Valerii Pylypenko, Yurii Pryvalov The Political Elite of Ukraine: Historical and Sociological Analysis UDC 321.015, 329.05 VALERII PYLYPENKO, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Principal Re - search Fellow of the Department of History and Theory of Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine YURII PRYVALOV, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Re - search Fellow of the Social Expertise Depart - ment, Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine The Political Elite of Ukraine: Historical and Sociological Analysis Abstract The paper discusses the main problems of the national political elite and specific features of their functioning. Special attention is paid to the process of coming into being of Ukraine’s political elite, which is described in the context of formation of the Ukrainian statehood. Keywords: elite, politics, state, government, political parties, political activity, analysis Orig i nally in French, the word “elite” meant just a choice. But later this word was used to desig nate excep tional (top quality) products and also mil i tary or sec- ular elite that had been estab lished in a so ci ety. Their posi tions were so strong and mean ing ful that seemed unlikely to evoke any doubt. The pio neers of modern elite studies Italian so cial sci en tists Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto noted that in the period be tween the late 19th and early 20th cen turies in Europe class con fronta tions were replaced by steady remote ness of rul ing circles, or mer i toc racy as so ci ated with them (per sons and fam i lies pos sess- ing a high so cial sta tus due to ori gin, for tune, ad min is trative or eco nomic power and in fluence, in tel li gence, tal ents, spiri tual author ity, etc.) from the rest of the pop u la tion.
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