Namaqua House Rooftop Extension Erf 116120, Corner of Burg & Shortmarket Streets, Cape Town
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NAMAQUA HOUSE ROOFTOP EXTENSION ERF 116120, CORNER OF BURG & SHORTMARKET STREETS, CAPE TOWN ARCHITECTURAL APPRAISAL & GUIDELINES Report Further to the Application for Alterations and Additions In Terms of Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 Case no. 15052607E Prepared for Baran Kalay Prepared by Mike Scurr of Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects cc & Janine de Waal of Janine de Waal Architects 16 September 2015 (updated 23 September 2015) NAMAQUA HOUSE – Erf 116120, CAPE TOWN Report prepared by Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects cc & Janine de Waal Architects NAMAQUA HOUSE – Erf 116120, CAPE TOWN Report prepared by Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects cc & Janine de Waal Architects Contents Annexures Executive Summary 1 Annexure 1: Street Elevations with new concept proposal. 1. Introduction 2 2. Purpose of Report 2 Annexure 2: Previous submission: M. Joseph Architecture and Project Management 3. Limitations 2 4. Statement of Independence 2 5. Methodology 2 6. Site Location 2 7. Legal, Policy and Planning Context 3 8. Historical Overview 4 8.1. Built Environment 4 8.2. Development of the Site and Mapping Analysis 6 8.3. Historic Photographs 8 8.4. Building Development 9 9. Existing Building: Rooftop Appraisal 10 10. Principles for the Extension 13 10.1. General Principles 13 10.2. Specific Principles for Namaqua House 13 11. Site Indicators 15 11.1. Site Lines 15 11.2. Overlooking Views 17 12. Guideline Indicators for Rooftop Extension 19 13. Concept Proposal 20 14. Recommendations and Conclusion 22 NAMAQUA HOUSE – Erf 116120, CAPE TOWN Report prepared by Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects cc & Janine de Waal Architects List of Figures Figure 28: View 3 taken from Longmarket Street on the south west edge of Green Market Square. The Namaqua House roof extension will not be visible. ........................................................................ 16 Figure 29: View 4 taken from Green Market Square. The Namaqua House roof extension will not be visible. Figure 1: Locality aerial photograph (no. 2014 3318CD_19_14_2014_699_RGB_RECT) illustrating the ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 location of the erf 116120, within the City of Cape Town. The location of the erf has been Figure 30: View 5 taken from Burg Street from the pavement opposite Namaqua House. The Namaqua indicated with an asterisk. (Source: Geo-Spatial Information (NGI)................................................. 2 House roof extension will be visible, however as the extension is set back from the exiting eighth Figure 2: Aerial photograph (no. 2014 3318CD_19_14_2014_699_RGB_RECT) illustrating the surrounding floor it will not have a negative impact on the Grade IIIA building. (The approximate extent of the context, highlighting the historic squares (in yellow) and Company’s Gardens (in green). The erf roof extension has been dotted in red.) .......................................................................................... 17 has been indicated with an asterisk. (Source: Geo-Spatial Information (NGI)) ............................... 3 Figure 31: Aerial photograph indicating the overlooking views which were taken around Green Market Figure 3: Image illustrating the location and extents of erf 116120 on Burg Street and adjacent to Green Square. ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Market Square. (Source: [Online]. Available: [13 September Figure 32: View 6 taken from Burg Street on the opposite side of Green Market Square. The Namaqua 2015].) ............................................................................................................................................... 3 House roof extension will be visible; however it will not have a negative impact on the PHS or Figure 4: Urban scale diagram showing site in relation to key historic squares and city spaces (Riebeeck Grade IIIA building. (The approximate extent of the roof extension has been dotted in red.) ....... 18 Square, Greenmarket Square, Church Square and the Grand Parade), the Castle, Company’s Figure 33: View 7 taken from the rooftop of the building located on the opposite side of Burg Street, Garden and the “Dutch” city grid. ..................................................................................................... 4 overlooking Namaqua House. The extent of the roof addition has been outlined in red. The Figure 5: A map of Cape Town, Planen Caart van’t Vlekaan Caap, in 1755 by Wentzel, illustrating the Namaqua House roof extension will be visible; however it will not have a negative impact on the simple grid development of Cape Town, with the Company’s Gardens as the setting out point. roofscape of the Grade IIIA building. .............................................................................................. 18 Note the locations of the historic squares, Green Market Square and Church Square (adjacent to Figure 34: Guideline drawings: 3D view at rooftop level ................................................................................. 19 the church). The current location of erf 116120 has been indicated with an asterisk, adjacent to Green Market Square. (Map not to scale.) (Source: City of Cape Town) ........................................ 5 Figure 35: Guideline drawings: Burg Street Elevation ..................................................................................... 19 Figure 6: A map of Cape Town, in 1785, illustrating the locations of the historic squares, Green Market Figure 36: Guideline drawings: Greenmarket Square facing Elevation........................................................... 19 Square, Church Square and Riebeeck Square. The current location of erf 116120 has been Figure 37: Concept Proposal: 3D views at rooftop level.................................................................................. 20 indicated with an asterisk, adjacent to Green Market Square. (Map not to scale.) (Source: City of Figure 38: Concept Proposal: Burg Street Elevation ....................................................................................... 21 Cape Town) ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 39: Concept Proposal: Greenmarket Square facing Elevation............................................................. 21 Figure 7: 1755 map of Cape Town overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph, illustrating the erven within the city Figure 40: Concept Proposal: Photomontage of concept proposal seen within the existing context. ............. 21 block. The map clearly indicates that erf 116120 formerly consisted of two properties. .................. 6 Figure 8: 1862 Snow map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ...................................................................... 6 Figure 9: 1895 Goad map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ...................................................................... 6 Figure 10: 1900 Thom map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ..................................................................... 6 Figure 11: 1925 Goad map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ...................................................................... 7 Figure 12: 1937 Goad map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ...................................................................... 7 Figure 13: 1949 Goad map overlaid on 2015 aerial photograph. ...................................................................... 7 Figure 14: 1968 Aerial photograph (no. 620_1968_08_0258). (Source: Geo-Spatial Information (NGI)) ......... 7 Figure 15: Photograph of Longworths, c1910. (Source: Ashley Lillie) .............................................................. 8 Figure 16: Photograph of the interior of Longworths. (Source: Ashley Lillie) .................................................... 8 Figure 17: Possible photomontage of the new design superimposed on the existing Longworth’s building. (Source: Ashley Lillie) ....................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 18: Photograph of Namaqua House (date unknown), prior to the 1957 extension. (Source: Van Graan, André. Negotiating Modernism in Cape Town, 1918-1948 (Buildings by Roberts and Small, p.211.).................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 19: 3D Model of existing rooftop. .......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 20: Aerial views of Namaqua House rooftop from Burg Street. ........................................................... 10 Figure 21: Existing context images. ................................................................................................................. 11 Figure 22: Existing roofscape images. ............................................................................................................. 12 Figure 23: Precedent examples of rooftop extensions. ................................................................................... 13 Figure 24: Precedent examples of rooftop extensions. ................................................................................... 14 Figure 25: Aerial photograph indicating the