Janis Ruksans, Dr.biol.h.c. & Līga Popova Bulb Nursery Late summer/autumn P.O. STALBE 2013 LV-4151 Pargaujas nov. LATVIA +371 – 641-64-003; 641-00-326 All prices for single bulb mobile +371 - 29-41-84-40 in EURO E-mail:
[email protected] Dear friends! The day has finally come! This is my last catalogue. But our nursery does not stop its activities. My stepdaughter Līga will overtake the business part of my activities and her name is to be seen at the header of this catalogue. The content of the catalogue is still written by me and we will work together the whole season, but in the future the activities will be split. The collection will remain under my supervision – there are at present more than 5000 samples, but Līga will work with the business part – the large stocks, seedlings, etc. This will allow me to put all my time and effort into identification of the stocks still grown under the epithet ‘species’, pollination, notes and, of course, writing. I will collect seeds from my pot-grown stocks and give them to Līga to do the rest. Līga showed keen interest in plants while helping her mother in her perennial nursery, where she is responsible for the Paeonia collection. This winter she finishes the horticultural college and from 2014 will be in charge of the small bulb growing for business. Of course, we will work side by side and my experience and advice will always be at her disposal. When I made the list of plants for this season, it came close to 800 items, what, of course, was far too many for the processing capacity of my bulb dispatching shed.