EVI E and Her
(44\ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SEVENTH•DAY ADVENTIS REVI E and Her "He shall give his, angels charge over thee, to keep thee-.in all thy ways." Psalm 91:11. N ONE of the remote municipalities on the east coast of Davao, where there was considerable op- position to our work, four literature evangelists were driven out because they had not secured a permit from the mayor. They left with heavy hearts, aware of the dangers that beset their journey to a distant village. With night approaching, they kept their courage and pleaded for God's care and protection. When at last they entered the village, it was already dark. People were suspicious of them. After asking for information, the group went directly to the barrio cap- tain. Learning that they had come to sell books, he be- came prejudiced toward them. The leader of the group, Brother Maunes, pleaded for shelter in the house of the captain that evening, but he refused. Where would they go? Once more they pleaded with the captain and told him they were willing to sleep beneath his house. Finally he took them to an abandoned house where they were told they might rest until morning. Did God= forsake them? By no means, He sent an angel to minister to them. They spent the night in earnest prayer, and as a result of their midnight prayer service the mighty arm of Providence sent help. Early in the morning the four colporteurs approached the head teacher of the village school, who entertained them cordially. They were astonished when the teacher By asked, "Where is your other companion? I saw you passing A.