March 24, 2017

EEO Staff Policy Division Media Bureau Federal Communications Commission th 445 12 Street SW Washington D.C. 20554

Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to the February 8, 2017 notice of selection for a random EEO audit of WIPB-TV, Muncie, , which is part of an employment unit that includes WBST-FM, Muncie, and its satellite stations in Indiana, WBSB-FM, Anderson, WBSH, Hagerstown, WBSJ-FM, Portland, and WBSW-FM Marion. I attest that the information herein is accurate and complete.

Item (a)

The Unit’s two most recent EEO Public File Reports described in 47 C.F.R. § 73.2080 (c)(6). For any stations in the Unit that have websites, provide each web address. If the Unit’s most recent EEO public file report is not included or linked to each of these websites, in violation of the subsection, indicate each station involved and provide an explanation of why the report is not posted or linked. In accordance with47 C.F.R. § 73.2080 (c)(5)(vi), provide the date of each full time hire listed in each report.

The following EEO public file reports are attached:

March 22, 2016 to March 21, 2017 Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2015 to March 21, 2016 Annual EEO Public File Report

The most recent EEO public file report is available on our websites:



Dates of full-time hires included in the above listed reports are as follows:

WIPB-TV Assistant Producer / Director -- January 12, 2017

Executive Director and General Manager of – October 12, 2015

Financial Coordinator – March 7, 2016

Major and Planned Gifts Coordinator -- October 12, 2015

The following publications scrape our site for listings: America’s Job Exchange; the Chronicle of Higher Education; HigherEdJobs; Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC); and Indeed. Item (b)

For each Unit full-time position filled during the covered period, dated copies of all advertisements, bulletins, letters, faxes, e-mails, or other communications announcing the position, as described in Section 73.208 (c)(5)(iii). A job notice sent to multiple sources may be sent as one copy in response to this audit along with a list of the sources to which you have sent the notice. Indicate in your response whether you retain copies of all notices sent to all sources used, as required by Section 73.2080(c)(5)(iii). For on-air ads that aired multiple times, you may send one log sheet indicating when the ad aired and tell us the other times it aired instead of providing multiple log sheets. Also, tell us whether you have retained all the log sheet for each time the ad aired. We may ask for them for verification, but you need not send them at this time. Include copies of all job announcements sent to any organization (identified separately from other sources) that has notified the Unit that it wants to be notified of Unit job openings, as described in Section 73.2080(c)(1)(ii).

Dated traffic reports for on-air ads are attached.

Dated advertisements are attached.

Item (c)

In accordance with Section 73.2080(c)(5)(v), the total number of interviewees for each vacancy and the referral source for each interviewee for all full-time Unit vacancies filled during the period covered by the above-noted EEO public file reports.

WIPB-TV Assistant Producer / Director -- Total number of interviewees = 3 -- Source of hire: RS1 Human Resources,

Executive Director and General Manager of Public Broadcasting -- Total number of interviewees = 5 -- Source of hire: RS1 Ball State University Human Resources,

Financial Coordinator -- Total number of interviewees = 3 -- Source of hire: RS1 Ball State University Human Resources, --Additional Source of Hire : Word of Mouth

Major and Planned Gifts Coordinator -- Total number of interviewees = 3 -- Source of hire: RS12 The Muncie Star Press Item (d)

Documentation of Unit recruitment initiatives described in Section 73.2080(c)(2) during the periods covered by the above-noted EEO public file reports, such as participation at job fairs, mentoring programs, and training for staff. Specify the Unit personnel involved with each recruitment initiative. Provide number of full-time employees of the Unit and state whether the population of the market in which any station included in the Unit operates is 250,000 or more. Based on these two factors, determine and state whether the Unit is required to perform two or four initiatives within a two year period pursuant to Sections 73.2080(c)(2) and (e)(3). If you have performed more than four initiatives, you may provide documentation only for four and summarize the rest. If we believe any of the initiatives you have documented are inadequate, we may ask for more information, but four is all that is needed at this time.

The 2010 census population for the Muncie MSA was 117,671.There are no employees based at the satellite radio stations.

March 22, 2015 to March 21, 2016 Report period Number of full time employees: 24

Initiative 1 EEO training opportunities for Management Assoc. Vice-President for Technology Level Personnel Membership & Community Engagement Manager Underwriting Sales Manager Marketing Manager

Initiative 2 List each upper-level opening in a job bank or Executive Director and General Manager of newsletter of a media trade group with a broad- Public Broadcasting Position was listed in these: based membership, including participation of Indiana Public Broadcast Stations (state wide women and minorities such as a state wide public media consortium of all TV and radio) broadcasters association

Although it was not claimed as an outreach initiative in the 2015-16 Annual EEO Public File Report, the licensee during that period listed its only upper-level opening in the job bank of the organization Indiana Public Broadcasters Association, a media trade group with membership including substantial participation of women and minorities. March 22, 2016 to March 21, 2017 Report Period Number of full time employees: 22

Initiative 1 Establishment of training or mentoring programs Production Manager designed to enable employees to acquire skills to Membership Support Coordinator qualify for higher level positions Membership & Community Engagement Mgr. 2016-17 Initiative 1 (Continued) WIPB-TV Producer / Director Membership Services Coordinator Administrative Coordinator Underwriting Sales Manager Chief Engineer Initiative 2 Participate in at least 4 events or programs Membership and Community Engagement sponsored by educational institutions relating Manager to career opportunities in broadcasting Community Engagement Coordinator Major Gifts and Planned Giving Coordinator Senior News Producer and All Things Considered Host

Item (e) Disclosure of pending or resolved complaints involving the stations filed during the current license before any body having competent jurisdiction under Federal, State, Territorial, or Local law, alleging unlawful discrimination in the employment practices of the Unit on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. For each such complaint, provide: 1) a brief description of the allegations and issues involved; 2) the names of the complainant and other persons involved; 3) the date the complaint was filed; 4) the court or agency before which it is pending or by which it was resolved; 5) the file or case number; and 6) the disposition and date thereof or current status. Note that all complaints must be reported, regardless of the status or disposition.

Ball State University Office of General Counsel has no known pending or resolved complaints during the period of the current license term before any body alleging unlawful discrimination in the employment practices on the basis of color, race, religion, national origin or sex in connection with the broadcast stations.

Item (f) In accordance with Section 73.2080(b), from the first day of the Station’s current license term until February 8, 2017, describe the responsibilities of each level of Unit management responsible for implementing Unit EEO policies and describe how the Unit has informed employees and job applicants of its EEO policies and program.

The General Manager WIPB-TV and WBST-FM is responsible for the enforcement of EEO policy and compliance with the university’s commitment and policies of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action. Each unit manager follows an established EEO procedure through the guidance of University Human Resources Service.

Ball State University (official license holder of the broadcast entities WIPB-TV and WBST-FM is committed to the principles of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in education and employment. Further, the University is committed to the pursuit of excellence by prohibiting discrimination and being inclusive of individuals without regard to race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, disability, genetic information, ethnicity, national origin or ancestry, age, or protected veteran status. This commitment enables the University to provide qualified individuals access to all academic and employment programs on the basis of demonstrated ability without regard to personal factors that are irrelevant to the program or job requirements involved.

The newly implemented HR Talent Management System (TMS) requires each hiring manager to follow specific guidelines when posting, reviewing and hiring new employees. All candidates are informed of the university EEO policy as they fill out their on-line application which is required for each position vacancy. Each search committee established for reviewing applicants is strongly recommended to go through a two hour extensive workshop of hiring practices following all approved policies. The workshop explores the do’s and don’ts of asking questions, how to conduct phone interviews, live interviews, the process of deliberating candidate’s credentials and how to effectively select the most qualified applicant for any position.

Item (g) In accordance with Section 73.2080(c)(3), from the first day of the Station’s current license term until February 8, 2017, describe the Unit’s efforts to analyze its EEO recruitment program to ensure that it is effective and to address any problems found as a result of such analysis.

Each new employee attends a University-oriented session that covers Ball State University’s EEO policies which are also included in all distributed employee handbooks. Currently all recruiting announcements make reference to the University’s EEO and Affirmative Action Policy.

The University President affirms the commitment to equal opportunity and accepts responsibility for the implementation of the affirmative action program along with the vice presidents, deans, directors and heads of units. All persons involved in the decision-making process, including members of faculty and other employee committees, shall act in a nondiscriminatory manner. The Director of Employee Relations and Affirmative Action has been specifically designated to be responsible for overall compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination and for implementation and coordination of the University’s affirmative action program.

The University maintains an audit and reporting system to determine overall compliance with its equal employment opportunity and affirmative action mandates. As a part of this system, the President reviews the University's equal opportunity and affirmative action policy and program at least once each year, measures progress against the objectives stated in the affirmative action program, and reports findings and conclusions to the Board of Trustees. Item (h) In accordance with Section 73.2080(c)(4), from the first day of the Station’s current license term until February 8, 2017, describe the Unit’s efforts to analyze periodically its measures taken to examine pay, benefits, seniority practices, promotions, and selection techniques and tests to ensure that they provide equal opportunity and do not have a discriminatory effect. If the Unit has one or more union agreements, describe how the Unit cooperates with each Union to ensure EEO policies are followed for the Unit’s union-member employees and job applicants.

Staff Classification System The Staff Classification System is a job evaluation plan that measures the internal worth of a position to the university. Staff Classifications are established by the evaluation plan and reviewed by payroll and employee benefits and HR in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Each employee can view an online module that goes through the entire evaluation process and the procedures that are followed. _of_Staff_Positions/

Item (i) If your entity is a religious broadcaster and any of its full-time employees are subject to a religious qualification as described in Section 73.2080(a) of the rules, so indicate in your response to this letter and provide data as applicable to the Unit’s EEO program. For example, for full-time hires subject to a religious qualification, only a record of the hire listed by job title and date filled, the recruitment sources used for the opening, and the referring source of the hired applicant must be provided. No other records are required for those hires. If five or more full-time positions are not subject to a religious qualification, the licensee must maintain and provide all records for such hires and complete the initiatives required under Section 73.2080(c)(3). Otherwise a religious broadcaster is not required to perform these initiatives.

The Unit is not a religious broadcaster; not applicable.

Time Brokerage

Item (a) Licensee of brokered station(s). If the Unit employs fewer than five full-time employees and any station included in it is subject to a time brokerage agreement, in addition to responding to this letter and providing us a list of the Unit's full-time employees listed by job title (and the number of hours each employee is assigned to work) and a response to Question 3(e) above, you must immediately forward a copy of this letter to the broker under each such agreement, which must respond to Question 4(b) below. If the Unit employs five or more full• time employees, the licensee must respond fully to paragraph 3 above, and also forward the letter to the broker so the broker may respond to Question 4(b) below.

Not Applicable to this Unit.

Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2016 – March 21, 2017

This report covers the following Indiana Stations: WIPB-TV and WBST-FM in Muncie, Indiana; WBSB-FM, Anderson, Indiana; WBSH-FM Hagerstown, Indiana; WBSJ-FM, Portland, Indiana; WBSW-FM Marion, Indiana; and WHHI-FM, Muncie, Indiana. The report includes:

1. A list of all full-time vacancies filled by the stations during the past year (Appendix 1, first column);

2. The recruitment sources used to fill each vacancy including, if applicable, organizations that have requested and are therefore entitled to notification. We have broadcast announcements and posted a notice on our websites soliciting interest by community organizations in receiving notification of job openings. (Appendix 1, column 2);

3. The recruitment source that referred the person hired for each full-time vacancy (Appendix 1, Column 3);

4. Data reflecting the total number of persons interviewed for full-time vacancies and the number of interviewees referred by each recruitment source used in connection with vacancies (Appendix 2);

5. A list and brief description of recruitment / outreach initiatives (Appendix 3).

Note that the numbers listed in Appendix 2 under the column “Positions for Which the Source Was Utilized,” refer to the number of job positions listed in Appendix 1.

For purposes of the report, a vacancy was deemed “filled” not when the offer was extended but when the person reported to work. A person was deemed “interviewed” whether in person or over the telephone. Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2016 - March 21, 2017

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


See Appendix 2 for Master Recruitment Source List

Recruitment Sources (RS) Used to Fill Job Title RS Referring Hiree this Vacancy

1 WIPB-TV Assistant Producer / Director RS1, RS14 RS1

The following publications scrape our site for listings: America’s Job Exchange; the Chronicle for Higher Education; HigherEdJobs; Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC); and Indeed.


Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2016 - March 21, 2017

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


Source No. of Interviewees Positions for Entitled to Referred by Which This RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Recruitment Source Source Was Notification over 12 months Utilized

Ball State University Human Resources Employment

Opportunities Web Site Ball State University Human Resources No 1 1 1 2000 University Ave, AD350 Muncie, IN 47306 765-285-1834

WIPB-TV Web Site Ball State University - BC 206 No 2 Muncie, IN 47306 765-285-1249

Indiana Public Radio Web Site Ball State University - LB 128 No 3 Muncie, IN 47306

Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations, Inc. (IPBS) No 4


Source No. of Interviewees Positions for Entitled to Referred by Which This RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Recruitment Source Source Was Notification over 12 months Utilized

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Job Line Corporation for Public Broadcasting Job Line No 5 401 Ninth Street, NW Washington, DC 20004-2129 202-879-9600

Current Magazine Classifieds 1612 K Street, N. W. Suite 704 No 6 Washington, DC 20006 292-463-7055

Public Broadcasting Service Connect PBS Connect Forums/Systemwide Information/Job Board No 7 Public Broadcasting Service Connect 1320 Braddock Place Alexandria, VA 22314-1698 703-739-5000

National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences The Cleveland Chapter No 8 3511 Center Road Brunswick, OH 44212

Indiana Broadcasters Association Web Site Indiana Broadcast Association No 9 3003 East 98th Street, Suite 161 , IN 46280 800-342-6276

DEI Job Line Web Site 401 North 3rd Street, Suite 370 No 10 Minneapolis, MN 55401 888-454-2314


Source No. of Interviewees Positions for Entitled to Referred by Which This RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Recruitment Source Source Was Notification over 12 months Utilized

TV Jobs Web Site TVJOBS Broadcast Employment Services No 11 [email protected]

The Muncie Star Press 345 South High Street No 12 Muncie, IN 47302 765-213-5700

The Indianapolis Star 307 North Pennsylvania Street P.O. Box 145 No 13 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0146 317-444-4444

Career Builder

No 0 1 14

Anderson Herald Bulletin 1133 Jackson Street No 15 Anderson, IN 765-622-1212

The Muncie Times 1304 North Broadway Muncie, IN 47302 No 16 765-741-0037

The Chronicle of Higher Education

No 17


Source No. of Interviewees Positions for Entitled to Referred by Which This RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Recruitment Source Source Was Notification over 12 months Utilized

Indiana Workforce Development 222 East10th Street Anderson, IN No 18 765-642-4981

Indiana Black Expo, Inc. 3145 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 No 19 317-925-2702

NAACP 1015 West15th Street Anderson, IN No 20 765-649-4231

National Educational Telecommunications Association No 21

Public Broadcasting Management Association P. O. Box 50008 No 22 Columbia, SC 29250 803-799-5517


No 23

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) Office of the Provost, The University of Iowa No 24 111 Jessup Hall

Iowa City, IA 52242 319.335.3991


Source No. of Interviewees Positions for Entitled to Referred by Which This RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Recruitment Source Source Was Notification over 12 months Utilized


No 25

America's Job Exchange

No 26

Total Interviews for Full- Time 1 2 Open Positions


Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2016 - March 21, 2017

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


Type of Recruitment Initiative # Brief Description of Activity (Menu Selection) 1 Sponsorship of a job fair: January 30, 2017 - HH Gregg Center for Professional Selling and Ball State University Career Center Sales Career Fair at Ball State University

September 14, 2016 - Fall Cardinal Job Fair at Ball State University August 3, 2016 - Sixth Congressional Job Fair at Ball State University, .

2 Encouraged enrollment in training Employees attended 32 training sessions throughout covered programs designed to enable period that were provided by Ball State University's HR station personnel to acquire skills Learning and Development ((total class hours = 48.5); 23 that could qualify them for higher participated in staff development activities (114 staff hours); level positions: and attended 203 other career training opportunities at locations on the BSU campus and in the surrounding area (411.75 class hours.)

3 Participate in at least four events Conducted 10 tours for various groups from the community to or programs sponsored by introduce them to broadcast operations and possible careers. educational institutions relating to Middle and high school students were included; in some career opportunities in instances, the students were given the opportunity to have an broadcasting. actual "hands on" experience. (Included 99 students and 36 adults.)


Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2015 – March 21, 2016

This report covers the following Indiana stations: WIPB-TV and WBST-FM in Muncie; WBSB-FM, Anderson; WBSH-FM, Hagerstown; WBSJ-FM, Portland; WBSW-FM, Marion; and WHHI-FM, Muncie. The report includes:

1. A list of all full-time vacancies filled by the stations during the past year (Appendix 1, first column).

2. The recruitment sources used to fill each vacancy including, if applicable, organizations that have requested and are therefore entitled to notification. We have broadcast announcements and posted a notice on our websites soliciting interest by community organizations in receiving notification of job openings. (Appendix 1, second column).

3. The recruitment source that referred the person hired for each full-time vacancy. (Appendix 1, third column).

4. Data reflecting the total number of persons interviewed for full-time vacancies and the number of interviewees referred by each recruitment source used in connection with vacancies (Appendix 2).

5. A list and brief description of recruitment / outreach initiatives (Appendix 3).

Note that the numbers listed in Appendix 2 under the column, “Positions for Which This Source Was Utilized” refer to the number of job positions listed in Appendix 1.

For purposes of this report, a vacancy was deemed “filled” not when the offer was extended but when the person reports to work. A person was deemed “interviewed” whether in person or over the telephone. Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2015 - March 21, 2016

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


See Appendix 2 for Master Recruitment Source List

Recruitment Sources (RS) Used to Fill Job Title this vacancy RS Referring Hiree

RS1, RS2, RS3, RS4, RS5, RS6, RS13, RS21, RS23, RS24, RS25, RS26, RS27, General Manager RS28 1 Financial Coordinator RS1, RS12, RS15 1 Major and Planned Gifts Coordinator RS1, RS12, RS15 1


Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2015 - March 21, 2016

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


Source Positions for No. of Interviewees Entitled to Which This Referred by Recruitment RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Source Was Source over 12 months Notification Utilized

Ball State University Human Resources Employment

Opportunities Web Site University Human Resources No 3 3 1 Ball State University Human Resources Employment Muncie, IN 47306 765-285-1834

WIPB-TV Web Site and/or On-air broadcasts Ball State University - BC 206 No 0 3 2 Muncie, IN 47306 765-285-1249

Indiana Public Radio Web Site and/or On-air Broadcasts Ball State University - LB 128 No 0 3 3 Muncie, IN 47306

Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations, Inc. (IPBS) No 0 1 4


Source Positions for No. of Interviewees Entitled to Which This Referred by Recruitment RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Source Was Source over 12 months Notification Utilized

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Job Line Corporation for Public Broadcasting Job Line No 0 1 5 401 Ninth Street, NW Washington, DC 20004-2129 202-879-9600

Current Magazine Classifieds 1612 K Street, N. W. Suite 704 No 0 1 6 Washington, DC 20006 292-463-7055

Public Broadcasting Service Connect PBS Connect Forums/Systemwide Information/Job Board No 0 0 7 Public Broadcasting Service Connect 1320 Braddock Place Alexandria, VA 22314-1698 703-739-5000

National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences The Cleveland Chapter No 0 0 8 3511 Center Road Brunswick,OH 44212

Indiana Broadcasters Association Web Site Indiana Broadcast Association No 0 0 9 3003 East98th Street, Suite 161 Indianapolis, IN 46280 800-342-6276

DEI Job Line Web Site 401 North 3rd Street, Suite 370 No 0 0 10 Minneapolis, MN 55401 888-454-2314


Source Positions for No. of Interviewees Entitled to Which This Referred by Recruitment RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Source Was Source over 12 months Notification Utilized

TV Jobs Web Site TVJOBS Broadcast Employment Services No 0 0 11 [email protected]

The Muncie Star Press 345 South High Street No 0 1 12 Muncie, IN 47302 765-213-5700

The Indianapolis Star 307 North Pennsylvania Street P.O. Box 145 No 0 1 13 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0146 317-444-4444

The Indianapolis Star Career Builder Web Site

No 0 0 14

Anderson Herald Bulletin 1133 Jackson Street No 0 2 15 Anderson, IN 765-622-1212

The Muncie Times (Minority Publication) 1304 North Broadway Muncie, IN 47302 No 0 0 16 765-741-0037

Chronicle for Women in Higher Education 328 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 300 No 0 0 17 State College, PA 16803


Source Positions for No. of Interviewees Entitled to Which This Referred by Recruitment RS# Organization & Address Vacancy Source Was Source over 12 months Notification Utilized

Indiana Workforce Development 222 East10th Street Anderson, IN No 0 0 18 765-642-4981

Indiana Black Expo, Inc. 3145 North MeridianStreet Indianapolis, IN 46208 No 0 0 19 317-925-2702

NAACP 1015 West15th Street Anderson, IN No 0 0 20 765-649-4231

National Educational Telecommunications Association No 0 1 21

Public Broadcasting Management Association P. O. Box 50008 No 0 0 22 Columbia,SC 29250 803-799-5517

No 0 1 23


No 0 1 24 Washington, DC Office: 1150 18th Street, NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036 See Map 202-872-4200 (phone) 202-872-4318 (fax)


Greater Public

No 0 1 25 Greater Public 401 North 3rd Street, Suite 370 Minneapolis, MN 55401

No 1 1 26

NO 1 1 27

No 1 1 28


Interviews for

Full- Time 12 Open Positions


Ball State University Annual EEO Public File Report

March 22, 2015 - March 21, 2016

WIPB-TV, WBST-FM, Muncie, IN; WBSB-FM, Anderson, IN; WBSH-FM, FM, Hagerstown, IN; WBSJ-FM, Portland, IN; WBSW-FM, Marion, IN; and WWHI-FM, Muncie, IN


Type of Recruitment Initiative # Brief Description of Activity (Menu Selection) 1 Sponsorship of a job fair: Sept. 16, 2015 - Cardinal Job Fair at Ball State University Worthen Arena

1 Participation in job fairs: August 4, , 2015 - Sixth Congressional Job Fair Worthen Arena

6 Establish training programs designed Employees attended 182 professional development training sessions to enable station personnel to throughout the covered period. This was over 350 hours of training. acquire skills that could qualify them for higher level positions:

7 Participate in at least four events or April 20, 2015, Boy Scouts, 30 including parents programs sponsored by educational December 8, 2015, Selma Boy Scout Troop, 20 including parents institutions relating to career December 15, 2015, Northside Middle School 90 6th graders opportunities in broadcasting. March 16, 2016, Corporate Donor Visit, 3 people May 11, 2015, drop in tour visit 7 people December 21, 2015, Family tour 5 people April 3, 2105 WesDel High School 10 students June 10, 2015, Teen Works Group 30 students June 17, 2015 Dream Makers Tour, 36 participants June 19, 2015 Teen Works Group 26 students July 29, 2015 BSU Rec Center 24 participants September 30, 2015 Grant County Purdue Extension Office, 9 participants November 5, 2015 Purdue Extension 20 participants November 6, 2015 Beech Grove High School, 28 students December 7, 2015 Advisory Council Meeting 40 participants December 15, 2015 Northside Middle School 90 students February 24, 2105 Major Donor Tours 31 participants


WIPB-DT Report date: 03/23/2017 Log Performance Report (OTH) Report time: 13:55:08 From: 03/22/2015 To: 03/21/2017 Page: 1 Search Criteria: ITEM TITLE: *JOB*

Video Source CART Title Available Notes Audio Source Tape/Cut Type Sub-Title Length From/To DAYS ------FILHGM53115 FI GENERAL MANAGER JOB POSTING 00:59:24 03/19/15 SMTWTFS FILHGM53115 0000/00 05/11/15 YYYYYYY

Wed 03/25/2015 at 06:26:46:04 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Wed 03/25/2015 at 13:28:39:29 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 03/26/2015 at 13:58:03:10 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Fri 03/27/2015 at 00:27:41:06 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Fri 03/27/2015 at 05:59:00:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Fri 03/27/2015 at 13:26:46:02 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 03/28/2015 at 00:59:00:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 03/28/2015 at 11:26:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 03/28/2015 at 16:57:39:29 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Mon 03/30/2015 at 06:28:21:07 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 03/31/2015 at 06:29:00:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 03/31/2015 at 13:27:24:24 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Wed 04/01/2015 at 00:58:16:12 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Wed 04/01/2015 at 13:28:39:29 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 04/02/2015 at 00:56:46:01 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 04/02/2015 at 05:56:44:24 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 04/02/2015 at 12:58:09:26 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Fri 04/03/2015 at 00:28:46:12 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 04/04/2015 at 01:56:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sun 04/05/2015 at 13:26:46:03 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Mon 04/06/2015 at 13:57:16:06 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/07/2015 at 03:56:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/07/2015 at 06:26:46:05 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/07/2015 at 18:57:05:28 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 04/11/2015 at 00:58:46:12 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 04/11/2015 at 11:56:46:03 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/14/2015 at 03:56:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Wed 04/15/2015 at 00:56:46:06 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 04/16/2015 at 14:56:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 04/18/2015 at 04:59:00:04 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/21/2015 at 02:57:16:04 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 04/25/2015 at 02:57:46:06 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Mon 04/27/2015 at 06:28:21:13 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Tue 04/28/2015 at 14:57:56:12 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Wed 04/29/2015 at 05:57:45:01 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 04/30/2015 at 06:28:45:03 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Mon 05/04/2015 at 06:26:47:17 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Thu 05/07/2015 at 04:56:47:03 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sat 05/09/2015 at 02:56:46:00 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Sun 05/10/2015 at 03:58:16:08 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1 Mon 05/11/2015 at 01:58:16:09 for 00:00:59:24 on 49-1

This item appeared 41 times between 03/22/2015 and 03/21/2017.

Video Source CART Title Available Notes Audio Source Tape/Cut Type Sub-Title Length From/To DAYS ------FILSGM53115 FI GENERAL MANAGER JOB POSTING 00:59:22 03/19/15 SMTWTFS Spot Audit By Contract

Contracts # From 467 To 467 As of Friday, Mar 24 2017

Instructions: The current version of your contract should be revision 3. If spots from previous revisions of this contract exist, please contact your Marketron service department.

Contract #: 467 Advertiser: ** 60 SEC ** Job Announcement Contract End Date: 05/10/15 Revision: 3 Revision Line # SpotId Spot State Spot $ Line Start Date Sch Date/Time Air Date/Time Makegood (Line 1, 3/16/15-5/10/15, 6:00A-6:00P, 30, D1111100, $0, #Spots=40) 3 1 30680 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/16/15 3:49 PM 3/16/15 3:49 PM 3 1 30681 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/17/15 2:29 PM 3/17/15 2:29 PM 3 1 30682 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/18/15 11:40 AM 3/18/15 11:40 AM 3 1 30683 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/19/15 4:19 PM 3/19/15 4:19 PM 3 1 30684 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/20/15 12:41 PM 3/20/15 12:41 PM 3 1 30687 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/23/15 8:31 AM 3/23/15 8:31 AM 3 1 30688 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/24/15 12:41 PM 3/24/15 12:41 PM 3 1 30689 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/25/15 3:49 PM 3/25/15 3:49 PM 3 1 30690 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/26/15 1:41 PM 3/26/15 1:41 PM 3 1 30691 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/27/15 2:59 PM 3/27/15 2:59 PM 3 1 30694 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/30/15 3:20 PM 3/30/15 3:20 PM 3 1 30695 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/31/15 12:23 PM 3/31/15 12:23 PM 3 1 30696 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/1/15 2:59 PM 4/1/15 2:59 PM 3 1 30697 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/2/15 1:23 PM 4/2/15 1:23 PM 3 1 30698 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/3/15 12:41 PM 4/3/15 12:41 PM 3 1 30701 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/6/15 2:06 PM 4/6/15 2:06 PM 3 1 30702 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/7/15 2:29 PM 4/7/15 2:29 PM 3 1 30703 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/8/15 1:41 PM 4/8/15 1:41 PM 3 1 30704 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/9/15 3:49 PM 4/9/15 3:49 PM 3 1 30705 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/10/15 3:59 PM 4/10/15 3:59 PM 3 1 30708 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/13/15 3:49 PM 4/13/15 3:49 PM 3 1 30709 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/14/15 12:23 PM 4/14/15 12:23 PM 3 1 30710 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/15/15 12:23 PM 4/15/15 12:23 PM 3 1 30711 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/16/15 1:23 PM 4/16/15 1:23 PM 3 1 30712 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/17/15 3:20 PM 4/17/15 3:20 PM 3 1 30715 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/20/15 1:23 PM 4/20/15 1:23 PM 3 1 30716 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/21/15 2:29 PM 4/21/15 2:29 PM 3 1 30717 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/22/15 3:49 PM 4/22/15 3:49 PM 3 1 30718 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/23/15 2:06 PM 4/23/15 2:06 PM 3 1 30719 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/24/15 12:23 PM 4/24/15 12:23 PM 3 1 30722 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/27/15 1:23 PM 4/27/15 1:23 PM 3 1 30723 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/28/15 12:41 PM 4/28/15 12:41 PM 3 1 30724 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/29/15 1:23 PM 4/29/15 1:23 PM 3 1 30725 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/30/15 3:59 PM 4/30/15 3:59 PM 3 1 30726 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/1/15 2:29 PM 5/1/15 2:29 PM 3 1 30729 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/4/15 3:20 PM 5/4/15 3:20 PM 3 1 30730 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/5/15 3:29 PM 5/5/15 3:29 PM 3 1 30731 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/6/15 2:29 PM 5/6/15 2:29 PM 3 1 30732 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/7/15 1:41 PM 5/7/15 1:41 PM 3 1 30733 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/8/15 12:41 PM 5/8/15 12:41 PM 3 1 30736 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/11/15 3:59 PM 5/11/15 3:59 PM Line 1 Totals 41 0.00 (Line 2, 3/16/15-5/10/15, 8:00A-10:00A, 30, D0000011, $0, #Spots=16) 3 2 30820 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/21/15 9:18 AM 3/21/15 9:18 AM 3 2 30821 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/22/15 9:58 AM 3/22/15 9:58 AM 3 2 30822 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/28/15 8:18 AM 3/28/15 8:18 AM 3 2 30823 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 3/29/15 6:59 PM 3/29/15 6:59 PM 3 2 30824 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/4/15 9:58 AM 4/4/15 9:58 AM 3 2 30825 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/5/15 8:58 AM 4/5/15 8:58 AM 3 2 30826 Deleted 0.00 03/16/15 4/11/15 9:18 AM 4/11/15 9:18 AM 3 2 30827 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/12/15 9:18 AM 4/12/15 9:18 AM 3 2 30828 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/18/15 9:39 AM 4/18/15 9:39 AM 3 2 30829 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/19/15 8:06 AM 4/19/15 8:06 AM 3 2 30830 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/25/15 8:18 AM 4/25/15 8:18 AM 3 2 30831 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 4/26/15 9:18 AM 4/26/15 9:18 AM 3 2 30832 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/2/15 9:18 AM 5/2/15 9:18 AM 3 2 30833 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/3/15 8:18 AM 5/3/15 8:18 AM 3 2 30834 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/9/15 8:18 AM 5/9/15 8:18 AM 3 2 30835 Invoiced 0.00 03/16/15 5/10/15 9:39 AM 5/10/15 9:39 AM Line 2 Totals 15 0.00

Page 1 Printed On: Friday, March 24, 2017 At 09:53:51 AM Communication from: Gracie Reiff, Manager of Compensation and Human Resources Information Ball State University

From: Reiff, Gracie Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:46 PM To: Lutz, Daniel Subject: RE: Assistant Producer/Director advertisement


It was in Career Builder and the following publications scrape our site for listings: America’s Job Exchange; the Chronicle; HigherEdJobs; Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC); and Indeed.


From: Lutz, Daniel Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:32 PM To: Reiff, Gracie Subject: Assistant Producer/Director advertisement

Gracie, Would you please send me the places where we advertised the Assistant Producer Director position just filled by Sarah Kreps? I know that it was in the Chronicle for Higher Ed and on our BSU web site, were there any other locations? I need that information for our EEO public file report for the FCC. Thanks, Dan

From: Lutz, Daniel Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 10:41 PM To: Roger Rhodes Subject: General Manager posting for IPR/WIPB

Roger Would it be possible for you to post this position on the IPBS web site? Below is the posting on our web site. Please give me a call and I can assist in making this text more concise but I need at least the highlighted areas included. This is the URL for the posting on the BSU website:

Thanks, Dan

General Manager, Indiana Public Radio and WIPB-TV

Professional position available July 1, 2015.

Responsibilities: provide leadership, vision, and management to IPR and WIPB-TV; assess the operational needs of the stations and provide guidance to staff and administrative leadership in the pursuit of the long-range financial planning and sustainability of the stations; ensure the delivery of high quality and financially viable programming that engages the audience with international, national, regional, and local content through all media outlets available.

Minimum qualifications: bachelor’s degree or higher in business administration, business, management, communications, broadcasting, or related field; at least five years of management experience in broadcasting, media or executive level non-profit organizations; demonstrate experience in budgeting and forecasting, fundraising, strategic planning, building community support, staff development and team building, leadership and management skills; demonstrate experience in public speaking.

Preferred qualifications: master’s degree in management, communications, broadcasting, or related field; over five years of experience in public broadcasting management operations; three years of successful fundraising;, major gift development, and/or community leadership for a non-profit organization; two years of management in a university setting.

Candidates for searches must have current authorization to be employed in the U.S. without employer sponsorship.

Send letter of application, resume, the names and contact information for three references, and transcript(s) to:

Linda Fisher

Secretary to the Vice President for Information Technology

Ball State University

Muncie, IN 47306

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is

The university offers an excellent benefits package, including health care and retirement plans, tuition assistance for employees and dependents, and generous time off with pay.

Ball State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community.

Click on the Acrobat link below for a complete position description:

100330 Position Description

To download Adobe Acrobat, go to


From: Roger [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:23 AM To: Lutz, Daniel Subject: Re: General Manager posting for IPR/WIPB


I've sent this Chris Bowman at WFYI (where the IPBS site is housed) for posting under the "jobs" tab.


From: Lutz, Daniel Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 8:48 PM To: Roger Rhodes Subject: Job Posting--Gen Mgr IPR/WIPB

Thanks for the posting Roger. Looks good. Have a great weekend, Dan

From: Roger [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:15 PM Subject: TV & Web Producer Digital Training . Confirmation

TO: Digital Training Registered Guests: WVUT: Jeff Smith; Meredith Hackler; Chelsie Buckman. WTIU: Adam Carroll; Jacob Lindauer; Eoban Binder. WIPB: Dottie Kreps; Heather Hunter; Sam Clemmons; Sarah Krepps; David Champe. WNIN: Adam Smith; Jason Bumm; Mallorie Cloum; Allison Petrash. WFWA: Rob Rhodes; Logan Nickloy; Jonathon Nuthals.

This is to confirm your registration for the TV & Web Producer Digital Training scheduled for Wednesday January 27 and Thursday, January 28, 2016.

Conference Details: Location: WFYI Teleplex, 1630 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, 46202 Lunch & Refreshments: Provided Parking: Free Guest Parking behind the teleplex Driving Directions Attached

General Schedule: The Wednesday, January 27 session will begin at 10:00AM (ET) and will conclude at 5:30pm (ET). One-on-One time will follow.

The Thursday, January 28 session will begin at 8:30AM (ET) and conclude at 5:30PM (ET) with one-on one time and questions following.

In addition to information and training you can expect hands-on time with equipment to apply what you learn in practical ways.

Video Dads is sending an agenda outline which will be forwarded as soon as it is available.

Overnight Accommodations For out of town guests, we are near an agreement with Hilton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites, 120 West Market Street, Indianapolis, 46204.

Check In: Wednesday, January 27 at 4:00PM. Check out 12:00 noon, Thursday, January 30. Your room, self parking, internet and breakfast at Market Grill on Thursday (in the hotel lobby) will be paid for by IPBS. You will be responsible for other incidentals.

Your reservation will be listed under your name as part of the Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations party. If for any reason the agreement is not concluded, you will be notified not later than January 22. Otherwise you may assume the above information applies.

I look forward to seeing you at the TV and Web Content Producers' Digital Training sessions beginning Wednesday, January 27 at WFYI, Indianapolis.

Roger Rhodes, Executive Director Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations

Roger Rhodes, Executive Director IPBS [email protected] (317) 430-9225 Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations C/O Kachmann Teleplex 2501 East Coliseum Blvd Fort Wayne, IN 46805

DevCon 2017 February 9, 2017 The Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites 120 W. Market Street

OVERVIEW This one-day conference includes sessions designed to facilitate in-state relationships for improving performance through information and experience sharing. This is also an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and your peers. Keynote Luncheon Speaker You Won’t Want to Miss! Chuck Underwood is nationally known and recognized for his knowledge on the subject of generational dynamics and strategies. He pioneered and then popularized the field of Generational Study and he is considered by audiences throughout the country to be the nation’s best speaker and trainer on the subject. You may recognize him as the host of the PBS national television series, America’s Generations with Chuck Underwood. He was described by one audience member as “…extremely dynamic and he provided information I can use.” This keynote presentation and his follow-up brainstorming session will give you valuable information and strategies to take back to your stations.

Time What Where 8:30-9am Early Bird Registration Corydon Foyer (2nd Floor)

8:30-9:45am Continental Breakfast Corydon (2nd Floor)

9-9:30am Round Tables Corydon (2nd Floor) Table 1—Corporate Development (Marianne Woodruff, Facilitator) Table 2—Membership (Mary Male, Facilitator) Table 3—Marketing (Tim Black, Facilitator) Table 4—Major Gifts & Capital Campaign (Greg Giczi, Facilitator) Table 5—Anything You Always Wanted to Talk About (Bruce Haines, Facilitator)

9:00-9:45am Registration Corydon Foyer (2nd Floor)

9:45-10:45am Session 1 Circle City 6 (6th Floor) Finding New Sources of Donors &Revenue: Are They Right Under Our Noses? Presenter: Michael Sharp, Contributor Development Partnership Discussion on how to engage with donors and prospects online and ideas for sprucing up your donor acquisition fundraising efforts.

Session 2 Circle City 7 (7th Floor) Marketing Public Media in a Commercial World Presenter: Tim Black, WNIN What does it mean to bring a commercial mentality and some commercial best practices into the public media culture?

Session 3 Circle City 10 (10th Floor) Connecting with Ad Agencies Panel: Margaret Davidson, Asher Agency & other ad agency representatives TBD How can public media stations get beyond points to develop strategic partnerships with ad agencies? Includes time for Q&A with these ad pros.

10:45-11am Break Corydon Foyer (2nd Floor)

11am-12n Session 4 Circle City 10 (10th Floor) CSPI, Packages, Statewide & All Things Underwriting: A Discussion Facilitators: Cathy Edwards, WFWA; Marianne Woodruff, WTIU/WFIU; Greg Giczi, WNIT Let’s talk about things that matter to Corporate Development. What’s on your mind?

Session 5 Circle City 7 (7th Floor) What’s Next for TV Pledge Drives: A Discussion Facilitator: Mary Male, WFWA How can stations collaborate more using local productions? What are stations doing that is working? What is not working?

Session 6 Circle City 6 (6th Floor) Special Events: Yay or Nay? Presenter: Vanessa Stiles, Victory Sun, Inc. Time is not an infinite resource and events require a huge time commitment. Learn how to evaluate the return on investment of your current and proposed events. From there, make the most of the event or events you plan so they benefit your bottom line.

12n-12:15pm Break

12:15-1:30pm Lunch & Keynote Speaker Corydon (2nd Floor) The Generational Disruption of Giving and Joining Presenter: Chuck Underwood, The Generational Imperative, Inc. Five unique American generations: G.I. Generation; Silent Generation; Boomers; Gen X and Millennials. Five unique sets of core values that guide each generation’s lifelong decision-making, including their decisions about giving, joining and volunteering, and their perceptions of public radio and television.

1:30-1:45pm Break

1:45-2:45pm Session 7 Circle City 6 (6th Floor) Tips for Increasing Underwriting Digital Revenue Presenter: Jared Blass, Public Broadcasting Atlanta How can we take digital revenue streams from an after thought to a legitimate “small business” for stations? How can we accelerate digital revenue growth over the next few years?

Session 8 Circle City 7 (7th Floor) What’s Next for Radio Pledge Drives: A Discussion Facilitator: Bruce Haines, WFWA What’s going on during pledge drives at your station that helps you achieve your goal? Can we collaborate more on radio pledge drives? Are your corporate challenges helping?

Session 9 Corydon (2nd Floor) Generational Fund Raising Strategies: The Brainstorming Session Presenter: Chuck Underwood, The Generational Imperative, Inc. Now that you heard the foundation of Generational Fundraising Strategy at lunch, this will take a deeper interactive dive into the actual execution of this strategy when you return to your stations.

2:45-3pm Break

3-4pm Closing Session (w/ Refreshments) Corydon (2nd Floor) Chat Time! It’s an opportunity to unwind together and talk one-on-one with Chuck Underwood and other speakers. Time to network and get to know your colleagues from throughout the state.

Special Notes  Attendees are responsible for parking ($10 Self/$20 Valet). There is a garage adjacent to the Hilton.  If you have special dietary needs please indicate so on the registration.  WiFi is provided but is meant for light usage (checking emails, etc.)

If you have questions about the conference, please email Barbara Duke Sams, [email protected] or leave a message on her cell phone at (317) 506-8188.


From: Georgi, Lori Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 10:25 AM To: Lutz, Daniel Subject: RE: IPBS Development Conference 2/9/17 ).Preliminary Information

Thank you!

From: Lutz, Daniel Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:22 AM To: Georgi, Lori Subject: Re: IPBS Development Conference 2/9/17 ).Preliminary Information

Lori, I have requested 5 spots to the conference in case you think of someone else who would benefit from the workshop. You are included in the 5. Thanks, Dan

From: Georgi, Lori Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:11 AM To: Lutz, Daniel Subject: RE: IPBS Development Conference 2/9/17 ).Preliminary Information


I think we should send Alena, Connie and Emily to this conference. And if possible, I would like to go as well. Thanks


From: Lutz, Daniel Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 10:40 AM To: Georgi, Lori Subject: FW: IPBS Development Conference 2/9/17 ).Preliminary Information

Lori, I think we should send whomever you think would benefit from these workshops—probably all of your staff and Angie, but I will leave that up to you. I will pay for day transportation and any associated costs. Let me know what you think. Dan

From: Barbara Sams [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 3:23 PM Subject: IPBS Development Conference 2/9/17 ).Preliminary Information

I am sharing this information primarily for the benefit of those who have been designated “Development Conference” representatives . Please share this information with your station development colleagues. I also copying the IPBS Board representatives so they have this information.

This is a preliminary agenda and includes save the date information so you can begin making plans to join us in Indianapolis on Thursday, February 9 at the Downtown Hilton. You will note two registration times. That is so attendees from further distances away can arrive later if they so choose. There will be a follow-up email with registration information etc.

Sessions will probably focus on four main “tracks” for attendees to select from. The topics will include sessions on Marketing, Membership/Philanthropy, Corporate Development and Cross-Department. We hope to cover a range of topics in each area, like Digital Strategy, Successful Sustainer Program Ideas, Events, Planned Giving, Overview of CSPI, etc. Suggestions for topics and speakers welcome, please send to me ([email protected]).

From: Brown, Paul [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:23 AM To: Jackson, Jannett N. Subject: Re: Tour of WIPB and IPR

Michelle is glad to help. Let me know if you have any questions. See you on November 5th!


On Oct 20, 2015, at 10:35 AM, Paul Brown wrote:

Hi Michelle,

Jannett Jackson from the Purdue Extension office contacted me this morning to arrange a tour of our radio and TV stations. Their group will be about 20 secretaries from various Purdue Extension offices. They’ll be on campus November 5, and would like the tour to be from about 11 to noon. Will you be available at that time to help give the radio station tour? My thought is we could split the group in half and trade groups at 11:30.

Jannett, I’m attaching a parking map of campus for you. Parking garages NP and MP are your best bets for parking. We are in buildings BC and LB.

Thanks, Paul Studio Coordinator University Media Services, BC 170 (765) 285-1237 | [email protected] |

Need assistance with on-campus projects? Submit a request and let us provide our expertise for your media needs.


3 WIPB tours from April 2016 Begin forwarded message: From: "Sholar, Ali" Subject: College Mentors Date: March 30, 2016 at 12:22:52 AM EDT To: "Brown, Paul"

Hello Mr. Brown,

My name is Ali Sholar and I am an activity director for Ball State's chapter of College Mentors for Kids and in charge of first and second grade. We talked to the kids involved in the program and they said they would love to get a tour of the green room and do an activity with it (if possible)! We would love to have somebody help us out and give our kids this opportunity for any or all of the following dates: 04/18 (Monday), 04/19 (Tuesday), 04/20 (Wednesday), 04/21 (Thursday). This activity would last from roughly 3:30-4:45. Is this something that you'd be willing/able to set up for us? If so, please let me know and I will give you details about how many students and mentors there would be for each date. Thank you so much for your time, Ali Sholar

From: "Hughes, Katherine" Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 12:55:59 -0400 To: Keith Huffman Subject: Virtual Production Studios Tour

Hello Keith, In the past, I have created an itinerary for a school group to tour the Virtual Production Studio. This group is returning this year and I was hoping to get this scheduled again. Would you be able to provide a tour for a 4th grade class of about 25 at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 27? If this time doesn’t work, I could look for another time. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to get this scheduled.

Thank you,

Katherine Hughes Welcome Center Coordinator Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 765-285-1654 [email protected]