh Robert Powell, Kelly Powell, Barry Powell, Stacy Rathke, Maria Ratliff, Dawn Rattenborg, Rezac, Cassandra Rezac, Nataliya Rezek, Ta- Jennifer Powell, Erin Powell, Caitlin Powell, William Ratzsch, Angela Ratzsch, Jeremiah mara Rhames, Elena Rhine, Danielle Rhoads, Amy Powell, Emily Powell, Shorna Lee Powell, Ratzsch, Kayla Ratzsch, Morgan Ratzsch, Nelinda Rhode, Karis Rhode, Lynette Rhoden, Alexis Powell, Jennifer Powell, Linda Powers, Jesse Ratzsch, Cynthia Rau, Janae Rau, Tammy Rhodes, Katie Rhodes, Leah Rhodes, Kanchana Prasain, Tamara Prasek, Damiane Sasha Rau, Katie Rau, Kelli Rau, Jaclyn Megan Rhodes, Arianne Rhodes, Stephanie Prasnicki, Jessica Praster, Barbara Pratt, Kris- Rauen, Cassandra Rauenhorst, Stacy Rausch, Rhodes, Heather Rhodes, Kari Ribstein, tin Pratt, Jennifer Pratt, Brianna Pratt, Brandi Jason Rausch, Jada Rausch, Michele Rausch, Shanna Ricci, Deborah Rice, Micaela Rice, Pravecek, Korie Pravecek, Carna Pray, Beth Sarah Rausch, Julie Rauscher, Megan Amanda Rice, Megan Rice, John Rice, Preheim, Rebecca Preheim, Jessica Preheim, Rawstern, Marvia Ray, Annette Ray, Janet Destinee Rice, Kelsi Richard, Kristi Richards, Stephanie Preister, Adam Preister, Janet Ray, Kristen Ray, Carolyn Ray, Heather Ray, Calla Richards, Kristin Richards, Susan Rich- Premus, Sarah Prenger, Renee Presuhn, Es- Kristin Raya, Angela Rayburn, Heather Ray- ards, Kerry Richardson, Troy Richardson, Ly- ther Preszler, Abby Preszler, Hannah burn, Lisa Rayhill, Callie Raymond, Joevelino nette Richardson, Chelsey Richardson, Trevor Preusser, Erin Preys, Suzanna Pribbenow, Raymundo, Laura Ready, Kimberly Reagan, Richardson, Rebecca Richardson, Tyler Rich- Vanessa Pribil, Mary Pribyl, Danelle Price, Cheryl Reagan, Jenny Rearick, Rebecca ardson, Angela Richardt, Nathan Richer, Me- Marita Price, Amy Price, Cari Price, Gabrielle Reausaw, Sadie Reaves, Trisa Reber, Jill lissa Richert, Paula Richmond, Patrisha Rich- Price, Kacey Price, Rayce Price, Rochelle Reber, Samantha Rech, Kimberli mond, Ashlea Richmond, Kaylyn Richmond. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Apr 14, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13AP8.018 E13APPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 13, 2021 Ashlie Richter, Kimberly Richter, Candace Brandi Ronfeldt, Alice Ronk, Rebecca Naomi Sakwa, Lea Sala, Gina Salado, Tracy Richter, Nadine Richter, Jennifer Richter, Ronning, Susan Rooks, Cynthia Rooney, Salameh, Bailey Salameh, Trishauna Salazar, Allisa Richter,
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