~O, BRYANT's April I, 1992 the Kingdom of Bryant, College of Business Administration and Liberal Ans Volume 12, Number 13 About Our New Format
~o, BRYANT'S April I, 1992 The Kingdom of Bryant, College of Business Administration and Liberal Ans Volume 12, Number 13 About Our New Format. .. Bryant Declares Free by Wenowhut Weirdoln dam. After all, who else could you use? Certainly not The Archway, they are so Kingdom This issue of Bryant's Lack of Busi· unreliable! Just look al alt of the produc ness introduces a new format that wlll lion schedules they've missedl~ oHer a di~inclly different look that you'll ~The Archway? We sopped dealing by Fynuf Saye esses, including Baronesses Oaniels and be sure to notice. with them," noted Collegiate Adver1ising O'Arcy, and Barons Cartwright, Nelson, The standard bI-weekly, four-page, lel Agency representative Steve Medin. ~Af· It's now official! Bryant College Is now Hannon, Fogany, Orury, Talley, Kenney, ter·sized, glossy-paper Issue will be reo ter all of the stories of bklwn deadlines we free and independent I and Sloss. Assistant directors shall be placed forever by the new weekty, lab heard from Bryant's {publication's) 01· A proclamation issued joinUy from the known as lords; for example, lords Ioid·size, newsprint issue of Btyant'sLadc fices, we just couldn't keep up our con former Board of Trustees and President Alvarez, Pavao, and Blumenthal and of Business (BloB). This new and ere- trad with them. It was p.uet)' a business William E. Truehean earlier today de ladies Read, Powers, and Walker.- ative format will enable us to make 50 decision," clared that Bryant College Is seceding The proclamation continues: "May it many dandy changes to the publication, The tabloid format also will provide Iromthe United Slates, theStaleof Rhode be further noted that all members of the It is the first major change in BloB sInce BIoBwith more room in each issue, pro Island, and the Town of Smithfield.
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