ISSN: 2317-2347 – v. 9, n. 2 (2020) Todo o conteúdo da RLR está licenciado sob Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional For a linguistic policy in health services: a sociolinguistic study at the Regional Hospital of Malanje (Angola) / Por uma política linguística nos serviços de saúde: um estudo sociolinguístico do Hospital Regional de Malanje (Angola) Ezequiel Pedro José Bernardo * Master in Sociolinguistics, assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences / ISCED- Cabinda / Angola. Head of Portuguese Language Teaching and Research Department. Alexandre António Timbane ** Post-Doctor in Orthographic Studies at the State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho-UNESP (2015), Post-Doctor in Forensic Linguistics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina-UFSC (2014), Doctor of Linguistics and Portuguese Language (2013) by UNESP, Master in Mozambican Linguistics and Literature (2009) from Eduardo Mondlane University - Mozambique (UEM). He holds a BA and BA in Teaching French as a Foreign Language (2005) from the Pedagogical University-Mozambique (UP). Professor at UNILAB (Campus dos Malês, BA), member of the Africa-Brazil Research Group: knowledge production, civil society, development and global citizenship. Received: May, 22th, 2020. Approved: June, 03th, 2020. How to cite this article: BERNARDO, Ezequiel Pedro José; TIMBANE, Alexandre António. For a linguistic policy in health services: a sociolinguistic study at the Regional Hospital of Malanje (Angola). Revista Letras Raras. Campina Grande, v. 9, n. 2, p. 268-290, jun. 2020. *
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